, i . pzM • ^ **' *~~ * X« *u& ai-ii - *• ojr mum, c u t f A C K , lur'ylnel Jju:«ed«ct'cn c*ee) code lb. la tne natter oft sci -ob'ede Oiaadra eoot 4 utters... .Jet<t<oeare. • l. * • r c n s - ttete of ttrtMi «i ethers. .... Opy.Part fee. i»9«r*ptfoa ox dam—inf. Pages. writ *et«t«o*. 1 to 2) ABWTTT1 * cert* fed copy of the order dt.3.12.200» pesced «B I.A. fie.772/2000 ^r*>31 ox tnc w.j.(«r.iHvo.)l atrox cert'f*cd copy ot order dt. S^ <1o 3,%" 13.1.2009 of the D*otr«ct Judga fcQurdju Bheoaorevar. 'Uiarxiuc—3 «ros copy of Caveat «fc'on *>.3o6/*>09 tncd by o.*. us. io 3T «i0 tyl represented by fc.ir.uo.6. *erex copy of letter Nd.9222 t/& rfo ST^ £c.23.6.200S of BJNffi received under a s Act. JSjrox copy of letter Uo.3555 &2> Joty Pt. 23. 2. 2010 of TDwo rcce'ved under AS Act. 2005. 7. sere* copy of tic letter Jto.lOSOS ^J rfo^^f dt. 17.6.2009 of idcu rcce'ved under afl Act alon^w'th the 'nion«at«oa iroot copy of the letter dt. 12. 3.2007 eocened to tnt letter dt. 23. 2.2010 of Ipwic rece'ved uj rr Act. T // ,.*«o. 2 // Dbccc\.z'nQ of docuw ntc. Pagea. ..y or «.k (C) Ud.7084/06 eiongw'tn all anncxures. aarax co^y at the letter dt. I& 1 ~fo I $ ^f 24.10.2009 of IDCo alonyw'th the allotment letter and <nfonaet'on supplied en dor An Act, 2005. ii. Annexurt -io MSB copy oi chs letter **>. 206 '^ ^ I^ dt.4. 1.2010 of Ii^.v_ «nroro?t«on supplied under all act, 2005. 12. ^laTaTir 11 •crox co^-y of *ntervent<on yCt«t'on m*> /ga In #i!ac.Cace i». 12690/2009(Ar*n«ng out of 13. .-.v-> ac. 13186/2009). «>nix.xurc-!2 u r ' t c jferjx c-^y of the appl'cat'on/ /2r3-1o £/? conplalnt to d'ifereot autnur* t«ee. 1*. "nmxu;e-l3 Jterox c«vy o*. cue letter Pa. 13513 3%0 4* 5S / dt. 17.7.2008 «n rtspect of ATI Act, 2005 froa KiBe* U. -w*4»v*. VAftAUAffcAMA. oy the Wffoncr through* OAiEa Advocate. ^ -llfOT CXMSB OP 00308*, C B t f l C Hfelcloal dtorlofltflfeinei Qmb) K»P,(0 saw /3Q11. ajjjitiiialiiB oodar Artlcl 0-22S and ttf OC BjBJ a* infltat ABO Oateania-ti * of It art bulMiAKjs uajBOnfl by xogd is o f V 0 « Obaoul^rooy aoppioaal?) Ma,. «/a M » sbiatiesMi <Pf Mri^asB iitanap PvtuLbO** atA Tuitaaagtlaa A . logy. Btoatitimi Pal aaaaattrai «odoty Ae,2.000 o*l«d craa* by AaBa la «t*cb art C£jap oaawr astro, ch-rteroa Ace*a*ant la 'ii.-oefcJ.y law lvofl gad baa dirooa iiaaesest* ABO BJ c BataeMl v • Cttneoll-jtloa of tha UoaaaO of 0*1 Dljap BaBOt ni practice aa a char*nod tor bio atsuimno* la abstaining boa fits faaa zooo tor vMdb iupttaaii-ai to la a Oiuanawfl •mitTiana. bets© a r>-rtn r of K/e pro Aaaaclaaaa* Bbnbs* cv-c. ABO oft U Gabled Ob-asScs Boat* aood 70 yosL-o* 8/oe Lata Laaoan Hoot# ..B/l / // * // Ooat» aged «b->ut 00 years* o/o, La'.ts •jiiilaaaUnsB Boot, le BassotaQha Root* aaoi about 60 avte. t i o TUgjjdmr Boot, AU see rosacea* of TOJUoe-oatia, P«0#a*atla* Bit rtMp<!aaASasaSBpBBa ^Voraea* ^ Otsaa of Orleas xjorsroaantod by Its aossot^ry, taasrOrlnn nap pTlasaai*, atxawt-^in^Oxicse* of oiricas iiipinpspjisl by Its apooiaB *• BaOBa JUW6 t^eea* 6, Wc of Police. Ocleaaa* Ooacral of Police, crass Branch. or: BiJay ramr asses* aced abaat 40 a/a. opt atJas Putea, •• u Masai ad Otoe Bd.315. DtOysO Base* Obia-IO* ••••o/l 4j // a, s // B/e «0 rsusi.Uiinay asrslcostF) by 1< a PUoater otjay Sheet 48 pBdae* O/o. Ori Arjas off Plat na*JOl* Badyot Baib*XV, Dlss>aBoaaar*oio«aas»ds» 10. B/a JOB It aoluti as fvt.Ltr*., saojAstessd aaYaat the provipiooa Act biTlasj Ho need Office AOedsb floor * xoco taasso. sspssassaad tSBaasJ ori cijay tie B/a OSB Coacalean*) bf lta Dir ci l- bssj Patjayaan as**** 13* B/a sxa esJBeaj t unseated by aijay r ^ro, Vo. an Ptat Be*Jt8» BaOyst i plot iaa**lf» Badyst by i f o sri < as o» r lbs laatltuts of 14. Accountant as? in Bars. Post osb fle»7ioo# assaami oat of abtai tarit amplication Oaoat to Its anas or any o'.ter boss assnsspppor) • .