NUCLEAR SECURITY: A FORTNIGHTLY NEWSLETTER FROM CAPS NUCLEAR SECURITY: A FORTNIGHTLY NEWSLETTER FROM CAPS Vol 09, No. 11, 01 April 2015 OPINION – Rakesh Sood Looking Beyond Nuclear Liability A month has passed since US President Barack Obama was in Delhi as the chief guest at the Republic Day and had his famous “chai pe charcha” with Prime Minister Narendra Modi. An overview of the Indian commentary about the Obama visit would reveal that breaking the logjam on nuclear liability is perceived as its most significant outcome. Both leaders focussed on it at their joint press conference and Paragraph 43 of the Joint Statement states that “the Leaders welcomed the understandings reached on the issues of civil nuclear liability and administrative arrangements for civil nuclear cooperation, and looked forward to US-built nuclear reactors contributing to India’s energy security at the earliest.” OPINION CONTENTS NUCLEAR STRATEGY BALLISTIC MISSILE DEFENCE NUCLEAR ENERGY URANIUM PRODUCTION NUCLEAR COOPERATION NUCLEAR PROLIFERATION NUCLEAR SAFETY NUCLEAR WASTE MANAGEMENT between India and the United States since the end of the Cold War, and when Mr. Modi and Mr. Obama talked of breaking the logjam, they clearly had the larger political objective in view. Following their meeting in A lack of details initially led There is an underlying broader Washington last September, to considerable speculation political objective which has the two leaders had about the nature of the driven the nuclear dialogue “reaffirmed their commitment breakthrough and the between India and the United to implement fully the Indiaassurances provided. To States since the end of the Cold US civil nuclear cooperation clarify matters, the MEA took War, and when Mr. Modi and Mr. agreement ”. Both leaders the unusual step of putting Obama talked of breaking the realised that the nuclear out a seven page ‘Questions logjam, they clearly had the larger liability issue was a hurdle and Answers’ explanatory political objective in view. that needed to be overcome paper which sparked yet to take the relationship another round of debate on whether this was forward. A contact group was established and really a breakthrough or not. However, such a met thrice in the two months leading up to the narrow focus on nuclear liability misses the larger Republic Day summit. In January, the officials had picture; there is an underlying broader political reached the limits of their respective negotiating objective which has driven the nuclear dialogue mandates in the contact group. Mr. Modi and Mr. Vol 09, No. 11, 01 April 2015 PAGE - 1 NUCLEAR SECURITY: A FORTNIGHTLY NEWSLETTER FROM CAPS Obama understood that the issue was not whether Westinghouse and GE would set up nuclear power plants in India (that process was bound to take many months, even years, of complex technical and financial negotiations) but whether the two leaders could lead from the front on this issue. legal regime pertaining to nuclear liability. The third condition introduced in Section 17(b) was novel and gave the operator a right of recourse against the supplier if the incident had been due to ‘supply of equipment or material with patent or latent defects or substandard services’. The Mr. Modi and Mr. Obama agreed that the matter supplier community interpreted this provision as should not be postponed any longer. Second, Mr. ambiguous and one that rendered it vulnerable to Modi was able to convince Mr. Obama that despite open-ended liability claims. The new explanation a majority in the Lok Sabha, he was not in a position seeks to address it by relating Section 17(b) to to amend the Liability Law or the Rules. Such a ‘actions and matters such as product liability move would create a political firestorm that could stipulations/conditions or service contracts’ target senior members of his Cabinet, including between the operator and the supplier and therefore to be dealt with in both the Finance Minister and the Foreign Minister who were There was an implicit risk here. the context of such Opposition leaders in the Would these understandings stand contractual terms. The attempt is to remove the Rajya Sabha and the Lok up to legal scrutiny in an Indian Sabha respectively when the court, in case they were open-ended nature of Liability Bill had been debated challenged? However, both leaders possible liability claims by limiting these to the terms in Parliament in 2010. The decided that the risk was worth and conditions of the negotiators were accordingly taking because of their shared directed to work out a solution conviction that the bilateral contract. based on political assurances relationship needed to move Insurance: The second and risk management beyond the liability stranglehold. sticking point was Section 46 procedures being developed which stated that the by Indian insurance, instead of legal provisions of the CLNDA ‘were in addition to, and amendments. There was an implicit risk here. not in derogation of, any other law for the time Would these understandings stand up to legal being in force’, leading to concerns among the scrutiny in an Indian court, in case they were suppliers that they could be subjected to multiple challenged? However, both leaders decided that and concurrent liability claims. This is sought to the risk was worth taking because of their shared be addressed by explaining that all civil claims can conviction that the bilateral relationship needed only be brought under the CLNDA since that was to move beyond the liability stranglehold. the intention behind this special legislation and An Explanatory Exercise: There were two principal further, that these claims would come under the sticking points in the 2010 Civil Liability for Nuclear jurisdiction of the specially constituted Claims Damage Act (CLNDA). The first was Section 17 Commission, thereby excluding any jurisdiction of which enables the operator of the nuclear foreign courts. installation (under Indian system, the NPCIL), after The concept of risk management behind the setting paying compensation to the victims of nuclear up of the Indian Nuclear Insurance Pool has been damage, to have the right of recourse against the elaborated in the explanatory paper to point out supplier, subject to certain conditions. Two of that the premium costs will be modest. For a policy these conditions, namely when such a right is part of Rs.1500 crore, the annual premium would be of the written contract between supplier and between Rs.1.5 crore and Rs.3 crore (calculated operator, and second, when the nuclear accident at 0.1 to 0.2 per cent as per global practice), hardly has happened because of the intent to cause a large sum given that the capital cost of a 1000 damage, are accepted as part of the international MW reactor would be upwards of Rs.10,000 crore. Vol 09, No. 11, 01 April 2015 PAGE - 2 NUCLEAR SECURITY: A FORTNIGHTLY NEWSLETTER FROM CAPS A Nuclear Liability Fund can be operationalised 2008 when the NSG approved the waiver from its by a nominal surcharge of say 5 paise per unit of guidelines to permit civilian nuclear cooperation with India was only possible nuclear power which at current levels of installed A Nuclear Liability Fund can be with US diplomatic heavy lifting. Much of this nuclear power can provide operationalised by a nominal momentum has been lost in about Rs.200 crore annually, thus enabling the government surcharge of say 5 paise per unit recent years and needs to be to recover its original of nuclear power which at current revived. With its newfound diplomatic activism, India contribution to the liability levels of installed nuclear power can provide about Rs.200 crore needs to step up its outreach corpus fairly quickly. annually, thus enabling the at multiple levels with NSG Removing Legacy of Mistrust: government to recover its original members. This process needs Lawyers and risk analysts can to be coordinated with the continue to debate the legal contribution to the liability corpus US so that at the 2016 NSG validity of these explanations fairly quickly. plenary, India formally joins as well as the probabilistic the Group. This will end the risk assessment model employed for the insurance isolation of India’s nuclear establishment that pool being set up, but this misses the larger began in 1974 and reintegrate India into legitimate picture. For Mr. Modi and Mr. Obama, the civilian nuclear trade and commerce while understanding reached in January is a means to acknowledging India’s commitment to nonpush the nuclear dialogue process forward to its proliferation. logical conclusion. It has been one of the most divisive issues in the relationship and its legacy At a bilateral level, US support in bringing this of mistrust has made it difficult to move the process to its logical conclusion would remove the strategic partnership forward. Neither Mr. Modi nor mistrust that has often cast a shadow on the Mr. Obama can ensure that Westinghouse and GE relationship. Mr. Modi and Mr. Obama’s recourse will set up nuclear power plants in India but they to political pragmatism to get around the nuclear liability hurdle reflects their willingness to look can certainly lay the nuclear ghost to rest. beyond it at the larger picture. What is now needed The first thing now is to ratify the Convention on is a plan with clear objectives which helps in Supplementary Compensation (India had signed realising the goal of making the India-US the CSC in 2010). The explanations should help relationship the defining partnership of the 21st smoothen the process. Once the ratification is century. done, it will strengthen the Indian government’s stand on the interpretations and enable the NPCIL Source: The Hindu, 16 March 2015. to open preliminary techno-economic discussions OPINION – Iskander Rehman with US suppliers, while offering similar assurances to other foreign suppliers. Going Nuclear at Sea Simultaneously, the NPCIL should bring its contract In August 2013, when the Arihant’s nuclear reactor language into conformity finally went critical, the with these explanations, event was thus widely This process needs to be which is presently not the hailed, both in India and coordinated with the US so that at case, so that domestic abroad, as a major the 2016 NSG plenary, India formally suppliers stand reassured. technological and symbolic joins the Group. This will end the milestone. Currently isolation of India’s nuclear Finally, 2015-16 provides a undergoing sea trials, the establishment that began in 1974 suitable time window that Arihant is destined to be the and reintegrate India into legitimate must be exploited to bring first vessel in a flotilla of up about India’s full civilian nuclear trade and commerce to five indigenously participation in the NSG. The while acknowledging India’s produced SSBNs, and it has momentum generated in commitment to non-proliferation. been reported that a sister Vol 09, No. 11, 01 April 2015 PAGE - 3 NUCLEAR SECURITY: A FORTNIGHTLY NEWSLETTER FROM CAPS vessel, the INS Aridhaman, is nearing completion. Since the Pokhran-II series of nuclear tests in 1998, the Indian government has repeatedly iterated its desire to attain a credible minimum nuclear deterrent, structured around what nuclear strategists refer to as a triad, that is, a mixture of aircraft, land-based mobile missiles and naval assets. India’s nuclear doctrine states that it is a no-first-use power, and it is in this light that one must view the importance attached to the seabased leg of its nuclear deterrent. being”. When the Arihant is finally commissioned, it will be fitted with 12 Sagarika K-15 SLBMs. The Sagarika, however, only has a strike radius of about 750 to 800 km, which many analysts rightly consider inadequate. Indeed, with such a short range, the Arihant could not reach Islamabad, let alone China’s strategic centres. The DRDO is currently working on two longer-range SLBMs: the 3,500-km range K-4, which recently underwent a successful test launch from an underwater pontoon, and the 5,000-km range K-5, which is still in the design phase. Indeed, the survivability and overall resiliency of India’s nuclear arsenal has become a growing concern for military planners in New Delhi, particularly as The development of the Arihant Beijing continues to make and its successors therefore rapid advances in missile, constitutes the next logical step in space and cyber technology. Delhi ’s quest for an assured Nuclear submarines, provided retaliatory capability. while the they are sufficiently quiet, are launch of India’s first indigenous still considered to be the most SSBN constitutes a great survivable of nuclear accomplishment, it is also only the platforms, due to their first step in what promises to be a mobility and discretion. long and onerous process. India’s Placing nuclear assets underwater puts them at a naval nuclear journey has only just safer distance from a crippling begun. first strike. The development of the Arihant and its successors therefore constitutes the next logical step in Delhi’s quest for an assured retaliatory capability. It is important to note, however, that while the launch of India’s first indigenous SSBN constitutes a great accomplishment, it is also only the first step in what promises to be a long and onerous process. India’s naval nuclear journey has only just begun. Going forward, the Indian navy will face three sets of nuclear challenges. The first set is in the technological domain, as the navy struggles to acquire the capability for continuous at-sea deterrence. The second set of difficulties will need to be addressed within the navy itself, as its officers begin to grapple with the