Career Academy South Bend Health Services Please return this form to the S chool Nurse 3801 Crescent Circle South Bend, IN 46628 Phone: (574)299-9800 Ext. 3104 Fax: (574)288-6125 HEALTH OFFICE PACKET (Please read over all of the following information prior to completing and turning in your registration packet) Indiana State Law requires that all students be properly immunized for the health and safety of all students. You must provide the school with a complete and up to date copy of all of the required immunizations. The copy must be documented by your health care provider, health department where the child received the immunizations, or must be from an official copy of the official immunization record from the child's previous school. The record must include ALL of the following immunizations: Kindergarten Grades 1 through 5 Grades 6 through 11 12th Grade 3 5 4 3 5 4 2 3 5 4 2 3 5 4 2 Hepatitis B DTap Polio Hepatitis B DTap Polio MMR Hepatitis B DTap Polio MMR Hepatitis B DTap Polio MMR 2 2 2 2 2 1 MMR Varicella *Hepatitis A Varicella *Hepatitis A Tdap 2 2 1 1 2 2 1 2 Varicella *Hepatitis A Tdap MCV Varicella *Hepatitis A Tdap MCV * This vaccine is a new requirement for the 2015-2016 school year. If a complete and up to date copy of ALL of the above immunizations is not provided within 20 days of the start of school, your child will be excluded from school starting the 21 st day and will continue to be excluded until this information is provided and the nurse has verified the record is complete or proof of a medical appointment has been made. If you have further questions or concerns about immunizations, contact the school health staff. Last Revised 1/2015 Career Academy South Bend Health Services Please return this form to the S chool Nurse 3801 Crescent Circle South Bend, IN 46628 Phone: (574)299-9800 Ext. 3104 Fax: (574)288-6125 STUDENT HEALTH HISTORY AND EMERGENCY INFORMATION Please notify the school of any changes to the information you provide below. Date of Birth: Home Phone: Name: Address: Parent/Guardian: Cell: Work: Email: Cell: Work: Email: Parent/Guardian: The following persons have permission to pick this student up from school: Name Relationship Has this student ever had chicken pox? Physician: Preferred Hospital: Yes Home/Cell Number No Work Number If yes, when? _______________________ Phone: Medical History Does this student have any of the following conditions: Asthma Seizures Ear Infections Migraines Hearing Loss Diabetes Frequent Nose Bleeds Frequent Headaches Stomach Problems Scoliosis Does this student have any Allergies? ADD ADHD Heart Condition Vision Difficulty/ Glasses Other: _____________ Yes Please describe any conditions I need to be aware of to care for your child _________________ __________________________________________ __________________________________________ __________________________________________ No If yes, __________________________________ Daily Home Medications: Daily School Medications: The Health Servi ces Pl an makes provision for health record, nursing consultation, emergency ca re treatment a nd non-invasive screen (i .e., hearing, vi sion, height and weight measurement). Any parent wishing to opt their child out of a screening must do s o i n writing. Temperature s creening will be done i f deemed necessary. Pa rent/guardian has the responsibility of listing any a llergies. In ca se of serious illness or i njury where immediate ca re is needed, the school or i ts representative has my permission to co ntact the a ppropriate emergency medical service. The emergency medical s ervice has my consent to provide necessary treatment or tra nsportation for my chi l d. I then request that I be notified of the situation. The undersigned will be responsible for emergency trea tment cost. In the case of an accident or illness where i mmediate treatment of my child is not i ndicated, but where he or s he is unable to remain at s chool, I request that the s chool contact me or my designee to a rrange tra nsportation for my chi ld. If the school is unable t o contact me, I request tha t one of the other persons listed on this ca rd be contacted and requested to ca re for my child. In the event no person designated on this care i s a va ilable, emergency medical servi ces may be contacted for further assessment and possible transport a nd treatment. I understand that certain educational records of my child will be shared with Ca reer Aca demy South Bend’s (CASB) healthcare partners as needed to provi de and evaluate health s ervices to students. I also understand and a gree that my child’s medical treatment rec ords created by CASB hea lthcare personnel at CASB may be shared with school officials who have a legitimate educational