-/• // 4 // fhs 080*010 ahrt Jbet?.ea v.ODpal fas iBjsV f JsKtios of orioas Bi4b Costs and ma u>rdebxp*c fasyastaBi JBotieo* or tt» assjaaa) petition oi tho pstttieecss la talo «rit petiti-a cb-rlloa a of allaaanat iaai Inasn of lav's and rooajjsaaA to be prociss 4 in rases* of o*P*Sa*8*2 in fotsaff in favour of 0*P*Bo«io a i t sad S in by 0*o*B0*9 * 4 bapJOap one la fssour of 0.p*13 by BOB O.A. state %p%» of orioas boiao ill oat* sad tasropc* ajgl iCIiia sad r*r*sy for caacollatl-n/aetBBBBBBBOtfttB of lands oat boil laos eteVOi ass ltylc-rted OteflBe 'Ira n no a tianc • 0*ap of lanfi ailotod at the sj of land* and Caao* 3.5.05 Al Per Xttn no.1 otjay Basat be 4* pleas* Bancs Co*?*no*oi 2. -de- .00 3* 14*11*09 5. B/a ABO Ceeaslt Bar Xtas Qo*3 and a. ploaes taboo l/S V // G. 7* B/a OEA 3 // -0o- 3.3*09 •tlO- 39*2*00 «do» *or xaaa uo.7r Please aoa oi. ~ofrtnaatlea A Baassolansr aaoean o-4 AWB/a JBOBt 25*2*00 •eaOefS* tbaa no*0 flolutl :.o Pvt*LS . Biiay Oaswr taboo gas0*- (0«P*Be.lO) (oiroca>jsio«P*Ba*o) - 9. • 12.1.99 a .do- tor ibm ae.9 At.Jhfr<d< Aaasi enra-9 14.1.90 •ducat4os 81J ay rjaaar sehoo (Secretary) (0.P.MD.8) under which § acre* of lead h** baaa allotted. Society (fa.P.Ml3) • 10. MDt -do- asowa ^ POP Building "*"*" Ko.x« awth Particulars of the has alio tee at haa aa area of baaa applta d for 989 decieal baa baaa aadar All Act and allotted v*de l e t t e r mo. will be furnished as seas ss recei ved. 5597 dt . 17.3.2010 11. •J -de- •do- Lsad neaour'ng •***• ac. 1.970 haa bees allotted v*da letter s an. 26076 dt.3U12.2010 12. - Lend asoeur<ng -art*cuiare of ac. 2.000 has allotment haa been allotted, beea appi'ad undor AS Act for the 1afoe*et<oas.As «nfon«*tioa 4a rece'vedd,<t uUl as filed. l.l. U< Jhat the petit'oners further pray that the profsss'oaal greased to o.p.a^.6 by W..-.14 to carry oa pr ct'oe aa a bartered Aeseuetaat be cuo^eadBd/asrsilBata d end calcelled fa* tt«ng or unethical pract'ees sod profsesloeel // 4 // t for having aotalced allotusn t -cea-leaas el ral psreais of lead as asll sa build* nga froa PICO iw.p.*o»3 * 6) and the u*A.Otpt* la favour of the ab id wP.a 40.0 to 13 wherein he h'acelf or h«e wife or bla father or h*e daughter act aa Che* Bab ajtae. Of rector or Director SB decretary or v« tally *nte retted. It «e grayed that this Hoa'aie court be pleased to direct tb Central aesaau of iaveet<gat«oo (8.8.1.) or Cr«wlnal drench. Cttttaeh to hold ea cnou'ry and or lBveet«got*ce aa to hew w.ae.9 to 13 la which u.p.ae.0 or bla tally aaabera sea vitally <e«*res88d aed act am -hair Pereoe/Oireetor/Aruot ce/ aaeastary eta could aequ'rs eeatioasd m the eefd properties aa set -bole-A frcai 1000 (c.p.io.3 a 4) ea well as a.a. oeparassat i v. *••**>. 2) aed person or peraoas who ore reapaaalble auca arbitrary aad oaleflda 3* Aiat Baa petitioners ana alleteanta. c«t<aen a of India and rea'de at tee address g<v*a above, Bat Caasa of ect<oa far filleg this wr*t amplication have er<een w«th«a the rltojMal jur4odlction of th«e »ton*ble j. Court. Biat facta rslovant for d'eposal of th'e wr«t application ana as followe*3.1. Oast the petit*oners sad their co, chore core have filed e civil eu<t bearing £.8^-6*^2004 <e the court of the Civil Judge (asnior etv<s*oa) ansbaasswar la respect of ik»l Plot mj«44 appertaining to abate 612 of aouas Oiaadresekbar- pur for dscsarat«oc ot their occu^aocy^tjtue and for 'njeaattea ate pleading, stati of ur'eea* u.A.Drpt. mm Osfeadaat jo. 2 iw.p.jo.2) and m.c*iuww & Lrseedaet ao.1. After the t_C4> repress seed by Maaasjie g Director io.v.iio.4) entered appeereaaa la tea aoova noted eu't. the later nea wranted sllotocnt- // as 7 // of Ac. 1.620 out of Plot *3.44 of absts ae.611 .»