importance of their service’s new nuclear role. Finally, Indian naval planners will also have to contend with their Pakistani counterparts’ development of what can best be described as a “naval nuclear force-in- According to sources, the Arihant is fitted with four universal tube launchers, which can each carry either three K-15 missiles or one K4 missile. Observers have raised questions, however, over the compatibility of the K-4’s height with the submarine’s 10.4-m hull. If the length of the K-4 cannot be shortened, the Arihant may need to be retrofitted with a hydrodynamic outer development, or “bump.” Even if the DRDO’s engineers do succeed in squeezing the K-4 aboard, the missile’s range remains somewhat unsatisfactory. It would require India’s nuclear submariners to operate on the northeastern fringes of the Bay of Bengal in order to effectively target China’s major metropolises, rather than within the more sanitised waters abutting India’s eastern seaboard. The K-5 is rumoured to stand at a height of about 12 m, which rules out its deployment aboard the Arihant. The second major technological limitation is that of the Arihant’s nuclear reactor. Reportedly based on first- or second-generation Soviet technology, the 83megawatt pressurised water reactor has a short refuelling cycle, thus limiting the length of the Arihant’s deterrent patrols. In short, in order to enjoy an effective sea-based deterrent with regard to China, India will need to deploy larger SSBNs with greater missile carriage Vol 09, No. 11, 01 April 2015 PAGE - 4 NUCLEAR SECURITY: A FORTNIGHTLY NEWSLETTER FROM CAPS capacity and more powerful nuclear reactors. The term to conventional diesel-electric submarines fourth planned submarine in the series is in the long term. projected to possess such characteristics, but it Unlike India, Pakistan’s naval nuclear ambitions may take more than a decade for it to be are fuelled primarily by the sense of a growing successfully developed and launched, and even conventional imbalance in longer for it to be the maritime domain. By commissioned. While In order to enjoy an effective seanuclearising – or by India’s submarine fleet has appearing to nuclearise – a based deterrent with regard to been taking shape, Delhi large portion of their fleet China, India will need to deploy has also conducted a series architecture, Pakistani larger SSBNs with greater missile of test firings, starting in military planners hope to carriage capacity and more powerful 2000, of Dhanush-class neuter India’s growing naval nuclear reactors. The fourth power, inject ambiguity and short-range ballistic planned submarine in the series is acquire escalation missiles from surface ships. projected to possess such dominance in the event of a For the time being, however, characteristics, but it may take more limited conflict at sea. Since it appears that the Dhanush than a decade for it to be Independence, Indian naval programme is merely a officers have been successfully developed and stopgap measure until the accustomed to operating launched, and even longer for it to SSBN fleet comes into full within a purely conventional be commissioned. fruition. maritime setting. Dealing Second, history has shown with such a prospective that all newly nuclear navies face some difficult adversary will no doubt necessitate a fundamental tradeoffs. As India’s SSBN fleet gradually grows rethinking of the navy’s operational concepts. in size and importance, the challenge will be to Perhaps more importantly, it will also require an ensure that the navy’s new nuclear role develops effort on the part of both countries to further alongside, rather than to the detriment of, its institutionalise the maritime component of their conventional missions. As in all nuclear navies, a relations so as to ensure that in future, isolated debate will no doubt unfold within the service as incidents don’t spiral out of control. to how many resources and platforms should be devoted to the ballistic missile submarine fleet’s Source: The writer, a nonresident fellow in the protection. Tough decisions may need to be made, South Asia Programme at the Atlantic Council. The particularly if India’s underwater environment Indian Express, 19 March 2015. becomes more contested. India’s nuclear OPINION – Mathew R. Costlow command and control procedures will also almost certainly undergo a revision, as the SLBMs will The Costs of Nuclear Disarmament be canisterised and ready for launch, rather than Nuclear disarmament advocates are having a de-mated. tough year so far. President Obama, who they Finally, India’s naval and nuclear planners will also thought would aggressively pursue nuclear have to contend with the progressive reductions, is presenting a modernization plan for materialisation of a nuclearised Pakistani navy – the three legs of the US albeit one with much less nuclear triad, nuclear orthodox characteristics and By nuclearising – or by appearing to bombers, sea-launched and undergirded by a very nuclearise – a large portion of their land-based missiles. Outdifferent nuclear posture. fleet architecture, Pakistani military going Secretary of Defense Indeed, Islamabad aims to planners hope to neuter India’s Chuck Hagel, who endorsed eventually disperse nuclear- growing naval power, inject the goal of nuclear tipped cruise missiles ambiguity and acquire escalation disarmament before coming across a variety of naval dominance in the event of a limited the Pentagon, has since platforms, ranging from conflict at sea. re pe ate dly a ffirme d US surface ships in the short Vol 09, No. 11, 01 April 2015 PAGE - 5 NUCLEAR SECURITY: A FORTNIGHTLY NEWSLETTER FROM CAPS nuclear modernization as the DoD “highest priority mission.” Russia’s nuclear threats against NATO allies and China’s development of a new ICBM with multiple warheads have undermined nuclear disarmers’ assurances that further deep US nuclear reductions would be prudent. Nuclear disarmers claim that cutting the number of nuclear weapons and delivery systems will save the taxpayer a lot of money, but as Secretary Carter has said, nuclear reductions are “not the answer to our budget problem. They’re just not that expensive.” In fact, the policy of nuclear disarmament may end up costing the United States more in the long run than if it continues current modernization plans. The final hope nuclear disarmers have is to convince the American people that the Obama administration’s nuclear modernization plans are “unaffordable and unsustainable.” Sen. Ed Markey and Rep. Earl Blumenauer hold similar views as they recently proposed the SANE Act, which they believe would save $100 billion over the next decade by cutting US nuclear forces. They support this claim by citing reports like the National Defense Panel which estimated the cost of modernization to be between $600 billion and $1 trillion over the next thirty years, averaging about $20-$33 billion per year. disarmament may end up costing the United States more in the long run than if it continues current modernization plans. US nuclear weapons play a very important and cost-effective role in the current strategic environment by assuring our NATO allies in the face of Russian aggression and permitting allies such as South Korea and Japan, who fear Chinese and North Korean threats, to remain non-nuclear. Cutting the US nuclear arsenal further would likely embolden Russia and China, damage relations with allies, and drive allies to examine obtaining nuclear weapons themselves. These are costly possibilities indeed. Also, the nuclear delivery systems we are investing in retain enormous value as a hedge against an uncertain and unknowable future. Some of the systems the United States is developing will be expected to operate effectively What nuclear disarmers fail to mention, however, into the 2080s, 65 years from is that spending on nuclear weapons in the defense Modifying existing nuclear systems now. By claiming that the budget has been essentially to meet new threats would take a United States should make deep and flat for the past two decades, good deal of time and be further “irreversible” cuts in the US its lowest point in over 50 enormously expensive. If years. As the Pentagon’s modifying existing systems proves nuclear arsenal, nuclear former top weapons unworkable, purchasing whole disarmers show they are procurement official, willing to hamstring US new systems rapidly as a Secretary of Defense Ashton capabilities for decades on Carter knows well that supplement to meet a future the assumption of a benign nuclear weapons and their threat would likely be infeasible future they cannot possibly supporting systems cost about or, again, extremely costly. foresee accurately. $16 billion per year, or Threats against the United only three percent of the annual defense budget. Spending only three percent on the nuclear arsenal Sates change frequently both in scope and is historically below average; and modernization severity, and often unexpectedly. If the United plans would just bring expenses to their historical States were to make further deep cuts, it could be ill-equipped at best when new threats emerge. norm. Nuclear disarmers claim that cutting the number Modifying existing nuclear systems to meet new of nuclear weapons and delivery systems will save threats would take a good deal of time and be the taxpayer a lot of money, but as Secretary Carter enormously expensive. If modifying existing has said, nuclear reductions are “not the answer systems proves unworkable, purchasing whole to our budget problem. They’re just not that new systems rapidly as a supplement to meet a expensive.” In fact, the policy of nuclear future threat would likely be infeasible or, again, Vol 09, No. 11, 01 April 2015 PAGE - 6 NUCLEAR SECURITY: A FORTNIGHTLY NEWSLETTER FROM CAPS extremely costly. As anyone in the defense acquisition business knows, timelines of major defense projects are often measured not in years, but in decades. Tehran’s regional rivals have already begun quietly acting on their own atomic ambitions. Nuclear power may be on the wane almost everywhere else in the world, but it’s all the rage in the place with all that oil. Unfortunately world events often unfold much Egypt’s announcement February 2015 that it faster than the defence community can anticipate was hiring Russia to build a reactor near or plan for. As such, it is prudent for the United Alexandria made it only the latest entrant in an States to invest in nuclear capabilities that emerging atomic derby. Every other major Sunni are flexible and resilient in a fluid threat power in the region has announced similar plans. environment. That is precisely what the And though none appear either as ambitious nor administration is requesting. This is where the as ambiguous as what’s taken place in Iran – greatest value of a modernized US nuclear arsenal which set out to master the entire atomic-fuel lies. It would adapt as necessary to shifting cycle, a red flag for a military program – each announcement lays down a marker in a region threats. And if built with an eye toward the future, that, until recently, was notable as the one place US nuclear forces may be able to integrate the on the planet where new technology that will governments had made Middle Eastern nations may have inevitably arrive in the next little progress on nuclear legitimate reasons to invest in 65 years. power. nuclear energy. Jordan, for instance, By continuing to invest in With the exception of Israel, has almost no oil in liquid form, and which has never publicly nuclear weapons and their almost less water. Saudi Arabia and acknowledged its widely delivery systems, the United the UAE possess huge crude known nuclear arsenal, no States is demonstrating a reserves, but lose potential export Middle Eastern country clear understanding of the beyond Iran had a nuclear revenue when they burn oil at value they provide in both program – peaceful or home to create electricity – huge deterring enemies and otherwise – until the amounts of which are sucked up by assuring allies in an wealthy UAE began desalination plants. unpredictable, dangerous building a reactor in July world. In a time of restricted 2012. The list now includes, budgets and scarce resources, Congress in addition to Egypt, Turkey, Jordan and Saudi should prioritize those programs that provide the Arabia – the last Iran’s archrival, and which 2014 greatest value in the defense of the United States revealed plans to build 16 nuclear plants over the against the most serious threats, now and in the next two decades. When the President of South future. A modernized US nuclear arsenal meets Korea – which has 23 nuclear plants of its own – those requirements and is worth the very small visited the Kingdom earlier in March, leaders of portion of the Defense budget required. both countries signed a memo of understanding Source: Costlow is a policy analyst at the National calling for Seoul to build two of the nuclear plants. Institute for Public Policy in Fairfax, Virginia. http:/ The Saudis have made similar arrangements with /, 26 March 2015. China, Argentina and France. OPINION – Karl Vick The Middle East Nuclear Race Is Already Under Way While the US and other world powers work to constrain Iran’s nuclear program, five rival nations plan atomic programs One of the most important reasons why the US is trying to conclude a nuclear deal with Iran is to prevent an Iranian bomb from triggering a nuclear race in the Middle East. Yet even as talks continue now in Switzerland, “It’s not just because nuclear power is seen as a first step toward a nuclear-weapons option,” says Mark