REPORT ON THE CAPITAL MINE LOCATED AT GEORGETOW·N, COLORADO By ET1ENNE A. RITTER COLORADO SPRINGS. COLORADO OF TABLE ~ CONTBliTS. PAGE .. Title 1 Subtitle 3 Preface 4 Table of contents 5 Introduction :;,~crl Mine 8 No.1, showing the location of in Colorado and the railroad the con- fJ.dctions 9 e history Map the No.2, Giving property The Aetna 'Ihe Character Map No.3, The The mine ~'.h Plat lane of a the property general view 10 of' 14 vein 15 of the 'Mine vein 19 workings 21 workings NO.4, Georgetown 22 and the Capital 26 'l'he mine equipment The Mill 29 Past e:\:Vendi tures, Future of necessary work to be done 27 the Ilroperty 33 PAGE .. The ore reserves 36 Appendix No. List of the Mining cla1T:i3, patented and unpatented, v.rith the ~111-site and town-lots belonging to the Capi tal 1~1ning and. tu.'>'l!:el Co ... Appendix No.2 The liots of the ship mente, of whioh a record has be~, kept Reocrds of shipl::ents t Sheet I ::1eoor18 of' . i pr:en ... . s, Sheet II sn m 41 45 48 50 rtf Reeor of' shiprr...ents, Sheet III 51 Reco::':ls of shipr,:ents, Cheet IV 53 Reoo::ds of shir.)J:-~ents P eeords 0.1. AP1)endix ~ shipL"cen t s , Sheet Ho.. 3 A the tIle vein in the Capital Mine Map of Profile the of , Sheet V 56 list of' assays uP:ger "l!orJ(ings of of 61 olains. Capital the VI mine stopes, Capital 63 mine ••••••••••••••••• 64 Colorado Springs, Colorado, 172;] Horth Hevac.a January Aver:ue, f35th 1815 .. INTRODUCTIG1I" me and Tun.'1el mill site of Mine, p!'oJ)orty Capital owns CompctTIY and 31 the Capi t8.1 Mining patented, patented property, in to"lm considerable Georf:etO'.'I'!l, the of Clear Count.y-s t'c. t,., of' to':m the Creek county, Colurado .. Georgeto7!ll connected . .·!ith Co lo l',':l.d. 0 T"'" ~ L. can against three Griffith the .,. , by the in olel top also to"lm, at an 1!orkings t on mouth of the altitu::1.e the the is o:f outcrop Mountain, at an .4. . . • •. . ••. • f'our the Plume. and road. hours, rail .. on of' of Silver automobile by property the to Denver Denver branch automobile, in hours the from gauge gOOd located is which a by half' and from by made be distant narrow railroad Mountain., The nelt through in it J)!'operty The :~ mil~;9 Southern right 50 connected is the is Western rna in being 8,500 of the sloJ)e crosscut '{iorked of' tU..L'1 now is :feet. The caved vein on of' are 11,000 rest • the of the in location Colorado conr.:ections. and the PAST HISTORY of the District. It. it vran 'lforked. shall07i V01'';l account of' early The 'i'!hen opment of :J' i ,.. one _L.> one "l!as 'NorkingH a very lal'ce al::lount of '.'later, near several cave-ins remained C ~ :N.. VLr.. Mr man idle for Bre,dy, a on the discouragec3, and work was 30 years, into its devel Glass' Manufacturer few Company of the started friends. A his Oapital under and Mining the direction Cooper .. was crosscut depth. portal. The the feet Then started branch farther no it and 'Nork on the point, it to cut branches cuts the Aetna cut been '!Tas up other vein near vein tunnel two necessary vein Aetna two crosscut has the has tur~el entrance. The started that The long Ill'actically I'l'om about we'al they ru.:nr:.el ','laG and interested Cooper <Ii formed, cRlled 787 and 1871. On1-:,t itt probably \':as from located to previous OonI,any great first preeminent on Washin[!:ton, Pens}rlvania t and. A most miners., mining Mr. the the of E1ning of of macle V,rere occa:::donned property a PROPERTY. extensively, eyen surface t 'IThiel. t:tB THE vein Cor'let-il..etna 'The OF was at its 3,520 feet continued veins, on which done. to to continued raise a for height as a air. A r1iise of 300 vertical feet .. raise. raise The expense enormous farth~'lr .. A order to up it r:.~c~.e air ("lad continued 'lJaS to hole the ventilation hing raise. At 248 feet lost the A tunnel distance o~ across the t'tl.l:nel is of being In about the lost 8.bove . .: 111 and the While tal:en stapes out 700 feet mO!'B t bore hole and good the ventilation work the of of about started and of' and milled. quite a vms tons a were tl1.em recover a the hand the going feet i'Torl( the point with a it .. Tnat of winze moun lode 80 cut. t.hrough raising 300 will raise all and the carried siele at of' deep of of now,. by be sinking top side then it finis tools to side the slowly of lost. foot-Tall pushed the t.rating· mill and the raise. The connect give t.o lode was any the give fAet made the top, in ~ork the 700 was hanging work the raise, the the ~xom feet .. It 700 about hole the o~ dr1 ven and allow efforts started was raise, to any bore the the to an feet, "lihen fl'om top . of 'I':'10 877 of st.arted point and hole rut i1 e._ proved a granite, at continue to of and the above in ','!8.S top necessary the height ir.:po3:Jible drill reach a solid in bottom feet 248 that the €. distance tunnel mine .. on, a daily capacity laree amount Conce!l was of ore built Lu t }:cy:t the manaGement -pilinG ;'~astern eXl")C!1SeS U}) stockholdel's ve ~e to his Dl.u'ing .f . of tl,,6 vein Viere '~, , ! : f. r tunnel stopes higher cetting 1?t like and. 2'nto';;n to six l:lOnths }:ut leave could up and mar-ey. Mr. 1.1.p of abaenca the stapes drifts no that opened of' with all the life of after six months a put the mine near 'l:ark the bad caved £:;rcn.L"!. d up • The up brought of ne'!! dif'fiCl~lt,Cls accol'l.."1t on of the of be more the property. the ends ?rady, born llre not tired of getting was got lost, so level the t i t exy;enBec, until the so:ne the extra va£/'.nt" management, several in y Rnd on so after o. charge take "I! as the in stope 'Nas air., in the rtdn~nt: }.,.ir" East did to'lm, like G60r Bauman E: .. 0.. in ~. bacl~ charga, and went very GlaDs Il::r. laree told Brady buildings that a good hell) his father }';lanu:factuT'e. During the last they :me new and East, to have It machinery. deal of' spent has this ~t in two 1,250,000 is natuxal been done his years in new suppose to with borrowed money .. Several mining 1i/hila ha;; years company he been O'.'.'!1S associates ago ha va stoPIJed more than obliged to meet to the put up controling alone the a.ny in new the money. interest t he denands for new ani fllTI,J.S to sell to be the The the 1t very property at to able to bien became he o·,·.. n his main side-hill to the 91o~ly The leD.sing t'lTenty these rAnses rfl.ise .. This mill hours, and make r:-ricel' in order and his : needed the':'inze iu. ';'lorked Systerrl. The facts willing ene1' no'l'[ to is be work ." the sU!lk is push from progressing work. r-roperty f'our and the of tOl) low is j.~aml:fRc ture. GlaBD tur.a:el it .. He rC:J:3ourcf.'S hit~ development-work hand by very a a l'_ devote of tired the IJrohibi ti vely in does .' not fixed a s!:l::'J.ll ::,un even •••••••••••••••• one regularly char~es heavy .. only '!!ay and uncleI' shift at the in that .. All overhead ex I TEE The 30 to fel:;t do can 1c in Lo::e trae ed be FanGe~ on the Cer:tral the Highlands Group I r;:cea t Pensyl vania from the hold '.'