-•— of tjouea wbeBdraeekharpur(vlds fil.u>.8 in £able-A) in favour of «... 40.10 on 25.2.2008/9.5.2808 xepreeenosd by its ^- ' Director, to.p.ab.8(Qijay *onar aahoo).. Even OaSSBBj It was clearly a lis pandenop transaction as beceeaa xocc (0-1 la w.8. 40.4*5/2008) had already entered appearance by then In 0*8* *^425/2006 , aecii oiloheent-cun-leans was graeead In favour of w.*.*o.lO. Meedlese to say, Mr.D'jay Aaear aehoo I w.p.md.8), e charter* d accountant by pro^eae'on e partner of a/a 888 Aecoeiatoa,abaeaaeawar la the Director a of the above noted «!xai (w.p.ab.10). 3.2. ahlla tea natter etood thus, o.p.ae.10 though 1ta pleactor, **ijay JUaaar aahoo (wP.tie.8) filed c.s. aa. 1134/2008 before the Civil Judoa (a*a1or ptvlaiond Bhubaneewar r— " praying for injunction against the plaintiffs of C.a. ah.623/06 iPstltlonars bexaia aad their cceosrerore) u.p.ao.10 re precanted by w.*.8 filed I.A 4O.772/2B00 for caaperary injunction against these petit'saera aad other co.eharerore la the aaidaalt* 3.3. ttiat after then* petitianera end others appeared and conteessd i.a *o. 772/2008, the CW<1 Judge(£tenior D*v«*«oe) bhubaneewar revieed its experts ad-iotcr*et injunct'on graatsd is favour of u.p.po.8 aad 10 and by order dt.3.12.2008 directed ooth the partiea to ateintaie etetae quo over the eoif land vi'thjeegord to poeaeae'on thereof, wh'ch orArf on pajsjajj vide l.A.c. so. 9V 2080, filed by i.*.ja.a and 10 wee cop freed oy cue oietriet judge, Ohubancewar, the appeal having been dloaiaoes* A copy ex the order dt.3. 12.2008 of the civil judge (senior Division) Jhuoencsuer snd orde r dt. 13.1.09 of the • // o // Oistrlct Judge, abubaaaoeer in «*A0 *n.97/2O0O are filed herewith an d carted mm Anssxere-l a 2. j.4. due it la apposite to seut'on here that tha civil judge (senior Divie'oa) Bbsbaseswsr by order dt. 2.12.2008(Aa nexurc-1) an d D«ctr'ct Judge, Ohubaneawar by BAB order dt.l3.U2009 (Aneexnrc-2) have farther categorically held thot the leaaa in favour of u.p. M9.8 0nd 10 granted by IDCC (aa0aOa*J aad 4) oa 25.2.08/ 9.5.08 la iaproper and 1nv*l*d and ie h«t by the provieions of aectloe 52 of the z«P.Ast* being a i«e pendsaaa transact'on. 6. fast being aggrieved* u.f.aD.10 thrcugh u.i.ao.8 fUsd aeObfOl Ohj3020/2009 la the High Court of HMeee,Catt?ck ohallaagieg tha aferaaaid order <XlAa. 1.2009 (Anneaare-2) of the Dietrict Judas* ahebamm/ar. 'jut aa he la sure enough that he would not be able to percuadt tha den'oie court to tabs a different view uhst the civtl Judge (8r. Div. ) Bhabaaeeyer and Dlatrlct Judge,abeb.neewer xaapectlvely la I.A. 4t>.772/2006 and 4Aw <*o.97/2000 have taxes, he haa act t of the ea'd writ patit-'oe to work out their reerd'ee, ead the aaae la now *cod'ng in 5. Oiat deep i be »f ony thia Hoa 'bla Court. the order of status on© peered by the civil judge (senior division) ohubaoeswar aad oonf'read by tee Dietr«ct Judge, Bbubancewar et'll preveillag since 3.12.2008 and 13.1.2009 respsetlvsly, u.p,nb*lO repreeeatad by ~.«-.*c.8 haa violated order of statue quo on seversl deees for which petitioner do. 1 of thia writ petition haa filed aa ueny aa 6 'ntcriocuetory applicat*one bearing t.A *o.9A/2O09, I.A. *o. 199/2009, I .A. mo. 274/2011, X.A.fcO. 316/2011, t..