Fitzpatrick, a former US State Department nuclear expert who now runs the nonproliferation and disarmament program at London’s International Institute for Strategic Studies. “There is also a prestige factor: keeping up with the neighbors.” Middle Eastern nations may have legitimate reasons to invest in nuclear energy. Jordan, for instance, has almost no oil in liquid form, and almost less water. Saudi Arabia and the Vol 09, No. 11, 01 April 2015 PAGE - 7 NUCLEAR SECURITY: A FORTNIGHTLY NEWSLETTER FROM CAPS UAE possess huge crude reserves, but lose potential export revenue when they burn oil at home to create electricity – huge amounts of which are sucked up by desalination plants. Turkey, despite impressive hydroelectric potential, must import oil and natural gas. least $5 billion, Fitzpatrick notes, and Egypt is desperately poor; Jordan relies heavily on remittances and foreign aid. But the Saudis still have money to burn and, according to former White House official Gary Samore, have consistently rebuffed US imprecations to sign a pledge not to divert any nuclear program toward producing a bomb. Saudi Arabia has signed the NPT, but then so has Iran, and in the end a race can be run by as few as two: India and Pakistan, bitter neighbors, neither of which are rich, went nuclear in 1974 and 1998, respectively. They’ve gone to war once since, raising anxiety levels around the world. But all that has been true for decades. What’s changed in recent years is the nuclear capabilities of Iran – a Shi‘ite Muslim country Sunni leaders have come to regard as major threat. Jordan’s King Abdullah II famously warned of a “Shia crescent” of Iran-aligned countries reaching from the Mediterranean to the Persian Gulf. The Saudis have made it clear that they will acquire a nuclear So the talks in Switzerland are about more than weapon should Iran get one. preventing Iran from getting the bomb. They are “This is not the shortest way to a nuclear weapon, also about persuading Iran’s neighbors that the by any means,” says Sharon Squassoni, director nuclear option is effectively off the table. If the of the proliferation-prevention program at the talks end with a final agreement that looks like a Center for Strategic and International Studies in win for the Islamic Republic, diplomats say its Washington, D.C. “But if I put myself in their neighbors will fast track their own plans. “If the shoes, I’d think it probably makes sense to start accord is not sufficiently solid then regional down this path to see if we can develop a civilian countries would say it’s not serious enough, so we nuclear [program], and if we pick up some are also going to get the nuclear weapon,” French capabilities along the way, that’s all right.”‘ Foreign Minister Laurent Fabius told Europe 1 Suspicion rises with every new announcement Radio. “And that would lead to an extremely partly because the Middle East is bucking a global dangerous nuclear proliferation.” trend. Worldwide, the number of nuclear plants has declined since the meltdown at Japan’s Fukushima Daiichi plant in 2011. Reactions differed by country. Germany forswore nuclear energy altogether after the disaster, while China pressed ahead, planning more than 100 new reactors. But in most places, the environmental risks and high costs have turned countries off nuclear power. “My beef with nuclear energy is that it’s sort of held up as this very prestigious thing,” Squassoni tells TIME. “We do nuclear deals with our best allies … all this stuff about strategic partnership. And really, it ’s this extremely expensive, complicated, slightly dangerous way to boil water. And that’s what you’re doing, right? You’re boiling water to turn those turbines.” The expense alone may prevent some Middle Eastern nations from every actually joining the “nuclear club.” Building an atomic plant costs at Source:, 23 March 2015. OPINION – Thomas L. Friedman US Should Look Before Leaping into Iran Nuclear Deal I can think of just as many reasons not to. So, if you’re confused, let me see if I can confuse you even more. The proposed deal to lift sanctions on Iran – in return for curbs on its bomb-making capabilities so that it would take at least a year for Teheran to make a weapon - has to be judged in its own right. I will be looking closely at the quality of the verification regime and the specificity of what happens if Iran cheats. But the deal also has to be judged in terms of how it fits with wider American strategic goals in the region, because a US-Iran deal would be an earthquake that touches every corner of the Middle East. Not enough attention is being paid to the regional implications – Vol 09, No. 11, 01 April 2015 PAGE - 8 NUCLEAR SECURITY: A FORTNIGHTLY NEWSLETTER FROM CAPS particularly what happens if the US were to women form of Islam that has changed the strengthen Iran at a time when large parts of the character of Arab Islam and helped to foster Sunni Arab world are in meltdown. mutations like ISIS. There were no Iranians involved in the Sept 11, 2001 attacks. The Obama team’s best argument for doing this deal with Iran is that, in time, it could be Then again, it was Iranian agents who made the “transformational”. That is, the ending of sanctions most lethal improvised explosives in Iraq that could open Iran to the world and bring in enough killed many American troops there. And it was Iran fresh air - Iran has been deliberately isolated since that encouraged its Iraqi Shi’ite allies to reject any 1979 by its ayatollahs and RGC - to gradually move extended US military presence in Iraq and to also Iran from being a revolutionary state to a normal overplay their hand in stripping power from Iraqi one, and one less inclined to threaten Israel. If one Sunnis, which is what helped to produce the ISIS assumes that Iran already has the know-how and counter reaction. “In the fight against ISIS, Iran is tools to build a nuclear weapon, changing the both the arsonist and the fire brigade,” added Mr character of its regime is the only way it becomes Sadjadpour. To Saudi Arabia, he added, the rise of ISIS is attributable to the repression of Sunnis in less threatening. Syria and Iraq by Iran and its Shi’ite clients. To The challenge to this argument, explains Mr Karim Teheran, the rise of ISIS is attributable to the Sadjadpour, a Middle East financial and ideological specialist at the Carnegie support of Saudi Arabia and The Obama team’s best argument for Endowment, is that while the its Gulf allies. doing this deal with Iran is that, in Obama team wants to time, it could be “transformational”. And they are both right, believe this deal could be That is, the ending of sanctions which is why US interests lie “transformational”, Iran’s could open Iran to the world and not with either the Saudis or supreme leader Ali bring in enough fresh air - Iran has the Iranian ideologues Khamenei “sees it as been deliberately isolated since winning, but rather with transactional” – Iran plugs 1979 by its ayatollahs and RGC - to balancing the two against its nose, does the deal, gradually move Iran from being a each other until they get regains its strength and revolutionary state to a normal one, exhausted enough to stop doubles-down on its and one less inclined to threaten prosecuting their ancient longstanding revolutionary Israel. Shi’ite-Sunni, Persian-Arab principles. But, then again, feud. Then again, if this you never know. What starts out as transactional can end up being nuclear deal with Iran is finalised, and sanctions transformational in ways that no one can prevent lifted, much more Iranian oil will hit the global market, suppressing prices and benefiting global or predict. consumers. Then again, Iran would have billions A second argument is that Iran is a real country of dollars more to spend on cyberwarfare, longand civilisation, with competitive (if restricted) range ballistic missiles and projecting power elections, educated women and a powerful across the Arab world, where its proxies already military. Patching up the relationship could enable dominate four Arab capitals: Beirut, Baghdad, America to better manage and balance the Sunni Damascus and Sanaa. Arab Taleban in Afghanistan, and counterbalance the Sunni jihadis, like those in the ISIS, now But, given the disarray in Yemen, Iraq and Syria, controlling chunks of both countries. The United do we really care if Iran tries to play policeman States has relied heavily on Saudi Arabia ever since there and is embroiled in endless struggles with Iran’s 1979 revolution, and while the Saudi ruling Sunni militias? For 10 years, it was America that family and elites are aligned with America, there was overstretched across Iraq and Afghanistan. is a Saudi Wahhabi hard core that has funded the Now it will be Iran’s turn. I feel terrible for the spread of the most puritanical, anti-pluralistic, anti- people who have to live in these places, and the Vol 09, No. 11, 01 April 2015 PAGE - 9 NUCLEAR SECURITY: A FORTNIGHTLY NEWSLETTER FROM CAPS US should certainly use air power to help prevent the chaos from spreading to islands of decency like Jordan, Lebanon and Kurdistan in Iraq. But managing the decline of the Arab state system is not a problem America should own. We’ve amply proved that we don’t know how. So before you make up your mind on the Iran deal, ask how it affects Israel, the country most threatened by Iran. But also ask how it fits into a wider US strategy aimed at quelling tensions in the Middle East with the least US involvement necessary and the lowest oil prices possible. reactors, and for reactors it intends to build in the future. Currently, Iran relies on Russia to obtain enriched uranium fuel under an agreement that will expire in 2021. If Iran wants to meet its practical needs of enriched uranium fuel by producing it domestically, it would require a massive expansion of its enrichment program in a short period of time. There are, however, multiple economic and policy disincentives to embark on such a project now. A Princeton University study, authored by Alexander Glaser, Z ia Mian, Hossein Source:, 26 March Mousavian and Frank von Hippel, argued that relying on the current IR-1 centrifuge technology 2015. to produce nuclear fuel domestically is both OPINION – Ali Ahmad inefficient and ultimately uneconomic. The IR-1 technology is much less advanced than the Tehran May Benefit from A Nuclear Freeze commercially deployed technology. Any further investment in the IR-1 As the talks over Iran’s Iran’s current enrichment capacity technology would simply be nuclear program appear to be stands at 22,000 centrifuges, pouring money down the converging toward reaching a installed at the Natanz and Fordow drain. Providing fuel for the long-term comprehensive agreement, hints have facilities, out of which about Bushehr reactor, the only emerged that Iran may be 10,000 are currently operating. operating nuclear power reactor in Iran and the Middle asked to cap its uranium Current estimates of Iran’s breakout time to develop a nuclear East, alone would require enrichment capacity for a weapon, if it chooses to do so, about 100,000 IR-1 certain period of time. centrifuges, roughly 10 times Although this is demanded by range between 6 to 12 months. what Iran currently operates. the United States, suspension Therefore, shifting toward a more advanced of uranium enrichment program actually offers a valuable opportunity for Iran. It gives the Islamic centrifuge technology appears to be a logical Republic much-needed breathing space to option. Consequently, having the right to continue strategize the country’s energy policy for the research and development activities in this field is an issue of particular importance for Iran. coming decades. Iran’s current enrichment capacity stands at 22,000 centrifuges, installed at the Natanz and Fordow facilities, out of which about 10,000 are currently operating. Current estimates of Iran’s breakout time to develop a nuclear weapon, if it chooses to do so, range between 6 to 12 months. The United States believes that it can detect and prevent any clandestine attempt by Iran to make a nuclear weapon within such a timeframe. Why is Iran keen to expand its uranium enrichment capacity? The answer lies in its need to secure fuel supply for its operating power and research If the nuclear deal with Iran indeed includes freezing enrichment capacity, it is not yet clear for how long this would hold. Sources close to the negotiations talk about a time period of 10 years. If true, this would allow Iran to study its nuclear power plans more carefully while working on advancing its centrifuge technology. The next decade will define the future of nuclear power. While some industry insiders talk about signs of recovery following the multiple accidents at the Fukushima Daiichi power plant in Japan, poor economic competitiveness makes it really hard to imagine a flourishing nuclear future. Vol 09, No. 11, 01 April 2015 PAGE - 10 NUCLEAR SECURITY: A FORTNIGHTLY NEWSLETTER FROM CAPS The continued low prices of natural gas, dramatic embracing nuclear power. At least there is no decline in costs of solar power and the increased urgent need to do so right now. ability to integrate intermittent energy resources into electricity grids provide an appealing policy Source:, 20 March choice to abandon nuclear power. The Islamic 2015. Republic holds one of the largest reserves of NUCLEAR STRATEGY natural gas in the world and enjoys a geographic advantage of high exposure to sunshine. INDIA Moreover, uncertainty over oil revenues, Russia Ready to Lease a Second Nuclear especially when experts signal a persistence in Submarine to India