Torfaen Dolphins SC Meet 2015 (Under FINA Technical Rules and Swim Wales Laws) Torfaen Dolphins are proud to present their Open Meet 2015 @ Newport International Sports Village 25 Metre 8 Lane Regional Pool Licence No: 150594 Level 2 Meet 150595 Level 3 Meet Saturday 11thst July & Sunday 12th July 2015 Girls: 9/10, 11/12, 13/14, 15/16, 17 & over. Boys: 9/10, 11/12, 13/14, 15/16, 17 & over Dist: 50m, 100m, 200m Open, 200m IM & 400m Open Plus a Level 3 Junior Development for swimmers aged 8/13. Medals for every Finalist Anti Wave Lanes, Electronic Timing. Entries Close at Midnight Friday 29th May 2015 For further information please email: Torfaen Dolphins Open Meet 2015 (SC) (Under FINA Technical Rules and Swim Wales Laws) General Event Information ENTRIES All entries to be submitted online through Team Manager or Team Manager Lite: The summary of entries should be sent together with one Club cheque made payable to “Torfaen Dolphins ” Entries will be rejected for the following reasons: * They are received without the relevant fee. * Incorrectly completed. * Improved entry times. * Received after the closing date Age as at 12th July 2015 Girls 8-13 (Level 3 only), 9-10, 11/12, 13/14, 15/16, 17 and over (Level 2). Boys 8-13 (Level 3 only), 9-10, 11-12, 13/14, 15/16, 17 and over.(Level 2) ENTRY FEES ‚5.50 per event for the Level 2 Meet ‚4.50 per event for the Level 3 Meet MARSHALLING Swimmers must make themselves available for marshalling as soon as advised by the public address system. OFFICIALS Visiting clubs are requested to provide at least one qualified official per session, and their details (together with their qualification) should be forwarded with the entry information. Meals and refreshments will be provided. MEDALS Medals will be awarded for all finalists in each age group category apart from the Girls & Boys 17 years, here only the first 3 places will receive medals. Admission Charges ‚3.00 per session, ‚6 for a full day (to include the level 3 Meet) Daily programmes will also be available for purchase. CAR PARKING There is free car parking for approximately 200 vehicles plus there are several overflow car parks. REFRESHMENTS There is a coffee shop on site. There are also vending machines, and the local Cricket Club is available for food and refreshments. Waitrose & Tesco are very close by. CAMERA USE The use of all photographic equipment is controlled at this Meet and everyone is reminded that such equipment should not be used without registration. Registration Forms can be obtained from the entry desk. MOBILE PHONES Mobile phones must not be used in the pool hall and changing rooms. MEET CO-ORDINATOR A Meet Co-ordinator will be available for the duration of the Meet and can be contacted on 07753 842768. SWIM DOWN FACILITIES We will try to provide the opportunity for a swim down at the end of each session but this cannot be guaranteed and will depend on time. Torfaen SC Meet 2015 Meet Programme – ALL EVENTS HDW Saturday 11Th July 2015 Event 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 LEVEL 2MEET SATURDAY Session 1 Boys 400m Frontcrawl Girls 200m IM Boys 100m Backcrawl Girls 100m Butterfly Boys 200m Breaststroke Girls 200m Frontcrawl Girls Boys Girls Boys Girls Session 2 100m Breaststroke 200m Butterfly 200m Backstroke 100m Frontcrawl 50m Frontcrawl Sunday 12th July 2015 Event 12 Girls 13 Boys 14 Girls 15 Boys 16 Girls 17 Boys 18 29 20 21 22 SUNDAY Session 3 400m Frontcrawl 200m IM 100m Backcrawl 100m Butterfly 200m Breaststroke 200m Frontcrawl Session 4 Boys 100m Breaststroke Girls 200m Butterfly Boys 200m Backstroke Girls 100m Frontcrawl Boys 50m Frontcrawl Level 3 Development Meet . Event 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 Boys Girls Boys Girls Boys Girls Boys Girls Boys Girls Boys Girls Boys Girls SATURDAY Age Group 12&13 200m IM 8&9 50m Backcrawl 8& 9 50m Breaststroke 10&11 50m Backcrawl 10&11 50m Breaststroke 12&13 100m Backcrawl 12&13 100mBreaststroke 