OUTCOME OF THORACO-LUMBAR FRACTURE STABILIZATION BY MOSS MIAMI SPINAL SYSTEM (Based on the study at Department of Orthopaedics, Bir Hospital, From February 2008 to January 2010) Thesis Submitted to National Academy Of Medical Sciences Mahaboudha, Kathmandu, Nepal In fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of MASTER OF SURGERY (MS) IN ORTHOPAEDICS & TRAUMA By Dr. Som Bahadur Ale, MBBS (KU) February 2010 CERTIFICATE FROM THE CO-ORDINATOR This is to certify that Dr. Som Bahadur Ale has carried out an original research work entitled “OUTCOME OF THORACO-LUMBAR FRACTURE STABILIZATION BY MOSS MIAMI SPINAL SYSTEM” under my supervision and guidance. His observation and work has been checked and verified by me from time to time. This work is submitted as his thesis for the degree of ‘Master of Surgery in Orthopaedics and Trauma’ in accordance with the rules and regulations laid down by National Academy of Medical Sciences. ………………………………………. Prof. Dr. Ashok Ratna Bajracharya MS (Ortho), MCh Orth (L’pool), Fellow of spine surgery (USA) Co-ordinator and HOD, Department of Orthopaedics and Trauma National Academy of Medical Sciences. Bir Hospital, Kathmandu, Nepal. CERTIFICATE FROM THE GUIDE This is to certify that Dr. Som Bahadur Ale has carried out an original research work entitled “OUTCOME OF THORACO-LUMBAR FRACTURE STABILIZATION BY MOSS MIAMI SPINAL SYSTEM” under my direct supervision and guidance. His work has been checked and verified by me from time to time. This work is submitted as his thesis for the degree of ‘Master of Surgery in Orthopaedics and Trauma’ in accordance with the rules and regulations laid down by National Academy of Medical Sciences. ………………………………………. Prof. Dr. Ashok Ratna Bajracharya MS (Ortho), MCh Orth (L’pool), Fellow of spine surgery (USA) Co-ordinator and HOD, Department of Orthopaedics and Traumatology National Academy of Medical Sciences. Bir Hospital, Kathmandu, Nepal. DECLARATION I declare that this thesis work "OUTCOME OF THORACO-LUMBAR FRACTURE STABILIZATION BY MOSS MIAMI SPINAL SYSTEM" has not been submitted previously in candidature for any other degree. I authorize National Academy of Medical Sciences (NAMS) to reproduce this thesis by any means, in total or in parts, at the request of other institutions or individual for the purpose of scholarly researches. …………………………. Dr. Som Bahadur Ale M.B.B.S DEDICATED TO ALL THE MEMBERS OF MY FAMILY AND TO THOSE PEOPLE WHO LOVE ME ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS I am deeply indebted to my distinguished guide, Prof. Dr. Ashok Ratna Bajracharya for his valuable suggestions and supervision during the whole period of my thesis work. I wish to express my sincere gratitude for his sustained interest and skillful guidance at every stage of this work. It is an honour to express my gratitude to our respected teacher Prof. Dr. Jwala Raj Pandey who has been a source of inspiration and support at every stage of this work. I am indebted to my teacher, Prof. Dr. Bachchu Ram K.C for his continuous help and support. I also express my gratitude to Prof. Dr. Buland Thapa, Prof. Shree Krishna Giri, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Ganesh Bahadur Gurung, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Dirgha Raj RC, Col. Dr. Bhanu Chandra Shah, Asst. Prof. Dr. Pankaj Chand, Asst. Prof. Dr. Bhoj Raj Adhikari, Dr. Shrawan Thapa, Registrar Dr. Deepak Dutta, Maj. Dr. Amit joshi, Dr. Bishnu Babu Thapa, Dr. Pramod Joshi, Dr. Rajram Maharjan, Dr. Rajdev Kushwaha, for their valuable suggestions and encouragement throughout the study. I specially thank Dr. Angel Magar and Dr. Suvash Shrestha for their valuable support during the preparation of this study. I would like to express my sincere gratitude for helping me in the statistical analysis of this study. I am really thankful to all the teachers and residents of the Department of Anaesthesia and to all the ward and OPD staffs of Bir Hospital. I thank my colleagues, Dr. Kiran Khanal, Dr.Nirab Kayastha, Dr. Ramashish Thakur, Dr. Rojan Tamrakar for being good friends during my entire residency. Without their support, I would not have been able to tackle all the problems during my thesis work. Similarly, I thank my friends from sixth and seventh batch of the faculty of Orthopedics, NAMS. I am very much obliged to all the patients and their families, who gave consent to participate in this study. -Dr. Som Bahadur Ale January 2010 CONTENTS S. No. Title Page No. 1. Executive summary 1 2. Introduction 3 3. Objectives 6 4. Hypothesis 7 5. Anatomical considerations 8 6. Literature review 36 7. Materials and Methods 62 7.1 Study Design 62 7.2 Place of study 62 7.3 Study period 62 7.4 Sample size 62 7.5 Inclusion criteria 62 7.6 Exclusion criteria 63 7.7 Pre operative work up of patients 63 7.8 Operative technique 67 7.9 Follow up and evaluation 69 8. Observation and results 74 9. Discussion 89 10. Conclusion 94 11. Recommendations 95 12. Bibliography 96 13. Appendices Appendix 1: Proforma of the study Appendix 2: Operative procedure photographs Appendix 3: Master chart LIST OF FIGURES Figures Page No. Figure 1 : Development of spine ………………………………….……………………. 8 Figure 2 : Denis three column concept of spinal injury ……………………………...... 19 Figure 3 : Denis definitions of types of spinal fracture ……………………………….. 20 Figure 4 : Modified Maegerl (AO/ASIF) classification of thoracolumbar injuries.…………………………………………………………………….…25 Figure 5 : The mid sagittal diameter of spinal canal……………………………………. 30 Figure 6 : Age of the Patients (%)……………………………………………………….74 Figure 7 : Gender distribution (%)……………………………………………... ……… 75 Figure 8 : Occupation of the patients (%)….………..…………………………….……. 76 Figure 9 : Modes of injury (%)……………………...……………………..…………… 77 Figure 10 : Type of injury (%)…………………………………………………..…….. 78 Figure 11 : Level of injury …………................................................................................ 79 Figure 12 : Neurological involvement ………………………………………………….. 80 Figure 13 : Associated injuries ……………..…..………………………………………. 81 Figure 14: Time interval between Admission and surgery ……………………..…….… 82 Figure 15 : Kyphotic deformity in degrees (%)………………………………………... 84 Figure 16 : Loss of anterior vertebral body height (%) ………………………….….…..85 Figure 17 : VAS pain Score ………………………………………………………...…... 86 LIST OF TABLES Tables Page No. Table 1 : Denis classification of spinal fracture …………..……………………….. Table 2 : Vaccaro et al. Thoracolumbar Injury Classification (TLICS) and Injury 21 Severity Score ………………………….................................... 22 Table 3 : McAfee Classification of thoracolumbar spine fractures ………………. 23 Table 4 : Maegerl AO (Arbeitsgemeinshaft fur Osteosynthesefragen) Classification 24 Table 5 : Frankel grading of Neurologic deficits in patients with Spinal cord Injuries:……………………………………………………........................ 27 Table 6 : ASIA impairment scale ………….……………………………………… 27 Table 7 : Incomplete cord syndromes ………….……………..………………… 28 Table 8: Denis et al’s pain scale ……………………….………………………… 72 Table 9 : Denis et al’s work scale ………………………………………………. 72 Table 10 : Bowel and bladder involvement…………………………………..…… 81 Table 11 : Regional distribution of associated injuries ………………………………. 82 Table 12 : Complications …………………………………….…………………….… 83 Table 13: Preoperative and post-operative neurological status according to Frankel’s Grading System……………………………………………… 83 Table 14: Corelation between preoperative kyphotic deformity and postoperative kyphotic deformity ………………………………………………….. 84 Table 15: The mean (SD) Loss of anterior vertebral body height preoperatively and on immediate post operative period ……………………………………... 85 Table 16 : Time of bony fusion …................................................................................... 86 Table 17 : Correlation between VAS pain score on admission, 1st month, 3rd month and 6th month………………………………..………………………… Table 18 : Distribution of patients classified by Denis et al’s pain scale…………… 87 88 Table 19 : Distribution of patients classified by Denis et al’s work scale…………….. 88 GLOSSARY OF ABBREVIATIONS NAMS = National Academy of Medical Sciences T = Thoracic L = Lumbar AO= Arbeitsgemeinschaft für Osteosynthesefragen ASIF = Association for the Study of Internal Fixation FFH = Fall from height RTA = Road traffic accident VAS = Visual analogue scale ASIA = American spinal injury association A-P = Anterior posterior Lat= Lateral CT = Computerized tomography MRI = Magnetic resonance imaging ESR = Erythrocyte sedimentation rate HIV = Human immunodeficiency virus HBsAg = Surface antigen for hepatitis B virus SD = Standard deviation TL = Thoraco-Lumbar RGO = Reciprocating gait orthosis HKAFO = Hip Knee Ankle Foot Orthosis TLSO=Thoracolumbosacral orthosis TSRH = Texas Scottish Rite hospital CD = Cotrel-Du-boussett 1. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Thoracolumbar spinal injuries are serious injuries and are occurring among the productive age group of people. Fractures and fracture dislocations of thoraco-lumbar Spine accounts for approximately 50% of all vertebral fractures and approximately 40% of spinal cord injuries. The goal of our treatment is to realign the spine and spinal canal, to relieve pain, to obtain and maintain spinal stability to prevent or minimize secondary neurological injury, to decompress directly or indirectly the neural elements and facilitate neurological recovery as well as early rehabilitation of the patient starting from mobilization to ambulation where possible. This prospective interventional type of study was carried out to evaluate the outcome of thoracolumbar fracture stabilized by Moss Miami spinal system in terms of neurological, radiological and functional outcome. Thirty two patients were included in the study initially, but two patients were lost after first follow up. Hence, only thirty patients were included in the final data analysis. The mean age of the patient was 26.9 years, majority between 15 to 25 years. Fall from height was the most common mode of injury in 80% of the patients and unstable burst fracture was the commonest type of injury in 60% of the patients. Similarly first lumbar vertebra was the commonest level of injury in 56.3% of the patients. The mean deformity correction was from 20.4 degree preoperatively to 4.6 degree postoperatively i.e 15.80 degree. The percentage loss of anterior vertebral body height was 53% preoperatively 10.13% in immediate post operative period and 12.83% on final follow up. All had evidence of fusion at a mean of 5.5 months, ranging from 4 to 6 months. Neurologically 18 patients were Frankel grade A with bowel and bladder 1 involvement. Postoperatively 3 patients and 2 patients showed neurological recovery to Frankel grades B and C respectively. Remaining 11 patients with Frankel grade B, C, D showed recovery postoperatively by 1 or 2 grades of power. All the patients (n=30) were followed up at regular intervals and evaluated on the basis of neurological , radiological and functional outcome. Our results were comparable to other similar studies done elsewhere. Though the results in this study of short duration is very satisfactory, further studies on larger scale and longer period of follow ups are recommended to evaluate the outcome of thoracolumbar fracture stabilization by Moss Miami spinal system. 2 2. INTRODUCTION Fractures and dislocations of the spine are serious injuries that mostly occur in productive age group people. The management and evaluation of these types of injuries have changed tremendously over the last decade with improvement of imaging technologies and spinal instrumentation. Numerous internal fixation devices have been developed for the treatment of unstable thoraco-lumbar spine fracture. Boucher introduced pedicle screw fixation of the spine in the1950s. Significant advances by Roy Camille, Steffee, Krag, Luque and the others in biomechanical design and placement technique have led to a rapid increase in the use of pedicle screw fixation systems. Several problems existing with multiple hook-screw-rod systems became evident and the development of Moss Miami spinal instrumentation had the initial goals of solving the problems posed by the existing systems. Low profile of the implant, minimum number of implants and instruments, easy to apply closure system and avoidance of damage to bio-mechanically important structures and stable and 360 degree fusion without anterior access are some of the advantages which make Moss Miami spinal system a better choice in the management of the patients with thoracolumbar instability 1. Unstable thoracolumbar spine injuries requires stabilization to 1) Allow mobilization of the patient to prevent pulmonary and venous complications 2) To relieve pain 3) To realign the spine and spinal canal 4) To obtain and maintain spinal stability 5) To prevent or minimize ‘secondary neurological injury 6) To decompress directly or indirectly the neural elements 7) To facilitate neurological recovery in incomplete neurological deficit as well as rehabilitation of the patient starting from mobilization to ambulation where possible 2 . 3 Thoracic and thoracic-lumbar fractures treatment has long been in controversies. With the increased knowledge on biomechanics and anatomy of the thoracic-lumbar region, discussions around treatment have become deeper, especially during the 1980’s and 1990’s. During that period, the use of pedicular screws for fixing those fractures has grown, because strong advantages were reported, such as good reduction, stabilization, spinal cord decompression, in addition to enable early mobilization of patients after surgery. However, there are some disadvantages, mostly inherent to the transpedicular screws fixation, such as: risks of perforating pedicle canal walls, pedicle fracture and involvement of nervous roots. Therefore, an accurate evaluation is required regarding screws positioning on the spine. Magnetic resonance and computed tomography are excellent imaging tests for evaluating screws on pedicles 3. Fracture reduction results in an indirect decompression of the neural elements and may lead to improved neurologic recovery. Nonoperative means usually fail to achieve an anatomic fracture reduction in the thoracolumbar spine, therefore, early surgical treatment in patients with partial defect is recommended. Unfortunately, surgical treatment for complete paraplegic patients does not result in significant neurologic recovery. Early surgical care in patients with complete paraplegia does decrease the rate of complications, hospitalization time, and overall costs, however. Other indications for emergent surgical care are patients with progressive neurologic deficits, open spine fractures, and burns of the torso with concomitant unstable spine fractures 4. Timing of surgical intervention and the effect on neurologic outcome remain controversial. The only accepted indication for emergent surgical treatment in a patient with a thoracolumbar fracture is progressive neurologic deterioration. This complication 4 is rare, seen in 1% to 2% of cases and may be secondary to fracture displacement, expanding epidural hematoma, spinal cord oedema or infarction4. A long term outcome of closed treatment in neurologically intact patients with thoracolumbar burst fractures was recently reported by Mumford et al. They found that 66% of patients had good or excellent results at a follow-up an average of 2 years later. Only one patient developed neurologic deterioration (2.1%). Radiagraphic follow-up of these patients revealed an average increase of kyphosis of 30 and an improvement of the canal compromise from an initial average of 37% (16% to 66%) to 14% (3% to 40%) secondary to remodeling 4. In the majority of comparison studies between surgical and non surgical treatment, it appears that neurologic recovery is enhanced in surgically treated patients. The choice of surgical approach and instrumentation requires a thorough understanding of fracture type, injury level, and degree of neural injury 4. Moss Miami posterior spinal instrumentation is a new spinal instrumentation introduced, which is a hybrid system using pedicular screws and rods. 5 3. OBJECTIVES (a) General Objectives To evaluate the functional outcome of the stabilization of the traumatic unstable thoraco- lumbar spinal fractures (T10 – L2) by moss Miami spinal system. (b) Specific Objectives 1. To evaluate the role of moss Miami pedicle screw fixation in decreasing the kyphotic deformity in spinal injuries. 2. To see the neurological outcome and functional recovery of the operated cases of traumatic unstable thoracolumbar spine. 3. To find out the complications associated with the procedures. 4. To compare the results of this study with similar studies done elsewhere. 5. To study epidemiological data on such fractures including neurological deficit association. 6 4. HYPOTHESIS Moss Miami pedicle screw system provides stable, reliable, segmental construct, helps in immediate rehabilitation of patients after an unstable thoracolumbar spinal injury. 7 5. RELEVENT ANATOMY The development of spine begins in the third week of gestation and continues until the third decade of life. Formation of the primitive streak makes the beginning of spinal development, which is followed by the formation of notochordal process. This process includes neuro ectodermal, ectodermal and mesodermal differentiation. Somites form in the mesodermal tissue adjacent to the neural tube (neuroectoderm) and notochord. They number in 42 to 44 in humans. The somite begins to migrate in preparation for the formation of skeletal structures. At the same time, the portion of somites around the notochord separates into sclerotome with loosely packed cells cephalad and densely packed cells caudally. Each sclerotome then separates at the junction of the loose and densely packed cells. The caudal dense cells migrate to the cephalad loose cells of the next more caudal sclerotome. The space where the sclerotome separates eventually forms the intervertebral disc. As the vertebral bodies form, the notochord that is in the center degenerates. The only remaining notochordal remnant forms the nucleus pulposus which is later surrounded by circular fibres of annulus fibrosus forming the intervertebral disc. Figure 1. Development of spine 8 The intervertebral disc is a visco-elastic hydrodynamic shock absorbing structure consisting of vertebral end plates, nucleus pullposus and annulus fibrosus. Vertebral end plates form an interface between vertebral body and disc. They are made up of thin plate of bone and a thin layer of hyaline cartilage containing type two collagen fibres. At early life these end plates have micropores which help in diffusion of nutrients into the disc and with increasing age the permeability of the pores decreases. Functionally though it serves to resist compression and can undergo fatigue failure under physiological prolonged compression stress. Nucleus pulposus is a hydrated gel of proteoglycans consisting of sulphated glycosaminoglycans bound to protein core and collagen fibrils. Because of the negatively charged sulphate groups, water is attracted to the proteoglycan. This proteoglycan water complex generates hydrodynamic turgor which keeps annular fibres elongated and under optimum maintaining its height. Nucleus pulposus has no neural innervation. Annulus fibrosis is a fibrocartilaginous structure arranged in concentric rings. The collagen in the fibrocartilage structure are arranged in oblique offset from adjacent layer and the adjacent layers are gummed by proteoglycans. This arrangement of collagen allows motions in different planes. In the lumbar and cervical region, the anterior annulus is thick and long while the posterior annulus is thin and short, producing and maintaining the normal lordosis. The outer layer of annulus fibrosis has sensory innervation whereas the inner layers are poorly innervated. The intervertebral disc in the adult is avascular. Rudert and Tillmann showed vascularity of the annulus until the age of 20 years and the cartilage endplate until the age of 7 years. 