CONTINENT Europe GEOGRAPHICAL AREA COUNTRY Area notes Italy FVG PROGRAMME Win Laboratory TITLE PROPOSER MicroWin Regional health agency Europe Italy FVG Health Fund Humanitarian programme for highly specialised health performance for European Union citizens Europe Europe Italy Italy FVG FVG Sì lavoro (Yes work) FreNesys - Friuli Venezia Giulia e-Welfare: Managing residential Region Network Systems 2002- systems for old people through IT networks 2003 PARTNERSHIP PARTNERSHIP ASS no. 1 "Triestina" ASS no. 2 "Isontina" ASS no. 3 "Alto Friuli" ASS no. 4 "Medio Friuli" ASS no. 5 "Bassa Friulana" ASS no. 6 "Friuli Occidentale" Notes on partnership AIM FUNDING LAW Execution, exchanges, outcomes and impacts of test interventions for health and development in microarea communities of the FVG territory Notes on Funding Regional health agency Art. 32, par. 15, of law 27 Dec 1997, no. 449 ERDF Art. 10 - Innovative Actions General goal of the Programme "FReNeSys" is to draw up a plan for establishing alliances, starting from the specific socio-economic resources of the Region; this plan will work through establishment of sectorial digital networks, connecting back to a system of isolated initiatives and thus supporting a more balanced development of the territory, optimising resources and raising competitiveness. This macrogoal breaks down into specific goals of intervention, corresponding to the 4 Programme Actions: (e-Services); (e-Cooperative Business); (eWelfare); (e-Health). e-Welfare: Management of residential system for the elderly through IT networks e-Health: New ways of managing health services in outlying mountain areas Regional health agency e-Health: New procedure for managing health services in remote mountain areas Nonos Ass (health service agency) no. 5 "Bassa Friulana" PRIORE Programme for Improving Residential Opportunities for the Non-Independent Elderly Ass no. 5 "Bassa Friulana" Caritas (charity) Diocese of Udine, ANTEA-FVG, MoVI and Conf Cooperative FVG Nonos has tested ways for activating and coordinating volunteer groups L.R. 3/2002 (Regional Law) (Percorsi di Cittadinanza - Courses for Citizenship) with the goals of activating the countries' resources and encouraging active citizen participation in considering the elderly, and in building together responses to their needs. It also tests the establishment of associations of family members (MuNUS) that act as references for organisation of services and assistance to families, taking up the traditions of the Mutue Cooperative (co-ops) in our territories and remaining firmly rooted in the social context of our country. DURATION TOTAL COST Start Date € 183.500,00 1/7/06 End Date 30/6/09 € 715.413,00 € 1.612.700,00 2003 2004 € 1.045.450,00 2003 2006 Europe Italy FVG Europe Italy FVG Europe Italy FVG Europe Italy FVG Call for Targeted Research Ministry of Health Managing the diabetic patient FVG Oracle Italia s.r.l. INSIEL S.p.A. ARS (for project coordination) National finance law Planning a model of integrated and shared disease management between MMG and regional health structures in terms of clinical protocol and management of information flow, through definition of a protocol of interoperability to facilitate the sharing of information in the process of continuity of care through extension of the system of hospital-territory integration in the area of Regional Health Information System (SISR). The project aims to define a more general reference system also suitable for integrated management of other chronic pathologies. State (Health Min.) 300,000.00 Regional resources (SSR) 400,000.00 Cofunding Oracle Italia s.r.l. 250,000.00 Cofunding INSIEL S.p.A. 250,000.00 Cofunding Regione FVG 400,000.00 Europe Italy FVG Call for Targeted Research Ministry of Health Functional surgery for Parkinson's disease in Deep Brain Stimulation FVG University of Rome Tor Vergata University of Trieste University of Ferrara University of Udine Hospital agency "S.Maria della Misericordia", Udine The end goal of the project is to optimise neurosurgical treatment of National finance law Parkinson's disease based on deep stimulation, through correlated electrophysiological and biochemical intraoperators. The aim is to obtain a better indication of candidates for treatment, also identifying the most suitable cerebral nucleus for stimulation for individual patients. art.12 and 12 bis of Law 502/92 as modified and integrated by legal decree no. 229/99). State (Health Min.) 196,000 Regional resources (SSR) 553,000 € 749.000,00 20/11/2002 19/11/2005 Europe Italy FVG Call for Targeted Research Ministry of Health Integrated clinical-pathological and molecular characterisation of mixed HCV-related mixed cryoglobulinemia FVG University Hospital of Udine University of Udine University of Trieste Hospital agency "S.Maria degli Angeli - Pordenone a) creation of database for clinical evaluation and management of a bank National finance law of biological material b) creation of bank of biological material conserved in ideal conditions for subsequent biomolecular studies c) identification and characterisation of patients for developing and designing innovative therapies d) activation of a research programme for development of gene therapy e) transfer of results at national level through clinical guidelines and research projects art.12 and 12 bis of Law 502/92 as modified and integrated by legal decree no. 229/99). State (Health Min.) 40,138 Regional resources 5,000 € 45.138,00 18/11/2002 18/08/2005 Europe Italy FVG Call for Targeted Research Ministry of Health Genetic polymorphisms as predictive FVG factors for pharmaceutical response in rheumatoid arthritis Hospital of Gorizia Hospital of Sacile University Hospital of Udine Identification of a pattern of polymorphism of gene coding for some key cytokines of the chronic inflammatory process of rheumatoid arthritis predictive of the course of a patient's clinical treatment National finance law € 68.800,00 18/11/2002 17/05/2005 Europe Italy FVG Call for Targeted Research Ministry of Health Genetic mechanisms predisposing to FVG and protecting against acute coronary syndromes Hospital agency S.Maria della Misericordia Centre for combating cardiovascular diseases ASS 4 Hospital San Raffaele IRCCS ICGEB TS Identification of genetic and environmental factors giving predisposition to triggering and protection against acute myocardial infarct National finance law art.12 and 12 bis of Law 502/92 as modified and integrated by legal decree no. 229/99). State (Health Min.) 58,800 Regional resources 10,000 art.12 and 12 bis of Law 502/92 as modified and integrated by legal decree no. 229/99). State (Health Min.) 392,000 Regional resources 437,500 € 829.500,00 02/12/2002 02/12/2005 Europe Italy FVG Call for Targeted Research Ministry of Health Creation of a multi-regional intrahospital register for serious traumas FVG Hospital agency S. Maria della Misericordia USL agency (local health unit), city of Bologna Hospital S. Camillo Forlanini, Rome Establishment of a stable system for gathering, storing, processing and exchanging a targeted collection of data on severely traumatised patients admitted to structures participating in the project Production of a detailed description of the existing situation in terms of homogeneity, efficacy and efficiency of the current acute pathways for assistance Use of data processing, including at international level, to identify areas of weakness of participating structures, contribution to the conception, development and evaluation of strategies, procedures and technologies for improvement, contribution to national and international scientific debate on this theme State 77,700 Regional resources 96,600 € 174.300,00 01/04/2004 01/04/2006 Europe Italy FVG Call for Targeted Research Ministry of Health Inter-regional comparison of state of health: identification and assessment of health indicators FVG ASL (local health agency) 10 Florence CNR Istituto Superiore di Sanità (Higher Institute of Health) The main result expected is to make available population data on the degree of health lost due partly to mortality but mainly through disability leading to maximisation of the efficacy of public health strategies State 103,300 Regional resources 130,100 Participant cofunding 72,000 € 305.400,00 22/12/2003 30/06/2006 Europe Italy FVG Call for Targeted Research Ministry of Health Genetic and environmental determinants of the threat of heart attack and response to treatment FVG Production of information for understanding unstable angina at first appearance, highlighting the mechanisms that cause coronary inflammation and its neuroendocrine component, and mechanisms by which it can in some cases be treated but in others causes coronary thrombosis. State 291,300 Region resources 346,700 € 638.000,00 06/04/2004 06/04/2007 Europe Italy FVG Call for Targeted Research Ministry of Health Molecular mechanisms of post-infarct negative and positive ventricular remodelling FVG ASS (health service agency) no. 4 "Medio Friuli" IRCCS H San Raffaele Scientific Inst. San Raffaele DIBIT Univ. TS Univ. UD Catholic University Sacro Cuore, Rome AOU TS Scientific Inst. San Raffaele, Milan Catholic University Sacro Cuore, Rome University La Sapienza, Rome The study aims to identify the biomolecular mechanisms affecting ventricular remodelling that is adverse or reparatory, in post-infarct and post-acute myocarditis State 138,000 Regional resources 100,000 Cofunding Internat. Heart Found. 