*.A« (I.A.) *JC>. 373/2011 and C.M.A.U.A) ^u.383/2011 U/o-39 rule 2(A) 0«p.c.. £ie aoovs noted v'olat*on pet*t'one ere pandleg fee adjudication by the c«v«i judge (senior division) // 9 // iihubansswar. 6. Oast It way be pertinent and appoa'te to oention here that wf.10 represented by u.p.&n.o filed Caveat Jwt't'oa no. 356/2009 ie the aon'ole high Court of orieea, Cut rack aonetiae la the month of May, 2009 ay a* not these petit* one re and other ccoberorora *nplceding then ae w.Ps wherein «n psre 2* 3 and 3 they have stated thus a Vsra-2. aba petit*oner/caveator, ee ple4ntiff filed e ault for permanent injunct'on la the court of the learned civil judga(er.d1v.)8hubaneewar which was regietered aa C.8. to. 1134/2000 with a prayer to reetra'n w*.e from cooing over the ru*t lend ead iaterfcrlng with the peaceful poeoeeo'on of tha appsllaet. Jhe iion'ble <-ourt by order dt.3.12. 2008 directed the parties to nalntein ststue quo over eu*t land with regard to pocreoe'on. Pere-3 xxx ami xxx. the lend which «e near asathar peace of lend ot the pet't*~ner, where 8AX International -chool *e running wss/le allotted to tha petit'oner for eetabl'ehwent of en i f Industry, for uh*ch it has speet s eubetant'el atxjucc. in caee the ccnetruct'on work ie stopped, the petitioner ahall be h«ghly prejudiced end ft would suffer irreparable loss *n cAcc the le,ee dead Is date mined. Para-5. Xhat new the pal 1118888 haa started the cooetructadd work on the o*'d land, xxx xxx xxx. • »# fron the caveat Petition, it *a cryatal clear that w.ao.e h ad atartcd aonatruetlon octivit«ea ea the suit ^ // lead la 10 // the aoath of May 2009 and or prior to that even though he haa been boead dcwa by aa order of status gee since 3.12*2000 end conf'med oa 13.1.2009, wh'cb Illegal activities, w...po.d was st*ll carrying on t i l l 24.4.2011. Ass copy Oi. snc -avaat Pet*t'oa 40*334/2900 alongwlth tha postal cover nerved on the pet»tieasrs ere filed herewith and uar*ed en Anncxure-3. 7. Skat It will thee appear that these petit*onera and other cceharerora who ere f*ghting out a litigations la the civil court hav'ag filee c.a. io.4 25/2006 for declaration 8d their occupancy right over 44ml j»lot fco.44 of Abate ^b.612 in iOuae-Cfaandrass Sharper which land having been recia*acd by the*r rorexethera siaca 19X0 sad having planted nundrede of aungo and other fruit bearing trace which sra alao 70-80 yeara old* have baea hsraeeed by 8*0*0 o.8 nnd 10 who have fraudulently and illegally obtained a p*ece of land asasur*ng Ap. 1.620 out of Mai Plot ao.44 free 1800 (o.*».ao.3 and 4) la the year 3000 which la pr<aafacla and caseda hit u/e-52 of the *-.P. Act. abile tisj pst1t«oacre sra patiently pursuing tha course of just«ce la filiag c.a. ab.423/2004 and hove d the status one order dt. 3.12.2000 of tha 01810 i(senior Dt*ie«es> Bhsbaaaewer *n let her and apint* tee W.4D.8 and 39 have coeeaaptaouely and with all inpunlty at t»xnr ecaaased viol, ted the ee*d order tine end agaia which ie fact aaad an proof ie view of the stales ions cede la CP* 4o* 334/2009 (v« da Aamxnre-3). B&at tha petit ♦oners rei'ably learnt that Jijey (o.p.ND.8) ie e land grabber and land •-—• // 11 / / aad he daaa so by hook or by crook by nisesing his official reiatloaship with liXO (u.p.pd.3 and 4) and aloo othcre le *>vt. circle* die aa*d Pljay aaanr aehoo (c.p.tb.8) h»8 crested end netabl'ebsd several firaa and using tha aaes of the sa'd 'Irs to hie sdveotagc haa sceeired valaeble parcels of land and bu*id«nws froa ioco(0.p.Ba.S A 4) sad w.A.Dapartncnt* aba ***d o.