4/7/2014 Spine Label Abel, I Multiple Adrosko, R Natural Ahmed, M Living Albers, A On designing Albers, A On weaving Albers, A Woven author last Anderson, A Feltmaking title Clothing Color Location Design Ahmed, Monisha Multiple Harness Patterns from the Early 1700s Natural Dyes and Home Dyeing Living Fabric: weaving among the Nomads of Ladakh Himalaya Albers, Anni On Designing design Albers, Anni On Weaving The Woven and Graphic Art of Anni Albers drafting Handweaver's Notebook clothing Handwoven , Tailormade: a tandem guide to fabric designing, weaving, sewing and tailoring clothing Mastering Weave Structures Rug Making Techniques and Design Weaving contemporary rag rugs Navaho Weaving: It's Technique and History design Abel Adrosko, Rita Albers, Anni Alderman, S Alderman, Handweavers Sharon Alderman, S Handwoven Alderman, S Mastering Allard, M Rug Allen, H Weaving Amsden, C Navajo NHWG Library Books Alderman, Sharon Alderman, Sharon Allard, Mary Allen, Heather Amsden, Charles Anderson, C Weaving Anderson, C Weave Anderson, Ann Feltmaking Made Easy Weaving a Legacy: the Don and Jean Stuck Anderson, Carol Coverlet Collection Anderson, Weave Structures Used in Clarita North America Anderson, Marilyn Guatemalan Anderson, Marilyn Guatemalan textiles today Finishing patterns Looms Miscellaneo us Projects multiharness HistoryAmerican Techniques Weave structures overshot dyeing Himalya looms museums upolstery design drafts finishing rugs tapestry rugs Navajo rugs finger weaving felt patterns Guatamala 1 coverlets overshot coverlets overshot 4/7/2014 Andes, E Weave Infants Andes, Ellen Andes, E Outerwear Angstadt, J Designs Angstadt, J Pattern ApinisHerman, A Arn-Grischott, U Doubleweave Weave It and Wear It: Outerwear Jacob Angstadt Designs: Angstadt, Jacob Drawn from History Jacob Angstadt: His Angstadt, Jacob Weaver's Pattern Book Apinis-Herman, Latvian Weaving Anita Techniques Arn-Grischott, Ursina Arnold, R Weaving Pt. 2 Arnold, Ruth Atwater, M Design Atwater, M Guatemala Atwater, M Hand Atwater, M Shuttle Atwater, M Weaving Ayotte, R Handweaving Vol. 1 &2 Bahti, M Southwestern Weave It and Wear It: Infants and Children Andes, Ellen Arnold, R Weaving Pt. 1 Arnold, Ruth Ashenden, B Dress Atwater, M Byways NHWG Library Books Ashenden, Becky Atwater, Mary Atwater, Mary Atwater, Mary Atwater, Mary clothing patterns Atwater, Mary Weaving a Life Handweaving with Robert and Roberta Southwestern Indian Weaving multiharness multiharness patterns Latvia drafts overshot overshot embroidery doublewea ve designing draw loom Weaving on a Draw Loom: Part 1: Text and Explanation Diagrams Dress Your Loom the Swedish Way: An In-depth Study of Time Honored Techniques Byways in Hand Weaving: An Illustrated Design and the handweaver: Monograph #3: Guatemala: Visted February - March Atwater, Mary Bahti, Mark patterns Doubleweave on Four to Eight Shafts Weaving on a Draw Loom: Part 1: Illustrative Diagrams Hand Woven Rugs Shuttle-craft Book of American Hand-weaving Ayotte, Robert clothing draw loom counter marche, counterb alance Swedish inkle design bands Shuttle Craft South Ameerica backstrap motifs bands rugs patterns finishing instruction weave structure rugs rugs color design Navajo 2 instruction infants baskets rugs supplement ary warp overshot 4/7/2014 Baines, P Flax Baines, P Linen Baines, Patricia Flax and Linen Linen: Handspinning and Baines, Patricia Weaving Baizerman, S Baizerman, Finishes Suzanne Baizerman, Latin Ball, M Color Ball, Margaret Barber, E Prehistoric Barber, E Mummies Barber, Elizabeth Barber, Elizabeth Barber, E Women's Barrett, C Boundweave NHWG Library Books Baizerman, Suzanne Barber, Elizabeth Barrett, Clothilde Barrett, C Double Barrett, Clothilde Barrett, C Doubleweave Barrett, C Shadow Barrett, Clothilde Barrett, Clothilde Barron, B Knitting Barron, Birgit Bateman, W Bateman Bateman, William linen embellishments Finishes in the Ethnic Tradision Latin American Brocades Color and weave effects for 4 harness twills spinning rigid heddle, backstrap , floor brocades, supplement ary wefts color historyfabric, textiles Prehistoric Textiles: The development The Mumies of Urumchi color and weave twills China women history, textiles, fabric Women's Work: The first 20,000 years Boundweave Double two-tie unit weaves rugs Doubleweave Shadow Weave and Corkscrew Weave Knitting on the loom: techniques for producing knit stitches within the woven structure double weave, shaft switching, blocks double weave Knitting Shuttle Craft #36 Bateman Blend Weaves: 3 shadow weave, corkscrew boundweave unit weaves, twills, summer and winter 4/7/2014 Bateman, W Extended Bateman, William Bateman, W Park Battenfield, J Ikat Becker, D Handwoven Bateman, William Battenfield, Jackie Becker, J Pattern NHWG Library Books Extended Divided Twill Weaves Park Weaves based on Dr. William G. Bateman's manuscript Beck, Dorothy Ikat Techniques Handwoven Embroidery Weaves Becker, John Pattern and Loom: a practical study of the development of weaving techniques in China, Western Asia and Europe block weaves Shuttle Craft #37 ikat embroidery China, Asia, Mediterranean draw loom 4 history twills Park weaves 4/7/2014 Bemis, E Dyer's Bennett, N Designing Bennett, N Working Benson, A Looms Best, E. Dictionary Best, E. Donata's Best, E. Patterns Best, E. Weaves NHWG Library Books Bemis, Elijah Dyer's Companion: with a new introdution Bennett, Noel Designing with the wool Navajo