T CAPITAL CITY SHAG CLUB NEWSLETTER HE PURPOSE OF THE V O L U ME 8 I S S UE 4 J U LY /A U G U ST 201 5 CLUB SHALL BE TO PROMOTE President’s Message FELLOWSHIP AND HARMONY AMONG ITS MEMBERS, TO PRESERVE SHAG DANCING AND BEACH MUSIC, AND TO INTRODUCE SHAGGING TO JUNIORS AND OTHERS THROUGH SOCIAL EVENTS, CHARITABLE EVENTS, AND/OR WORKSHOPS. INSIDE THIS ISSUE CCSC 2015 Executive Board .................................... 2 Committees ........................... 2 Birthdays ............................... 3 Welcome New Members ...... 3 CCSC Shag Instructors ....... 3 Hall of Fame .......................... 3 To/From Our Members .. 4 & 5 Calendar/FYI ......................... 6 Shag Ex. VII Flyer ............ 7& 8 Member Benefits .................. 9 Membership Application ... 10 Capital City Shag Club PO Box 210368 Columbia, SC 29221-0368 T hoping to hit the 300 mark on membership soon. Our DJs work tirelessly to bring us the latest music to test our steps, songs just don’t jump in and out of their computer, when you see them let them know I’m halfway through my Presidency of Capital City how much you appreciate the time and efforts in Shag Club. I must be honest and say it’s not what I what they do. expected it to be, but I’ve had many heart-warming moments. For whatever reasons, I have felt closer As-of-the publishing date of this newsletter, we have to the members and I hope this will continue through a list of nominees for the slate of officers for the the rest of my term as president. It takes more than Capital City Shag Club 2016. We still need a candijust the Board Members to make all the decisions; date for treasurer, if you know anyone interested in it takes our members working together for the best serving, please contact Ms. Ernestine Walker.. resolutions. They are as follows: I hope all the Mothers and Fathers had a great day President: Past President, Josiane Horton, is willing celebrating these two special days of the year. I to serve another term as President. hope you took every opportunity to honor them in some special way. No one is promised any tomor- Vice President: The present Vice President, Bill Bishop, is a candidate for Vice President. row, so make every day we have a special one. Secretary: Will DiMirra If you haven't heard, the shag world lost a shag Treasurer: (Still open) leader on May 22, 2015. Harold Bessent, co-owner Sergeant-At-Arms: The present Sergeant-At-Arms, of Fat Harold's in N. Myrtle Beach, died at the age Wayne Stephens, is candidate for Sergeant-Atof 82 years old. I know many of you have danced Arms. at Fat Harold's during SOS and other times. We We should be proud of Capital City Shag Club. The send condolences to his family and employees Club has been asked to take the lead on putting a and hope we can all raise a toast to "Fat Harold" proposal together to celebrate “2015” The Year of at Fall Migration. the Shag.” Marie Kiesel is working on that proposal While we are on the subject of SOS, remember Fall at the time of this writing. She and I have a meeting Migration is September 17-27, so reserve your scheduled with Mayor Steve Benjamin on June 30, rooms now. If you can mark your calendars for the 2015 to discuss the logistics. Northern Virginia Capital Classic and ACSC meeting If you have a suggestion or comment about your to be hosted by the Northern Virginia Shag Club July 10-12. This event will be huge and anyone who Capital City Shag Club, please feel free to let us can attend please do. Northern Virginia Shag Club know how we are doing and how we can make improvements. always has a great party so be sure to get tickets and make reservations as soon as possible. Our membership has been on the rise and I am pleased to see many people enjoy the shagging and line CCSC President dancing to the music our DJs offer, remember the otisparis50@gmail.com request line is always open. We are striving and he Officers, Board Members and Club Members, Otis Paris PAGE 2 Capital City Shag Club Executive Board 2015 C A P I T A L