.( TOWN BOARD MEETIMG *otm Hall 9/27/72 8:00 FM Present: Co* Hiehaus, D'Antoni, Lodico, Plzzatello, Sown Attorney and Deputy Town Attorney Town Clerk A. E. O'Connor v saluted the flag* (1972-819) Snpenrieor Viae* offered the following reoolntionx WHEREAS, the Director of the Qeaerel fiscal ^ $ f s•* ^*i ^^^F^njSjSwipy aonsss sY^p^p^p^sanea^nnne^p^e* wee7 njssnp ^pn#asnsinj^^ sionvs^nieswnsjHnnjBsy^BT njansssSF VI dSp™* SnvnsWssnp wflHen npnw i ^ l e ^ t * b , «-County. «*, UHEBEA8f the County Jjeglslators oroated tint Oepartansit of Fiscal fieryloos for tint nnrnoae of enttlnn the flw*»*" fandeet tar alianaMB&ns ^ipUffatlfwi of services and nnneoeaonry expenditures awl pevaonnel* snd UBQEKBAS« i t I s the opinion of the Town *mp* of the Town of Clarkstown that a, sal Tit tax will he dettdnontul to the eoonony of •JPwjPsnjMfcl^py We*ow» UjFsT ^WWpno^e^e^enaVWojF v V ^nNeV 4nlnn>sYwJPHBn^py WBE8EA8« I t I s the ISP^BITB of tint Town Board that In stabilise the tax sf^afrfTn In nocULandflffuntyI t I s iannninti.<ve to econosJLse by inducing the Connty bndgetj NOW THcVBORE* ho i t JUS8QLV£D9 ttm# the Town Board of the Venn of Clsrlcstoiei I s opposed to thr Cffwwty iralos tax proposal and roauests the COjtrlurtswn County Lenislstors to vote BO on the proposal for the ^miify sales tax* sad he i t WWKBBSBL BESQLYED* that the Townffl^rlrI s iauvtrnetod t s oopy of this vesolntlon to cash of the C3en%n#sMi Besondsd hy GonnoJlssA l^iiitmit • AH nsfcsd nyo (1972-820) REBOOTED, that Town Board aoetlagee adjoarned l a ImSid <islsedulod public Ceuncllsstt Pissntello* uU TEM - 9/27/72 Page 2 i j+ Seconded by CotmeUsan Mahaaa* HI (1972-822) I duly adopted on the 26th day of Jnly 1972t j w m w *w « jamau • • « ! o* oonaldejr theffjfflU!i»atjUMioffiHTiilfBBAUfY 0Qaa\» to awnd the aoa&fta CtedlAaftoe ;&• o f t h e ^Deiiii of GLaricetoiai ©y Pfflf # t r f ftfliwittM jGPoej aft B",3L5 ©^MftHPJwat t o aft JBB oJLatSabats aftft of rfHWirtM^ by lair and wwinl r^i**Hff heaY&ftg waa daly Place iw^Mffl.fioa' l a aal4 aot&oe$ aW THBIW«t;t ha i t (1972-823) 8SUX3C D« 101! l^aHI by (1972-823) Councilman D'antoni offered tno f KSSOLfEEu _ t h a t reooltttifflp on COgyft^li8ftJ,^^,^M IfsMjpf^^HBawnai •Supply Dlatrtct #1 to '^DaaBaaa aaasftaarWa I ^MMpiy Metytot £L tee ineXttda aUEa $©MB Boardi i Siffiply Watflot £1 to Staaaaaa> aaaeaaVrKe 1 finpply Dlatrtot £L to loelode 8QDB EK) ' V ••* \J ( J ,H jr.fi THE TOWN BOARD OF THE TOWN OF C^fcCSTO'WN* RQCKLAND; (COUNTY JTEW YORK ORDER : i r ; o r oi' i.he j r e c i t i o a l o r .- :T£::.:SIC: of th-3 C l a r k s t o w n Consolidated Water Supply i i i s f c r i c t =£1 to include SUNRISE ESTATES i\ 'CT. i' KZT&TDING DISTRICT Xn t h e Tovm of Clarkstov/n, Rockland County, Hew York ..„ .m i I • A petition in this natter for the extension of the Clarkstown ConsolidJ '...iter Supply District #1 . or the Town of Clarkstown, excluding ..*.-y portion already in an existing district, having been duly presented to thi ?-»wn Board, and an Order having been duly adopted by the Town Board on the *th day of September % 197,2 % for the hearing of all persons Interested in the natter on the 27tlgay 0 f September^ 1972 at 8:15 P . M . BST- $tmej. .vfc the Board Room of the Town Hall of the Town of Clarkstown, at 10 Haple Avenue, Hew City, New York, and a Public Hearing by the said town Board havin been duly held at such time and place, and it having been duly resolved and leterained, following such hearing, that the petition herein was signed end acknowledged or proved as required by law and otherwise sufficient, that all property and property owners within the proposed extension were benefitted thereby, that all property and property owners benefitted were included within the limits of the proposed district, and that it was in the public interes t ™ * i. whoxe the relic, sou**, « . it « * W than « i **~. T d^M. resolved that the creation of such extension as proposed be approved J '4aVs hereby, • 1 ORDSRBD, that the Clarkstown Consolidated Water Supply District #i ijt the Toun of Clarkstown be extended in the said town ofClarkstown, Rockland County, New York, to include lands in the said Town of Cli described as follows: (INSERT DESCRIPTION) DATED September 27» 1972 ' Councilman" - w-uw^x-wu ^ Councilman /^ Councilman STATE OF HEW YORK ©F COUNTY OF ROCKLAND^ TOWH 0? CLARKSTOWN ) 8Ss ?HIB E O'CONNOR, Town Clerk of the sai-t. Town of Clarkstown, County or and, hereter certifcr thatJ JiqxeJBSai^-WiJfefef foregoing copy of a* Ore frksewn Cons, lltr % p l y lfo€^-mmAB6 *&ESie§Xiih tte original n^w oJ ._!• in said oiTice, and ilnd same to be a true and correct transcript and the whole of such original. 1 IN TESTIKOIIY WHEREOF, I have hereunto subscribed sy name and affixed the £©al of said Town of Clarkstown this 2?ftl| day of September > W?J>» r 7 9 t*' c ( 9/27/?4 TBM Sunrise Estates Clarkstown Consolidated Kater Supply District #1 EXHIBIT A EXTENSION OF WATER DISTRICT All that certain.plot, piece or parcel of*land, with the buildings and improvements thereon erected, situate, lying and ^eing in the Town of Clarkstown, County of Rockland and State of New York, more fully bounded and described as follows: BEGINNING at a point at the intersection of the town line ?f Orange town and the town line of Raoapo; gunning thence northerly along said town line of Rainapo ±620 feet to a pointt * said point being the southwest corner of land now or formerly owned by Keahon; thence easterly along the southern line of ;.and now or formerly of said Keahon across Highland avenue . • •vnd continuing along the southerly line of land now or formerly *.f Mason a total of ±1610 feet to a point on the southeast '"/ corner of land now or formerly of said Mason; thence, southerly -^500 feet to the town line of Orangetown; thence westerly along said town line of Orange town ±1630 feet to point or place of BEGINNING, CLARKATovN4oaaeKi^Niitaoup,jr; HREOTOHK • ( • . ( ORDER In the- mVttJr or the -Fe tit A on for SXTENSIO.o. cf the Clarkstown Consolidated Vater Supply . * DISTRICT- #1- to include "ALTA D O S C H E F " . Tb U v. EXTfinillfG DISTRICT Town of Clarkstown, Rockland County, Hew York .... . p ©lition in this matter for the extension of the Clarkstown* Consoli"dated,* Vater Supply District #1 ofgthe Town of Clarkstown, . excluding r ••/xO!i already in an existing district/having been duly presented to. the od, and an Order having been duly adopted by the Town~Soard on the ?ay of Septenber » 1972 « for the hearing of all persons interested *iatuer on the 27* day of September « 1972 at 8;17 P»nV~ BUT glue, . *oerd Room of the Town Hall of the Town of Clarkstown, at 10 Haple J'tAi City, Hew York, and a Public Hearing by the said TowntJtoard having 0 ^M M-* y held at such time and place, end It having been duty-resolved and O .t A, following such hearing, that the petition herein H I M aliined and &s3 v edged or proved as required by law end otherwise sufficients thet all r -j and property owners within the proposed extension were benefitted .ly. that all property and property owners benefitted were included with-r . limits of the proposed district, end that It wee la the public interest ..t •;. ir. whole the relief sought, and it having been then end there further . .bolved tfiat the creation of such extension as proposed be approved, I » If"*---- ~ereby, !'