Bennett, Noel Working with the wool Navajo Benson, Anna Best, Eleanor Best, Eleanor Best, Eleanor Best, Eleanor Looms and weaving Dictionary of Weaves 4-8 harnesses Donata's Weaving Patterns for color Patterns for weaving from eight to sixteen harnesses: Vol 1 Weaves: a design handbook A compilation of Complex Best, Laughlin, Weavers Newsletters: and Gustafson 1979 – 198? Technique of Woven Beutlich, Tadek Tapestry Warp/Weft/Sett: a Beveridge, J Beveridge, reference manual for hand Warp June weaving American Colorist: a practical guide to color Birren, F harmony and color American Birren, Faber identification Birren, F Color Color and Human - human Birren, Faber Response dyeing Birren, Faber Bjerregaard, Lena Black, M New Black, Mary Birren, Faber Color: a survey in words and pictures Principles of color: a review of past Techniques of Guatemalan Weaving New Key to Weaving: a textbook of handweaving,2nd edition rugs looms, weaving history Navajo color rugs weave structure pattern multi harness weave structure weave structure design Best, L Compilation Beutlich, T Technique Birren, F Color - survey Birren, F Principles Bjerregaard, L Techniques rugs design Cpmplex Weavers frame loom tapestry, rya warping color color color color South America backstrap patterns, drafting 5 instruction 4/7/2014 Black, M Sett Blum, G Functional Blumenthal, B Hands Bogdonoff Handwoven Bress, H Coverlet Bress, H Inke Bress, H Weaving Brito, K Shibori Bronson, J Early Brostoff, L Double Black, Mary Blum, Grace Blumenthal, Betsy Bogdonoff, Nancy Sett and Weave of Tartans color Functional overshot Hands on Dyeing Handwoven Textiles of Early New England Coverlet Book - 2 vol Inkle Weaving Weaving Book: Patterns Bress, Helene and Ideas Shibori: Creating color & Brito, Karren texture on silk Bronson, J and Early American Weaving R and Dyeing Double Weave: theory and Brostoff, Laya practice Broudy, Eric dyeing overshot history coverlets bands inkle patterns, drafting rugs instruction overshot pick-up dyeing shibori historyAmerican dyeing weave structure drafting Professional handweaving on the fly-shuttle loom fly-shuttle instruction, loom business double weave Weaving a Tapestry The book of looms: a history of the handloom from early times to the present looms, history tapestry Brown, Claudia Weaving China's Past Weaving, Spinning, and Brown, Rachel Dyeing Book Bryant, Laura weave structures tartans Bress, Helene Bress, Helene Brostoff, L Professional Handweaving on the fly loom Brostoff, Laya Brostoff, L Weaving Brostoff, Laya Broudy, E Book Brown, C Weaving Brown, R Weaving Bryant, L Fiber Buchanan, R Dyers Buchanan, R Weavers Burnham, D Comfortable NHWG Library Books Fiber Artist's guide to color Buchanan, Rita Dyer's Garden Buchanan, Rita Weaver's Garden Burnham, Dorothy Comfortable Arts China - history costume dyeing color dyes, color, dyeing dyes, color, dyeing instruction fibonacci 6 bands weave structure weave structure 4/7/2014 Burnham, D Cut Burnham, D Keep Burnham, H Handweaving Burton, D Versatile Burnham, Dorothy Burnham, Dorothy Burnham, Harold Cut my cote Clothing history, museum Canada patterns, bronson Keep me warm one night Handweaving in Pioneer Canada multiharness Canada museum coverlets lace Burton, Dorothy Versatile Bronson Butler, S Understanding Butler, Su Cahlander, Adele and Cahlander, A Marjorie Cahlander Adele, Cahlander, A Marjorie, and Bolivian Ann Carey, J 200 Braids Carey, Jacqui Carey, J Beads Carey, Jacqui Carey, J Beginners Carey, J Creative Carman, J Dyemaking Carpenter, M Four Chadwick, E Craft NHWG Library Books Carey, Jacqui Carey, Jacqui Carman, Jean K Carpenter, Marion Powell Chadwick, Eileen overshot Understanding Rayon Chenille chenille Art of Bolivian Highland Weaving Bolivia Bolivian Tubular Edging and Crossed-Warp Techniques 200 Braids to twist, knot, loom, or weave Bolivia Finishing Braid Beads & Braids Beginner’s guide to braiding: the craft of Kumihimo Beads, braid Creative Kumihimo braid Dyemaking with eucalypts Four & Multi Harness Shadow Weave Private braid dyeing, color shadow Craft of Hand spinning Chamberlain, M Beyond Chandler, D Beginning Chamberlain, Marcia Chandler, Deborah Beyond Weaving Beginning four harness weaving Chandler, D Learning Channing, M Magic Chandler, Deborah Channing, Marion Learning to weave: revised edition Magic of Spinning: how to do it yourself spinning card, felting, knots drafting, patterns instruction weave structure 7 4/7/2014 Channing, M Textile Cherepov, K Diversified Chetwynd, H Simple Chodrak, T Of Channing, Marion Cherepov, Klara Chetwynd, Hilary Chodrak, Trinlay Chown, M Color Chown, M. Joyce Clay, L Nuno Collingwood, P Craft Collingwood, P Makers Collingwood, P His Clay. Liz Collingwood and Sutton Collingwood, Peter Collingwood, Peter Collingwood, P Rug Collingwood, P Techniques Collingwood, Peter Collingwood, Peter Complex Complex Complex Weavers Complex Compilation Conley, E Vegetable Constantine Beyond Creager, C Weaving Complex Weavers NHWG Library Books The textile tools of Colonial homes from raw materials to finished garments before mass production in the factories tools textile Diversified plain weave design, patterns Simple weaving Of wool and loom: the tradition of Tibetan rugs Color Guide for Handweavers, 2nd edition Nuno nouveau: Fashionalble Felt for Accessories and Home Décor Craft of the Weaver: woven hangings Maker's Hand: a close look at textile Peter Collingwood: