Emory Saturday Course of Study Fall 2014 – Summer 2015 Registration Form Please only circle one course per-‐‑session; you must attend all dates to receive credit for the course. COS OFFICE ONLY FALL SATURDAY WINTER SATURDAY SUMMER WEEKEND 9/13, 9/27, 10/11 1/24, 2/7, 2/28 7/10-‐‑11 & 7/24-‐‑25 Check # Amt Registration Deadline August 1, 2014 Registration Deadline December 15, 2014 Registration Deadline May 15, 2015 Signatures: 122 124 121 Emailed Confirmation 324 521 321 SPRING INTENSIVE ~ May 15, 16, 17 Registration Deadline ~ April 15, 2015 Registration Fee is $100 123 232 323 524 (Please type or print neatly) Personal Information First Time Student at EMORY COS Last Name: 322 Home Phone: LPR Completed Registration 523 Returning EMORY COS Student Graduating Student Middle Initial: Mobile Phone: E-‐‑mail: (Street) Conference Status DS Send your completed registration form (with all signatures) a $65.00 payment for Fall, Winter and Summer, and a $100 payment for Spring Intensive. You will be charged a $20 late fee for registering received after the deadline. Make check or money orders payable to Emory University. Mail all materials to: COS, Candler School of Theology, Atlanta, GA 30322 First Name: Preferred First Name: Address: 522 S Birth Date: (City) Full-‐‑time Local Pastor (State) (Zip) Part-‐‑time Local Pastor Other: Annual Conference: Date of Licensing: Current Appointment: District: Demographic Information (This information will be used only in accordance with Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972.) Gender: Male Female Predominant Racial/Ethnic Background: (This information will be used only in accordance with Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964.) American Indian or Alaskan Native African American Asian or Pacific Islander Caucasian /Non-‐‑Hispanic Hispanic Other: Emergency Contact Name and phone number of the person to contact in the event of an emergency: Name Relationship to Student Area code/Phone number Educational Background Please list all educational degrees (high school, trade school, college, graduate work, and PhD. Even if you have given the COS Office this information please give it again so we can update our records). Name of Institution Years Attended Degree Earned Student Signature Student Honor Code Covenant: I do hereby covenant, and verify by the signing of my name, that the course work I will turn in to the Course of Study School at Candler School of Theology, Emory University, will represent my own individual work. This I do on my honor as a pastor in The United Methodist Church. Inclusive Language Covenant: We commit ourselves to use inclusive language in all areas of public discourse, such as classroom, publications, worship, and administration. This includes our classroom lectures, discussions, handouts, and other materials (except when quoting historical texts), as well as official communications of the school, and internal office communications. We invite students to join our covenant by using inclusive language in all written and oral presentations, including sermons. Student’s Signature: Date By signing you give our office permission to release your grades and other related information to GBHEM & to your District and Annual Conference Offices. In addition you agree to uphold our Honor Code and Inclusive Language Covenants. If you have any special conditions of which our office needs to be aware please attach those in writing and submit with your registration form. To Your District Superintendent: This applicant has my approval to attend the Emory Course of Study School. District Superintendent’s Signature (Required) Email Phone Mailing Address City Date DS Name (Please Print) Fax State Zip code To Your Annual Conference’s Board of Ministry Local Pastor Registrar: A scholarship in the amount of $ (amount per-‐‑course) has been awarded to the above mentioned applicant on behalf of the annual conference. Local Pastor Registrar’s Signature (Required) Date Email Phone Mailing Address City COURSE & REGISTRATION FEES Registration Fee: $65 per course Late Registration Fee: $85 per course Tuition Cost: $250 per course Each student is required to pay the remaining balance of the course fee if they are not completely covered by your annual conference scholarship. LPR Name (Please Print) Fax State REGISTRATION