*.tXx.8 haa inducted his father, wise end de chUdrae ee aloe hlaaelf aa Chair person. aaeretary, Director end partners etc of the. f <rne which ere 0*3* w.*.ss.p to 13. *bot xor exeevie. Cf.ab.9 ie a director ef o.p.9 («/a J-ss coaeultancy Asrvleaa Pvt.Ltd.) aa it appears froa letter •o.9222 dt.23.6.2003 of 1008* Ac. 1.000 lead ant ef Aevenea Abate *c.6ll of Cb.iadaks industrial Area wee allotted aad leased oat to o.i.ae.9 00 oetr'gnc . ayoeet bee«e fa* aatabllshMant of a software 8BtO* Am letter no.9222 dt. 23.6.2005 of TDCC *s filed herewith end worked aa *n arxure-4. A*2. 3het a**illarly# under 1000*8 (o.p.as.3 A 4) Utter 40*19076 dt. 1^. 12.2004* a pises of land of Ae. 1.153 fron out of •scenes abate 4o.612 «a Cbandaka laduetricl Estate wsa provisiwoelly alietead ee out right payee at bade te o.p.10.9 for eetabilahaoat of en 13. itss, bpc, co». Bw above lafueeeitlona h.-ve been *v+vi*cd to petitioner ab.1 by IOCS tw.p.eo. 3 « 6) la their letter no. 3553 dt. 23. 2.2a 10 undrr axx sat, 2003 and the seas ie filed herewith aad earkad aa 8.3. that It la farther brought to the notice of tha nodule court that the pct*t'~ncra obtained *nforw»t*on Act. 2005 fron iDCw wdch wee supplied aader thdr ictte 4*0.10505 dt. 17.6.2009. As psr the information attached to the latte r dt. 17.6.2009, it clearly appaara that o.P.as.9 represented a by Its D*rector(w.'.to.a) waa granted as osn y aa 4 alletnents of land m industrial Area* Cbsndeke between 1.1.09 to 30.4.09. Ae per the ea«d inforoet'oo sheet, •••ae.9 repreae nted Oy w.P*4S.8 was allotted a piece of land on 3.5.2005(81.io..), 18.1*2004 (a*.**0*82), 25.11.2006 (%.iio.l32>* 9nd 14.11.2007 (A\.*o.249). out of theae four allotuenta of land* two are paaeloly covered under Annexure-5 eer*ee* She la tear m,. 10505 dt. 17.6.2009 of 3000 (e*es*J A 4) aiongwlth the Infarction anee t arc f«lcd heeedti: ind narked eS fOBBBBBJ \ 8.3.1. ^wrefexe. It clearly eeargss from *'n nrxure-6 thst v.*.*o.9 represenaed by u.p.8 has been g*vea at least four allotwent-cuai-ieeae of leads on four different dates, alone and alone. 6.4. AVtt Slallar) I -.- .i*o.8 is a Director of &**«*7 8* evident fron Amaa wo 1 and 2 wh o baa obtained illegally Ac. 1.620 of land froa 1800 (o.P.ko.3 A 6) on 9-5.2008 froa out of •'lot **o»44 for which C*S« -j.4 25/2006 hae been filed by the aa petlc'oosra end th clr co.oharcrors. 0. BbM likewise* Q*P#ae.ll(*/e sm Consultancy Fvt.Ltd.), fat* Oaijayant* aehoo* the daughter of c.p.uo.8 *e a Director end w.r.AO.11 haa 100 office in Bat St h floor* icco tower, Janpath* Jftubancewar. Vida letter 40.4051 dt. 12.3.2007 of I0C©(u.p.ao.3 A 6) a proviaional allotnent of 5 noe of bounded were house building st Infocity, Chaadoka Industrial Eatate oo outright payeent baala for eetaoii abase t of a APO has be en Beds *o favour of o.p.ab.11* Oaj above *aforaat*oB haa been supplied by w.p.j*o.3 aaal41UB0BJ vide ita letter -o.3552 dt.23.2.2010 te // 1» // petitioner ao.1 of th*s writ petition under an Act 2005* 3bc letter dt. 12.3.2007 aa na aad to letter dt* 23.2*2010 of toss** are filed herewith aa d narked as 9.1. J*at it ia further appropriate to br*ny it to tha notice of thia .Jon'ble Court abet u.p.11 which f«ra is repreos nted by the daughter of C.P.4O.0 bad also secured another allotuent-cuo*>lcaee of land froa idco (0Pmd*3 a 4), apart froa what aha secured undrr *nncxere-7, which ia alee evident froa Anno sure -4* it dearly appears froa nana a era f that aa 25.li.2004 v*da 81.do.148 and oa 3.2.2007 vidB Sl.»o.l90 w.