View our Current Enewsletter - Cape Cod Children`s Place, Inc.

Volume 10, Issue 6
May/June 2015
a non-profit family resource center
cape cod children’s place
for families and caregivers of children living
on the Lower and Outer Cape
Happy Mothers and Fathers Day!
In honor of Screen Free
Week (May 4-10, 2015)
here are some tips from
Boston Children’s
Hospital’s Center on
Media and Child Health
(CMCH) for healthy
media use for preschoolers:
A big THANK YOU to all of the
volunteers that helped to make
our annual Family Fun Fair a great
success! Thank you to the
Eastham Highway Department for
all of their hard work with snow
removal from our Eastham center
over this harsh winter! Thank You
to CCCP’s 20th Anniversary
Committee for helping us meet ∙
our fundraising goal for facility
improvements! Thank You to all
of our dedicated volunteers who
made our Spring Clothing Swap
possible! Thank You to Officer
Josh Adams for providing car seat
safety information! Thank You to
Grace Filliman and the Harwich
Quilt Bank quilters! Thank You to
all of the amazing donors that
help make our programs and
services possible!
Inside this issue:
Advocacy Corner
Council News
News You Can Use...
Parent Education
Dad & Me Harbor Cruise
Family Activities
Harbor Hop
And much more!
Message Matters—
All media are
what they teach that
varies. Therefore,
choose media that
teach lessons you’d
like your kids to
learn. Look for
screen media that
are designed to teach
prosocial and schoolreadiness skills. See
for yourself what
kinds of messages
they send, such as
encouraging kids to
help people or to
explore the natural
Matters—Place all
screens in noneating family areas.
Screen-free family
mealtimes are
important for preschoolers as it allows
them to focus on
transforming from a
eating and gives
human to an animal)
your family a chance
might be confusing
to reconnect and
or terrifying to them.
share stories from
Whenever preschoolthe day. Preers are in the
schoolers typically
audience, choose
sleep 11-13 hours
media designed for
each night, and
their age group.
keeping screens out ∙ Information
of bedrooms usually
means more and
informed decisions
better sleep. Keeping
about media by
TVs, computers, and
using CMCH
video game consoles
resources, talking to
in public spaces
other parents, and
allows you to be
researching products
present for all screen
before using them.
media use. That
Amount Matters—
means that you can
Preschoolers need
select content and,
enough time for free
when it’s time, help
play, family meals,
them move on to a
play with friends,
different activity.
and sleep, so
prioritize screentime
Stage Matters—
after those tasks.
Young children take
When they do use
in everything they
screen media, align
see, but they
use with your child’s
understand it
attention span. Your
differently than you
child is likely to lose
do. For example, preinterest after 15-20
schoolers can’t tell
minutes. When this
the difference
happens, shut the
between fantasy
media off and move
and reality, so someto another activity.
thing that’s clearly
make-believe to you
(like a character
Advocacy Corner
Summer childcare aid
Community Forum
The movement against Child Sexual Abuse starts
with a single word ENOUGH!
Monday, May 18, 2015
6:30-8:00 pm
Truro Council on Aging
7 Standish Way, N. Truro
Enough Abuse Cape Cod and Islands (EACCI) is
committed to the primary prevention of child sexual
abuse through public education and awareness. We
understand the importance of the participation and
support of our community. Join us for a community
forum and learn about the current efforts of the
Enough Abuse Campaign and how you can get
involved with this community initiative.
Limited seating, registration suggested. RSVP:
Sponsored by Independence House, Cape Cod
Neighborhood Support Coalition, Cape Cod
Children’s Place and Mentors Mass
Families needing assistance to pay
summer childcare fees can apply to the
Lower Cape Emergency Child Care
Fund. Applications are available at or by
calling Cape Cod Children’s Place, which
administers this Fund, at 508-240-3310.
Next review date for applications is
May 14.
This Fund is supported by grants and
donations from churches, organizations
and individuals in the community, and
by an annual donation from the Cape
Cod Times Needy Fund to provide
summer assistance. Families with
children from birth up living on the
Lower and Outer Cape are eligible to
Council Meetings
Everyone is welcome to attend the
monthly meetings of the Lower
Cape Early Childhood Council,
generally the third Wednesday of
each month at 6 pm at the Cape
Cod Children’s Place, 10 Ballwic
Rd., Eastham. Contact Meghan at
for more information.
These meetings provide a good
opportunity to find out what is
happening with the state budget
process, that may affect programs
for children and families on the
Lower and Outer Cape starting in
News You Can Use...
Infant Feeding Group:
pression Task Force. For more
Wednesday, May 13
information & to register: 50810-11 am
775-6240 x512.
Gabrielle Hathaway at Outer
Cape WIC, 79 Finlay Rd., Orleans
Grand Parenting Support
Happiest Baby on the Block:
Wednesday, June 10
Tuesday, May 26, 2015
10-11 am
Tuesday, June 23, 2015
Gabrielle Hathaway at Outer
8:30—9:30 a.m.
