C A P I T A L S YM P O S I U M S PRESENTS Clues to a Devastating Illness: LOCATION: Army Navy Country Club, Fairfax 3315 Old Lee HGWY Fairfax, VA 22030 Severe Mental Illness and Oral Health and how Xylitol Can Help! Lisa Stillman, RDH,BS HhH Course Description Date: May 9, 2015 Time: 8:30am -1:00pm Breakfast included WHO: DDS , RDH. DA & Staff Fee: $ 60.00 CE : 4 ALL WELCOME Instructor Severe mental illness (SMI) is a life-altering disease that affects people just as they are beginning to discover the freedoms of adulthood. In addition to the psychosocial challenges faced by this population, many confront a myriad of oral health issues including xerostomia and tooth loss. This session offers oral health professionals insight into SMI and how to provide care in a safe and respective manner. This course also offers dental health professionals an easy alternative to help the oral needs of their clients such as xylitol that aids in wetness, reduces dental decay and plaque formation. . The Five W’s of xylitol; the Who, What, When, Where, and Why will become clear upon completion of this course. In addition, attendees will be able to offer a healthy tasty alternative for increasing wellness and total health for their clients. Lisa S. Stillman, RDH, BS 2008 Sunstar/RDH Award of Distinction Recipient Member of American Dental Hygienists Association Founding Member or American Academy of Oral Systemic Health Member of NAMI (National Alliance of the Mentally Ill) *Army Navy Country Club – Fairfax, VA* 3315 Old Lee Hwy, Fairfax, VA 22030 www.ancc.org (Fairfax Country Club Directions) Course Objectives Understand the predisposition, prevalence, and related pathophysiology of schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, and chronic depression. Identify the oral manifestations of SMI. Become familiar with modified approaches for providing oral health care to patients with SMI. Understand the general health and dental health benefits of Limited Seating - Registration Due xylitol May 5, 2015 Comprehend how xylitol interferes with bacterial function Register on line at: OR Identify products that contain 100% xylitol. http://capitalsymposiums.com Name: Name: -703-946-2575 Street, City, Zip Academy of General Dentistry Approved PACE Program Provider FAGD/MAGD Credit Approval does not imply acceptance by a state or provincial board of dentistry or AGD endorsement. Approval extends from – 8/1/2011 to 7/31/ 2015 Provider ID # 323582 Breakfast/ Please indicate dietary needs Light jacket or sweater advised Call 703-946-2575 with credit information jill@capitalsymposiums.com Office Address: Email: Office/Cell Phonedietary needs. Please indicate Method of Payment We accept credit cards MC,Visa.Discover.PayPal & check Checks mailed to: Capital Symposiums c/o Jill Grassmick 803 Hook Hill RD, Luray,VA 22835 Capital Symposiums, LLC reserves the right to cancel or postpone any conference because of unforeseen circumstances or insufficient enrollment. Cancelations received in writing up to five days before seminar is refundable minus a $20.00 registration service charge.
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