200,000 € 438.000,00 02/05/2005 02/05/2007 Europe Italy FVG Call for Targeted Research Ministry of Health Identification, characterisation, growth FVG in vitro and therapeutic use of multipotent human mesenchymal cells University Hospital of Udine Hospital Agency S.Maria della Misericordia Identification, growth, in vitro differentiation and in vivo transplant of multipotent mesenchymal stem cells obtained from four different human tissues (bone marrow, liver, myocardium and adipose), study of time course of mobilisation of various classes of stem cells in the blood of heart-attack patients - assessment of immunomodulating potential of mesenchymal stem cells in inducing tolerance to allogenic cell transplant State 138,000 Cofunding 27,500 Regional resources 621,483 € 786.983,00 01/03/2005 01/03/2007 Europe Italy FVG Call for Targeted Research Ministry of Health FVG ASS no. 4 "Medio Friuli" Health Agency SA 3 Vallo della Lucania (SA) ULSS no. 4 Alto Vicentino ULSS no. 13 Dolo Mirano Development of instrumentation (ICT) and district-based services (Call centre and organised services hub), that can be replicated, for extrahospital management of chronic-degenerative pathologies State 150,000 Cofunding 135,000 Regional resources 100,000 € 385.000,00 16/03/2005 16/03/2007 Europe Italy FVG Call for Targeted Research Ministry of Health Operational model of district governance for integration and management of network of extrahospital services MODI For insertion in the workplace. An assessment of models used in the mental health depts. in user workplacement FVG Regions of Abruzzo, Basilicata, Calabria, Campania, Emilia - Romagna, FVG, Higher Institute of Health, Regions of Lazio, Liguria, Lombardy, Marche, Molise, A.P. Bolzano, Piedmont, Puglia, Sardinia, Sicily, Tuscany, A.P. Trento, Region of Umbria, Valle d'Aosta and Veneto State 215,000 Regional resources 10,750 Resources participating bodies 93,500 € 319.250,00 27/04/2006 27/04/2008 Europe Italy FVG Call for Targeted Research Ministry of Health National assessment of structures for FVG admission of acute psychiatric patients: ikl project PROGRESACUTI Survey and evaluation of organisational forms assumed by the DSM (mental health depts.) in 19 regions and 2 provinces as regards employment, paying attention to resources used, direct and indirect costs, and results obtained Interviews with local stakeholders to evaluate models used to encourage entry of users into world of production Distribution of results to DSM operators to raise awareness about the centrality of taking up employment and understanding the operational procedures for the best approaches Survey and evaluation of psychiatric structures that admit mentally disturbed patients for short- or medium-term stays in the territory of the 16 regions and A.P. and of the patients admitted Evaluation of a representative sample of these care structures Analysis of direct costs of the various structures Comparative evaluation of a representative sample of patients admitted, to define the related socio-demographic, clinical and care profiles, and to analyse the pathways leading up to the admission € 1.148.600,14 27/02/2002 26/02/2006 Europe Italy FVG Call for Targeted Research Ministry of Health Analysis and assessment of a management trial for running rehabilitation projects in psychiatry FVG ASS no. 5 "Bassa Friulana" ASS no. 2 "Isontina" ULSS no. 9 Treviso € 271.139,88 11/07/2001 31/12/2003 Europe Italy FVG Equal Maqram-Maqor Province of Udine ACLI, Ass asylum centre Balducci, Industrial Ass of Udine, Ass of African students in Friuli, Ass Icaro, Ass Emigre Workers of FVG, Ass Community Mediators, National Ass Beyond Borders FVG, Ass Research ethnoanthropological and social research, Ass Senegalese in FVG, Ass Neighbours, Confederal Chamber of territorial work Udinese lower Friuli, Chamber union prov IUL of Udine, Caritas of Udine, Prof Training Centre of Cividale, Immigrants Solidarity Centre, Internat. Volunt. Centre, Municipality of San Daniele, Munic. of S. Giovanni al N., Munic. of Udine, National Confed. Artisans and SME, Italian Council for Refugees, Cramars, IAl FVG, IRES FVG, Radio Spazio 103, RUE, CISL, University of Udine ESF 2000-2006 € 1.544.206,12 Europe Italy FVG Equal Extreme entrepreneurialism for an independent life IRES FVG - Ass Temporary scope ARCI, Ass IDEA, Paraplegics Ass FVG, CNA, Municipality of Aviano, Municipality of Terzo di Aquileia, Regional consultancy for disabled, CUPH, FINRECO, ICS, IRES FVG, Province of Trieste, Prov of Udine, Prov of PN, Italian Union for the Blind, University of Udine, University of Trieste ESF 2000-2006 € 1.265.636,18 Europe Italy FVG Equal ESF 2000-2006 € 1.136.508,54 Italy FVG Equal Province of Gorizia ESF 2000-2006 € 760.000,00 Europe Italy FVG Equal L.IN.D.A. Work, integration and mixed abilities ISO New. Social enterprise of Isontino and welfare network Rewriting the social contract Province of Udine Europe Cramars s.c. a r.l. ESF 2000-2006 Europe Italy FVG Innovative Actions Europe Italy FVG Innovative Actions Europe Italy FVG Innovative Actions Europe Italy FVG Innovative Actions Europe Italy FVG Innovative Actions Europe Italy FVG Innovative Actions Europe Italy FVG Innovative Actions Europe Europe Italy Italy FVG FVG Innovative Actions Innovative Actions Europe Italy FVG Innovative Actions Europe Italy FVG Innovative Actions Europe Italy FVG Innovative Actions FVG Budget INNOVACTIO Ass no. 5 "Bassa Friulana" Programme for development and transfer of innovative actions in the context of regional socio-health planning Regional network for R&D on new antiinfectious agents Characterisation of stem cells and their use in treatment of humans Biocheck - instrument for simulation and verification of biological models Diagnostic kit for diseases of genetic origin New anticancer treatment and drugs AITT identification of molecular targets in treatment of tumours Development of new drugs for photodynamic treatment of cancer Probe microscopy in biomedicine Study of mechanisms of muscular damage SPINAL - Laboratory for studies on bone marrow lesions New technologies for visualisation and use of stem cells Regional network for the study of lymphoproliferative diseases Higher Institute of Health, 14 regions and 2 autonomous provinces FVG Budget The project comes into play in planning and overhauling the set of socio- Regional funds DGR 688/99 health services offered to the elderly and Decree of Director of Goals: DCSPS 365/2005 Carry out the transfer and spread to regional system of the results obtained during the trial period Key points of the intervention: 1. Introduction of new VMD (multidimensional assessment) system 2. Reclassification of residential structures for the elderly 3. Financing of any possible independence 4. Support for Regional Health and Socio-Health Plan € 303.000,00 giu-05 lug-06 Reclassification of residential homes Regional funds DGR 429 of 4 Networked residential structures for the elderly March 2005 and Decree no. Introduction of the Val.Graf. MDA system 365/Plann. DGR 1508/06 Development of computer-based MDA system in areas with high mental health and disability; social and health integration according to ICF Instruments for socio-health integration Guidelines for living for the elderly Project goal Activity of development and promotion of innovative actions Outsourcing of guidelines € 550.000,00 2006 2008 Assessment of the impact of developing forms of public/private mixed ONLUS management on the community; adaptation of a sample of 130 users of the mental health service in personalised rehabilitation projects State Lire 964,000,000 (E. 497,864.45) Regional resources Lire 1,260,000,000 (E. 650,735.69) National finance law art.12 and 12 bis of Law 502/92 as modified and integrated by legal decree no. 229/99) State Lire 340,000,000 (E. 175,595.35) Regional resources Lire 185,000,000 (E. 95,544.53) € 1.600.000,00 mag-06 € 963.808,00 University of Trieste Udine and CRO L.R. 11/2003 (Regional Law) Art 11 € 227.500,00 University of Udine University of Trieste L.R. 11/2003 (Regional Law) Art 11 € 299.300,85 University of Udine University of Trieste, SISSA, LNCIB L.R. 11/2003 (Regional Law) Art 11 € 138.072,18 L.R. 11/2003 (Regional Law) Art 11 € 61.643,95 L.R. 11/2003 (Regional Law) Art 11 € 280.000,00 University of Trieste Callerio-Onlus Foundation, Burlo Garofolo, SISSA, Sincrotrone, CRO University of Udine, CRO, AREA Science Park L.R. 11/2003 (Regional Law) Art 11 € 300.000,00 University of Udine University of Trieste L.R. 11/2003 (Regional Law) Art 11 € 68.000,00 University of Trieste University of Udine University of Udine, SISSA University of Trieste, CRO L.R. 11/2003 (Regional Law) L.R. 11/2003 (Regional Law) Art 11 Art 11 € 87.942,20 € 244.778,60 SISSA L.R. 11/2003 (Regional Law) Art 11 € 298.327,20 ICGEB L.R. 11/2003 (Regional Law) Art 11 € 100.000,00 L.R. 11/2003 (Regional Law) Art 11 € 85.212,15 University of Trieste University of Trieste CRO University of Trieste, Univ of Udine mag-08 Europe Italy-Austria Interreg III-A International collaboration for treating the Hospital Agency S. Maria sick della Misericordia, Udine • Office of the regional government of Carinthia. • Regional care home: Landeskrankenhaus Villach – Hospital of Villach .Gaital – Klinik SKA Hermagor • Agency for health services/Sanitätsdienstbetrieb no. 5 “Bassa Friulana” • Agency for health services/Sanitätsdienstbetrieb no. 4 “Medio Friuli” • Agency for health services/Sanitätsdienstbetrieb no. 3 “Alto Friuli” • Agency for health services/Sanitätsdienstbetrieb no. 6 “Friuli occidentale” • Hospital agency/Krankenhausbetrieb “S. Maria degli Angeli” • Research and treatment institute/Wissenschaftliches Behandlungsinstitut “C.R.O.” • University hospital under direct management/Direkt geleitetes Universitätsgroßkrankenhaus (PUGD) Udine • ULSS socio-health Agency no. 2 di Feltre (BL) – Veneto Region Sanicademia - Internationale Fortbildungsakademie fur Gesundheitsberufe EWIV - International Academy for health professionals GEIE 1. exploit the specialisations of the various regions, through mutual Interreg III-A sharing of patients in specific departments 2. distribute availability in time of resources, to ensure optimal assistance for patients in emergencies 3. improve medical-scientific collaboration among the regions 4. strengthen joint activities of updating 5. for the operational hospitals establish a method for transmitting records that is both fast and accurate in handling data 6. create a common information platform 7. make information available to patients, with multilingual material 8. organise meetings to provide information to patients, doctors and hospital carers Ita-Aus 2000-06 € 280.000,00 1/7/03 31/12/07 Europe Italy-Slovenia Interreg III-A Equal opportunities in Alpe Adria Regional commission for equal opportunities for men and women Vlada Republike Slovenije - Urad za enake moznosti (Government of the Rep. of Slovenia - Office for equal opportunities) IRES Udine (contractor office of services for execution of the project) Interreg III-A Comparison and harmonisation of regulations and standards on equal opportunities in force in Friuli Venezia Giulia and Slovenia, with positive consequences for both women residents in the socio-economic contexts of both border countries, and for all associations, bodies, institutions, organs of equality, commissions active in