.». that the C l a r i s Oa.~lla.fe llafr *** i, M 1 ^ l e 1 i j» i loira of Clarkstown be extended i n t h e said Town ofClarkstown, Rock.. «cuuty, Hew York, t o Include lands i n the said Town of Clarkstown, .•.-, v.Vfccd as follows: (INSE2T DESCRIPTION) l»;;) September 27»" 1972 wmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm fmmmmm 1 lUirFl JOA^JixJounML Coun6ilman **i&Z OF ilFi YOBK m COUNT! OF ROCKLAND; r s w 0? CLARKSTOWN ) :. A E H E E. O'CGGPOR, Town Clerk of the said Town of Clarkstown, County of "-•cgiand, hereby certify that I have compered the foregoing copy of an Order •s^. Q±r>*'y'm Cons, lltr.Spply Plst.JQ.-A3ltg lecher with the original ?»^w on -ffil i a said office, and find same to be a true and correct transcript end of *;] •rhole of such original* JiSfcsTII'.OITY WHEREOF, I have hereunto subscribed my name and affixed the -~\ of said Town of Clarkstown this 27th day of gepteaher, 197JL j^WZ&fS. «%••«£.( WJ*C*Z4 \#Xt***» ::£AL. #;<?# 9 / 2 7 / 7 2 9?BM DESCT^FTIOS OF LA-JDS Or Al.TA D(( liSR ALL THAT PARCEL OF LAND SITUATE IH THE T O A H OF CLARKSTG.TN COUXTY QF ROCKLAUD, AND STATE OF KEVf YORK: . vtginning at a point in the southerly line of Parrott Road 33 feet wide) said point being distant 150.00 feet oil a -rr.rse of N 89° 42' 20" W along the southerly line of ?anott Road from its intersection with the westerly line of*~ Pheasant Drive (50 feet wide) and running thence, .<. .\ .1. S 00° 19f 00" W 450.00 feetj&loag the westerly line of lands now. or formerly of Gosden/ Watt and • Barone to a point; thence, . - .!. S 15° 44* 20" E 125.^6 feet along the westerly line of lands now or formerly of McDonald to a point; thence, '; /. S 00° 19* 00" W 42.92 foot along the westerly line of lands now or formerly of Samples to the northerly lino of lands now or formerly of Martin, Jr., thence, "".-.** * • . • • N 89° 38* 40" W 482.00 feet along lands of Martin to a bend therein; theneo, N 00° 38' 00" W 211.16 foot still along lands of Martin to the southerly line of lands now. or formerly of St. Francis Assisi; thence, S 88° 54 s 30" E 90.00 foot along lands of St. Francis Assis to a bend therein: thence. N 03° 30* 10" E 403.44 foot still along lands of St. Francis Assis to the southerly line of Farrott p. . « * * * * * S 89° 42' 20" E 1 338.50 foot along the southerly Containing 5.484 acres more or less, July 19, 1972 C v 4 >*f > **% f !8£ 'OU^TT, XY.A TO*:!* TOVtf, 9/27/72 i>i>9 TM ( ORDK3 • c. nilr.oer or Uie i^c I; I t i o n f o r >J;-r of the Clarkstown Consolidated Water Supply t o i n c l u d e SV/AK MANOR rr~ a-i . WKm 2 X'OV.TI Kxa»KnDiriG DISTRICT of Clsrkstovn, Pock land Co iuy, ?lew York "tition in this matter for the ex* cnsion of thei Q JL QTrKSJuOJtiXLJ., /dated Water Supply District #1 of the Town of Clarkstown, excludf fr ; ti-on already in an existing district having been duly .presented tc[ ^ Hicirdj and.an Order having been dul;y adopted by the Town-.Board an .the ilay of September , 197 2 » for the nearing of all persons interested natter on the payday of September . 1972 at8;19 P»MV BST Tine, 'oerd Boom of the Town Hall of the Town of Clarkstown, at 10 Maple r .. New City, Rev; York, and a Public Hearing by the said Town Board bavin .."*•• held at such time and place, end it having been duly resolved and *: cd, following such hearing, that the petition herein, was-adbgned and •: -^.ged or proved as required by law and otherwise sufficient, that all.: ~Vy» oiid property owners within the proposed extension we^e ^eoefitrted•':'"'*i* "*. ».hat. all property and property owners benefitted were inci^ed^wlli^ •latits of the proposed district, end that It was in the public Interea - <; in whole the relief sought,, and it having been then and there furthe ; ^solved that the creation of audi extension as proposed be approved,1' . 1 ^broby,' >; "'. ••'•'..•-•:"/" "'' ** •"*•.'/"•• • iI ;I!P5RSD, that the Clarkstown Consolidated Water Supply District TOUT* of Clarkstown be extended in the said town of Clarkstown, lock ; county, New York, to include lands in the said of Clarkstown, $ •• Li.'ied a s f o l l o w s : (INSERT DESCRIPTION) * . . < j September 2?, 1972 to'* /%«£- Councilman // Councilman 1W5J5.0? KE»// YORK OF COUBTT OF ROCKLAND) <W OP CI.ARKSTOWN ) SS: 4KKE E. O'CONrlOR, Town Clerk of the said Town of Clarkstown,. County of ,'.v}dLand, hereby certify that I have compared the foregoing copy of an Order .\ OlxKst^rv gojfr/Vtr Soply M s ^ # I &JMS fl'NOR with the original «o« on * * ^ i n ssxd offxc?; rind find same to be e *rue and correct • transcript ai IjPHrhole of .such original. CrlJpSTinOUY WHBR30P, t have hereunto subscribed my name and affixed the I,., of eaid Town of Clarkstown this 27th day of September % 1972 . ^ • W W W I ... , i t « :: v • T • * • • i ii — — — i IIIIIHI n — — — i • ••• JIII i IPU •..-«—. . . . . 1440 9/27/Q2 TBM SWAN MANOR All that certain plot, piece or parcel of land, situate, lying and being in the Town of C larks town. County of Rockland and State of New .York more particularly bounded and described' as follows: .* -">'%• . BEGINNING at a point., a^cated on the southerly right-JB way line of ^ Maple Road, said point being a distance of 622 ..00 f c H on a course of N56*-44 -31",lf frifii the intersection x>f the * • *•" .southerly right-of-way line of Maple Road and the westerly rightof-way line of Fulle Drives thence, mm\: : 1. '.M5fi*.-44a-31inr, 218.00 feet* thence, .... 2 . S33°-15 , -29"if, 200.00 f e e t ; t h e n c e / 3.. JI56*-44 , -31*if, 39.38 f e e t ; thence, • J - .\i_./_ .^ 41 Si5^34 J -i3*ir # ' 6 5 5 . 5 2 . f e e t ; '"Vh. *'.."m 5 . "S22*-4l , -53 i, il r f i s i . i t feet* 6. S12»-13'-03-lf/ 75.50 fe^ty »Cr : . . . * : . . »»_», 7. S l 0 - 4 7 ' - i S " * , 196.66 f e e t ; thence, " •A- .