!1.thout strone Mine Spurr f of that Colorado many to tolc:l the Central is cont inu1 ty Western the of of Slope i\rgentine the Pass f by Co:net t then Aetna, the by Lama:rtino. 1 t .. done the 'i!aS tlla t 11:9.0. his to Manager t.raced P::J:per Quadrangle II is vein t and this correlation of 'i':hich have the the an the Econornic extension lodes same If 1s the of' not are eeneral I;eOI)le very dip and str1ke. n Hr. H~ttie W. S. Leebrick, General Mine, at Idaho Manager Springs, and the lode says: "Many lode both of Property. Professional !~or so:ne Lee'i'.'ald, '1Jho, llr .. Gene:::.'a1 he ha \ta Comet-Aetna foundation, fractures ee:rtain have me what COlmtry" myself, I the. Georgetown the of' traced._. 1 t Central the I)urt almost the to y'ears i11 113 side from lode, varying that on '71111c11 Colorado J .. E .. Geology 'iii tll not have atl.thori ties a. of other Colornc.o \11111e a thic1r...ne8s. It the for really Pensylv2.nia the cood VEIN .. }~Gther tJ1e It Front vein Aetna yrobably from AETNA of Little the interested in the E i Sihl ct.~ nr! ... ", w~en ::e O~ has these foI' a me the 1. ~~ J a vein ".'!8.8 rough the slope, in of run above the from the (Jet- 10.:1.e told from r:ro'l1.'l'1d the one was of tunnel old !Jar'er of upper at old early $ level. 1I was short shafts before at Georgeto'lm f near taken distance a of the says: I'Not of great ruining of 60,000 a found the d.ays shafts lane ~,~ 30o,oOQ., I)!'oduotion the Lee ". 11 , ,,1.8xwe A., workings a could rr.iles. l'lr.. Pensyl vania least cited the lade Su.rveyor f at tmdoubtedl:r that ten the of but from said that ore his neM'ly jJroduced have estimate taken '.'1'as is has correct, the Dermty '":;he (, btainable, ore It the FI'ank l'., S... that lode of as 000 , 000 J. E .. 8rmrr, in even throv.::::h production and me assUl~ed. CO;':iet-Aetnn traced a-,round L, vein Lamartine vie~s distanoe 3 Engineer !.~ining the all 101e. than LJ.ore o'[;ns had he La::v'1.rt ine, acceptin~ cave the Rnd that the Game traced 71t:llc':. at to :;o:-::et the lode tlr..1eg s c! v f:;l"·,?~.1. In be Co~et the t.he '1!hiCh ~11.· prOI)erty. '". 11i11"" b , point the deal the about from ftbove 275 Co:net of' crest of Georgeto':;11 .. a shoot a feet level • In ~ y the 8 , 000,000 e;-.C publication, J .. E. Spurr the ~t 3,000,000 8.t veln. • the ;.ave CRY! production Kirtley de till !:line reached t8:oulR t e more the <')~o , 0""~o the In,'3o", It i8 est as than ,11, ~ ~o ~~500,OOO. of production pro1:nction t From tl'1e mine Lamar tine the of at Central Colorado production the eave 'to the of estirmtmi lode to rlO'.'.~ these of fiG"u.l'es '1:6 as to-dB. te· follo':;s :. Colorado-Central Kirtley ~~ Mine Pensylvania mine 8,000,000 Mine 5;)0,000 .' Comet-Aetna lode, u:p-per Mine, lower Capital 3,000,000 Lamartine-Oneida workings 300,000 workings Mines 3,000,000 ~$ 15,200 t 000 The The in ore Colorado-Central slIver, contained taken values rich 01'.., Peneylvania from are silver Y1ro1uced in the mine and amormt.s Mine Lamartine B. graat Laillc':rtine lead-oilver a r.line3, "ilhile laree Capital gold. The the mostly Kirtley quite mines, with by is of about 75 and the deal of mine, about mine. very rich gold. In % of the Oneida gold. the were From ~~ 800,000 • 'f'ul'nished t6ing 'Proportion the by that was about that su<:;h metal. At 3~~ ~(, Gold, ~\:.t!: ~.~ t f . <.:) Capital t"j of this j.,lti!:6 1<. Rrc in mine. ••••••••••••• C;... ~. 811 vel' 11:ine and • at ino the larGe gold portion is a of very the values attractive OF CH~~ACTER J .. E.. ~ 7;H'l b to spurr, in CO!1'let-Aetna froD 1at01 an extension SC'U:18 not are the dip N .,-Vi .. could Colorado lodes, as Comet 'iT.e }~.eep .............• appears or more feet of' extemt li ut of ha va to II be a planes one fractures occu.:red the outcrops of a.lon£, all parallel had is in de- 70 North-','18st'i.'ard e.nd the of bottom of' the have Comet the soft and any for it valley it is difficult length nonbranching one of 81 tuated movement 'lr8.S not wall noted. ShC'NTI That not the on roclr.s by fe-':! what fault the two within to extensive only lode following determined along time. n of a:r)}1earanc en , hC'flever t the occUI'ed the were 'llel1 very is another. It discorda.nces the for single displacement both about aocount io this fOI' 7:hich of' the lode vein, and of' 0 -+-' ~ou.n_a\.o~on, fractures eros::;; District.n COl::let-Aetna CAnt!'.:>..l ..' lfJO I! t! open From the dip they lode drifts of thd some fractm'e, wi'th materials, strike .. The easil~r Creek .. Lea '\rem'!orth 11 to the that stron£; surfaoe of strollG a veins 7Ii thout and s';!erving of the says: QU8c1r8.nzle" clayey COI01'.?do very general Grees is hold the of is ~or:rel~tion Georr;eto'rm ,{ihil~h of people .... '" •••• '" • !~!r~a n~'" v~IN. quartz ·and rest the The It vein, of feet 8 TIlE t·t;O planes, sides movements polished and , sur:fac BS ~ but slicKensicled pulverized wall quart20HB rock. by '{,'hich stl'(o,'3.KS celrlented ;:,o.::"~1S Be cor:;,panied as shown the silicified free of IJyri ties Ii ttle so ma.rked enoueh of' ry the of zinc to the ore very is R the Bl:lall concentrates be ]:-Jrobai.'ly vein tho fracture, wide, which feet chalcopyri ties f with the by sfl.ndlil~e ro'J'Y. country 200 recovereo,., on blonde. The: clays, and matrix. caused rock. containing 1)6 and that the to and stringers .. " levels~ lower to t1uartz of 100 quartz country enough very zone the numerous At a faulting, '.':h10h the by contains fract:n,ring crushed ',','ell-rounded of conci;;t by of ~riction banded to,0;ether Considerable by penalized mine • •..........• haole of made good. altered and dea,l of plates, amalgamation galena so!ne amount never during the of gold. and zinc is contained. 71'hole histo " THE WOR1aNGS .. :h~ old workings at the mine and. of them '!lere i<8pt :O:':Le his a.nd ?~ac.}r are the ore shipped from 1:y the Capital Mining at tunnel ~reat 'Fna tunnel 8 '7!ay or South Compressor opens to Aetna vein beyond this on Wor1(ing3 by and Mill is crosscut the Aetna mouth and to l!r .. Grade was the and. out mainly tunnel OJ) ens the long of bought long the vein feet by out to 1JaY, or short the a Crosscu,,: has outbuildinGs .. The and 2970 long oonsist feet .. This House the the The and r-roy,ert~r Georgeto'JIn till':8 « }Jror)ert~r the Co .. and "7or}~il1LS the amount. the Tt1.I1!:. e 1 at feet S!10I't, by and of the the,t old in deptht the feet hold of caved at accessible' tool( ther~ sta.rted Present 7 yet all these frorn co~inz strength of crossout Dractically associates on was it and MDill dump the Horth mouth dietance and 'way the to 3520 '7!ay. tunnel vein. It distance, neither of has been has ~'!hich driven two opened hac. has 787 feet more much veins "Nork done it .. The f:.