9 The cells within the disc are sustained by diffuse of nutrient through the porous vertebral endplate. Motion and weight bearing are believed to be helpful in maintain this diffusion. At birth the vertebral column is convex dorsally, which forms the predominant sagittal contour. However, when the erect position is acquired, compensatory cervical and lumbar lordotic curves develop opposite the primary thoracic and sacral kyphotic curves. The vertebral column comprises 33 vertebrae divided into five sections (seven cervical, 12 thoracic, five lumbar, five sacral, and 4 coccygeal). The sacral and coccygeal vertebrae are fused, which typically allows for 24 mobile segments. Congenital anomalies and variations in segmentation are common. The cervical and lumbar segments develop lordosis as an erect posture is acquired. The thoracic and sacral segments maintain kyphotic postures, which are found in utero, and serve as attachment points for the rib cage and pelvic girdle. In general, each mobile vertebral body increases in size when moving from cranial to caudal. A typical vertebra comprises an anterior body and a posterior arch that enclose the vertebral canal. The neural arch is composed of two pedicles laterally and two laminae posteriorly that are united to form the spinous process. To either side of the arch of the vertebral body is a transverse process and superior and inferior articular processes. The articular processes articulate with adjacent vertebrae to form synovial joints. The relative orientation of the articular processes accounts for the degree of flexion, extension, or rotation possible in each segment of the vertebral column. The spinous and transverse processes serve as levers for the numerous muscles attached to them. The vertebral column is composed of alternating bony vertebrae and fibrocartilaginous disc that are connected by strong ligaments and supported by musculature that extends from the skull to the pelvis and provides axial support to the body. The length of the vertebral column averages 72 cm in men and 7 to 10 cm less in 10 women. The vertebral canal extends throughout the length of the column and provides protection for the spinal cord, conus medullaris, and cauda equina. Nerve and vessels pass through the intervertebral foramen formed by the superior and inferior border of the pedicles of adjacent vertebrae. The transition zone at the thoracolumbar junction makes a significant change from a stiff thoracic spine to a mobile lumbar spine. This zone of transition across T10 to l2 is related to the loss of the rib cage as well as the changing orientation of the facet joints. The thoracolumbar junction also marks a transition zone from the kyphotic thoracic spine to the lordotic lumbar spine. An additional thoracolumbar consideration is the transition from the spinal cord to the cauda equina. This usually occurs around the L1-2 interspace5. ANATOMY OF THE CERVICAL, THORACIC AND LUMBAR PEDICLES Karaikovic et al. used CT measurements to study cervical pedicle morphology and found that C2 and C7 pedicles had larger mean interdiameters than all other cervical vertebrae, and that C3 had the smallest mean interdiameter. The outer pedicle width-to-height ratio increased from C2 to C7, indicating that pedicles in the upper cervical spine (C2-4) are elongated, whereas pedicles in the lower cervical spine (C6-7) are rounded. It also is crucial to know that cervical pedicles angle medially at all levels, with the most medial angulation at C5 and the least at C2 and C7. The pedicles slope upward at C2 and C3, are parallel at C4 and C5 and are angled downward at C6 and C7. The pedicle cortex is not uniformly thick, and that the medial cortex toward the spinal cord is almost twice as thick as the lateral cortex. 11 Pedicle dimensions and angles change progressively from the upper thoracic spine distally. In 2905 pedicle measurements made from T1 to L5, pedicles were widest at L5 and narrowest at T5 in the horizontal plane. The widest pedicles in the sagittal plane were at T11, and the narrowest were at T1. Because of the oval shape of the pedicle, the sagittal plane width was generally larger than the horizontal plane width. The largest pedicle angle in the horizontal plane was at L5. In the sagittal plane, the pedicles angle caudad at L5 and cephalad at L3-T1. The depth to the anterior cortex was significantly longer along the pedicle axis than along a line parallel to the midline of the vertebral body at all levels except T12 and L1. The thoracic pedicle is a convoluted, three-dimensional structure that is filled mostly with cancellous bone (62% to 79%). Panjabi et al. showed that the cortical shell is of variable density throughout its perimeter, and that the lateral wall is significantly thinner than the medial wall. This seemed to be true for all levels of thoracic vertebrae. A study by Kothe et al. also showed that the medial wall is thicker than the lateral wall of the thoracic pedicle, and they found that most pedicle fractures related to screw insertion occurred laterally. The pedicles of the thoracic and lumbar vertebrae are tube like bony structures that connect the anterior and posterior columns of the spine. Medial to the medial wall of the pedicle lies the dural sac. Inferior to the medial wall of the pedicle is the nerve root in the neural foramen. The lumbar roots usually are situated in the upper third of the foramen; it is more dangerous to penetrate the pedicle medially or inferiorly as opposed to laterally or superiorly. There are three techniques for localization of the pedicle: (1) the intersection technique, (2) the pars interarticularis technique, and (3) the mammillary process technique. The 12 intersection technique is perhaps the most commonly used method of localizing the pedicle. It involves dropping a line from the lateral aspect of the facet joint, which intersects a line that bisects the transverse process at a spot overlying the pedicle. The pars interarticularis is the area of bone where the pedicle connects to the lamina. Because the laminae and the pars interarticularis can be identified easily at surgery, they provide landmarks by which a pedicular drill starting point can be made. The mammillary process technique is based on a small prominence of bone at the base of the transverse process. This mammillary process can be used as a starting point for transpedicular drilling. Usually the mammillary process is more lateral than the intersection technique starting point, which also is more lateral than the pars interarticularis starting point. With the help of preoperative CT scanning at the level of the pedicle and intraoperative radiographs, the angle of the pedicle to the sagittal and horizontal planes can be determined5. CIRCULATION OF SPINAL CORD The main arterial of the spinal cord are: 1. Anterior spinal artery –is a midline vessel that lies in the anterior median fissure. It is usually larger than the posterior spinal arteries and runs the whole length of the cord, it becomes small at places especially in the thoracic region, that it may be considered absent. 2. Posterior spinal artery-is usually double forming longitudinal trunks that run through and behind the posterior nerve rootlets for the whole length of the cord. 3. Radicular arteries-has an important contribution to reinforce the longitudinal trunks as they form anastomoses with the anterior and posterior spinal arteries. Their most characteristic feature is their variability in number and position. Blood incoming from them may flow up and or down the cord. The largest of the feeder vessels, radicularis 13 magna (the great redicular artery of Adamkiewicz), originates on the left side between the T9 and T11 vertebral segments and supplies the lower two thirds of the spinal cord via the anterior spinal artery. When damaged or obstructed, it can result in anterior spinal artery syndrome with loss of bowel and bladder continence and impaired motor functions of the legs, sensory function often preserved to a degree. The blood supply to the spinal cord is rich but the spinal canal is narrowest and the blood supply is poorest at T4-9. T4-9 should be considered the critical vascular zone of the spinal cord, a zone in which interference with the circulation is most likely to result in paraplegia5. VENOUS DRAINAGE Dommisse pointed out two sets of veins: 1. Those of the spinal cord, and 2. Batson plexus The veins of the spinal cord are a small component of the entire system and drain into the batson plexus. The batson plexus is a large and complex venous channel which communicates directly with the venous system draining the head, chest and splanchnic plexus of abdomen. These veins are valveless and the interconnection allows metastatic spread of neoplastic or infectious disease from abdomen to the vertebral column5. 14 NEURAL ELEMENTS The spinal cord is a cylindrical, grayish white structure that begins above at the foramen magnum, where it is continuous with the medulla oblongata of the brain. It terminates below in the adult at the level of the lower border of the first lumbar vertebra. In the young child it is relatively longer and and ends at the upper border of the third lumbar vertebra. There are cervical and lumbar enlargements in the cord which gives origin to brachial and lumbosacral plexus respectively. At the lower border of L1 vertebra the spinal cord tapers off into the conus medullaris from the apex of which a prolongation of the pia matar, the filum terminale, descends to be attached to the back of the coccyx. The cord possesses in the midline anteriorly a deep longitudinal fissure, and on the posterior surface a shallow fissure, the posterior median sulcus6. The canal contains the spinal meninges and the spinal cord with its nerve roots. The bony walls of the canal are separated from the contained meninges by the epidural spaces also known as the extradural space which contains fat and the veins. The extradural fat extends laterally into the invertebral foramen with the nerve roots within their dural sheaths. The organization of the neural elements is strictly maintained throughout the entire neural system even within the conus medullaris and cauda equinna distally. It follows a highly organized pattern with the most cephalad root lying lateral and the most caudal lying centrally. the motor roots are vertebral at the level. The arachnoid matar holds the roots in the position. 15 The pedicle is the key to understand surgical anatomy. The relation of the pedicle to the neural element varies by region within the spinal column. In the cervical region, there are seven vertebrae but eight cervical roots therefore accepted nomenclature allows each cervical root exit cephalad to the pedicle of the vertebrae. The relationship changes in thoracic spine because the eight cervical root exit between C7 and T1 pedicle requiring T1 root to exit caudal to the pedicle for which it is named the relationship is maintained throughout the remaining caudal segments. Discs are named in all levels for the vertebral level immediately cephalad. Similarly relationship exists in lumbar spine. MECHANISMS OF INJURY A. Axial compression – within the thoracolumbar region, an axial load commonly produces a nearly pure compressive load to the vertebral bodies. If the load is sufficient to produce a bony injury, there initially is failure of the end plate. With increasing loads, a vertebral body wedge compression fracture is produced with fracturing of the anterior portion of the body. B. Flexion – flexion forces generally compress the vertebral body and produce tensile forces posteriorly. If the posterior osteoligamentous complex remains intact, a stable injury generally persists. A posterior ligamentous injury is presumed to have occurred to some degree when more than 50% of the vertebral body height is compromised at the time of injury. C. Lateral compression - Lateral compression forces produce injuries similar to those found after flexion forces, although they occur along the lateral aspect of the vertebral body. The injuries may be limited to a fracture of the lateral body or they may have an associated posterior ligamentous disruption, contralateral ligamentous disruption or both. 16 D. Flexion- rotation - Flexion- rotation injuries generally include an anterior bony injury and the addition of rotational forces leads to an increasingly greater likelihood of posterior ligamentous and facet capsular failure. Mostly flexion rotation injuries lead to both anterior and posterior column injuries of the thoracolumbar spinal segment. E. Shear – pure shear forces often cause significant posterior ligamentous injuries. Shear forces may produce an anterior, posterior and a lateral listhesis. F. Flexion- distraction – These injuries are more commonly referred to as seat belt injuries. G. Extension – pure extension injuries are rare and present with injury patterns opposite of those caused by more common flexion injuries and leads to tensile failure beginning anteriorly with compressive forces applied posteriorly. Most extension injuries are stable7. SPINAL STABILITY Punjabi & white advocate that clinical stability is present when, under normal physiological load, the spinal column is capable of maintaining its pattern without displacement so that there is no additional neurological deficient, no major deformity and no incapacitating pain. Mechanical instability is defined by the presence of injuries to two or more of the three columns which allows abnormal motion across the injured spinal segments. Clinical instability is defined as the loss of ability of spine under physiological loads to maintain relationship between vertebrae in such a way that there is neither damage nor subsequent irritation to the spinal cord or nerve roots and without causing incapacitating 17 pain or deformity from structural damage. This can result from trauma, disease, surgery or combination. Neurological Instability: Some burst fractures without neurological injury initially are at risk of developing it at later date. This late onset is from increasing kyphosis, post traumatic collapse due to osteoporosis. Classification of thoracolumbar fractures Holdsworth classification Holdsworth classified thoracolumbar fractures into five groups according to the mechanism of injury8. (1) pure flexion, which causes a stable wedge compression fracture; (2) flexion and rotation, which produce an unstable fracture-dislocation with rupture of the posterior ligament complex, separation of the spinous processes, a slice fracture near the upper border of the lower vertebra and dislocation of the lower articular processes of the upper vertebra; (3) extension, which causes rupture of the intervertebral disc and the anterior longitudinal ligament and avulsion of a small bone fragment from the anterior border of the dislocated vertebra—this dislocation almost always reduces spontaneously and is stable in flexion; (4) vertebral compression, which causes a fracture of the end plate as the nucleus of the intervertebral disc is forced into the intervertebral body, causing it to burst, with outward displacement of fragments of the body—because the ligaments remain intact, this comminuted fracture is stable; 18 (5) Shearing, which results in displacement of the whole vertebra and an unstable fracture of the articular processes or pedicles. Denis three column concept of spinal injury Denis developed a three column concept of spinal injury9. The anterior column contains the anterior longitudinal ligament, the anterior half of the vertebral body, and the anterior portion of the annulus fibrosus. The middle column consists of the posterior longitudinal ligament, the posterior half of the vertebral body and the posterior aspect of the annulus fibrosus. The posterior column includes the neural arch, the ligamentum flavum, the facet capsules and the interspinous ligaments. Denis noted that one or more of the three columns predictably failed in axial compression, axial distraction or translation from combinations of forces in different planes. Figure 2. The spine can be considered as a three-column structure. ( from: Garfin S, Blair B, Eismont F, Abitbol J. Thoracic and upper lumbar spine injuries. In: Browner B, Jupiter JB, Levine A, Trafton P, editors. Skeletal trauma. 2nd ed. Philadelphia: W.B. Saunders Company; 1998. p 967--981.) 19 Denis classification of thoracolumbar trauma9 Figure 3. Denis definitions of types of spinal fracture. (From Denis F. The threecolumn spine and its significance in the classification of acute thoracolumbar spinal injuries. Spine. 1983;8:817-831.) 