low oil prices, makes it hard for Iran to commit toward a massive expansion of nuclear new build Russia is ready to lease a second Project 971 Shchuka-B submarine to at the moment. Sustaining India for a period of ten a fully indigenous nuclear A partial nuclear freeze would also years, a source in the program and constructing strengthen Iran’s human resources. shipbuilding industry told many nuclear power It allows for time to continue Interfax-AVN. The decision reactors requires developing a highly skilled has been made on leasing a substantial investments. workforce. An agreement would second nuclear submarine, Financing such plans may likely come with a high level of remarked the source. That prove challenging, even for technical cooperation between Iran may be K-322 Kashalot or a resource-rich country such and world powers on the one hand another submarine of the as Iran. and between Iran and the IAEA on Chakra class, he said. The the other. A partial nuclear freeze submarine will require would also strengthen Iran’s profound modernization consistent with wishes human resources. It allows for time to continue of the foreign customer. developing a highly skilled workforce. An agreement would likely come with a high level of The submarine will be customized by the Amur technical cooperation between Iran and world shipyards. Modernization and testing of the powers on the one hand and between Iran and submarine and training of the Indian crew will take the IAEA on the other. Iranian scientists would be three years. The Kashalot will be transferred to able to benefit from sharing knowledge and the Indian Navy in 2018, the source noted. Russian expertise with fellow scientists from all over the shipyards prepared a Project 971 Nerpa nuclearworld. They would find it easier to publish their powered submarine for transfer to the Indian Navy in an earlier period. That scientific research and be submarine was leased for able to attend conferences The submarine will be customized by ten years at a price of $980 and meetings without the Amur shipyards. Modernization million. The acceptance worrying about being denied and testing of the submarine and document was signed in entry. training of the Indian crew will take December 2011 and the three years. The Kashalot will be The counter argument is that submarine named the transferred to the Indian Navy in Iran has already invested Chakra joined the Indian 2018. billions of dollars in Navy on April 4, 2012. developing its nuclear program and sacrificed some of its best scientific The fact that India was considering the possibility minds along the way. Indeed, Iran has paid a very of renting another Project 971 submarine came high price to sustain its nuclear ambitions and to light in December 2014. That is when the Indian abandoning its nuclear project may have hefty Defense Minister Manohar Parrikar said that his political costs. However, Iran must not rush into ministry was considering two options: the Vol 09, No. 11, 01 April 2015 PAGE - 11 NUCLEAR SECURITY: A FORTNIGHTLY NEWSLETTER FROM CAPS extension of the lease on the Chakra K-152 “Nepra” Class Project 971 submarine or renting a second ship of this project – the “Shchuka-B”. The Kashalot submarine of Project 971 Shchuka-B belongs to the third generation. The submarine has a submerged displacement of 12,770 tonnes, a submerged speed of 30 knots, a depth capability of 600 meters, sea endurance of 100 days and a crew of 73 men. will enable them to make hydrogen bombs. That is, codes which detail fission and fusion processes on a microscopic and macroscopic level.” In practice, this short expression confirms that in the eighties, Israeli scientists were reaching the capabilities to employ hydrogen fusion, possible creating the sort of bombs that are thought to be a thousand times more powerful than atom bombs. Source: Russia & India Report, 27 March 2015. It should be emphasized that in the history of the relations between the two countries, there is no ISRAEL other published official American document that Revealing Israel’s Nuclear Secrets: The Pentagon mentions in any way the Israelis development of hydrogen bombs. Moreover, the report proclaims Declassifies A Surprising 1987 Report that the labs in Israel “are equivalent to our Los In early February, the Pentagon declassified a 386- Alamos, Lawrence Livermore and Oak Ridge page report from 1987, exposing for the first time National Laboratories.” Needless to say, all three ever the actual depth of top-secret military of these laboratories were the principal creators cooperation between the United States and Israel of American nuclear capability. Israel’s facilities, – including, amazingly, the report reveals, are “an information about Israel’s With all these revelations, the almost exact parallel of the unacknowledged nuclear report is not directly stating that capability currently existing at program. In view of the caustic Israel has developed either an A- our National Laboratories”. tension that has increased bomb or an H-Bomb, but the hints With all these revelations, the lately between Washington are not hidden. “As far as nuclear report is not directly stating and Jerusalem, the timing of technology is concerned,” the that Israel has developed the publication’s report proclaims,” the Israelis are either an A-bomb or an Hdeclassification, after a long roughly where the US was in the Bomb, but the hints are not legal process, might raise a fission weapon field in about 1955 hidden. “As far as nuclear few eyebrows. I have some to 1960. technology is concerned,” the knowledge about the build-up report proclaims,” the Israelis process of Israel’s nuclear capacity and after are roughly where the US was in the fission reading the report in question I must express my weapon field in about 1955 to 1960.” The first astonishment: I have never seen an official American thermonuclear bomb was tested in American document disclosing such extensive 1952. Hence, a conclusion that previous to the revelation on subjects that until now were second half of the eighties, Israel had obtained regarded by both administrations as unspeakable nuclear technologies that make building an Hsecrets. Bomb possible is within the realm of the possible. The report – titled “Critical Technological Assessment in Israel and NATO Nations” – describes in detail the march of Israeli military and technological advancement in the 1970s and 80s. The authors drew particular attention to the development and progression of Israel’s nuclear infrastructure and research labs. The most surprising segment in the report states that the Israelis are “developing the kind of codes which … In some scientific spheres, the IDA report claims, Israeli physicists were at that time some steps ahead of the Americans. Several times in the text the report mentions the “ingeniously clever” solutions that Israeli physicists had found for complicated problems. Some of these “ingenious Israeli inventions” are ascribed in the report to the scientists of Rafael (Hebrew’s acronym of “Authority for the Development of Vol 09, No. 11, 01 April 2015 PAGE - 12 NUCLEAR SECURITY: A FORTNIGHTLY NEWSLETTER FROM CAPS Armaments’), which is “a key research and development laboratory in Israel.” Still, the report asserts that the Israeli scientists were “junior partners,” who preset “technology based on extrapolations of US equipment and ideas.” How Israeli scientists could be “partners,” who obtain nuclear technologies that were produced in the States? On this subject the report remains silent. Source: Michael Karpin is an Israeli journalist and writer., 25 March 2015. PAKISTAN Pakistan Needs Short-Range Nuclear Weapons to Deter India: Expert weapons program. He now serves as an adviser to the National Command Authority, a committee of the top civilian and military leaders that sets the country’s nuclear weapons policy. He spoke at a conference on nuclear security organised by the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace in Washington. … Kidwai said nuclear deterrence had helped prevent war in South Asia. He said Pakistan’s development of tactical weapons – in the form of the Nasr missile, which has a 60-kilometer range – was in response to concerns that India’s larger military could still wage a conventional war against the country, thinking Pakistan would not risk retaliation with a bigger nuclear weapon. Pakistan needs short-range “tactical” nuclear weapons to deter arch-rival India, a top adviser Source:, 24 to its government has said, dismissing concerns March 2015. it could increase the risk of a nuclear war. Khalid Shaheen-3 Missile to Cover Indian Second Kidwai also rejected Strike from Andaman: concerns over the security Kidwai said nuclear deterrence had Khalid Kidwai of Pakistan’s nuclear helped prevent war in South Asia. arsenal, insisting that Pakistan has developed the He said Pakistan’s development of adequate safeguards are in 2,750 km range Shaheen-3 tactical weapons – in the form of the place to protect what missile to prevent India from Nasr missile, which has a 60analysts have described as gaining a second-strike kilometer range – was in response the world’s fastest-growing nuclear capability from to concerns that India’s larger atomic arsenal. Pakistan’s Andaman and Nicobar military could still wage a development of smaller islands, said Lt General conventional war against the warheads built for use on (retd) Khalid Kidwai, former country, thinking Pakistan would battlefields, in addition to head of Pakistan’s nuclear not risk retaliation with a bigger longer-range weapons, has weapons division. nuclear weapon. increased international Addressing the Carnegie concerns that they could get International Nuclear Policy into rogue hands because of the pervasive threat Conference 2015 in Washington DC, Kidwai said of Islamic militants in the country. one sided policies of the United States favouring India – like the NSG exemption for the nuclear deal Pakistan and its larger neighbor India have fought – have been a destabilizing factor for South Asia. three wars. They have held on-off peace talks over These US policies are unhelpful and unacceptable the years but are involved in a nuclear and missile to Pakistan, he said. arms race that shows no sign of abating. Neither side discloses the size of its arsenal. But a recent … Kidwai said that Pakistan’s nuclear program isn’t report by the Council on Foreign Relations think open-ended and it has been designed to deter tank estimated that Pakistan has enough fissile India. In response to a question on the number of material to produce between 110 and 120 nuclear nuclear bombs that will be enough for Pakistan, weapons, and India enough for 90 to 110 he refused to divulge the exact numbers by weapons. For 15 years, Kidwai led the suggesting that Pakistan follows the policy of administration of Pakistan’s nuclear and missile nuclear ambiguity and revealing numbers would Vol 09, No. 11, 01 April 2015 PAGE - 13 NUCLEAR SECURITY: A FORTNIGHTLY NEWSLETTER FROM CAPS be against it. Kidwai added that Pakistan had already moved from minimum deterrence to full spectrum deterrence and the current numbers will be more or less fine for the next 10-15 years. As per the estimates of Arms Control Association, Pakistan currently has between 100 to 120 nuclear warheads as compared to India’s 90-110 warheads. BALLISTIC MISSILES DEFENCE RUSSIA Russia Warns Denmark of Nuclear Threat if it Joins Nato Missile Defence Shield Russia has warned Denmark of a nuclear strike on its warships if the Scandinavian country joins Nato’s missile defence shield. The Russian ambassador to Denmark Mikhail Vanin issued the dramatic threat in an opinion piece published in the Danish daily newspaper Jyllands-Posten. Vanin wrote that Denmark had not comprehended the consequences of joining the Western alliance, arguing the country would become a “threat to Russia”. Kidwai said that nuclear buildup in South Asia “has made war as an instrument of policy almost unthinkable.” He also defended Pakistan’s quest for Nasr shoot-and-scoot missile system by arguing that introducing a variety of tactical nuclear weapons has deterred India’s conventional capability. He said that Pakistan had developed these weapons in response to The ambassador wrote: India’s Cold Start strategy. As these tactical I do not think that the Danes fully understand the nuclear weapons are consequences if Denmark mounted on short distance joins the US-led missile missiles, their command and Russia has warned Denmark of a defence shield. If that nuclear strike on its warships if the control is delegated to lower happens, Danish warships levels in the military. This Scandinavian country joins Nato’s missile defence shield. The Russian become targets for Russian delegation, with lesser ambassador to Denmark Mikhail nuclear missiles. Denmark will checks and balances, raises Vanin issued the dramatic threat be part of the threat to Russia. concerns about the safety and Denmark’s foreign minister in an opinion piece published in security of the nuclear the Danish daily. Martin Lidegaard responded to warheads. the comments by labelling the Kidwai revealed that operation control of nuclear weapons is with the SPD and NCA although some day to day delegation has been made to the three defence services. Kidwai questioned that when the Indian space program with ICBM potential doesn’t trouble anybody, why does the development of a Shaheen-3 missile by Pakistan bother everyone. “Why aren’t India’s nukes and missiles troublesome?,” he asked. Kidwai also revealed that Pakistan’s sea-based second strike capability is a “work in progress” and