Spring Leadership Training Day ~ Saturday, May

Spring Leadership Training Day ~ Saturday, May 16, 2015
At A Glance
Santa Clara County Office of Education ~ 1290 Ridder Park Dr., San Jose, CA 95131
7:30am – 8:00am – Check In & Registration
8:00am – 8:05am – Welcome, Opening & Logistics – Wendy Akers-Ghose, Sixth District PTA President
8:05am – 9:05am – PTA Meetings Gone Wild! - Presented by the Sixth District Team
Watch an out of control PTA meeting and participate in transforming it into an efficient, well-run meeting.
9:05am – 9:15am – Break
9:15am – 10:45am - Workshop #1
10:45am – 11:00am - Break
11:00am – 12:30pm - Workshop #2
12:30pm – 1:30pm - Lunch & PTA Store
1:30pm – 3:00pm - Workshop #3
3:00pm – 3:15pm - Break
3:15pm – 4:45pm - Workshop #4
Workshop #1
9:15am – 10:45am
President Part 1 of 2
Workshop #2
11:00am – 12:30pm
President Part 2 of 2
Workshop #3
1:30pm – 3:00pm
President Part 1 of 2
Workshop #4
3:15pm – 4:45pm
President Part 2 of 2
Money Matter$:
Money Matter$:
Money Matter$:
Treasurer Basics Part 2 of 2
Treasurer Basics Part 1 of 2
Treasurer Basics Part 2 of 2
Lo Básico de la PTA (en
Lo Básico para los
Tesoreros (en Español)
Lo Básico de la PTA (en
PTA Basics in Spanish
PTA Finance in Spanish
Get Ready, Get Set, Go!
Incoming Board’s Next
Three Months
State of the State in CA
Education Funding:
Options with Prop. 30 Funds
Expiring in 2016
Nominations, Elections,
& Meeting Procedure
How to Audit PTA Books
Effective Advocacy
PTA Basics in Spanish
PTA Legal & Insurance
Secretary’s Guide
State of the State in CA
Education Funding:
3:00pm – 3:15pm - Break
Finance for All Officers
10:45am – 11:00am - Break
Parliamentarian Bylaws
12:30pm – 1:30pm – Lunch, PTA Store
Money Matter$:
Treasurer Basics Part 1 of 2
Finance for All Officers
How to Audit PTA Books
Effective Advocacy
Options with Prop. 30 Funds
Expiring in 2016
Membership Basics
Membership Beyond
November – Adv Tools
Membership At
Secondary Schools
Membership Basics
Council Officer Training
Council Financial
Document Review
Conflict Prevention
Finding & Motivating
PTA Program Planning:
Easy as 1-2-3!
Offer Reflections At
Your School
Sixth District PTA Spring Leadership Training Saturday, May 16, 2015 At-A-Glance
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Spring Leadership Training Day ~ Saturday, May 16, 2015
At A Glance
Workshop Descriptions (in alphabetical order)
Conflict Prevention
 The California State PTA has adopted Professional Governance Standards, and encourages all unit, council and district PTA
executive boards to review and adopt the standards at the beginning of their term as an integral part of their team building
and orientation process. This great tool ensures everyone is on the same page from the beginning BEFORE conflict arises.
Come to this class to learn about the Professional Governance Standards and other ideas to start your year off right!
Council Financial Document Review
Council and Districts have the responsibility to collect and review financial reports and tax filing. What does that mean? Let's
get together to discuss the financial documents you should be collecting (and forwarding to Sixth District), what you're looking
for in these documents, and how to communicate with units what you found in reviewing their financial documentation. We
have the cheat sheets and can help you develop a strategy for collecting and reviewing. We'll email you a list of what to bring
from a unit and what to bring from your Council as we review these documents together!
Council Officer Training
It’s different outside of the unit! Understand your new role in the larger PTA community. Required officer positions will be
covered. You are an important link in the PTA structure, and there are resources and tools to help you support your members.
Effective Advocacy
As PTA members, we are constantly advocating, whether to our child's teacher, school principal, school board, PTA board,
our community, elected representatives, etc. This training is designed to increase our effectiveness, and educate on
permitted advocacy (Do's and Don'ts) as a PTA member.