20 Table 1: Denis classification of spinal fracture Fracture type Compression Mechanism Flexion Anterior Anterior flexion Lateral Lateral flexion Burst Compression A Axial Load B Axial Load plus flexion C Axial Load plus flexion D Axial Load plus rotation E Axial Load plus lateral flexion Seat-belt type Flexion-distraction Columns involved Anterior column compression with or without Posterior column distraction Compression Anterior and middle column compression with or without Posterior column distraction Anterior column intact or distracted ; middle column and Posterior column distraction Fracture Compression, dislocation rotation , shear Flexion rotation Flexion -rotation Shear Flexiondistraction Any columns can be affected (alone or in combination) Shear(anterior-posterior or posterior –anterior) Flexion-distraction Vaccaro et al. Thoracolumbar Injury Classification and Injury Severity Score Vaccaro et al. proposed the Thoracolumbar Injury Classification and Injury Severity Score to assist in the determination of when operative treatment of the thoracolumbar spine is appropriate. The score is developed from an algorithm in which points are collected in a sequential evaluation of the injury .The items considered in order are (1) the fracture mechanism, (2) the integrity of the posterior ligament complex, and (3) the 21 neurological status of the patient. The fracture mechanism is determined from plain radiographs and CT scans, neurological involvement is determined by physical examination, and the integrity of the posterior ligamentous complex is determined by the method most familiar to the examiner, which may include physical examination, plain radiographs, CT, and MRI. A point value is assigned to each segment of the three injury components, and these points are totaled7. Table 2. Vaccaro et al. Thoracolumbar Injury Classification (TLICS) and Injury Severity Score Points Fracture Mechanism Compression fracture 1 Burst fracture 1 Translation/rotation 3 Distraction 4 Posterior Ligamentous Complex Integrity Intact 0 Injury suspected/indeterminate 2 Injured 3 Neurological Involvement Intact 0 Nerve root 2 Cord, conus medullaris, incomplete 3 Cord, conus medullaris, complete 2 Cauda equine 3 22 Patients with scores of 3 or less should do well with nonoperative treatment, whereas patients with scores of 5 or more require surgery. Nonoperative or operative treatment may be appropriate for patients with 4 points; clinical qualifiers (e.g., comorbid medical conditions, multisystem polytrauma, and closed head injury) must be evaluated to determine if operative treatment is indicated. McAfee et al. classification McAfee et al. determined the mechanisms of failure of the middle osteoligamentous complex and developed a new system based on these mechanisms7. Table 3: McAfee Classification of thoracolumbar spine fractures Injury Type Pathology Wedge-compression fracture Isolated anterior column failure Stable burst fracture Anterior and middle-column compression failure, posterior column intact Unstable burst fracture Compressive failure of anterior and middle columns, disruption of posterior column Chance fracture Horizontal vertebral avulsion injury with center of rotation anterior to vertebral body Flexion-distraction injury Compressive failure of anterior column, tensile failure of posterior column. The center of rotation is posterior to anterior longitudinal ligament Translational injuries Disruption of spinal canal alignment in transverse plane, shear mechanism common 23 Maegerl AO (Arbeitsgemeinshaft fur Osteosynthesefragen) Classification This Swiss system remains the basis for modern fracture fixation. It classifies thoracolumbar fractures into 3 major groups, based on the three primary forces applied to the spine10. Table 4. Maegerl AO (Arbeitsgemeinshaft fur Osteosynthesefragen) Classification A. Compression A1 Wedge A2 Split or coronal A3 Burst B. Distraction B1 Distraction of the posterior soft tissues (subluxation) B2 Distraction of the posterior arch (Chance fracture) B3 ` Distraction of the anterior disc (extension spondylolysis) C. Multi-directional with translation C1 Anterior-posterior (dislocation) C2 Lateral (lateral shear) C3 Rotational (rotational burst) The AO classification is commonly used, as it provides a comprehensive classification describing the nature of injury, the degree of instability, and prognostic aspects that are important for choosing the most appropriate treatment. 24 It is very detailed and descriptive classification system with rationale for determining treatment and prognosis. Figure 4. Modified Maegerl (AO/ASIF) classification of thoracolumbar injuries. (from Gertzbein SD. Spine update. Classification of thoracic and lumbar fractures. Spine. 1994;19:626-628.) 25 Neurologic classification American spinal injury Association (ASIA) defines a complete neurologic lesion as an absence of sensory and motor function below the level of injury including the lowest sacral segment2. Although patients can be in “spinal shock”, when all reflex activities are lost, Stauffer et al have demonstrated that a bulbocavernosus reflex returns within 24 hours in 99% of patients, thus indicating the end of spinal shock. Complete injuries have a less than 3% chance of functional motor recovery if no neurological return is seen within 24 hours and have no chance of neurological recovery after 24 to 48 hours. A lesion is incomplete if sensory, motor, or both functions are partially present below the neurological level of injury. Sacral sensation at the mucocutaneous junction and the presence of voluntary contraction of the external anal sphincter on digital examination should be carefully elicited as this may be the only sign of preserved function. Patients with incomplete neurological injuries are expected to improve, with many regaining the ability to ambulate. Spinal Injury The level of neurological injury is graded at the lowest nerve root level that has at least antigravity strength. Overall gross function of patients with spinal cord injuries is assessed by the Frankel classification. This scale has recently been modified by ASIA. 26 Table 5. Frankel grading of Neurologic deficits in patients with Spinal cord Injuries: Grade Description A Absent motor and sensory function B Sensation present, motor function absent C Sensation present, motor function active but not useful (grade 2-3/5) D Sensation present, motor function active and useful (grade 4/5) E Normal motor and sensory function Table 6. ASIA impairment scale Grade Description A Complete: No sensory or motor function below level of neurologic deficit level. Sacral sparing is absent. B Incomplete. Sensory but not motor function is preserved below the neurologic deficit level C Incomplete. Motor function is preserved below the neurologic deficit level, and the majority of key muscles below the neurologic deficit level has a muscle grade lower than 3 D Incomplete. Motor function is preserved below the neurologic deficit level, and the majority of key muscles below the neurologic deficit level, has a muscle grade higher or equal to 3. E Sensory and motor function is normal 27 Table 7. Incomplete cord syndromes Syndrome Description Anterior cord A lesion that produces variable loss of motor function and of sensitivity to pain and temperature, while preserving proprioception Brown-Sequard A lesion that produces relatively greater ipsilateral proprioceptive and motor loss and contralateral loss of sensitivity to pain and temperature Central cord A lesion, occurring almost exclusively in the cervical region, that produces sacral sensory sparing and greater weakness in the upper limbs than in the lower limbs Dorsal cord (posterior cord) A lesion occurring almost in the dorsal sensory column mainly affecting proprioception Conus medullaris Injury of the sacral cord (conus) and lumbar nerve roots within the neural canal, which usually results in an areflexic bladder, bowel, and lower limbs. Sacral segments may occasionally show preserved reflexes. E.g., bulbocavernosus and micturition reflexes. Cauda equina Injury to the lumbosacral nerve roots within the neural canal resulting in areflexic bladder, bowel and lower limbs. Neurological injury of spinal cord The Primary injuries which occur at the time of injury are contusion, compression, stretch and laceration. The secondary injuries which occur later as a result of ischaemia, Swelling that accompany all spinal injuries .Late sequelae are chronic pain and delayed neurological deterioration due to spinal deformity, residual spinal compression, scar formation and post traumatic Syringomyelia4. 28 Radiologic evaluation Plain radiographs High quality anteroposterior and lateral radiographs are obtained to evaluate and classify deformities in Sagittal and coronal planes. The AP film should be examine for loss of vertebral height and width of vertebrae, Widening of interpedicular distance , fracture of the pedicles, laminae, transverse process or rib fractures, malalignment of vertebral bodies or spinous process without a history of scoliosis. The size of the pedicles of the vertebra above and below the injured one is assessed for the placement of pedicular screws. The lateral view is best form of imaging to locate the injury level. The lateral radiograph is examined for loss of body height, disruption of superior or inferior end plate, posterior cortical wall fracture with retropulsed bone, fracture of spinous processes, widening of interspinous distance, subluxation or angulation of vertebral bodies and anterior or posterior translation. CT scan Computerized tomography (CT) better delineates the bony structures once an injury is identified. A CT scan reveals the integrity of the middle column, the degree of canal compromise, the intactness of pedicles planned for screw placement as well as subluxations or fractures of facets and lamina. The presence of two bodies on the same axial cut of a CT scan may indicate a fracture subluxation or dislocation, but first assure that the gantry has been angled in parallel to the vertebral endplates. Sagittal reconstructions are helpful in visualizing flexion--distraction injuries and fracture dislocations. Contrast CT scan can also diagnose dural tears or root avulsions. 29 Measurement of canal diameter The Percentage of Spinal Canal Compromise: a = (1 - x/y) ×100 a = percentage of canal compromise Figure 5: The mid sagittal diameter of spinal canal. x = mid-sagittal diameter of spinal canal at the level of injury y = average mid-sagittal diameter of the spinal canal (one level above and on level below the level of injury) Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) can demonstrate spinal cord pathology and the presence of neural compression. Other soft tissue injuries and the state of the intervertebral disc can be identified. MRI is indicated in patients with progressive neurologic deterioration, incongruous neurologic and skeletal injury, and unexplained neurologic deficit. MRI can also be used to assess the status of the posterior ligamentous complex. MRI can locate conus. It is useful at thoracolumbar junction due to variable location of conus medullaris. A low lying conus in upper lumbar burst fracture may be indicated for decompression. It can diagnose ligamentous instability in absence of bony injury as well as traumatic syringomyelia. The disadvantages are patients with respiratory distress, metallic implants. 30 Goals of surgery The goals of surgery are to reduce fracture and dislocations, stabilize the injured segment and decompress the neural elements. Fracture reduction results in an indirect decompression of the neural elements and may lead to improved neurologic recovery. Because nonoperative means usually fail to achieve an anatomic fracture reduction in the thoracolumbar spine, therefore, early surgical treatment in patients with partial defects is recommended. Unfortunately, surgical treatment for complete paraplegic patients does not result in significant neurologic recovery. Early surgical treatment in patients with complete paraplegia does decrease the rate of complications, hospitalization time, and overall costs, however. Other indications for emergent surgical care are patients with progressive neurologic deficits, open spine fractures, and burns of the torso with concomitant unstable spine fractures Timing of surgery Timing of surgical intervention and the effect on neurologic outcome remain controversial. The only accepted indication for emergent surgical treatment in a patient with a thoracolumbar fracture is progressive neurologic deterioration. This complication is rare, seen in 1% to 2% of cases and may be secondary to fracture displacement, expanding epidural hematoma, spinal cord edema, or infarction. In patients with complete spinal cord injuries or static spinal cord injuries, some authors advocate delaying surgery for several days to allow resolution of cord oedema whereas other favor early surgical stabilization. There is no conclusive evidence in the literature that early surgical decompression and stabilization improve neurological recovery or that neurological recovery is compromised by a delay of several days. 31 DEFINITIVE TREATMENT Non operative management The non operative treatment is recommended for compression fractures with less than 50% loss of anterior column height and less than 30 degrees of kyphosis, stable burst fractures and bony chance fractures. This treatment includes postural reduction, bed rest, wearing a thoracolumbar sacral orthosis (TLSO) or a hyperextension orthosis and observation. The patients are allowed to function and participate in normal activities of daily living while in the brace. The brace is normally worn fulltime for an average of 3 months. Non operative treatment is considered to have failed if there is significant progression of the kyphosis, the development of a neurological deficit or residual painful instability at the injured segment. These patients generally benefit from operative treatment. Surgical treatment The choice of surgical approach and instrumentation requires a thorough understanding of fracture type, injury level, and degree of neural injury. Patients who have a distractive injury of the posterior elements that occurs in flexion-distraction injuries, Chance-type injuries, and fracture-dislocations are best treated with posterior instrumentation. Patients with unstable burst injuries and incomplete paraplegia associated with high-grade spinal canal stenosis may benefit in the long term from immediate anterior decompression. Patients with unstable burst fractures and lesser degrees of canal stenosis are treated by posterior instrumentation. 32 Indications of operative treatment A. Absolute indications: 1. Unstable fractures, mechanically & neurologically 2. Progressive neurological deficit B. Relative indications: 1. Incomplete neurological lesion 2. Kyphotic deformity>20 degree 3. Lateral angulation or scoliosis of 15 degree 4. Translocation >10 degree 5. Loss of vertebral body height >50% 6. Ankylosing spondylitis There are three components of operative treatment: a. Stabilization with instrumentation b. Decompression c. Fusion Types of instrumentation a. Distraction : Harrington, Locking spinal rods b. Segmental fixation system: Luque rods, TSRHS, Cotrel-Du-bousset (CD) instrumentation. c. Pedicle screw system : rod screw, plate screw e.g Moss Miami posterior spinal instrumentation Moss Miami posterior spinal instrumentation is a new spinal instrumentation introduced, which is a hybrid system using pedicular screws and rods. 33 Decompression The role of decompression also is controversial. Compression of the neural elements by retropulsed bone fragments can be relieved indirectly by the insertion of posterior instrumentation or directly by exploration of the spinal canal through a posterolateral or anterior approach. There is no universal agreement as to indications for each of these. The posterior decompression of the spinal canal is an indirect approach and generally involves insertion of posterior instrumentation. This technique uses the distraction instrumentation and the intact posterior longitudinal ligament to reduce the retropulsed bone from the spinal canal. Numerous authors have documented excellent results with this technique, and it is a familiar technique to most orthopaedic surgeons. Problems with this technique occur if surgery is delayed for three weeks or more because indirect reduction of the spinal canal cannot be achieved with posterior instrumentation alone. In addition, severely comminuted fractures with multiple pieces of bone pushed into the spinal canal and severe canal compromise (>50%) may not be completely reduced by distraction instrumentation. The posterolateral technique for decompression of the spinal canal is effective at the thoracolumbar junction. This procedure involves hemilaminectomy and removal of a pedicle with a high-speed burr to allow posterolateral decompression of the dura along its anterior aspect. The posterolateral decompression for thoracolumbar fractures is less traumatic than thoracolumbar approach for anterior decompression of this area. However, anterior decompression can be followed by replacement with cage and bone graft whereas after posterolateral decompression, graft or cage replacement is not possible. 34 The anterior approach allows direct decompression of the thecal sac, but is an unfamiliar approach to many surgeons. Visceral and vascular structures may be injured, and this approach carries the greatest risk of potential morbidity. In addition, anterior decompression and placement of an iliac strut graft provide no immediate stability to the fracture, unless anterior internal fixation is used. The role of anterior internal fixation devices is rapidly evolving, and these devices have proved to be safe and beneficial in achieving spinal stabilization. When anterior and middle column are destroyed, the use of posterior stabilization procedures as an indirect stabilization in such situation now has been eliminated with these anterior stabilization. Early posterior instrumentation is favoured in an attempt to achieve anatomical reduction of the fracture. If residual neural compression exists, a posterior or posterolateral decompression is done. Posterior decompression is mandatory in patients with posterior laminar fractures because of the increased frequency of dural tears with exposed nerve roots and the possibility of severe posttraumatic arachnoiditis. Postoperatively, a CT scan of the spine with sagittal reconstructions is obtained through the injured segment to evaluate further the patency of the spinal canal. 35 6. LITERATURE REVIEW Sangam SS et al. (2008)1 performed a prospective study in 50 cases to evaluate the role of Moss Miami pedicle screw fixation in decreasing the deformity and bony union in spinal injuries and to see the neurological recovery and functional outcome of the operated cases of traumatic unstable thoracolumbar spine. Fifty patients (48 males and 2 females with mean age of 29.68years) having traumatic insult to the thoracolumbar spine of less than two weeks duration resulting in unstable fracture/subluxation or dislocation with incomplete or complete neurological deficit were included in the study. Spine was fixed with Moss Miami Spinal System. Roadside accidents (40%) and fall from height (36%) were the most common mode of injury. There was clustering of trauma around the thoracolumbar junction i.e.D12 and L1 levels (42%). Mean kyphotic deformity preoperatively was19 degree and postoperatively it was 3 degree. Majority of the patients recovered 1 or 2 grades of power according to ASIA Scale. The results were evaluated on the basis of neurological, radiological and functional outcome and were excellent and good in 84% cases and poor in 16% cases. Faulty screw placement in 6, nut loosening in 4, and implant pullout in 2, bursitis over implant in 3 and loss of correction in 6 were the complications related to the system. Moss Miami pedicle screw system provides stable, reliable, truly segmental construct helps in immediate rehabilitation of patients suffering from traumatic unstable thoracolumbar spine. Stambough JL et al. (1997)2 published an article on posterior instrumentation for thoracolumbar trauma. Clin Orthop Relat Res. 1997 Feb; (335):73-88. The majority of thoracolumbar spine fractures and fracture dislocations may be considered acute sagittal plane deformities. Unstable thoracolumbar spine injuries require stabilization to (1) allow mobilization of the patient to prevent pulmonary and venous complications; (2) to relieve 36 pain; (3) to realign the spine and spinal canal, and (4) to decompress directly or indirectly the neural elements. Posterior spinal instrumentation is a safe, available, familiar, and effective method to achieve these goals. Posterior spinal instrumentation techniques used rod hook systems or screw rod and screw plate systems. Most of these unstable injuries can be managed using these well established techniques without the need for additional combined or staged anterior spinal surgery. Mikles MR et al. (2004)3 published an article on posterior instrumentation for thoracolumbar fractures. 