- 8* S13*-359~€1*B9 201.35 f e e t ; 9 . 663°-59 , -03' , ir, 895.73 f e e t to a concrete MMjmimiinl i n t h e e a s t e r l y r i g h t of HMT oJK •* • Branchville BffU'flf " * 1 I. •Y snnunent i n t h e westerly right-of-way -of Branchville BfttHly thence, pin; thence, /•* 12. r73°-15'-57-W r 100.54 feet; 13. N17 # -05 i -22 ,, E, 179.37 feet; 14. N83°-26'-54-W, 3.07 feet; 15. M20°-06 , -36*E, 429.73 feet to a granite it; thence. 16. M20°-06 , -36-E, 215.00 feet; thence, 17. S88°-53"-16"E, 350.60 feet; thence, 1«. il6#-33,-32*B, 372.90 feet; thence, 19. H0 # -27 , -43"W, 170.97 feet to a concrete nonunent; thence. I J! 9/27/72 TBM jj Swan Manor ( 9 jj 20. N20°-42 , -57"E, 368.04 feet; thence, H 'J 2 1 . N 2 4 ° - 4 3 , - 0 3 " E , 243.87 f e e t ; thence, *| 2 2 . W4 0 -17 , -O2"E # 2 2 7 . 8 1 f e e t ; '•I thence, i 23.. S560-44'-31"E, 78.36 feet; thence, 24. N33°-15 , -29"E / 50.00 feet along the westerly end of prefposed Maple Road; thence, . . ~ I | I i I I •I • 25. S56*-44'-31"B, 614.98 feet along the northerly right-of-way line of * •^••^^•'^^•y^n'^ia a*vWHNHV4nnB< aMMvVMA£ vjNpeMBMMnp^B* JF h i i • 2 6 . 633°-15'-29-W r 50.00 f e e t a l o n g t h e w e s t e r l y end of e x i s t i n g Maple Road t o *•!»*» noiflCt o r o l a c e o f M3graa*n«& 2HT j TBK - 9/27/7? BEFORE THE TOWN BOARD OP THE TOWN OF ORDER ; 'i.-iutfr or the iretiticn for r.-Tcjo*! n.v the Clarkstown Consolidated Water Supply .y.-rrt ri to include SKYE ESTATES EXTQJDING DISTRICT of Clarkstown, Rockland County, New York O t-.ztion in this matter for the extension of the Clarkstown •u« vi^ted Water Supply Distr.ffL oSv.the Town of Clarkstown^ excluding . on already in an existing district, having been' duly presented to the .». -i, and an Order having been duly adopted by the Town Board on the ia r jf September« 1972 , for the hearing of all persons interested ~ •.-.<:J.er on the JTtbday of September . 197JL at 6; 18 F . H . Bflf Time, •^ ,^-d Room of the Town Hall of the Town of Clarkstown, at 10 Maple •:Xv; City, New York, and a Public Wearing by the said Town.Board having 'V held at such time and place, and it having been duly-resolved ami : cc. following such hearing, that the petition herein was signed and . /.r.*£Yd or proved as required by lew and otherwise sufficient,that all „ and property owners within the proposed extension were benefitted j , that all property and property owners benefitted were included with?* liir-ts of the proposed district, and that It was in the public interest .1. ':•! whole the relief sought, and it having been them and there further . ,oi.ved that the creation of such extension as proposed be approved, hereby, CPEED, that thefilflrfrfftiQwnCvMQlifltttvfl Water gggPLT— District • •> >::n of Clarkstown be extended in the said town ofClarkstown, fiook. v'.oujtj, New York, to include lands in the said Town of Clarkstown, .ri.bcd as follows: (INSERT DESCRIPTION) 1 Councilman~" 1 Councilman StoVEi OP HEW YORK ©P COUNTY OP H0CKU1D) LOUR 0? CLARKSTOWN ) lc in said wnole of lit TESTJl'^irr seal of said Order fipply Dist.#l -SgYE ESTATE^th~the~original now on oxiice, and find same to be a true mad correct transcript and of such original. name and affixed the WKER£X)F, I have hereunto subscribed September 197Z • Town of Clarkstown this 2/th day f ,..c/ M. mmmmmmmmmmm '•</:'?:'{{**'' . 11 •• mi i i 4 1 I1 | u i y wg •9/27/72 TBH '} Skye Estates Cla^kstown Consolidated Water Supply Diet. #1 EXHIBIT A * *T All that certain plot, piece or parcel of land, situate ying and being in the Town of Clarkstown, County of Rockland and state of New York known as Skye Estates filed in the Rockland "ounty Clerk's office on August 25, 1971 as Map 4176, Book 82, ?age 43, more particularly bounded and described as follows: BEGINNING at the point of intersection between the northerly right-of-way line of Gable Road (at the easterly tsrminus of said Gable Road) and the westerly boundary line of the lands described herein: thence. Or 1. N17°-40;-48"B 102 .&7 feet;'thence, 2. N17°-18,-48"E 67.32 feet; thence, 3. S78*-30'-37*B 119.93 feet? thence, II • 4. M2O0-4O,-52*E 337.25 feet; thence, 5. S80°-55,-41"E 150.86 feet; thence, 6. H18*-54,-27*E 18.94 feet to an iron 7. S79*-15,-10*B 223.06 feet to en 8. S17#-08f-00*11 pipe; thence, 50.00 feet to en iron 9. S79*~15,-10*B 150 • 00 feet to en iron pipe; thence. 10. «17#.-0t'-00t>B pipe; thence, 50.00 feet to en iron 11. S77*-40,-31*E 156.99 feet; thence 12. 8819-45*-49"B 258.19 feet; thence 13. S79*-18,-22*E 353.80 feet; thence 14. S24*-25,-*02"if 435.98 feet; thence 15. H71#-09'-28*11 362.50 feet; thence 16. S20*-46f-12m 563.05 feet; thence 17. S67*-11,-18*B 178.65 feet; thence 18. S23*-54,-22*W 214.20 feet; thence 19. N67*-11'-18*W 392.95 feet; thence 20. S16*-31,-32*H 312.36 feet; thence 21. S19*-xr,-42*W 208 J56 feet; thenc* 22. S20*-43f-54"W 158.40 feet; thence II TBM - 9/27/72 Page 3 -.*.• (1972-82*0 Councilnan D»A»toni offered the following reaolntlon: WHEREAS, a proposed local law entitled "AMEBDMEBT TO LOCAL LAW BO. 2-1965 ENTITLED 'LOCAL LAV REGOLATIHG THE USE, OBSfBBCflQB AMD DIVERSM* QT STREAMS OR WATERCOURSES Of THE TOWN OP CLARXSTOUI, COIBTY OF BOCKLAW), BBATB OF MEW TORKn,,t was introduced by Councilman Anthony D'Antonl, a aiaber of the Town Board of the Town of Clarkatown at a Town Board — t i n g on 9/fc/72, and fi ^ *~* |g WHEREAS, the Town Board of tha Town of Clarkotowa* by duly adopted on the 6th day of September 1972, directed that a public be held on the 27th day of Septeaber 1972 at 8*20 FH, to nnaaiiiir the of said local law, and WHEREAS* a notlot of olid ywMf o hearing was only jB^BPaFdnMPta^oow^^o* OMRO ^POO*W VP^pnajaYBnanNn* OJwn^^nnp' ^ona* wpawiww^n'aawp^wa* o*^^A en>gya B»o^ ejnannjn BeanBjajnjpipnn) BBBB ojejnnnE boardof the Town o f Clarkatown on the 15th day o f flint anhar 1972* and WHEREAS, a poblichtaring waa hold by ahd Town Board on the HOW THEREFORE, bo i t K that Local Law n o . 7-1972 e n t i t l e d "AIIHHHII'IH TO LOCAL LAW ffO* 2-1965 ENTITUBD "LOCAL LAW BB3ULATXBQ TBI USE, (BISXBDCTIOB AMI DIVERSION OF STREAMS OB WATEBOOURSES Sf THE TOWB OF GLABKS30WB, GOUnTT OF vote o f the Majority o f voting power o f t h e Towa Board o f tno Tawa o f G&aika&owa the vote f o r adoption o f naid lirtfnl low being an followns BOB f i l l f i r E. Ylnoo. Saperviaor*.