promoting equal opportunities in the two cases. Integration between the above-mentioned bodies and institutions through the study, comparison and sharing of knowledge about good practice found in the two border situations. Ita-Slo 2000-06 € 188.400,00 19/5/04 31/12/06 Europe Italy-Slovenia Interreg III-A Due Mondi ("Two Worlds") Municipality of Stregna Municipality of Prepotto Municipality of Canale (Obcina Kanal ob Soci) Interreg III-A Establish a series of contacts between the municipalities of Stregna, Prepotto and bordering municipalities and the Municipality of Canale (SLO), with bordering municipalities, in order to resolve problems of poor life quality and marginalisation of many citizens. Ita-Slo 2000-06 € 37.500,00 Europe Italy-Slovenia Interreg III-A Cross-border co-operation in provision of Agency for health services Municipality of Gorizia health services no. 2 "Isontina" International Institute of Sociology (ISIG) Zdravstveni Dom Osnovno Varstvo Nova Gorica Splosna Bolnisnica "Dr. Franca Derganca" Nova Gorica Mestna Obcina Nova Gorica Obcina Sempeter Vrtojba Cesta Goriske Fronte 1) lay foundations for future integration of structures following entrance of Interreg III-A Slovenia into the EU, in order to give efficient service to an extensive area of about 250,000 residents; 2) identify opportunities for collaboration and integration between the two hospitals and related health services within the border area; 3) identify and promote all possible synergies between the two structures in terms of existing skills and new services to be developed; 4) extend and consolidate collaboration between the two hospitals of Gorizia and Sempeter pri Gorici, and the related territory; 5) improve quality of life in the extended area of the three municipalities through professional services of medical prevention and specialist care. Ita-Slo 2000-06 € 413.000,00 14/9/05 14/9/07 Europe Italy-Slovenia Interreg III-A Collaboration for treating the sick - Illness Hospital agency S. Maria without borders della Misericordia, Udine Interreg III-A Exploitation of medical specialisations within the border regions, with sharing of patients in predefined contexts, optimised care for emergency patients, improvement in medical-scientific co-operation between regions, joint activity of updating, and data links among the hospitals concerned Ita-Slo 2000-06 € 363.000,00 1/1/06 31/12/07 Europe Italy-Slovenia Interreg III-A Senza muri ("Without walls") Health services agency no. 2 "Isontina" 1) promotion of knowledge and encouragement of integration between Interreg III-A Italians and Slovenians, with particular attention on youngsters in the agerange 14-25 years; 2) demonstration that a model of local social public/private consultation can expand the real opportunities for social integration of marginalised people through involvement of institutions in direct relationships of partnership with the sphere of social co-operation, the business world, and associations and volunteer groups 3) recovery of the border area of the former OPP "Parco Basaglia", effectively abandoned and lifeless, to create "social capital" in the sense of a network of relationships able to mobilise and promote collective action 4) development of entrepreneurial activity aimed at insertion of the disadvantaged into the world of employment, in a context of "social enterprise", through creation of new jobs and ability to earn a living and be self-supporting Ita-Slo 2000-06 € 655.000,00 1/6/04 30/6/07 Europe Italy-Slovenia Interreg III-A+D46 Border events Regional institute of Slovenia for professional education - Trieste Municipality of Monrupino SKGZ - Slovenian cultural and economic union SSO - Confederation of Slovenian organisations SLORI - Slovenian institute of research Sklad Mitja Cuk Onlus Lupusinfabula Association Trieste Netzapping di Miran Pecenik Trieste Municipality of Divaca Enigma s.r.l. Koper Drustvo Interes Ljubljana 1) create and launch a cross-border network between public and private Interreg III-A entities engaged in youth work 2) identify the needs of young people, providing consultancy in order to give adequate response 3) compile and organise databases on topics of relevance to young people 4) create opportunities for rediscovery of the reference territory partly through promotion of events for young tourists 5) revitalise the reference territory by opening up public areas dedicated to this age-group 6) encourage debate about policies for the young 7) encourage knowledge of the various welfare organisations in the border areas Ita-Slo 2000-06 € 230.787,79 1/9/05 31/3/08 Europe Italy-Slovenia Interreg III-A Observatory on social policies in FVG Association of New Rights, Trieste A.S.S. n. 4 "Medio Friuli" CGIL Regional Union FVG CISL FVG UIL Regional Union FVG Confindustria FVG League of Cooperatives FVG Ires FVG Bolznica Sezana Socialno - Varstveni Zavod Dutovljie Psihiatricna Bolnisnica Idrija Center za Socialno delo Nova Gorica Sent Ljubljana Interreg III-A Contribute to overcoming obstacles resulting from diversity in the socio-economic system, starting out from a comparative analysis of the transformations under way in the organisational models of welfare in FVG and Slovenia. Study of the social policies to be carried out paying particular attention to how they fit into the social problems emerging in the reference territory Ita-Slo 2000-06 € 633.000,00 13/7/04 26/5/07 Europe Italy-Slovenia Interreg III-A Study of the mechanisms involved in the University Department anticancer protein TRAIL in human Biomedical Clinic, normal and neoplastic cells University of Trieste University Department Clinic of general surgical sciences, anaesthesiology and intensive medicine - UCO of General Surgery, University of Trieste A.S.S. no. 2 "Isontina" - Surgical Operative Unit Institute of Cell Biology (IBC), Faculty of Medicine, University of Ljubljana General Hospital of Izola 1) analyse the biological activity of the protein TRAIL in normal and Interreg III-A malignant human urothelial or colon cells; 2) elucidate the molecular basis underlying the biological activity of TRAIL in these cell models; 3) explore pharmacological combinations, in order to boost the cytotoxicity of TRAIL for malignant urothelial or colon neoplasia Ita-Slo 2000-06 € 225.000,00 1/1/05 30/9/07 Europe Italy-Slovenia Interreg III-A Research, territory, scientific information Department of Italian campaigns. The case of Lyme's disease studies, language, on the cross-border Carso communication and Municipality of Doberdò del Lago (GO) International Centre for Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology ICGEB Trieste Municipality of Sgonico Municipality of Monrupino Fucine Mute ONLUS Trieste Municipality of Miren - Kostanjevica Municipality of Komen Department of Biology University of Trieste Dermatological Clinic Cattinara Hospital Arbovirus Unit Laboratory of Virology Higher Institute of Health Hospital of S. Antonio S. Daniele del Friuli Department of Infectious Diseases University Medical Center Ljubljana Institute of Microbiology and Immunology University of Ljubljana The general goal of raising awareness about the risks of Lyme's disease in the territory, and also the goal of promoting and developing scientific research on the reference topics at international level. Also the distribution of scientific information to the population of the cross-border Carso area affected by the phenomenon of borreliosis, to promote scientific-environmental issues that concern the territory itself. Interreg III-A Ita-Slo 2000-06 € 220.000,00 1/3/02 31/3/06 Produce by extrapolating data from sampling stations (green index, Interreg III-A humidity index, temperature, vegetation type, avifauna, mammals, number of ticks present, level of infectivity of B.burgdorferi and any TBE virus), a map of habitats favouring Ixodes ricinus. By crosschecking the map of habitats with data for clinical cases recorded, the data for sieropositivity of the forest, the infectivity of ticks collected, a map of potential risk of disease transmission will be produced, for use at territorial prevention level to give indications in the areas at highest risk. A taxonomic map of the genospecies of the various habitats will then be produced, for the composition of diagnostics, development of vaccines and indications for treatment. Ita-Slo 2000-06 € 254.000,00 1/1/05 30/6/07 1. ITALY: Piedmont, Lombardy (Mountain Community of Morbegno Valtellina), FVG (Tesantelevita S.r.l.– Udine), Veneto, GAL Appennino Genovese, Autonomous Province of Trento. 2. AUSTRIA: Regional Forum Pongau. 3. SLOVENIA: RRA Severne Primorske Regjiska Razvojna Agencija – Nova Gorica. 4. SWITZERLAND: HEVs (Sierre), Municipality of Valle di Blenio, Ticino Informatica. FVG (ARS), Lombardy, Slovenia, Hungary The project will support and raise the level of services in mountain territories, partly through creation of multifunction centres. There are two basic lines of operation: - support for small commercial enterprises in the close neighbourhood; - support and improvement of socio-assistance services for the citizen. Interreg III-B 300.000,00. 