His weaves and weaving clothing color structure finishes Rug Weaving Techniques: Beyond the Basics clothing Techniques of sprang: plaiting on stretched threads warp face, weft face contra marche finishes plaiting, braiding, knotting knotting, twining blocks sprang dyeing looms 8 rugs rugs Design pattern structure Complex Weavers' Greatest Hits Compilation of Complex Weavers Newsletters 1979 1989 Conley, Emma Vegetable dyeing Constantine Beyond Craft: The art of and Larsen fabric Weaving: a creative Creager, Clara approach for beginners warping 4/7/2014 Crockett, C Card Crockett, Candace C917c Cunningham Curtis, L Sew Davenport, B Hands Curtis, Linda Davenport, Betty Davenport, B Textures Davenport, Betty Davenport, E Your Davidson, M Dye Davenport, Elsie Davison, M Coverlets Davison, M Handweaver's P Davison, M Handweaver's S de Ruiter, E Weaving Dean, J Wild Dendel, E Basic NHWG Library Books Card weaving Contra-marche loom: tieup and warping Sew Something Special: Sewing with handwoven fabrics Hands on rigid heddle weaving technique equipmen t, contra clothing, sewing heddle, equipmen instruction Textures and patterns for the rigid heddle Your yarn dyeing: a handbook for handweavers Davidson, Mary Dye Pot Coverlets: a handbook on the collection of woven Davison and coverlets in the Art Mayer-Thurman Institute of Chicago Davison, Marguerite Handweaver's Pattern Book: revised Davison, Marguerite Handweaver's Source Book: a selection rigid heddle, patterns pick-up, supplement weave ary warp structure dyeing museum dyeing, plants patterns, drafts weave structures patterns, drafts history De Ruiter, Erica Weaving on 3 shafts Wild Color: complete guide to making & using Dean, Jenny natural dyes Dendel, Esther Basic book of twining Dendel, E Basic F Dendel, Esther Dessureau, B Dessereau, Simply Barbara The basic book of fingerweaving Simply elegant linen & lace dinner mats Moorman, T Biography Theo Moorman, 19071990: her life and works as an artist weaver Diaper, Hiliary braiding finger weaving, off- loom biography 9 4/7/2014 Dixon, A Handweavers P Dixon, Anne Dixon, A Inkle Drooker, P Embroidering Drooker, P Samplers Duncan, M Creative Duncan, M Exploring Eastus, M Woof Edwards, E Pattern Eiseman, L Color Ellinger, R Color Ellis, C Woven Emery, I Fiber Emery, I Primary Erf, M Shaker Erf, M Tiny Eriksson, M Warp Estes, J Original Dixon, Anne Drooker, Penelope Drooker, Penelope Duncan, Molly Duncan, Molly Eastus, Madalyn Edwards, Edward B Eiseman, Leatrice Ellinger, Richard NHWG Library Books Handweavers Pattern Directory Inkle pattern dictionary Embroidering with the loom design Samplers You can use design, sett finishing Creative crafts with wool and flax Exploring colour & design for handweavers Woof: Woven paper designs from traditional knitting and quilting patterns Pattern and design with dynamic symmetry Color answer book Emery, Irene Fiber Structure Primary structure of fabrics Erf, Mary Elva Shaker Towels for the 21st Century Erf, Mary Elva Eriksson, Mariana Estes, Josephine Evans, J Joy Evans, Jane pick-up instruction Color projects techniques Design Design Color Design Color structure and design Ellis, Catharine Woven shibori Emery, Irene Moorman Dyes, dyeing design, structure shibori projects, towels Tiny Textiles pattern Warp & Weft Original miniature patters for handweavers A joy forever: Latvian weaving patterm Latvia overshot 10 4/7/2014 Evans, K Applying Evans, Kerry NHWG Library Books Applying the pulled warp technique to loom-shaped clothing clothing Fannin, A Handloom Fannin, Allen Fannin, A Handspinning Fannin, Allen Handloom Weaving Technology Handspinning art and technique Field, A Collapse Field, A Devore Collapse weave:creating three-dimensional cloth Devore for Weavers and knitters Field, Anne Field, Anne Franquemont, Franquemont, E Cloth Ed Cloth, the Andean Art Frey, B Card Frey, Berta Frey, B Designing Frey, Berta Card Woven Sampler Designing and drafting for handweavers Fry, Laura Gallagher, Constance Linen Heirlooms Gallagher, C More Gallagher, Constance More linen heirlooms Gallinger, O Rug Galvin, N german Garrett, C Warping Gerber, V Find Gallinger, Osma Goetz, J Rug Galvin, Nellie Rug Weaving for Everyone German Weaver's Pattern Book: 1784-1810 Garrett, Clay Warping All by yourself Gerber, Vicki Find it, Sew it, Wear it Rug Techniques: twill, shaft-switching, double corduroy Goetz, Judy pulled warp techniques Andes projects, samplers backstrap design, drafting card weaving pattern linen samples household articles finishing linen household articles Holes where you want them: multiharness lace weaves Magic in the Water: Wetfinishing handwovens Frost, D Holes Frey, L Magic Gallagher, C Linen Frost, Diana looms, equipmen t equipmen spinning, t fibers mulitharness design weave structure rugs, finishing, techniques warping clothing 11 4/7/2014 Gilby, M Free Gilby, Myriam Gilmurray, S Gilmurray, Weaving Susan Gipson, L Weaving Glazier, R Historic Goerner, D Woven pt. 1 NHWG Library Books Free weaving Gordon Shaker Textile Arts Gordon, B Feltmaking Gordon, B Final Gordon, Beverly Gordon, Beverly Feltmaking Traditions, techniques, and contemporary explorations The final steps: traditional methods … Gordon, J American American Star Work Gordon, Judith Coverlets Groff, R 200 Groff, R Card looms Weaving Tricks Weaving made easy: 17 projects using a simple Gipson,Liz loom Historic textile fabrics: a short history