to youth theatre application

“Create! Rehearse! Perform!”
JULY 13 – 26
Capital Stage’s Youth Theatre is a summer program designed for Sacramento area middle school and high schoolaged students who are continuing their theater training or discovering a love of theater for the first time. From story
and character development, to ensemble-building, to live performance, skills learned in this acting class will help
teens grow – both as artists and as people!
For more information call 916-476-3116 or email
2015 Registration Packet
Capital Stage – 2215 J Street – 916.995.5464 –
Capital Stage Youth Theatre Application
July 13 – 26, 2015
Student’s Name
Parent/Guardian Name
Grade Entering Fall 2015
Daytime Phone
Street Address
Email Address
Other Phone
Registration Fees: Credit cards accepted or make checks payable to Capital Stage.
Complete this form with payment information and fax or mail to:
Capital Stage Company
2215 J Street, Sacramento, CA 95816
Attn: Youth Theatre
(916) 476-4973 (fax)
For credit card payment: ___ Visa
___ MasterCard ___Amex
Payment amount_$300.00
Card#__________________________________________ Expires_____3 digits on back_______
Name on card_______________________________Signature____________________________
For more information please call us at (916) 476-3116 or email
Due to limited class size, no place will be held without receipt of the entire enrollment fee. Payment
will be returned if the class is full and the applicant cannot be admitted or if the minimum class size is not met and
the class is canceled.
Refund Policy: Due to the ensemble nature of our classes, casting is reliant on the number of students at the first
session. Therefore, we will allow no refunds after Monday, July 6.
Dismissals: Capital Stage encourages a healthy, positive, safe learning environment. Any student whose behavior is
deemed inappropriate by the Capital Stage staff will be given one warning and a parent will be notified. Should
inappropriate behavior continue, it will be considered grounds for dismissal with no refund. Daily full-ensemble
rehearsals in preparation for the final performance is essential therefore, attendance is required. Students may be
dismissed from the class for any absences that are not pre-approved by the director.
Capital Stage is an equal opportunity organization. Students will be admitted without regard to race, creed,
gender, sexual orientation, national origin or physical abilities.
Your signature also gives Capital Stage permission to use any class photos or writings for future Capital Stage
marketing or promotional publications.
Parent or Guardian’s signature____________________________________________ date _______