2004 2006 Definition of a common operational structure for the development of digital services and introduction of the European Health Insurance Card (EHIC) Interreg III-C € 903.607,00 set-04 feb-07 Interreg III-C € 394.800,00 show business, University of Trieste Europe Italy-Slovenia Interreg III-A Assessment of risk of infection with Department of Lyme's disease and other diseases Biomedical Sciences, transmitted by the tick in the foothills and University of Trieste cross-border territory of FVG and Slovenia: creation of risk maps A.S.S. no. 1 "Triestina" A.S.S. no. 3 "Alto Friuli" A.S.S. no. 4 "Medio Friuli" A.S.S. no. 5 "Bassa Friulana" A.S.S. no. 6 "Friuli Occidentale" University hospital under direct management Hospital Splosna Bolnisnica Jesenice Splosna Bolnisnica Izola Provincial Administration of Gorizia Municipality of Gorizia Regional Directorate for Agriculture Provincial Committee of CONI International Institute of Sociology (ISIG) Consortium of Social Cooperatives "Il Mosaico" Regional Union of Associations for Mental Health Social Cooperative "Il grande carro" Gorizia Cultural Association Graphiti Gorizia Cultural Association Seghizzi Gorizia Cultural Association "Terzo Teatro" Gorizia Sports Association Lucinico Calcio Gorizia Musical Group "Gino Pipia e i Trovieri" Gorizia Theatre Association "Teatrilandia" Gorizia Sports Club Adria - Gorizia Sports Association for Basket "Unione sportiva goriziana" Association of P.S. LAB Gorizia Health District of Nova Gorica Municipality of San Pietro-Vertoiba Cesta Goriske Fronte Municipality of Nova Gorica Cultural and Artistic Association ENA Cesta Goriske Fronte San Pietro - Slovenia Sports and Artistic Association SUD Vertojbica San Pietro Slovenia Sports Association Mark Podmark San Pietro - Slovenia QUALIMA – Quality of life improvement through support to public and private services in rural areas of the Alps FVG CADSES INCO-HEALTH Veneto Region Central-East Europe INNOREF University of Patras (WG) INNOMED Development of a health information system for improving efficacy and quality of medical care IV Health and Social Affairs Commission online with the European project “Regional Consultancy for the Disabled in Friuli Venezia Giulia” and the Italian Disability Network (DIN), with the support of WHO Multimedia Centre Terni spa (Udine) University Hospital in Olomuc (Czech Rep.) Europe Alps Adriatic working community Alps Adriatic Disability Network Europe Mahdie: Measuring health and disability in Europe Supporting policy development Besta Institute, Milan ARS FVG, Lombardy Region, DIN, Slovenia, University of Madrid, WHO, University of Applied Sciences of Zurich, National Romanian Authority for the Disabled, Charles University (Czech Rep.), Medical University of Hamburg, University Ludwig of Monaco, European Federation of Neurology, National Authority for the Disabled (Ireland), University of Malardaren (Sweden) Europe EMERGENCY IN ALPE ADRIA FVG To facilitate the free circulation of people, and simplify access to services for the growing number of tourists in the enlarged Europe, it is proving vital today to reach agreement at political-administrative level to support the costs of emergency health services; this is handled differently by the various states and regions. Europe PROTECTION OF INFANTS AT RISK Ministry of Health, Slovenia Project for assessment and application of the EUROPET guidelines (transport for pregnant women and newborn at risk) in the Alpe Adria regions: data gathering and workshops with experts Europe QUALITY OF HEALTH SERVICE Europe GROUP OF PROJECTS ”ANZIANI” "THE ELDERLY" NETWORK FOR CLINICS SOCIAL PROTECTION SOCIAL DATABASE Europe Central-East Europe Europe Europe Europe Spazio Alpino Interreg III-B Veneto, Croatia, Slovenia, Baranya county (Hungary), Carinthia, Stiria, Lombardy and Vas county Network of politicians and technicians working towards a basic challenge Alpe Adria funds for the new enlarged Europe, starting from pilot experience in the Alpe Adria Regions. The objective is in fact to compare experience, proposals and projects, in order to provide increasingly good response and a better quality of life to the growing number of disabled - and more generally "non-independent" (whether permanent or temporary) - through a multidimensional approach. Veneto Region, Slovenia, Hungarian counties of Vas, Zala, Baranya and Gyor-Moson-Sopron, and the Austrian "Land" of Burgerland and Steiermark Gyor-Moson-Sopron county Baranya county Set up a web site describing the social scenario and activities carried out by the social institutions. € 9.000,00 UNOPS CITY to CITY South-East Europe Republic of Serbia Path for training, technical assistance, exchange of experience and local pilot actions, for supporting the Ministry of Work and Social Policy of the Republic of Serbia in formulating a medium- to long-term strategy for planning and integration of social and assistance policy South-East Europe Republic of Serbia BAMBINI…PER COMINCIARE CHILDREN…TO BEGIN WITH” South-East Europe Republic of Serbia Kraljevo South-East Europe Republic of Serbia South-East Europe Republic of Serbia South-East Europe Montenegro Improving the status of the disabled in Agency for Local Montenegro and highlighting 2003 as Democracy of Niksic (Montenegro) European Year of the Disabled South-East Europe Bosnia Herzegovina Training and launch of interventions for AUSER FVG - Association home-based assistance promoted by female associations of various ethnic groups in the Prijedor territory (Bosnia Herzegovina) South-East Europe Bosnia Herzegovina Healthy teeth for smiling children, Bosnia Caritas (charity) Trieste Herzegovina Diocese South-East Europe Macedonia (FYROM) Roman Center (Macedonia) South-East Europe - IRCCS Burlo Garofolo Collaboration with the health institutions of the Reps of Serbia and Montenegro ASS no. 2 "Isontina" Kracujevac Dental service for the children of Kracujevac (Serbia) "Non bombe, ma solo caramelle" Association ("Sweets, Not Bombs") Valjevo Valjevo A.D.+D.S. Integrated domestic assistance (Serbia) Caritas di Concordia (charity) Pordenone Balkans and Adriatic regions Topana. FVG General goal: support the Ministry of Work and Social Policy of the € 55.000,00 Jun-2005 FVG (section on international coRepublic of Serbia in activities of programming, planning of social operation) + UNOPS City to City policies programme Specific goals: a) promote paths for development and updating of professionality of those engaged in the social and health system, in particular as regards strategies for social integration, on topics of safeguarding public health, and actions aimed at encouraging conditions of equality and equal access to services by the entire population; b) spread of organisational, technological and scientific innovation for broadening opportunities for development of local players, with particular reference to themes of organisation and management of social, health and educational services, of democratic governance, local economic development that is internationalised, and culture; c) technical assistance to local institutions and associations in defining possible joint project activities in the sectors of insurance, assistance, education, health, and work placement, removal of architectural barriers, communication, sport, and social tourism; d) making available necessary regulatory and administrative instruments for creation of phases of planning and activation of the programmes as detailed above. Ufficio Tutore pubblico Minori FVG (Public Office for Protection of Minors, FVG) The project “BAMBINI…PER COMINCIARE - CHILDREN…TO BEGIN FVG (section on international co€ 30.000,00 gen-05 dic-06 WITH” falls into the context of protection of minors and within centralised operation) co-operation activities which the FVG Region is to carry out under its projects supporting processes of democratisation in the Balkans. The Region has agreed to finance the project through the intervention of the IRCCS Institute Burlo Garofolo of Trieste, a children's hospital and research institute of international reputation and wide experience, through international collaborations on health and organisation of services in the territory, and with the collaboration of the Public Office for Protection of Minors, a regional body that oversees and promotes children's rights with considerable activity of staff training in the territory of local administrators and local police bodies. On a background of networks and implementation of the relationship of long-term interregional co-operation, in the context of actions and directives already launched within the City to City programme with Serbia's Ministry of Welfare, the present project has a general goal of promoting practices of safeguarding and protecting childhood from educational, psycho-social and health points of view, through the spread of culture about children and adolescents in line with the Inter Furthermore, support will to belaunch given to development integration between of the system social and health Law) services, to encourage the spread of organisational skills and independent development of good practice The present project aims and strengthen of collaboration L.R. of 19/2000 (Regional € 46.125,76 2003 2005on the basis of training processes we have alrea local health institutions and those of the regional territory. In order to cope with the clear structural limits, the following actions have been launched: - donation of instruments for haematological diagnosis; - training and hospitality for 3 doctors from Serbia in health laboratories in Monfalcone; - donation of medical equipment. The Project of Collaboration with Serbia, which began in 2003, has allowed: I. Donation of laboratory equipment (haematology) II. Training of personnel from Serbia in Italy III. Creation of a commercial network in collaboration with Italian companies IV. Donation of reagents for the equipment donated The programme continued in 2004 with: V. Donation of lab equipment for immunometric analysis VI. Donation of instruments for rehabilitation VII. Donation of consumables VIII. Courses in Italian for nurses The project is run on two levels: allow clinical activity to be carried out in L.R. 19/2000 (Regional Law) € 48.900,00 2004 2006 dental surgeries at the hospital of Kragujevac; oversee the launch of training in dental prevention in children with Down's syndrome. The project will broaden activities of the headquarters, setting up a new dental service open to all children of the municipality of Kragujevac, also able to work with children with Down's syndrome. For this purpose, instrumentation will be acquired for two full dental studios, aimed first of all at providing assistance to children in care or handicapped, as well as young cancer patients. The equipment will be given for free use, and may not be used for other purposes such as for self-employment. Once it is installed, the new surgeries will set up updating courses for the 6 dentists and 10 dental nurses at the headquarters, according to new WHO guidelines on children's dentistry. These courses will be run by COI volunteers. Under the second phase of the project, as well as the opening of new health services to all citizens, a dental programme will be launched for children with Down's syndrome. Goals: • Contribute toof improving the living conditions of Concordia, the population of Kragujevac, social development through actions of health and health education The presence the Diocese Caritas (charity) of Pordenone L.R. encouraging 19/2000 (Regional Law) € 20.500,00 2005 in Serbia dates back to the early months of 2001, the year when the twinning project began with the Caritas of Valjevo. The area of the city