PROCESS Please complete the entire registration form, including the signatures of your DS and Conference LPR before mailing it to the COS office with your correct payment. Please make your check or money order payable to: Emory University. Zip code COS Office Contact Information Course of Study School Candler School of Theology 1531 Dickey Drive, Atlanta, GA 30322 Michelle Levan, Assistant Director Email: michelle.levan@emory.edu COS Website: http://www.candler.emory.edu/programs/cos/index.cfm COS Office Phones: Voice: 404.727.4587 Fax: 404.727.2494 Course of Study Saturday Schedule Beginning September 1, 2014, there will be a new five-‐‑year Course of Study curriculum. The COS Office will work with all students to make sure they fulfill the appropriate requirements to complete their five-‐‑year program. Beginning with the 2014-‐‑2015 Saturday School schedule, you will see courses listed by number and title for both curriculums to help everyone transition toward the new curriculum. Any student concerned about the courses they have completed or need to complete, can contact the COS Office for assistance. If you need a course that has been moved to later in the curriculum, for example 313-‐‑Evangelism will become 523-‐‑Evangelism, we suggest you wait to complete this course until your last year of study even though it will fulfill a third year course on your transcript. Likewise if you need 413-‐‑Worship and Sacraments it will become 223-‐‑Worship and Sacraments and we suggest you take it during your second or third year of study verses waiting until the fourth year. You should make every effort possible to complete the 100s before moving to the 200 and 300 levels. If at possible you should complete 500 level courses during your last year of study. Saturday Schedule 2014-‐‑2015 Saturday Schedule 2015-‐‑2016 Fall Saturday School 2014 Fall Saturday School 2015 September 13, Sept. 27, & October 11 Registration Deadline 8/15/14 122-‐‑Theological Heritage I: Introduction • (112 Theology in the Wesleyan Spirit) 324-‐‑Preaching • (214 Practice of Preaching) 521-‐‑Bible V: Acts, Epistles & Revelation • (511 New Testament II) Winter Saturday School 2015 January 24, February 7 and February 28 Registration Deadline 12/15/14 124-‐‑Transformative Leadership 321-‐‑Bible III: Gospels • (311 New Testament I) 522-‐‑Theology in the Contemporary Church • (512 Contemporary Theology) Spring Intensive School 2015 May 15, 16, 17 Registration Deadline 4/15/15 123-‐‑Formation & Discipleship • (213 Formation for Christian Discipleship ) 223-‐‑Worship & Sacraments • (413 Worship and Sacraments) 323-‐‑Congregation Care • (314 Pastoral Care and Counseling) 524-‐‑Theological Reflection: Practice of Ministry • (514Theology & the Practice of Ministry) Summer Weekend School 2015 July 10-‐‑11 & July 24-‐‑25 Registration Deadline 5/1/15 121-‐‑Bible I: Introduction • (111 Pastor as Interpreter of the Bible) 322-‐‑Theological Heritage III: Medieval/Reformation • (312 Theological Heritage: Reformation) 523-‐‑Evangelism • (313 Our Mission From God: Evangelism) October 3, Oct. 17, and November 7 Registration Deadline 8/15/15 122-‐‑Theological Heritage I: Introduction • (112 Theology in the Wesleyan Spirit) 224-‐‑Administration and Polity • (114 Pastoral Leadership & Administration) 422-‐‑Theological Heritage IV: Wesleyan Movement • (412 Wesleyan Movement) Winter Saturday School 2016 January 30, February 13, March 5 Registration Deadline 12/15/15 124-‐‑Transformative Leadership 221-‐‑Bible II: Torah & Israel’s History • (211 Hebrew Bible I) 423-‐‑Mission • (513 Our Mission from God: Transforming Agent) Spring Intensive School 2016 May 13, May 14, May 15 Registration Deadline 4/15/16 123-‐‑Formation & Discipleship • (213 Formation for Christian Discipleship ) 223-‐‑Worship & Sacraments • (413 Worship and Sacraments) 424-‐‑Ethics • (414 Personal & Social Ethics) 524-Theological Reflection: Practice of Ministry (514 Theology & the Practice of Ministry) Summer Weekend School 2016 July 8-9 and July 22-23 Registration Deadline 5/1/16 121-‐‑Bible I: Introduction • (111 Pastor as Interpreter of the Bible) 222-‐‑Theological Heritage II: Early Church • (212 Theological Heritage: Early & Medieval) 421-‐‑Bible IV: Prophets, Psalms, & Wisdom Literature • (411 Hebrew Bible II)
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