8&9 50m Butterfly 8&9 50m Frontcrawl 10&11 50m Butterfly 10&11 50m Frontcrawl 12&13 100m Butterfly 12&13 100m Frontcrawl 8 – 13 yrs 100m IM Event 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 Girls Boys Girls Boys Girls Boys Girls Boys Girls Boys Girls Boys Girls Boys SUNDAY Age Group 12&13 200m IM 8&9 50m Backcrawl 8&9 50m Breaststroke 10&11 50m Backcrawl 10&11 50m Breaststroke 12&13 100m Backcrawl 12&13 100mBreaststroke 8&9 50m Butterfly 8&9 50m Frontcrawl 10&11 50m Butterfly 10&11 50m Frontcrawl 12&13 100m Butterfly 12&13 100m Frontcrawl 8 - 13 yrs 100m I.M Torfaen Dolphins Combined Level 2 and Junior Development Meet 2015 Promoters Conditions 1. The meet will be swum under the following rules and conditions: FINA Technical Rules and Swim Wales Laws. 2. All entrants must be members of an Affiliated club, amateurs as defined by Swim Wales Laws and hold a valid Swim Wales/ASA membership number. 3. The promoters reserve the right to limit entry in the interests of safety and timely completion of the meet. 4. Over the top starts will, where necessary or appropriate, be used during this meet. 5. Entries should be submitted electronically using Hy-Tek Team Manager software. The events file for input into TM is available upon request from . No entries will be accepted without the correct full payment. 6. All entries must also include a payment summary sheet, completed coach/chaperone accreditation forms where appropriate and a SAE of at least A5 for return of confirmed entries and the timetable. 7. Age groups for boys: 9/10, 11/12, 13/14, 15/16 & 17/OV. (Level 2) Age groups for girls: 9/10, 11/12, 13/14, 15/16 & 17/OV (Level 2) The Level 3 Development meet ages are 8/9, 10/11,12/13 years. Swimmers who have exceeded the UPPER cut off time for the Level 3 meet in any event can only swim in the Level 2 meet. Swimmers cannot swim in both the Level 3 and Level 2 meets. 9-11 year olds can choose to swim in the Level 2 meet provided they have swum the consideration times, but entry is not guaranteed if the meet is oversubscribed, unless the qualifying time has been obtained (see paragraph 9). 8. Age is at the last day of the meet. 9. Please note that each Level 2 event in this competition has an automatic qualifying time and a consideration time. Every attempt will be made to include those swimmers who have consideration times however the faster times will be given priority. 10. Entries slower than the Consideration time in the Level 2 meet will not be considered, and refunds will not be issued so please check your times carefully. All entry times must be converted to a short course pool. Also, please note that each Junior Development Level 3 event has an UPPER cut off time. Submitted entry times for this Meet must be SLOWER than the upper cut off times. 11. No swimmer may enter events “Out of Age”. 21. Entries received after the closing date cannot be guaranteed consideration. Please note that there will be no cards for this competition. 12. All withdrawals must be notified to the Meet Office no later than 5pm the day before the competition. 14. All weekend coach’s/chaperone passes will include a meal both days and a weekend programme. All applications for this pass must include WASA/ASA number and CRB check details for verification and a passport sized photo. Passes must be worn at all times when poolside or in the changing rooms. The closing date for passes is the same as for entries, and passes will not be available on the day of the meet. Coaches/chaperone’s without a valid pass will not be permitted poolside or allowed into the changing rooms. 15. Visiting clubs are requested to provide at least one qualified official per session, and their details (together with their qualification) should be forwarded with entry information. Meals and refreshments will be provided. 