will come into play in the next few years. Ruling out nuclear submarines for Pakistan, he said “I won’t say nuclear submarines, but if broadly talking about a second-strike capability for which submarines are a platform, yes.” … comments as “obviously unacceptable”: Russia knows full well that Nato’s missile defence is not aimed at them. We are in disagreement with Russia on a number of important things but it is important that the tone between us does not escalate. Source: The Indian Express, 24 March 2015. Tensions with Russia in the Baltic and Scandinavian regions have heightened in recent months, amid Nato’s missile defence aims to protect Allied populations, territory and forces from ballistic missiles. Denmark wants to place radar on its frigate ships that would allow it be part of the missile shield. In 2014, Denmark’s defence minister Nicolai Wammen said the move should not be seen as “targeted against Russia, but rather to protect us against rogue states, terrorist organisations and others that have the capacity to fire missiles at Europe and the US.” Vol 09, No. 11, 01 April 2015 PAGE - 14 NUCLEAR SECURITY: A FORTNIGHTLY NEWSLETTER FROM CAPS fears of another Ukraine-style and cyber. They said it was The Pentagon’s current focus on annexation and Russian critical to develop a more forward-deployment of assets was intrusion into Estonia, Finland cost-effective and too costly, they wrote, urging a shift and Sweden airspace. RAF sustainable long-term to a more holistic approach that Typhoons intercepted two approach that addressed included use of non-kinetic “left of Russian bombers flying over homeland missile defence launch” technologies such as the North Sea in November and regional missile electromagnetic propogation and 2014 while a foreign military defence priorities. In his cyber. submarine – believed to response, Hagel said the belong to Russia - was department would confirmed to have entered Swedish waters. continue to look for “innovative” ways to address challenges, and urged Greenert and Odierno to Source:, 22 March 2015. play an active role in the various reviews. … USA Source:, 18 March Pentagon Plans Hard Look at Missile Defence 2015. Programs US Ballistic Missile Defense Costs Rise Nearly The US Defence Department has launched a major 6 Percent review of missile defence programs and capabilities, after military commanders called the Program costs for the Ballistic Missile Defense current strategy “unsustainable” given tough System increased by 5.9 percent to a total budget pressures and rising threats around the of nearly $140 billion, according to a US DoD world. Former Defence Secretary Chuck Hagel acquisition report released on 19 March. described the review in a Feb. 4 memo to top “Program costs increased $1,238.5 million from officers in the US Army and Navy, a copy of which $138,599.3 million to $139,837.8 million,” the was obtained by Reuters. In 2015’s review would report stated. The increases were primarily due also cover regional ballistic missile defence issues, to additional funding for GBMD reliability improvements, an the global reach of the US adjustment for current and Patriot missile defence Range of European countries, prior escalation, refined system, and US power including Poland, Romania, Spain cost estimates and projection capabilities. and Turkey agreed to deploy methodology changes elements of this system on their Hagel said a strategic review as well as Congressional territories. GBMD is located by top Pentagon officials last “plus ups” for various in Alaska and California, while some fall had concluded the current programs, according to the US officials are advocating for a ballistic missile defence report. third location in the Eastern United policy was sound, but The increases, however, States. recommended an update of were partially offset by a a 2011 joint study to help reduction in THAAD shape the Pentagon’s fiscal 2017 budget process. Chief of Naval Operations Admiral Jonathan interceptors, Aegis realignment and a delay Greenert and Army Chief of Staff General Ray in Ground-Based Interceptor procurement. The Odierno, in a memo dated Nov. 5, had called for a US-designed ballistic missile defense system was approved in 2010, during a NATO summit reassessment by the Pentagon. in Lisbon. A range of European countries, The Pentagon’s current focus on forward- including Poland, Romania, Spain and Turkey deployment of assets was too costly, they wrote, agreed to deploy elements of this system urging a shift to a more holistic approach that on their territories. GBMD is located in Alaska included use of non-kinetic “left of launch” and California, while some US officials are technologies such as electromagnetic propogation advocating for a third location in the Eastern Vol 09, No. 11, 01 April 2015 PAGE - 15 NUCLEAR SECURITY: A FORTNIGHTLY NEWSLETTER FROM CAPS United States. The GBMD program has been beset by a number of setbacks in testing. The sea-based Aegis system has been much more successful in testing, while the Patriot system has been used in combat defenses. In December, Russian President Vladimir Putin said Washington created threats for Russia by expanding its missile defense shield, placing its elements in Eastern Europe, close to the Russian border. However, NATO claims the system is primarily aimed to protect its allies, countering threats from North Korea and Iran. INDIA find such solutions but there should be global understanding. Everybody should be convinced that implementing such solutions is risk free,” he said. Noting that climate risk is important to understand for countries like India, where both developmental deficits and aspirations are very large, he said that the country must aim to accelerate its development, which would in turn increase its ability to mitigate and adapt to climate change better. “India is the largest part of the world civilisation with maximum developmental deficit... (be it) in terms of energy or any other parameter,” he said. Noting that the climate issue is global and one has to worry about rising seas, floods, shrinking landmass and migration, he said that all of it calls urgently for united action. Accelerating Use of Nuclear, Solar Energy Key for India’s Growth: Anil Kakodkar S o u r c e : h t t p : / / a r t ic l e s . e c o n o m i c t i m e s ., 20 March 2015. Former Atomic Energy Commission chairman Anil Kakodkar said that for enhancing economic growth, India must accelerate its efforts to harness solar and nuclear energy while pursuing environmentally friendly policies. “While we pursue environmentally benign policies, how do we enhance our GDP? If we want to do that, I have been convinced for some time, we must accelerate solar and nuclear energy in the Indian context,” he said while during a panel discussion on ‘Climate Risk and Security’ organised by the CEEW. Mithivirdi Nuclear Plant Gets Coastal Regulatory Zone Nod Source:, 19 March 2015. NUCLEAR ENERGY He said that in the coming decades, action should be taken to ensure rapid growth of GDP while following sound environmental policies. “There should also be rapid development in science and technology solutions to a variety of things. Not just in terms of adoption or mitigation, but addressing the global warming problem itself,” he said. Noting that despite ongoing talks about various geo- engineering solutions, there were apprehensions about their uncertainties and risks, he said it is important that definitive answers in terms of solutions are found in the next few decades not with significant uncertainties attached but in a manner where these can be implemented without too much risk. “It is essential there is global effort and ability to The 6,000-MW Mithivirdi Nuclear Power Plant in Bhavnagar district has got coastal regulatory zone (CRZ) nod from the Union Ministry of Environment, Forests & Climate Change (MoEFCC). The clearance for setting up of “intake and outfall facility” for the 6,000-MW plant at Mithivirdi, about 40 kms from Bhavnagar, is seen as a big boost for NPCIL that has been facing severe opposition from local farmers and social activists. “We will be creating a structure for the intake of sea water for cooling purpose at the nuclear plant. We will create a deep-sea discharge facility of about 2.5 to 3.5 kms in the sea,” said a senior NPCIL official while talking to The Indian Express about the Mithivirdi project. The clearance has been granted for constructing an intake channel that will be 100 metre wide and 10 metre deep and a discharge facility comprising of Condenser Cooling Water Discharge tunnels of eight-metre diameter and six kms in length (for two units) and a total of 18 kms (for units). It is also proposed to construct a small barge handling marine facility having a draft of 3-4 metres for receiving and handling over dimensional Vol 09, No. 11, 01 April 2015 PAGE - 16 NUCLEAR SECURITY: A FORTNIGHTLY NEWSLETTER FROM CAPS consignments (ODCs) during the construction stage. It will be in the form of a shore-based wharf type or an open-piled jetty system. From the definitive feasibility study, Bannerman envisages production of around 2700 -3500 tU per year over the first five years of production and 2300-3100 tU per year thereafter, over a minimum The project had been recommended by the Gujarat mine life of 16 years. This would place Etango Coastal Zone Management Authority on January within the world’s the top ten uranium mines in 13 last year. “It shall be ensured that there is no terms of production. The heap leach displacement of the people, houses or fishing demonstration plant will process ore using four 5 activity as a result of the metre-high cribs to process project,” the ministry stated From the definitive feasibility study, individual 40 tonne ore while laying down specific Bannerman envisages production of samples as well as conditions granting the around 2700 -3500 tU per year over simulating the planned heap clearance. The ministry has the first five years of production and leach pad operation by also asked the company to 2300-3100 tU per year thereafter, circulating the leached examine possibilities of over a minimum mine life of 16 solution between the cribs. deploying ultrasonic devices years. A 3000 tonne sample of ore to divert the aquatic life has been taken from the from entering into the sea Onkelo region of the deposit. Crushed and blended water intake in connection with National Institute to represent the assumed orefeed in the final of Ocean Technology (NIOT). It has also asked operation, it will enable up to three years of testing filters to be provided at intake to prevent entry of to be carried out. marine life along with the sea water. However, NPCIL is yet to acquire land for the project. … Bannerman holds 80% of the Etango project and has long been seeking a development partner. A Source: The Indian Express, 26 March 2015. 2011 takeover offer from China’s Sichuan Hanlong group did not proceed, and a 2012 agreement that URANIUM PRODUCTION would have seen Namibian state-owned Epangelo NAMIBIA Mining Ltd buy a 5% stake in the project was also Namibia Commissions Demonstration Uranium called off. As well as proving the technology for the mine, the demonstration plant will also Plant demonstrate the viability of the operation to Construction work began on the plant in October potential investors and financiers. Bannerman 2014 and it is expected to deliver its first test chief executive officer Len Jubber remarked that results by the end of June. The plant will the commissioning of the plant had coincided with demonstrate the design and projected China’s approval of the construction of two new performance in the definitive feasibility study for units at Hongyanhe, suggesting that China’s the project, as well as building knowledge and nuclear expansion plan signalled a growing enabling the company to pursue value engineering demand for uranium. “In the face of this growing ahead of full production. Etango is 30 km demand, [the] Etango Project remains one of the southwest of Rio Tinto’s operating Rössing very few globally significant uranium projects that uranium mine and has similar alaskite ore to that can realistically be brought into production in the found at Rössing, with measured and indicated medium term,” he said. uranium resources of 57,330 tU and inferred resources of 24,600 tU. With much of the resource Environmental approvals for the Etango project less than 200 m deep, it is amenable to are already in place, although a mining licence conventional open pit mining and sulphuric acid has not yet been issued. Bannerman’s indicative heap leaching in what Bannerman describes as a timetable for development does not predict a date for the start-up of the mine but the company has low technical and environmental risk project. a project schedule drawn up as part of the Vol 09, No. 11, 01 April 2015 PAGE - 17 NUCLEAR SECURITY: A FORTNIGHTLY NEWSLETTER FROM CAPS definitive feasibility study envisages an engineering and construction period of about 30 months from project approval to plant commissioning. Source:, 26 March 2015. U SA Energy Fuels Diligently Prepares for Uranium Market Turnaround In the face of a weak uranium market, US uranium producer Energy Fuels has posted higher 2014 gross profit and a strengthened balance sheet, all while securing a deal to acquire Uranerz Energy to become the largest integrated uranium miner focused in the United States. The company, which reports in US currency, posted its financial results for the year ended December 31, 2014, exiting the year with $38.6 million of working capital and cash and equivalents of $10.4 million. Energy Fuels is