*-.*o.ll got ailotbent-cuu-lcaaea froa loco 4op to.3 * 6)* 10. Oast s Director It hoc been rcl'ably learnt th t c.p.a is also ie ee If fire by nana 8XA Infomet'on end technology |0*0.12> and the ee*d fira hea been graate d ollotaeni leeaa land la 11* Ita favour oa 25.2.2008 vide a.to.289 of ihat your heebie petit* rare further crega to brief It to ene notice of the <x>e*ble court that o.p.Ba.13 (at.l*r»di sal I ducat* on Society) filed a writ petition bearing m.p.(C) «o*7084/06 against X0O0 (o.P. io.3 «. ml challenging the procaedlng inltleeedO ago'net the c**d Society by IOCS under tee 8ifa9,Bat vde «-.*-. p.c^ae ao.879/03 and further praying for cased eg of the se*d proca cd*ng etc. Jbs xerox rith copy of the wr*t applleat*oa all ennexeraa are filed h erewith and verbad rasre-d. // 11*1. t4 // 9tit it ajartoo fOas the •saerasicioe of ef at. AUradt Oat llbiidflfno aactotyCvida pega 15 to 39 of the said erit BB8*0Oa*jfcxa} that A*Joo aahoo* fatse* ef Q*B*Bo*0 ctjsy asaar oahoo <o*p*3jo*0#* o/o. a*Jbb aahro* atlpi 8a!ro* wife of 0***jBb*0 anas roepoctivoly the Chair Puraen* aotsotsTy sofi BOaBcosf tbe stove stoeofl aoctatoe 11*2* *riKD(0»P*lr>#3 A 4) fbsuiigii tbci* public TiiabBBBtliia offtarr tinea gajajdlit inaesaall ti vitf» their lotto* ito. 18089 dt* 26*10*2000 on or RTX Act. 3005 to patttiono* no*t of tbla paBtStes wndch ludlsetO that Ae*5*000 of land in tba aaaaatrial tatato ess provided to the above St Co*P*Bo»lS) oa oat riobt piiyaoat bosts os 14.U1090* aoeoa copy of tbe aotso* da.34.io.2009 of moo seanierUb ess ellofncot lotto* aad iafotaatlon nyy act* 2005 aao OlaO aaeaaOaa Bad earbed mm 11*3. Xt wlU appear fr-» asm earn 0 ttrtt 0*P*B**J sad 4 leased oat tbe astd Ac.5.000 of land esly ibr a sattry aaaast of 84*50*00.ooo/- in tba yea* toop* whoa tba arataaj vases of tba peeporty BO shea 6*08) sea sore than tat croeea pa* aero than (1909) which la at preaast Uataaruj 9j*0 caoreo to a*io croeaa per aero* U.4* *h-* tho pstitl^ne* ao*l of tbla srit petltioa aaaoat for eoaa bobs taAaisutlon fsas xnco wbtah was eapplled vido thai* iio*300 at*4*U301° ens* *rt act.3005* Wo laxseaatioa ia s j-iiuuiBaBaB aboot attached to tiw said letter will leaixnta that aetoalXy aoro than Ac.5.000 of land has // • 25 // UM as 0*0.1* asd Z»» ~«** a ess of 9^**24.172/. l-safl coat* fbi an fur*, it ia now oetidesB daae too abaaa inaSit^ca a ^ allotted aDOtba* dasab of lssd ep*% «BoB eba% tba had bass BiAOOOod to 2990 and the aatd BpasBOS 1c **oaixy U topss8th3Bl^a«*a^ ehidb iaBinajtlon 18 enrolled onrte* of s ass of a**!* 30*04* m*- of the losSo* no.204 dt*4*i**)a0 of toco ggjrjllrfi an^O *« Ante*)** ia «t*cd borooltb aad 1U5. Olrtt A1181491111 It sill fartbo* indicate ttwt bofers MM than S asao* of Isafl «BB a*aBttjed la fraws* of 0*r.ta* tbo oano «e* «BBBOad bat aso lata* reeohod as pa* the no*as of Bas toco Board* •j^ a>* fvjUtloeco vkHl b^viasj «a» 08 enow «** C»#P*BS»11 8ep*0aBBB**3*B acAOOO o* aa*» «a» zoo* fpo 9b«J AS 4) by f«a**lcot ooans *ieaalen awoao Aaaoasra-fl sal . i r r i «»o aaas te faeUtbO* Ba^llsddaest of Rfi Act and the ablleaess: QjniliBial onr." * Aane.a«h»0* Corr >ii:sx*> in etoaO favour in • lot oo*o/s i milfri CA BQWOODO 0200 p // 10 // SlaPaV- - MIA******** aaaPt IPC Old* Ds*J(M of X.r.