*..,*.JOB Oonnoilaan Willian R« Ff*rtif • • • •• • 1 1 • • • riff* ^"nmriT^lnam flpfrfifftny P*Att%imf > T » « T T « T T « > « » ATP A ^ l f ^ f | i f ^ t J o h n TulHW fW*r T T i n r i T T T r i t n t i r i f f * Cottncdlnan Vlaoent 1 P t . w i B i % i i 1 1 o > ( T m t T 1 M > A ¥ * The Town Clerk of the Town of Clarkatown in dlroeted to f i l e endd l^ppf ify atireiinnt to Beotion 231 of the Mnnlolpal Bone Bale lent* oooonded by jjpffunipI t iwnji PI BBBtnl.1 o» fnfft£4&} all , ConncJlnan D* Anteni offered .the following BEBOtLVED* that deeiaion on Bono Ghnngje Apalioation node by J< * Co., Inc. CR-15 to 1 M - property loxated Lake Bond, Valley Cottage - bo Bnomidort by Ooiuwjllana Fixantello* a l l voted Aye* TBH - 9/27/72 Page k C1972-826) fl^mifrflfiHWi D'Antoni offered the followla* roaniliit Trail RESOLVED, that decision oil IVoposod Local Lav Establishing * D»parta*»t of Planning and Development, be reserved. Seconded by Councilaan Piszntello* Cl972"827) H I voted Aye* lrffwiff^H'*inTi D'Antoni offered the following reeelat&oas WHEREAS, a proposed l o c a l law e n t i t l e d *AJawBns9lT TO LOCAL LAV BQw> 2 * 19^6, AS AMENDED, OfTITLED "A LOCAL LAV PROVIDING FOB THE aBOTRJCTIC*, REPAIR AMD MAINTaiANCE OF SHOPPING CEJTTER PARKIMQ AREAS'*, was introduced by C o w w i l — Anthony 9- Aatoni, a - * b e r o f t h e T o i « B e ^ o f t l i . * « « f Q a M e n a t a TownBoard aeeting on Septeaber 6, 1972, and WHEREAS, the Town Board of the Town of Clarkatown« by reaolntion 1 =WH|^pi>j^ gn^aajej^ajiayae ejpps> w H e ^#ej*js> eaasjw aPw eeayae^ajapaeaaasjn da* »Pw •** ejnjajaytajoe^aaepBn- ajajaaaap ojj, jeanaajja^BjBnv OwB^BI|s4BjffM& be held on the 27th day of ficptsaber 1972 at 6r%5 Pit t o neweloar the of said l o c a l law, and », a notice of said piMltr hearing Mas daly Town of Glarkstown on the l^th day of Sept* 1972, and tRflSRlSAS, a ru¥llff faaavine Mas hold tar the Town Board on the ^eaajw '^r& ^PBPj^BJ*P^PPlPWPe» ^av^rs'B**B MOV ^ftlfffPftPffi hoit BB80LVED, »hafr Local lew He* 8-1972 irrfrftl;-** "AmDH&VJT 19 LOCAL LAV •IPWlpdl Hpw^*">ipWi™Hr^e ^mfw fPjeflWHa^Ba*J^ei*d^ apas> *»<•> dwaBaeew SS> «eseaaenas s*a*eav s>- snap* e> ^a#ws»awaai a> waw> a«aaaw asaasaaawnasas^swa^nneaaa^ PfjfPATR AHD MAIVXSNAIiCE Of SHQSPXBB ^-^FfffP lyUsXXNB ABRASP I s heresy adapted and passed by an affiraative note of the aajority of voting power of the law being as followifT Bon* i t IT lea X* ?laee, Sdaefaviaor******»*»*AIS CotsMdlaan VflHea B* M l o h e n n t . m u i U j i . • A f g Gouncllaoji Anthony ft*Atyfe^firlruitnntitituAiPW aaaaaaaBBaaj^BjaBBBjaa> apaaaaaa swaw^aawaeaeiSj^ars^a?o)ojajsjsja#ej>ajaFSjeje)sjeBejs*sjeaps»ss» OosaoAlnaa Vlaoeat PIJHBJ&OIIO****^* • • • • • • ••JOB The Town Clerk of the Total af darkstowa i s direotod t o f i l e mmmmM I^M nmMMMrfL to Seet&oa 2SP of the aaalsinal aoae Bala Seconded by Cotawjllasn I<edioo» AU voted Aye* ( TBM - 9/27/72 Page 5 (1972-828) Councilaan D'Antoni offfered the following reaolutioas RESOLVED, that decision re Proposed Aaendnent to CHAPTER 36-A of the Code of the Town of Oarkstown entitled "STREET OPBHlftlS, KXCmTIfett & PAVEHEMT COTS*-— be reserved. Seconded by Councilaan Pizzutello. All voted Aye, RESOLVED, that the tiae withiB wMlelt School T a n a aay be pat* ia iPeiWwWeNMA iWUjp ^PTjya^^pa^wPeV ue^pw^emanaanuv^n u#_y '1972*630) Vj^yeaa's) <aV^r e pBjMa) ae^vSAOc^vNMk*Vj(avAB]Ms> e*eaeieuie"We]usiaj snicusb V^Bj^avjsja> eMKVOjp' Couneilnan IrtHHtw offered the followiag rosslatioas WHEREAS, bids were received oa 8/16/72 for the tractor coapaotor for use at the Tom Sanitary Laodflll* aad «sjyiaUMiJp, toe JuuvsLtatJwOn to Owueusra ar^ov«aoe for o> r^oauByr imiftttffmwiw* aftTeuaoat and iacluded a repurchase ajaaraatae whAan accept or reject* and ISIEREAS* 'the invitation to bidders rsoareed the rigjat of tao to waive or reject any portion of the bids* aad agreenent aad the repurchase guarantee portioa of tise ^#^flft aad WHEREAS, after a careful observation sad exemination by the Town Ehgineer and toe Ouepaaster of the perforaance of each aachiae for *%!*% bios were received, the Town ftiginoor and the Ibanpaattr have subaitted a ^ftun^r^FiftWffity'f* report reoosuaudSuug that tne *©wa Board accept tne sex *r**haast*r as the amcbfno that win boat do the work at the Town aaaitary Landfill* aad 1JHEREAS* the Town Board* bsjtt1^ upon the reeosneu^dations of the Trashmastor subaitted by Dale a Rankin Equipseat Go*, lac, of 111 aorta mcaigea Avenue, Kenilworth how Jersey* in the aaouat of $79*950 with a trade l a allowance (continued) ] U6 TBM - 9/27/72 Page 6 (1972-830 - continued) MOV THEREFORE, be it RESOLVED, that the bid for the purchase of one for the Town Sanitary Landfill be and hereby is awarded to Dale fc Equipment Co., Inc. at the net bid prioe of 179*950 as the bidder, and be it FURTHER RESOLVED, that DaleftIfmrihiit trade-in value of the Bex 3*0 Seconded by Couaoilaao Nlebaua* On reeolutlon offered by CouncHiBaii tUehatia and tmanJjaotialy adopted, adjourned until Uedneeday, October k9 1972 at 8:0O^PM, at regularly aohednlod town Board Meeting wall • • head* ! aH lila PUBLIC HEARING Town Hall 9/27/72 8t05 III Present: Councilroen Niehaua, Lodico, D'Anton!, Plssutello, Supervisor Vines Town Attorney - Deputy TOMB Attorney Town Clerk ./.' RE: ZONE CHANGE APPLICATION MADE BT EHLAN REALTY CORP. (1-15 to BSs) PROPERTY LOCATED ON ROUTE 59 & OLD NIACK TURNPIKE* NANUET; Supervisor Vines called public hearing to order; Town Clerk testified ss to proper posting end publication of notice of public hearing* Attorney for petitioner - not present* ^ Correspondence: U r^ COUNTY PLANNING BOARDS •*... We H a d that the grantin g of the will not, in all likelihood, adversely affect the printing or proposed Basts $9* We note, novever, that the subject parcel has a plot width of 100 feet appear that the granting of the sons change will eventually require the granting of variances fron the sulk regulations if the parcel Is to value* •A field observation indicates that the adjacent office building, in the sane ownership as the applicant, haS Iftnfttv&nfe parking* The parking appears to be presently utilising a nearby vacant lot* The subject parcel should perhaps be considered for additional parking for the evicting office building* * CLARKSTOWN PLANNING BOARD; mmmmmmm^mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm A. approve requested extension of US Mot* but only to a depth of only use that say be placed upon the parcel is as for profess! dial offices* C. Cfo avoid problems with yards, to simplify internal circulation, to overcome the presently inadequate parking on the petitioners adjoining lot and to secure at least 50* buffering along the southerly property lino sad D* Hist there be no construction