of the tradition and development of pattern in woven and Glazier, Richard printed stuffs Woven structure and Goerner, Doris design G653s Grausmane, M Latviesu Gray, H On Greirson, R Woven Greirson, S Color Griffin, G Deflected dyeing Grausmane Gray, Herbi Greirson, Ronald Greirson, Su Griffin, Gertrude Groff, Russell Groff, Russell fibers rigid heddle projects, lace fabrics history, textile history, handweaving design American History coverlets Latviesu Tautas Terpi (Latvian Folk Costume) On-loom cardweaving card weaving Woven Rugs Color Cauldron Deflected Warps and Wefts 200 Patterns for Multiple Harness Looms: 5-12 H patterns Card Weaving: complete instructions rugs colo rug loom multiharness card weaving 12 techniques 4/7/2014 NHWG Library Books Groff, R Sectional Groff, Russell Sectional warping made easy: includes warping and Guagliumi, S Drafting Guagliumi, Susan Drafting primer Gustafsson, K Gustafsson, Pellavasta Kaarina Guy, S Tips Guy, Sallie Hall, E Book Hall, Eliza Haraeven, T Amoskeag Harter, J Weaving For Haraeven, Tamara Harter and Sanders Harter, J Weaving That Harter, Joyce Harvey, N Guide Harvey, Nancy Pellavasta Kudotta (Finnish weaving drafts and samples Tips, tricks & Problem solvers for the handweaver Book of Hand-woven coverlets drafts weave structure samples coverlets History clothing Weaving for Worship: Handweaving for churches and synagogues Guide to successful tapestry weaving Hazen, G Fantastic Hazen, Gale Heinfich, L Magic Magic of Linen: Flax seed Heinrich, Linda to woven cloth Hendrickson, Linda Ffinland Weaving that Sings Tapestry weaving: a Harvey, Nancy comprehensive study Held, Shirley drafting Amoskeag: Life & work in an American Factory-City Harvey, N Tapestry Held, S Handbook Hendrickson, L Doublefaced sectional warping, dressing the loom liturgical, church, vestments Moorman tapestry design instruction Fantastic fit for every body Handbook for Fiber Craftsmen Double-faced Tablet Weaving: 50 Designs from around the world tapestry tapestry finishing design instruction weaving, spinning, textiles design instruction 13 4/7/2014 Hendrickson, L Tubular Hendrickson, Linda Baby HGA Bakers From Bakers Tablemats Hinderson, A Designer's Hochberg, B Fibre Hoffman, H Weaving NHWG Library Books HGA Tubular cardwoven necklaces Baby, Baby, Baby : A Bakers Dozen A Bakers Dozen: from Rags to A Bakers Dozen: Tablemats and beyond Hindson, Alice Designer's drawloom: An introduction to drawloom weaving and repeat pattern planning HGA card weaving card weaving drafting Hochberg, Bette Fibre facts Weaving on Paper or Hoffman, Henry Draw-down made easy Peasant Chic: A guide to making unique clothing Holderness, E Holderness, using traditional folk Peasant Esther designs Holland, N Inkle Holland, Nina Inkle loom weaving Hoskins, N Weft-faced pattern Weft Hoskins, Nancy weaves: tabby to t Housego, J Tribal Ignell Favorite Ingers, G Flemish Inouye, B Exploring Irwin, B Twined Itten, J Color Jackson, L l Yarn Jarvis, H Weaving Tribal Rugs: Introduction Housego, Jenny to the Weaving Favorite Scandanavian Ignell, Tina Projects Flemish weaving: a guide Ingers, Gertrud to tapestry Exploring Multishaft Inouye, Bonnie Design Twined Rag Rugs Color star (includes 8 color Itten, Johannes discs) Yarn and Cloth Jackson, Lloyd Calculations Weaving a Traditional Jarvis, Helen Coverlet looms constructi on, drawloom fiber patterns Iran, Middle East rugs design drafts Irwin, Bobbie equipmen t multiharness tapestry, Gobelin rugs patterns 14 rosepath, boundweav e, tacquete coverlets twills 4/7/2014 Jensen, E Small Jensen, Elizabeth Jo, M Saori Johansson, L Damask Johnston, R Sashes Joilet Friendship Jo, Miaso Johansson, Lillemor NHWG Library Books Small Looms in Action overshot Saori saori Damask and Opphamta Johnston, Ruth Sashes, straps & bands Joliet Weavers The Friendship Coverlet: Guild 1981-1982 Weaver of worlds: from Navajo apprenticeship to sacred geometry and Jongeward, D Jongeward, dreams; a woman's Weaver David journey in tapestry Jorstad, C Jorstad, Ethnic Caroline Ethnic looms Justema, W Justema, Weaving and Needlecraft Weaving William Color Course Biography Thelma Bracket: 1896Brackett Kaufmann, 1994 Keasbey, D Keasbey, Designing with blocks for Designing' Doramay handweavers Keasbey, D Pattern Keasbey, D Sheer Kent, K Prehistoric Kirby, M Designing Keasbey, Doramay Keasbey, Doramay Kolander, C Silk Kent, Kate Kirby, Mary Designing on the loom Kolander, Cheryl instruction Pattern Devices for Handweavers Sheer Delight: Handwoven Transparencies Prehistoric Textiles of the Southwest Klein, B Eye Klein, Bernat Kliot, J Sprang Kliot, Jules coverlets, study groups projects drafts Eye for color Sprang: language and technique blocks, weave structure equipmen t supplement ary weft, warp, transparenc double ies weave design, drafting color multiharness supplement ary warp design spinning, weaving silk Silk Workers Notebook: revised 15 finger weaving, sprang 4/7/2014 Kramer, J Natural Krevitsky, N Shaped Krogh, E Textures Kurtz, C Designing Kybalov, L Coptic Lamb, S Spin Lamb, S Woven Lambert, E Complete Lambert, S Color Lancaster, D Garment Landes, J Book Part 1 Landis, L Twills Lang, E From Larsen, J Beyond Larsen, J Dyer's Larsen, J Biography Laughlin, M More Kramer, Jack Krevitsky and Ericson Krogh, Elsa Kurtz, Carol Kybalov, Ludmilla Lamb, Sara Lamb, Sara Lambert, Eva Lambert, Staepelaere, and Fry Lancaster, Daryl Landes, John Landis, Lucille