~om the Aetna point vein has "llhere it been has drifted been cut upon by both the in ways tunnel. The East drift long. Of this distance the Car;,i tal of the OnOn1a3"8 P:'Ol£llStJ ;.tines 'het'ifGen bade to avoid. in harmony, accordinG The C Onond~..Ga ontl'act sho'.'rTl 'l'here the' to I'lines property the has Tlroperty a COlT..... cor::manies, alone a fixed. the of and 10:1e, so they are e.g 'l!orkin~ agreement.. a has Company Capital feet been Gtri1<:e this the in feet h,ro 1460 i6 are. in complications the with 260 these apex all vdin feet Company., to per}:>cndicular li:1e 1200 tUne, Rnd of Aetna the on transy;ortation Compcny, ,,[Thieh l,fines will b6 application. on ,,..' To the and long f~e.t farther, V/est, the "./irift it will the be!~o:te on to have Viestern the Aetna be vein extended boundary of is 900 the 900 feet property reached .. At crosscut tunnel It made. is height. The from the It no 450 is a foot cuts double raise is driVen station level a Aetna to from up, it it in is from vein, 8. the where raise raise, 877 incline, in eradual from put East compartment level vertical feet the a tunnel levels PiimDly Ij'int .500 a has been feet vein, the it. the level 300 that level up. There has 450 level, above att in the every 100 good hard feet in foot feet. above From granite. been the , ThR tu~r bulk level of a1:'Out at ~he 8.11 inches the the They been stop been has started about. feet 1,000 for alr.ount the and. 10T.g of the so any ),Jutting West end line, abutting proIJerty. They level grade of alonside is boundary, 900 at air bad are Mine Mine the vein that it a 1rill raise for At a depth of and all the lo~t, 200 about 18 and about the West drij't tho present 2 of feet it. toy) llAce.rJ.B be J!on1 of the 877 abaolutely Capital Mine to connect hole about ore feet tl,e are tiley of raise a UT) and pushing farther, the dO'7.n '?fere have dintance Coml')amr their tunr~el are Western caUGht ore R the foot 300 represent at smelting v.rhf..n the !Une:s Ca.pi tal The are bet';'!een ror ntor·e!::; some of Capital milling l')ut above stoved level, other B~~ blo8~\ tIle of to 201':.e t level 01'e above up foot anond.age. against cet 300 fe,?t been to-eta te. stoping bec.l;tme tho high, ';!oul::1 The its and a out ~oo1 has distC',:1ce feet f~'~t ore tun~el In l't:11 the :-300 short ::: ;:5 of t077ards foot breast.. raise to impossible company with decided the top of air. as ~eet, about efforts '!lE:ll an made to the hole. tho tools recover got them failed . . adi t IJ.I -:o:p..ll the of tunnel lo(~e the ~ottom :::.'oscuti:-od has at the of started rJoint a lost the 1'1'0;:, been on t.he hang inc: at the surface bore-hole ~nd driven h C.TIr inc: to i.rall the level ',':i th towards foot it. of' '.'.'all <. t 1:e <Ok,. loie .. It to h~!.vo of cor:.ntlction t:ine and "lrork very easy and The 'flork in machine hane'\. l.:ountain tUn!:..el :rHte to t.. to. ' ., . 1';·-.··•. .:;'." I., H ~ \' ~.~.' ~: .t,: t -f of' be side a reach of worK bottom point, it 877 foot raise. be sunl~ and to accomplished, a is assuxed the the that the ha va will ~ill wall. It reached developing lO'lier the o:f in in the line pipe the I:i.Bchine beloVl to top iha t foot all the througn ore-bodies will fast~ from advP,nce sunk of' bottom "Nork. A and 0.eep drills .. But the has ha vebeen v!'ill the to~ards 'by f'oot the more the made. VIhen ventile. tion by it above 248 LOOo. be reet 700 feet 248 on nO':i hole .. Vihen v!inze 1. the drill be 77i11 driven be the driven is air drill driving levels the 700 lost shoulrl the of mine tunnel :foot bore-hole, it be i s ' done carried driven is done on the com:pres~or to the 1!ut to increase that it. .................... there tunnel and f'oot 700 the the -winze 2 MInE The tUfI..nel locomotive use from M':Y;C:':se 0 The .::> I' 80St. Ol~ to 19 censi ts of' an house haulage haulage ton, on per is coal coal. The aS8ay "' . . , m.I...L_, on the Railroad. of' the '111 th office, located the on tail race mill .. ,..,l There hous e co:nl)ined, a rooms, one d7Telling locotr',oti ve Company The story house ra3idenoe. It 2hec! , a po'; In houses, A owns shop also a 3 residence, a five and alDo Comr-ressoI' R six has a house, a fan house house and store house combined. office. a 8i~ rooms two story t'1l0 and half and and building and rooms rooms barn for grease generator an1 11111 II house bl.&.cksmi th combined, a ".1_ _ , _v. -m-ll' 'm'hi"h "lDg otore pOhder sma T. cone sel')arat,e.l..Y, a 1, two tore tons a is describ r:at :3 the Assay car a. below e rails. They output. 11y tons 50 The of be pound reduc loca tee. iding • 30 have buildinrs ofo"ice 'IFi th haulaes, Rnd 47;f J. equ1IF ei attached, 'l'hieh Dh !1 is FqlJIPHENT ., feed house room, a and a story wagon Stone house ... the U'pr;er blacksmith-shops, two levels, cabins it has a and a fan shaft house. house, 2 The !;:: e: to timber -la-~J.·n" L.~o L') the be The per this 35 ?J, Mill in stiokR 65 cOnJ:'f'latior: t.h6 and company clair.::::;. This ~il1 mine the noVi.. bought rHtes ~ from stulls J , f-" The If' ; .25 $ 1.50 .. \':he!1 to for lJert make a larce $ 2,000 ~ year contract pric~ coveril:.€: 'lli11 about K..W. On the 7:1 tIl a price larger for of for the not is and contract marie, 1 t is uPI)er savi:r..g .. Another PO'l.'cr usinG c: 1 nO'!i steadY by quite red.uced. could raise 'tii11 patente:i saving the fan. 3/4 ;, ru..'111ing materiall}"" .' and in (';i ty Company the Electric changing a USeB the sa \ring CO.:Tll:l'my Air ~~ of e drills IT.aohine ha.s sho"l'.'11 CQ.4pressor 1, goo * • • • • • • • • a the from yea.r through manaeement steam cOll.Id the be to mine that electri effected. THE MILL .. mill '7ne .. a"''''' it i8 fie:, :>:1 h01)..rg R L'O va the r.oint SO fine The cars a t. by goes throuGh 7.. it.h 3/4 coarse to elevator a 1:,in .. The ~n'l then to From that 1'ines into elevator Chilian tons to ore 6 way YJUlp Pierce to size to to foot dry into fed shaker la~~der a Chilian it into and. crusher Sal!1S0n bin. Akron also elevator the a the ore a fine fed beine Ch1li~n and fines are c").'9.,rse through the is water same Mill, the and is second R g::r:! z: zly The go goes oxe into over Cr'l.wher fines No. 1 the same through secoY.:.d bin.. feet electxic The elevated are fine ~~e, oDenings .. The tilis the of inch of bin t the to tXip" aeain oversize amount fed and elevator directly the Ore the a 3/4 holes .. 'rhe fine l)!'oper Bolthoff r~f)O bins. T'ne goes 9 x 15 inches the of trac}~., ore fines the with elevator the Dent to ton gxizzly an incline coarse a and and follo'lis: as into Dvex bine Hendrie car,("lci ty level one to is over 4- [.rizzlY~ . tU.11nel dixect a have r;h"oL; t. f'ln'!' pulls 1u::-,y;ed by 1907 ~ elevated ore :h~ in to snplJo8ed !<ill 7.[16 built ":'letS Mill, to wash Mill. latl...'"1der and passes No. 2 style over Al!1.a 19 arn.a to r s and Chilian. 10 x 8 into from there From the silvered fine elevRtor ooarse, oversize ncreen .. The ? to ~ -l.-'.,.. D"" leU., Chilian the throu~h . ."1,1' -. 