America’s largest conventional uranium producer, and owns the White Mesa mill, which is the only conventional uranium mill operating in the US and is capable of processing 2,000 tons per day of uranium ore. In light of weak uranium prices, the company is only selling uranium under its long term contracts, and said it has no plans to start any mineral processing campaigns for the remainder of 2015 once its current campaign is finished in the first half of 2015. The company recently announced plans to acquire Uranerz Energy, which gives Energy Fuels the largest US uranium resource base of any of the US producers as well as scalability to take its existing projects and develop them in the future as uranium prices increase. The deal will create the only integrated conventional and in-situ recovery uranium producer focused solely on the US In 2014, Energy Fuels produced about 940,000 pounds of uranium from its White Mesa mill under existing term contracts, and Uranerz began uranium production at its Nichols Ranch ISR project. “Now with our proposed acquisition of Uranerz, we are about to emerge as the leading uranium mining company focused on the United States,” said president and chief executive officer, Stephen P. Antony, in a statement. “The timing for this transaction is right, especially with the strengthening of uranium spot prices we saw in the fall of 2014 – a strengthening which has continued into 2015.” The CEO said he believes the long-term fundamentals of uranium remain “as strong as ever”, as the world continues to invest heavily in nuclear energy. “Energy Fuels has the staying power, production capability, and project portfolio that should allow us to successfully capitalize on the strong uranium market fundamentals we see in the future,” he added. The company narrowed its net loss substantially in 2014, to $43.6 million, or $2.22 per share, compared to the net loss of $87.3 million, or $5.61 per share, in the prior 15-month period that ended December 31, 2013. Total revenues fell to $46.3 million from $73.2 million. Revenue was almost exclusively from term contract sales of 800,000 pounds of uranium. Energy Fuels said the net loss 2014 was mainly due to non-cash and other items, including impairment assets of $35.86 million. Gross profit increased markedly, to $16.0 million from $5.5 million in 2013, representing a gross profit margin of 35 percent. Looking ahead, the uranium miner said it will continue to strengthen its position by continuing its current mill campaign to process alternate feed materials into mid-2015. After this, it will continue activities at the White Mesa mill, apart from mineral processing, to maintain the facility for the purpose of restarting operations in 2016. In addition, it is planning to resume development of its high grade Canyon mine in Arizona once its resources at its nearby Pinenut mine are depleted. The company will also look to conserve its cash until sustained improvement in the uranium market is evident. For now, Energy Fuels has three existing long term contracts, which require deliveries of 800,000 pounds of uranium in fiscal year 2015, with the bulk to come from produced material on hand. Once it completes the pending Vol 09, No. 11, 01 April 2015 PAGE - 18 NUCLEAR SECURITY: A FORTNIGHTLY NEWSLETTER FROM CAPS acquisition of Uranerz, the combined entity will have six long-term contracts, providing it with downside protection in the event the uranium market does not recover. The longest contract currently in place extends to 2020, and the new company expects to have about 1 million pounds of deliveries in 2015 at about $58 a pound, approximately 50 percent higher than the current spot price. agreement between NPCIL and French supplier Areva ahead of Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s France visit in April. The two countries signed a pact in 2009 to set up a 9,900 megawatt power project with six European pressurised reactors in Jaitapur, Maharashtra. Implementation of the controversial project has been held up because of differences over higher prices initially quoted by France and India’s stringent nuclear liability law. Officials said talks were being held to bring down the price band to Rs 6.50-7 from the Rs 9-9.50 range initially set by France. Both sides agreed to put final discussions on the liability issue on hold until India’s group insurance product is available for suppliers, sources said. Broker Dundee Capital Markets reiterated its buy rating and $9.00 price target on Energy Fuels, saying the company has laid out a comprehensive strategy of “preparation and preservation”, with plans to close the Uranerz deal in the second quarter. “Simply, Energy Fuels is making sure it’s ready and able to benefit from a rapid price rise while conserving cash,” “We have to make nuclear Uranium prices have been depressed analyst David A. Talbot said power viable and affordable ever since the nuclear disaster in in a research note released to consumers. As far as we Japan in 2011, but uranium has been to clients earlier 24 March are concerned, the unit price a lone bright spot among natural 2015. He noted Dundee’s should be between Rs 6 and belief that the uranium miner resources, with spot prices having Rs 6.50 or thereabout,” said increased about 35 percent in the is a leveraged uranium a government official, past six months. stock, as “higher prices adding that India has set a could bring on increased target of 63,000MW of production given its vast pipeline of permitted nuclear power by 2032 and that the price of clean mines.” … energy must not be prohibitive. The DAE Uranium prices have been depressed ever since the nuclear disaster in Japan in 2011, but uranium has been a lone bright spot among natural resources, with spot prices having increased about 35 percent in the past six months. This increase is due to new reactors being built in Asia and the expectation that utilities will re-enter the market to cover their fuel needs for 2018 and beyond. Energy Fuels is prepared to pounce on this anticipated resurgence. Source:, 24 March 2015. NUCLEAR COOPERATION INDIA–FRANCE India, France Work to Fix Jaitapur N-Power Price India and France are holding talks to lower the cost of power to finalise a nuclear commerce benchmark unit price in 2020-21, when the reactors are due to go critical, is Rs 6.50. “The price band of Rs 9 – Rs 9.50 or thereabout cannot be a workable proposition. The price we decide with France will impact negotiations between NPCIL and American suppliers,” said another official. The France-assisted nuclear project is a part of India’s efforts to meet its energy needs to drive up economic growth and boost strategic ties. Other technical issues related to the supply of European reactors were also being examined, sources said. The French company has been told to source material from Indian vendors to bring the power unit price down and boost PM Modi’s Make in India initiative – since sourcing from Indian firms can help France address the issue high prices of reactor parts. … Source: Hindustan Times, 26 March 2015. Vol 09, No. 11, 01 April 2015 PAGE - 19 NUCLEAR SECURITY: A FORTNIGHTLY NEWSLETTER FROM CAPS Western economic sanctions imposed over the Ukraine crisis, will meet 49 percent of the Jordan Signs $10 Billion Nuclear Power Plant project’s costs and Jordan the remaining 51 Deal With Russia percent. Jordan signed an agreement Jordan signed an agreement In February, Moscow and with Russia worth $10 billion with Russia worth $10 billion that Cairo signed a memorandum that sets the legal basis for sets the legal basis for building the of understanding to build building the kingdom’s first kingdom’s first nuclear power Egypt’s first nuclear power nuclear power plant with a plant with a total capacity of 2,000 plant during a visit to that total capacity of 2,000 megawatt. Jordan imports nearly country by Russian President megawatt. Jordan imports 98 percent of its energy from oil Vladimir Putin. Rosatom nearly 98 percent of its energy products and crude and is signed an agreement earlier from oil products and crude struggling to meet electricity in 2015 to build two reactors and is struggling to meet demand which is growing by more in Hungary and also hopes to electricity demand which is than 7 percent annually due to a build more reactors in Iran in growing by more than 7 rising population and industrial addition to the Bushehr plant percent annually due to a expansion. launched there in 2011. rising population and Rosatom’s investment industrial expansion. The program,sourced deal, signed with Russia’s state-owned nuclear from Russia’s state budget, allows it to spend firm Rosatom, envisages the construction of a two- about $300-$350 billion per year to build nuclear unit power plant at Amra in the north of the plants in Russia and abroad, a business that has kingdom by 2022. been hit by global safety concerns after the 2011 Fukushima nuclear disaster. Rosatom maintains “The Russian technology we chose in a very its reactors are the world’s safest. competitive process suits Jordan’s needs in terms of power generation and the ability to produce Source:, 24 March 2015. electricity at very competitive prices,” Khaled Toukan, chairman of the JAEC, told a news KOREA–QATAR conference. The deal provides for a feasibility Korea Extends Nuclear Cooperation to Qatar study, site evaluation process and an environmental impact assessment. Jordan hopes South Korea and Qatar are to cooperate on the that eventually nuclear power could provide almost training of nuclear experts and on the construction 40 percent of its total electricity generating of a research reactor under a MOU signed capacity. Russia was selected in October 2013 as between the two countries. During a meeting between South Korean the preferred bidder to supply president Park Guen-hye and Jordan with its first nuclear South Korea and Qatar are to Qatari Emir Sheikh Tamim bin power plant. The first of the Hamad Al Thani in Doha, an two units is expected to start cooperate on the training of operating after 2022 and the nuclear experts and on the MOU was signed by Qatar’s Ministry of Energy and construction of a research reactor second two years later. under a MOU signed between the Industry and Korea’s Ministry The chief executive officer of two countries. The agreement calls of Science, ICT and Future Rosatom, Sergey Kiriyenko, Planning. The agreement calls for cooperation on human said cooperation with Jordan for cooperation on human would open the door for future resources development and resources development and nuclear fuel supply deals. research on peaceful uses of research on peaceful uses of “The nuclear power plant is nuclear energy. nuclear energy. Following the the embodiment of a strategic signing of the MOU, Park said partnership,” Kiriyenko said. Russia, in a statement she hoped “that substantive especially keen to tap lucrative new markets for cooperation in the area would be broadened”. its nuclear technology and know-how as it battles JORDAN–RUSSIA Vol 09, No. 11, 01 April 2015 PAGE - 20 NUCLEAR SECURITY: A FORTNIGHTLY NEWSLETTER FROM CAPS Tamim also said he looked forward to the expansion of cooperation on the basis of the MOU and expressed his interest in “importing reactors for research purposes to nurture experts in his country”. Min Aung Hlaing, and held talks with the minister of science and technology Ko Ko Oo and electric energy minister U Khin Maung Soe. “The discussion focused on how to establish mutually beneficial cooperation in the peaceful uses of nuclear energy. The parties agreed on concrete Park’s visit to Qatar marked the final stop in her steps aimed at creating favourable conditions for tour of the Middle East. cooperation in the use of Middle of March an MOU advanced nuclear In May 2007, the two countries was signed by the KAERI technology, including signed an agreement to construct a designer of the SMART – and strengthening the legal nuclear research center in Myanmar Saudi Arabia’s KA-CARE. It framework for cooperation - formally known as Burma - that was signed in Riyadh and training,” Rosatom said. would comprise a 10 MWt light following a meeting water reactor working on 20%between Park and Saudi’s In May 2007, the two enriched U-235, an activation newly-crowned King Salman countries signed an bin Abdulaziz al Saud. Under analysis laboratory, a medical agreement to construct a isotope production laboratory, the agreement, the two nuclear research center in silicon doping system, nuclear waste countries will conduct a Myanmar - formally known three-year preliminary study as Burma - that would treatment and burial facilities. to review the feasibility of comprise a 10 MWt light constructing SMART water reactor working on reactors in Saudi Arabia. The cost of building the 20%-enriched U-235, an activation analysis first SMART unit in Saudi Arabia is estimated at laboratory, a medical isotope production $1 billion, the agreement states. laboratory, silicon doping system, nuclear waste treatment and burial facilities. Myanmar has been Qatar has undertaken its own investigation into a signatory of the NPT since 1992 and a member the viability of nuclear power and late in 2008 of the International Atomic Energy Agency since announced that there was not yet a strong case 1957. for proceeding, especially in the absence of modern 300 to 600 MWe reactors being available. Source:, 26 However, in 2010 it raised the possibility of a March 2015. regional project for nuclear generation. In 2010 NUCLEAR PROLIFERATION Qatar signed a nuclear cooperation agreement with Russia’s Rosatom. In December 2009, the IRAN UAE’s Enec placed a $20 billion order with a consortium of South Korean companies for the Iran Isn’t Providing Needed Access or construction of four APR1400 reactors. The Information, Nuclear Watchdog Says contract marked South Korea’s first overseas The head of the IAEA said that Iran has failed to nuclear order. provide the information or access needed to allay Source:, 09 the agency ’s concerns about the weapons potential of the country’s nuclear program. With March 2015. the deadline nearing for international talks on MYANMAR–RUSSIA constraining Iran’s nuclear program, Yukiya Amano, director general of the IAEA, said in an Russia, Myanmar Reaffirm Nuclear Cooperation interview that Iran has replied to just one of a Russia and Myanmar have agreed to cooperate dozen queries about “possible military in nuclear energy, Rosatom said, during the first dimensions” of past nuclear activities. of a two-day working visit to the Southeast Asian country by its deputy director general Nikolay Amano said that Iran has provided only “very Spassky. During his visit, Spassky met Myanmar limited” information about two other issues, while vice president Nyan Tun and armed forces chief the rest have not been addressed at all. “Recently, Vol 09, No. 11, 01 April 2015 PAGE - 21 NUCLEAR SECURITY: A FORTNIGHTLY NEWSLETTER FROM CAPS the progress is very limited,” he said. The IAEA is issue.” Amano said that the IAEA’s failure to detect Iraq’s nuclear weapons the United Nations’ nuclear program in the 1980s had watchdog, and its inspections Amano said that the six global forced the agency to demand are considered a key unfettered access to safeguard against countries powers negotiating with Iran should insist that the country countries suspected of using civilian nuclear energy implement the additional protocol building weapons in secret. technology to produce weapons. Failure by Iran to that would allow IAEA inspectors In openly declared sites, he comply with IAEA demands to go anywhere at any time to said, the agency places would undermine the examine sites suspected of country’s efforts to win the harboring secret nuclear weapons cameras and seals in strategic places so that it can lifting of UN sanctions. development. “detect abnormalities in a timely manner,” ranging from Amano said that the six global a day to a week. Amano’s comments come after a powers negotiating with Iran should insist that the country implement the additional protocol that Feb. 19 report the agency sent to member would allow IAEA inspectors to go anywhere at governments that complained about Iran’s lack of any time to examine sites suspected of harboring responsiveness. The report said: “The Agency secret nuclear weapons development. He said that remains concerned about the possible existence he spoke to Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad in Iran of undisclosed nuclear related activities Javad Zarif on Feb. 7 in Munich but noted that involving military related organizations, including activities related to the Iran has not yet provided the information the agency Although Iran has declared to the development of a nuclear needs. Amano met with US IAEA 18 nuclear facilities and nine payload for a missile.” Secretary of State John F. Kerry. other locations where nuclear Although Iran has declared to He was scheduled to meet the IAEA 18 nuclear facilities later with President Obama’s material is used, the agency said and nine other locations in its report that it “ is not in a national security adviser, Susan E. Rice. That additional position to provide credible where nuclear material is used, the agency said in its protocol, Amano said, will be assurance about the absence of report that it “ is not in a “very much needed. It will give undeclared nuclear material and us more powerful tools to activities in Iran, and therefore to position to provide credible look at activities not declared conclude that all nuclear material assurance about the absence of undeclared nuclear to us.” He said that in the past in Iran is in peaceful activities. material and activities in Iran, the agency has had two to four and therefore to conclude that inspectors in Iran, but that all nuclear material in Iran is in peaceful activities.” recently there have been as many as 10. Iran signed the protocol in December 2003 and Source:, 24 initially implemented it, Amano said, but the March 2015. country ended its compliance in 2006.Amano said that near the top of his list of unanswered questions about possible military dimensions of Iranian nuclear activities was the Parchin military complex. He said that the IAEA has information that Iran conducted experiments in a highexplosive chamber there. … Amano said that looking at sites with military nuclear potential was “like a jigsaw puzzle.” He said, “As we have a better understanding of one issue, we have better understanding of another NUCLEAR SAFETY INDIA IAEA Urges India to Take Further Action for Nuclear Regulation The IAEA urged India to further tighten its nuclear safety regulations by assuring the legal independence of its atomic watchdog and allowing more outside inspections. India, which has tested nuclear weapons but is a non-signatory of the NPT, announced a major deal in January Vol 09, No. 11, 01 April 2015 PAGE - 22 NUCLEAR SECURITY: A FORTNIGHTLY NEWSLETTER FROM CAPS designed to open India’s nuclear power sector to US investment. The deal came after Prime Minister Narendra Modi agreed last year to tighter checks of India’s civilian nuclear programme by the IAEA. India’s N-Insurance a Positive Step, Says IAEA A new insurance pool for nuclear suppliers to Indian nuclear power plants has got a thumbs up from Yukio Amano, director general IAEA. In an exclusive conversation with TOI during a visit, Amano said, “I think it is a positive step. India introduced domestic law and took initiative of insurance pool. The basic understanding was reached between US and India. We also understand that India has signed the CSC and intends to ratify it.” After a 12-day visit to India, the agency recommended that India and its AERB take further action to assure safety in its nuclear industry. “The government should embed the AERB’s regulatory independence in law, separated from other entities having responsibilities or interests that could unduly influence its decision making,” the IAEA said in a statement. “The AERB should consider increasing the frequency of routine on- The Convention for Supplementary Compensation site inspections at NPPs to allow for additional (CSC) is intended to allow India to access independent verification and more effective international funds for compensation in case of nuclear damage. This regulatory oversight,” it compensation is built into added, referring to NPP. Expressing satisfaction over India’s the Indian nuclear liability separation plan and the follow up The nuclear “breakthrough law. Amano said the CSC action to the India-US nuclear deal, understanding” between US would be finally entering into Amano said, “In 2008, an important President Barack Obama force on April 15. “It ’s a decision was made in NSG to amend and Modi seeks to allay US difficult convention and the rules. India committed to place 14 concerns about industry entry into force was reactors under safeguards and all the liability and unlock billions supposed to be very difficult. reactors are now under safeguards. of dollars in investments It ’s a complicated India’s accession to Additional into Indian power projects. convention – technically, Protocol is also complete, and it has “AERB is committed to legally, it’s difficult. But there entered into force. India has pursuing the improvements has been a positive honoured its commitment. suggested by the mission development – US and Japan towards further have both ratified the CSC, strengthening the regulatory framework,” the IAEA which now makes it possible for the convention quoted the chairman of the AERB, S.S. Bajaj, as to enter into force.” saying. Both India and Pakistan tested nuclear weapons in 1998, setting off an arms race Does India have to ratify before April 15? No, said Amano. India can join up later as well. Expressing between the neighbouring rivals. satisfaction over India’s separation plan and the Some countries view the fact that India is a nonfollow up action to the India-US nuclear deal, signatory to the NPT, which was set up to prevent Amano said, “In 2008, an important decision was states from acquiring nuclear weapons, as a made in NSG to amend rules. India committed to stumbling block to it joining the NSG. Membership place 14 reactors under safeguards and all the in the NSG, a trade body established to ensure reactors are now under safeguards. India’s that civilian nuclear trade is not diverted for accession to Additional Protocol is also complete, military aims, could boost India’s international and it has entered into force. India has honoured standing as a responsible atomic power and also its commitment. It is our understanding that future give it greater influence on issues related to global civil nuclear power plants will be placed under nuclear trade. A review conference of the NPT will safeguards.” start in April. Fukushima halted the global march towards Source:, 27 Mar 2015. nuclear power, he said. But four years since then, Vol 09, No. 11, 01 April 2015 PAGE - 23 NUCLEAR SECURITY: A FORTNIGHTLY NEWSLETTER FROM CAPS countries are once again adopting nuclear power. Climate change and the quest for clean energy is driving global interest in nuclear power. “As of today, 440 nuclear plants are in operation and 69 are under construction. This is very different from what happened after Chernobyl. After Chernobyl, in reality there was no construction. But this time it isn’t so.” after the nuclear liability law became functional. The pool was launched at a daylong workshop of Indian Nuclear Insurance Pool organised by the MEA. Terming the meet a very successful, MEA sources said both global and domestic reactor suppliers were happy with the detailed paper that the ministry launched in February on the functioning of the liability law. The prospective suppliers are also understood to have expressed satisfaction with subsequent action by the government to expedite the process of setting up of reactors. “By latest estimates,” said Amano, “by 2030 there will be an increase of nuclear power by a minimum of 8% or maximum of 88%. Why the big difference? Because it depends how serious countries take climate change or economic development or The government has made it clear that the liability energy security. If these are law will not be amended, but important issues for the India has launched a Rs 1,500 crore has suggested the Indian country, nuclear has a role to insurance pool to indemnify Nuclear Insurance Pool as a international and domestic play.” mechanism to transfer risk of nuclear reactor suppliers against companies. Five public sector There are two big changes in liability in case of an accident. The firms, led by General the world of nuclear power measure comes a little over a Insurance Corporation of after Fukushima. “The first is month after the nuclear liability India, will provide Rs 750 safety. Countries now accord law became functional. crore for the project, while the higher priority to safety. I ask Centre will contribute a every operator, what ’s the difference after matching sum. Seven more insurance firms, Fukushima. Everybody shows me greater and including private ones have joined the pool, better safety features they have installed. Not sources said. The workshop was addressed by GIC exotic technologies, but basic things. This CMD, besides senior MEA officials, DAE officers, accumulation of basic things and human and representatives of US nuclear insurer and elements, what we call the safety culture is taking French nuclear pool. A senior official of the NPCIL root.” The second difference, he said, is the centre and members of prospective domestic suppliers of gravity for nuclear power has shifted out of also made presentations. Europe. The growth centre is “Asia, and in developing countries. In 2009 I said developing The aim of the workshop was to bring foreign and countries should, like developed countries, have domestic equipment suppliers to address concerns access to nuclear power. That is happening now. over the issue of legal responsibility and explain More countries have interest in nuclear power. the way an insurance pool works, including in They need electricity.” countries like the US and France. Sources informed that discussions were held on how premium for Source: The Times of India, 28 March 2015. such insurance would work. Suppliers have raised Rs 1,500 Crore Insurance Pool to Indemnify objections to India’s CLNDA that says nuclear equipment suppliers are liable for damages from Nuclear Reactor Suppliers an accident, as firms say this is a deviation from India has launched a Rs 1,500 crore insurance pool international norms that put the onus on the to indemnify international and domestic nuclear operator. The liability law had proved to be a reactor suppliers against liability in case of an stumbling block to the India-US nuclear act. Even accident. The measure comes a little over a month Russians were not satisfied with the law. Vol 09, No. 11, 01 April 2015 PAGE - 24 NUCLEAR SECURITY: A FORTNIGHTLY NEWSLETTER FROM CAPS Source: http://articles. economictimes., 21 March 2015. USA Feds Probe PG&E Report on California Nuclear Plant Safety investigators and has complied with all the commission’s regulations. The company in March released a report indicating that Diablo Canyon could withstand the strongest earthquakes