purpose for accessing s uch records. Date: _______________ Signature of Parent/Guardian: ____________________________________________________________ Last Revised 1/2015 Career Academy South Bend Health Services Please return this form to the S chool Nurse 3801 Crescent Circle South Bend, IN 46628 Phone: (574)299-9800 Ext. 3104 Fax: (574)288-6125 PARENT REQUEST FOR ADMINISTRATION OF OVER-THE-COUNTER MEDICATION Only those medications that are medically necessary during school hours for a student’s attendance or written in an IEP should be sent to school. The parent/guardian must provide the medication in the original container and properly labeled with student’s first and last name. This form is good for one school year and must be renewed yearly. Medication is not kept over the summer. Any medication remaining in the Health Office is properly discarded after the last day of school. THE VERY FIRST DOSE OF ANY MEDICATION WILL NOT BE GIVEN AT SCHOOL. IF YOUR CHILD HAS NEVER TAKEN THIS MEDICATION AT HOME THEY WILL NOT BE GIVEN IT HERE AT SCHOOL. I am the parent/guardian of the child named below and I am acting on behalf of this minor child. I hereby authorize and agree to hold the Career Academy South Bend and its officers and employees harmless for the administration of the following medication: NAME OF STUDENT: _______________________________________________________________ DATE OF BIRTH: _____________ (Hand written on a non-prescription container.) NAME OF MEDICATION & STRENGTH: ____________________________________________________________________________ DOSAGE (amount): ___________________________________________________________________________________________ TIME TO BE GIVEN AT SCHOOL: _________________________________________________________________________________ REASON OR HEALTH PROBLEM: _________________________________________________________________________________ MEDICATION TO BE GIVEN FROM: __________________________________ TO : _______________________________ (Date) (Date) I understand that by operation of law, specifically Indiana Code 34 -30-14-2, a Career Academy South Bend employee or staff member administering medication in accord with the permission statement and the Career Academy South Bend shall be immune from all liability for acts arising out of the administration of medication in accord with the terms of this document, except in the case of gross negligence or willful and wanton misconduct. In addition to the immunity described above, in exchange for Career Academy South Bend’s agreement to assume responsibility for the administration of medication as described in this permission statement, we hereby release any and all clai ms that we may lawfully release at this time for acts or omission arising out of the administration in accord with this grant of permission. _________________________________________ ________________________ PARENT’S/GUARDIAN’S SIGNATURE DAYTIME PHONE Reviewed by RN: ____________ (Date) Staff ___may ___may not administer _______________ DATE _________________________________________ RN (SIGNATURE) Administration of Medication - Indiana Statute 1C 34-4-16.5-3.5 All medication (prescription and non-prescription) shall be administered in compliance with Indiana Statute lC 34 -4-16.5-3.5. The requirements of this act are as follows: 1. Only employees designated by the school administrator are qualified to give any medication and the medication must be admi nistered by the school employee in the presence of another adult. 2. The term “medication” includes over-the-counter medication such as Aspirin, Tylenol, Ibuprofen and cough drops. 3. Written permission of parents or guardians is required. 4. All written permissions must be kept on file at school. A new permission form must be submitted each school year. 5. It is the parent or guardian’s responsibility to inform the school of any medication needed by their child and provide necessary written permission required by law. 6. All medication (prescription and non-prescription) must be kept in the secured area designated by the building Principal. 