# Oxs^aasa* bat boon allotted ea leaoo basis as a/a Abj*^birdx Oai Bdaeotlc copy of so atom eian and if ae* a copy tlv^rsof mug bo to tba etajfticant* Xf allotted on loaea to of the alasOBBBea poaassBt-o of Plot n>*Va ^ ^y^*^ , ^i e 21*1*00* the oaob no*4Ca| of x*B*.ai^aaa asB baoflad ova* (tha nasa of the person and IreKitettoB if aay aay be indicated) 3* Xs not the .niuaaaaInn of Plat otncloeaea of Ho*VA ie nov ne'er si jay Baaa* io-oaaati aj Aoboo oa behalf of At* Airidl Ooft aascataon society. ie not loaolhsQ ao tba esaoto* has roeervoti ae mat rut supply of Alter cancellation of the loess aisouuat vida lotto* S* BasBrn T/20 at*4.1.2003* to abas Plot Be.S/A ia Z*s* Csaadba «•* boon allotted* eanitnc iitioati oa Hnafftti the boaafids pnbllc lMtmt9t taeolvad Xf it ia arjain allottee te B/a Btridi Oat Bdaoatioa la aiBHaf aaab iBflbraa, tion baa not boon asiiaSBj anananatafl by its isrticoAjat* ouatetary 01Jay *aaa* aahoo* tfcoBesoo* what c^rces^tansoo tbe eoid land was osce again Bid tba above o-ood lost* pay a esa of 9*48*3* l^hc tpaaodo B*P* daoa* tf not •jiaOj aaasast tia oatf ronittofl as id oo'or treat 7 tf Plot noeO/A has boas aosta allotted as leas* to tin above Bated feMPtiaasiro after cancella tion as 4,i*Ot by . .IU.1DCO, V // 1? // tssaaaaaitoB aabod far CbBnllanaO 0CO**t on one of the groan a the antd Plat bad not otilined by ttra by tba allottee tfwa an e* that cirt*o Ir-ai the rota a ahilo ro-ali©nae the (If any) oa lcaas baoie later* 0. Xf obBt BBeVA baO been aUstbod to the aVow© noted Xoetitstioo In tha mob Coert ef ori ••:•:.-! ac M c bf bjbj sajoj tBBilvattnri thea on-or east cietariptfuaffai the paid land oao OBiataSlaiat ovon tjaonob the w.p. is gucatfai n. 9* taaVab aaaBBBatonel XoetltjaataB and by aamsb nan Is now is being sas ewe* Plot no*VA and If aa ciacB aboa t tl.7* fbat caao thoueto tba eajaaBtans aoao apaaii ic aofl pxilatort osea* the a«pliaeno report fo*n? will oo to ehaa that virtually eeeeOfcm bo*3*4*8*o*7*0 A 0 aa the eaoght fa* oss not proaateBfobeiooaly O*PeBe*0 and bis relatione) boo roi pj aSjej pj asBsB bBOBO 80 PeefOI c BBsf lltioatloos* Apart froa tha BOO aaenilbal to aoao of tbe epooifie aad paflaeed na*3 to 0)* it io en atat da* that o*»a Bo*0 aad * // w // relations xess tabes lata <•Bifida bob sad eaaeaiaai by > Oat li was lug tha oBSotioBa o* infoeaatfaa abend So* aald lueUtnsl uaCXOCO)* tbi0 will clearly teoblloht* that 3000 900 Bb*3 0 4) bad already uurvaiaVeod itaalf to o*p*Bo*0 in the oaten* of con actinp its day to day atrairs aboeo asrf ahaa o*** so*s n-fctrasd* 1U0. that it ia alee rell^ly ueeastiitaid tb~t 0***flb*t A 4 (xoco) baas granted all nMeant ast teaas in resjBirt of tea* pasts boarino Qo*b*>ab* ti.34* b*40 A B*do. all aa nHauafliiQ As* 1*970, vicia thai* lotas* Bo*0007d dt.3i.i2.2010 ts 0***fle*i3 assBBaBated by o*p*do.8 ao lbs BiaoaBot casa tbongh be ie eoeratary of O*r*oo*i3 as pa* anjaaai at* Sl.O* that lihowfaa 0*0* fio«0 A 4 boat erases* atlubes it. coaUoaee of tboi* *ta? building oe*l A t and taaaOoitb 090 of land v«dO thai* lotto* ai*ta*t oa^l7*3*3030 ia O.?*ao.it which in ropsetansal by o..aa*0 as its aaaBal I Oaal aOJ 11.10* ^ at at aBaaTaajOOj ol • • .:- aa -.- r tbnt it oiil thee appear tbaO BittOn*! aSassaaaatBAvj heeoolf mm the aearotaty of o* *na*l3 and ens taae as its biixxator has bean able te ULii.aaa all eoaac of lands and boiicin^s ifsch is aava tbaS factarea*) bosldss two bail^ima at cb ode* Sadootxial -^otoat . . .3 I, SB 5-. as pBBO oy) pj Oat H .*..