Cardiac Rehab can help - Cardiac Health Foundation Of Canada

Prevention, Education & Cardiac Rehabilitation
Cardiac Rehab can help
Cardiac Health Foundation Of Canada
901 Lawrence Ave. W. Suite 306
Toronto, Ontario M6A 1C3
Telephone: 416-730-8299
Fax: 416-730-0421
Prevention, Education & Cardiac Rehabilitation
Cardiac Health Foundation Of Canada is a
charitable organization dedicated to supporting
cardiac rehabilitation and the advocacy of
prevention and education across Canada.
If you have had a cardiovascular event, or if you have 3 or more of the following risk
factors for cardiovascular disease, ask your doctor for a referral to a Cardiac Rehab
Centre near you.
High blood pressure
High cholesterol
Family history of heart disease
Unhealthy diet
Cardiac Rehab is designed for people who have experienced a cardiac event, such
as a heart attack or stroke, or are born with congenital heart disease. The program
encourages patients to make lifestyle adjustments, such as diet, exercise and taking
cholesterol-lowering medications according to directions in order to reduce the risks
of subsequent heart attacks and death from other causes. To participate in a Cardiac
Rehab program you must have a physician referral.
Benefits of Cardiac Rehab:
Improves exercise ability and strength
Improves psychosocial well-being and reduces stress
Decreases cardiovascular morbidity
Reduces blood glucose and blood fat levels
Physical inactivity
According to Statistics Canada, approximately 40% of Canadian adults are classified as
having high blood cholesterol levels. High blood cholesterol is a major risk factor for heart
disease and stroke. By lowering your cholesterol, you can dramatically reduce your risk of
cardiovascular disease.
The Heart Wise Exercise program enables individuals with cardiovascular disease
who have graduated from a cardiac rehabilitation program, or those with/or at risk for
developing a chronic or cardiovascular disease to exercise in a safe environment with
specially trained exercise leaders.
The Canadian Cardiovascular Society treatment guidelines recommend cholesterol
screening if you:
The Heart Wise Exercise programs allow you to work at an intensity that suits your
needs, and:
Are male and over 40 years of age
Have diabetes or high blood pressure
Encourages regular, daily aerobic exercise
Are female and over 50 years of age
and/or post-menopausal
Are overweight or obese
Are a smoker
Incorporates warm up, cool down and self-monitoring with
all exercise sessions
Ethnic groups (i.e., First Nations or
South Asian) are at increased risk,
and consideration should be given
to screening at an earlier age
Have a family history of heart disease
or stroke
Allows participants to exercise at a safe level and offers
options to modify intensity
Accepts patients with a cardiac disease
Offers health screening for all participants
Has an emergency plan with trainers certified in CPR and the
presence of a defibrillator
Familial hypercholesterolemia (FH), a genetic disease, causes early heart attacks. Heterozygous
FH, the most common form, affects approximately 1 in 500 Canadians, and as many as 1 in 270
French Canadians. In Canada, 90% of people with FH have not been properly diagnosed.​
For more information about Cardiac Rehab or
Heart Wise Exercise, including locations near you, please
call 416-730-8299 or visit