REMOTE AREA MEDICAL LAS VEGAS EXPEDITION 2015 SPONSORSHIPOPPORTUNITIES ca e coalition Dear Potential Sponsor, As you may know, access to affordable health, dental and eye care in Southern Nevada is still difficult for many people; approximately 30% of people in the greater Las Vegas area are uninsured, and even more underinsured. At the April 5 & 6, 2014 event we were able to provide a day and a half of treatment, which provided health care to a total of 979 patients, which included: patients from birth to 103 years old, 120 children, 464 free dental procedures, general medical care to 290 people, 455 eye exams and dispensed 432 pairs of free eyeglasses. Altogether, the value of services provided to the Clark County community was $241,755.52. CARE Coalition will be hosting the RAM event again October 2nd-4th, 2015 at the Tarkanian Basketball Academy. Like last year, we are in need of monetary and in-kind donations to help support RAM Las Vegas 2015. You are investing in the transformation of our community. You are moving us toward a better future. With your gifts you are restoring hope and improving lives. People live in fear of illness and injury simply because they cannot afford medical attention. You can help release them from that fear. Here is what your donation can accomplish... $663 aids in providing 30 Minutes of a Clinic Event. $1,326 aids in providing One Hour of a Clinic Event. $5,500 aids in providing One Lane of Vision. $12,500 aids in providing One Lane of Dental. Donations can be made out to CARE Coalition and sent to 6272 Spring Mountain Road, Suite 100, Las Vegas, NV 89146 or through Pay-pal on our website If you have any questions please call our RAM Coordinator at 702.716.6706. Please consider donating as each dollar will help as we expect to serve 3000 people at RAM Las Vegas 2015! Sincerely, Anna Cedro Stefanie Hui Care Coalition Executive Director Care Coalition Board President phone: 702.463.1415 | fax: 702.463.0602 | 6272 Spring Mountain Road Ste 100, Las Vegas, NV | ca e coalition COMPANY PROFILE CARE Coalition A Nevada Prevention Coalition Phone Executive Board P: 702.463.1415 F: 702.463.0602 Address Stefanie Nakadilok-Hui - President Dan James - Vice President Antoinette Davis - Secretary Michelle Abraham - Treasurer 6272 Spring Mountain Road, Suite 100 Las Vegas, NV 89146 Board Members Web Site Date Founded 2011 Faith Chapin Steven Bonn Michelle Gold Denna Atkinson Staff Company Overview The CARE Coalition, which was incorporated May 2011, brings together organizations and individuals who provide services and resources that help youth and families create positive and supportive environments that lead to resiliency and self-empowerment. The CARE Coalition is a nonprofit organization committed to substance abuse prevention in Clark County. Facebook Twitter CARE Coalition CareCoalitionCC Anna Cedro - Executive Director Jennifer Salud - Administrative Grant Manager Vernalyn Willis - Prevention Outreach Coordinator Eduardo Menchaca - Community Health Advocate AnnaMaria Deller - Special Events Coordinator Diane Barginear - Special Events Assistant Coordiator Join us The Coalition meets the second Tuesday of each month. 12 noon - 1 pm. 6272 Spring Mountain Road, Suite 100, Las Vegas, NV 89146 phone: 702.463.1415 | fax: 702.463.0602 | 6272 Spring Mountain Road Ste 100, Las Vegas, NV | YOU CAN HELP STOP THE SUFFERING Today. we know many people are still not fully employed or recovered from the economic down turn Nevada suffered, and are still underinsured &/or without dental or vision coverage. This number is about 30% of the greater Las Vegas community with no access to affordable health care. This is why it is so important for community partners and elected officials of our valley to collaborate and come together to support such a wonder opportunity to stop their pain from their teeth or give them glasses to see for a job, driver’s licenses or to pass in school and serve them as promised. These are basic healthcare needs that most of us take for granted, but are so precious to those without. I would hope every major business will do as I and support this worthy cause. It can be monetary, in-kind donation and/or volunteer; it will truly warm your heart to do so. ~ Lois Tarkanian A 56-year old man, finally after 12 hours of waiting, took his turn in a mobile dental chair set up on the floor of the high school gym. Trying to ease his nerves, I asked him what he did for a living. He told me he was retired Army. When I thanked him, he quickly noted that he was not a hero, but a simple man proud to work in the kitchens and other support roles through his life of service. He rapidly turned the tables and grasped my hand and whispered through his tears that he had been praying for someone to help him with his teeth for they have been causing him pain for many years. I grabbed one of the amazing volunteer dentist and relayed the story. The dentist really was only supposed to do