NHWG Library Books Natural Dyes: plants and processes Shaped weaving Textures and Towels for the Four Shaft Loom Designing for weaving: a study guide color, dyeing, dyes clothing, dress, accessori es Coptic Textiles Spin to Weave clothing Woven treasures: one of a kind bags with folk weaving techniques Complete guide to natural dyeing: color instruction off-loom texture spinning bags pick-up, twining, soumak, card weaving color, dye plants, dyeing Book of patterns for handweaving Twills and twill derivitives: design Laughlin, Mary More than Four towels color Color and Fiber color, dyeing Garment Construction for clothing Handweavers sewing Lang, Elizabeth From weaving to knitting Beyond Craft: The art of Larsen, Jack fabric The Dyer's Art: Ikat, Batik, Larsen, Jack plangi Jack Larsen:a weavers Larsen, Jack memoir drafts design, drafting surface design Pennsylvania Museum, Mary Meigs Atwater drafts patterns multiharness weave structures, twills weave structure dyeing ikat, batik biography patterms 16 multiharness 4/7/2014 Laury, J Handmade Lawson, D If Leadbeater, E Handspinning Lewes, K Rug Lignon, L Rug Lignon, l This Liles, J. Art Lily, S Clothing Lily, S Costume Loveless, J Three Laury, Jean Ray NHWG Library Books Handmade rugs from practically anything Lawson, Donna If you can't go naked weave structures clothing constructi on, sewing Leadbeater, Eliza Handspinning Lewes, Klares Rug weaving design rugs Ligon, Linda Rug weaver's source book This is how I go when I go like this: weaving and spinning as a metaphor Art and Craft of Natural Dyeing: Traditional Recipies for Modern Use Clothing Patterns from the clothing, Weaving Room pattern clothing, Costume and Clothing pattern, from Weaving costume design rag rugs Ligon, Linda Liles, J. N. Lilly, Susan Lilly, Susan Loveless, Joan Three weavers blocks dyeing Lubell, C Textile Vol.1 Lubell, Cecil Textile collections of the world: Vol 1 New Mexico America history, Canada history Lubell, C Textile Vol.2 Lubell, Cecil Textile collections of the world: Vol 2 England history Lubell, C Textile Vol.3 Lundback, M Small Lundell, L Rep Lyford, C Lubell, Cecil Textile collections of the world: Vol 3 Lundback Small Webs Lundell, Laila Lyford, Carrie Rep weaves Crafts of the Ojibwa France history Swedish weaving Swedish weaving biography museum collections, textiles museum collections, textiles museum collections, textiles patterns upholstery rugs 17 4/7/2014 NHWG Library Books design, color and weave, drafts MacDonald, A MacDonald, Simple Agnes Marshall, K Custom Martin, D Echoes Mattera, J Navajo Mattera, J Rug Mayer, A Clothing Mayer, A Fabric Mayer, A Handwoven Mayer, A I Mayer, A Traveling McCool, S Shaker McEneely, N Compendium Mead, S Meany, J Rag Meek, K Reflections Menz, D Colorworks Simple Tartan Weaving Custom woven interiors: Bringing color and design Marsall, Kelly home with Rep weave color Echoes from our ancestors: a sampler of overshot patterns in the Shelburne Museum Martin, Denise Collection Navajo techniques for Mattera, Joanne today's weaver Mattera, Joanne Rug Weaving Clothing from the hands Mayer, Anita that weave Mayer, Anita Mayer, Anita Mayer, Anita desogn rep museum collections Navajo coverlets rugs, blankets rugs clothing felting, embroidery Fabric finishing and fulling clothing Handwoven Clothing: felted to wear I don't do guilt anymore Traveling weaver's wardrobe finishing Mayer, Anita McCool, Sister Elsie Shaker woven poplar work McEneely, Compendium of Finishing Naomi Techniques Art of Taaniko Weaving: a Art Mead, Sydney study of it Meany, Janet Meek, Kati Menz, Deb Moes, D No Moes, Dini Montgomery, Montgomery, F Textiles Florence Rag Rug Handbook Reflectionsf from a flaxen past Clothing Colorworkds: The crafter's guide to color techniques twoharness finishing, techniques rugs Lithuania linen color No common thread Textiles in America: 16501870 samples textiles history Moore, J Doubleweave Moore, Jennifer Doubleweave 18 4/7/2014 Moorman, T Weaving Muller, D Handwoven Murphy, M Woven Nash, D Warp Naumann, R Off Neher, E Four Nunneley, F Thrums Nye T Swedish O"Connor, P Loom O"Connor, P More O"Connor, P Twill O"Connor, P More O'Leary, C From Ostby Akleboka NHWG Library Books Moorman, Theo Weaving as an art form Handwoven Laces Woven to Wear: 17 thoughtful desings with Murphy, Marilyn simple shapes Warp painting: a manual Nash, Dominie for weaver's The off-loom weaving Naumann, Rose book design tapestry, Moorman technique Muller, Donna Neher, Evelyn clothing design dyeing frame weaving, inkle, tapestry Four Harness Huck Nunneley, Faith Thrums clothing constructi on color, dyeing instructio n multi harness Swedish Weaving Loom-controlled double O'Connor, Paul weave More loom-controlled O'Connor, Paul double weave multi harness O'Connor, Paul Twill of your choice O'Leary, Catherine Handbook of weaves From Felt to Fabric: New Techniques in Nuno Felting double weave finishes Nye, Thelma Oelsner, G. H. finishing drafts, patterns rugs, household articles, fabrics sectional warping color and weave, double weave double weave, block, twills weave structures Ostby, Gauslaa Akleboka Warping your loom and Osterkamp, P Osterkamp, tying on a new warp: Warping Peggy Number 2 dressing, sectional warping Osterkamp, P Osterkamp, Winding #1 Peggy warping Winding a warp and using a paddle: Number 1 19 4/7/2014 NHWG Library Books Overman, R Contemporary Contemporary Overman, Ruth