- » . » // It* beat sat oat the least* tba otataj also allotted r«3*000la proaj ef last fstats is fatas* of at.etridi oai which ia aad bhonafrn* eoceaaarily by o***as*s* as* be atatod that eass af •tbe still bat filed 01*11 salt ^iti/tJOVToo/lOOl aootnaO the bad a piled so* tba said eaash of Baa alaiutiff whs filed a***A* aso boataote withdrsaa by tap pta 30.4*3010* Attn* tta pl^iaclfro atfABsajP tba **' ^* "• a-asaves* eeSsaLv s&OBBVaBajH QvoT "7* by o.:*Bo*0 aha bad 1011)9111,9*14 la ebs writ patlttooCe) Do*13l00 of 3000 and tha aaao aao filed by bob o*-h * than tba gtatattff *B Ceo* 0e*l31/a>0V7i30/3Dd8e tbe ttiBovvceo* i*ee Colette. 13) ait rut af Ae«3*J000 of land is cbaadka f * abiah la •♦'•(c) rta^ittOtyiOOO and C*a* east filed by asstiill *aaa* Ob the Obs oodd land bat bean 1IUM1I te o***s*)*13 for a rag mam daraadlaaj apes the // » // ' .actvontoa petition U Bo.12000/3000(A^icia-j eat of t . . (3 no. 13338/30003 filed taoBUtb aad eiarbad as •iaeiaaui i . it. SVt y.TS* poti at fho door of all :' a oath -m of '•-o in*" to ] l*a\* of crioo Branch to*?* Be.*)* . . . .53 e f *oli< . . b*U BasasAOjajtasBj Bt BO Pf ataasjy ad bSBbs] POT •1 5.c -IV . :; - • . . . '. to basal ao 9 filing ou* r* C^*Bo*S* 0*P*Ob.C nfl o^*£o*7* 0*** o.i *bo.i3 ivjpp baaa jlInt.tart Ac«3«oostappxoaJ of land vetata aad aoo batiataar Ba.3 and 0 in Ofat ftlud by tha potiti aora oa 30*£o*>09 ant* . . of Orioas). ) Bat . . <OP (i*c. of .12.3009 <OaaduMl.>iM* of palloo) jTilad ft* pat adaeaat of ptot (O.r.aa.3 & 41 a . i t s 4t.i7.7*300B in to BOB Aet*B8Bs has cntogwlaaUy eBaaed that Obri •tOBJ tstea* oabas ( • *Bb*a* is a Ch pf B/h BOJ aad tho said flea is ae a // si / / a 4* otiile as daaaaa abba ta aisaao bio peeltana and has • *jasa| od land besinas batirrmjil fr-et toot apart fayn Op say* c.2.000 * •***•£ »jbile acting as a IbCO to*J>*Ba*3 A 4) beta? B ytsBaa* -*••*» aaa a BaaaHBilt proas anethi ~sl aaata** -as is brfrtap aattalasd ana* taasi U ass ad it* 8B8B ^ . ro cl 0l "i 81 o 1 * bBat .*. . • b loz-^n seel One BBfd a*£* basing aaBBaaJstd oBsSatteel aetaatwp3sw1 sonatas*** and aaaaaadaat is uq loaxas fr>va 1 u Jiirassd do* praesmctng as a y *: be laBaat 0.13513 by 20QB ia i - alleges* il d basco*$l asytng^ ad ae .4>*na*j o 4 iwst stab 0m-r Jts*B at ^tJataasnt jadats af tots so at te fsatUta a wBSat of aUoaa ab.aasT.laBd and bail, ta* leant* •a* earning Utwgat baa rate £e* taaaaatvaa* 2^ that Ha a* sati^'eioaa etas* •ease of aaa* t>eas as aaaat aata at Sitiea by ap of a^ltiooa* ^ 1 1 // » // crava tha labjt jui a at the psOttluiairs to file any -« annata paBttasl-rly is at Am* to. 11 * 12 of table** of this *•*.< ) a* nay bo tb-t the petttJotera h-va got at aasliabio to *hco east tba taxied flaat this BoB«blo ooert Opa#*artiua to to . 8j :- xxit/ A writ of ohall v-•- , of TatnatH|i Alton <c»n.y.) a* Crxao • pad 0 te it ooaldbo orastod as cany as *1 teas* fa* e.2*000 by tba e*>&. nayiJBtjirint ovt of abt ••"• •-- . a c • •'. kafPSJ OBI aseaBBj aaasOasBasaoa of tbe •apart ed the uwo*** or aa* ba. a and the ased to ft»PiBS*e by A»P*B3*l4 practice as a y /* // ?3 Op* aa* pattest? // osoer>n act and aratbtaat satastoe* 80s apndaaaeaa* v) Xf tha OpnaO": -w canoe o* ahos ••-••• a Aed pap* eoeli other o*da«feedar* as dcened Jest ant proper in JQunat-aaina* of tbe cane. at tod for 49 defy bouai'r s oBj so* pray. BO) ctitiiioto at la Of ttw* petit1 tear X* cqvind 8basd*B A at. agod abovt 10 ViiXao^rfatis*tCsOatda*;. pa >Oigjt.rhnpffla» oci-ua* Co hotab* eolcealy affias and otato as fbl?.o- ot. that x ao t«a Poti ft* aad t I. ia the >ve bnoa *rty injtcncbad by ttes Pt no file avit. that tia f-cto seated abova are tt-xs to tba bast of a*/ BSoesjoflQB aad be i lei . OBPOBBBT illty of c trige •> ft*' 3 bear d in hick bine p-pcrs* AOtOCAtO
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