CS4L Physical Literacy 2015 mini Workshops SUMMITS APRIL 9 & 11 ODESSA & KINGSTON, ONTARIO Facilitated by: Canadian Sport for Life Physical Literacy 201: Physical Literacy Assessment for Youth ODESSA Thursday, April 9th from 6:00 - 9:30pm Odessa Public School, 11 North Street, Odessa KINGSTON Saturday, April 11th from 1:00 - 5:00pm Ecole Sir John A MacDonald Public School 529 St. Martha Street, Kingston Supported by a Ministry of Tourism Culture and Sport’s Ontario Sport and Recreation Community Fund grant, these Workshops are provided at no cost to you or any member of your sport club, recreation group or association who wish to attend. See next page for session and registration details. miniSUMMITS CS4L.ca These sessions will focus on utilizing the PLAY tools to assess the physical literacy status of children and youth – primarily between the ages of 7 and 13. As part of the PLAY Research Project lead by CS4L and Brock University you will be asked to utilize the PLAY assessment to identify the physical literacy level of children in programs you deliver over an 11 month period. More information about PLAY can be found at PLAY.physicalliteracy.ca Physical Literacy 201: Physical Literacy Assessment for Youth Drew Mitchell BSc. Drew is the Director of Physical Literacy for Canadian Sport for Life and works as a consultant focused on the development of physical literacy and better sport at the community level. Drew’s goal is to create movement purposeful, skill based and confidence building movement in children, youth, and adults. Developing physical literacy is one of the cornerstones of being Active for Life and having better long-term health outcomes. Better movement skills lead to more choices, more options, more confidence, and potentially more activity! This Mini-Summit will provide participants with the ability to execute, score and interpret the Physical Literacy Assessment for Youth (PLAY) tools in a sport specific setting. The session includes an update on physical literacy trends, which highlight potential roles for sport associations. Participants will leave this session with a renewed sense of urgency to address physical literacy through your strong working knowledge of the PLAY tools and their application. There are numerous opportunities and applications for these tools, including physical literacy awareness for parents and coaches, global and individual tracking of physical literacy, assessing the impact of your programs on physical literacy development and research applications. Registration: To register, please email CS4L@CityofKingston.ca Registration is FREE and seating is LIMITED - Register early! To engage in the Twitter conversation: #PhysicalLiteracy
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