handweaving Owen, R Braids Owen, Roderick Braids Weaving and dyeing processes in early New Parslow, V York: with a description of Parslow, Weaving Virginia spining fibers Time to weave: simply Patrick, J elegant projects to make Time Patrick, Jane in almost no time Weaver's Idea Book: Patrick, J creative cloth on a rigid Weaver's Patrick, Jane heddle loom Pennett, M Fashion Fabrics: Dini Fashion Pennett, Marion Moes worshop fabric Pennett, M Weaving Directions from Weaving Pennett, Marion Craft Magazines Pennett, M Workbook Spiral Pennett, Marion Workbook Binder Pennett, M Workbook Binder Pennett, Marion Workbook Spiral Philips, J Weavers Pianzola, M Tapestry Picton, J African Pilkinghome, R Weaving Piroch, S Design Piroch, S Holiday Plath, I Decorative Phillips, Janet Weavers book of fabric design Tapestry by Maurice Pianzola and Julien Coffinet African Textiles: Looms, Picton, John Weaving & Design Pilkinghorne, R. Weaving: A Practical K Textbook for Schools Design Challenges: Monograph #1: works of Piroch, Sigrid Elmer Wallace Hickman instruction braiding history, spinning dyeing projects rigid heddle off loom instruction instruction design, patterns, color and weave fabric Pianzola, Maurice Piroch, Sigrid Plath, Iona Africa tapestry design Holiday Cards Decorative Arts of Sweden museum pattern projects embroidery, history Swedish 20 4/7/2014 NHWG Library Books Handweaver's pattern book: over 120 designs, revised Basic approach to designing and drafting Pocock, Sylvia overshot patterns Plath, I Handweavers Plath, Iona Pocock, S Basic Ponting, K Textile Powell, M 1000 Prideaux, V Handbook Proulx, B Reps Pyysalo, H Handweaving Ponting, K. G. Textile History 1000+ patterns in 4,6, and Powell, Marian 8 harness Prideaux, Handbook of Indigo Vivian Dyeing Reps: technique de Proulx, Bibiane creation de tissag Handweaving patterns Pyysalo, Helvi from Finland Rainey, S Wall Raven, L Hands Redman, J Frame Reed, T Loom Reed, Tim Regensteiner, E Art Regensteiner, E Program Regensteiner, E Weavers Regensteiner, Else Regensteiner, Else Regensteiner, Else Reichard, G Spider Reichard, G Weaving Rhodes, M Small Reichard, Gladys Reichard, Gladys Rhodes, M Color Ripley, R Fabric Rainey, Sarita Wall Hangings: Designing with fabric and thread Raven, Lee Hands on Spinning household, upolstery, fabric pattern designing, drafting overshot Africa history pattern multi harness warp face shadow rep design projects Redman, Jane Frame loom weaving constructi on Loom Book Art of weaving Program for a weaving study group Weaver's Study Course, Ideas and Techniques clothing Spider Woman: a story of Navajo Weavers and chanters drafts, patterns, design instruction instruction instruction fabric, toys blanket, rugs navajo Weaving a Navajo Blanket Rhodes, Mary Small woven tapestries Color related decorating textiles: Shuttle Craft Rhodes, Tonya Guild Monograph # 14 The fabric of Troy: a Ripley, F. Fuller history of Troy history, mills 21 4/7/2014 Ritch, D Ikat Robinson, H Loom Roth, H Ancient Roth, B Handbook Russell, E Off Russell, C Tapestry Safner, I Weaving Samuel, C Chilkat Samuel, C Ravens Sandberg, G Indigo Sanders, N Theme Sargent, W Enjoyjment Scarlett, J Tartan Highland Scarlett, J Tartan Weavers Schleinm A Network Art Seagroatt, M Rug Selander, M Swedish Blue Ritch, Diane Robinson, Harriet Roth, Bettie Roth, H. Ling Russell, Carol NHWG Library Books Ikat: an introduction Loom and Spidle: or life among the e. Ancient Egyptian and Greek Looms, 2nd Handbook of timesaving tables for weav, 3rd Off-loom weaving: a basic manual ikat, dyeing Japan Lowell history Egypt, Greece history sett reference bands Russell, Elfreda The Tapestry Handbook Weaving Roses of Rhode Safner, Isadora Island card, off loom design New England history Samuel,Cheryl Chilkat dancing blanket Samuel,Cheryl Sandberg, Gosta Sanders and Harter The Raven's Tail Indigo textiles: technique and history Theme and Variations: More weaving that sings Enjoyment and use of Sargent, Walter color Tartan: The Highland Scarlett, James Textile Scarlett, James The Tartan weaver's guide Network Drafting: an Schlein, Alice introduction coverlets tapestry blankets Chilkat overshot blankets dyeing, ikat color Moorman tartan color, pattern, tartan drafting Schorsch, Anita Art of the Weaver Seagroatt, Margaret Rug weaving for beginners knots warping history rugs instruction rugs Swedish Swatches – Blue Selander, Malin Series color Swedish drafts samples Selander, M Swedish Swatches – Red Swedish - Red Selander, Malin Series color Swedish drafts samples 22 museum 4/7/2014 NHWG Library Books Selander, M Swedish Yellow Selander, M Weaving Shelp, W Eight Selander, Malin Weaving Patterns Shelp and Eight Shafts: a place to Wostenberg begin Skjoldebrand, I Treasure Skowronski, H Doup Skjoldebrand, Ingerlise Skowronski, Hella Swedish Swatches – Selander, Malin Yellow Series Treasure Chest of Swedish Weaving Doup leno: a quick and simple system Swedish drafts samples projects multi harness drafting weave structure fabrics, rugs, upolstery Swedish crackle, lace Skowronski, H Skowronski, Sprang Hella Smayda, N Weaving Smith, J Taaniko Snow, M Step Snyder, M Lace Snyder, M Crackle Sprang Thread Twisitng: a creative textile technique Weaving designs by Bertha Gray Hayew: Smayda, miniature overshot Norma patterns Taaniko, Maori HandSmith, Joyce weaving Step by step tablet Snow, Marjorie weaving color Snyder, Mary Lace and Lacey Weaves