11 MilIa. several ~1!"':'''l,",:::;'' and tables to iron CelLent the street fro:n the settling tanks ret';Jeen above runs 50 of the of gold double than year short and 70.65 the a:malgalJ1ation the f; has of' of the mill done not the gold ran since. When stands mi1.1 does out idle recover much gold. the % from 12 to 14 if the ore is higher later amounts to from shiPl')ed, contain and t118 into parti tiontd settled it the ':rheelbarro'!:s .. The by ores fron; tanks, irJ loaded amalgamation. The by concentrates, as silica Some of % moisture ::wre are runs, the The [' I that (l'8.inine con leact d1rt;;ctly and 1912, about extracted dUl."ing mill the year to [;0 fine~ the and the i'!ere steae-lier Rre into go and settling the ove!'flo':J a. into classifiers s lir.-les separat.ed. ::Hi!!"(pled across valuen are aTe eRrs is alil::er., They ::-a11:'08d T'uring The concentrates. They house.. O:r'e Card to 8.::1J. concentrates 1]:'11e t:-atl'~8 the Tan}<- pass H'y'J.rm1.1ic tRbles .. ':":. t;~llo'.',' ~c' , - lines s:'he S';lain rr.a terial tests 80 have to 84 s1lic(1, .. of in There to 12 is rrrade. shown %. 11 The that the s8,vings savin! of ~he I~ ~nd r.dl vel" Cood of deal of' to the ~1re~tlY '::'11e })o'.'rer the ':fould :::.111 be elee tric nouce for Llotor hO",J.:~e 1:10 tor runs H.. P.. motor 'cculd and circuit ci.istant fine from is boiler. the shil):ped t',~lO the service are a rate gi von 100 the if the by Crushers .. A the the anct sufficient to the :r.r.:lvided A 50 that Tun H .. P .. Westin£: H .. P.. oil 20 I),I.U"pose... the motors ','!'ith 30 Viesting elevators. A for motor 1~11 H ... P. Mil2.s .. Ghillian te:blAs be Ey0.I'O-I;lectric redu8ed !i1.1.wl-:. mill runs are the good. .. '.'1heels .. all water ore creek is 1'h8T0 Drill~ Lathe, are volts 440 switches and breakers. The ~ a vrestinghc'clse emery and motol'S at tIle the ::esti::1zhouse -p!' ess leGs. per very in b~r n0'.7 st eadi ly. The io motors motor are of' of furnished ;:3 & l/~ ~ rate COl1l!)an.{ The considerably al'6 rrradA higher' f'urni:.>hed is rn.." ';'[8.8 ll:.'\ad sselter. the it the ore Railroad is the }Jl:!.l!lped The about 50 The ores house and elevation feet. and into nhipped the cal'S to Th.e creek tank a mill, into bin .. the from located trtnJ.< the of mill is concentrates of the Salida about are ColorRdo under above by loaded and contract. the the /:I.Dove heated feet 300 a fro~ Southern PAST FUTUFE the Jf ~ould take for that a ne'7! :',e::6 not alr~acly there Driee of seen conpressor th8. t amounts and tu."1!:..Eil . Company. They stand to-day. The on hold spent good of of the air the the and tunnels them, if' they 125,000 the tV!O at property and rnine all that ia done some develoy,l:ient for hanla.gF't are far by the Capital rerresent hinGes below the property, as they almost exclusively of any bent to that be on good. the Mining actual energy aocomplished, no work equimpmer.t Slli'1lS the should lo'r mill .. them the is useful certainely fi!'nt.. Until excey)t of for improvements future getting the 00 drive ~; these actual the thB.t neen property, build.ings, locomotive the of to the cal Rbsolutely are of' .tJmt value as understand va.lue '."hich have 1:)t~ 'rill duplicate or-era tiona actual toolSt air I and '7rould be 1!tins, such the to is dO::1e already .. a1Go the for ])::"J.ce3, it IY'.B':' e future already 710rk 1'7t ) , 000 .:~ ',;' company '7/111 us e£\11 mininG about the PROPERTY f llI:CEGSII.RY of current iTifts, I'8.J.nes, nee,jed THE OF amount cUl'1te1t' nt it- EXPF,NnITlm]~S, "Norl" vein company end can at be the t 11:1:; el tile and level '7:ork ~;:i th th3.t the mill eve:; less of room for 801ntion of the 13aurnan as they' to the the on drif"ts zrade is the eold is in the fact and ample oT,erations.. probably if'> (lQst.s ton. The there rr.illing f<1;lthori ty vein~ been and t 900 any vein, bet7!ef:n is are in d~ga mine, and two a nt The cyaniding to f Bot or next the is more bI'eat of Was t ore-shoot the to feet in the of far 1,200 are alone shoots propeI'ty say to zone that level, as tunnel the barren statel!..ent the the continuous the for driven, that are, without '::i th rr.illJ.l1t:; strike ore. In 2,100 of othe:":' :f:'eet the East, the Western drift is on tlle lonbt Onon in yet. l.:r" at that 81:10':713 mill tIle millh1g c of I keep and 4 .. 00 c! 80 the in the have '... 'or-js, there ore ~~ pushecl be ad.visable., it to !luning only rroblen: the deem out least silvt)r the could ventilation tailincs. Er. tl1e recovers improvement cf the at to reduced be s]:o'IJ.l:1 would bloc:Y.ed capacity :fUll at :!"u~:~~. in£ are D'.J.ff'icient mine the manaeement the 8.S good it .. vath above of dt:!V 81op-t:ent of !,,'ast. far not the levelo Baul'nan 300 are and in also says that 450 foot levels ore. the drifts above the tunnel vein rac t ,e ol;e:1ed it I'·. · ,c to the it f'or 2,100 develo~~d to 1,000 vertically the on :::'''1.111 le~1Gth tha t f:ro;n t.he continuity the turlrlel at not vein horj as a. t the of 1,:' uy the ore-8hoct li},:el~r that level is y;ractically ore-shoot em already f'eet 8,400 depth belo"!,' the the Onandaga 7:0-: cor;.sicleration, '1'[111 not continue to to as above The size in the mine the .c;th ,,,if' feet in expensi va tha t sho"!! is taken well ~e11 :lrif-ts mine and the.t varyinG of surface. The al~o3t ore-shoot an depth as ;'1il1 thH are a be that le'vels a at Ulj ~il1 P-.::1j, that tunnel level, In practioally is mine the ore view dry, it belol! of not wi11 the the tunnel leve it. of' expenses this ore-shoot of development makes also it i'lork for blocle:": , ore a ':1ill small These ore next ~ ..'.'! ~ ~ not be amount heavy, of useless considerations reserves might ~s probably ex,loratory lead be. This there work naturally will chapter .. ............•..• be 'will to treated on see in 1-:, THE amount The cut in of this, no Late in at that at flc,t 7!81'e ore of 1909 a time and the ~ret, '."las the ~1 i t of' the blocked very ~:-.acle i:f great. the by mana deman,j,ed. '[!orkines detailed me informs averagec'!, they partly not beBn lflade .. The COilipany or is mine Earnp1ing that out ruap ,has done be hand. But taJcen blocked assay lIla:f l!;ine RESI:-;RV)'lS • ~orkin~G the ?esides ORE of the results are th~ t ounce 0.6'7 samples 76 go10. !Jer Tn.ade no,,;,! ton .. In the mine an accurat e sampling can be ,., of the drifts of the mine the air will The '700 on ':lOrkings of ha ve been found foot so that 01' the The ore a and from vein only reserves basis of at tu::mel the the to has the' lode, and on exposing wall up tunnel f'oo t wall adit vein 450 level foo t and level, if pemi t .. ginc:: an the is the as foot being on, it where are the all been o.riven should can driven 'Nal1 t i t has ore. It now be on no va1ui3 to '.~a1l foot far on as the noV{ t the part expected. figure contained in the the has driven be 11an values, so the to calculation the on crosscutted 'IT:1.1' possible are been amount what mine of possible is ground to take already as and OU t r::iDcd C=Ol.illd left. in Tor such plat No. 3 compare to the vii tll it amotL'1t of virgin !:l.ine .. calculation, the a the r cr to referred is ,,"; ~hd ile di!JtnrlCdfJ . 