approved until a Site nam, onaprfaing the subject properties together with Lot I6306 la the sane ownership have secured JOINT Site Layout approval fron the Planning Board (as agreed to by ^waaie* a»^^ ^r<a> a* •fcaaaasPs* w a* TOWN PLANNER; (Precis) •....Zoning sought inconsiste at with 1971 Master Plan. However, duTto the developments in area, find that zoning is appropriate if United to the ID sad other similar S4 i PH - 9/27/72 EHLAN Page 2 IN FAVOH: Letter received fron Jacob Pesner, Attorney at I»aw stating be is authorised, of behalf of Mary Pesner, to notify torn and attorneys far the petitioner, that Mary Pesner has no objection to the proposed change of sons and the application favorably (Owns previses at 15 Grandview Ave., Manuet in neighborhood of Knapp property)* OPPgOSEP: Petition containing approodnately 130 signatttres reoeivsd - opposing^ (50* of area residents) Mr. WilHan Cwinlnghaa, % Old Nyaok Tplte, Mr* A* Camilli, 5 Freedoan Ave., Mannet (Subnltted above asntlontJ petition)] Area should renain residential* Mrs. Roberta Rabin, Bark Lane, Mannet: Lives in 1—crtfnxe area, fraffie Park Lane bad now. Mr. Richard Gardner, & Freedaan Ave., Rennet: IVessat building Parking had* Ho screening now. Supervisor Vines asked for show of hands! half af petition does not. (Town Planner stated 55®* froa Rants 99). Since petition not accurate, Supervisor flontlnued, no ptrtfHr in oontinning IsMs&hfi net&tian On resolution offsrsd by Conneilnan XMAntoni, Lodico and inisniaously adopted, jpsVllit hearing I Hi PUBLIC HEARING Town Hall Presents HE: 9/27/72 8*10 PM Councilman Miehaus, D'Antoni, Lodico, Piszutello, Supervisor Vines Town Attorney - Deputy Town Attorney Town Clerk ..v PROPOSED CORRECTION OF ERROR TO ZCtflHQ MAP (MAP 135, BLOCK D. LOT 16.01 );(BG2 to R-22 Supervisor called public hearing to orders Town Clerk testified as to proper posting and publication of notice of hearing* ^ Letter of Service to Mr. and Mrs* Joseph G. DeMbyellea, Mountel nview Avenue, Central Hyack, II I delivered by Town Attorney. ^ CP Mr* Theodore Zollendeck, Town Planner, sworn in, sad upon questioning by the Town Attorney, stated the following: ££ . «* Besides at 5^ Ridge Bead, Hew City; capacity - Town Planner* Za Mountainview Estates - 5/2fc/72 hearing, we found that Zoning Map of June 1967 When Zoning Ordinance drafted in June of 1967, he continued, draftsaea shewn as RG-2 on Idle Map* This is consistent with information developed la the Planning Board* Error when Map* was prepared* • WH FAVOR: No one appeared* OPPOSED: Mrs* Dorothy DeWoyellea, Hountainview Avenue, Central Hyack Mfs (Owaer of .acre piece* Owns property since 1961* Does not know what aoae wet On question put by a Hr. Janes McGovera, 93 Sierra Vista •fleet thea in any way* ^ssVcal^P aPwPB^n^s^yejp^a^jyBjajp sj*vsjqBxsjisBvnm> vasaM-n* e^nana anasxpvasajeaseav ae^peae*>as> e*»e*vap ueae- aaa> ^psjpsxBB>n* ejpsjp hearing* She was requested to ask hia to subait letter which will be and part of the public hearing within one weeks' tiae. Letter to be given to the Town Clerk to sake part of the' record* (When latter arrives, copies will be seat to the Meabers of the Town Beard and copy of aaae will beincluded in ainutes of this hearing for the peraaaoat record •» J/C)» There bein* no further witnesses; on reeolntica offered by hearing **ftff closed* S* 04Coaaor Clerk fm PUBLIC HEARING Town Hall 9/27/72 8*15 FM Present: Co* Niehaus, D'Antoni, Lodico, Pizsutello, Supervisor Vinos Town Clerk Anne £• O'Connor Town Attorney - Deputy Town Attorney RE: PROPOSED EXTENSION OF GLARKSfDUN COMSCHJDATED WASBR SDPBLT DIST. #1 TO INCLUDE SUNRISE ESTATES: received from the Assessor certifying that %0i of the nsaessed valuafcjfrn represented in the petition* Mr, Edward Schecter appeared before the TOMB Board, ass swora in by the Supervisor, and testified as follows Signed petition in his eapaeity as Preaid—t of 0*1*4* Corp* Proposed extension will benefit all the property owners within too extension; all the property owners who will benefit fro* this extension are ^included wiltMfi the liaita of the would be in the public interest to grant proposed because it will provide fire protection for the safety and well-being of property and lives and would bring about a reduction in fire rates* On resolution offered by Councilaan D*Aatoni, aeponded by Councilman Pizzutello and wiinfrf—t»Hff^y adopted* rufrHft hearing was closed* ^"^ *Anne K* O'Conaor / I I PUBLIC HEARING Town Hall I Present: SEs S/27/72 8sl? IN Councilaen Niehaus, D*Antoni, Lodico, Pissutello,flnperviaorVines Town Cleric Anne E. O'Connor Town Attorney - Deputy Down Attorney PROPOSED EXTENSION OP GURKSfOUf O0«30LIDAIQ> WATER SUPPLY M S T . #1 TO INCLUDE - ALTA POSCHER PROPERTY: o ^v W W Supervioor called public hoofing to orders Town dork testified ~ oo to proper postinfc andraW1 cat 1 on of notioe of »—^i*^ near Inn that certificate was received fron loocaoor certifying that 50* of valuation mprofficnt"od in petition* Donald £• Tracy, Esq. appeared ao attorney far nfifi stated the foil wing? Petition signed by John J. Griffin, Secretary of J* fnnfrnon fc @e*9 lYoptmofl oxtension *ffl„| benefit a l l the property owners within the proposed extensions o i l the •property ownere who will benefit fron this proposed extension ore ffn*ffii*ed —j-^folf1 the l i n i t s of the i t -will provide fire protection for the safety and well-being and lives* and —PTTIA bring nbont n fodootion in five Counoilnan Lodico OJOJ /s£L*J^ • PUBLIC HEARING 9/27/72 Town Hall 8f 18 HI Present: Councilraen Nlehaus, D*Antool9 Lodlcct, Pianit«llo9 Supervisor fins* Town Cleric Anno £• O'Connor Town Attorney * Deputy Town Attorney BE: PROPOSED EXTENSION OF CLARKSTOwJt COKSOLIQATEP WATER SUPPLY DXST* §L TO INCHTOE SKYE ESTATES: as to proper posting and publication of notice of bearing and that eertifioete received from Assessor certifying that $00 of assessed valuation roprassntsd in petition* Donald S. Tracy, Esq* appeared before the Tot* Board as attorney for petitioner and stated the following: J* Knuteen It Co., line* Petitioner* Petition signed by sans in his capacity a.