2004 Nov-Dec;12(6):424-35. Thoracolumbar fractures are relatively common injuries. Numerous classification systems have been developed to characterize these fractures and their prognostic and therapeutic implications. Recent emphasis on short, rigid fixation has influenced surgical management. Most compression and stable burst fractures should be treated nonsurgically. Neurologically intact patients with unstable burst fractures that have >25 degrees of kyphosis, >50% loss of vertebral height, or >40% canal compromise often can be treated with short, rigid posterior fusions. Patients with unstable burst fractures and neurologic deficits require direct or indirect decompression. Advances in understanding both biomechanics and types of fixation have influenced the development of reliable systems that can effectively stabilize these fractures and permit early mobilization. Lin HS et al. (2002)11 conducted a prospective study to review their experience in treating thoracolumbar fractures with Moss Miami System and vertebra anterior distraction device Twenty-eight patients with thoracolumbar fractures admitted in the Department of Trauma and Reconstructive Surgery (Unfallkrankenhause, Berlin, Germany) were treated by posterior fixation with Moss Miami system and anterior decompression, followed by autologous bone grafting and anterior distraction device stabilizing implant. Death 37 occurred in none of the cases and no patients exhibited signs of neurologic damages both intraoperatively and postoperatively, with the only exception that disruption of the dura mater of the spinal cord occurred in 1 case intraoperatively. Follow-up study lasting for a mean period of 11.8 months was conducted in all the cases, which found that the position of Moss Miami system and implanted ADD remained unchanged in 24 cases, in comparison with their position as shown by postoperative imaging data. In 3 cases, however, ADD was inlaid in the vertebral body, with an angle correction loss of which was less than 5 degrees. Lateral obliquity and displacement of ADD was found in 1 case. Of the 5 incomplete paraplegic patients, 3 achieved complete habilitation of neurologic function and 2 had partial improvement. Moss Miami system and anterior distraction device constitute good modalities in treating thoracolumbar fractures, with such merits as thorough decompression of the spinal canal, reliable fixation to allow early force loading with less correction loss of the angle, and are therefore suitable for treating unstable thoracolumbar fractures. Kaya RA et al. (2004)12 performed a prospective study on modified transpedicular approach for the surgical treatment of severe thoracolumbar or lumbar burst fractures. Conventional transpedicular decompression of the neural canal requires a considerable amount of lamina, facet joint and pedicle resection. The authors assumed that it would be possible to remove the retropulsed bone fragment by carving the pedicle with a highspeed drill without destroying the vertebral elements contributing to spinal stabilization. In this way, surgical treatment of unstable burst fractures can be performed less invasively. The purpose of this study is to demonstrate both the possibility of neural canal decompression through a transpedicular approach without removing the posterior vertebral elements, which contribute to spinal stabilization and the adequacy of posterior stabilization of severe vertebral deformities after burst fractures. Twenty-eight 38 consecutive patients with complete or incomplete neurological deficits as a result of the thoracolumbar burst fractures were included in this study. All patients had severe spinal canal compromise (mean, 59.53%+/-14.92) and loss of vertebral body height (mean, 45.14%+/-7.19). Each patient was investigated for neural canal compromise, degree of kyphosis at fracture level and fusion after operation by computed tomography and direct roentgenograms taken preoperatively, early postoperatively and late postoperatively. The neurological condition of the patients was recorded in the early and late postoperative period according to Benzel-Larson grading systems. The outcome of the study was evaluated with regard to the adequate neural canal decompression, fusion and reoperation percents and neurological improvement. Modified transpedicular approach includes drilling the pedicle for removal of retropulsed bone fragment under surgical microscope without damaging the anatomic continuity of posterior column. Stabilization with pedicle screw fixation and posterior fusion with autogenous bone chips were done after this decompression procedure at all 28 patients included in this study. Twenty-three of 28 patients showed neurological improvement. The percent of ambulatory patients was 71.4% 6 months after the operation. The major complications included pseudoarthrosis in five patients (17.8%), epidural hematoma in one (3.5%) and inadequate decompression in one (3.5%). These patients were reoperated on by means of an anterior approach. Of the five pseudoarthrosis cases, two were the result of infection. Although anterior vertebrectomy and fusion is generally recommended for burst fractures causing canal compromise, in these patients adequate neural canal decompression can also be achieved by a modified transpedicular approach less invasively. Yue JJ et al. (2002)13 conducted a 3 year consecutive series on the treatment of unstable thoracic spine fractures with transpedicular screw instrumentation. The treatment of unstable thoracic spine fractures remains controversial. Theoretical biomechanical 39 advantages of transpedicular screw fixation include three-column control of vertebral segments and fixation of a vertebral segment in the absence of intact posterior elements. Additionally, pedicle screw constructs may obviate the need for neural canal dissection and potential neural element impingement by intracanal instrumentation. A 3-year consecutive series was performed to evaluate the use of transpedicular screw fixation in the treatment of unstable thoracic spine injuries. This study was performed to evaluate the efficacy of transpedicular screw fixation in the upper, middle, and lower thoracic spine. The use of rod/hook and rod/wiring techniques has been evaluated in the treatment of thoracic spine injuries. To date, a study evaluating the safety and efficacy of pedicle screw instrumentation in the upper, middle, and lower thoracic spine has not been reported. Thirty-two patients with 79 individual vertebral injury levels (T2-L1) treated with transpedicular spinal stabilization and bone fusion were evaluated during a 3-year consecutive series from 1998 to 2001. Patient charts, operative reports, preoperative and postoperative radiographs, computed tomography scans, and postoperative follow-up examinations and radiographs were reviewed from the time of surgery to final follow-up assessment. Radiographic measurements included: sagittal index, Gardner segmental kyphotic deformity, and compression percentage. A total of 252 pedicle screws were placed, of which 222 were placed in segments T2-L1. Clinical examination and plain radiographs were used to determine the presence of a solid fusion. Fracture healing and radiographic stabilization occurred at an average of 4.8 months after the initial operation. There were no reported cases of hardware failure, loss of reduction, or painful hardware removal. Two hundred fifty-two transpedicular screws were successfully placed without intraoperative complications. The mean preoperative sagittal index was 13.9 degrees, whereas the mean follow-up was 5.25 degrees (P < 0.001). The mean final correction of sagittal index achieved was 8.65 degrees, or a 62.2% improvement. The mean Gardner 40 segmental kyphotic angle was 15.9 degrees, whereas the mean follow-up angle was 10.6 degrees (P < 0.0005). The mean compression percentage was 35.4, and at follow-up was 27.4 (P < 0.07). In carefully selected instances, pedicle screw fixation of upper, middle, and lower thoracic and upper thoracolumbar spinal injuries is a reliable and safe method of posterior spinal stabilization. Transpedicular screw fixation may offer superior threecolumn control in the absence of posterior element integrity and obviates the need for intracanal placement of hardware. Transpedicular instrumentation provides rigid fixation for upper, middle, and lower unstable thoracic spine injuries and produces early pain-free fusion results. These results provide evidence that with appropriate preoperative radiographic evaluation of pedicular size and orientation using computed tomography as well as radiograph assessment, transpedicular instrumentation is a safe and effective alternative in the treatment of unstable thoracic (T2-L1) spinal injuries. Knop C et al. (2000)14 conducted a prospective study on surgical treatment of injuries of the thoracolumbar transition: Operation and roentgenlogic findings .The authors report on a prospective multicenter study with regard to the operative treatment of acute fractures and dislocations of the thoracolumbar spine (T10-L2). The study should analyze the operative methods currently used and determine the results in a large representative collective. This investigation was realized by the working group "spine" of the German Trauma Society. Between September 1994 and December 1996, 682 patients treated in 18 different traumatology centers in Germany and Austria were included. Part 2 describes the details of the operative methods and measured data in standard radiographs and CT scans of the spine. Of the patients, 448 (65.7%) were treated with posterior, 197 (28.9%) with combined posterior-anterior, and 37 (5.4%) with anterior surgery alone. In 72% of the posterior operations, the instrumentation was combined with transpedicular bone grafting. The combined procedures were performed as one-stage operations in 38.1%. A 41 significantly longer average operative time (4:14 h) was noted in combined cases compared to the posterior (P < 0.001) or anterior (P < 0.05) procedures. The average blood loss was comparable in both posterior and anterior groups. During combined surgery the blood loss was significantly higher (P < 0.001; P < 0.05). The longest intraoperative fluoroscopy time (average 4:08 min) was noticed in posterior surgery with a significant difference compared to the anterior group. In almost every case a "Fixateur interne" (eight different types of internal fixators) was used for posterior stabilization. For anterior instrumentation, fixed angle implants (plate or rod systems) were mainly preferred (n = 22) compared to non-fixed angle plate systems (n = 12). A decompression of the spinal canal (indirect by reduction or direct by surgical means) was performed in 70.8% of the neurologically intact patients (Frankel/ASIA E) and in 82.6% of those with neurologic deficit (Frankel/ASIA grade A-D). An intraoperative myelography was added in 22% of all patients. The authors found a significant correlation between the amount of canal compromise in preoperative CT scans and the neurologic deficit in Frankel/ASIA grades. The wedge angle and sagittal index measured on lateral radiographs improved from -17.0 degrees and 0.63 (preoperative) to -6.3 degrees and 0.86 (postoperative). A significantly (P < 0.01) stronger deformity was noted preoperatively in the combined group compared to the posterior one. The segmental kyphosis angle improved by 11.3 degrees (8.8 degrees with inclusion of the two adjacent intervertebral disc spaces). A significantly better operative correction of the kyphotic deformity was found in the combined group. In 101 (14.8%) patients, intra- or postoperative complications were noticed, 41 (6.0%) required reoperation. There was no significant difference between the three treatment groups. Of the 2264 pedicle screws, 139 (6.1%) were found to be misplaced. This number included all screws, which were judged to be not placed in an optimal direction or location. In seven (1.0%) patients the false placement of screws was 42 judged as a complication, four (0.6%) of them required revision. The multicenter study determines the actual incidence of thoracolumbar fractures and dislocations with associated injuries and describes the current standard of operative treatment. The efforts and prospects of different surgical methods could be demonstrated considering certain related risks. The follow-up of the population is still in progress and the late results remain for future publication. Lutaka AS et al. (2006)15 evaluated if computed tomography is a good analysis method for pedicular screws positioning and the potential complications of surgically passing them. Nineteen patients have been studied, totaling 134 screws, during the period ranging from November 2002 to February 2005, regarding X-ray, tomography and pre- and postoperative neurological function analyses. As a result, there were two cases of injury on pedicle’s lateral wall at the tomography image, with no clinical repercussion to patients. Regarding neurological deficit, no patient showed a worse condition. Six patients presented with an improved neurological status. We concluded that computed tomography is an excellent imaging test for evaluating pedicular screws, and this kind of fixation was safe and showed low morbidity rates, allowing an early mobilization of the patient. Khan I et al.6 conducted a study on Thoracolumbar junction injuries and their management with pedicle screws to evaluate the use of pedicle screw fixation in earthquake injured thoracolumbar spine. Nineteen patients with posttraumatic instability of lower thoracic or upper lumbar spine were included in the study. White and Panjabi criteria was used to assess spinal instability. All patients underwent open reduction and internal fixation by posterior approach. Pedicles were localized using detailed anatomical landmarks and intraoperative imaging. . Local bone was used as bone graft. The 43 neurological status of the patients and any other complications were noted up to one year. There were 19 patients with unstable thoracolumbar junction injuries who were managed with pedicle screws and rods. Females were more affected (F:M ratio was 8.5:1). Wedge compression was the commonest. None of the patients deteriorated after surgery. There were 20 Frankel improvements in 18 patients (1.11 Frankel on average) with neurological deficit whereas 1 patient in Frankel E remained in the same grade on subsequent followups. There was one patient with wound infection and one patient developed DVT. None of the patients developed bedsores. Pedicle screw fixation is a useful choice for thoracolumbar junction injuries for achieving reduction and stability in both anterior and posterior column injuries, without affecting extra motion segments. Butt MF et al. (2007)17 published an article on Management of unstable thoracolumbar spinal injuries by posterior short segment spinal fixation. Fifty patients with thoracolumbar fractures were treated operatively between July 2000 and December 2001. The average age of the patients was 33.6 years (range: 20–50 years), 36 were males and 14 were females and the follow-up averaged 59 months (range: 49–68 months). A fall from a height, usually a tree, was the most common cause of injury. Twenty six patients had unstable burst fractures and 13 had translational injury. There were 15 patients with complete neurological deficit, 17 had partial neurological lesions, while 18 had no neurological deficit. All patients were treated by posterior short segment fixation (Steffee VSP). The average pre-operative kyphotic angle was 21.48°, which improved to 12.86° in the immediate post-operative period. The loss of kyphosis averaged 3.46° (0–26°) at the final follow-up. The average pre-operative anterior vertebral body height was 44.7% (range: 36–90%), which improved to 72.0% (range: 55–97%) in the immediate post- 44 operative period. The loss of body height averaged 3.0% (range: 1–15%) at the final follow-up. No neurological deterioration was seen, and in 24 cases a one grade or better improvement was observed. The mean pain score was 1.6, and the mean functional score was 2.8. We found that the application of posterior instrumentation resulted in a reasonable correction of the deformity with a significant reduction in recumbencyassociated complications; there were, however, significant other complications. Khan AA et al. (2008)18 performed a retrospective study to report the surgical outcome of thoracolumber fractures treated with short-segment pedicle instrumentation. A retrospective review of all surgically managed thoracolumbar fractures during two years was performed. 84 surgically managed patients were instrumented by the short-segment technique. Patient’s charts, operation notes, preoperative and postoperative radiographs, computed tomographic scans, magnetic resonance imaging was done. Neurological findings (Frankel functional classification), and follow-up records up to 6 months were reviewed. Transpedicular fixation was performed in 84 cases including 52 male and 32 female with male to female ratio 1.6:1.Mean±SD of age was 40±13.75 years (range15– 60). The level of injuries was different in different age groups. Outcome was assessed on Frankel grading. No patient showed an increase in neurological deficit. Most of the patients showed improvement to the next grade. Screw breakage occurred in 8 cases, bed sores in 16 cases and deep vein thrombosis in 3 cases. Misplaced screw in 5 cases. Eight cases got wound infection and concluded that although long term follow-up evaluation needs to verified, the short term follow-up results suggest a favourable outcome for shortsegment instrumentation. The development of transpedicular screw fixation techniques and instrumentation systems has brought short-segment instrumentation into general clinical practice. 