'l'he to a of of' roclr. err ''''1'101'' ;; ~" point. equal be long, 325 feet width high the of' conservativ8ly, according tIS tal:e on the the standing, this '.r.rhich no side. The deduct that pillars gives must prior records production from too of result as quite be to feet, conoervative corresponds available .. It SAr::ent, and we cul,ic CUbic 15 the 'well tir::'.e v:ere 'keTt ~ade, so as £0 ore tons to i8 le~t of ore mi the~igures 'Ili til during when feet result grade 52,000 that said lOVi feet cubic 875,000 eus t.o!:18.ry ton, let per for the very a <:>ceta::> to average the the 13,000 of feet 1,000 of tons. It'" charge figu:red mined .. Instead rather t be feet, x 3 feet., or 3 60,occ n !Joint a. ves to fl'O:::l can i' ~hich y·ro·"· ...r+"Jv ) .:/v ·t'lle taking i't}et,7fe , x ore out report, eive: 1 1 °00 of feet e .. In 3 This in ground feet at O·f' . _ stopei are block vein .. ·:.·or'.·~iT1., ' . 1 ' - -:·~<._·, . t·1';,'-". ~ '- the ;::;. til. this ~~~8d lILT. Mr. Cooper BauJ!lan l-,!ana took of the to::.r:.8.z,e mined or that the records left are J-r!'l""T'I'1 CAL.'"1 e..... ,. t~ ary. Yet , on.LY .L 7.1311. 11)., th 0:: e th).· ....,n ]:r. l?aUllian 7:8.8 abo ve • T_f' - value of' ~~ ;;hich is very lo~er workings to the a hove estir~ates 8 close of the 2.nd cjlr'~k tOT:', :::>.f'ter the same grO'lL'ld 0'1...'" leyel, ','!e '",r, J L tile and tons the by of' 1~ 416,000 from the to-date. and the the va 000 the reco f'rei:rh t shil'r reasoning by t of al1~ount amount ltlne D':7TIed the pl9.ying amount. Capital vP,.luEl a \Tfira.;;e that reach tc th.A tlli·"mel tor: 'li6 the of the tonna"'''' .. - - t, '" t'lle . ton, per block )<:nO't7, the"" ,J we tilH t /~ I I p ,~:r apply 'ite as a1nou""', 'I'.• ".'" rrlultil'~_lV • _' _ 'I're . far as h figures sil:.tllar Capital Mine, f'ollo'uing calcula tions: At 870 is feet feet trian~tlar 1850 f't - 870 ft the of' :feet t length tunnel ground the the East level. There is is end it a ground, giving: of or of level .. At the block of 980ft, height 3,000 x 980 is SU1'f'ace tur.nel above block s1..U"face end, the the above 1850 3000 west the or h erOl.l.."r1d, base of triangle of the 1,280,000 triangle. square feet t:.J on the 'I'here , .LeVeL '·'~c ' "---~-¥~"","'"A''' vein. is and a second the bloclc height of of' the f,rou~d surf'a-ce beb:een above the it tunnel at the of end ~r~stern bloc},. of rectangular hiGh, giving 1~1~::;1 on it the already DIane 7hi~ leaves or 2, ~85tOOO of yet rOtt long and on the vein. lor~g out, or a have .~t feet 1,000 storied the feet. We 870 3000 Sfluare block a been i18.G cround 2,610,000 of out !::n t or property the f2et ~~85 l111d f'Aet 870 square 3rm,000 feet vein. standing less 2,610,000 on square the feet, 325,000 vein .. 2,285,000 1 1 280,000 t square 3,565,000 on in thickness, give 10,695,000 :5 cubic the feet to Deducting of the as tonnaGe have for tion, the are tons This the at It exceed feet 3 in taking tons. already pillars grac.e mined to be out 20 left in % tons .. average ~er valUe out mined 8 8 figure is Dossi bili ties 7:1 th lo'u already feet, and cubic atoJ)es averaging as a ton recovered of basis calcula get: 'ITe 571,400 the the 571,400 accepting In vein ton, 713,000 in for a io prover ~; 4 simply of likely the that facili tier; per ton per ton. In or given $ 4,571,200 here as indioative of mine. the and cost proper accepting of mining management the figures and milling should given not above, it would ex})loi ta tion the l.:.t:"';~l the of ::ev8lop)[.ent pos the sl~oul:: be R(l'llirJY.',ent the .... ' to will to be full done posi tivel}" hO'7.'eVE.~r which development is a capital very is from n-,i11ions a stUD. that $ of the 100,000 additional low f' and one. of judgement and work, proper very be value a more that 7.'i11 form property attractive .... ...... it actual to to proposition t-;c'o rea1ination tIle ' 3 00,000 0 f ' ' ;~ 1forl\ th~?n be:rOl'(~ the for for hoped the the allo'!;' be l{lo!.'e of added and wine to value prospecti VB . aSKed, ~rica has ascertain mine. Tn ey the thu profits rr,ine, 'l.rith v;ork to 10 of the dollars '\ ahove quarter 0'1" bring that ~;;;>::~~ r ',:,-> l ~,l"<:i~~, APP:::NDIX 'lEE A LISTS }TECORD THEY CAME ABOUT THE 40 T"rffi ~, ACCOUNT SURFACE ~£':'z:.~J:'I"~;:y~~~""" .. OT' }{EPT, i'lTT".rI SHIP}'[ENT FROM.. CAPI'rAL INTO BF.F.H EACH % SHIPi\~NTS t THE HAS OF DETAILS t'?""- ....'.'- {f OF No. II 7riESE 'mIlCH TrIE AND 'THE SEIHn<:NTS PLACES RF.PRF.SENT T".rIE ORy.; SHTPP~D THROUGH TUNNEL AND DO TAKE OF TI-m IN ORE THE NOT SHIPPED E1UiLY FROM DAYS .. NEAR 46 SHIPLrENTS .. ~he b~ s1111));,l'mtc Gu(y::li vided frctl Groups, as six on recorded g1ven the in the sheet " No. 1 n N nit Ho .. II II 1111 II II No.3 33, Uti nit It 11 No .. 4 25'1'582.94 !! l\ Ill! 1111 No. 5 22,516 .. 23 1~ II II 1111 No .. r- 89 ~ 689 .1~3 took last charge of the 2,872.18 ~, 1809 the and Cooper the 'Ims time the months, since 1Ir .. property. No records previous that when in only c0:.1pr1ses thirty shipped ore to Mr.. charge that E. C. Bauman are t1tlH took 8nd larGer amount. In taking as a basis of estilnate, the out, it is possib'le to find stoped out about 53 and Mr. available date, bat'J'Teen E .. C. Bau, at shipped ore a even into '.,,,, 189,239 .. 08 amount this the during f'rom can 15,572 ..65 {~ 11 II But took ca::1e paees follo';;s : Total 1.:1'. they leases :t u 11 of follcming out Bauman about that 47 charge .. shipped he areas Mr. % of COOIJer the . 47 area total out mined on the vein the f"r'om Crosscut tunnel. In bY }~'rr • 311ip!~eQ stope!) ar""'oi'" ",inN T'~uDe'" Coo'~ , r , by told me "an :.rx .. thtJ Good ::a.w:ian, the 'liYllch by as through ':lorked I'. 400, ,000, t;, that grac.e of' ore the shiFped b the the corresponds o"!'lner Mr.. the as tunnel C.. l'I to of the or'e production fl'om must have exceeded amount;ed the ""!ith Grade Brady and Mr. the Bauman • •••......... i i· 48 RECORD OF SHIPMENTS. ore taken :frolT.. the Block of Grolmd, corrl~cpon to to the nhij?Dents of Sh~et Ho.l, amou.nts detaiJ.ed shiI)l:-.ents are given belo,,;,;. 1.; 15,1'378. :J.'he 'J'hR I'i?.. mo !~~!.1Jn!Ti I~J r~ :~~)n II 1 ~)()o 1450 11 24~-SP It 110f) 11 :':;'16' " 1499 1754 II 8494 II 2012 ;',052 2037 " H ??)(ii\) n 20G4 n 8'7'"14 " 3008 1'1 208',1 I'! 11:5 f'! ~lO'l It 400 2116 1'1 It 2124' II 584 tl 2185 969 t/ " ISH3 "tt " " " 1244 2071 2059 1544 231fi 2327 2226 ft 2225 1865 88<11 2240 8094 2335 "tt II' " It " It n n 2:::~59 " S?B2 tf . shoot NO .. 1. - AU. CU .. I\.j ~ • ~f,3 1 • f: ;.: 5eN It 11 ~~~ 2357 520 It ff ~ • .. ,;(. nurnher Lot. 2860 ?A5R .7 4.00 .76 6.57 .755 8.GO .81 pb. Con. NOt rU:1ovnt rec(14o " Bul. Eul .. Con Con e. 1 f:. Con Pul 8.28 .0C e.9f:i Con I'ul .. Bul .. C)] r..59 1.054.50 Con COl'! .845 7.50 Bul • .75 7 ~ 24 .05 Con Bul C("';n 5. S-9 035 e 90 Bu1 Bul 1.4.3 8.55 .40 .Con Bul • fl.;; 6.70 Con ·"'"'. 1 .64 .57 4.25 5 .. :)8 4.33 · ' IP1.1~ :'J:'51. 06 :-:::~7. PI ?~8.7~ ?if, 1. 9~ 142.51 14 f..?!:5 :"rf:i.Al 1. 7:) 10;-';. (Jf. ~f) :)00. on lW1.1f. ?i04.1E 1f,5 .·~·5 ?;20 .. F.:') ?9A.74 3:>3.~;'1 245.~O ?'?f).05 Bul le7 ",e·? Crud~ Bul 6.fl5 1.4M':, 8.;;5 8 ::5 .. 42 ~n~)./t5 17f.:n Oon Con Con 1.145 7.25 1.45 1.()O~ 8.70 .10 Con ,,40 8.!lOCon 1. }.P5 R.Oe Con .. 