A school and community newsletter produced by Cann River P-12 College Our latest Cann Café saw the grade 3-6 students making apple pie and lasagne. Well done to the students and Miss Tripp for their amazing work this term! Thank you also to Kelly for her help and photos. Acting Principal’s Page Easter 2015 Today our students are learning an Easter song, and a Yorta Yorta song with Padma Newsome our music teacher. Easter is a very important time for Australians, whether for religious reasons, or an important break from work or a chance to catch up with family: certainly I’m looking forward to catching up for a few days with my daughter in Canberra. We’ve had such a busy term: with annual reports for both Noorinbee and Cann River, and the Strategic Plan still being finalised, all these are very important for evaluating our progress and ensure we develop in line with education direction in Australia. A key issue in Australian Education ? The Far East Gippsland principals were lucky enough to have a day working with David Howes who is responsible for the major curriculum development in Victoria. He presented research which showed that Australia is not doing that well compared to Asian nations: this is particularly true for high achievers. An elegant piece of research indicates that it is not a problem with teaching itself but about how we fail to develop hard working attitudes in students. This is perhaps best explained if we reflect on what many people say about young people today: that they have no resilience: they think they can either do things or they can’t, they stop at the slightest hurdle. Does this idea strike a chord with you? There are many reasons argued why this may be true. One is that we live in a world of immediate gratification: media and social media means we are instantly given access to fill our minds without effort. Social media invites us to make judgements on almost anything without much thought or much knowledge. When students are studying difficult ideas as soon as they find a difficulty, they can reach for distraction: they don’t push through. The second reason could be that we have given the mistaken idea that all the information is out there on the internet: we just need to teach them to find it. This is simply wrong: for most students the ways of thinking reasoning, selecting, judging and deciding what is significant must be taught. And, if you don’t have factual knowledge for example: scientific knowledge you cannot ever get to scientific reasoning. This is true for history, geography, and social value. As a teacher of English it is absolutely true that students cannot learn how to write and think in particular ways without being taught, and this involves accurately describing and explaining what students are not doing correctly. This leads to the last point. In Australia we have been very reluctant to criticise our young people: we applaud our children’s poor efforts, wonder at their smallest achievements. So they never gain resilience, they never have to work hard, they associate success and approval with spontaneous action rather than the work that all true achievement is associated with. So does this mean schools should go back to the way they were? - far from it! But you’ll have to wait to next Jinga for ideas about this issue! If you want to comment write to me at spink.bruce.t@edumail.vic.gov.au or come to school. Have a great Easter. Bruce Spink Acting Principal Cann River P-12 College & Noorinbee PS Front Cover: Crazy Hair Day 2015— we raised over $50! Even Ms Turvey and Tammy got sprayed. Thank you. ORBOST SHOW On the 9th of March 2015 I went and caught six chooks and one cow called Raspberry and loaded her into the purple float. We put the chooks into the back of the car. Then we went down the road and pick up Matt and his cow. Then we went to Orbost show yay. Just as we got out of Cann River the chooks started talking. When we got there we got the cows out and went to tired them up into the yard and it was all nearly full of cows. There was only a spot in the corner for