Snyder, Mary The crackle weave Spady, R Handwoven Spady, Robin Handwoven decorative trim: an intro to weaving passementierie trims Specht, S Creating Specht, Sally Speck, J Speck Spencer, J Art Stanley, M Weaving Staudigel, O Tablet lace New Zealand finishing sprang bands, household twinig card lace trims, passementie rie, edgings Creating with Card Weaving: a simple manual Speck Book: an 18th century weaving Speck, Johann manuscript, v. 1 bands crackle card Spencer, Joyce Art of teaching craft Weaving Four Selvedge Stanley, Martha on Our Looms Staudigel, Otfried Tablet Weaving Magic 23 4/7/2014 Steedsman, N Patterns Stevens, B Weavin Straub, M Handweaving Strickler, C American Strickler, C Portfolio Strickler, C Weavers Strickler, C Weaving Sullivan, D Pique Sullivan, D Summer Sullivan, D Weaving Sutton, A Craft Sutton, A Structure Sutton, D How Swett, S Kids t375c t398h t426u t439b t439bb t439cd T439cc Steedsman, Neil Stevens, Bernice StraubMarianne Strickler, Carol Strickler, Carol Strickler, Carol NHWG Library Books Patterns on a plain weave A weavin' woman: a tribute to Clem Douglas Handweaving and cloth design American Woven Coverlets Portfolio of American Coverlets Weaver's Book of 8 shaft patters Strickler, Carol Weaving in miniature Sullivan, Donna Pique: Plain and Patterned Summer and Winter: a Sullivan, Donna weave for all seasons Weavng Overshot: Sullivan, Donna Redesigning the tradition Sutton, Ann Craft of the Weaver Sutton, Ann Structure of Weaving How to sell your crafts Sutton, Derrick online Kid's weaving Contemporary Textile art: Talley, Charles Scandinavia Design and expression in Taylor the visual arts Country Damask: The Thompson and professional weaver in Moulton America, 1750-1850 Thorpe, Heather Handweaver's Workbook Thurstan, Use of vegetable dyes for Violetta beginners Tidball, Harriet Brocade color and weave bands Appalacia biography design design, patterns design, patterns patterms instruction card tapestry fabric coverlets weave structure summer and winter coverlets overshot weave structure coverlets history multi harness patterms supplement ary warp design multi harness drafts drafts, drafting summer and winter instruction overshot weave structures weave structures Swett, Sarah drafts, patterns drafts, drafting history instruction dyeing constructi on, equpmen t Build or buy a loom: Pt 1 Tidball, Harriet Patterns 24 inlay lace 4/7/2014 t439cs t439ct t439d t439cc t439h t439hs t439hs t439m t439mm T439p #1 T439p #2 t439sw t439swp t3439sur t439ts t439tj t439tho t439u Tidball, H Weavers, F Tidball, H Weavers, T t439w Tidball, Harriet Color and dyeing Contemporary Costume: Tidball, Harriet Strictly Handwoven Tidball, Harriet Contemporary satins NHWG Library Books clor, dyeing, dyes - natural weave structures pick-up, inlay satin, damask clothing Tidball, Harriet Contemporary tapestry Doubleweave: plain and Tidball, Harriet patterned instruction design, patterns Handwoven specialities: Tidball, Harriet 62 articles Merry Christmas Tidball, Harriet handweavers Tidball, Harriet Mexican motifs clothing Peru: textiles unlimited Tidball, Harriet part 1 Peru: textiles unlimited Tidball, Harriet part 2 Summer and winter: and Tidball, Harriet other 2 tie Supplementary warp Tidball, Harriet patterning Surface interest: textiles of Tidball, Harriet today Textile structure and Tidball, Harriet analysis tapestry blocks, double weave, weave structure Tidball, Harriet Fabrics that go bump Tidball, Harriet Handloom Weaves, rev Handwoven specialities Tidball, Harriet and Merry Christmas Tidball, Harriet Thomas Jackson, weaver Two Harness textiles: The Tidball, Harriet open work weaves Undulating weft effects: Tidball, Harriet honeycomb Weavers book : fundamentals of Tidball, Harriet handweaving pick-up patterns instruction patterns household fabric, household, upholstery weave structure household Mexico Peru textiles Peru textiles drafting drafting instruction design England drafting instruction drafts history design 25 surface blocks, twohousehold design tie supplement ary warp surface design weave coverlets structure lace honeycomb , weave structures 4/7/2014 t439wi t439we t439wt t565d Tod, O Joy Totton, M Wearing t649t t565d Weaver's book of Scottish tartans Weaver's Book: fundamentals of Tidball, Harriet handweaving Tidball, Harriet Weaving inkle bands Tidball, Harriet Weft twining Tidball, Harriet Tidball, Harriet Woolens and tweeds Designing and making handwoven rugs: Techniques for creating Europea, Oriental, and American rugs and household fabrics Tod, Osma Tod, Osma Joy of Handweaving Wearing Wealth and Styling Identity: Tapis from Totton, MaryLampung, South Sumatra, Louise Indonesia t756w Tovey, John t851f Tovey, John ul7a Trotzig, Liv up898m Turner, Alta Valk, G Gartner Ulrich, Lauta v278h v278c v283c va28f v284h NHWG Library Books Upplagan Valk, Gene Van Cleve, Kate Van Cleve, Kate Van der Hooght, Madelyn tartan drafts bands braiding design, sett rugs Complete book of draftng for handweavers fabrics, textiles Indonesia rigid heddle, warping' instruction The Techniques of Weaving Weaves and pattern drafting Weaving Bands Finger weaving: Indian Braiding Age of Homespun: Objects and stories of an American myth Utgivna av Foreningen for Svensk Hemslojd Gartner Manuscript Handloom Weaving for Amateurs Weaver's Quarterly: Coverlets and other drafts from the Weaver's Quarterly fabric design, drafting weave structure bands