C I T Y S H A G C L U B Otis Paris President C (803) 465-1919 Bill Bishop Vice President C (336) 978-4627 Josiane Horton Nick Colvin Wayne Stephens Secretary Treasurer Sergeant-At-Arms Past Pres. 2013 & 2014 C (803) 603-5798 C (803) 206-2671 C (803) 315-2555 otisparis50@gmail.com jwb7477@yahoo.com jhorton7@sc.rr.com nickcolvin@sc.rr.com whstphens1@msn.com Capital City Shag Club’s Past Presidents Marlene Steiner “2008” Will DiMirra “2009” Bob Mergle “2010” Cleo Gleaton “2011” Carole Cooper “2012” If anyone knows of illness or death of our CCSC members and/or family members, please contact Marie Kiesel, CCSC Communication Chair at 803-772-7577 or e-mail at mkiesel@sc.rr.com CCSC COMMITTEES The following committees serve our Club. If you would like to serve on a committee, please contact Otis Paris at otisparis50@gmail.com or his cell 803-465-1919 Bylaws - Bill Taylor & Lowry Stephens; Co-Chairs and Mary Ann Game Communications - Marie Kiesel, Chair Dance Floor - Wayne Stephens Finance - Will DiMirra, Chair; Andy Andrews; JoAnne Catledge; Ron Stevenson; Nancy Carlon Historian - Marie Kiesel, Chair Membership - Lynn Betterley, Chair Newsletter - Josiane Horton, Publisher/Editor Nominating - Ernestine Walker, Chair; Janis Ruff; Frances Miller; Linda Hite and Liz Smith Shag Extravaganza - Marie Kiesel, Henry Dowd Social - Coordinator - Wayne Stephens Shag Shop - Jane Durieux & Jim Lewis Web Site - Will DiMirra Web Master - Jeff Andrews **** P.S. To join or renew your Membership: See or e-mail Lynn Betterley, Membership Chair at Dancinglady5572@gmail.com CAPITAL CITY SHAG CLUB NEWSLETTER JULY/AUGUST 2015 Capital City Shag Club Birthdays July C A P I T A L C I T Y S H A G C L U B PAGE 3 August Warren Holsonback Juanita Foster Dewey Shull Frank Hydrick Barney Mims Bob Davis Gene Polites Sue Kline Brenda Mencken Jane Mergle Ann White Jennie Swygert Dale Jenkins Jan Barksdale Connie Hite Helen Tilton Kearney Michael Blackmon Ken Dailey Harry Woodard Terry MacKinnon Nancy Carlon Mary Clegg Rita Dowd Judy Wright Ron Polites Rhonda Ruff 01 04 07 11 11 12 12 13 15 15 16 18 19 20 20 21 24 25 26 27 30 30 30 30 31 31 Dave Cox Josiane Horton Jack Thomas Cleo Gleaton Jauneze Gist Ola Mae Ellisor Arthur Dill Jeanne Reaves Jane Durieux Lynn Betterley Lillian Crews Debbie Suydam Michael Petruzzi Marie McKenzie Steve Tucker Jim Culley Bruce Hoverman Georgia Colvin Bill Jones Patsy Brown Nancy Maxfield Dennis Gehr Debbie Lewis Roxanne Burkett Douglas Schmoltze Lanny Smith Nancy Price Danny Crews Olga Cristy September 01 01 01 02 03 06 07 07 08 12 12 13 13 14 14 15 15 17 17 18 22 25 25 26 26 26 28 31 31 Evelyn Jackson Rosalie Stevenson Hap Witmer Everette Cooper Dan Humphries Andy Surles Anida Mims Cheryl Hunter Hampton Cobb Mike Kelly Deborah Thomas Jane Horton Lin Freireich Bill Brown Elizabeth Riley Richard Bundrick Pamela Lybrand Ted Price Tony Montoya Bob Duggleby 01 02 03 03 04 04 06 08 08 16 16 17 19 20 20 21 21 24 26 28 Welcome New Members: ~ Hampton Cobb ~ Judy Cobb ~ Daneen Sherman ~ Jean Pals ~ Andy Surles ~ Marion Surles ~ Please introduce yourself and make them feel welcome! Capital City Shag Club Shag Instructors: Dan & Ann Humphries - Group, USC Lessons & Private Lessons available, 803-788-4007, humphriesdan@aol.com ~ Lewis Chavis & Nanci Cirmella - Group & Private Lessons available, 803-608-5667 Jeremy Webb - Group & Private Shag Lessons available, 803-447-953, jbritwebb13@gmail.com Hall of Fame Shaggers: We continue to recognize the following “Hall of Fame Shaggers” as part of the Capital City Shag Club: JoJo Putnam~~Jan Morris~~Betty Kane~~George & Margie Morris CAPITAL CITY SHAG CLUB NEWSLETTER JULY/AUGUST 2015 To/From Our Members PAGE 4 PRAYER NEEDS AND THANKS: CAPITAL CITY SHAG CLUB EXTRAVAGANZA VII: The following members need our thoughts and prayers: ☼ Continue to remember our members in thought and in prayer for a speedy recovery to good health - they are: Marie Mims; Shag Extravaganza VII will take place on the first week-end Fred Sharpe; Rita Dowd; Tom