45 Achakzai N et al. (2009)19 performed a study to evaluate the clinical accuracy and safety of placement of pedicle screws in thoracolumbosacral spine without per-operative imaging. Forty consecutive patients with thoracolumbosacral spine instability were operated using transpedicular screws from T9 to S1 by a single surgeon from January December 2008. Among these forty patients, the cause of instability was trauma (60%), tuberculosis (32.5%) and spondylolisthesis (7.5%). All forty patients underwent pedicle screws placement at different levels by using free hand technique taking into account anatomical land marks, specific pedicle entry points and angulations in sagittal and coronal planes. A total of 170 screws were inserted at different levels, as follows: T9 (n=2), T10 (n=6), T11 (n=10), T12 (n=34), L1 (n=22), L2 (n=36), L3 (n=16), L4 (n=23), L5 (n=13), S1 (n=8). Post-operative plain radiographs (AP, Lateral) confirmed 12 (7.06%) violated screws and concluded that Pedicle screws placement in thoracolumbosacral spine with a free hand technique seems to be accurate, reliable and reasonably safe when performed in a step wise manner taking into account anatomical landmarks. It reduces operative time and saves the surgical team from radiation hazards as well. Marin F et al. (2001)20 conducted a prospective clinical trial on anterior Decompression and Fixation versus Posterior Reposition and Semi rigid Fixation in the Treatment of Unstable Burst Thoracolumbar Fracture. Twenty-five patients with unstable thoracolumbar fracture underwent either anterior decompression and fixation (n=13) or posterior reposition and semirigid fixation by hook-rod with pedicle screw fixation (n=12), depending on the type of implants available at the time of operation. Neurologically injured patients were operated on within the first 8 hours and neurologically intact patients within the first 2 days after the fracture. Neurological 46 improvement was assessed according to the American Spinal Injury Association grading scale and the Prolo economic/function outcome scale. We also recorded operation time, blood loss, cosmetic outcome, hospital stay and cost, complications, and donor site pain. There were no significant differences between the two groups in either neurological improvement (p=0.86) or favorable economic or function outcome (p=0.54 and p=0.53, respectively). The operation time was shorter in the posterior approach group than in the anterior approach group (median 174 min, range 130-215, vs median 250 min, range 200295, respectively, p<0.001). The blood loss was smaller in the posterior approach group (median 750 mL, range 500-1,100, vs median 1,362 mL, range 1,150-1,500, in the anterior approach group; p<0.001). The posterior approach group also had better esthetic outcome, lower hospital cost, lower complication rate, and no donor site pain and concluded that Both surgical techniques were equally effective in neurological improvement and functional outcome. Posterior surgery can be recommended in emergency neurodecompression and fixation of unstable thoracolumbar fractures because of the shorter operation time and smaller blood loss. Parker JW et al. (2000)21 performed a retrospective review of all the surgically managed spinal fractures at the University of Missouri Medical Center during the 41/2-year period from January 1989 to July 1993. Of the 51 surgically managed patients, 46 were instrumented by short-segment technique (attachment of one level above the fracture to one level below the fracture). The other 5 patients in this consecutive series had multiple trauma. These patients were included in the review because this was a consecutive series. However, they were grouped separately because they were instrumented by long-segment technique because of their multiple organ system injuries. The choice of the anterior or posterior approach for short-segment instrumentation was based on the Load-Sharing Classification published in a 1994 issue of Spine. The purpose of this review was to 47 demonstrate that grading comminution by use of the Load-Sharing Classification for approach selection and the choice of patients with isolated fractures who are cooperative with spinal bracing for 4 months provide the keys to successful short-segment treatment of isolated spinal fractures. The current literature implies that the use of pedicle screws for short-segment instrumentation of spinal fracture is dangerous and inappropriate because of the high screw fracture rate. Charts, operative notes, preoperative and postoperative radiographs, computed tomography scans, and follow-up records of all patients were reviewed carefully from the time of surgery until final follow-up assessment. The Load-Sharing Classification had been used prospectively for all patients before their surgery to determine the approach for short-segment instrumentation. Denis’ Pain Scale and Work Scales were obtained during follow-up evaluation for all patients. All patients were observed over 40 months except for 1 patient who died of unrelated causes after 35 months. The mean follow-up period was 66 months (51/2 years). No patient was lost to follow-up evaluation. Prospective application of the Load-Sharing Classification to the patients’ injury and restriction of the short-segment approach to cooperative patients with isolated spinal fractures (excluding multisystem trauma patients) allowed 45 of 46 patients instrumented by the short-segment technique to proceed to successful healing in virtual anatomic alignment and concluded that the LoadSharing Classification is a straightforward way to describe the amount of bony comminution in a spinal fracture. When applied to patients with isolated spine fractures who are cooperative with 3 to 4 months of spinal bracing, it can help the surgeon select short-segment pedicle-screw-based fixation using the posterior approach for less comminuted injuries and the anterior approach for those more comminuted. The choice of which fracture–dislocations should be strut grafted anteriorly and which need only 48 posterior short-segment pedicle-screw-based instrumentation also can be made using the Load-Sharing Classification. Tae-Sob Shin et al. (2007)22 published a literature on Short-segment Pedicle Instrumentation of Thoracolumbar Burst-compression Fractures; Short Term Follow-up Results .The purpose of this study is to report the short term results of thoracolumbar burst and compression fractures treated with short-segment pedicle instrumentation. A retrospective review of all surgically managed thoracolumbar fractures during six years was performed. The 19 surgically managed patients were instrumented by the shortsegment technique. Patients' charts, operation notes, preoperative and postoperative radiographs (sagittal index, sagittal plane kyphosis, anterior body compression, vertebral kyphosis, regional kyphosis), computed tomography scans, neurological findings (Frankel functional classification), and follow-up records up to 12-month follow-up were reviewed. No patients showed an increase in neurological deficit. A statistically significant difference existed between the patients preoperative, postoperative and followup sagittal index, sagittal plane kyphosis, anterior body compression, vertebral kyphosis and regional kyphosis. One screw pullout resulted in kyphotic angulation, one screw was misplaced and one patient suffered angulation of the proximal segment on follow-up, but these findings were not related to the radiographic findings. Significant bending of screws or hardware breakage were not encountered. Although long term follow-up evaluation needs to verified, the short term follow-up results suggest a favorable outcome for short-segment instrumentation. When applied to patients with isolated spinal fractures who were cooperative with 3-4 months of spinal bracing, short-segment pedicle screw fixation using the posterior approach seems to provide satisfactory result. 49 Celebi L et al. (2004)23 evaluated the results of short-segment posterior instrumentation of thoracolumbar burst fractures and investigated correlations between radiographic and functional results as well as factors that affected correction losses.48 patients (30 males, 18 females; mean age 40±14 years; range 18 to 67 years) who underwent short-segment posterior instrumentation with pedicle screws and fusion were reviewed. The most common involvement was at L1 in 18 patients (37.5%), followed by T12 in 11 patients (22.9%). According to the Frankel grading system, six patients had complete, 14 patients had incomplete neurologic deficits. The Cobb angles were measured, and canal remodeling was assessed by computed tomography. Modified functional results were derived using the Denis pain and work scales. The mean follow- up was 21.7±9.1 months (range 12 to 48 months). The mean correction in the Cobb angle was 18.2±8.6° (p<0.01), the mean correction loss was 7.4±5.7° (p<0.01), and the mean canal remodeling was 51.3±9.3% (p<0.001). There was a significant correlation between Cobb angle correction and correction loss (r=0.38, p<0.01). An intraoperative correction of greater than 15° was significantly associated with a greater correction loss (p<0.05). Patients with a correction loss of more than 10° had a significantly poorer Denis pain score and modified functional result (p<0.05). Modified functional results were excellent in 16 patients (33.3%), good in 23 patients (47.9%), fair in seven patients (14.6%), and poor in two patients (4.2%). At final follow- ups, the Cobb angle was not correlated with functional results (p>0.05). All the patients having incomplete neurologic deficits improved by at least 1 Frankel grade and concluded that an intraoperative correction exceeding 15° is significantly associated with a greater correction loss, which in turn has a significantly adverse effect on functional results. Li-Yang Dai et al. (2009)24 conducted a controlled clinical trial to define the effect of fusion on lumbar spine and patient-related functional outcomes. From2000 to 2002, 50 seventy-three consecutive patients with a single-level Denis type-B burst fracture involving the thoracolumbar spine and a load-sharing score of £6 were managed with posterior pedicle screw instrumentation. The patients were randomly assigned to treatment with posterolateral fusion (fusion group, n = 37) or without posterolateral fusion (non fusion group, n = 36). The patients were followed for at least five years after surgery and were assessed with regard to clinical and radiographic outcomes. Clinical outcomes were evaluated with use of the Frankel scale, the motor score of the American Spinal Injury Association, a visual analog scale, and the Short Form-36 (SF-36) questionnaire. Radiographic outcomes were assessed on the basis of the local kyphosis angle and loss of kyphosis correction. No significant difference in radiographic or clinical outcomes was noted between the patients managed with the two techniques. Both operative time and blood loss were significantly less in the nonfusion group compared with the fusion group (p < 0.05). Twenty-five of the thirty-seven patients in the fusion group still had some degree of donor-site pain at the time of the latest examination. Posterolateral bone-grafting is not necessary when a Denis type-B thoracolumbar burst fracture associated with a load-sharing score of £6 is treated with short-segment pedicle screw fixation. Yousry Eid et al. (1999)25 conducted a study to report the results of short segment pedicle screw fixation in unstable fracture of the thoracolumbar spine with or without neurological deficits. Out of seventeen patients, all were males. The thoracolumbar junction was affected in 64.7% of cases. Radiologically, 60% of patients had burst fractures. The cob method was used to measure the degree of kyphotic deformity. All the patients were operated upon after an average of 3.2 days. The procedure included reduction of the deformity. Short segment pedicle screw fixation using the Varifix version of the Wiltse system was used. Decompression was done when needed. Postoperatively, 51 an intensive rehabilitation started as soon as possible. By the end of the final follow up period, which averaged about 21 months, the overall results were satisfactory in 13 patients (76.4%). Satisfactory results were obtained in all patients with burst fractures and only 42.8 % of patients with fracture – dislocation. In all patients with neurological deficits, a variable degree of recovery has occurred. The degree of kyphotic deformity has been corrected significantly on the immediate postoperative x rays and remained so throughout the period of follow up. They concluded that pedicle screw fixation of a short segment (two motion segments) for unstable thoracolumbar fractures gives satisfactory results. This is true provided that adequate restoration of the neural canal is achieved either directly or indirectly. The addition of posterior fusion of the stabilized segments would improve the overall results, especially for the more unstable injuries with fracture – dislocations. Altay M et al. (2007)26 performed a retrospective study was to compare the outcomes of the SS- and long-segment posterior fixation (LSPF) in unstable thoracolumbar junction burst fractures (T12–L2) in Magerl Type A fractures. The patients were divided into two groups according to the number of instrumented levels. Group I included 32 patients treated by SSPF (four screws: one level above and below the fracture), and Group II included 31 patients treated by LSPF (eight screws: two levels above and below the fracture). Clinical outcomes and radiological parameters (sagittal index, and canal compromise) were compared according to demographic features, localizations, loadsharing classification (LSC) and Magerl subgroups, statistically. The fractures with more than 10° correction loss at sagittal plane were analyzed in each group. The groups were similar with regard to age, gender, LSC, SI, and CC preoperatively. The mean follow-ups were similar for both groups, 36 and 33 months, respectively. In Group II, the correction values of SI, and CC were more significant than in Group I. More than 10° correction loss 52 occurred in six of the 32 fractures in Group I and in two of the 31 patients in Group II. SSPF was found inadequate in patients with high load sharing scores. Although radiological outcomes (SI and CC remodeling) were better in Group II for all fracture types and localizations, the clinical outcomes (according to Denis functional scores) were similar except Magerl type A33 fractures. We recommend that, especially in patients, who need more mobility, with LSC point 7 or less with Magerl Type A31 and A32 fractures (LSC point 6 or less in Magerl Type A3.3) without neurological deficit, SSPF achieves adequate fixation, without implant failure and correction loss. In Magerl Type A33 fractures with LSC point 7 or more (LSC points 8–9 in Magerl Type A31 and A32) without severe neurologic deficit, LSPF is more beneficial. Korovessis P et al. (2006)27 carried out a randomized, blinded, controlled trial on Combined Anterior Plus Posterior Stabilization Versus Posterior Short-Segment Instrumentation and Fusion for Mid-Lumbar (L2-L4) Burst Fractures with a mean 46 to 48-month follow-up in a hospital in Greece. 40 patients (78% men) with L2 to L4 lumbar Type-A3 burst fractures caused by a fall from a height or a traffic accident. Inclusion criteria were a Magerl classification of A3 with a combined load-sharing score of ≤6, a single-level injury, and a fracture that had occurred within the previous week. Exclusion criteria were multiple trauma, severe osteoporosis, spinal deformity, degenerative or other spinal stenosis, or previous spinal or abdominal surgery. Follow-up was 100%. Patients were allocated to combined anterior (including partial corpectomy) and posterior stabilization with use of a mesh cage filled with autologous iliac bone graft and SSTF, including 1 vertebra above and below the fractured vertebra (n = 20), or to posterior SSTF alone (n = 20). Main outcome measures: Operative outcomes (time, blood loss, and hospital stay), loss of correction (Gardner angle), neurologic deterioration (Frankel 53 grade), pain (visual analogue scale [VAS]), and functional outcome (Short Form-36 [SF36]). Patients who received combined surgery had a longer operative time, more blood loss, and a longer hospital stay than patients who received posterior SSTF alone. The Gardner angle loss of correction was 2° in the combined surgery group and 5° in the group that had posterior SSTF alone. The Gardner angle was significantly correlated with spinal canal encroachment in the posterior SSTF alone group before surgery (p < 0.01), after surgery (p < 0.01), and at the time of final follow-up (p < 0.001), while the correlation was only significant with the combined surgery group at the time of final follow-up (p < 0.001). No neurologic deterioration occurred after surgery in either group. At the time of follow-up, the Frankel grade was correlated with spinal canal clearance in patients who received posterior SSTF alone (p < 0.02). VAS scores did not differ between groups; SF36 scores in the domains of bodily pain and physical function improved in the posterior SSTF alone group. VAS and SF-36 scores were not correlated with loss of kyphotic angle correction or anterior or posterior vertebral body height ratio in either group. Conclusions: In patients with burst fractures of the second, third, and fourth lumbar vertebrae, combined anterior and posterior short segment transpedicular fixation (SSTF) was associated with longer operative times, more blood loss, and a longer hospital stay than posterior SSTF alone. Although some increased loss of correction occurred in the group that had posterior SSTF alone, the SF-36 scores were better. James JY et al. (2002)28 reported the results of pedicle screw fixation in unstable upper, middle, and lower thoracic and thoracolumbar spine injuries .Eighteen patients with 28 individual vertebral injury levels (T3 to L1), treated with transpedicular posterolateral spinal fusion with autologous bone graft, were evaluated during a 3-year consecutive 54 series from 1997 to 2000. Charts, operative reports, preoperative and postoperative radiographs, CT scans, and postoperative follow-up reports and radiographs were reviewed from the time of the surgical procedure to the final follow-up assessment. Patients treated with anterior and posterior fusion were excluded. Postoperatively, all patients were placed in appropriate external bracing. A complete neurologic examination was performed on admission and at a follow-up and graded according to the modified Frankel classification. The fracture type was classified according to the OTA classification system. On admission, anteroposterior and lateral