us to tie the cows up. Then we went back to the car and got the chooks and put them in their cages to be judged. Then we went back and got the cows ready, we only had thirty minutes to get them ready. The first one was heifer under 12 months and I came 1st. Then I went in the Calf rearing competition and I came 1st. Then I went in the Junior Handler and I came 1st. I was so so so so happy. Then by that time it was all finished and the chooks had been judged. I got 2 first and 2 seconds and Champion and Reserved Champion. Then I had lunch and had a look around the show. Then we went home I was so glad to be back home. The end By Chelsea Fire Work Fun! At the fireworks all the people counted down from ten to one and the fireworks went off Bang! Bang! I loved the colours. The fireworks looked like flowers. It looked like the sky was dancing. I felt scared my heart was beating like a drum. I now love fireworks. By David Mongta 13/3/2015 Thank you to Simon for laying the woodchips out and making the Noorinbee playground look all smart. AASA Well term 1 has come to an end, it’s been great to see everyone’s cricket skills improve. A massive thank you to our student helpers: Bart, Zac, Anna and Shanise. Bring on next term which will be Auskick. Youth Group We have had a great term with plenty of fun activities. Was great to finish off the term with climbing Genoa Peak. Thanks guys, see you next term. Cent Night Thank you to everyone that came and supported the P-12 fundraiser for the term. It was plenty of fun for everyone involved and a huge success yet again. The proceeds will be divided up between P-6 Coonawarra camp and Youth Group end of year activities. Department of Education Smoking Bans From 13 April (start of term 2) smoking will be banned within four metres of an entrance, as well as within the grounds, of all schools in Victoria including childcare centres and kindergartens. Broccoli Cooking We are going cooking. I want to cook quiche. We have quiche at the shop. Quiche is yummy. By Ryder 25.3.15 Today at School we are doing Cooking. We are Cooking Broccoli soup and Quiche. We are Cooking tomorrow too in tech class with Caitlyn. By Hailey.G 25.3.15 We did do broccoli. I did do quiche. By Tash 26.5.15 Today P/ 1/ 2 are going to make broccoli soup and quiche. It is going to be good fun. Tomorrow P/ 1 /2 are going to make a broccoli sausage roll. By Chaz 25.3.15 A VERY BUSY WEEK Today is crazy hair day and it is cool because my hair is stiff and itchy. Nicole, Ryder and I are very itchy By Chaz 25.3.15 Today it is crazy hair day. I nearly have a rainbow in my hair. I love my hair. It is sparkly and stiff. By Hailey 24.3.15 My hair is rainbow. It is funny. I love it. It is splendid. It has pink and yellow and green. By Brooke 24.3.15 By William 26.3.15 On the last day of school Prep /6 and Noorinbee are going to set up a party at school. The start time is 12.30. There are going to be games like apple bobbing and hurdles and there are board games and more. By Chaz Today we got our hair done. I have pink, gold, green, orange and sparkles. I love my hair but my hair is itchy. By Nicole 24.3.15 I like my hair. I love, love, love it. I did it today. It is purple and pink. By Matilda 24.3.15 It’s crazy hair day. I have a mow hawk. It is purple. On the sides it is green. By Ryder 24.3.15 Library News The hunt for the Library Spider. The Library Spider has been keeping everybody guessing. Where is he (or she) hiding? Students have been drawing him (or her) and thinking up names for him (or her) like Frank, Joe and Zoe. He gave Ms Hines an awful fright when he appeared just centimetres away from the library office computer last week. On Tuesday he pretended to be a student, and sat on one of the chairs that had been put out for assembly. Luckily, Mrs Spink kindly (and bravely!) took him outside. Giant spiders are tricky things, though, and once they call a place home they don’t like to leave. Sue Hines English teacher and occasional librarian This year we also have two new secondary students; Leah CrowsonLuke and