Finance for All Officers
Managing the PTA’s finances is not just the treasurer’s job. Discover how all board members fit into the finance picture.
Attendees will understand the importance of complying with federal government standards needed to protect the assets of
the PTA.
Finding & Motivating Volunteers
Understanding volunteers: what is different today? How do you recruit them? What do they want and need? How best to
appreciate them. Let’s share strategies that have worked at your PTA.
Fundraising Fundamentals
The mission of the California State PTA does NOT include fundraising, but it’s a fact of life today. How does a PTA decide
which fundraiser to have? How can a program designed to increase family engagement be a fundraiser? Learn the different
forms a fundraiser may take, fundamentals involved in choosing one over another and some of the essentials in the fund
raising process.
Get Ready, Get Set, Go! Incoming Board’s Next Three Months
Incoming boards: Get a head start now! Avoid playing the catch-up game and really enjoy the PTA year. We'll walk you
through the next three months so you can hit the ground running. You’ll be fully organized for next year, and learn what you
can do to prepare before your term begins!
The PTA Historian is a cheerleader who raises awareness about the PTA in the community. We’ll go over the key aspects of
assembling, preserving and recording the activities and achievements of the PTA so that you’re ready to take this important
role on your board.
How To Audit PTA Books
Don’t wait until the end of the year to prepare for the audit. Get simple strategies and tips for making audits a piece of
cake! Learn how to plan, conduct and report the outcome of your PTA audit. Reassure your members their resources are
being managed in a businesslike manner which complies with all regulations. This workshop is not just for auditors; any
officer, especially the president, treasurer and secretary, would benefit from understanding what is required to pass a PTA
Sixth District PTA Spring Leadership Training Saturday, May 16, 2015 At-A-Glance
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Spring Leadership Training Day ~ Saturday, May 16, 2015
At A Glance
Lo Básico de la PTA (en Español) PTA Basics in Spanish
¿Sabía usted que la PTA ha estado en el distrito de Santa Clara desde hace más de 90 años? Hablaremos de lo que hacen
PTAs, cómo podemos hacer una diferencia, la estructura de la PTA, las prácticas básicas de finanzas, y los recursos de la PTA.
Lo Básico para los Tesoreros (en Español) PTA Finance in Spanish
Un paseo a través de los procedimientos financieros básicos para tesoreros y otros oficiales de su unidad. Se le guiará a través
financiero. Los temas incluyen la banca, los presupuestos, recaudación de fondos, contratos, manejo de dinero, y PTAEZ.
Membership Basics
Watch your PTA membership grow! No need for a green thumb. We'll give you all the tools you need so your PTA membership
can flourish. This is a membership basics workshop. We'll help you plant the seeds for a successful membership campaign
with fun and easy ideas.
Membership Beyond November – Advanced Tools
It's November... and now what? Learn how to keep your PTA's membership growing through March and beyond. This
advanced membership workshop will help you develop a year-round plan and provide you with great ideas to keep your
membership blooming by branching out to everyone in your school and community.
Membership at Secondary Schools
How do you communicate the PTA message when you’re no longer hanging out in the parking lot talking to parents? How
do you get students involved? Let’s get together to discuss some strategies to attract members and volunteers in the unique
and different middle & high school PTA community.
Money Matter$: Treasurer Basics
Parts 1 & 2 - This workshop provides an in-depth discussion of financial procedures. Attendees will be guided step-by-step
through an entire financial year. Topics include banking, budgets, money handling and financial reports. We will explore in
detail fundraising, workers’ compensation and more. These workshops are repeated in the morning & afternoon.
Offer Reflections At Your School
The Reflections workshop will provide an interactive and hands-on opportunity to discover what the Reflections Art Program
entails. Everything from general program information, to implementing the theme search, to celebrating the children’s
achievements – this workshop is for everyone!
Parliamentarian: Nominations, Elections & Meeting Procedures
The Parliamentarian begins the annual process for nominations and elections; we’ll discuss the timeline, what’s in your bylaws
of who is involved, how to elect the Nominating Committee, how PTA elections happen, and finally discuss meeting
procedures using Robert’s Rules of Order for parliamentary procedure.