radiographs were obtained with the patient lying on a bed, whereas all other radiographs were made with the patient in a standing or seated position. The following parameters were measured manually on lateral radiographs by three different examiners, and the mean value was used for statistical analysis: sagittal index (SI), Gardner segmental kyphotic deformity (GSKD), and compression percentage (CP). Eighteen patients, 13 men and 5 women (mean age, 41.3 years, range, 21 to 76), with 28 individual vertebral injury levels (T3 to L1) were reviewed. The median follow-up was 18 months (range, 10 to 30). The causes of injury were high-energy trauma in 16 and pathologic lesion in 2. The levels of injury were T1 to T4 (5), T5 to T8 (10), T9 to T12 (7), and L1 (5). Flexion and extension radiographs were used to determine the presence of a solid fusion. Fusion occurred at an average of 3.8 months after the initial operation. There were no reported cases of implant failure or loss of reduction. Fracture types consisted of 25 compression fractures (14 A3.3, 1 A3.2, 9 A3.1, and 1 A1.1) and 1 flexion subluxation with rotation fracture (C2.1). Associated injuries consisted of various neurologic deficiencies recorded with the modified Frankel classification, with no patient regressing in Frankel grade after surgical reduction and fixation. The mean preoperative SI was 13.9°, and the mean at follow-up was 5.25° (P <0.001). The mean final correction of SI achieved was 8.65°, or a 62.2% 55 improvement. The mean preoperative GSKD angle was 15.9°, and the mean at follow-up was 10.6° (P <0.0005). The mean final correction in Gardner angle was 5.3°, or a 33.3% improvement. The mean preoperative CP was 35.4, and the mean follow-up CP was 27.4 (P <0.07). The mean final correction in CP was 8, or a 22.5% correction. Pedicle screw fixation of thoracic and thoracolumbar spinal injuries is a reliable and safe method of posterior spinal stabilization. Advantages include three-dimensional correction in the presence and/or absence of posterior elements, early mobilization, and indirect spinal canal decompression. Transpedicular instrumentation provides rigid fixation for upper, middle, and lower unstable thoracic and thoracolumbar spine injuries and appears to produce early pain-free fusion results. These results will provide more evidence that transpedicular instrumentation is safe and effective in the treatment of unstable thoracic and thoracolumbar spinal injuries. Nasser MG et al. (2001)29 conducted a prospective study to evaluate the posterior screw instrumentation for management of unstable thoracolumbar spine injuries. Diapason pedicular screw rod system was used in 37 patients that had unstable thoracolumbar spine injuries twenty four patients were neurologically intact while the remaining 13 patients had neurological deficit. Magerl’s classification, modified frankel grade different measurements of structural deformities with various imaging modalities was used in preoperative assessment. Reduction technique, neural structure decompression and stabilization of the spine were evaluated. The outcome after a minimum of six months from the surgical procedure was discussed and analyzed. The complications encountered were investigated. Faulty implant placements, failure of reduction, neurological deficit were encountered. Posterior neural arch fracture, marked spinal canal encroachment and gross soft tissue failure were risk factors. Its relation to pre operative assessment, operative technique and postoperative management were reviewed. Certain precautions 56 and modification of the technique were suggested to improve the final outcome of such demanding injuries. George MW et al. (2010)30 conducted a study to evaluate the biomechanical characteristics of spinal instrumentation constructs in a human unstable thoracolumbar burst fracture model simulated by corpectomy. The objective of the study was to compare the biomechanical characteristics of short-segment posterior instrumentation, with and without crosslinks, in a human unstable burst fracture model simulated by corpectomy. Six fresh frozen human spines (T10–L2) were potted to isolate the T11–L1 segments, and biomechanically tested in axial rotation, lateral bending, flexion, and extension. A custom spine testing system was used that allows motion with 6 degrees of freedom. After testing was completed on intact specimens, a corpectomy was performed at T12 to simulate an unstable burst fracture with loss of anterior and middle column support. Short-segment transpedicular instrumentation was then performed from T11 to L1. Each specimen was retested with 1, 2, or no crosslinks. Construct stiffness and motion data were analyzed with each intact specimen serving as its own internal control. Torsional stiffness in axial rotation was significantly increased (P < 0.05) in short-segment fixation constructs with 1 and 2 crosslinks, but none was restored to the preinjury baseline level. Significant reductions in standardized motion were also achieved with 1 and 2 crosslinks compared to no crosslinks (P < 0.05), but they remained greater than baseline. Crosslinks significantly increased stiffness and decreased motion in lateral bending, beyond the baseline level (P < 0.05). In flexion, all constructs had significantly decreased stiffness and increased motion compared to the intact specimen (P < 0.05), with crosslinks providing no additional benefit. Conversely, none of the constructs demonstrated a significant change in extension compared to baseline (P > 0.05). When attempting to load the constructs to failure, screw pullout was seen in all specimens. Crosslinks, when added 57 to short-segment posterior fixation, improve stiffness and decrease motion in axial rotation, but do not restore baseline stability in this corpectomy model. Short-segment posterior fixation is also inadequate in restoring stability in flexion with injuries of this severity. Short-segment posterior instrumentation alone can achieve baseline stability in lateral bending, and crosslinks provide even greater stiffness. Acosta FL et al.31 carried out a study to compare the biomechanical performance of the following 3 fixation strategies for spinal reconstruction after decompression for an unstable thoracolumbar burst fracture: 1) short-segment anterolateral fixation; 2) circumferential fixation; and 3) extended anterolateral fixation. Thoracolumbar spines (T10–L4) from 7 donors (mean age at death 64 6 6 years; 1 female and 6 males) were tested in pure moment loading in flexion–extension, lateral bending, and axial rotation. Thoracolumbar burst fractures were surgically induced at L-1, and testing was repeated sequentially for each of the following fixation techniques: short-segment anterolateral, circumferential, and extended anterolateral. Primary and coupled 3D motions were measured across the instrumented site (T12–L2) and compared across treatment groups. Circumferential and extended anterolateral fixations were statistically equivalent for primary and off axis range-of-motions in all loading directions, and short-segment anterolateral fixation offered significantly less rigidity than the other 2 methods. The results of this study strongly suggest that extended anterolateral fixation is biomechanically comparable to circumferential fusion in the treatment of unstable thoracolumbar burst fractures with posterior column and posterior ligamentous injury. In cases in which an anterior procedure may be favored for load sharing or canal decompression, extension of the anterior instrumentation and fusion one level above and below the unstable segment can result in near equivalent stability to a 2-stage circumferential procedure. 58 Leferink VJM et al. (2002)32 performed a prospective study to evaluate the functional outcome of operatively treated patients with a thoracolumbar burst fracture, operatively treated with pedicle screw internal fixation, transpedicular cancellous bone grafting, and dorsal spondylodesis. Ventral fusion was not pursued. The aim of the study is to develop insight in the impairments in these patients, and also in their ability to participate in daily living, in their possibilities to return to work and in their quality of life as defined by the World Health Organization (WHO) in the International Classification of Function, Disability and Health (ICF). Patients operated for a type A fracture (Comprehensive Classification CC) of the thoracolumbar spine (T10-L4) between 1993 and 1998 in the University Hospital Groningen, the Netherlands, aged between 18 and 60 years, without neurological deficit, were included in the study. Exclusion criteria were spinal disorders in the medical history (including low back pain previously treated by a medical specialist), pathological fractures and insufficient command of the Dutch language. The Medical Ethics Committee of the University Hospital Groningen approved the study protocol (Nr. 99/12/206). Within these criteria a group of 35 patients could be identified. Eleven patients did not respond, four refused to join the study, and one patient agreed to participate in the study, but did not show up at several appointments. Eventually nineteen patients joined the study. The mean age of the respondents was 40.5 years (range 24-57, SD 10.3), ten patients were male and nine were female. Etiologic factors were traffic accidents (n=3), accidental fall from height (n=10) and accidents of sports (horse riding, motor sports and parachute jumping) (n=6). Fracture levels are merely T12 and L1 and the CC of the typeA fractures shows 68% A3 fractures. Three patients had multiple fractures at other locations. In all patients the Injury Severity Score (ISS) was derived from the codes of the 9th version of the International Classification of Diseases (ICD-9) [12]. Mean ISS was 10.6 (range 9-22). One patient suffered from diabetes mellitus, two 59 from cardiovascular ischaemic disease and two from chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. Respondents did not differ in fracture severity, co-morbidity, age & gender from non respondents. Lukas R et al. (2006)33 conducted a study to evaluate the indications and results of the surgical treatment of thoracolumbar fractures. Total of 64 patients (22 women and 42 men, with a mean age of 43 years) with unstable spinal fractures treated operatively in 2001 in our institution. Patients with multiple fractures, osteoporosis and spinal cord injury were not included in this study. Three subgroups were identified according to the surgical approach. 1) 22 patients operated through anterior approach. 2) 22 patients were operated by combined anterior-posterior approach. 3) 20 patients treated by isolated posterior approach. All patients were preoperatively investigated by plain X-ray, CT and MRI. Classification was performed after complete imaging. Patients with posterior column intact were indicated for anterior approach and patients with posterior column injury were indicated for posterior approach. The extent and severity of damage in anterior column was classified according to LSC in all cases. Six and more points in this classification meant that anterior approach must be added to the surgical treatment. The patients were followed for at least 22 months after operation. Transpedicular fixator, when applied exclusively, was routinely removed after fracture was healed. The endplates angle of the fractured vertebra was assessed after operation and at the end of follow-up. Type B fractures were most frequent in our series and occurred in 29 patients. Neither instrumentation failure nor any significant loss of reduction was observed in the first and second groups. In the third group, mean loss of reduction was 3.1°.Progress in imaging technologies provokes the changes in use of traditional classification schemes. They concluded that adequate imaging examination (X-ray, CT, and MRI) is crucial for accurate fracture classification including prognostic aspects. Classification viewed in this 60 fashion is the adequate guideline for the selection of the operative approach. Properly selected surgical approach is effective in the prevention of operative treatment failure. Lee SH et al. (2009)34 conducted a study to compare the effect of fixation level and variable duration of postoperative immobilization on the outcome of unstable thoracolumbar burst fractures treated by posterior stabilization without bone grafting. A randomized, prospective, and consecutive series was conducted at a tertiary level medical center. Thirty-six neurologically intact (Frankel type E) thoracolumbar burst fracture patients admitted at our institute between February 2003 and December 2005 were randomly divided into three groups. Group I (n = 15) and II (n = 11) patients were treated by short-segment fixation, while Group III ( n = 10) patients were treated by longsegment fixation. In Group I ambulation was delayed to 10th-14th postoperative day, while group II and III patients were mobilized on third postoperative day. Anterior body height loss (ABHL) percentage and increase in kyphosis as measured by Cobb's angle were calculated preoperatively, postoperatively, and at follow-up. Denis Pain Scale and Work Scales were obtained during follow-up. Mean follow-up was 13.7 months (range 327 months). At the final follow-up the mean ABHL was 4.73% in group I compared with 16.2% in group II and 6.20% in group III. The mean Cobb's angle loss was 1.8° in group I compared with 5.91° in group II and 2.3° in group III. The ABHL difference between groups I and II was significant (P = 0.0002), while between groups I and III was not significant (P = 0.49). The short-segment fixation with amenable delayed ambulation is a valid option for the management of thoracolumbar burst fractures, as radiological results are comparable to that of long-segment fixation with the advantage of preserving maximum number of motion segments. 61 7. Materials and Methods 7.1 Study Design A Prospective observational study. 7.2 Place of study This work has been carried out in the orthopaedic departments of Bir Hospital, Shree Birendra Hospital. 7.3 Study period The case study was conducted over a period of two years from February 2008 to January 2010. 7.4 Sample size A total of thirty two patients were enrolled in this study initially, but two patients were lost after first follow up. Hence, only thirty patients were included in the final data analysis. 7.5 Inclusion criteria All the patients having traumatic insult to the thoracolumbar spine of less than three weeks duration resulting in unstable fracture/subluxation or dislocation with or without neurological deficit were included in the study. Criteria for the instability of the thoracolumbar injuries during the study: 1. Loss of vertebral body height by more than 50% 2. Kyphotic deformity of 30 degree 3. Progressive neurological deficit. 4. Involvement of two or more of the Denis’ three columns. 62 7.6 Exclusion criteria 1. Age below 15 years and above 70 years. 2. Fractures above tenth thoracic vertebra (T10) and below second lumbar vertebra (L2). 3. Non traumatic paraplegic patients. 4. Open spinal fractures. 5. Any established pre existing deformity of Spine. 6. Immunocompromised patient 7. Patients on anticoagulant therapy or uncorrected coagulopathy. 8. Co-morbid conditions which are contraindicated for surgery. ETHICAL CONSIDERATION Prior to start of study, formal ethical clearance was obtained from the Institutional Review Board, NAMS. The aims and objectives of the study along with the procedure and the consequences were thoroughly explained in easily understandable language to the patients and the patient party at the time of enrollment of each case. Informed written consent was taken from the patient himself or herself and close relative just before the procedure. All the collected data were kept confidential. 7.7 Pre operative work up of patients A detailed proforma was filled up with identification of the patients including address, occupation, telephone number, a complete history with special attention to mode of injury, duration of trauma, and pre injury ambulatory status was recorded along with the co morbid conditions if any. In local examination the deformity, disability, distal neurovascular status, and other associated injuries were recorded. 63 Laboratory investigations including Haemoglobin, Total Count, Differential Count, ESR, blood grouping, blood glucose level, renal function tests, routine urine examination and screening for HIV and HBsAg were done for all the patients. A thorough radiological investigation was done to define the fracture morphology that includes plain Roentgenograms of the injured part- Anteroposterior and Lateral views. Specialized investigations like computer tomography was also done routinely whereas magnetic resonance imaging scan was done as and when required. The patients and the attendants were informed about the type of injury, and the outcomes. An informed written consent was obtained from the patient himself or herself if possible or from the closest relatives. Patients were kept nil per orally for at least 8 hours before surgery. All the surgeries were performed on routine basis by Consultants according to the strict guidelines of thesis protocol. Neurological exam A complete neurological examination of the patient (sensory as well as motor) was done at the time of admission. Patients having neurological deficit were carefully turned to right or left lateral position and examined for anal wink reflex, tone of anal sphincter and sensation in the perianal area to determine the completeness of the lesion. The examination was repeated after twenty four to forty eight hours to look for any signs of improvement. The neurological status was assessed according to American Spinal Injury Association Score (ASIA Score for motor and sensory examination, and ASIA Impairment Scale for the patients with spinal cord injury). 64 Components of the ASIA Examination ASIA Motor Grading ASIA Sensory Exam Sensory Exam Motor Grading Scale – 28 sensory “points” 6 point scale (0-5) …..