* President. testified as follows: General Counsel* Proposed extension ygsji* benefit all the preysrty owners within the ^eo^omd extension* all the property owners whs will benefit from this proposed extension are included within the Units of tint propesad extension, because it will provide fire protection far the safety and wellbeing of property and liens and would bring about a reduction in Civs Insurance rates* Mould be in the yuMf T tut HI sat to grant* Ho oast ts the town* TPWPS e»'^HnWWA^Iin've1*nSws ns*e»^nanV^Pwn> **4pT ^'•jPsjnnnwsBsVeesnlan»n e* s*snssnn^p^P4a«*njSjpej annnnjsnsannn^n^nv *P^y Councilman Lodico and unanisously adopted. W j L i e hearing was closed. PUBLIC HEARING Town Hall 9/27/72 0:19 Bl Present: Councilnen Nlehaus, D'Antoni, Lodico, Pizsutello, Supervisor Vinos Town Clerk Anne £• O'Connor -;V Town Attorney - Deputy Town Attorney RE: ^5 ^HI **4 p **•• PROPOSED EXTENSION OP CLABKSTOW* CONSOLIDATED WATER SUPPLY DIST. #1 TO INCLUDE "SWAN MANOR1': — Supervisor Vines called rwMlir hearing to order* T o m Clerk testified as to proper posting and publication of notice of public hearing, and receipt of certificate Iron assessor stating J& of asaessed valuation represented* Donald S. Tracy, New City, appeared before the attorney for petitioner and testified as follows: Bettion signed by John J* Griffin, Secretary of J* Imitssn and Co*, Inc. Mr. John J. Oriffin sworn la by Supervisor and testified no follows: frost this proposed extension are included —f^Mhft the 14*rt%i' of the Hould bo in the nubile interest to grant because it Mill fire protection for the safety and well-being of property and linen, .|ffn|d bring about a reduction in firs insuranoe rates* would be at no cost to the On resolution offered by Council nan D'Antonl, seoended by ConneAlsien yi^fwwff and nnsnlnously nfloptod. psW4n hearing ISJMI alsosdU ' ^^!m* „ A - . C* O'Connor /8 PUBLIC HEARING Town Hall 9/27/72 8:20 PM Present: Councilmen Niehaus, D'Antoni, Lodico, Plxsutello,fluperviaorViaee Town Clerk Anne E. O'Connor Town Attorney - Deputy Town Attorney' BE: PROPOSED AMENDMENT TO LL #2-1965 HfTITLED "LOCAL LAV RBTCILATIMQ THE USE, OBSTRUCTION & DIVERSION OF STREAMS OR WATERCOURSES...": Supervisor called public hearing to order; Town Clerk testified as to proper posting and publication of notioeof public hearing* Is familiar with proposed eneadaest to the *-*»*»»# law regelating streams and watercourses. Proposal is that it requires that an applicant Town Engineer, to be used for purpose of scorning perforaaaoe of terns of permit. Said pendt shall be held by the team far a period ofoae year attar Re pemlt fee; a ,>ow—1^*AH|MMwKl<> perait fae of oaelanulred aallara aaall Itecomaenda adoption bttnanao it tfftllt help the eavlroaaantal oondit$ana that exist by reducing the wMwutt- of grading and regradiag of exlatlag by keeping streams in their present location. Purpose of cash bonds Ha guarantee that whatever authorisations are given will be properly carried out* Would be in the beat interest of the I Mo further questions from the Town Attorney, la fur thai from the Town Board. ay Supervisor and testified mm follows! So DiraotoF of Finance and ia faaAJULar with permits, la familiar with provieion of Local Law which requirea perait for diversion of streams aa It exists presently* Mo faa required preaeatly* fee, this would be proper and adequate amount. This will offset administrating perait* Recoaaends adopt<a>faf Mo further witnesses. Moone appeared aa being either ia favor or On resolution of farad by Councilman FUaatello, •saaniad by ^w^a#%**M»%'*t'#"»e«eaajM» aw waliaa'ejaaafa* aapHPia aaeamjmjia^ManmjpmmamtSaiyy aammmam^umnpaa , aj meaaapjawawae aampcaw#avaeam^ mmaanv aaammaaa^m^sjaF I PUBLIC HEARING Town Hall *)/Z?flZ 8*25 Bf Present: Co* Niehaus, D'Antoni, Lodlco, Piszutello, Supervisor Vines Town Clerk Town Attorney Deputy Town Attorney RE: ZONE CHANGEAPPLICATION - J. KNUTSOf & CO, IMC. (H-15 to BG-2) Prop, located Lake Road. Valley Cottages Supervisor called public hearing to order; lorn Clerk testified as to proper posting and publication of notice of hearing* Recommendations: 2 Town Planning Board? W H Y - because: ^j M *•** 1. Land under consideration %50' from L^ke Boao and only has possible future accessfromwithin the existing Lake Road Apte«, impaired* 2* Possible BS-2 excessive density in relation to 1971 Master H a m there nay bo overcrowding* 3# Property without adoouate access* HOWEVER I 1971 Master Plan showed that entire area between preaeat Latee Beail Apte. and the CS zone on the w/s of Bte. 303 proposed for low density cardan apartments. Only portion ofoverall area would be available for aediua density be rescued to allow such density, e*g. IKJ-1 with suitable coveaants so jthat total land coverage allow for not less than 39* open area with not more than 8-10 d.u. per aore*' Town Plannorj mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm '••••Densities under BO-2 M a t * ahoald bo reduced to oonfora with Plan and land coverage be limited to ©5#. Be access, is United by and a direct access to subject property preferable* Biyendii that existing BG-2 Dist. bo extended to the CS Dist* (on Route 303) aiionmpanHlng the subject property* ••*• Donald S.Tracy Esq. appeared before the Town Board aa attomeyfor J* Knutsen contract purchaser of property of J* Clark with consent of Valley Cottag&Fire District* There is agreement to exchange some property with fire District* Valley Octtag*. Fire Dist. has consented to the change and Joined in the petition* J* Clark also has joined in the petition. (continued) PH - 9/27/72 Knuteen Page 2 (Donald S. Tracy - continued): Adjoins Lake Boad Garden Apartaents. Planning Board objects to us asking just for this property to be rescued - approodaately 2.5 acres* They thought whole area should be considered. We would be very happy to have whole area considered, but we do not represent the whole area. Should mop be implemented outside of the front portion of the property in question, the only other properties which would bo considered wpuld bo church property on which there is privately built school* Be recpilToacnt that Planning Board made concerning density of area, the density of area is basically, •jpes^gFwO^b^* w s»^#e«wwpo<fc^eBfc u#^s s%s> ejHe>ujpss^a)Sp M*^^WWW<fcsjpss^s> axx <Bpsonso^ ^nwe«ejSjpBjp) NNJMS* ^PsY^ojnsBBsnsjBjyn^^v aHsst sjp4fce>^pss'Lejisj Be questions and concern ro aoeeos to the property «• oV^ffflE of Zoning Ordinance 'site review9, Planning Board would have the power to reviow any proposed site, and would have the power to regulate the access and proscribe what oust and oust not 90 in* Be overall coapaet on eoasunity; 2.5 appearance of the garden apartaents. People who live in thooi usn# #a%r w •^P^PeV •Bpsss^0a«ej^B* Oj^"*OjpBjpje»jpnv v^Pa» VMPW j^sv'^MBjielsoieVOjyy VPJB> e«osyV *elieVo79jlo*4eins*^p o*JP WsBPJF •BSF*JI^*Tgr There will not be any ispact adverse to the conaunity. It that the