9~5 fi.8::5 1.05 1.08 1:51.7<) Eul Bu1 Con .81 7.96 .14 Eu1 9.fiSCon 1.20 8.00 Con .92 6.70 1.25 1.59 8.41 1.38 7.~0 ~ Bul 1.22 6.S0Con 1.44 Con Bul Bu1 1.27 2. (lOCon 1.02 5. ?,0Con Cru1e nul ~~4.:S2 2~A.Rl 1!=l7.80 351.BO 41:"i .. 39 4.:::~'. 1.7 387.0] 411.41 ::)70.f.l5 440.94 140.:;7 ~!2<i • 7~) 1BR.4f:, 44f,.F'! ?}?J?5f'; 85A.71 ::97.5;:) :'!:~. [1 ~ ·'n 0.. roT'. [31.47 :'liP:). H~ I! c.1-::k~ II II " .t)'7 Copper /',,1 JUG tr'1GlI t 2(';10 II 22P3 Cruie 3.50 Crudo .40 ;).55 copper arljustment on II ~9r£1 II II fi J3 5 2321 2324 2331 2341 1.28 .67 .86 .. f'>0 .47 .4A 2350 II :,)0fi.n2 Bul Vi'!. 3S f"0.83 • t) () 2:'>1;) " f).Bl 4. ,~ on It " " 2:.. 07 !O " l~H).no 2290 7.00 1. ~5 . 1'--/ :'..50 r;;::no f! ?)?8.?>f: Cru:lr:. 1.31 fl " 41??0 8.::';1 ".1 ( _~. I n Net retu:rns Con L 7:; (") t) r:~ '7 , Kind of are .. ro r. ::5C(iD ??R4 ~"?'59 11 cu .. Pb. Ag ., .Au. IJot 6.70 4.40 5.15 4.40 " .80 .30 35 • Set E (:z·.00 4.0.5 2.25 ~:~2 II Crude ~1l9.74 CrU(le Crude 216:?)3 327.17 22?).47 101.57 110.00 Cruct~ Crurle Crud.e \ sheet NO., 1", Narne li& Son It Lot # 2315 22~W 2363 .90 , «' " . , "'I , 2.60 .80 1'1 6.00 "~.~ , NAt returns. AU e Ag. pb cu., Copper ~dju9tment fI " : .... crude _ .___._:""S-,e:.fI.."_f r _ '~" " - - - .. - - - - - _ _ .... _ .... _ ': - t _ _ ':i Givon to ~heet N9ne De t:flstors ~ fIr..i rI,:;ld 11 Lot 4! 1545 ~2'15 • 1879 6477 Au o .4:) .62 ~ out of the sto~e, No. ~! on 8,B7n,lA Rn1 their 2etails ". Cu. l!umbcz,J'" Ar:. '? R.OO 5. If; 8')26 9.1~ 6P.Ol -'J .75 ~ 17 .O~ 2()5e' IF 11 " II I! I! B-SO-51 Copper dajustment 7232 1.147 7.51 .90 2990 B-59 7566 7567 B-68 7835 B-82 6.62 .855 4.75 ;65 .~ J?O.R5 111.85 J ~R. p:-:; Con .. lR4.?'? r1R.57 343.4:8 Can Con / 10"..1'15 Pul 14R.14 12.18 Con 3'7R.5P. Bul 141.15 Crude A.,)4 314P.fl8 Oopper a1justment .995 N8t r·eturnrl. Bul. Bul 6380 1.40B .58 Nurnbor B to 10 west. pb. Kind or ore Bullion Concentrat!-)s ,. i Crud~ Copper adjustment 214.'74 3.80 .74 .56 1?7.34 2.95 3.55 31-2.8~ . ' 1 7he Nu.r:l1~ier ~.:,:C3t .. shilJ!'.:ents of Stope lID", 3, sheet No .. 3 t or Three 10[: 8 e, fl'om 11t1!1bsI' B ]';ast to N1.L."':',L-er Lot~} rnH'1 2* ::"007 l' the f~'o:;;. CO;!le to ta 1 8.mOu.nt , 11. I, Lot II ;:007 12 11 21fiA , of' 1'1"0:11 of Hu.."7c:',er the orB Ar. 1;304 nur~,be:: lotG leas e l:.ent3 to }~?l·iraha:1.. 8Yl-:1 leane of sIli}.)}.- pt. /ill. .8f) 7• l~? .),7 •.se::.: 7.50 1. ~50 011. ~1f,~ :) 23£14 2131 2117 2427 2428 2474 2005 3.00 3.?5 7.00 ~.OO 5.'25 .80 87.30 1. t51 1~;.40 1.00G 6 .. 30 '>:0 1.76 ~.50 • 'IV ..... Kind of .. ~.-" 2.06 1.14 Bul 12:5.06 Crudfl 270.14- 11.f.P7 3P1.56 4.7;':,[) ~32.no4::>7.51- 19.550 577.14- 12.922 420.1:?- 1fi.O"3 2:::>..50 2 .. 40 7"flO Bul lE.eo2 1. ~~7 8.88 1.:'50 .53 3.00 6.70 01:; (,)I • ~.i t.J Con Con 1.43 43 2874 8. f50 CrlJdA Con Crude Bul 3.17 .56 5.19 Crude Crude Crude 85 .f-A 92 .70 3.50 5.90 3.70 4.20 5.40 99 106 112 .00 5.00 f:1"; Iv 3.50 If .42 ~$50 It 63 71 70 217·1 2183 21 2210 2209 2215 2::n6 129 .en • LOf) 2 • :~fj • LleY. { .7 Hf:' A.- ""'n .80 fl. <1 0 1. G3 2;'~ .. " " 1.30 1.20 1.'10 .31 7.48 1.03 7.5?, .5e 6.::58 .76 3.53 • 715 4 . 1 1• .ne • '72 It If rt ::).00 11 • n H 1'1 A ',1' . ...,,, (- ---- ret 111""11 f1 • Di> IG3.3:':- 11 J~2? 177.09 140.f.P.- 15.01('; R7.11 P,1. F08.R57 ?if.9.Jl- 1?.494 4713. 50- 18.G30 347.01- 20.072 PR.P-O- 1.7[,9 920.14 ::)08.55- 9.27(1 ?f)9 .. 9f-:81 .. 4-? 2006 .gG .4f) .66 Coli Con Eul trc t 1.32 14.GO <) 2.~3513.76 Crur'le Or'S er .. '7ne .ge. Orud~ 18~26 0.87 a no. Crude! 1--< 1 •. ~5 10.0:) Cruris Crude co;nH 8h1'2 8.,25 2. 13 13.67 2054 62 l-;'U::L.(;r of the ';:2S~; 23,005 Con. .53 11.00 1. 55 lLbO 1. 435J 0.00 OF 5.7A 1.78 14.70 the nur::be:r a:l:i Bullion 254f~ 2476 Co. Bullion 2;:)?~ 84:::3 to Crude 611 ;:n04 2361 fro:;r, :1361 1 " . " 32~.P2- 278.88 10111.43818.882fiR.07348.30755.07887.12- • f', (iLl 1.'758 4B.lf:3 0'7, #-1- ',.' • 9 47.1gB 4(-:.4:)1 30.P87 7().128 Al.3?8 R~9.05- 50.813 650. ru- 51.0-40 431.38- 46.89] 813.55- 48.314 7RR.f)5 .... ?)P.780 400. ::'0- 2~. ?~~:5 :S4Q.OI.1- ?:':.POl 15:-x..57- 15e~80 17':.20- 18.1?;7 14HL45- f!1.,049 4C:-~:). rn- 4,1.073 62~).R7- 44.04 ('; .Au .. Lot 143 1 e 07 144 .Sf .Dl~ ~~::':'4 1# 104 22f)7 ~.Z,C ~1 .. f-: 0 ..,. • f:f:, 018.5 fi. :';7 ::~('r .58 4.40 2.5R 15.!?0 368 ,.605 5.4-0 2.54- I? • :.~O r) 1-.c5 • 8 t:o 369 .:J05 5.23 370 1432 422 2.7~3G18.70 1433 215 5~2 572 507 627 9">:0r:' - ' , j :_,\..) 754 755 7M{ ?fiB 841 8G4 929 953 ,...., At; .. 5.30 .83f; 5.50 1,,02 5.60 .. 78 4.(-;5 2.84 18.85 2.33 15.00 . ;'")1 1# .1t;· l',c. of ore P1) • vl.~ " ;)0 1.1 4~50 tI f)" c 11. 20 .15 .. 90 .. .755 2.015 .48 1.71.83S 2.01 .59 1.97 4 .. 52 13.35 3.85 14.03 3.70 I5.foO :3. -55 15.75 " ?9R .. Gl- 1 p .172 tI 3~1.41- " " I'f 240. r4- 20:3~7 108.54- 8~~e5 .. 87 ~ ()t:: t~.~ } If F'i.) 4.05 12.70 9~90 ~. fJO • ,.., "It t 9:':4.21- 17.533 f,9 .. 94- 23.257 It Kind or' Crude 01: , Pb .. 2.78 9.30 tI 2.~7 9.10 tt 2. [i5 18.10 n 1?).10 \ 1334.R8- 48.185 827.00- 5~.~~;) 5:':.A.09 ... <17.b74 13l~l. :x, 0- 18. ~i7t= II ::S" 15 ~[j.47R 34<* .80- 2e.58S 1-10;".37- r::O.17f, 23() .. ;:.0- ::):).'::0<1. • 2. 13 Ar:;,. ~,O? ~ ~ 11.LIF'f, 0R- 7,P.9f55 n7~.R::\- II ... .90 .42 707.78- 40. ~4 1 f:AP" 7[',- 'i-1982 f):)(\.78- 40.DfJ " 1.10 3.55 10.01 1~? P{--7tl1TTIS « .. 47R 4.4·5 Net ()~e -ffl')t He ","' 510.5P-tf 8RO .. 57 -10. tj,5L1 844. 08-5~'i. 971 " (194. 04-46 .4~?n 365.14-17.731 ) 903 .. A5-18.r.P.l n " 3(;9.57-54. :-):.:'.4 IV G95.06-f:O.?'B5 , I -, 7 .1' i 53 Lot -II Al! • Ag. 2:?43 ?'(::;·14 • ~)s..) 11. :55 :')2 .. 71 3.f)f; l?i.5~) 1.eB :').80 %4.15 8.47 2::: .. 6::'" ::',5.00 5.60 1. 91- 13 .. 00 1.30 2.97 •qo 88fif, ~f.'f'4 2331 2350 1794 2372 8399 t) , i • '1'0 ... 3.08 .955 2226 2418 2410 1.075 2445 .. 765 ~ 2.5.50 8.00 6.90 Cu. Pb 4.50 10. ~~,"5 28.75 14.'50 89.;10 8.00 1.B9 6.61 8.::50 5.00 25~j6 2470 '2720 2003 2006 2851 2035 3064 2110 211:'i 133 2125 270 8144 214;~' .585 3.29 .94- 4.59 lA.fn 7 .. ~)7 1.:')7 33. ~~2 10.15 Or-UClA 1.55 2.3f) 1.7fi 18.00 8.32 10 .. 90 15.75 1.49 2.95 14.(\7 p. (i5 9.00 16.80 12.25 20.80 15.10 3.80 1.63 22.00 14.1I.:0 6514 1. :S05 8227 1. 0~l)5 12,,95 A.50 Q"" '" " f .60 13.57 7.70 ()A3 735 1. 11-5 1'3.91 .80 l~). 00 R~turnG. 15r:1.00 ~nq.~Q :').f)~r, 1:).lRO f.l;:98.~8 101f) .. 8~ 5:-:z;~.ol .r=510.00 260.4?4:')0.91 Con Bul Con 480.48 284.34 Bul 358.9{'$ Con Bul Crude Con (Jon Bul Con 170.,00 431.60 110f..,()8 41:1..2'") 504. :21 38R.05 575.3() R8t5.51 CrlJde 725.91 Bu1 Crude; AO.!). (So Crud.. CrudA Bul Con Con Bil Bu1 Con Bul i!l Ih ~: ~?4.10 497.f',7 Cr11dA Con Bnl ,;: 11. I~ r, ;c, ?4P.70 708 .. A3 Bul 4$25 2.05 Net Eul b Bul .985 4E7 13722 944 Yind ot'" oY'e Con Crud!) Cruds Bul Crude Crude 24h~(H1 701 .. 75 507 .. "10 B10.98 3A2. :)t3 ,h :1: ! 11. '? ~15 22.;:)54 II) 'I" I;:"III" !1 !Ii:: f Fi.413 8fi.95;:; ::[,1 :.1,1, :11 "!'/ 20. f,4~) \11: I' ' III ,' , 21.1):?5 T''I :111 11.\ 85.5En I! ~ t 'If I I. Uhf " \l'! 1:'5 .. 