of Valjevo suffered intense bombing during 1999, since they were a number of war-related industries there. In 2001, a programme for homebased care was launched to provide assistance to those who were not independent, lived alone, had no access to social assistance, or where it was completely absent. This activity has gradually replaced the initial aid and is still in progress, giving assistance to a large number of people. In 2005, the project of Home-Care (Assistenza Domiciliar) was united with the aid programme module "Donne Sole" (Women Alone), whose goal is the permanent hiring of three young mothers as domestic helpers, in order to be able to give care to their children, and to allow the work of washing and ironing for assisted people. This activity is very important, since it allows support to be given to three young mothers for whom no other legal form of maintenance can be guaranteed. This module was launched towards the end of 2005, and will become fully operational in 2006, since the launch phase has been dedicated to obtaining the instruments needed for carrying out the wor The long-term goal of the module "DS", within three years, is establishment of a co-operative or other form of association to allow the three people to manage a laundry and cleaning shop. FVG Region + Regional Consultancy for Disabled Association FVG Skopje Caritas (charity) Gorizia Diocese ADRIA SAFE – Establishment of a monitoring system in the Adriatic area for health risk factors linked to biotoxins Establishment of an Observatory on large vertebrates - Innovative Phytopurification Project: Training courses for treating alcoholism for socio-health operators and launch of self-help groups in the Iasi Region of Romania Emilia-Romagna - Region Central Directorate for health and social welfare - Public Veterinary Health Service The year 2003 was proclaimed by the European Commission and the FVG € 18.000,00 ago-03 apr-04 Movement for the Disabled as the European Year of People with Disabilities. The aim was partly to underline the barriers encountered and the discrimination met by disabled people, and to improve their lives. This gave the local democracy agency (ADL) the opportunity to include rights for disabled people among its activities. ADL has decided to take the initiative in this area in view of the discrimination against disabled adults and minors, including the obstacles they have to overcome every day in order to live and participate fully in society on the basis of shared respect for other citizens, as well as exclusion from work and education, and also through lack of health structures and adequate medical treatment. Disabled people encounter barriers when seeking and keeping work, but also in finding means of transport they are able to use, buildings and structures that are physically accessible, or getting access to education. These barriers all too often prevent the disabled from having a full role in society. However, one of the chief obstacles encountered by the disabled is the negative and disabling attitude of society itself. Project goals: - raise awareness among the disabled, to provide protection against discrimination and to guarantee full and fair recognition of constitutional rights, - raise publicarises awareness about the forms of to disability types of discrimination experienced, The project from the need tovarious give assistance victimsand (women, L.R. 19/2000 (Regional Law) € 81.449,36 2002 2006 children, displaced persons, refugees) of the war of the former Federal Socialist Republic of Yugoslavia, in the city of Prjiedor, in north-west Bosnia Herzegovina. The project proposed falls into various phases (duration 2 years). The hygiene, health and care conditions will be improved for the weakest section of the population, victims of ethnic cleansing during the war that began in 1992. The aim is allow these people to determine their own lives and make choices, in future conditions of work through forms of local enterprise or co-operation. The co-operation project already launched in recent years will continue to pursue social and economic development of women, as those in most need but at the same time able to act as concrete human resources for launch and establishment of services aimed at improving health and care conditions of those who are least protected (the elderly, invalids, families with problems, etc.). The aim however, is not to operate sectorially, but to give aid to anyone in difficulty or suffering. In this way, the project launches and promotes concrete actions supporting human rights and a culture of peace. In particular, the project willa strengthen actions of collaboration associations to different ethnic groups. In previous action,€this networking encouraged by the project led to joint discussion meetings by Serbs and Muslims r The project aims to set up fully equipped dental surgery, and among then to various L.R. local 19/2000 (Regionalbelonging Law) 14.000,00 2005 2006 launch the practice for dental care required by children, young people, and adults of the Sacra Famiglia Centre and the Nazareth Centre. In December 2004, a dental chair was taken to Mostar, along with a full complement of dental equipment (second-hand but working), as well as other equipment needed for the practice, partly donated by the volunteer association “Insieme si può” (Together We Can) of Belluno. Later, in February 2005, the equipment was set up and installed by a specialist technician from Trieste. Goals: • Provide dental health at the handicapped rehabilitation Sacra Famiglia Centre and the Nazareth Centre of the Caritas (charity) of Mostar • Set up a dental practice at the Sacra Famiglia Centre • Provide dental treatment for those in care at the Sacra Famiglia Centre and the Nazareth Centre • Train local staff (dental doctors, dental technicians, dental hygienist and dental equipment technician) to run the dental practice and provide continuity and follow-up to those in care at the Sacra Famiglia Centre and the Nazareth Centre after our intervention is complete • Train operators (nurses, educators, and other specialist personnel) of the Sacra Famiglia Centre and Nazareth Centre on topics of dental hygiene and prevention of dental problems, especially for handicapped persons (whether physical or mental). • Through information campaigns covering the specific project, and in general the activities of collaboration between the Caritas of the Trieste diocese and that of Mostar, raise awareness in the local communities in Trieste and in Friuli Venezia Giulia ab L.R. 19/2000 (Regional Law) The project has strong social implications, in view of the desire to improve the very clear problem of inability to read and write of the Rom children (the Rom have many needs, including unemployment, intolerance of the Macedonian people). The Caritas, together with the humanitarian association IRHOM, intends to manage the activity of a social centre that has the goal of helping in pre-school and after-school education of Rom children. The main players are the Caritas of Gorizia, which has been operating in the Balkans for years, and the humanitarian association IHROM in Skopje, with which a protocol of collaboration has been signed. The main goal is to raise the level of instruction and education of the Rom children, through a continuous programme, thereby lowering the level of marginalisation and discrimination these populations are subject to. Interreg III-A € 21.312,32 2001 This concerns an action of prevention and fighting of alcohol addiction, L.R. 19/2000 (Regional Law) which is a very widespread disease in the Region of Iasi, an area to the north-east of the country, bordering Moldavia. The goal is to strengthen local health structures through information and training courses on topics related to alcohol addiction. Final goals are to strengthen local health structures through awarenessraising of 200 health and social operators, and build capacity for prevention and fighting alcohol addiction through activation of 10 selfhelp groups in the territory concerned. € 25.402,72 2001 Romania Programme for treating alcohol-related European School for problems Alcohology and Ecological Psychiatry The European School of Alcohology and Ecological Psychiatry is tackling L.R. 19/2000 (Regional Law) alcohol-related problems in the country, with the aim of improving a scenario of poor life-style and social and personal marginalisation. The following results have been obtained so far: - The constitution of a team of volunteers, both professional and otherwise, in the territory of Iasi, able to support people and families with problems of multiple addiction. - Establishment of a residential centre with 6 beds and a medical surgery. - Creation of a network of clubs for alcoholics undergoing treatment (Hudolin method), working in the territory and then an association of clubs for alcoholics undergoing treatment (ACAT), in part so that they can run independently, without discrimination by faith or ethnic group. - Creation of a family house for minors (homeless children) aimed at prevention of juvenile delinquency and alcohol addiction, and with a goal of finding employment and strengthening personal resources to guarantee a better future. € 15.000,00 2006 Palestine Collaboration with the Union of Palestinian Medical Relief Committees for basic socio-health interventions at Nablus The general goal is to improve the access by people in the Nablus region L.R. 19/2000 (Regional Law) and refugee camps, to free health and social services provided by Medical Relief. Salaam identifies and prepares (in collaboration with Assopace) the Italian volunteers who are able to spend one or more periods of more than 15 days in Nablus, working with Medical Relief. Each volunteer is asked to join the mobile clinic going out to the villages: the presence of an international team always eases border crossing, presence at refugee camp headquarters, and issues related to curfews. The project also aims to provide medical relief through a new mobile clinic vehicle (there are currently two). These are needed to extend and facilitate the preventive health service to villages and refugee camps in the Nablus region. € 56.250,00 2004 Romania South-East Europe Middle East Salaam Committee Bambini dell'Ulivo (Children of the Olive Tree) 2004 Transfrontaliero Adriatico (Adriatic cross-border) CVCS Volunteer Centre for Social Co-operation