soneeaange requested is not inconsistent with 1971 Master Plan, except for the density of fftif t-9 pensltted and that the builder has that garden apartosnts ho builds can bo a credit to the Mrs. ClarK; Consents to petition. Up witnesses. PI FAVOR; mmmmmmmnmmm lEffj JPNdft ga >¥ r l t s*®**^* B****!, * # » i ^^ww, ffffh^il Pffiffifl fftffni iff district fee? first t&no hen ateMiisod* If you grant this, apartaents will increase school population ( s i c ) . Wm$ nfnyml,^ -be based upon as oany gltigly bcrtioon asortnants an noonlhilo. If 20 inft%Oi, a l l one bedroon) pnnjpnv^p ji*ii#^(i^ppppiii» sjesjpsje^MSjhM* jBsavejpjeaeVSjnjssjnjs^ wWO/o w^0 ^n*^i*^nin> op ejanina* none* ^e^ess^n* ssn»^vsswji0Bjsn* WMPS> ^n^sjn> enwesssspeswanniea go caashed glatwif no disturbances in shopping centers* Btou'i-l'AL: (Donald 5. Tracy): 'Be objector %^¥* afiyfre- aHftttt intending trtmhlos, fools os4£n£ntsin$ ha 'is -not qualified to speak 00 sooiologist* Councilman lodioo: (To Mr. Tracy): Quite in i t s present nonet tnajsjgi 2.5 s 3U$ Councilman Lodico: If changed to your request, total onitnf Inowart Total Units* i f one bedroon more than for a two bedroon apar taunts. There i s land area ratio. Councilman Lodico: If th^te one unit, weald rents bo in reach for PH - 9/27/72 Knutoen Page J Mr* Tracy: I hare no way of answering that battalia* X wmld net bo able to guage the wealth of aenior citizens who apply to rant* On resolution offered by Councilman D*Aatoni, aicandid by CotowUaaa Niehaus and unaniaously adopted, pftyille hearing was elooed* *4 PUBLIC HEARING Town Hall 9/27/72 8:30 m Present: Co. Niehaua, D'Antonl, Lodico, Pl*sutello9 Supervisor Vines Town Clerk Town Attorney Deputy Town Attorney RE: PRCFOSED LOCAL LAV BSTABLISHIMS A DEPABTMBIT OF HJMQnTi It CEVHjQPWEafft Town Attorney F. P. Roland reed entire proposed leesl Ism James F* Coyle, Chairman of the dsrkstown Wanning Board wan sworn in and testified as follows: Supports concept end intent of the proposed departsont • would lie step in right direction in increasing Titirmnf *w%fl.irin with eiflMiei.iHtt of Approval result of many Beatings; iaplesentation would he in best interests of the people of the township. Theodore Zollendeek« Town Planners Beooanwttds adoption* OononSLisntioB would create greater efficiency in planning* Bsqnested - re *5 enjps for report to the Town Board - that consideration be given to noratorian to oonstrnetion for ••PiWfc,'dfc*liP** 'wrm %eer ^ejen^y9P4P BfltHWt Bownsn Building Znspeetor: Approees withffurfiffffmilw i t substance nests with his approval. Bequested consideration oi outlined in existingi laws of enforoenent as relates to those four Also, additional iiif irHl,fft«ta to the **nfffflc Ordinance prosedure ordinance makes provisions for referral to the Planning soars and other mm®** Martin Bernatein. Hew City: Used to consolidate varione plansiag the town. Proposal would accomplish this. Inquired if there still is a Conservation Cowmisgion and a Drainage Const ssl on. snnsrvAser Vines replied yes* however, re Drainage Commission, it is not functioning st nnabar we have hired. Drainage consultants doing waster plan for town, we have Shade free Commission union we ore incorporating into the Conservation Cosnittee. They will eliminate another cosoittee. Be page 8:'.anon we speak of Town Flaanar, mm we speaking of oo*w> person who will be Director of Planning Dapertsent, or additional job? aupervisor Vinos replied that we have no inUntion for • Be Planner firnf fig up such a department (Mr. Bernstein naatiwniiQ, should have n lot wore oualificatlona than proposed in this ordinance. Qualifications of Director is no wore than Deputy Director. Ion should get best possible planning director. Beooswend that Planning Director have at least five years eaperience nod should have Masters Degree. 24tT I Q •**<• ^% HI - 9/27/72 PLANNING DIRECTOR Page 2 Martin Bernstein (continued): Be qualifications; educational requireannts and for job* Be terns should be longer* Be civil eerviee status, knee bean advised that this position would require such status* Bequest it be entriesd out* Town Attorney has deliberated this point; if preference of Town Board to have it classified civil service, proposed law could be Hr# Bernstein continued he agrees with ooneept but qseeticned possibility of politicalplaaning in Uniting t e m to two sears* Disagrees with the portion of proposed ordinance ^fhieh naWirr this a non~eivil aerviee nssitiaa and sake* it' ^^*» ^^^ ,^^p,^**^*"^^*» -^r^m ^*«*^^P*^*^*^B^PK^P' , *M*^W^^*J*» •^^•^•^PWVJ** IMMMP vi •H^^mv ^ B W W M M H * M ^ H W VOB»«^^^ tj^^^MaMSj*vMMPSMPS> wosswit siisnssMPwn* «e»wp - appointive* liter' HLeiseher f Ifaiiiosoiitl uir W<dpBPU/ajg ems^snaan^p ooupnp wneVw^v^o Mr* waiter Fleischer ( qM^TQBontuo and experience* Vers urihiwild be longer* ffoni it nut person yifflf^ snjpjB<is> 4 * a* '•*as**jpy ^gaa4BMb*a*a>^r A ••aawaai ss^nejevns«a^MSS>n* a*UMa> <e*^auusmWKs> sewsn> «nApea do their work* Also, re function of dopartaont* aapwrup-uf wStffc^^an sajapaaaaasawa* «kne> Wwsjns> «av^y 09UfSjus^B>a9 eaupa»wsov w# *s»a* aany^vjMnp ne^s> u*avnsup anus* s^sanp—v ujs^snjig^un snjoj||Sjtdh*B> If there was sane way public ujsjp av*jmawsMS> ^waasaR(pjjfca# ssnwsnw*>aJMsnaEO) Supervisor stated that i s exactly the intent hero g o that everything i s brought together 'before a piibUff hearing* Sn favort Mr* John wallaek, 9 Forest Avenue, Basnets Once he cones into c i v i l t o appointed by the town Board so he could be reasels' bar the fawn Board* ilAfff iC.S3HBfc»i. 111 JxKMmJmmmS&m&Sm^ «•**»» mmm * W f c | •wv**JT ^ * * * * " * v J^^piW would not be interested in considering a Mposition w^fr those terns* Bet bigjber aVtoinun r^qi'ifrciwoiito — 6 aonths iHny^at^* *ff**y period, during wjffirh he oould be with a hearing* Make standards bigjbsr; elininate two year l i n i t i put in c i v i l ffr* John Sarna.New City: (Works for Plaimfnff la*enaisation>» I ftewn Board* O&reeter of Planning gives technical advice* Planning Oirector ropresents planning provisions* Top nan needed* Be mirflsontB planning Requirements much too low* two years osxportonoo not sufficient* Should have pilanniag degree; njfffuffl-** have aore eiperienoe* Bhould have Bastere and five ^wopanfelD VpsaalSav^wUNMMDuTe) ^48 PH - 9/27/72 PLANNING DIRECTOR Page 3 Col. Conrad Lindemann "''' . Longmesdov Drive s Approve*, but qualifications too Ion* flbonld more than two years experience. Be intent: 'economy of operation*; law reduces the number of hands proceasing any paper work. Estahllah