Apricot Leaf Design Curtain Tie Backs (Make 2 alike – shown outlined in circle below) Abbreviations: st-stitch; k-knit; p-purl; yfd-yarn forward around needle to make a stitch; yrn-yarn round needle to make a stitch; sl 1-slip next stitch from one needle to the other without working it; psso-pass slipped stitch over stitch just worked; k2tog-knit next 2 sts together to make one stitch; p2tog-purl next 2 sts together to make one stitch; gst-garter stitch-every row knit. Materials required: Size 22 (0.70 mm/US size 6/0) needles, 25 m No 100 crochet cotton or good quality sewing thread, 4 small rings. Cast on 9 sts. Work 2 rows gst. Row 1: k 4, yfd, k 1, yfd, k 4. (11 sts) Row 2: k 4, p 3, k 4. Row 3: k 5, yfd, k 1, yfd, k 5. (13 sts) Row 4: k 4, p 5, k 4. Row 5: k 6, yfd, k 1, yfd, k 6. (15 sts) Row 6: k 4, p 7, k 4. Row 7: k 7, yfd, k 1, yfd, k 7. (17 sts) Row 8: k 4, p 9, k 4. Row 9: k 4, k2tog, k 5, k 2tog, k 4. (15 sts) Row 10: k 4, p 7, k 4. Row 11: k 4, k2tog, k 3, k2tog, k 4. (13 sts) Row 12: k 4, p 5, k 4. Row 13: k 4, k2tog, k 1, k2tog, k 4. (11 sts) Row 14: k 4, p 3, k 4. Row 15: k 4, sl 1, k2tog, psso, k 4. (9 sts) Row 16: k Rows 17- 48: repeat rows 1-16 twice. Row 49: k Cast off. Sew in all loose ends. Do not press. Attach rings to the short ends of each tie back. If you wish to knit the other items in the photo they can be found on FP 107 Apricot Leaf Curtains and FP 106 Apricot Leaf bedspread, which are both available from our web shop at £ 3.00 each. © Copyright F. H. Powell 2009 This pattern is for private use only and may not be reproduced in any form, or reproduced for commercial gain including selling any item made up from these patterns without written permission from Buttercup Miniatures. Reproducing or transmitting this pattern by any means for any purpose other than for personal use constitutes a violation of copyright law.
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