(avoid +/-’s) – Test light touch & pin prick/pain 0 = no active movement Importance of sacral pin testing 1 = muscle contraction • 3 point scale (0,1,2) 2 = movement thru ROM w/o gravity • “optional”: proprioception & deep 3 = movement thru ROM against gravity pressure (“present vs. absent”) 4 = movement against some resistance deep anal sensation recorded (“present 5 = movement against full resistance • vs. absent” American Spinal Injury Association (ASIA) impairment scale Grade Description A Complete: No sensory or motor function below level of neurologic deficit level. Sacral sparing is absent. B Incomplete. Sensory but not motor function is preserved below the neurologic deficit level C Incomplete. Motor function is preserved below the neurologic deficit level, and the majority of key muscles below the neurologic deficit level has a muscle grade lower than 3 D Incomplete. Motor function is preserved below the neurologic deficit level, and the majority of key muscles below the neurologic deficit level, has a muscle grade higher or equal to 3. E Sensory and motor function is normal 65 ASIA Examination • Motor Examination Motor level of injury 10 “key” muscles (5 upper & 5 lower ext) Lowest normal level with 3/5 C5-elbow flexion L2-hip flexion C6-wrist extension L3-knee extension C7-elbow extension L4-ankle *4/5 acceptable with pain, deconditioning Higher muscles have normal (5/5) dorsiflexion motor C8-finger flexion • Each muscle has 2 roots innervating it T1-finger abduction L5-toe extension S1-ankle PF • Motor Index Score (MIS) = total 100 Sacral exam: voluntary anal contraction pts (present/absent) 66 7.8 Operative technique for Moss Miami instrumentation: Other additional surgical procedures e.g. decompression, reduction of fracture, fracture dislocation, or dislocation etc were added to this operative procedure and carried out as per standard technique if required. Anaesthesia - General anaesthesia. Position of the patient: The patient is placed prone on a padded spinal operating table with bolsters placed longitudinally under the patient’s sides to allow the abdomen to be entirely free. Approach - Posterior midline approach. Fracture site is identified using bony landmarks as guide i.e the highest point of iliac crest is in the L4-5 interspace or the spinous processes are counted down from C7. Make a midline longitudinal incision over the area to be exposed one spinous process above the area to be instrumented and one below the area to be instrumented. Dissection is deepened in the midline using the electrocautery knife through the fat and superficial and thoracolumbar fascia in line with the skin incision until the tips of the spinous processes is reached. The posterior elements are exposed subperiosteally by reflecting the paraspinal muscles (erector spinae) laterally to the tips of the transverse processes using Cobb subperiosteal elevators on each side. Dissect down the spinous process and along the lamina to the facet joint. Muscles from the lamina are srtipped laterally on to the transverse processes. Each segment is packed with a taped sponge immediately after exposure to lessen bleeding. After satisfactory exposure of the posterior elements, a roentgenogram is obtained to confirm proper localization of the intended level. Keep the dissection open with self retaining retractors. The fracture site is identified and subluxation or dislocation if present is reduced manually. 67 The entry point is at the intersection of lines drawn through middle of inferior articular facet and middle of insertion of transverse processes. Provisional pins are then inserted. Check X- rays are taken anteroposterior and lateral views to confirm their accurate placement. On anteroposterior view, the pin should lie end on within the round or oval pedicle shadow. On lateral view, the pin should be inside the pedicle and directed towards upper third of vertebral body parallel with the end plates. The preparation of pedicle for screw placement includes first creating the tract by owl introduction with a wriggling movement. The direction of introduction is vertical. Transverse plane (coronal / medial) angulation decreases as one descends caudally in the spine until the lumbar region. The angle increases as the lumbar spine descends. Medial angulation at T1 is 10 degrees, at T12 it is 5 degrees, at L1 it is 5 to 10 degrees while this angle increases by 5 degrees per level from L1 to the sacrum. These directions are required to match the direction of pedicles. Owl is inserted to the required depth which is usually predetermined by measuring on the lateral view roentgenogram so that the penetration crosses middle of the vertebral body. Once the tract has been created, it is tapped. Then 5 mm screw of appropriate length introduced till the screw head is well seated on the entry point. Screws are placed in the additional segments. When screws have been placed in all the segments to be instrumented connecting rod of appropriate length and contour clamped to the screws one on each side using inner and outer nuts. Innies and outies are tightend at one end on either side with the triple tightner. Other end tightening is done only after applying appropriate distraction or compression. Connectiong rods are then stabilized with a cross link fixed in prestressed state. Wound closed in layers over a suction drain and a sterile compressive dressing applied. 68 7.9 Follow up and evaluation The patients were kept on bed rest initially then rehabilitation was started as soon as the general condition allowed. Mobilization and ambulation done with thoracolumbosacral orthosis (TLSO) for three months. Patients were encouraged to sit with the orthosis. Early ambulation and rehabilitation was encouraged. The haemoglobin levels, any post operative complications, the length of hospital stay were recorded. The post operative check x-ray was done to assess the correct placement of implants and amount of correction. Bladder training started and catheter removed in due course. Postoperative neurological assessment was done at the first week of surgery, after one month and then after six months from the surgery. In patients with partial recovery walking was encouraged by providing walking aid in the form of calipers. Clinical examination and plain radiographs used to determine the presence of a solid fusion. Even paraplegics are encouraged to walk with reciprocating gait orthosis (RGO) a kind of hip knee ankle foot orthosis (HKAFO). Follow up was done at 1 month, 3 months ,six months, one and two years from the date of surgery. Assessment on a. Neurological- Assessment was done using ASIA Score for motor and sensory examination as well as ASIA Impairment Scale. b. Radiological: Radiographic measurements in Lateral view- kyphotic angle, vertebral body height. c. Functional outcome- visual analogue pain score, Denis pain scale and Denis work scale 69 Patient charts, operative reports, pre operative and post operative radiographs, computed tomography scans and postoperative follow up examinations and radiographs were reviewed from the time of surgery to final follow up examinations. Visual analogue scale was used to assess the pain expressed by the patients. (0to 10 –cm scale, 0 for no pain and 10 for intolerable pain) Numerical Scale 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 No Worst pain pain imaginable Visual Analog Scale No Worst pain pain Directions: Ask the patient to indicate on the line where the pain is in relation to the two extremes. Qualification is only approximate; for example, a midpoint mark would indicate that the pain is approximately half of the worst possible pain. Categorical Scale None (0) Mild (1-3) Moderate (4-6) Severe (7-10) The VAS score is becoming widely used. Its main disadvantage is that it is not readily understood by everyone but with proper explanation it’s difficult to understand and usually is applicable in daily practice. In the preferred embodiment, the discrete intervals identified by the markings of the range of pain descriptors are identified by numerical 70 pain descriptors. The numerical pain descriptors are numbered from 0 to 10 in increments of 1. In our study we also have asked the patients to grade the degree of pain on a VAS score before and at various intervals after the posterior stabilization by Moss Miami spinal instrumentation. The numerical pain descriptors correspond to verbal pain descriptors as follows: Numerical pain Verbal Descriptors 0 Pain Descriptors No pain 1 Mild pain that you are aware of but not bothered by 2 Moderate pain that you can tolerate without medication 3 Moderate pain that is discomforting and requires medication 4-5 More severe and you begin to feel antisocial 6 Severe pain 7-9 Intensely severe pain 10 Most Severe pain; you might contemplate suicide over it 71 Table 8. Denis et al’s pain scale Grade Criteria 1 No pain 2 Occasional , minimal pain : no need for medication 3 Moderate pain, Occasional medication, no interruption of work or activities of daily living 4 Moderate to severe pain Occasional absences from work, significant in activities of daily living 5 Constant severe pain, chronic medication Table 9. Denis et al’s work scale Grade Criteria 1 Return to employment (heavy loader) or physically demanding activities 2 Able to return to previous employment (sedentary) Or return to heavy labor with lifting restrictions 3 Unable to return to previous employment but working full time at a new job 4 Unable to return to full time work 5 No work , completely disabled 72 DATA ANALYSIS AND STATISTICAL ANALYSIS Data were analyzed using SPSS (Statistical package for social science) software program, version 17. Comparison of qualitative variables were done by Chi-square test and quantitative by ttest. Values of P =< 0.05 was considered significant with confidence interval of 95% throughout the study. 73 8. Observation and results Out of thirty two patients with unstable thoracolumbar spinal fractures, two patients were lost in subsequent follow up, so they were excluded from the study. Hence only thirty cases were analyzed for final result. The results and observations are as follows. 8.1 Age distribution The minimum age of the patients in the study was 17 years and the maximum was 48 years. Most of the patients were in 15 to 25 years of age group (46.7%) and least number of patients in 46 to 55 years age group (3.4%). The mean age was 26.9 years. Figure 6: Age of the Patients (%) 74 8.2 Gender distribution Out of 30 total number of cases, 26 (87%) were male and 4 (13%) were female at the ratio of 6.5:1. Figure 7: Gender distribution (%) 75 8.3 Occupation: 60% of the patients were farmers, 23% were laborers, 7% were involved in household activities, 7% students and 3% social worker. Figure 8: Occupation of the patients (%) 76 8.4 Modes of injury 80% (26 patients) sustained injury due to fall from height where as 20 %( 6 patients) sustained injury by Road traffic accidents. Figure 9: Modes of injury (%) 77 8.5 Types of injury Unstable burst fracture (60%) was the most common type of injury followed by Wedge compression fracture (33%) and translational injuries 7%. Figure 10: Type of injury (%) 78 8.6 Level of injury First lumbar vertebra was the most common level of injury. Out of 30 patients, 17 patients had first lumbar vertebral fracture. Figure 11: Level of injury 79 8.7 Neurological involvement Out of 30 total number of cases, 29 (97%) had neurological involvement and 1(3%) had no neurological involvement. Figure 12: Neurological involvement (%) 80 8.8 Bowel and bladder involvement Out of 30 cases in the study, bowel and bladder involvement was present in 25 (83.3%) patients and absent in 5 (16.7%) patients. Table 10. Bowel and bladder involvement Bowel and bladder involvement No. of patients Proportion (%) Yes 25 83.3 No 5 16.7 Total 30 100 8. 9 Associated injuries 20 (66.7%) patients had associated injuries whereas 10 (13.3%) patients had only the thoracolumbar vertebral fractures. Figure 13: Associated injuries 81 8.10 Regional distribution of associated injuries 14 (70%) patients had associated injuries in the upper limbs and 6 (30%) had injuries in the lower limbs. Table11. Regional distribution of associated injuries Region No. of patients Percent (%) Upper limb 14 70% Lower limb 6 30% Thorax 0 0 Total 20 100% 8.11 Time interval between Admission and surgery The time interval between admission and surgery was 7 days in 5 patients, between 8th to 14 th day was 23 patients and after 14 days in 2 patients. Figure 14: Time interval between admission and surgery 82 8.12 Complications Out of 30 cases which were followed up for complete two years, 7 patients developed complications. There were 1 faulty screw placement, 1 loss of correction, 2 bed sores and 3 urinary tract infections. Table 12. Complications Complications Number of cases Faulty screw placement 1 Loss of correction 1 Bed sores 2 Urinary tract infection 3 Total 7 8.13 Preoperative and post-operative neurological status according to Frankel’s Grading System. Out of 30 patients, 18 were Frankel grade A patients .surprisingly 2 recovered to Frankel grade C. similarly others in Frankel grade B, C and D recovered to 1 or 2 grades of power. Table 13: Preoperative and post-operative neurological status according to Frankel’s Grading System. Frankel Grade Postoperative Preoperative A B C D Final follow up E A B C D 13 3 2 - 3 3 A 18 13 4 1 - - B 7 - - 6 1 - C 2 - - - 1 1 D 2 - - - 1 1 E 1 - - - 1 83 E 1 1 - - 2 - - 1 8.14 Kyphotic deformity in degrees Mean kyphotic deformity was 20.4 degree preoperatively and 4.6 degree postoperatively and the correction by 15.80 degree. Figure 15: Kyphotic deformity in degrees (%) 20 15 10 5 0 Pre‐operative Number of patients (%) Post‐operative Number of patients (%) 8.15 The mean Preoperative kyphotic deformity was 20.4 degree (6.8) and the mean postoperative kyphotic deformity decreased to 4.6 (4.9) and was statistically significant (P<0.001). Table 14. Corelation between preoperative kyphotic deformity and postoperative kyphotic deformity. Group Pre Operative Mean deformity in degrees Std. Deviation 20.4 6.8 Average difference between pre Op and Post Op deformity 15.8 Post Operative 4.6 4.9 84 Paired t-test CI at 95% confidence P value 13.3 - 18.3 <0.001 8.16 Loss of anterior vertebral body height in percentage The percentage loss of anterior vertebral body height was 53% preoperatively 10.13% on immediate post operative period and 12.83% on final follow up. Figure 16: Loss of anterior vertebral body height (%) 53% 10.13% 12.83% 8.17 The mean (SD) percentage loss of anterior vertebral body height was 53% (1.5) preoperatively which decreased to 10.13% on immediate post operative period was statistically significant (P<0.001) Table 15. The mean (SD) Loss of anterior vertebral body height preoperatively and on immediate post operative period Group Pre Operative Immediate Post Operative Loss of height Std. Deviation 53 1.5 Mean difference 42.8 10.1 1.9 85 95% confidence interval paired t-test P-value 42.01 - 43.72 <0.001 8.18 Bony Fusion Out of 30 patients, all had evidence of fusion at a mean of 5.5 months, with a minimum of four months and a maximum of six months period. Table 16. Time of Bony Fusion Months Number of Patients Percent At 4 months 6 20% At 5 months 12 40% At 6 months 12 40% Total 30 100% 8.19 VAS pain Score The VAS pain score on admission was 8.06, which decreased to 3.5 on 1 month, 1.8 on 3 month and 0.86 on sixth month. Figure 17: VAS pain score 86 8.20 Correlation between VAS pain score on admission, 1st month, 3rd month and 6th month The mean VAS score at admission was 8.06 (1.14) and the mean VAS score at 1 month decreased to 3.5 (0.56) and1.8 (0.86) which was statistically significant (P<0.001). Table17. Correlation between VAS pain score on admission, 1st month, 3rd month and 6th month VAS pain score Assessment time Number Std Mean Deviation Mean difference Minimum Maximum At admission 30 8.06 1.14 6 10 At 1 month 30 3.5 5.41 2 32 At 1 month 30 3.5 5.41 2 32 At 3 month 30 1.8 0.56 1 3 At 3 month 30 1.8 0.56 1 3 At 6 month 30 0.86 0.51 0 87 2 4.6 PPaired value t-test 95% CI 2.7 6.5 1.7 -0.35 3.68 0.93 0.72 1.15 <0.00 1 <0.00 1 <0.00 1 8.21 Distribution of patients classified by Denis et al’s pain scale Out of 30 patients classified by Denis et al’s pain scale, 17 patients were in grade 1, 10 patients in grade 2, 3 patients in grade 3. Table 18 Distribution of patients classified by Denis et al’s pain scale Grade Criteria Patients 1 No pain 17 2 Occasional , minimal pain : no need for medication 10 3 Moderate pain, Occasional medication, no interruption of work or activities of daily living 3 4 Moderate to severe pain Occasional absences from work, significant in activities of daily living 0 8.22 Distribution of patients classified by Denis et al’s work scale Out of 30 patients classified by Denis et al’s work scale, 6 patients were in grade 1, 2 in grade 2, 10 in grade 3, 4 in grade 4 and 10 patients in grade 5. Table 19 Distribution of patients classified by Denis et al’s work scale Grade Criteria Patients 1 Return to employment (heavy loader) or physically demanding activities 6 2 Able to return to previous employment (sedentary) Or return to heavy labor with lifting restrictions 2 3 Unable to return to previous employment but working full time at a new job 10 4 Unable to return to full time work 4 5 No work , completely disabled 10 Total 30 88 9. DISCUSSION Fractures and fracture dislocations of the thoracolumbar spine are common spinal injuries. In developed countries such injuries mainly occur in association with motor vehicle accidents and falls 43,44 , while in the developing world they are primarily the result of a fall from a height 43,50 . In our study, the large numbers of patients (46.7%) were within the productive age group ranging from 15 to 25 years with male predominance (87%). The reason behind this is because men are mainly engaged in the activities outside the house in this part of world, and most of them are involved in farming (60%). The advantage of operating these injuries is the immediate stabilization of the injured spine and an indirect or direct decompression of the neural structures. Operative stabilization enables early mobilization and rehabilitation without a heavy and uncomfortable cast and clearly shortens the hospital stay 42, 43, 44 . The indication for an operative stabilization in patients with unstable spine injuries and complete paraplegia is to achieve early neurological restoration, overcome damaged spinal segments anatomically and accomplish firm and stable fixation for early rehabilitation. At our hospital short segment fixation with or without fusion has replaced the earlier methods of fixation, such as Harrington instrumentation and Luque fixation. Short segment fixation immobilizes less motion segments, so the mobility of the spinal column is hardly affected. Operative stabilization of the patients reported in this study was based on the radiological criteria of more than 50% loss of vertebral height and kyphotic deformity of >20°, as has been adopted by many surgeons 3,5, 42. 