Bianca Findlay. Their fellow students have been helpful and friendly in their transition and the girls have settled in nicely. We would like to welcome Leah and Bianca to Cann River and we hope they enjoy their time here. At our latest assembly, which was held on Crazy Hair Day, Zeara and Matilda didn’t just have crazy hair—they had insane hair!! The P-2 class walked away with many awards including a helper award and awards for effort. Hannah received a birthday award while Darcy received an award for his effort on Genoa Peak. Relics Café Open 7 Days a Week * Souvlaki (Lamb, Chicken or Beef) * Pizza * Freshly Battered Fish & Chips * Focaccias * Home-made Hamburgers * Great Coffee * Scoop Ice-Cream * Confectionary * Fresh Salads * Candlelight Dinners * Soft Drinks * Small Range Groceries * Ice * Fresh Rolls, Sandwiches & Wraps * BYO Licence 7 Days a week between 11am-2pm & 5pm-9pm Ph: 51586466 Eat in or Take Away Phone orders welcome, EFTPOS Available Music Students of Noorinbee and Cann River Dear parents and family support members, To get the most out of your child's music lessons, It's important that a few simple support structures are in place. * Household knowledge of the lesson day and time. * Instruments and music come to school on that day. * Make sure that the student looks after and cares for the instrument, keeping it clean and protected. * Set a simple practice schedule. Hint: it is more beneficial to practice 20 minutes or 1/2 an hour a day than to cram the day before a lesson. Cann Valley Bush Nursing Centre Inc. 27 Monaro Highway, Cann River 3890 Nurse: 5158 6274 Admin: 5158 6210 Email: cvbncadmin@gha.net.au Fax: 5158 6409 Website: www.cannvalleybnc.com.au Opening Hours: Monday - Friday 9am - 5:00pm CVBNC Health Promotion: Fabry disease awareness. www.australianfabryassociation.com.au Our vision: The people of Cann River district, will reach their full potential in good health, well being and independence. Did you know… The centre will be closed on Good Friday 3rd April, and Easter Monday 6th April. To make an appointment with the podiatrist, physio, doctor, or to book a seat on the bus, please call 5158 6210. Bus to Bairnsdale: twice a month Doctor: visits twice a month Wednesday 1st April Dr Reid Thursday 9th April Wednesday 8th April Dr Reid Tuesday 21st April A $5 fee applies at time of booking Please note: The visiting Dr may change at short notice. Please note: Seats for medical appointments are priority Podiatrist: Massage Therapist: Physiotherapist Nerida, visits monthly Next visit: Wednesday 22nd April Jodie, visits fortnightly Next visit: Friday 10th April Ph: 0438 096 808 for appointments Madeleine, visits monthly Next visit: Friday 17th April Member $15, Non Member $20 Pension $5 Dentist: Peter, visits monthly Next visit: Thursday 2nd April Ph: 5154 6625 for appointments Drug & Alcohol counselor: Bryn, visits weekly Next visit: Wednesday 1st April Member $15, Non Member $20 Pension $5 Planned Activity Group: Gets together fortnightly Next group: Thursday 2nd April Other allied health visitors to our centre include. Speech pathologist and Maternal and child health nurse To make an appointment with any of our allied health visitors please call 5158 6210. Annual Membership fees due on the 1st of July each year - it’s never too late to become a member Family $30 Single $20 Family Concession $20 Single concession $15 Cann Valley Bush Nursing Centre Inc. 27 Monaro Highway Cann River Vic 3890 Telephone: Nurse 5158 6274 Email: cvbncadmin@gha.net.au Admin 5158 6210 Fax 5158 6409 ABN: 69 461 662 367 REG: A11159 The centre will be closed on rd Good Friday 3 April th Easter Monday 6 April In case of an emergency please call, Ambulance on 000 or the Bush Nurse on 5158 6274 Cann Valley Bush Nursing Centre Inc Massage Therapist Relaxation, Deep Tissue & Sports Massage Jodie will be visiting the centre on 10 April 2015 To make an appointment phone Jodie on 0438 096 808 Cann Valley Bush Nursing Centre Inc. 27 Monaro Highway Cann River Vic 3890 Telephone: Nurse 5158 6274 Email: cvbncadmin@gha.net.au