16. Marshalling will take place, and competitors must report promptly to this area 17. The safety rules of the pool must be adhered to at all times. Anyone not adhering to these rules (which will be read out at the start of each session) may be removed from the pool. 18. Individual teams/coaches will be responsible for their own swimmers in all areas outside the pool including the changing rooms. 19. All valuables/clothing etc. left in the changing rooms will be entirely at the owner’s risk. 20. Events will be swum in heats, slowest to fastest.. 22. Anyone wishing to use video or still cameras must register before using such equipment and they will be issued with a camera pass for which a charge may be made. 23. DATA PROTECTION ACT 1998 – Torfaen Dolphins uses a computer to record entries and results. By submitting entries and accepting entry to the meet, consent is thereby given (as required under the Data Protection Act 1998) to the holding of personal information in a computer/s. Personal data recorded, such as name, club, date of birth and times may be made public during or after the meet. 24. Warm up and start times will be confirmed when all entries have been received and processed. Details will be returned with the confirmation of entries. 25. The promoters reserve the right to remove anyone for misconduct. 26. The promoters reserve the right to remove or amend any of the above conditions as required. 27. In the event that the Meet becomes oversubscribed we will filter entries on a first come first served basis HEALTH & SAFETY All competitors are required to ensure that they observe all safety announcements and conduct themselves with safety in mind at all times. b) It is the responsibility of the swimmer and/or parent/guardian/coach to declare to the referee any disability or medical condition that could present a health or safety risk. c) If such a disability or medical condition exists, swimmers must produce a medical note confirming that their participation presents no health or safety problems. d) Footwear MUST be worn on poolside, on the Balcony and throughout the building. e) The Front 5 rows on the Balcony will be for swimmers – spectators are not allowed in this area. f) Swimmers are advised not to use the elevators without an adult. g) Stairways on the Balcony are to be kept CLEAR at ALL TIMES and should not be used to sit on. h) An anticlockwise one way system will be in force on the poolside i) The health, safety and wellbeing of all swimmers, officials, volunteers, spectators and visitors is paramount – all Health and Safety rules / regulations/ requirements must be complied with at all times. j) A full risk assessment will be carried out in accordance with the Swim Wales Meet License Report Pack. k) A copy of the Pool Operating Procedures and / or the Normal Operating Procedures & Emergency Action Plan for the facility being hired for a meet is available from the duty manager throughout the duration of the Meet. All swimmers, officials, volunteers, spectators, and visitors are required, at all times, to abide by the rules set out in the Pool Operating Procedures and / or the Normal Operating Procedures & Emergency Action Plan for the facility hired for the meet. l) Unacceptable Behaviour: Behaviour becomes “unacceptable” when it is considered “Offensive” to others; this includes, but is not limited to, the following: Theft, willful damage to property and / or equipment, acts of vandalism, abuse of alcohol and / or drugs, bullying, offensive language, aggressive / violent acts, threatening behavior, all breaches of safety practices, failure to comply with instructions / directions, actions that bring the sport of swimming into disrepute. m) Competitive Start Award: Swimmers must have attained the standard of the Competitive Start Award in order to start from the blocks; (this is the responsibility of the club coach). Swimmers who have not attained the standard of the Competitive Start Award must lower themselves into over the side into the water, on the long whistle of the Referee