Reaves; Pat Sanders’ son (Randy) of April 2016. - April 1, 2 and 3 and daughter (Pamela); Robert Furry; Larry Lown; Andy Andrews; Mike Kelly’s mother. (Please let me know of anyone else). Look for the CCSC Shag Extravaganza VII Flyer on pages 7 & 8 of this Newsletter and e-mails sent from time to time. † Pray for the family of Harold Milton Bessent, co-owner of “Fat Harold” in N. Myrtle Beach, who died on May 22, 2015 at the ***** age of 82 years old. He will be missed by a lot of Shaggers. ☺ A big Thank you to: Bill, Nancy, Olga, Ruth, Will, Ola Mae and George for your help at the Anniversary Party on June 13, 2015 from Marie and joined by the Executive Board Officers. NOMINATING COMMITTEE FOR 2015: “CAPITAL CITY SHAG CLUB & CAPITAL CITY CLUB SHAG NIGHT” Shag Night at the Capital City Club - 1201 Main Street, 25th floor, Columbia, SC 29201. Friday, August 28, 2015 CCSC DJ’s Jimmy Munn and Barney Mims Pictured above: Liz Smith; Ernestine Walker, Chair; Janis Ruff; Linda Hite and Frances Miller The Committee is responsible to present a slate of candidates for the following Club year (2016) to be voted on at the August 19, 2015 General Membership Meeting. So far the nominees are; Josiane Horton, President; Bill Bishop, Vice President; Will DiMirra, Secretary; Wayne Stephens, Sergeant at arms. The Treasurer‘s position is open. Please let anyone of the committee know if you would be willing to serve or suggest the name of someone you would consider to serve as an executive Board Officer in the CCSC Club Year 2016 FYI 6:00 pm to 7:00 pm - Shag Lessons with Marie Kiesel & Henry Dowd 7:00 pm to 11:00 pm - Dance Cost: $15 for CCSC Members and $25 for non members Price includes : Hors d’œuvres, Happy hour price cash bar, Free garage parking in any assigned space (Enter from Assembly St. or First Right into Garage on Lady St.) Dress Dressy/Casual...no jeans RSVP to Emily Sapier at emily.sapier@clubcorp.com or 803-256-2000 Space is limited - Reserve today! The CCSC By-Laws - Article III, Section 3, Paragraph a) states: NOTE FROM THE NEWSLETTER EDITOR/PUBLISHER a) Candidates for office shall be members of the Capital City Shag Club in good standing for not less than one (1) year prior If any comments, additions or corrections to the Newsletter to taking office. Officers shall be elected yearly at the third are needed, I would appreciate being notified directly and quarter general membership business meeting and will serve personally. from January 1 through December 31 of the following year. Thank you. This is your Club and it is your responsibility to help elect Josiane Horton dedicated and knowledgeable officers to govern it. Newsletter Editor/Publisher jhorton7@sc.rr.com Please contact the Chair, Ernestine Walker at (803) 315-2555 ew29078@bellsouth.net or at (803) 420-4243, or in person, or any of the Committee members. ***** (Continued on Page 5) CAPITAL CITY SHAG CLUB NEWSLETTER—JULY/AUGUST 2015 To/From Our Members (continued) JUNIOR SHAG DAY PAGE 5 SOS FUN MONDAY TICKETS As member of the ACSC, our Club is asked to sell tickets for a drawing at SOS Fun Monday, September 21, 2015. Tickets are Saturday, August 8, 2015 - 2:00 - 5:00 PM $10.00 each. Jamil Shrine Center, Columbia, SC - sponsored by CCSC You do not have to be present to win but you would want to attend This is a perfect opportunity to bring your children, grandchildren, the Fun Monday at the Fall Migration Party. and friend’s children to learn the South Carolina State Dance, Any individual selling Twenty (20) GOLD TICKETS at $10.00 each “The Shag” gets One (1) GREEN TICKET free. The Shag Instructors will be Chase Forrester and Kyler Byrum - - All money and ticket stubs must be turned in before September The 2015 National and Grand National Junior II Shag Champions! 