one or two procedures but I knew from the look in his eye, this man’s needs would be met. Afterwards, mouth filled with gauze, the gentleman found me to thank me again and was so overwhelmed by relief and emotion that he could not speak-neither could I. At that moment we were the same, I imagined we both felt like we were made of kindling; like everyone else in that room-little pieces of us breaking throughout that gym. I remembered these words from someone, “Broken hearts allow light in.” Many times kids get their first eye exam at a RAM clinic and find they need glasses. There is nothing like seeing a child place their new glasses on their face for the first time. Smiles stretch across their face as they know their life has just changed. Your donation can affect so many lives. Please donate! Excerpt from RAM Magazine Fall 2014 Issue: Nevada STOP THE SUFFERING Sponsor - $10K + ▪ Platinum status on all acknowledgements and opportunity to customize sponsorship ▪ Premium ads on media and radio station promotions ▪ Invitation to speak at media interviews (tv and/or radio) with CARE Coalition ▪ Platinum Sponsor designation on the CARE Coalition website ▪ 10 Minute Presentation opportunity at a CARE Coalition Monthly Meeting ▪ Standard ads – logo/name on event promotional banners, CARE Coalition electronic newsletters ▪ Dedicated Banner to agency/business ▪ On-site recognition of sponsorship at RAM Las Vegas 2015 ▪ Business logo on 1,000 volunteer T-shirts ▪ Opportunity to provide materials for participant gift bags ▪ Exhibit space at RAM Las Vegas 2015 Resource Fair ▪ Premium, Full Page Ad in RAM Las Vegas Thank You Ceremony at Las Vegas City Hall ▪ Recognition of Sponsorship Level in Thank You Ceremony Program ▪ 10 tickets to Thank You Ceremony at Las Vegas City Hall LOOKING OUT FOR EACH OTHER GIVING A HELPING HAND Sponsor Sponsor - $5K - - $2500 - - $1K - ▪ Gold Sponsor designation on the CARE Coalition website ▪ Standard ads – logo/name on event promotional banners, CARE Coalition electronic newsletters ▪ Business logo on 1,000 volunteer T-shirts ▪ 5 Minute Presentation opportunity during CARE Coalition Monthly Meeting ▪ Opportunity to provide a banner or sign to be displayed at RAM Las Vegas 2015 ▪ Opportunity to provide materials for participant gift bags ▪ On-site recognition of sponsorship at RAM Las Vegas 2015 ▪ Exhibit space at RAM Las Vegas 2015 Resource Fair ▪ 1/2 Page Ad in RAM Las Vegas 2015 Thank You Ceremony Program at Las Vegas City Hall ▪ Recognition of Sponsorship Level in Thank You Ceremony Program ▪ 5 Tickets to Thank You Ceremony at Las Vegas City Hall ▪ Gold Sponsor designation on the CARE Coalition website ▪ Standard ads – logo/name on event promotional banners, CARE Coalition electronic newsletters ▪ Business logo on 1,000 volunteer T-shirts ▪ Opportunity to provide materials for participant gift bags ▪ Exhibit space at RAM Las Vegas 2015 Resource Fair ▪ On-site recognition of Sponsorship at RAM Las Vegas 2015 ▪ 1/4 Page Ad in RAM Las Vegas 2015 Thank You Ceremony Program at Las Vegas City Hall ▪ 2 Tickets to Thank You Ceremony at Las Vegas City Hall ▪ Standard ads – logo/name on event promotional banners, CARE & PACT electronic newsletters ▪ Opportunity to provide materials for participant gift bags ▪ On-site recognition of Sponsorship at RAM Las Vegas 2015 ▪ 1/8 Page Ad in RAM Las Vegas 2015 Thank You Ceremony Program at Las Vegas City Hall ▪ 2 Tickets to Thank You Ceremony at Las Vegas City Hall HELPING THE NEVADANS Sponsor ca e coalition For a gift of: $10 – Provides an eye exam and a pair of glasses to 1 patient $28 – Provides $500 worth of care $100 – Provides fuel for a RAM mobile unit $1,326 – Provides support for one hour of the RAM clinic All sponsorship levels are subject to equal or greater than substitutions should an item not be available. SPONSORSHIP FORM Schedule of Events Date: October 2 - 4 Tarkanian Basketball Academy 2730 S. Rancho Drive, Las Vegas 89102 Time: Parking lot opens at 12:01am each day. Wristbands will be given out at 3:30am each day. Services will begin at 6am each morning LAS VEGAS EXPEDITION 2015 Services Dental - Cleaning, Fillings & Extractions include: Eye Exams - Basic glasses made on site (while supplies last) General Medical Care Call 702.900.2124 or email with questions about the event. Company Name: Name/ Position: Phone: Fax: E-mail: Address: City: Please circle one Stop the Suffering Zip: State: (See previous page for more information): Helping the Nevadans Looking Out for Each Other Giving a Helping Hand Additional donation (optional): For large monetary donations, we will provide account information for electronic deposits. Make checks payable to: Care Coalition On memo line, please write: RAM LV 2015 Mail form to: Care Coalition 6272 Spring Mountain Road, Suite 100 Las Vegas, NV 89146 I agree to donate the above amount to the Las Vegas Expedition 2015 Signature Date Other:
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