South-East Europe Aug-2006 2002 2006 Africa Algeria Optics laboratory Ass Pentalux The project concerns the socio-health context; the beneficiaries are the L.R. 19/2000 (Regional Law) people of Saharawi currently at the refugee camp in the south of Algeria. The project developed out of the need to give maximum coverage of a service to protect eyesight, as response to the high number of requests for day-centre check-ups, in particular by adults and the elderly; the project will also involve the complete rebuilding of a work area (found by the Saharawi people) that meets the project requirements, and the availability of all essential material. The problem of eyesight is severe in the population owing to the strong light of the location, the abundance of dust and sand brought in by strong desert winds, and the poor conditions of hygiene. € 13.500,00 2005 Middle East Palestine Youth Centre of Biddu: action to fight social problems and prevention of domestic violence ICS - Italian Consortium for Solidarity The project aims to provide concrete support to civilians of Palestine, L.R. 19/2000 (Regional Law) particularly the vulnerable young and adolescents, by strengthening the Juvenile Centre at Biddu and promoting activities to fight social exclusion and domestic violence. The project includes establishment at Biddu of an audiovisual laboratory for social communication, and a series of other specific activities (workshops, theatre performances, awareness-raising events) about domestic violence. The training and support to the local partner (the young people's association Dialogue Youth Forum) represents one of the central goals of the project, and will be pursued through constant presence alongside the proposer in carrying out the common activities, and also with information-gathering visits to groups and organisations in FVG working in the field of young people's groups. € 17.027,50 2005 Middle East Lebanon PROJECT (Youth): project to launch an integrated youth centre - Shabab Un Ponte per… Association "A Bridge for …" € 49.769,00 2005 Indian SubContinent India Bhopal Children's Home International Adoption Association L.R. 19/2000 (Regional Law) This project is a response to a series of requests advanced by the National Institution of Social Care and Vocational Training - Assumoud. The basic idea is to provide equipped areas for young people from the fields, and where possible to organise leisure, cultural, sports activities, including opportunities for socialising and learning activities (with repetition of school lessons as necessary), thereby allowing these young people to organise themselves and improve their creative and relational abilities. L.R. 19/2000 (Regional Law) The Bhopal Children House project in the village of Samardha near Bhopal in Madhya Pradesh is to build a multifunctional structure in a severely deprived part of India. The building, on a large piece of land donated by the local authorities, has a horse-shoe shaped ground floor where we have created school structures for primary and middle-school children. The school education programme, which is completely free, also includes provision of text books, notebooks and other materials, free meals, as well as courses on hygiene and handling food and water in a territory that is still strongly compromised by methyl isocyanate. On the upper floor, specialist medical studios are being installed: orthopaedic, dental, gynaecological, as well as rooms with baby incubators and hospital centre for children. Middle East Iraq Sinbad - health education campaign Colors Association The Sinbad Programme is an intervention launched by the Association L.R. 19/2000 (Regional Law) "Un ponte per... " and since 1995 has had the goal of treating gastrointestinal pathologies in the Basra area, through actions such as specific treatment of gastrointestinal pathologies, provision of drinking water, and educational campaigns of prevention, involving teaching the correct ways for handling water and food. The project educational campaign is based on information material to be distributed to users of the food store and their families. The end users of the initiative will be around 10,000 patients treated annually. € 5.950,00 2003 Latin America Brazil Training of social educators at Recife (Brazil) IPSIA Istituto Pace Sviluppo Innovazione ACLI Institute for Peace Development Innovation The present proposal is one of concrete actions of social prevention for minors and young people at risk, through qualification and support for social educators, and for communities engaged in creation and support of networks of solidarity among people, and also support for building a solid economy L.R. 19/2000 (Regional Law) € 75.468,56 2001 2006 Latin America Equador Neque y mas neque - From strength to strength - children and youth at risk Municipality of Casarsa € 68.393,99 2001 2005 Latin America Chile Introduction and development of an ecological/social model for problems linked to alcohol and other addictions, Maule Region, Chile ACCRI - International Christian Co-operation Association L.R. 19/2000 (Regional Law) The project goal is to give educational, recreational and family support for children and young people at risk of social exclusion. Support is to be offered to the many activities in the parish of San Josè, to prevent risks of hunger, health problems, economic poverty, and to establish permanent co-operation among the various components of the community. L.R. 19/2000 (Regional Law) The project aims to give socio-health support to families involved in social security related to recurring pathologies such as alcoholism and drug-addiction in a region of Chile suffering from severe problems of this type. The proposer (ACCRI) has been running self-help projects for many years in Africa and Latin America; in this context, collaboration will be launched with a local foundation in the diocese (CRATE) that specialises in basic socio-health care and prevention of alcohol addiction € 95.263,61 2001 2005 Latin America Bolivia Virginia Madriz Special Education Centre Institute of The Sisters of for Deaf Children the Holy Virgin Mary Queen of the Holy Rosary L.R. 19/2000 (Regional Law) € 28.800,00 2001 2002 Latin America Argentina Support and improvement of socio-health Iscos Cisl FVG conditions in two settlements of Jujuy L.R. 19/2000 (Regional Law) € 22.789,39 2003 2005 Latin America Peru Santa Maria Maggiore in PEN Three logs for one fire. Twinning with the Codroipo Parish Centre for disabled children and youth Hogar Maria de Nazareth, the Misioneros de Jesus, and the Community of Codroipo for building and strengthening solidarity between peoples L.R. 19/2000 (Regional Law) The project aims to allow social integration of disabled children and youngsters who have been marginalised in the forest area. The activities fall into three areas: A - Promotion of the disabled young of the Hogar Maria de Nazareth of Yurimaguas Centre through creation of craft laboratories for printing, cutting/packaging, and IT (all are types of work requiring little physical effort); B - Improvement of 4 hygiene/health services to meet the needs of disabled children and youngsters, in order to facilitate use and ensure better health and in particular greater dignity; C - Exchange of experience, volunteers, knowledge and cultural heritage. € 32.775,00 2004 2006 Latin America Equador Support for prevention and health care in ALISEI Association the cantons of Quijos and El Chaco in the Amazon Province of Napo The project aim is to play a role in responding to the increasing demand L.R. 19/2000 (Regional Law) for public health by extending and equipping the Canton Hospital of Baeza, built in March 1987 through Italian co-operation, supporting the health education programme under way, supporting health programmes coordinated by the hospital, and development of a micro agro-animal husbandry business (vegetables, small animals), for demonstration purposes and for provision of food to patients of the hospital itself. € 69.440,00 2005 2006 Latin America Argentina Esteves Social Promotion Centre Fuoric'entro Poly-Sports Centre The Esteves hospital, a psychiatric hospital for women operating under L.R. 19/2000 (Regional Law) the Ministry of Health, has for years had the goal of an alternative form of psychiatric hospitalisation. The project falls into this context, and has the aim of establishing a polysports centre open to the community, to help build local networks that promote places of approach midway between the institution's interior and exterior. The sports centre will be built on the hospital premises, with external entrance designed to break down barriers and allow the community into the hospital. The new centre will create spaces for communication, and offer opportunities for patients to work and express themselves, and finally generate exchange through sports and social activities that promote health in the widest sense. € 22.500,00 2005 2006 Latin America Mexico The time of Sobada: childbirth practice and knowledge in a Mayan village Association for EthnoAnthropological and Social Research (FVG areas) L.R. 19/2000 (Regional Law) € 16.895,00 2006 The project goal is improvement in maternal health and assistance in childbirth. This is to be achieved through highly efficient communication between users and health operators, as well as improved knowledge about the various approaches to health in traditional medicine. The need to understand the practices involved and have sound knowledge about childbirth - apparently remote from a biomedical approach - explains the rationale behind the research, as a source of knowledge that is practical and operational, not theoretical. The research results then constitute a tool for producing material for health education and training. Goals: - Improve maternal health, in line with millennium goals for reproductive health. - Strengthen capacity to provide adequate service for reproductive health at all levels, improving the quality of services and increasing their use by promoting, in an intercultural perspective, improved knowledge and communication among health operators (biomedical and traditional) and women of childbearing age. To increase and extend women's access to the most effective interventions in reproductive health, empowering them in a general sense. - Encourage self-development of the community of Kaua (village in Mexico) and strengthen Mayan