THE STAINED GLASS WINDOW Monthly Newsletter of the Stained Glass Guild of Oklahoma “Embracing All the Glass Arts” Vol. 7, No. 8 August 2007” GUILD OFFICERS PRESIDENT Ron Allen 369-2281 VICE-PRESIDENT Paul Wosika 665-3049 TREASURER Jim Perkin 439-0592 SECRETARY Mike Hardgrove X 749-1803 Heather Opp 745-2218 COMMITTEE CHAIRS Membership WandaHays Annual Sales Harry Wallace Judged Sales Harry Wallace Historian Barbara Shannon JULY MEETING PATTERN TECHNIQUES & GRINDING Ron Macy Ron prints or traces his pattern onto onion skin paper. You can also trace without a light box. Then he sticks light duty carpet tape that is double sided on to the back of the pattern, uses a light box to cut the piece out. He then adheres it to the glass and uses the Score 1 cutter to cut the piece out. Each piece he grinds, solders, tins and places as he goes. Ron Allen Ron uses a negative pattern to find the spot on the glass that he wants to cut his piece from. To create a negative pattern you cut the piece out from the middle of a paper so that the visible area is limited. This technique can be used for florals or in areas where you want movement, shadow or variation. Shirley Allen Shirley photocopies her patterns twice and puts clear contact paper onto the pattern. Make sure you get contact paper and not laminate because it is too thick. This makes the pattern waterproof. She cuts the pieces out and adheres them to the glass using a glue stick. After an hour or so she comes back and cuts and grinds the pieces. The pattern pieces are reusable after she throws it into the water for a while. Candice Wilfong Cutting glass out on the light table. Lay the pattern on the light box and place the glass over it and cut the glass right on the light table. You can also draw your pattern onto the glass. Stadler has an aluminum colored pencil that marks well on dark colored glass. This is a good technique for small sun catchers. Candice turned an aquarium on the side to put her grinder in it. She also wears a face shield when she grinds because you are not supposed to breathe the glass dust. Lloyd Garrison A stone file does a good job to get the burrs off. This was also how glass was ground in the past. Wear safety glasses when you grind glass--even if you have a guard on your grinder! Lloyd uses an IV pole to drip water onto his grinder and the drip is adjustable. He also uses an ultra fine marker to draw his pattern onto the glass because he has to grind less. Empty the reservoir and rinse it with clean water. A coating of grease is also necessary when putting the bit on. Mark Stay keeps the lines on and chap stick also works. Lloyd shared a variety of bits. Adjust the grinder occasionally to make it last longer. He keeps a fan on the top of the IV pole too which is next to his soldering station so it keeps the fumes down. THE STAINED GLASS WINDOW PAGE 2 Vol. 7 No. 8 – August 2007 Show and Tell Show and Tell Nelson Myers-red glass that shows some cloudiness. Nelson invited us to guess what caused it. What do you think? Lloyd Garrison and a garden stake he created. Paul Wosika’s agate lampshade using a mosaic technique. He also challenged us to think outside of the box and consider doing our next shower redo with glass instead of tile! THE STAINED GLASS WINDOW PAGE 3 Vol. 7 No. 8 – August 2007 Once again we would like to thank the businesses and individuals who provided door prizes for last month’s meeting. Please be sure to stop by and thank them personally! The Glass Station, Cherry Street Stained Glass And Nelson, Jeanine and Richard! Ron called to reply to the Fair’s request for the Guild’s participation. All the space and time was given away for the demonstration booth; best of show was sponsored and they did not really seem to be interested in our donation. We can put up our information on the display racks the fair is going to borrow. That will be the limit of our participation. The trailer needs to be worked on so Paul needs 3 or 4 volunteers in the fall. The date will be in the newsletter. COFFEE & JUICE LIST… COFFEE JUICE AUG Richard Young Richard Young SEPT Jim Perkin Susanne Underwood OCT Jim Perkin Mike Hardgrove NOV Vera Gunter Nelson Myers We need a chairperson for the nominating committee. Ron is going to step down so we need a new president as well. Next year we are going to go back to the second Saturday of the month for the meetings. Except April- we will meet the first Saturday. Membership renewal is due in August. There was some interest in a meeting on making jewelry out of microscope slides. What do you think? JULY GUILD MEETING 10:00 AM AUGUST 4, 2007 ALLIE BETH MARTIN LIBRARY 2501 S. GARNETT – TULSA, OK FITTING AND FOILING Taping/gluing pieces to the mold Type of surface to use for fitting Using pins to hold pieces for fitting Squaring brackets for accuracy Types and sizes of Foil Hand foiling methods & burnishing Types of foiling machines and demonstrations If you have any tips or ideas you would like to share with other Guild members please send them to me and I will include them in your Guild Newsletter! Mike Hardgrove 3709 E. 39th St. Tulsa, OK 74135 STAINED GLASS GUILD OF OKLAHOMA 2007/2008 MEMBERSHIP APPLICATION It’s time again for membership dues effective September 1, 2006. Dues are as follows: ____Individual Membership $20.00 ____Family Membership $25.00 (A family membership consist of 2 persons living at the same address.) Also, keep in mind if you joined after June 1st, your membership is good till August 31, 2008 Please make your check payable to SGGO and mail along with this form to: Wanda Hays 9011 E. 27th Place Tulsa, OK 74129 If you have any questions, feel free to contact Wanda at (918) 665-3049 Name _________________________________ Name__________________________________ Address_______________________________________________________________________ City_____________________________ State____________________ Zip _________________ Phone (Home)____________________________ (Business) _____________________________ Email Address__________________________________________________________________ Tubjofe!Hmbtt!Hvjme!pg!Plmbipnb! 481:!F/!4:ui!Tusffu! Uvmtb-!PL!85246.3518!
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