FELLOWSEA FELLOWSEA PROGRAMME FOR POST-DOCTORAL TALENT ATTRACTION CAMPUS DO MAR International Campus of Excellence FELLOWSEA FELLOWSEA PROGRAMME FOR POST-DOCTORAL TALENT ATTRACTION Project Summary Elegible researchers FELLOWSEA is the Programme for Attracting PostDoctoral Talent developed by the University of Vigo on behalf of the Campus do Mar network, which intends to build a particularly favourable environment to attract the best experienced researchers in marine and maritime science, technology and management. Applicants from any country who meet the following requirements are eligible to be selected for the grant: FELLOWSEA offers three-year grants to 10 incoming experienced researchers, non-Spanish residents, providing the opportunity to develop her/his research project within the framework of institutions participating under Campus do Mar. Fellows will be hosted by one of the several research groups existing in the hosting institutions: the University of Vigo, the University of A Coruña, and the Spanish Institute of Oceanography from its headquarters in A Coruña and Vigo Researchers will be selected through a transparent and international evaluation process in which candidate merits will be evaluated qualitatively as well as quantitatively taking into consideration their whole range of experience. Candidates are asked to carry out a research project related to the research topics shown in the “available positions” document, and will choose the research group of the hosting institutions where the research project will be undertaken. Fellows will work freely on their research project with the support and mentoring of the research group. Candidates will be informed during the application period about the available research groups at the host institutions in order to facilitate the definition of the Personal Training and Career Development Plan according to the specialization of the host institutions. • PhD with at least 4 years of full-time equivalent postdoc research experience • Documented experience in marine and maritime science, technologies and management. • English fluency. At the time of the deadline for submission of applications, researchers must not have resided or carried out their main activity (work, studies, etc.) in Spain for more than 12 months in the 3 years immediately prior to the reference date. In case of a researcher holding more than one nationality, the location of origin is the capital city of the country where the researcher was residing for the longest period during the last 5 years prior to date of secondment/recruitment. Compulsory national service and/or short stays such as holidays are not taken into account. We offer Each fellow will be contracted under a local employment contract, compatible with all national and regional legislation, and following the guidelines provided by the European Charter for Researchers and a Code of Conduct for the Recruitment of Researchers. The University of A Coruña, the Spanish Institute of Oceanography from its headquarters in A Coruña and Vigo, as well as the University of Vigo, will act as host. The remuneration to be offered to fellows consists of the following items: • Three-year contract. • 57 000€/year gross annual salary under employment contract. This amount is in line with the common rates for the Marie Slodowska-Curie fellowships of the FP7 for Experienced Researpágina1 2 FELLOWSEA FELLOWSEA PROGRAMME FOR POST-DOCTORAL TALENT ATTRACTION chers (< than 10 years experience), by application of correction coefficient for Spain (97.9). Social Security contributions are included in gross annual salary; the employer will pay these contributions, arising from employment contract. This will entitle the fellow to enjoy all the corresponding rights and benefits. These include full social healthcare coverage; state pension, unemployment compensation and maternity/paternity leave according to Spanish law. • Travel cost coverage, 2500€ per fellow taking into consideration the average distance to the fellow’s location of origin. Each researcher will be provided with an appropriate work place and access to the facilities, equipment and services of the hosting institution, such as laboratories, meeting rooms, restaurants, etc. Evaluation steps Each application will be evaluated in two steps: • Firstly the applications will be assessed independently by at least three international evaluators invited by the Scientific Selection Committee. The international experts will evaluate the researcher merits based on his/her CV and the impact of the fellowship for his/her career (criteria 1 and 2). • Secondly, the Scientific Selection Committee will evaluate the project outline in order to confirm