Cape WIC, 79 Finlay Rd., Orleans Harwich Family Resource Center
(left side entrance of Harwich
Kennedy Donovan Center:
Elementary School)
Family Support Networking
Sue Landers, LICSW—
Connect with others for support, Facilitator. Coffee &
information, advocacy, discussion, refreshments served. Free of
encouragement, and new
charge. For more information or
possibilities! Open to everyone:
to register, please call Francie
parents, teachers, caregivers,
Joseph 508-430-1692.
siblings, and special needs
individuals of all abilities.
Cape Cod Type 1’s Support
Tuesday, May 26, 2015 &
Tuesday, June 23, 2015
Saturday, May 2, 2015
10:30 am—12:00 pm
Saturday, June 6, 2015
At Eastham Senior Center, 1045
Spaulding Rehabilitation
Nauset Rd. Contact Juliane
Dillon at 508-385-6019 or
311 Service Rd., E. Sandwich
This group is open to people of all
MotherWoman Support
ages who are impacted by Type 1
Group—Circle of Moms:
diabetes! For more info., email
Jess at:
10 am—12 pm
701 Airline Road, Brewster/
Dennis line
Truro Public Library:
With Mary Wilson, F.U.N. ProTruro Tots Playgroup
gram coordinator, and Mary
Mondays, 9:00 - 11:00 a.m.
Wright, psychiatric nurse
practitioner. A support group for This free activity is provided for
children aged birth-3 and their
pregnant & postpartum women
and their babies up to 1 year old. parent or caregiver and is funded
by the town of Truro as part of
Snacks provided. Limited transthe Recreation Department. Toys,
portation assistance available.
Sponsored by the Families United stories, songs, crafts and snack
Network (F.U.N.) Program of
Cape Cod Child Development,
Northside Methodist Church, and Every Thursday at 10:30 a.m.
the Cape & Islands Maternal De- Stories, songs, fingerplays and
crafts for ages birth to five year
olds. Drop-ins welcome.
Get Movin’ Monday!
Open Gym for Toddlers &
Preschoolers at the Chatham
Community Center!
Mondays through June 22
(excluding 5/25)
10:00—11:00 am
Chatham Community Center
With Gabrielle Hathaway (WIC
Community Coordinator, WIC
Peer Counselor). Free, drop-in,
parent/caregiver supervised open
gym for little ones. Bring your
own ride-on toy if willing to
share. Age appropriate activities
include tumbling mats, scooters,
hoops, soft balls, parachute and
Parent Information Network
(PIN) Parent Support Group:
Wednesday, May 6
Wednesday, June 3
9-10:30 am
Hearth ‘n Kettle, Orleans
For families who are challenged
by children’s mental health, emotional, or behavioral needs. Cup
of coffee/tea provided. Sponsored
by the Parent Information Network (PIN), a BAMSI program
funded by the Massachusetts Department of Mental Health. Information: Kimberly Eldridge at 508
-947-8779 Ext. 229 or
Parenting Differences: a 2-Part series
May 5 & 12,2015
5:30-7:30 p.m.
Truro Public Library
7 Standish Way, Truro
behavior of their parenting
partner, whether parenting in
the same home or separate
Free. Dinner and childcare will
be provided. Pre-registration is
required; call 508-240-3310.
Please indicate if you are in
need of transportation.
With Cindy Horgan, Executive
Director & Family Support
Coordinator for Cape Cod
Children’s Place. This workshop
Funding Provided by a Family
focuses on effective
Centers grant through the
Children’s Trust and a Coordinated
communication, rules for fair
fighting, handling the stresses of Family & Community Engagement
life, elements of teamwork, and (CFCE) grant through the MA Dept.
of Early Education & Care,
how to handle outside
administered by Cape Cod
influences. Participants come
Children’s Place.
away with a different perspective of the other person as well
as how their reactions or nonreactions can play a roles in the
Pediatric CPR
Tuesday, May 19, 2015
5:30 pm
Cape Cod Children’s Place
10 Ballwic Rd. (off Nauset Rd)
Learn lifesaving skills with Cape
and Islands EMS “Friends and
Family” Pediatric CPR program.
Participants will learn the basic
skills of how to handle a choking
emergency and give CPR (this is
not a certificate program).
Pre-registration is required.
Please register by calling Cape
Cod Children’s Place: 508-2403310
Free. Dinner and childcare will be
provided. Pre-registration is
required; call 508-240-3310.
Please indicate if you are in need
of transportation.
Funding Provided by a Family
Centers grant through the Children’s
Trust and a Coordinated Family &
Community Engagement (CFCE)
grant through the MA Dept. of Early
Education & Care, administered by
Cape Cod Children’s Place.
Dad & Me Harbor Cruise
Saturday, June 20, 2015
10 am—noon
Sesuit Harbor, Dennis
Dads, grandfathers, and father
figures, join us for a marine life
cruise in conjunction with the
Mass Audubon. Cruise from
Sesuit Harbor in Dennis aboard
the Albatross, we’ll use nets and
traps to study fish,
invertebrates, and plankton.