braiding projects New England off loom rugs, upholstery Swedish drafts coverlets drafts 26 4/7/2014 Van der Hooght, M Huck Van der Hooght, M Overshot Van der Hooght, M Summer Van der Hooght, Madelyn Van der Hooght, Madelyn Van der Hooght, Madelyn Van der Hooght, va28t Madelyn Van der Hooght, v26i Madelyn Van der Hooght, v58g Madelyn Van Gelder, L Van Gelder, Ikat Lydia Van Gelder, L Van Gelder, Ikat II Lydia v87c bv87l Verlet, Pierre Vickery, Anne v87p Voiers, Leslie v898p Voiers, Leslie w215a Weavers Interlaced Wada, Y Shibori w38w/ video NHWG Library Books weave structure Fabrics that go bump drafts Handwoven fabric: structure and patterns design, drafting fabric technique, texture Huck lace : Best of Weavers weave structure Overshot is hot: Best of Weavers Summer & Winter Plus Best of Weavers Thick 'n' Thin drafts Ikat ikat projects Ikat II, revised edition Great Tapestries: the we of history Felting by hand Conversations and Notes on Log Cabin ikat projects history tapestry drafts Looking at twills Plain Weave is anything Voiers, Leslie but Plain Playing with blocks: an Voolich, Erica exploration of Shibori: The inventive art of Japanese shaped resist Wada, Yoshiko dyeing w424t Ward, Michael Art and Design in Textiles Weavers Guild Interlaced: Celebrates 90 of Boston years of Friendship & w428a Webster Handwoven and Quilted Garments technique, texture technique, texture fabric, projects sett drafts twill multi harness dyeing color shibori design clothing textile finishing 27 blocks, overshot 4/7/2014 NHWG Library Books w433s w498e Weigle, Palmy Weigle, Palmy w52c Weir,Shelagh Two Thousand Years of Textiles Ancient Dyes for modern weavers Color exercises for the weaver Double weave Spinning and weaving in Palestine Wertenberger, Kathryn 8, 12, … 20: an introduction to multiharness w428c Weibel Weigle, P Doubleweave Weigle, Palmy w52d w52f West, V Swatch West, Virginia West, Virginia w52w West, Virginia w638m/video West, Virginia Wilcox, M Blue West, Virginia w664n w66w w694j w694p Wilson, J Soumak Wilson, S Weave w694wc w694wf w694wy w694wy history color instruction Wilcox, Michael New Designs in Weaving Weaving a World: Textiles Willink and and the Navajo Way of Zolbrod Seeing Joinings, edges and trims: finishing details for Wilson, Jean handcrafted products sewing Pile Weaves: 26 Wilson, Jean techniques and Wilson, Jean Soumak Workbook Weave classic crackle and Wilson, Jean more Weaving is Creative: the Wilson, Jean weaver controlled Wilson, Jean Weaving is for Anyone contra marche, multi harness patterns Cut above: Couture clothing for the fibre artist, a portfolio of designs clothing Designer Diagonals: a portfolio of patterns clothing Finishing Touches for the Handweaver Swatch book Weaver's Wearables: 40 original deisigns clothing Wiggins, Patryc Mill Tapestry Project Blue & yellow don't make Wilcox, Michael green textiles color, dyeing, natural finishing samples lace projects New Hampshire tapestry Swedish rugs, tapestry Navajo finishing rugs instruction rugs 28 4/7/2014 w694t w697o Wilson, Jean Wilson, Jean w722ca Wilson, Kathleen w722cm NHWG Library Books Weaving you can use Weaving you can wear Textile Art from Southern Appalachia: the quiet work of women Of coverlets: The legacies, the weaver Appalachi a w742t Wilson, Sadye Windernecht, Margaret Windernecht, Margaret Windernecht, Margaret Windernecht, Margaret Windernecht, Margaret w755c Winslow, Heather The Rosepath Motif More on Moorman: Theo Moorman Inlay Adapted to Clothing clothing Wipplinger, Michele Tintes naturales para artesanos do las Americas (Natural Dyes for artisans of the Americas) w7222co w722p w722r w732m w784a Wolfrom, J Magical household, rugs clothing clothing museum coverlets color and weave Color-and-weave II Creative monk's belt twill Creative Overshot Point twill and color and weave Cuts of cloth: quick Wiseman, Ann classics to sew and wear Wittenberg, Alternatives to the Fig Wood, I Barbara Leaf y84d Wolfrom, Joen Magical effects of color 16 Harness Patters: The Fanciest of Twill of All; From the Weaving Zahle, E Notebooks of Fred A. Treasury Wood, Irene Pennington Doubleweave Study z63e Young, Dorothy Workshop Zinzendorf, C Treasury of Scandinavian Big Zahle, Eric design Encyclopedia of z7sr Zielinski Handweaving double weave color and weave multi harness overshot twill overshot dyes clothing, dress making, sewing clothing, patterns finishing drafts, 29 instruction 4/7/2014 z7s one2o n43a C172c Dictionary Dye plants H753h sco87 su77s Textiles w379wc w379ww w379w Zinzendorf Christian Znamierowski, Nell Znamierowski, Nell NHWG Library Books Big Book of Flax Step-by-step rugmaking: a complete introduction to the craft of rugmaking Step-by-step weaving: a complete introduction 101 Sewing Secrets: The Singer Sewing Reference American Handwoven Coverlets in the N Capital collection rugs harness, warping instruction Dictionary of Textile terms Dye plants & dyeing Homespun to factory made: wolen textiles in America Scottish Wool Cloth Sample Book samples Spanish textile tradion of New Mexico and Colorado Surface Deisgner's Art: Contemporary fabric printers, painters, and dyers Textile in America: 16501870 Weave Construction and Cloth Analysis Weavers' Wisdom: 250 aids to happier weaving (Monograph 2) Weavings from roman, Byzantine, and Islamic Egypt: The rich life and the dance design 30 projects fabrics
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