1st, therefore, you must purchase your ticket(s) from me no later DJ: Mike Kelly than by August 15th. Everything is free $11,250.00 will be given away on September 21st to the winners. To pre-register your junior(s) - please e-mail the following Only five (5) tickets will be pulled. information to Josiane Horton at jhorton7@sc.rr.com Any individual selling the winning number (valued at $7,500.00) will receive $100.00. NAME, ADDRESS, AGE, PARENT’S NAME AND E-MAIL Also, the person selling the most tickets will receive $100.00. ADDRESS, SHAG CLUB AFFILIATION, SHAG EXPERIENCE A portion of the proceeds will be donated to CARING FOR KIDS in (BEGINNER, INTERMEDIATE/ADVANCE). North Myrtle Beach and to the SOS CHARITABLE FOUNDATION, INC. Chick-Fil-A nuggets along with soft drinks and water will be Approach anybody and everybody to sell a ticket or more. Sell provided. twenty (20) tickets and you get a free green ticket and a chance to Please bring your favorite food item - Sandwiches, pizza, vegeta- win. ble tray, fruit, cheese, chips & dips, cookies, brownies, candy, etc. Tell everyone “they don’t have to be present to win” and remind them that they can’t win if they don’t buy a ticket! We request that an adult be present with their juniors. It only takes one (1) ticket to win! Everyone is welcome to stay after the event of “Junior Shag Day” For social dancing! The Ellen Taylor Foundation is sponsoring the Junior Shag Day. The attendees to Junior Shag Day event are asked to send the Ellen Taylor Foundation an e-mail at fbjdance08@gmail.com To let them know how attending the event helped them and copy your e-mail to : Josiane Horton - jhorton7@sc.rr.com Thank you! CCSC SOS FALL MIGRATION SHOOTER PARTY: CCSC will hold its SOS Fall Shooter Party on Saturday, September 24, 2015, 4:00-5:00 pm, at the Avista Resort Tree Top Lounge. More information will be given in the September/October Newsletter and via e-mail. SOS Cards: If you do not have a 2015 SOS card and plan to attend SOS in September you can still get one at the cost of $30.00 . See me at Jamil or call me (Josiane) at (803)315-2555. The SOS Enhancement Committee and Capital City Shag Club thank you for helping to contribute to the charities: CARING 4 KIDS and the SOS CHARITALBE FOUNDATION, INC. CCSC MEMBBER APRECIATION PARTY COMING UP: Friday, September 11, 2015 at the NCO Club of Fort Jackson (Flyer and more details to be published in the 2015 September/October Newsletter) Important Note to Our Members It is imperative that we have accurate responses to the RSVP’s f or our club parties. We have to confirm arrangements for tables, chairs, decorations and food a minimum of 7 days in advance of a given party. Both late replies and no-shows are causing major headaches for the planners and wasting club money. We understand that issues arise at the last minute that could prevent someone from attending. However, it would still be courteous and quite helpful to tell us that you cannot be in attendance. The point of this article is to stress the importance of receiving your RSVP or your Cancellation Notice in a timely manner. We plan according to these commitments. We must continue to get a handle on attendance at the club parties. We are trying to spend the club’s money wisely and keep your dues as low as possible. Please help us do this for yourself and your fellow members. If you must cancel your reservation at the last minute, please call 730-9440. Thank you, CCSC Executive Board CAPITAL CITY SHAG CLUB NEWSLETTER—JULY/AUGUST 2015 CCSC 2015 Calendar - FYI PAGE 6 Mark Your Calendar! Save the Information For Future reference!! Monthly CCSC Board Meetings Second Wednesday of each month at 6:00 pm July 8, 2015; August 12, 2015 September 9, 2015; October 14, 2015 November 11, 2015; December 9, 2015 Quarterly General Membership Meetings On Third Wednesdays: Wednesday, August 19, 2015 at 6 pm Wednesday, November 18, 2015 at 6 pm Upstairs at the Jamil Shrine Center You must be a member of Capital City Shag Club in good standing to attend Board and General Membership Meetings. IMPORTANT DATES COMING UP: CCSC Junior Shaggers Day Event Saturday, August 8, 2015 At Jamil Shrine Center Party at the Capital City Club Saturday, August 28, 2015 Members Appreciation