Hold a live spider crab, touch a
pulsing scallop, feel a flounder,
search for ocean sunfish and
more! Experience the marine life
of Cape Cod in this fun and
educational program where
science comes to life in your own
Free. Space is limited. Call Cape
Cod Children’s Place to register:
Funding support provided by a
Family Centers grant through
the Children’s Trust,
administered by Cape Cod
Children’s Place and by the
Mass Audubon’s Wellfleet Bay
Wildlife Sanctuary.
Parent Café: Brain Building in Progress
Thursday, June 18, 2015
Cape Cod Children’s Place
10 Ballwic Rd (off Nauset Rd.)
children’s brain development.
Free. Dinner and childcare will
be provided. Pre-registration is
required; call 508-240-3310.
Please indicate if you are in
need of transportation.
Join us for dinner and
conversation about the
important role that parents and
Funding Provided by a Family
caregivers play in building the
Centers grant through the
brains of their young children
Children’s Trust and a Coordinated
and preparing them for learning Family & Community Engagement
(CFCE) grant through the MA Dept.
and success!
of Early Education & Care,
Caregivers will gain an
administered by Cape Cod
understanding of their children’s
Children’s Place.
developing brain, understand
how every-day activities and
interactions are learning (or
Brain Building) moments, and
learn more about resources in
the community to support
Family Potluck
Lower Cape Dads’ Talk
All families and community members are
Thursday, June 4, 2015
5:30-7 pm
At the Eastham Elks Lodge
10 McKoy Rd, Eastham
Enjoy family fun & companionship before the
Hosted by Cape Cod Children’s Place
We’ll bring the hot dogs & veggie burgers for
the grill, and chips & drinks
You bring a dish to share—NO NUTS!
Please RSVP by Monday, June 1 to
Please share only peanut/tree nut free
Wednesday, May 6
Wednesday, June 3
6:00—7:30 PM
Harwich Community Center
100 Oak St., Harwich
With Paul Melville, family support
specialist. This is a great place to connect
with other local fathers and chat about
being a dad (or whatever else is on your
mind). All men are welcome to this nontherapeutic gathering, regardless of their
child(ren)’s age, their parenting situation,
and where they live. Free pizza and child
care. Please RSVP. Information or
registration: or
Sponsored by the Cape Cod Neighborhood Support
Coalition, Cape Cod Children’s Place, Family
Support Project, and Harwich Early Childhood
Dad & Me “S.T.E.A.M.” Day
(for Dads or father figures and children)
Sunday, May 17, 2015
10 am—12 pm
Cape Cod Children’s Place
10 Ballwic Rd, Eastham
Dads, father figures and children—come join CCCP dad, Jesse
Carns for a fun filled day of learning and playing with S.T.E.A.M.
(Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, and Math). We’ll take
advantage of Cape Cod Children’s Place’s indoor and outdoor spaces
to play, explore and meet new friends. We’ll start the morning
walking a nature trail and investigating the world we live in! Please
RSVP for this FREE event by calling 508-240-3310.
Funding support provided by a Family Centers grant through the
Children’s Trust and a Coordinated Community & Family Engagement
grant, administered by Cape Cod Children’s Place.
cape cod children’s place
P.O. Box 1935
10 Ballwic Road, off Nauset Road
N. Eastham, MA 02651
508.240.3310 telephone
800.871.9535 toll free
508.240.2352 fax
Check out this newsletter “in color”
on-line at our website.
This edition of the Cape Cod Children’s Place Family Newsletter was made possible through the generosity of the Cahn Funds for Social Change and the
Children’s Trust.
For a more comprehensive list of resources and services check out The Lower Cape Family Resource Guide on-line at or request a copy at 508.240.3310.
A Baby Center
Basic items for infants and toddlers up to age three living on Cape Cod and Islands
Offering support for friends and families of problem drinkers
Cape & Island Breast Feeding Warm Line
Lactation services and classes are available to local Cape and Islands mothers
Child Support Enforcement-Mass DOR
508.771.2414 x 3 Assistance in enforcing the financial responsibilities of parenthood
Consumer Credit Counseling
Budgeting and debt consolidation assistance
Family Support Program and Maternal
Depression/Cindy Horgan
Fuel Assistance Program
Free referrals to parenting resources, child and family therapists, etc.
Emergency fuel/heating help
Healthy Connections
Referrals for free/low cost health insurance
Homeless Prevention Council
Counseling, advocacy, resources and referral services
La Leche League/Gabrielle
Providing education, information, and support to women who want to breastfeed
Lower Cape Outreach Council
Providing short-term emergency assistance to Lower Cape families and individuals
Free clothing as well as information on Serve New England Program
Protecting and promoting the rights and well-being of children & families
Outer Cape Health Services
Outer Cape Women, Infants and Children’s
(WIC) Nutrition Program
Parental Stress Line
Providing high quality primary healthcare to those living in or visiting the 8 Lower/Outer Cape
towns, regardless of their financial situation
Supplemental foods, health care referrals, and nutrition education
A free, confidential, and anonymous 24-hour parent helpline for parental support
Provincetown Family Resource Center
800.871.9535 or Providing support, referrals, and financial aid through the John A. Henry Trust administered by
Cape Cod Children's Place
Assisting Cape Cod women through the transition of divorce, career change or growth, job loss,