ethnic-cultural identity in a context of change due to spread of western models/lifestyles, promoting the preservation, transmission and utilisation of the in Latin America Brazil Assisted Freedom Community Oikos Africa Ivory Coast The chains of freedom: local development, social enterprise and mental health at Bouakè Consortium of Social Cooperatives The project goals are introduction and trial at the Ezechiele Ramin L.R. 19/2000 (Regional Law) Centre of personally-tailored paths for social reintegration of 30 youngsters with criminal record (prison sentence) and/or other alternative measures, setting out from the needs and resources of these beneficiaries, families and local institutions in the quarters of Belem in San Paolo East. Social reintegration of these young people will be sought through active involvement of families and local communities, the reclaiming of self-confidence and right to citizenship, professional training and access to work. Personal pathways will be tailored through activation of various measures and through specific support provided by the project. The project is part of a three-year programme of integrated development L.R. 19/2000 (Regional Law) for generating and strengthening pilot experience in social enterprise. General goal: establish an integrated programme of local development, through new plans of social enterprise in the sectors of farming, craftsmanship, commerce, to allow social and employment re-integration of people with mental disabilities, through promotion of training courses in the health, economic and protection of human rights sectors. Africa Benin The chains of freedom: local development, social enterprise and mental health Consortium of Social Cooperatives Africa Burkina Faso Den project. Kò: educational-training support for social placement of disadvantaged youth Africa Burkina Faso Prevention of malaria and HIV The project will offer a reception service to youngsters with problems of social integration, giving them professional training in order to offer true social integration. The planned activities include launch of training courses, seminars on family integration and other activities; also, to ensure the actions are sustainable, lecture halls will be built to improve conditions in the rooms allocated to teaching. The project aims to meet the needs of two settlements in the Jujuy area. These have severe lack of health structures and compromised environments, which put the residents at particular risk from chronic illnesses that often lead to death. To alleviate this suffering, material will be provided for rehabilitating the housing area, and two health centres will be launched, along with the technical assistance of Italian doctors. The direct beneficiary of the initiative will be the whole population of the community, around 310 families, giving a total of 1550 people. 2006 € 22.500,00 2005 € 33.750,00 2006 € 95.255,61 2001 2002 L.R. 19/2000 (Regional Law) The project will support the extraordinary work of human promotion by the local Association Saint Camille de Lellis, with headquarters in PortoNovo in Benin, working in the physical liberation of the mentally ill considered to be possessed by evil spirits and thus chained to trees, restrained at home, abandoned on the streets. To build on and strengthen the activity of this local Association, the project will work in 5 areas: 1. development of a local partnership with the function of awarenessraising and promotion of a culture of acceptance, welcome and rehabilitation of those suffering from mental illness; 2. construction of housing for the mentally ill; 3. technological and economic support for development of concrete local social enterprise that can allow inclusion on social and employment levels of those with mental illness; 4. specific training in health, and supporting development of forms of social enterprise; 5. expansion of the project at regional, national and international level. € 27.692,00 2004 2005 CVCS - Volunteer Centre for Co-operation for Development The project aims to contribute to improving the beneficiaries' quality of L.R. 19/2000 (Regional Law) life, providing the material means and technical assistance needed in education and training, collaborating with official local institutions, and in the sector of agro-animal husbandry. The beneficiaries of the action will be 50 children identified by the local authorities, and 30 problem youngsters, known to the DEN-KO Association. The needs of the country are very high, and this project will certainly play a role in the vital area of lack of basic education and training for young people (the level of unemployment and delinquency is extremely high). The aid given and development of these areas for a period of 3 years will promote, as demonstrated in the documentation, the integration of these youngsters into the workplace in agriculture and commerce. € 18.645,00 2001 CVCS - Volunteer Centre for Co-operation for Development The project area for intervention is training and working in the health L.R. 19/2000 (Regional Law) sector with women of women's co-operative groups of the Dogori Union (local partner) in prevention of HIV and malaria. A team will be set up to coordinate and promote activities of awareness-raising in the villages and quarters of Bobo-Dioulasso involved in the project. The team will comprise: one volunteer-worker from the CVCS and one representative from the Dogori Union, 10 nurses from the state health service, 10 village workers, 1 member of the Siraba theatre company. Goals: - Reduce the spread of HIV and malaria, through actions of awarenessraising and support for preventive medicine, the programme for fighting AIDS and malaria, to reduce mother/infant mortality and improve women's access to the area's health services - Promote coordinated and efficient management among the partners and actors on the project - Improve the professional level of the CSPS health service - Promote direct involvement of beneficiaries in the project - Improve women's access to training and health service for HIV and malaria - Ensure full community involvement in all project areas. € 25.200,00 Africa Burkina Faso Africa Mali CVCS - Volunteer Centre for Co-operation for Development Project on food safety for 11 villages in the Koulikoro Region CVCS - Volunteer Centre for Co-operation for Development Province of Gorizia In equality between men and women in Burkina Faso is deeply rooted, L.R. 19/2000 (Regional Law) € 26.250,00 2006 and exacerbated by poverty. The project aims to provide some tools for overcoming this division in gender, offering women the possibility of improving their own life styles, improving level of education and promoting economic, social and cultural growth. A reading and writing course is planned for the women of the 10 rural villages involved. Initially, there will be a number of meetings to provide information in the communities involved, during which those in charge of AAY will describe the project planned. For this, 30 women from each village will be chosen to follow courses in writing in the More' language and in basic reading, writing and arithmetic. The courses will be held at the basic teaching centres of each village, and will be organised as follows: 60 days basic reading and writing, and 60 days training in basic arithmetic. After this training, participants will receive a final certificate of these basic skills from the Service. In each village, at these basic training centres, there will be a 10-day course on topics of human rights the women, with attention the rural context and illustrating In addition, The proposed action falls into theof plans, priorities andparticular requirements of to L.R. 19/2000 (Regional Law) the instruments available to safeguard these rights. € 26.125,76 2003 it is vital to raise awareness among people in the village with responsibility Mali, and has developed from relations built up between local partners (AES) and the Co-operation for Development Volunteer Centre. The overall goal of the project is to contribute to reducing poverty, restoring food safety in 11 villages, and guaranteeing water supplies for irrigation and as drinking water. For these activities, there will be: - provision of a stock of 20 tonnes of cereal; - construction of a well for drinking water; - organisation and execution of the training course for 50 agricultural workers; - monitoring and assessment of activities implemented. Beneficiaries of the intervention will be at least 5000 people from the 11 villages, 50 agricultural workers involved in the training course, and 1500 agricultural workers involved in the programme of agricultural reconstruction € 26.125,76 2003 Senegal Project to modernise the Hospital of Malicounda Bambara Africa Senegal STRADA 6X25 MEDINA Dakar Handicap ASEF Association of project Senegalese in FVG L.R. 19/2000 (Regional Law) € 57.056,00 2004 The project actions take two directions (including geographical): a) DAKAR: confirmation of a project of grants for children and old people; actions for entry into the workplace of skilled young people following professional training, promoted in 2004 (training courses in screen printing and dyeing); b) KOLDA REGION, with the establishment of a mobile team of 6 youth workers, trained in community education and mosquito-net impregnation techniques. These people will tour the villages concerned along with personnel from the Region's health structures and services, carrying out information campaigns, actions of prevention, and provision of health reports and information. Goals: - Encourage cultural and social integration, financial independence of young disabled people, promote the development of skills and full expression of all, no matter what their abilities. - Fight malaria using specific additional techniques widespread in the territory, and accessible thanks to the work of the mobile hygiene team. - Intervene in the vicious circle of practice of female circumcision and its consequences in terms of health of the victims - Set up a permanent working group on topics of relevance to the project, for its implementation and online publication of other initiatives in the Senegalese and regional territory Africa Nigeria Supporting the Holy Rosary Hospital of Emekuku (Owerri) S.O.Soldarietà ONLUS Solidarity Association Rebuild the surgery pavilion and two operating theatres of the hospital Santo Rosario of Emekuku. Rebuild