likely to occur at the site in the next 10,000 years. That report included the Shoreline Fault, which was found in 2008 and runs within 2,000 feet of the reactors. …Based on conversations with people who have spoken to the investigators, the probe explores several issues related to Diablo Canyon’s seismic safety. The plant’s seaside location is nearly surrounded by fault lines discovered after construction began in 1968. Federal investigators have launched a probe into whether the NRC erred when it let Pacific Gas and Electric Co. change earthquake safety standards at the Diablo Canyon power plant without public hearings, The Chronicle has learned. The regulatory agency’s own internal watchdog – the Office of the Inspector General – has been delving into the issue, which is the subject of a lawsuit One issue concerns the amount of shaking Diablo Canyon is expected to filed in the fall by survive during an The company in March released a environmentalists trying to earthquake. The plant was report indicating that Diablo close Diablo Canyon, Canyon could withstand the originally designed to safely California’s last nuclear strongest earthquakes likely to shut down after an plant. occur at the site in the next 10,000 earthquake producing In addition, the investigators years. That report included the ground movement as are looking into complaints Shoreline Fault, which was found in intense as 0.4 times the that the commission and 2008 and runs within 2,000 feet of force of gravity. But in 1971, PG&E colluded to dismiss the reactors. geologists working for Shell seismic safety concerns Oil Co. identified a fault just raised by one of the commission’s former 3 miles offshore, the Hosgri Fault, capable of inspectors at Diablo Canyon, which is near San creating ground motions at the plant up to 0.75 Luis Obispo on a stretch of coast riddled with fault the force of gravity. lines. The inspector, Michael Peck, argued that the plant was no longer operating within its license PG&E concluded that Diablo Canyon could survive and should be shut down until PG&E demonstrated the extra shaking. But the methods PG&E used to that the reactors and other equipment could measure the threat posed by the Hosgri were survive earthquakes on recently discovered faults different from – and less conservative than – the methods used to set the plant’s initial seismic nearby. safety standards. In 2011, after other faults had The Chronicle spoke with several people who have been found nearby, PG&E asked the commission been contacted by the investigators. A to amend its license to stipulate that the plant commission spokesman declined to comment on could safely shut down after ground motions of the investigation, referring calls to the inspector 0.75 the force of gravity, based on that less general’s office instead. The Office of the conservative Hosgri Fault methodology. The Inspector General did not return calls seeking commission refused and told PG&E to withdraw comment. Friends of the Earth, the environmental its request. Still, PG&E in 2013 changed the group that filed the lawsuit, welcomed news of plant’s final safety analysis report – a document the probe. required by Diablo’s license – to say it can Concerns Confirmed: … A PG&E spokesman said withstand such a quake using the Hosgri Fault the company had not been contacted by methodology. Vol 09, No. 11, 01 April 2015 PAGE - 25 NUCLEAR SECURITY: A FORTNIGHTLY NEWSLETTER FROM CAPS That move prompted the lawsuit from Friends of NUCLEAR WASTE MANAGEMENT the Earth, which argued that such a fundamental UK change required a formal license amendment with public hearings. And now investigators are First Radioactive Waste Removed from Magnox exploring whether the commission followed its Storage Pond own policies when it let PG&E make the change. The very first radioactive sludge has been removed Nuclear Expert Weighs In: “They’re trying to figure from the FGMSP at Sellafield out how in the world can you in north-west England. The make the law fit these facts,” During the FGMSP’s 26 year FGMSP is one of the site’s four said Dave Lochbaum, a former operating lifetime it processed Legacy Pond and Silo nuclear plant engineer and approximately 27,000 tonnes of facilities. Constructed in the director of the nuclear safety fuel - almost 2.5 million fuel rods. 1950s to store, cool and project at the Union of Used nuclear fuel from the UK’s prepare used Magnox nuclear Concerned Scientists. nine Magnox stations, along with fuel for recycling into new Lochbaum said the Magnox fuel from both Italy and fuel, the FGMSP “urgently” investigators have Japan was held in the FGMSP. The needs to be emptied of 1500 interviewed him twice to date. pond holds some 14,000 cubic cubic metres of radioactive Peck, the former commission metres of contaminated water, in sludge lying at the bottom of inspector at Diablo Canyon, which is stored Magnox used the pond which is equivalent filed a formal objection with nuclear fuel, radioactive sludge, to more than half an Olympic the commission in 2013, miscellaneous nuclear wastes and sized swimming pool, skips. saying any new methodology Sellafield Limited said. The to assess seismic safety at FGMSP is “one of the most hazardous Diablo Canyon would require a license nuclear plants in Europe”, it added. amendment, if the methods were less conservative than those used in the original During the FGMSP’s 26 year operating lifetime it license. He also insisted that because the newly processed approximately 27,000 tonnes of fuel discovered faults can produce shaking far in almost 2.5 million fuel rods. Used nuclear fuel excess of 0.4 times the force of gravity, Diablo is from the UK’s nine Magnox stations, along with operating outside the bounds of its license and Magnox fuel from both Italy and Japan was held should be shut down until PG&E can demonstrate in the FGMSP. The pond holds some 14,000 cubic metres of contaminated water, in which is stored it’s safe. He was overruled by the commission. PG&E insists that because the new faults are Magnox used nuclear fuel, radioactive sludge, estimated to produce shaking less than 0.75 times miscellaneous nuclear wastes and skips. The plan the force of gravity, Diablo Canyon remains safe. is to progressively retrieve and treat the PG&E maintains that it has always had to satisfy radiological inventory residing in the facility, two seismic safety standards at Diablo: both for reducing the on-going risk posed by its storage a 0.4 ground motion earthquake and a 0.75 quake and then reducing the inherent hazard posed by on the Hosgri Fault, assessed with the company’s the materials. less-strict methodology. Peck and PG&E’s critics “We’re making history at Sellafield by transferring say that only the 0.4 quake, assessed with the the first sludge using a tried and tested pump to original methodology, is part of the formal design a new £240 million state-of-the-art sludge storage basis for the plant’s license. It is, therefore, the plant containing three enormous stainless steel only standard that matters, Peck said. … buffer storage vessels, each of which is the same Source:, 25 February volume as seven double decker buses,” Martin Leafe, head of the FGMSP, said. The vessels were 2015. Vol 09, No. 11, 01 April 2015 PAGE - 26 NUCLEAR SECURITY: A FORTNIGHTLY NEWSLETTER FROM CAPS brought to the Sellafield site in separate sections and then welded together before being slid into the reinforced concrete building. The welding of each vessel involved over 2000 metres of weld run, “which was done 99% right first time”, the company said. All welds were then radiographed to ensure the required integrity and that there will be no leaks. USA US Government Seeks Sites for Nuclear-Waste Storage The US energy department will seek interim storage facilities for commercial nuclear waste, and a permanent geological repository for radioactive material from the country’s nuclearThe sludge is a similar consistency to sand and weapons programme, energy secretary Ernest has to be carefully removed, whilst leaving the Moniz said on 24 March. The announcement water in place to provide a radioactive shield for follows more than three decades of contentious the stored nuclear fuel. Its retrieval from the pond debate about a planned geological repository at will enable the remaining radioactive inventory Yucca Mountain in Nevada. The DOE halted work to be progressively removed to reduce the on the project in 2010 owing to political opposition in the state. The inherent hazard posed by the DOE is now pursuing a facility. The pond holds some The US energy department will ‘consent-based’ approach 14,000 cubic metres of seek interim storage facilities for designed to build support at contaminated water, in commercial nuclear waste, and a the local and state levels which is stored Magnox used permanent geological repository before new waste facilities nuclear fuel, miscellaneous for radioactive material from the are designated. nuclear wastes and skips all country ’s nuclear-weapons of which is draped in blanket programme. “We think these steps are of radioactive sludge. just common sense,” Moniz The pond has thick reinforced concrete walls said during a presentation in Washington DC. “The however it was built with no roof and is “open to lack of a consent-based approach is pretty close the elements”, Sellafield Limited said, so sludge to a fatal flaw in attempts to site these facilities.” has been accumulating at the bottom of the pond He cited plans announced February by the Waste “just like in any other garden pond”. The difference Control Specialists in Dallas, Texas – to build a is that this sludge is radioactive made up of private nuclear-waste repository in Texas – as a nuclear fuel corrosion products, algae and sign that some communities are ready to engage windblown material, so it requires careful with the government on storage issues. The DOE’s handling, it added. “The pond is six metres deep plan pursues a two-pronged approach to handling and we’ve spent years devising an engineering nuclear waste. A 24 March decision by US solution to literally suck up the radioactive sludge President Barack Obama allows the DOE to put from the bottom of the pond, which in places is defence-related waste – roughly 5% of the total – over one metre deep. What makes the job more in a different repository from commercial reactor difficult is that the pond is very congested and waste. The move reverses a policy that former full of large metal boxes containing nuclear fuel, president Ronald Reagan put in place in 1985, so we need to work around these and ensure these which directed the two types of waste to be stored remain fully submerged at all times. Just to make together. matters more difficult we have to drive the platform remotely from a control cabin to minimize Moniz says that Obama’s decision will allow the the radiation dose to the workforce,” Leafe said. DOE to identify different solutions for different types of defence waste: waste that is stabilized Source:, 24 in glass logs could be placed in a more traditional March 2015. underground repository, whereas other types of Vol 09, No. 11, 01 April 2015 PAGE - 27 NUCLEAR SECURITY: A FORTNIGHTLY NEWSLETTER FROM CAPS waste could be packaged and buried in deep boreholes. The DOE’s budget proposal for fiscal year 2016 includes money for a deep-borehole experiment along those lines. Moniz said that the department also plans to develop a pilot interim storage facility for spent nuclear fuel from commercial reactors. And the DOE will begin evaluating locations for a full-scale interim storage facility, although the construction of such a facility would require legislation from Congress Early Reaction: The energy department ’s approach echoes recommendations from a 2012 White House commission, and legislation Centre for Air Power Studies introduced on 24 March by a bipartisan group of US senators. The Senate bill would establish an independent agency to manage nuclear waste and initiate a search for interim storage facilities and permanent repositories. … Under current law, the DOE is responsible for nuclear waste generated by electricity utilities. The department has already paid out US$4 billion for failing to meet its obligation to remove waste that is now building up at nuclear power plants. It could be forced to shell out up to $23 billion more over the next 50 years if the issue is not resolved, Moniz said. … Source:, 24 March 2015. The Centre for Air Power Studies (CAPS) is an independent, non-profit think tank that undertakes and promotes policy-related research, study and discussion on defence and military issues, trends and developments in air power and space for civil and military purposes, as also related issues of national security. The Centre is headed by Air Marshal V inod Patney, SYSM PVSM AVSM VrC (Retd). Centre for Air Power Studies P-284 Arjan Path, Subroto Park, New Delhi - 110010 Tel.: +91 - 11 - 25699131/32 Fax: +91 - 11 - 25682533 Email: Website: Edited by: Director General, CAPS Editorial Team: Dr. Sitakanta Mishra, Hina Pandey, Arjun Subramanian P, Chandra Rekha, Debalina Ghoshal Composed by: CAPS Disclaimer: Information and data included in this newsletter is for educational non-commercial purpo ses only and has been carefully adapted, excerpted or edited from sources deemed reliable and accurate at t he time of preparation. The Centre does not accept any liability for error therein. All copyrighted material belongs to respective owners and is provided only for purposes of wider dissemination. Vol 09, No. 11, 01 April 2015 PAGE - 28
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