Admin 5158 6210 Fax 5158 6409 ABN: 69 461 662 367 REG: A11159 Our visiting Podiatrist will be at the centre on Wednesday 22nd April 2015 Member $15, Non member $20, Pension $5 If you would like to make an appointment for either service, please call 5158 6210 Our visiting Physiotherapist will be at the centre on Friday 17th April 2015 Member $15, Non member $20, Pension $5 ph: 5158 6465 fax: 5158 6391 Email: cann.river@bigpond. com Opening Hours: Monday - Friday 10am - 2pm Library Bus The next library bus HAIRDRESSER visit is on Rhonda Gillard will be at the centre on Wednesday 1st of April. Please phone Ph: 0408 124 112 to make an appointment Wednesday 8th April 2015 11.45-12.15 pm Outside the Community Centre Is there anyone who has not filled in their Non-Mains Winter Concession 2014 form? If so, please see Shirley or Siobhan at the Community Centre for more Information. We would like to thank the CFA for their work with the children on the Stomp, Rattle and Roll Programme. Fun was had by all with the culmination of a final performance, party and the receiving of Participation Certificates. We would also like to thank all those who helped or participated in the Art and Craft Exhibition. CANN RIVER HOTEL - Bar - Catering for any function - Bottle Shop - Budget Accommodation - Bistro - 7 Days - Take Away Meals - Happy Hour: Monday, Wednesday & Friday ~ 5.30 - 6.30 Phone: 03 5158 6221 PELICAN POINT COFFEE LOUNGE Fresh Food, Fine Coffee. Try our new range of Grounded Pleasures Hot Chocolate – African Red, French Mint, Orange Infused and Cinnamon Spice. Sun Cinema Bairnsdale: 112 Macleod St Phone: 5152 6455 www.sunbairnsdale.com.au Friday 27 Saturday 28 Sunday 29 Monday 30 Tuesday 31 Shaun The Sheep: The Movie (G) 1.05, 7.10 9, 1.05, 7.10 10, 2 9, 12.45, 6.50 9, 12.45, 6.50 The Spongebob Movie: Sponge Out of Water (PG) 12.50, 7 9.05, 12.50, 7 10.05, 1.50, 6 Tinker Bell & the Legend of the Neverbeast (G) - - - 11.15 11.15 12.45, 4.35 9.10, 1, 4.50 10.10, 2, 5.50 9.10, 1, 4.50 9.10, 1, 4.50 Insurgent (M) 10.40, 2.35, 8.40 10.40, 2.35, 8.40 11.40, 10.40, 2.35, 10.40, 2.35, 8.40 8.40 3.35, 7.50 Run All Night (MA) 5, 8.50 5, 8.50 Chappie (MA) 10.50, 4.45, 8.45 The Second Best Exotic Marigold Hotel (PG) 2.45 Home (PG) 9.30, 12.50, 9.30, 12.50, 7 7 5.45 10.50, 4.45, 11.50, 7.45 8.45 2.45 4.45, 8.45 4.45, 8.45 4.40, 8.30 4.40, 8.30 2.25 2.25 3.40 Lakes Squash & Movie Theatre: 52 Myer Street Phone: 5155 1941 www.lakes-entrance-cinema.com.au Friday 27 Saturday 28 Sunday 29 Monday 30 Tuesday 31 Wednesday 1 Shaun The Sheep: The Movie (G) 6.45pm 11:45,3:10 10, 1.25, 7 11:45,3:10 10, 1.25, 7 11:45,3:10 American Sniper (MA15+) 8:30pm 8:45pm 4.45, 8.45 8:45pm 4.45, 8.45 8:45pm The Spongebob Movie: Sponge Out of Water (PG) - 10am 11.40, 3.05 10am 11.40, 3.05 10am The Picture Show Man, Merimbula: 80 Main St Phone: (02) 6495 3744 www.pictureshowman.com.au Friday 27 Shaun The Sheep: The Movie (G) 11.40, 3.10 Cinderella (G) Insurgent (G) Home (PG) Saturday 28 Sunday 29 Monday 30 Tuesday 31 Wednesday 1 11.40, 3.10 11.40, 3.10 11.40, 3.10 11.40, 3.10 11.40, 3.10 10.05, 2.25, 6.45 10.05, 2.25, 6.45 10.05, 2.25, 6.45 10.05, 10.05, 2.25, 2.25, 6.45 6.45 10.05, 2.25, 6.45 12.10, 4.30, 8.50 12.10, 4.30, 8.50 12.10, 4.30, 8.50 12.10, 12.10, 4.30, 8.50 4.30, 8.50 12.10, 4.30, 8.50 9.50, 9.50, 1.20, 1.20, 7.05 7.05 9.50, 1.20, 9.50, 1.20, 7.05 7.05 9.50, 1.20, 7.05 9.50, 1.20, 7.05 Still Alice (M) 9pm 9pm 9pm 9pm 9pm 9pm The Second Best Exotic Marigold Hotel (PG) 4.50 - 4.50 - 4.50 - The Theory of Everything (PG) - 4.50 - 4.50 - 4.50 30 6 13 Easter Monday Bush Nurse Closed FIRST DAY OF TERM 2 20 31 7 14 21 Bus to Bdale @ CVBNC 1 April Dr Reid @ CVBNC D&A Counsellor @ CVBNC Hairdresser @ CRCC 8 Dr Reid @ CVBNC Library Bus Centre @ 11.45-12.15 15 22 Podiatrist @ CVBNC Library Bus School @ 11-11.30 Centre @ 11.45-12.15 10 2 3 Dentist @ CVBNC Activity Group @ CVBNC 9 Good Friday Bush Nurse Closed 17 Physio @ CVBNC Nobby in Cann River from 1-5pm Massage Therapist 16 24 Bus to Bdale @ CVBNC 23
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