Party Friday, September 11, 2015 Christmas Party - Saturday, December 5, 2015 (Last two at the NCO Club of Fort Jackson) ACSC/SOS 2015 CALENDAR: ACSC Summer Workshop - July 10 - 12 (Fairfax, VA) Junior SOS - July 14-19 SOS Fall Migration - September 18-27 CCSC Shooter Party on Last Saturday Of Fall Migration SOS (Sept. 26) Every Wednesday & Saturdays (Unless Jamil closes for Special Events) “Our Favorite Shag Night Place” Open at 6:00 pm Music at 7:00 pm Wednesdays and Saturdays at 7:00 pm - Covered Dish Dinner Bring your favorite food item or if you do not bring a dish you are asked to Contribute by putting cash or check (made out to CCSC) in the “Red Box” Most of the Proceeds from the Red Box go to Jamil Shrine Center at the end of the year and a portion to maintain supplies of paper goods and utensils for the Buffet table Please be generous! Also on Saturdays - you may want to plan a party for a Special Occasion (i.e. Birthday Parties, etc.) There is no cover charge, so please help cover costs By supporting the lounge! Make sure that a Shriner personally signs you in!! DAUGHTERS OF THE NILE MAIN EVENT Saturday, September 5, 2015 More details coming soon Via e-mail Enjoy your Summer And Stay Cool!! SOS Cards still available At $30.00 for “2015” Josiane @ 315-2555 Josiane Horton, Publisher/Editor jhorton7@sc.rr.com 803-315-2555 CAPITAL CITY SHAG CLUB NEWSLETTER JULY/AUGUST 2015 CCSC MAILING ADDRESS: Capital City Shag Club PO Box 210368 Columbia, SC 29221-0368 CCSC Shag Extravaganza VII CAPITAL CITY SHAG CLUB NEWSLETTER JULY/AUGUST 2015 PAGE 7 PAGE 8 CCSC SHAG EXTRAVAGANZA VII - BACK OF FLYER CAPITAL CITY SHAG CLUB NEWSLETTER JULY/AUGUST 2015 Capital City Shag Club Membership PAGE 9 Capital City Shag Club Columbia, SC We are still accepting applications for new membership for 2015 and renewals. We encourage renewals to the Capital City Shag Club. There are still two main parties scheduled this year, a Junior Shag Day and one SOS Shooter Party. The Capital City Shag Club’s 2015 Membership Application is enclosed. Everyone must complete an individual application form - no two people to a form. The Capital City Shag Club Membership Year is from January 1 to December 31 of each year. Membership dues are still $45 per person per year. Below are all the great benefits you get for a low fee of $45! 1. Three (3) Super Parties that are fully catered, club subsidized drinks: Mardi Gras, Member Appreciation and Christmas 2. Our Yearly Anniversary Party 3. Junior Shag Day 4. SOS Shooter Parties in North Myrtle Beach at Spring Safari and Fall Migration 5. Discounted group rates at the Avista Resort Hotel for SOS Spring Safari and Fall Migration 6. “A Super Web Site” www.capitalcityshag club.coman excellent way to stay informed of local and regional shag news and events 12. Being a part of the Capital City Shag Club’s threeday weekend “Park & Party” called “Capital City Shag Extravaganza” Tickets are on sale at $80 per person for Shag Extravaganza VII. Contact Marie Kiesel at mkiesel@sc.rr.com 13. Being a member of the Association of Carolinas Shag Clubs (ACSC). All this for $45 per person - What a Deal! Please complete the enclosed application, make your check payable to Capital City Shag Club and mail your application and dues to: Capital City Shag Club P. O. Box 210368 Columbia, SC 29221-0368 For Community Service, we intend to continue donating to local charities. This is the Club’s way of giving back to our community. We would love for you to come and share this exciting new season of possibilities and fun. You would be most welcome and we hope to hear from you soon. Otis Paris President Capital City Shag Club Columbia, SC 7. Super DJ’s playing Fantastic Beach and Shag Music 8. Six issues of our Newsletter 9. Wonderful friends 10. Being part of one of the Friendliest Shag Clubs 11. Insider information of Upcoming Shag Events and what’s happening in the Shag World! CAPITAL CITY SHAG CLUB NEWSLETTER—JULY/AUGUST 2015
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