8::') 1 osn !dI~:' i ,L', 17. ~52 Ill> ; t~ ;;11 'i ~O. 25.774 13.47? AOA~~2 6:5f3 •.99 1415.75 1025.A2 901. R:~ 720 .. '75 ,1:;1 j R.91::) 18.A7'7 14 .. ?;7R ?1.10f 1 [,I ·I-!il :ij:: (;' II"· , · Wi · ~IW:II V/I' !: ~ !'I "''I' ,;.1/ : 2().'755 11. :1)~(l j I II ''/' klil r:ll! :,'I," Hil) 1R.254 :'Ii'/I· I: illIi g,. ,I',iI ' 'I' , : -I,d, , iii :'i! :'1 ' ':l .' "i ! ~ 54 Lot 2230 2262 1258 j~u .. 3.34 .93 '2272 .415 . ~?205 1358 2350 .. 805 2;)51 A[;. 18 .. 96 - Cn. 2.85 7. ~30 Pf.'. 3 .. 90 7.50 22.00 5.24 .G9 ~- :t.,.3:8 13.22 1.18 1 i; ..-P2 IS.GO 1857 2;)97 2308 2101 2435 243G 2322 2478 .545 6.10 13.75 1.15 3.02 20 .. 60 Q" .. c.,IJ 19.86 ~.n5 22.00 liat TZet1.U'ns f:37.9G 194.90 Crude Con Bul Con Con Bul Con or-tln a Bul Con 86 .. 20 6.G5 5.17 11.67 .56 1.03 Kind. of ore <~' fi;fl17 lO.GO'? 0?':?On 02 .. ~)R o.f.f.fl 1.7:31 41.78 146"l.D 144. '7~-) 17.~03 ):)O.7~ 4.2:"0 531.89 f)4,,~:?' Con Bul Con Con Bul Crun8 14f).1f5 ,«< 78.29 I 1"3" Of l' ?m2.10'1 118.A5 /'1 [. (' " ;! :'1 i( R. ~n2 1.5()~ 1.5 7 4 Tne :3 o~'e above I1hip:r.:ent~.'l the 8hil)y:cd (-Lot:# 8364 cf 30o;;::foot Sheet Ho .. 5, 7lere level, on $> 22,516.::13 .. A[;. cu. 1.36 11.00 1.10 Au. Company Pb. Kind or 10.00 Cnn. If36}) Elll. Grl:.:1.e 2140 2395 Bul Con Con Con 2~)94 .66 10.[4 2.11 J0. 1.7[; 10. fie If.a~ 11.,~O .52 11.tO 24;')6 2440 2442 2555 2464- 2476 2485 2G51 2088 2029 2050 3063 2063 3200 ?074 2085 l~ul 1.'lf'5 8.t39 1..20 Con 1.4 1.70 Con Bul Grurie 8.60 22.00 9.61 0.90 2.45 16.24 1.10 7.68 • 08 7.74 3 •.'SB 5.20 1.M) .so 072 15 ~ 1.') 7 ::1::1 2163 .83 S.lA 6.16 If-.75 2.20 16.00 .71 5.86 611 ~195 5.00 .. 5135 6.21 706 8(309 ?21 :3 2?14 2217 .4(i 4.)6 .;:;45 4.50 .RG 10.n? :2.3':)515.78 ]4.50 37.83 8S6 ~219 3225 222H .58 ::1.f:5 .. 42 3.40 1.fl5 14. rw 1082 2234 • B7 Con Con Con .Bul Crude ?,?59 .475 :1.P5 1157 2265 226f) ~~~~)67 11 7CJ. °9 5.18;, 9P,~. ()~. 21. 1::);'1 14 .. 04(' 5."i:? :;1 4(;4.90 71'" ~46 1')8:'5.11 84.f:PB 84. ~o:, 11~:7.52 101::)., 82 1 :ljl=: .. ·l fl 1IP.F.? 145.)3 4R7.05 Fi9!A.97 ?R7.FB 17.51:1 Iii. P0[;. 89.643 17.140 IP'.!31(z 8.1101 15.4Rf IP. P ?;4 Con 41::)oRl q5t.A8 05:1.42 Con 674.32 27.:;20 Bul ;)C,q. ,")3 Crude Con 711 • ~:'I3 '~r.3fff 251.25 24.680 Eul 9.41 387.61 07 .. 901 Gnn Bul 470.~7 Con Con Con Con 79.90 140.59 Bul 607.116 J4f:1.6P 84. ?'P ~o. fi87 .. P7 12.0:'i:) ). Con Con 5:)7.Dfi 17~.00 " ?OFi. 7.'5 21.1R? I; 'Rul ~(1~' .. fif) Con Crude Con P..IB 0 .')f)/) • Inl.~8 Con ;;?'.50 25.3P ~';4 • flP'1 WI:'). O?i ] p. e· 5 7 ;; 914. :"i A Rul .40 0.P50 J.0158.10 1 ('77. 1 0 Gnn Oem Bul ]~.S5 4.43 NAt l'f:tllrns .. 597.'10 987.74 11.00 21.82 or~ Con nul 2138 352 2155· 1 and 377.0:: Bul 4·.50 4.6.5 from aCCOll.:a t.. rEo ta.l of Con Bul .02 4.-10 .56 5.'-10 .. 74510.):1 taken Con Orw1 e 14.?!?7 ] p. 84:" 11-R.5~ 7.1':11 !,q~.?f; 4 • .1~~ f.] .. r)?; ?'57.0~ __.. _,t~ .J!_ 8[,,4 lC).R'7P. ~.r;~.fn~ I?) • 3·t:~ 9 .. o:.:-p· 11.)()). ii. ' ?".;~ 1.' ?"\~ , The ~~ ore fro:!1 Sheet Ho. 6 or stope lio. C, comes st of' H~::.1.'Gr f. on the 300 foot level, and an:i 13hir:l)ed on co~pany I s account .. s:11e to tl.', 1 t 689 .. If'.. f".~ Au. 2:'.70 88(30 1.03 . Pb. 4 • .t"r5 ::.Cfi 4.35 1.455 .775 2.75 1~i.70 1. (;7 .7·1.') 9.70 5.70 G.Of) .'75 ~.OO • Cf)5 ?t:';' 14.40 15.1:) ~ , .135 1 • GeE . ~ I f lRfi.8? 1).14r:; S.OO Con ~6:-S.()7 17.r~0 l''''\.ln 1().40 arm Crud~ If ! I ,I g f . ~'~ 3?,0. "". Con fl7h.'Z() 13ul .:..;ul ·11-';;8. ;:;,j " -".....' ~ ~ ~ ") \.I ,.." • "'Q ~,1 \" 1:;."'] r.'l ~.G() .7S ,_-, ~ ...... 1""_ r,"'" ,; ... f , ..,r: '. '7~~.18 '1L).l!~ ~1.:~1:; ~... ~U~~ Q 'V3f;.84 27.8!",C ~~.lO ::cude Eul Con Con 1~98.R7 22.79:; 18.55 ?,t .1 Q " .,'l: 1~f:'7.01 295.27 ':':"l1'1 570.55 (Jon fiO~.,. ~4 !~0:3.8~ l~. C:.;3 .79b r~r _. Gcr. 11.4!1 1. () Its 2.72 ....... .. .'t(: l~ 15.50 FL 38 1 ";.(),) - 14.(;41 ::.: • f, ~C 18.145 ".) , : . ' " It 4.651 ?l.F%l 1'! • r:7° Dul Con 2f):J5.Pfl (3.81 410.40 8R.12;.\ :~.• Con l!~n."'£1 1"'\'- 50 1"\'- ..... ;'>072 """, " 10.8f) 2.07 .ep GCl0.\")G r::OR.37 7. 1 r: 15.50 ,. r. 1 n:2j:<;. Of) Con ul , . , ..... 15.10~ ?:<>8. 4 7 .r;; 1\ 1 .:: 11.4('; 3.01 , 22.1:):2 A.PO ;:::Ol~ 2040 1r.FJ5~ l:~. f'R6 ~, ~~ ~~002 I lri~.r-C<r [;55.°8 443 .1~S Crude .rr: :~/"\:7 ~~~~j ~17.(\7 Bul Crude .... p..P~ ::::;0'~ o~.~ ;,. . Polll :--S • .':~J] ;)0.00 270::') ~~ ?4~. 1[) 1 7 • 7 [' [' ;:';?O.06 R7'?02 40? 97 l.!:"O 1. 1(, 1.38 ~~~1: ~5 Bul LuI 1. SO 1. 98 .., fl t)' 8425 8440 8401 • ('; r' 11"J:O Bul Crude Cnn 0~:::f) 2400 2408 !(f)tUrtIS. 1·1~) ??57 11.20 1950 ].3G He Con Con 15.fiO 6.. [,0 (lj' C'!n l(5oP 2389 778. S 8.50 .t;i-;.;;1 1:;70..40 Con 302.8;:> , (\ei-' ;: .~ ,. ;(. \ ~,. i it r,ot ., ;:. f S ,. <) I 1 1 (1 ·",O:':t') )"7 ::~. 1 1 l' ~~ ~ :_~. J 11: • .5[; 1 .7) :W 3:'l 2084 1;1". '!- ~~ :;;.7#1~) 1~~[)() #": '.1I)Cl':) > ....... 1.08 ~ I'J~' ~~ 1 ~~1 2.00f rq -, ·0 s: f •. . f:~ y., f (.' ~". ;' ;,~. L -;O;-;:~ i Sl~~1 ?] Ll ~~ r, '--.' 1.1 01' L. ..... '.,J ;;: - . ...,', , ) ·• I'. r • 1 ~ , , • ~, . ,; 2.005 l[)Cj~:.r)n Crud(~ lflf;('. :)1.85 .. '. 12.R7 ..,. r;,~ \.., ] 7..."") , .40 .Rn ~167 .68 2168 31·4 l.n7 ('.07 6 e flO 14-.87 1-70 :5.70 7' ~ e,() . ::' 7.:=;0 1.48 7;"')4.11'" ;';'\-7.8.") l? Gon ~:31.[r; ·~4. :-'~ () () Lj -, ,;' ...: ..L<;.) 1049.1",') l ~215 S. ,_,;";"::" I 82:')5 "'" l,.,.' 25? ~ 265 !?t30 3fA pb. '::;.40 1 n"-t). ,,\J ~O.l't5 : r~1· 11.3e l.03 ;->;:-'.. G0 .GA ;;'.;,)5 5 .. 00 1095 12.20 1.35 25.50 85A 192 214 Cu. :. :)6 " ,. ..- ; \~j ?:::';J ] \ ..... (..... r_r Ar;. AU. .54 LoVI .075 .80 ...I ,., • ,..? ( • I , 21~ 1. J85 .77B .q75 429 .775 ,... o. 10 5.f15 G.RO fl.70 8.20 5.55 0*45 5.4fi 6.10 6.80 7.50 7.~O ~.r;o 5.BO 20 .. 01 8.45 1173 r::.~T7" j t.) \.j' 13:::·7 .79 3.AO 13.05 7 ~) > . :.:,(j 142 000 1 ~. 8r~~ 18.11::: 21. pqq 1('; .. 0~:'; ~Rl.~-)~~ 17.17(; :;O~)~ 1f) 20,,()08,r) Cot:: It5R" 00 ~nR .. :~5 10"R7~ Con C (m Cru/t~ Kind Con 15.R~,/ R~O,,80 Bul Bul 2;~O .4~. , , i I :':198 ',J ,'~, (.;',1(; - 4{)1.81 "r.;; 'f,~.: + "1' • ;:)4f.• A:) or-uri") ,,' 1-. }"-10:'-; Orud.e on 14'<,P:1'~ / ~ ?:l Con Con Eu! " c "':: <~ . n. pry '7 .?q .'; /""'I~" • (") J.C~ (;-rl!(;e 35.8;') t""):- ",'? Cr'LldB ,r:!.,:~ 216{) '-~ .s C) ~');?' ~ P"qq }[).OO r~)(le ,"--f ~j 7;. ,'l() 9.'=':('; B" :~n 4 1 f".) 7 .~ ., 1 7 :,)(;. 1'; I'uI1 .~ IJJ2 1. ~2 l.nQ 7.4$1 I?-C) ~~ 1 A 1 Returns l~-3t :)~.[~(! 140 ?15G OTE; • '7 () J. P.70 15.05 Kine:. of PbC" Cu" ~~. 4 i: :,;. :,1'" 1'7 .. 11 .105 i ~;~-1.+ f., • .) l~ /'~e Au ... or or's , ______ Net R ct \ll~nll ]0P. .-. 1 - ] ~.~. Dr:"l (~rude 1~~~.7-1 :,),0. r:).19 ()rudA Con Crudo Bul Con Con Con Con Can Con Con Cnn Bul Onn 141(\.l1f'i 21.049 :t:.ul ')4r-. - , - '>., nc'! .~ . . 479.A? InoP·.81 1:-~.600 f<.S?? ?,7;J.90 ~O.504 3~~3. 21.??4 80.01<1 lA.8t:::7 07 3B1. 53 890.70 B4f) .4::! ?OO .. 9'? ?'84.1R 1:-3. 191 0.870 :-;~1.90 ~O. Al1.01 ;:) ('l7 .1 ~ 14R9.97 21.508 :"i40 lS.4RS , 1 t £ # ~ 1: ;' :( ~,~ f ~l' t' ! -~~-- .. --58 ],ot Au. ::.04 Ou. 10.80 .C:. • 5b .875 1. 11 5 .. f:E 0. ?;o :~. . eo .74 '2.1.0 1 • ti5 Fl-,. ~?7 111.(1 f)fHl :::C3 131::; 1 1:'80 .98 .077 QQ~ • Con ~n. An'?' 7.QO 7.90 on non 41R.'7r :.; f)] • 1 ;) 1'/ .. ~~1t)7 :-:>i~"'j. ~ ~'1- , f). ()<)r3 14.0<h1 f'F; .4 n f,. r; 0 ~; 0.C:']1 ,5n::. (")0 I')OC).01 Bul 4PP.O:O enn ~.