before starting at an appropriate place. n) Jewellery: For safety and security reasons, the wearing of jewellery is not permitted while in the water during warm-ups / swim-downs and / or competition. This includes watches, necklaces, chains, bangles, wrist bands, ear-rings (except studs), and rings (except wedding bands). Swim Wales will not be responsible for any jewellery brought to events and will not be liable if such jewellery is lost or damaged. o) Sufficient Pool Accreditation will be available for clubs to maintain adequate supervision of their athletes (As a guide, a ratio of 1:10 should be considered as the minimum required where athletes are 9 years and over) p) By entering this competition, the swimmer, parent or guardian accepts photographs taken by an accredited professional photographer may be used for promotional purposes by Torfaen Dolphins or partner organisations q) Swimmers are warned that doping controls may take place during this competition and by submitting entries, swimmers/parents/guardians are thereby giving consent to any random control methods. Further information can be found at a) Torfaen SC Meet 2015 – Level 2 Event Short Course Automatic Qualifying & Consideration Times GIRLS 9/10 11/12 13/14 15/16 Boys 9/10 17OV 11/12 13/14 15/16 17/OV QT 1.22.90 1.18.70 1.11.50 1.08.30 1.06.90 CT 1.51.27 1.45.82 1.37.54 1.24.56 1.17.54 100m Freestyle 1.22.90 1.13.20 1.05.40 1.01.20 1.00.10 QT 1.51.27 1.42.26 1.21.81 1.14.32 1.11.74 CT QT 2.59.30 2.49.60 2.33.60 2.26.60 2.23.20 CT 3.23.40 3.11.15 2.51.45 2.40.36 2.35.50 200m Freestyle 2.59.30 2.39.10 2.22.50 2.13.20 2.11.10 QT 3.23.40 2.55.50 2.42.96 2.32.46 2.20.18 CT QT 6.18.00 5.52.90 5.20.50 5.06.20 5.00.50 CT 6.48.00 6.20.00 5.55.00 5.30.00 5.15.00 400m Freestyle 6.18.00 5.34.00 5.01.50 4.42.10 4.36.70 QT 6.48.00 6.10.00 5.45.00 5.20.00 5.05.00 CT QT 1.34.70 1.28.10 1.19.20 1.15.30 1.14.00 100m CT 2.04.24 1.57.34 1.45.85 1.30.44 1.28.47 Backstroke QT 3.19.70 3.06.30 2.49.60 2.41.10 2.37.20 200m CT 3.30.35 3.15.82 3.03.76 2.57.25 2.45.30 Backstroke QT 1.48.10 1.40.20 1.29.80 1.25.10 1.23.10 100m CT 2.29.31 2.19.42 1.58.28 1.43.98 1.40.87 Breaststroke QT 3.51.20 3.34.90 3.12.80 3.03.50 3.00.20 200m CT 4.25.36 4.01.64 3.40.88 3.13.66 3.08.10 Breaststroke QT 1.35.90 1.28.00 1.19.00 1.15.10 1.13.30 100m CT 2.06.45 1.56.74 1.46.06 1.36.35 1.28.60 Butterfly QT 3.30.40 3.13.90 2.52.60 2.43.00 2.39.30 200m CT 4.48.24 4.29.70 3.50.40 3.32.30 3.20.60 Butterfly QT 3.25.10 3.11.40 2.53.80 2.45.50 2.42.00 200m IM CT 3.38.20 3.21.82 3.11.76 3.03.25 2.53.30 QT = Automatic Qualifying Time CT = Consideration Time 1.34.70 2.04.24 3.19.70 3.30.35 1.48.10 2.29.31 3.51.20 4.25.36 1.35.90 2.06.45 3.30.40 4.48.24 3.25.10 3.38.20 1.22.50 1.53.76 2.56.50 3.07.27 1.33.80 2.10.50 3.22.50 3.53.61 1.22.00 1.52.64 3.00.80 4.12.21 3.00.50 3.16.27 1.13.00 1.37.54 2.37.00 2.55.52 1.22.70 1.47.31 2.58.90 3.35.94 1.12.30 1.42.70 2.40.10 3.21.40 2.40.70 3.05.52 1.07.80 1.26.78 2.26.50 2.46.76 1.16.60 1.35.48 2.47.00 3.10.94 1.07.30 1.30.86 2.28.30 3.06.20 2.30.30 3.01.20 1.06.30 1.21.88 2.24.00 2.43.80 1.15.10 1.33.50 2.43.00 3.07.00 1.05.60 1.19.40 2.23.90 2.58.30 2.27.30 2.51.80 QT CT QT CT QT CT QT CT QT CT QT CT QT CT Torfaen Open Meet 2015 – Level 3 Event Short Course Upper Cut off times- If you swim faster than these please enter the Level 2 Meet Pool Length 25m 8/9 10/11 BOYS 12/13 40.7 1:31.5 53.2 1:59.7 45.9 1:50.1 46.9 1:43.3 3:41.7 1:43.8 35.9 1:17.8 46.5 1:40.1 39.6 1:27.6 41.2 1:27.6 3:11.0 1:30.9 32.1 1:08.9 40.7 1:27.4 35.3 1:16.7 36.5 1:17.3 2:50.4 1:20.7 14 15 16 17 Event 50m Free 100m Free 50m Breast 100m Breast 50m Fly 100m Fly 50m Back 100m Back 200m IM 100m IM 8/9 10/11 GIRLS 12/13 41.1 1:32.9 54.2 2:00.2 46.5 1:51.4 47.3 1:45.2 3:44.0 1:45.3 36.5 1:18.7 46.7 1:40.2 40.1 1:28.0 41.4 1:28.1 3:11.4 1:31.3 33.3 1:11.5 42.1 1:29.8 36.4 1:19.0 37.7 1:19.2 2:53.8 1:22.6 14 15 16 17
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