that the proposed research project is aligned with the research lines defined for the Campus do Mar R&D Clusters (http://campusdomar.es/investigaen-campus-do-mar/clusters-de-investigacion/ planes-estrategicos-clusters-de-id/?lang=en) and to the research lines of the research group where the applicant will be incorporated. The Scientific Selection Committee will be composed of: • A member of the Project Steering Committee of FELLOWSEA, who will act as a Selection Committee Director. • 9 recognized researchers covering the main research areas of Campus do Mar. Evaluation criteria Each candidate’s merits will be judged quantitatively as well as qualitatively. The applications will be evaluated according to the following criteria: 1. Evaluation of the CV of the applicant. (Weight 50/ Threshold 4) »» Biographical sketch. »» List of publications, patents and impact factor evolution. »» Scientific skills and competences: knowledge areas, acquisition of new knowledge/skills throughout career, teaching experience, soft skills, etc. »» Complementary skills and competences: project/team management/leadership experience, change of sector, exploitation of results, etc. »» Letters of interest, recommendation, and academic awards/honours received. »» Postdoctoral experience, locations, role, responsibilities. »» Research groups in which she/he has participated and collaborative projects, considering degree of participation/responsibility. Career breaks or variations in the chronological sequence of career steps will not be considered negative issues, but instead they will be regarded as the consequence of different career paths. Different professional and personal backgrounds imply diversity and foster a rich and creative environment, ideal for the pursuit of advanced research. página2 3 FELLOWSEA FELLOWSEA PROGRAMME FOR POST-DOCTORAL TALENT ATTRACTION 2. Impact and benefit of the fellowship in his/her research career. Positive consequences of mobility in his/her career (Weight 10 / Threshold 3) »» Independent thinking and leadership qualities. Candidate capacities to take advantage of being part of FELLOWSEA program, proposing new research lines and creating profitable networking for his/her research activity. »» Potential to acquire new knowledge Candidate capacities to diversify and enrich his/her research activity within the interaction with other research players in the Campus do Mar network. Dr Charo de la Huz proyecto@campusdomar.es phone number +34 986 130038). Two Q&A Sessions where the FELLOWSEA Selection Committee will host 5 hour-long open Q&A audioconference forums prior to the application deadline will be carried out to answer applicants’ questions about the Fellowship. FAQ document will be published on http://campusdomar.es/fellowsea. Evaluation results 3. Evaluation of the research group from the host institution proposed by the candidate to implement Within 60 days after the International Call fellowship his/her research (period 2009-2015) (period 2009- submission cut off, all candidates will be informed of 2015) (Weight 25 / Threshold 3) the outcome of the evaluation: »» Research results including grants, patents, publications, etc. »» Capacity to host the fellow and contribution to fellow career development. »» Complementarities between candidate experience and research group. 4. Proposed research project (Weight 15/ Threshold 3) »» Scientific/ technological quality including any interdisciplinary and multidisciplinary aspects of the proposal. »» Research methodology. »» Originality and Innovative nature of the project, and relationship to the ‘state of the art’ of research in the field. »» Timeliness and relevance of project (impact in marine science and technologies and specific matching with strategic objectives of Campus do Mar). • The Selection Committee will draw up a list of candidates divided by first-choice top-ranked candidates (10), and a reserve list in case some of the selected candidates decide to renounce (15). • Candidates who are ranked among the eligible applications will be contacted directly and will be required to provide appropriate proof and recognition of their qualifications in the interview day. • Candidates, who are not within the first choice and reserve list, will be considered rejected and will receive an Individual Evaluation Report. Each criterion will be scored out of 5. The scores indicate the following with respect to the criterion under examination: • 0 = Fails or missing / incomplete; • 1 = Poor; • 2 = Fair; • 3 = Good; • 4 = Very good; • 5 = Excellent. Threshold and specific weight by criteria is specified above. An overall threshold of 75% will be applied to the total weighted score. Candidates will be