89 We used McAfee’s system to classify the fractures after radiological evaluation. The most common fracture pattern in our study was unstable burst fracture (60%), as revealed in the CT scan by subluxation of one or more facet joints, fracture of one or more neural arches or gross displacement of the neural elements. The second most common pattern was wedge compression fractures (33%), usually at the thoracolumbar junction followed by translational injuries (7%). The CT reconstruction characteristically showed the malalignments. Unstable burst fractures and, in particular, translational injuries were associated with severe neurological involvement. Nam-Hyun et al. 49 also reported a high degree of neurological involvement in patients with posterior element involvement – i.e. burst fractures and rotational injuries. Most of our patients with severe neurological involvement (80%) had a fall from tall trees while felling branches for firewood. In the present study patients showed clustering of the spinal injuries at the first lumbar vertebra (L1) level. Other studies show clustering of thoracolumbar trauma around D12 and L1.Weyns et al. 64 showed 60% injuries over D12- L1, Viale et al.65 55% and Carl et al. 82% 43 at D12- L1 junction. The increased affliction of the thoracolumbar junction in the trauma can be due to more than one specific reason. Firstly this is the junctional area between relatively fixed thoracic spine which is also protected by thoracic rib cage to freely mobile unprotected lumbar spine. Therefore such a junctional area is most vulnerable to injury during falls, road traffic accidents etc. Secondly this area represents the transition from the normal thoracic kyphosis to the lumbar lordosis. Furthermore patients having injuries at this level has poor neurological status due to fact that the spinal cord usually ends at the lower border of L1 or the upper border of the L2, and spinal cord and conus medullaris show poor neurological recovery as compared to cauda equina which almost behaves as do peripheral nerves. 90 We assessed the neurological status according to the Frankel grading and ASIA Impairment Scale and majority of patients (60 % of the total number) in our study were having complete neurological deficit i.e. ASIA Impairment Scale A. Neurological recovery has been reported with early stabilization of thoracolumbar spinal fractures 44 . The highest recovery rates have been reported for patients operated on within 8 hours of the initial trauma, while high remission rates have been reported for patients operated on within 48 hours of the initial trauma. After this time there is no significant difference in the neurological outcome with respect to the timing of operation after the trauma. The earliest we were able to stabilize a spine was 7 days after the initial trauma – primarily because of the late presentation of the patients as most of the patients were from remote areas and non-availability of facilities for emergency stabilization of the spine in our hospital. The maximum number of patients (23 out of 30 patients) we operated was on the second week. The pattern of neurological recovery in our patients, however, is not discouraging despite this delay. Of the 11 patients with incomplete neurological deficit (i.e. Frankel grade B, C, and D), two grades of improvement were observed in 40% (4/11) of the patients and one grade of improvement was observed in 60%. Even in the 18 patients with complete neurological lesion, one and two grades of improvement were seen in three and two patients, respectively. In the present study, 20 (66.7%) patients had associated injuries whereas 10 (13.3%) patients had only the thoracolumbar vertebral fractures. 14 (70%) patients had associated injuries in the upper limbs and 6 (30%) had injuries in the lower limbs. During the surgery we did not observe any major intraoperative complications. However, reduction of the fracture or the dislocation was problematic and difficult to achieve in patients in whom surgery was delayed for more than a week due to one or the other 91 reason like onset of healing process with callus formation etc. The improvements observed in the radiological parameters (anterior vertebral body height, kyphotic deformity) measured in the immediate post-operative period and at the final follow-up are, comparable with those reported elsewhere 42, 43, 44. The loss of initial correction after pedicle screw fixation has been reported by many authors. Although a good correction of kyphosis and restoration of vertebral body height is achieved by surgery, most is lost during the long-term follow-up period. In a study Esses et al.62 had the average preoperative kyphotic angle of 18.2 degrees and average post operative 3.5 degrees, Carl et al.43 reported average improvement of 7.3 degrees in kyphosis postoperatively and average loss of correction of 6.5 degrees at follow up examination, thus only one degree of correction was attained. A study by McNamara et al.63 showed the average progression of kyphosis by 8.7 degrees in the operated cases from postoperative period to the final follow up. In the present study, the immediate post operative kyphosis was 4.6 degrees and that was maintained at the final follow-up which may be due to delayed ambulation of the patients and use of braces, thus allowing for proper spinal stabilization and fracture consolidation Bony fusion was achieved in 30/30 (100 %) of our cases whereas Sasso et al.39 has reported a 95.6% arthodesis rate with dynamic compression plates and pedicle screws in 23 patients. Sengupta et al. showed similar fusion rates with iliac crest or local bone in a single level fusion but less morbidity in case of local bone. We also used autogenous iliac crest bone as graft in all cases. A number of complications have been reported for transpedicular spinal fixation. Blumenthal et al. noted an overall complication rate of 6% with the Wiltse pedicle screw system 61 . As with all surgical implants, failure of the instrumentation with subsequent 92 loss of reduction is of utmost concern. We had a single case of implant failure in the form of loosening of screw leading to loss of reduction. Krag et al.37 has suggested segmental pedicle fixation two levels above the kyphosis to avoid implant failures in the form of loose, bent and broken screws. We believe that this technique should be used at the thoracolumbar junction where compression forces act more anteriorly. Another pediclerelated concern, which has been reported to occur in between 10 and 28.8% of cases 37, is screw misplacement. Knop C et al.14 found 139 out of 2264 screws (6.1%) to be misplaced with open technique but only 0.6% required revision. Two of our screws, as evident from post-operative radiographs, were misplaced, and all eventually failed. No life-threatening complication occurred in our series. Shafiq as well as Olumide used external orthosis for three months. We also advised wearing thoraco lumbar orthosis for three months. Early (within hours of the initial trauma) or immediate (within 48 hours) stablisation and indirect or direct decompression is a distant dream in our surgical set-up, even delayed stablisation of the unstable spine has benefits. However, the number of complications remains worrisome; this is particularly true with respect to hardware failure. Our objective of the spinal surgery in these patients was deformity correction and early rehabilitation and thus obviating the complications of prolonged recumbency and we find the result in this context encouraging. Hence transpedicular screw fixation by Moss Miami pedicle screw system provides stable, reliable, truly segmental construct, helps in immediate rehabilitation of patients suffering from traumatic unstable thoracolumbar spine. 93 10. CONCLUSION Fractures and fracture dislocations of the spine are serious injuries and are occurring mostly among productive age group people. Therefore their absence from the work can cost a lot to the patient, the patient’s family and the nation as a whole. So early treatment and rehabilitation leading to early return to work can minimize the loss. The management and evaluation of these types of injuries have changed dramatically over the last decade due to improvement of imaging technologies and spinal instrumentation. A prospective observational study was carried out in our set up to assess the functional outcome of thoracolumbar fracture stabilization by Moss Miami spinal system. The results showed that Moss Miami pedicle screw system provides stable, reliable, segmental construct, helps in immediate rehabilitation of patients. It is a short segment fixation, so avoids unnecessary fixation of additional healthy motion segments above and below. It is versatile to stabilize the injured segment in compression or distraction mode and can correct deformity in coronal, sagittal and rotational planes. From this study we came to conclusion that transpedicular screw fixation offer superior three-column control and as it is placed entirely outside the vertebral canal therefore avoids potential risk of neural element impingement by intracanal instrumentation of other systems. 94 11. RECOMMENDATIONS Regarding the use of Moss Miami spinal instrumentation in unstable thoracolumbar spinal injuries, following recommendations can be made. 1. Moss Miami spinal instrumentation can be used for posterior fixation in unstable thoraco-lumbar spinal fractures. 2. Accurate placement of pedicular screws can be improved by fluoroscopic guidance. 3. As this study was carried in small number of patients, a further study with a large number of patients is recommended. 4. A longer follow up is recommended to assess the long term complications, as this study was done over a short period. 95 BIBLIOGRAPHY 1. Sangwan SS, Singh R, Siwach RC, Magu NK, Kadyan VS, Bosvana V. Role of moss miami spinal system in traumatic unstable Thoracolumbar spine: a study of 50 cases. Ann Neurosurg 2008; 8: 1-6. 2. Stambough JL. Posterior instrumentation for thoracolumbar trauma. Clin Orthop Relat Res. 1997 Feb ;( 335):73-88. 3. Mikles MR, Stchur RP, Graziano GP. 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No. : Name: Age: ……years Contact Address: Sex: M F Occupation: Phone No.: Date of admission: Final Diagnosis: Mobile no. : Date of discharge: b. HISTORY: Chief Complaints: Mode of injury: Fall RTA Sports Physical assault Others:………………………...… Date & Time of Injury: Mechanism of injury: Past History: Medical/Surgical co-morbidities: Treatment history: Yes; No; If yes, specify………………………………………………. Others (Family History/ Drug allergies/ Personal history): c. Physical Examination (i) Vitals: Pulse-…….beats/min B.P-………. mm/Hg Temp.-……R.R-……./min (i) Chest CVS Abdomen Systemic examination: (ii) Local examination of Spine: (iii) Neurological examination: American Spinal Injury Association A B C D (a) Sensory examination: Upper & Lower extremities: Dermatome C2 C3 C4 C5 C6 C7 C8 T1 T2 T3 T4 T5 T6 T7 T8 T9 T10 T11 T12 L1 L2 L3 L4 L5 S1 S2 S3 S4-5 Light touch Right Left Pin prick Right Left Temperature Right Left E (b) Motor examinations: Motor parameters Upper extremity Lower extremity Right Right Left Left Bulk Tone Power: according to Medical Research Council (MRC) grading Upper extremity Lower extremity Right Left Right C5: Elbow flexors L2: Hip flexors C6: Wrist extensor L3: Knee extensors C7: Elbow extensors L4: Ankle dorsiflexors C8: Finger flexors (distal phalanx of middle finger) L5: Long toe extensors T1: Finger abductors (little finger) S1: Ankle plantar flexors Reflexes: Upper extremity Right Left Lower extremity Right Left Biceps Knee Triceps Ankle Supinator Plantar Ankle clonus (c) Others: Reflexes: Abdominal (T8-T12) Present Absent Cremasteric (T12-L1) Present Absent Bulbocavernous (S3-S4) Present Absent Anal wink (S2-S4) Present Absent Bladder: Automatic Bowel: Continence Autonomous Incontinence Atonic Left (iv) A B C ASIA Impairment scale: Complete No motor or sensory function in the lowest sacral segment (S4 & S5) Incomplete Sensory function below neurologic level and in S4-S5, no motor function below neurologic level Incomplete Motor function is preserved below neurologic level and more than half of the key muscle groups below neurologic level have a muscle grade <3 D Incomplete Motor function is preserved below neurologic level and at least half of the key muscle groups below neurologic level have a muscle grade = 3 E Normal (V) Sensory and motor function is normal Pre operative investigations: a. Haematology Haemoglobin- ESR- Total CountDifferential count Neutrophils Lymphocytes EosinophilsMonocytesBasophils- b. Biochemistry Blood Sugar F/R Urea Creatinine Sodium Potassium c. Screening tests HIV HBsAg Anti HCV (i) Radiological examination: i. Chest: ii. Spine: Radiological evaluation of injured vertebra: Antero-Posterior Vertebral Height Interpedicular distance Laminae Lateral Wedging Kyphotic angle Pedicles Percentage of Compression Retropulsion Lateral Shift Spinous Process Scoliosis Interspinous distance End Plates End Plates Superior Inferior (ii) CT scan: (iii) MRI: Superior Inferior d. OPERATIVE RECORD: Place of operation Date of operation Post op diagnosis Surgeon Anaesthetic Assist 1 Anaesthesia Assist 2 Antibiotics Op started at Completed at Intraoperative blood loss: Intraoperative blood Transfusion Intraoperative complications : Total duration: 1st post op day Date: Temp.- Pulse- C/O: B.P- R.R- Dressing: Post op investigations Advice: Plan: 2nd post op day Date: Temp.- Pulse- C/O: B.P- R.R- Dressing Advice: Plan: Post op investigations 3rd post op day Date: Temp.- Pulse- C/O: B.P- R.R- Dressing Advice: Plan: Discharge summary: Date: Follow up: S.N Description 1. Chief complaints 2 Local examination 3 ASIA score 4 Ant vertebral body height 5 Kyphotic deformity 7 VAS pain score 8 Denis pain scale 9 Denis work scale 1 month 3 months 6months 1year 2 years CONSENT FORM I ……………………….. resident of…………………..… give my consent for participation in the research study on “ OUTCOME OF THORACO-LUMBAR SPINAL FRACTURE STABILIZATION WITH MOSS MIAMI SPINAL SYSTEM “conducted by Dr. Som Bahadur Ale. I have been well explained about the nature of the research study and the possible consequences that may arise from the procedure. I am also aware that I have all the rights to withdraw my participation from the above mentioned study whenever I wish to do so. Thumb print (Right) (Left) …………………………. (Signature) Name: Address: Date: d~h'/L gfdf kq d÷d]/f] ========================================== nfO{ o; cg';GwfgfTds cWoogdf ;+nUg u/fO{Psf] s'/f hfgsf/L 5 . pQm cWoogsf] af/]df d}n] a'em]sf] 5' / o;df d]/f] /fhLv'zL 5 . OR5f gnfu]sf] v08df o; cWoogaf6 aflxl/g ;lsg] s'/f klg dnfO{ hfgsf/L u/fOPsf] 5 . ;xefuLsf] gfd=============================== cleefjssf] gfd========================== x:tfIf/============================== x:tfIf/=========================== ldlt=================================== Appendix 2 OPERATIVE PROCEDURE PHOTOGRAPHS Marking for skin incision Midline posterior approach R Subcutaneous dissection Candle sticks inserted Exposure of Posterior elements Checked under image intensifier Awl used to create tract in pedicles Tapping done Screw of appropriate length introduced connecting rod clamped to the screws Innies and outies are tightened at one end Similar process is repeated in other end On either side with triple tightner after adequate distraction. [Type a quote from the document Connecting rods stabilised with a cross bar Screws of cross bar tightened fixed in prestressed state. Posterior Instrumentation drain Wound closed in layers over a suction 2 weeks after Operation Case illustration Case 1 on TLSO and HKAFO after 3 months of surgery Case 2 on Thoracolumborsacral orthosis after 1 month of surgery Pre-operative and Post-operative Radiographs: Case no. 1 Pre-operative radiographs -Antero-posterior and lateral views Post operative radiograph AP view view Post operative radiograph Lat Case no.2 Pre-operative radiographs -Antero-posterior and lateral views Post-operative radiographs -Antero-posterior and lateral views U/L L/L U/L U/L L/L U/L U/L L/L U/L 10 12 10 12 11 13 12 12 10 10 15 8 10 8 10 10 10 10 12 13 10 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 10 10 13 12 13 12 13 12 13 13 15 12 15 10 12 12 12 13 12 12 15 15 14 12 12 13 13 13 13 13 13 12 5 10 3 5 9 3 4 8 3 4 7 2 5 6 2 5 7 2 6 9 3 4 8 3 6 10 3 5 8 2 6 7 2 6 9 2 5 9 3 6 9 2 5 8 3 4 8 3 5 6 2 5 8 2 6 7 2 5 7 2 6 7 2 4 10 32 6 9 3 6 8 2 5 9 3 4 6 2 6 8 3 5 8 2 6 8 3 6 9 3 2 1 2 1 2 2 3 2 1 2 2 2 2 3 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 2 2 2 2 1 2 1 2 2 0 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 0 1 0 2 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 2 1 3 1 2 2 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 3 2 1 1 1 1 3 1 2 1 1 1 2 4 2 5 5 1 5 1 5 4 5 1 1 5 5 4 5 5 5 1 F/u period 51 54 53 54 55 54 53 52 51 54 53 55 50 53 53 50 54 53 53 53 56 55 51 53 53 54 53 51 53 53 VAS on admission 3 7 3 3 3 3 5 3 5 3 1 5 1 3 3 5 5 3 3 3 3 3 5 30 3 5 5 3 5 5 Denis work scale L/L L/L U/L 20 17 17 31 20 20 10 25 31 10 8 28 10 22 17 28 20 17 26 17 23 19 27 31 17 19 31 20 20 10 Denis pain scale U/L L/L U/L U/L U/L U/L U/L 7 14 14 7 8 7 8 14 21 14 21 7 7 8 8 14 10 9 8 8 8 10 14 14 14 8 8 14 9 10 Time of bony union Associated injuries U/L VAS 6mth Y Y y Y Y Y Y Y Y N N Y Y Y N Y N Y Y N N Y Y N Y Y N N N Y VAS 3mth UB UB UB UB UB wc UB UB wc UB wc wc UB UB wc UB wc UB wc UB T wc UB UB wc wc UB UB UB T associated injuries type of injury B/B involvment N Y Y Y Y Y N N Y Y N Y Y Y Y Y N Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y VAS1 mth E C A C A A C D A A E Y A A A A E D A A A B C B C B B C A D Loss of ant vertebral body ht at FFU C B A B A B C D A A E B A A B A D B A A A A A A A A A A A B Post op Frankel gr Pre op Frankel gr level L2 D12,L1 D12 L1 L1 L1 L1 D12 L1 L1 L1 L2 L1 L1 L1 D12,L1 L1 D12 l1 D11,D12 D12 L1 D11,D12 L2 L1 L1 L2 L1 L1 L2 Immediate post op Loss of ant vertebral body ht RTA1 fall Fall Fall fall fall fall Log fall fall RTA1 RTA2 Rta fall Fall fall RTA2 Log fall fall fall fall fall fall fall fall fall fall fall fall Loss of ant vertebral body ht Leader farmer labour Housewife Labour farmer farmer labour Labour farmer student housewife labour farmer labour farmer student labour farmer farmer farmer farmer farmer farmer farmer farmer farmer farmer farmer farmer post op kyphotic deformity Chitwan okhaldhunga Nuwakot Siraha Mahottari Tanahu kavre ktm Dhading Ilam ktm ktm Birjung Dhading Dhading Jumla ktm ktm gorkha kavre Nuwakot Ramechap Lamjung kaski chitwan ktm okaldhunga ktm Nuwakot nawalparasi MOI occupation address sex M M M F M M F M M M M F M M M F M M M M M M M M M M M M M M Pre op kyphotic deformity 48 35 32 17 20 21 19 24 24 28 19 28 22 24 26 30 20 28 22 24 22 27 28 27 29 35 30 38 36 24 Time interval padam bdr chhetri Bir bdr magar Duba tamang Puran kumari rai Indrajit Mukhiya Kumar ale laxmi shrestha sonam lama Ram tamang krishna rai suman stha rita karki manish gupta Hari majhi ramesh chaudhary Yanzi sherpa Bikal sharma Bal bdr dhimal Husman thapa Ram dulal jeevan B.K padam basnet Bikash gurung Bijaya moktan Bhuvan thapa Bimal shrestha galzen sherpa shreeram bhattarai Dayaram dahal jit bdr sinjali Age Name 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 2 years 2 years 2 years 2 years 2 years 2 years 2 years 2 years 2 years 2 years 2 years 2 years 2 years 2 years 2 years 2 years 2 years 2 years 2 years 2 years 2 years 2 years 2 years 2 years 2 years 2 years 2 years 2 years 2 years 2 years
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