post of Director and Deputy Director - and staff people to support his* Town Attorney in answer to question: The reorganisation is s because we now have a Planning Board - full tine personnel; so there will be a reorganization of that structure. One of the reasons for setting up this department is that the Planning Board presently epulis s great deal of tine with natters that do not involve planning; they are adednlstrstive* Me hope to have the Planning Departaent process all of these applloationi so that the Planning Board will spend its tins with planning in* tlve natters* It is not intention to oUalnato any Boards, heosnne they each serve particular functions* JH FAVORs Mrs* Susy Cavello. Central Ityack: Planning Director should be free - should have longer tern of office* Should have higher level of dswoatisn an* Hr* Harris Taylor* Valley sjaannnniinsssne Cot nj^nsnji* ejfenjflnsjFs* Tern of two years sufficient* L tffenpo.fff'iifri.iMr Organised Tsspanaps Association) —rganisnt old dspartsjent aspartsjent instsad* 1 tint wan* Too Too saw nnon novavnnsnt* if* nsssssf**, *saLn would replace iwiff^lf*11* depsrtnsnt and anpanses wonld not he infisossndL* ws wsnld approve frntif. anon tans s s iwvlsod **sonl Ins? sans) sssdlshls §att sejant"** s^j»*"Sffs»^ipw5sn»n»st IW.FAVOfii fir* Karttts Oranierer (Conservation): PI siting Board speaks for Zt is plage for technleal advisory oonalssion for speeislined conservation* Get volunteers to riooasanit before sending to Planning Mr* John Jordani Planning Oirsotor wsn3bd 1 Director would chair* full 1*1 t * for planning process only* fou are talking about hiring* Supervisors Ife have Planning Director and Aast. Planning ZJlrector. There will 245 Page 4 OPPOSED: William Trust Jr.« President o f the Mow City Jayoeeot apj O U3 which make overlapping d e c i s i o n s ooncerning land twje, planuiag MM n e n t . . . * ; but there i o one s e c t i o n we f e e l inadequate. I t i s testis* k% which p e r t a i n s t o t h e appointaent and yinll "f *1 gati mw o f t h e Pljnnc&ng Director* Two y^ffOTP not e n f f i d e n t . Be imtilaasf flail c i v i l there &s peasant rlaniri fixation o f flfftf IT* Planning Analyst which i s aastlissjhls to this position. Re BaoheXojr Degree mcwil resent •* not sufficient, shosld least Master's Degree. Also; 'engineering' as appropriate field of Lodico inquiredmmm to how nasy Jayceee voted for or against the ryftftrimfHidatlfffi Mr* Urnst ropUed he did not know)* Mrs. Margaret Pedersens S e o . o «• Pago 6s Anodgnons. Sown attorneys feaSr*^ fff^gt hear pfrt^ tifwift wltfrflii JO days or p e t i t i o n e r w i l l gat approval; s o we put t h i s i n provision* "9own Attorneys ftqpilalned t o Mrs. Beosrsen that assning o f Pass- b-J i s t o r e f e r t o Planning Board and they w i l l r e f e r >r t o t h e proper aganay, s o that t h e Planning Board w i l l bring t o t h e s t t e n y i s n o f tine Saws Board f a r -aEflLQji o y w S sroosr a^Bsnoy* i. Pedersen •* r e Page 3^B$ - ,-PPS •^Ma,*jF^WTiP'Saamy s sw^# M W P SjansnsnBjnsns awBnaaajansnjBnna' ananaw*aa> aaes* ap*«pnnj(a^naiavapo>jpT ^nsnw*s^avsp D* Antoni ««d imaninoiialy adooted. — A H * * hearinc was closed* I E* O'Connor vRaws>avsB> aoaw anas* an? 46 PUBLIC HEARIHG Town Hall Present: S/27/72 " Si%5 1* Counciloen Niehaus, D'Aatoni, Lodico, Pissutello, Supervisor vines Tovm Clerk Anne E,0*Connor TOMB Attorney * Deputy Town Attorney HE: PROPOSED AMENDMENT TO LL #2-1966, AS AMOfDED, BttllUED "A LOCAL LAW PBWIBIHQ FORTOECONSTRUCTIOW, REPAIR AMP MAINTEKAHCS OF SB0FTO5 CEWTES PAROW3 AREAS." Supervisor Vines celled rmMtlf hearing t o order? Som Clerk t e s t i f i e d as t o proper posting end publ 1cation of notioeof jpa%Hir rropoeel As t o anttn^ See* 37""*5« eebetitntlng Building for Highway Superintendent t eapowering tbe Building Inspector t o rules and regulations for tbe earr i n s i n t o effect of fully adadsisfcarina? the Also t o snend Sec* 37*"6 emthiffri**!^ Building periodic inspection of shopping center perfrifig srea>t cause an investigation t o he made of #11- eosplaints of alleged violations^ order raaBsyisg of sill conditions found t o exis$ i s violation of t h i s ,<MTif laar and t o atairr Aft the violation order a ressonahle tine lisdlt for oosplisBoe* ftotMH*t BoMMSit fVf l^f.mr Inspector* sMom in> and t o s t i f i s d follows: I s fwin 11 tin with proposal and rcoonasncs aospt&ea, h i s office responsible for enforceeent for bull ding violations and safety requirenents i n existing shopping centers. Would be i n the bast infarct of the town t o transfer these rsssvnsihi&itles t o h i s Ho further questionss no further taltssssss)* im lying either i n favor or oppratd t o proposal • On resolution offered by Conner!leap P*Antoniv eooondart by Connnllnaa lfffiiil:inT and Mnimf—^**T1 y adopted* ytlHtfc, hearing tsjs AV 0*ConsjBe? i PUBLIC HEARING Town Hall 9/27/72 ©i50 W Present: Co, Niehaus, D'Antonl, Lodico, Plssutello, Supervisor Vines Town Attorney & Deputy Town Attorney Town Clerk ' •'' RE: O PROPOSED AKOfDMQfT TO CHAPTER 36-A OF THE C O M OF THE TOWN Of CLAttSTOw* ENTITLED "STREET OPENINGS. EXCAVATIONS AMD PAVEMENT C P W t Supervisor Vises called pttblic hearing to order; Town desk testified as to proper posting and publication of notice of hearing. Highway Superintendent fred finnpirs sworn in and testified T M foil ITWJT ^ tij U3 Seeoamends increase as proposed Iron $10.00 to $50*00* 166 street openings; if fee changed to $50.00 he could pot on two nore nam, which needed* Cash bond for each peradLt ""—I** be hardship on utilities* If* Franchino, Director of Finance, sworn in sad testified a s follower Is fanlllar with various peralt charges and fees* Xa faailiar with this proposal* Sua to be collected adequate and proper* adoption* I H o farther Questions* m FAVOR: No one appeared* Hr* S* Garber* repreaentiag spring Till ex Hater Ca* Qrdinanee yiffifft** one year ago* •teveaaea propoaed will adainistration of peraits less efficient. Utilities allowed to accuaulate charges. Pee shoedule should be service performed. ' Many* openings are far aaintenaaoe eajpiisis in construction* 4?fwHI..<HiffeM.# aaount of ear aaiateaaaoe now T S I afad to aswar prograa* we have aade every effort to afnfarfae asLne af opealngs la atreet* O n resolution offered by Oomwrilaan D'Aatoai, aeooaded by ^s^|j^|aaa^pia»jhaajejp§a I a* abaeaaaa'a^^pa*NSi^' ejauaae' anasenBaMn^eaa^snsswa^j •aaeapjpva^aw^awa^ je^easwBMw^e* esnv^aee* aaaaa^i vsunav' ^sws^s^e^s'^war
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