the electrical and water circuits; replace the hygiene equipment and furnishings. Train and update local personnel both in loco and on work-experience stages at the ASL in Italy. Provide (using low-cost wireless technologies) internet both to the exterior and also as hub for the two dependent health-care centres, the federal hospital, the orphanage, the University of Owerri, the Archbishopric of Owerri. Provide a latest generation solar-power system (low cost, high performance) for the operating theatres. L.R. 19/2000 (Regional Law) € 21.360,00 2004 2006 Africa Senegal LUDOBUS A ZIGUINCHOR Promoting the BSc degree course for Rehabilitation Operators Promote defence of childhood and adolescent rights and protection L.R. 19/2000 (Regional Law) against violence OVCI La Nostra Famiglia (Our Family) will set up at the medical faculty of L.R. 19/2000 (Regional Law) the prestigious Ahfad University of Omdurman, in the State of Khartoum, a three-year degree course in rehabilitation science, sending project personnel to work in loco, and through the training of six medical assistants as clinical teachers. Once these personnel have take up positions in a number of reference health structures, they will lead practical student apprenticeship. Also planned is restructuring of the premises provided by the university. The project also includes adoption of a series of measures to help absorption of this new discipline into the degraded health structures of the country (particularly in remote regions), to avoid a situation where newly training professionals are allocated only to the federal capital city. To this end, some local government authorities have already expressed support for possibly sponsoring the registration of students from territories most remote from the central state of Khartoum. 2007 Sudan ASCARETTO Coop. Soc. a r.l. ONLUS OVCI La Nostra Famiglia -Our Family € 76.903,00 2004 Africa € 44.500,00 2004 2006 Africa Senegal Project to modernise the Hospital of Malicounda Bambara Diokko Onlus L.R. 19/2000 (Regional Law) The project involves protection of mother/infant health, and the prevention and treatment of infectious and parasitic pathologies, in particular malaria. The actions planned are as follows: provision of material to finish equipping the recently constructed hospital, which houses the maternity ward (rooms for childbirth itself and for mother and baby post-partum), and of equipment for setting up a small lab (optical microscope, reagents, etc.). Provision of protective mosquito-nets impregnated with insecticide for prevention of malaria, for use at the hospital and housing for pregnant women and mothers with their under5s. The training of the socio-health personnel of the hospital of Malicounda Bambara is to be extended to personnel in other health institutions in the same district, with the aim of broadening and boosting knowledge about prevention of infectious and parasitic diseases, and the promotion of mother/infant health. The training of local people who are to distribute the mosquito-nets and inform families about how to use them. € 16.000,00 2005 2006 Africa Cameroon Inspection and hygiene of foods of animal origin University of Udine, Department of Animal Husbandry The project has 3 phases: first, training; second, setting up a dedicated lab in the Cameroons; third, launch of labs for apprentices from phase 1 (training). Persons involved: vets, biologists, graduates in science and animal husbandry already present in the Cameroons. Goals: - Hygiene and health of foodstuffs of animal origin. - Establishment of structures dedicated to inspection and analysis of foodstuffs. - In loco set-up of inspection and analysis system, with action by specialist inspectors previously trained in foodstuffs. - Application of concept of control of refrigeration chain. L.R. 19/2000 (Regional Law) € 56.250,00 2005 2007 Africa Ethiopia Amicizia Udine-Addis Abeba Friendship Twinning (Alef) Association of Émigré Workers of FVG Interventions for socio-health co-operation between Friuli Venezia Giulia L.R. 19/2000 (Regional Law) and Ethiopia, in particular between the hospital agency Santa Maria della Misericordia of Udine and the hospital Menelik IInd of Addis Abeba. General goal: reduction of maternal and newborn mortalities, and improvement in quality of health of the local population Specific goals: - expansion of the health services from a technical point of view - empowerment of skilled local people through training of health personnel - awareness-raising in institutions on health topics - project support through involvement of local communities € 21.000,00 2006 2007 Africa Mauritania Following different destinies together disability and tailoring in the Gorgol region Arci Nova E. Curiel L.R. 19/2000 (Regional Law) Analysis of existing problems, in particular in the region of Gorgol, through meetings with the Mauritanian community resident in Friuli Venezia Giulia and frequent contacts with local partners, has allowed two basic points to be identified: the notable presence of people with disabilities, and great uncertainty in living conditions, due to a variety of socio-cultural factors. General goal: Reduce the incidence of social exclusion and the lack of independence of disabled people. Specific goals: - Launch a cultural and social process of integration of disabled people. - Provide adequate structures for training professional training of disabled people. - Launch both theoretical and professional training for the disabled. € 33.750,00 2006 2007 Africa Senegal ASEF Association of The rains of Thiaroye. Ecology, environment, relaunch and development Senegalese in FVG of an urban area devastated by the floodwaters General goal: Improve living conditions for the flood-hit populations of L.R. 19/2000 (Regional Law) Thiaroye, from both health and urban quality of life points of view. Specific goals: - Act as emergency health operators, for risks due to spread of viral and infectious diseases in the local population, in particular children, women and the elderly. - Support processes of reconstruction of the city, including those in a perspective of ecological-urban sustainability, to avoid the risk that rebuilt areas become degraded zones without hope. - Raise awareness among the people concerned, build and strengthen relationships between Friuli Venezia Giulia and local communities on topics of sustainable ecology and town-planning. € 14.250,00 2006 2007 Africa Angola Personal training in local hygiene This project concerns the pediatric training of doctors and nurses in the L.R. 19/2000 (Regional Law) Divina Providencia hospital in Luanda Angola, for improving care and treatment for children suffering from malnourishment and infectious diseases. New diagnostic protocols and treatment designed for the country will be put into practice, using limited financial resources. The project also covers training of non-health workers (teachers, parents) in correct diet for children, as part of prevention of malnutrition. A secondary goal is the professional growth in ethics and knowledge of humanitarian aid of the children's doctors who are training in our department and operating at the Divina Providencia Hospital. Goals: Nutrition: Encourage and promote breast-feeding as a means of prevention from malnutrition and infectious diseases in early infant years Malnutrition: Train and organise a hospital working group specifically for babies with serious malnutrition. Febrility: Recognise and categorise basic clinical indicators to consider in febrility in pediatric patients € 31.500,00 2006 2007 Africa Senegal Un occhio su Nouna -- An eye on Nouna Pentalux L.R. 19/2000 (Regional Law) The association PENTALUX has made great effort over the last three years in the east of Burkina Faso at the hospital of Nouna, about 50 km from Mali. The association is working with the Ophthalmology Department of this hospital, providing continuity in supplies of medicines and materials for the operator's bench, mounting and lenses for the optics lab, as well as opportunities for training medical staff (in Italy) and nurses in loco. Goals: - Provide instruments for knowledge about problems of vision - Provide excellent models of attention and behaviour to safeguard health in general - Gradually bring down the currently high costs of managing operator and clinical interventions at the Ophthalmology Centre. € 12.750,00 2006 2007 Africa Ethiopia Safety in Maternity The project includes initiatives designed to promote mother/baby health L.R. 19/2000 (Regional Law) in the district of Wolisso Woreda, South West Shoa Zone, in the Oromia region of Ethiopia. The activities planned are: - improvement in hospital equipment and level of health care; - online services linking the hospital with the territory of the district; - opportunities for information/education/awareness-raising of university students of medical faculties in FVG - analysis and measurement of date, health information campaigns - promotion of good project management. Goals: - Pre- and post-natal prevention support services at hospital level; - Improved links between the hospital and surrounding areas of the district; - Raised awareness and future local doctors trained on topics of international co-operation and basic rights to health, in countries of the third world; this will contribute to spreading the concept that doctors need to be involved in the front line in the fight against social injustice, in line with WHO affirmations that health must be built on a background of equality and social justice. - Increased knowledge about the health situation, in particular that of mother/baby, in the district of Wolisso; € 23.175,00 2006 2007 Totals Department of Reproductive Science, Burlo Garofolo SISM (Italian Medical Students Secretariat) The project has developed from a specific request made by the Rural Council of the Community of Malicounda during an institutional trip to Dakar by the proposer. The present headquarters comprise a user reception room, a room for short-term in-patients, and equipment in obvious poor condition. The project therefore proposes to: - extend the health-care structures - provide basic medical equipment - provide medicines - train up qualified medical personnel - restore the solar energy system for production of electricity L.R. 19/2000 (Regional Law) Africa € 26.497.755,12 2005
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