invited to contact the FELLOWSEA contact point and get information of the host institutions existing groups, research lines and facilities: página3 4 FELLOWSEA FELLOWSEA PROGRAMME FOR POST-DOCTORAL TALENT ATTRACTION About Campus do Mar Campus do Mar project is inspired and developed by Galicia’s three universities – the University of Vigo, the University of Santiago de Compostela, and the University of A Coruña– along with the Spanish National Research Council and Spanish Oceanographic Institute. It aims to develop a Campus of International Excellence in the fields of Ocean Science, Technology and Management, creating economic and social value to drive regional development. Campus do Mar aims to develop a campus of excellence in the marine and maritime fields, extended throughout the North-western Iberian Peninsula. This initiative is supported by the main research and higher education centers, and by the key social, economic and institutional actors, of the GaliciaNorthern Portugal Euro region that has unbreakable historical bonds to the ocean. Why Galicia? Fishing and aquaculture activities represent 2.2% of the Galician Regional GDP and employ 27.400 people (50.8% of Spanish fishing employment and 68.9% of Spanish aquaculture employment). Galicia accounts for 47% of the Spanish fleet in terms of power and 6% of the European fleet. In addition to direct billing, this activity stimulates many other economic agents in Galicia, including canning and freezing, shipyards, ports or trade. Marine related activities totalled more than 4 750 million euros (673 correspond to the capture fisheries, 184 to aquaculture, 1 041 to canned food and more than 2 900 to frozen food industry). Tourism and leisure activities related to the sea contribute greatly to Galician economic development. Fellowships should command an important impact in the Hosting Institutions, and therefore contribute to the internationalization of the research in the whole region, providing new scientific approaches and perspectives, knowledge, know-how and networking. Applications should be submitted online through our web page http://campusdomar.es/fellowsea Deadline: June 30, 2015. For further information please contact: Dr Charo de la Huz - email: proyecto@campusdomar.es - Phone number 34 986 130038 página4 5 FELLOWSEA FELLOWSEA PROGRAMME FOR POST-DOCTORAL TALENT ATTRACTION Annex I AVAILABLE POSITIONS OCEAN OBSERVATION AND GLOBAL CHANGE RESEARCH LINE INSTITUTION Operational Oceanography: Ecological Modelling Ocean Observation: Records and Technologies Global Change: Observational, Experimental and Modelling Approach IEO UVIGO UVIGO SUSTAINABLE USE OF MARINE RESOURCES RESEARCH LINE INSTITUTION Assessment and Mitigation of the Impact of Marine Resource Exploitation: Discards Marine Resources: Integrated Management, Transformation and Value IEO UVIGO INTEGRATED COASTAL ZONE MANAGEMENT RESEARCH LINE INSTITUTION Analysis and Evaluation of the Coastal Environment Coastal Planning and Coastal Management UVIGO UVIGO TECHNOLOGICAL MODERNISATION AND COMPETITIVENESS RESEARCH LINE INSTITUTION Maritime Infrastructures, Safety and Security Technologies Technologies for the Marine Industrial Sector UDC UVIGO EMERGING LINES RESEARCH LINE INSTITUTION Omic Technologies applied to the Marine Environment UVIGO página5 6 FELLOWSEA FELLOWSEA PROGRAMME FOR POST-DOCTORAL TALENT ATTRACTION Annex II SCIENTIFIC SELECTION COMMITTEE • María Asunción Longo González, Vice-president for Research and Knowledge Transfer - University of Vigo. • José Luis Alba Castro, Director of the Knowledge Transfer Area - Universidade de Vigo. • Alberto González-Garcés Santiso, Technical Advisor – Spanish Institute of Oceanography • Pablo Fariñas Alvariño, Associate profesor in shipbuilding – University of A Coruña • Fidel María Echevarría Navas, Director of the International Campus of Excellence - CEI-MAR – University of Cádiz • Augusto Barata da Rocha, Director of Oceanus – University of Porto and member of the direction board of Océano XXI Cluster. • Maria Carmen Gallastegui Zulaica, Professor of Theory of Economics in University of Pais Vasco. • Carlota Escutia Dotti, Collaborator of the Spanish National Plan for Marine Research Andalucian Institute of Earth Sciences - CSIC-UGR. • Henrique Queiroga, Researcher in CESAM. Professor in University of Aveiro Substitutes • Elsa Vázquez Otero, Director of the Teaching and Talent attraction area in Campus do Mar • Manuel José Fernández Iglesias, Vice-president for University Extension and International Affairs – University of Vigo • José Manuel García Vázquez, Vice-president for Economics and Planning – University of Vigo. página6 7
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