Parliamentarian: Bylaws
Join us for a romp through unit bylaws, page by page. Learn what is in your bylaws and why. Knowing what's in your bylaws
can make you a better officer and PTA member. Make your PTA life easier — Get the most out of your bylaws!
Parts 1 & 2 - Excited about your election to the presidency? But a bit nervous also? This workshop will provide the basics of
PTA policies, structure and support that are available to help you in your new role. We will help you learn how to successfully
lead your PTA with confidence. These workshops are repeated in the morning and afternoon.
PTA Legal & Insurance
We'll discuss legal issues for nonprofit organizations, what you need to know about PTA insurance coverage & the benefits it
provides. Learn the effective use of the Insurance & Loss Prevention Guide procedures for protecting the assets of your PTA.
Sixth District PTA Spring Leadership Training Saturday, May 16, 2015 At-A-Glance
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Spring Leadership Training Day ~ Saturday, May 16, 2015
At A Glance
PTA Program Planning: Easy as 1-2-3!
Connecting families with schools through PTA programs & events is as easy as 1-2-3. Join us for an interactive time to network
with other members to learn how easy it is.
Secretary’s Guide
Whether you use a pen and paper, electronic tablet, laptop, cell phone or quill, bring it to this workshop and learn how to be
the best secretary ever! Get a better picture of what you are required to record during meetings. Learn about the roles and
responsibilities of being a secretary.
State of the State in California Education Funding: Options with Prop. 30 Funds Expiring in 2016
Our students & schools need YOU! Some of the Proposition 30 funds - raising us from dead last to bottom 5 (per student
funding, cost of living adjusted) - expire in 2016. Our schools once were the model for the U.S. What price are we paying by
failing to invest in our schools? What do we want for our schools, and how do we get there? Come learn about the PTA
advocacy plan to restore our schools to excellence, and how YOU can make a difference!
Spring Leadership Training Day Registration Fees
All Day, $25 (includes breakfast, 5 sessions (general and 4 workshops), lunch and all workshop materials)
Half Day with Lunch, $20 (either breakfast, general session, two morning workshops and lunch, or lunch and two afternoon
workshops; all workshop materials included)
Half Day without Lunch, $15 (either breakfast, general session, two morning workshops, or two afternoon workshops; all
workshop materials included)
Special! Register three from same unit or Council, and #4 registers FREE!
Scholarships are available. Please contact leadership@capta6.org if you need a scholarship to attend training.
NOTE: if you preregister, do not prepay and do not show, you will be responsible to pay for your registration; lunch and
workshop materials will be prepared for you.
ONLINE information HERE or at www.capta6.org/training
REGISTER ONLINE until Thursday, May 14 HERE; after May 14, please register at the door.
Sixth District PTA Store – open during lunch – prices include tax & shipping
Membership Envelopes
 English/Spanish
o $3.00 / 100
 English/Spanish/Vietnamese
o $7.00 / 100
I JOINED PTA/PTSA Stickers - $11/roll of 100
PTA VOLUNTEER Sticker - $11/roll of 100
8’ PTA Tablecloth - $55
PTA Buttons - $1
PTA Lawn Signs - $10
PTA Window Posters - $1.50
PTA Ballpoint Pen - $1.75
PTA Chip Clip - $1.50
PTA Sticky Note Pad - $1.75
Robert’s Rules of Order in Brief - $8.25
PTA Balloons (package of 100) - $22.00
PTA Pencils - $.25
The a-b-c’s of Parliamentary Procedure Booklet - $1.00
PTA Treasurer Book - $8.00
PTA Secretary’s Book - $20.00
Pocket Pal - Finance, Health, Leadership, Parent
Involvement – individual booklet ~ $1.50 each, set of 5 ~
PTA ToolKit (2014) - $15
Parents Empowering Parents (PEP) Guide - $10
Stop by to see what other goodies we have!
And don’t miss the FREE table!
We look forward to seeing you Saturday, May 16!
Questions? Please contact leadership@capat6.org
More information: www.capta6.org/training
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