~1. fi~ Gon :<i~O.:"1 31P'.?;9 Crude Bul Gr"ln ~9P..21 le08 1702 17 1729 1750 1 1387 17{;lS lEYl7 .7Q5 .85 .895 • .. ", I""'r <II : ' ~. Crm 4~p.77 ~l.ClO::; Con 4f)() of),) 1,:).1f'4 D. f,G A .0(1 ("'r')n 7 .. 80 l.En ~ 71 ~{).PO 5.80 7.72 6.50 6.65 5.60 .8£1 13.10-1 Blll 1.04 1.35 I.09 .a95 .855 .765 1.77 :>1.71'::> 80.4f:O qO. 7n.~? JJ.~f) .815 1.425 .B6 .t~;i~ f,.77 8.95 14.80 13.10 13.30 7.15 • 7.1G 5.00 6.25 8.85 8.,15 10.50 5.15 5.40 5.50 13.35 5.60 8.40 15.f?,5 r;4.()0 1.30 10.80 R.oO ?i.":,O. ~(; Eul P74.50 4R7.()5 40?17 Gon Con 5~3.R9 Bul l099.2Q Con :')::58.54 Orw:1e Cl'JIlde R1R.4R C:"Ud9 .1)04.8:;) 47)5.01 37R.45 411. 73 fi34.53 Bul 7~O.83 Con Con Con Con Crude Con Crud8 Con Bul 8.25 8.05 S?' .. O?,5 Eu1 Bul 1112 1649 l1RR.8'7 94?).5:) 17 ~4? 10.f)7 8.00 3,,00 18.15 1.695 "r'7 121_:1 Con 1.85 ::;5.05 7:#15 R.45 8.85 .\14.7 Returns Cr-llbe .fi5 10 rH; ?~tt • C5 P. ·1-0 no 5. ,=;3 13.60 Kind of ore Bul Con Con 22.448 81. ant:': 17.825 In 506 23.473 0 24. f,45 20.727 2l.6::)9 19..741 ~(jr,.f)O 387.79 P?)O.7f; 3~~.q7 679.70 ~1. 84~) 11.::'):;4 18.0'31 21.8fil 348.97 ", 925. q4 ", 749.07 :-14:0 .. 10' . 19.7(14 411_0_:9_'____ !=l2.473 ~ , ~, ~i, ;.,: ~ ~, ~. ~ 1 t~ ~ f r .I Ilii I, ~ "'~ ~~ f ~, ~ ,,' ~. ,~t ~ E ~ i ~ 1' ~j ~ .~ .:;1 ~ ~ ,. ""t * ,t I ~, ~ i &1 ~ Iii ~~, I Ii "" M ~ ~ ~ " ;-~ ~ Ii ~ f: i iI l I I j i I I 1.. c) t if AU. u;ln 8.3~ 18~3G .76 1511 J f"l,:jl .81 1 rJ~1B .76 2.8:?7 I) r" A ~"l J,.rV~'tU 1087 819G "24R 2208 1955 240;>; 2?)S2 2407 8578 2051 2212 2351 5*.47 5~90 ~[)21 2533 2534 2093 2210 2715 2725 2325 2866 2985 2462 2801 2657 50 42 174 350 ~181 2989 384 Ap. eu pb 18.70 5.80 8.45 7.90 B.80 "' 1.., V • .J....~. 5.40 1 r~ .. A3 .84 • P-15 2.69 5.00 5.50 10.95 .56 2.2b5 3.71 R.90 4.40 6 .. 12 .615 .865 ::' • ?i8 1.nO Kin'! of' arc; ?,lc~t n~t,llrns 1 O.r:;:1.:;4 <:::1 • t)71 Crur1 ~ 7.PO 0.00 10.1:0 7 .. 20 9.80 8.[,0 5.3t) 1.40 1.80 .. lQ .815 I.CB5 *.995 .315 .855 1.'75 Crm Uru:1:':: ~04. 4~~ '-',1 • :'; () n ~17r.0(; 1f,.::~5(' Eu1 511.!j:) 5.5t) 7.60 l~!. 00 2. ;?,O 2.15 5.40 ~365 .425 .75 3.15 4.32 .555 4. ~-S5 5.40 1.105 .67 .395 .505 .55 7.15 3.80 2.G5 3.15 3. ~'-o 5.70 .. 915 4.90 6.20 ~O~. :~f)7 Con Con Crude ?75. en 4:58.49 10. :z;~() ;)2 17.879 Bul 725.1G Ipn.06 Crudo 2.80 2.95 .3fi5 ?,np.71 5R7 • :~f' 0Vt .. f.l Cob CO:1 c' 4.C1 10.40 Gon Eul Can Con Eul Bul Eul Con Crud c~ Con Con Con Bul Bil Cor. Con Flul Con Con Bul C'1n Bu1 Con Con Con Con Con Bul Con ~!50. 674" 1';1 ;)n,A.• 1 ~ 4?'6.RR 24.17~, H1.5~t~ I7.J?fi 8~.G9G 2:).OR1 414.5'7 441.68 f)~7.f53 826.15 2?90n GR1.1A ;)6. ::)1 If1.1R7 05.<15 14.247 25R. ~'5? 1:-; .,1,58 lR.G01 2eO.2~ 458.86 38.61 60.513 1~.4:.W 113.?!?1, 411.96 135.88 25.576 2;)2.6'7 20.003 50:').44 134.84 226.61 299.28 2~4.49 96.04 109.4G 1:'54.72 :';5 (1. 9fj 230.22 14.110 2?lR() <)0.803 17.120: 18.0Rf) 60 i ! ' Lot 447 96 AU. .fjf)f} 59? .5:'S5 .. 5'0· 3.8fi 7.80 .4\')5 4.05 "196 E33 :3560 67 .52 3.85 ~805 fj.40 Copper adjustment KinQ of ore Het Returns ·14~.lO Con Con 4.80 4.10 • 9~~5 3348 750 Pb. 5.::52 .65 Copper nd.juGtf"'!Gnt ·ifS f, Ag. 9.70 Eul ?501. r:n Con 1?~.!)-1 1 q • ~'S40 Con 90 .. ,5!) Con 101.0:'; lQ.961 14.701 11 .. '790 C~ n~?5.11 Bul 504 .. 54 J.?,P.lfJ' 18 .. 0f)2 1 i). 2 • 8f~ -, 1 9 • 1?; 7 1.~ t-)2.J. "5'" { " nL:!' • 70"I 401 .. ?8' Con Con 10.75 14.::~33 .51 COll Eul _ _ _ _1~•.1 0 _,_' • '" ::.\ ':1 '.' r '/ . ::..i '-< : '-, ,I r ,I I I I,II' I I l.PPENDIX LIST OF ASSAYS UPPER No. 3 OF WORYJNGS CAPITAL THE VEIN OF T.rIE MINE. IN TFfE I' ,J~t!l! :I :6 IL I· 1.1r [ ! .IIl· LIST Mlxm, AS OF ASSAYS COMING ON FROM FILl~ THE OLD AT THE AETNA j , CAPITll.L WOmITNGS .~ 1 !i OF 1: THE lr: MINE. ! ll~' l I 1 l :"'11; " I .Assay certificates on file bere belonging to the Old Aetna nil I nil f ~ I -~---.--.----- ..J'!\.--- ---"""Jr'---- - ' - Date Name of S9.mp1er Assay 1'f" From "r1Om Oz Silver Value per 131------ ~ 16g.~~ May-II-1672---- W.Bemont-----B24--- Aetna- G.~arst--292.17 :?2G ... ---~-- ... ~ -17-1872---" ------ 1048--11 " 1{;63---·--2150.09 ft -23~le72---" ----~- 1053--" "n 345--... -~·~ 44fi.05 Jnn~ 4-1872---" ------- 1118--" "24-1872---" ____ L_ 120n--n 14R. F7 115-----" ~15.00 ~~. ~~-----July 5-1872----SwBnsoB Smel Cp23--" " 7~7 .40 f10?----- Nov 25-l872-Territ n ria1" It 2088--" - G. :.inroh-- Feb 24-1873-PaJl'ler !Ie Hichols-594--" D4r ... ----757- .... - -~8f4.10 " 24-1873-" It" 595---. It " ?)25--·--- n 24-1873-" "n 596--It 422.fiO " Torn-70 1 P. B" 24-1873-" tf" 597-'~-" JAn 19-1873- n "n 542--11 2019------ 28P4.7~ "11 21eO------ 2P31.0~ June 4-1873- It " " 757---" 2P4.4· 300-----July 18-18!:H-U1ear Greek Uo S.W " -V\.r/:ly~·:i)od-134--~-·-- It 18-1881-" " It " ,,11 113. 11 6(';.2- Pf)_-4_-~Oot 7-1884-Miners Sar.Jplin!; Viks " 35----~-14.73 It 7-1H84-" "" tl " 50.':? 72---~-Nov 4-18F.4-: " It" " "II 9.49 n 4-1884- It It tI n ., 30--- " -tI 100.;0 :.~ " 4-1884- I\' If" It 1:~1---"--1'1 8 7 • ~l 52---..- · Dec 27 -1884-- G. :':. Hall It t! _..:_ 11 1'1 56.30 83--·---" 27-1H8 .i:" "" 1'1 " fI f.4 .,~~ 90----- JIln 20-18Rf. ~ It "" IT fI 11 5;-::.~O 78-----F~b 2-1885·fI 11 t1" It :)n . . '7~ ;-)7 - - - - - MArcJ:I0-H~~~5-\;(~()L(l\\'n Public " " " .. ..I'i! i , L flj' ~orking9. i ~~·1~ f;~~ APPENDIX At. LIST OF ASSAYS UPPER OF VJORYJNGS CAPIT.I-\L r No.3 THE OF MIUE. VEIn THE .' nr THE J , I'." IL j I li. I' n 1. LIST MIm~, lill OF ASSAYS COMIUG ON FHO}>!' FILI~ THE OLD AT THE A1<:TNA CAPITAL WOmaUGS 1 ," OF iI'. ' TIrE r MINE. 1 i" I1 r i It II :'~, f ' ,_l_'__ ,Assay certificates on file here belongine to the Old Aetna -N arne--of -8amp I er.hJr--AR a-ay if MI?' I Idl ~ . ~ llay-11-1872---- W.Bemont-----"-17-1872---" ... ~---ft -23-1872---" ----~Jf1no 4-1872 ... --" ----.-" 2 4...1872---" ____ L_ July 5-1872----SwanAca Srnol Cp Nov 25-1872-Territnrial " " Feb 24-1873-Pa]rner & Nichols-" 24-1873-" " " " tI " 24-18'13-" " 24-1873-" " " J!n 19-1873-" « " June 4-1873-" n n July 18-18t31-1l1ear Greek Co S.W " 18-1881-" " " " Oct 1 11'1' l~'H " Nov " " Dec " JIin 7 -1884-Miner~ Sanp1 in,l; V:ks 7-1H84-« It 4-1884-:" " 4-1884-" " 4-1884- t/ If 27-1A84- G.~.Hal1 " 27 -lHe4: _ " "JI 20-18P[, " "" 2-1885" "n F~b MH1'GJ:1 0 -1 Ut 15 -,; (~() t(l\\' r 1 blic " " !! "II 2088--~ 594--595--596--597--542--757--- " " - Gilchrist " " " " " " " " " "!I II II 824--- Aetna- G.Mapst--If 1048--" 1053--" "It 1118--I' 1200--" " n 23--" " IT Wllo.r!j----O-z- " " " II f! " G. f,{ar8h--!I ". - j ~orkings. 1 ver Value per t 131-----If)63---~- 345-----·~ 115------ 29~. 2150.09 44A. 148.F7 -!~~.. ~':.------ ~15.00 ~O?------ 7P.7.40 lS2°.80 gp4.10 422.RO 04F-----757---4_:)85--··--- To:rn-70'-::: P. E It ~21g------ " 81eO---- 300-----134------ --V.' • IT tL V '.~:()Otl- ;:, ~ 1ep.~~ 82() .... ---- -.. 28E4.7C 2P31.C 2P4.4 r 113.e~ t! PR-·--- fir. • ~.~ If 35----~·-·· ~ 72---~-- II 30---·~ 14.73 50.7? o .4P It 1 ~~l---.- --, 52-- .- 100.'"'0 87. ;-z'll II II - 56.30 90------ f4 ,. (~~ ~ ., 83--·.. - " " 78-----fj7----~ 5~.~O :;n . . 7.~ I .~ j " 'J .:'"
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