7. All medication (prescription and non-prescription) shall be administered through this policy. STUDENTS ARE NOT TO CARRY ANY MEDICATION ON THEIR PERSON DURING THE SCHOOL DAY . Last Revised 1/2015 Career Academy South Bend Health Services Please return this form to the S chool Nurse 3801 Crescent Circle South Bend, IN 46628 Phone: (574)299-9800 Ext. 3104 Fax: (574)288-6125 PHYSICIAN AND PARENTAL AUTHORIZATION TO ADMINISTER PERSCRIPTION MEDICATION The following information is necessary for any student to be given any prescription medications in school. All spaces must be completed. Name of Student: ___________________________________________________ Date of Birth: ___________ I am the parent, with legal custody, or the legal guardian of the above named student. I am requ esting permission for my child to take medication at intervals during the school day. I hereby give my consent and authorize the school nurse or other designated school employee to: PHYSICIAN’S AUTHORIZATION FOR PRESCRIPTION MEDICATION I. Administer ___________________________________, a prescription medication, which I am hereby supplying the school in the original prescription container with the student’s name, in accordance with the directions for the administration of the medicine listed on the label of the container. (Requires parent and physician’s signature) Medication Dosage Frequency Route _______________________________ _________________ __________________ ____________________ Precautions/Possible side effects: _____________________________________________________________________ _____________ ______________________________________ Date ____________________ Physician’s Signature Phone Number II. I will assume responsibility for safe delivery of the medication to school III. I will notify the school immediately if there is any change in the use of the medication or the prescribed treatment. IV. Medications must be picked up at the end of school year by parent, or medication will be destroyed. I release and agree to hold Career Academy South Bend, its officials, and its employees harmless from any and all liability for damages or injury resulting directly or indirectly from this authorization. ___________________________________________________ _______________ Parent with Legal Custody or Guardian Home Phone ___________________ Cell Phone ___________________ Date Work Phone ___________________ Administration of Medication - Indiana Statute 1C 34-4-16.5-3.5 All medication (prescription and non-prescription) shall be administered in compliance with Indiana Statute lC 34 -4-16.5-3.5. The requirements of this act are as follows: 1. Only employees designated by the school administrator are qualified to give any medication and the medication must be administered by the school employee in the presence of another adult. 2. The term “medication” includes over-the-counter medication such as Aspirin, Tylenol, Ibuprofen and cough drops. 3. Written permission of parents or guardians is required. 4. All written permissions must be kept on file at school. A new permission form must be submitted each school year. 5. It is the parent or guardian’s responsibility to inform the school of any medication needed by their child and provide necessary written permission required by law. 6. All medication (prescription and non-prescription) must be kept in the secured area designated by the building Principal. 7. All medication (prescription and non-prescription) shall be administered through this policy. STUDENTS ARE NOT TO CARRY ANY MEDICATION ON THEIR PERSON DURING THE SCHOOL DAY . All medication brought to school should be delivered immediately to the school office for its safekeeping and administration. Last Revised 1/2015 Career Academy South Bend Health Services Please return this form to the S chool Nurse 3801 Crescent Circle South Bend, IN 46628 Phone: (574)299-9800 Ext. 3104 Fax: (574)288-6125 C.H.I.R.P (Children and Hoosiers Immunization Registry Program Release Form I, , give the Career Academy South Bend , permission to release the following information concerning my child, _____________________________ , to the Indiana State Department of Health’s Children and Hoosiers Immunization Registry Program (CHIRP): -NAME -DATE OF BIRTH -CURRENT ADDRESS -CURRENT PHONE NUMBER -IMMUNIZATIONS RECEIVED AND THE DATES THEY WERE ACQUIRED I understand that the information in the registry may be used to verify that my child has received proper immunizations and to inform me or my child of my child’s immunization status or that an immunization is due according to recommended immunization schedules. I understand that my child’s information may be available to the immunization data registry of another state, a healthcare provider or a provider’s designee, a local health department, an elementary or secondary school, a child care center, the office of Medicaid policy and planning or a contractor of the office of Medicaid policy and planning, a licensed child placing agency, and a college or university. I also understand that other entities may be added to this list through amendment to I.C. 16-38-5-3. By signing I hereby consent to the release of such information. Signature Date Printed Name of Parent or Guardian Address Child’s Name Career Academy South Bend School Last Revised 1/2015
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