Internship Opportunity Award - Application Summer 2015

MSUFCU Internship Opportunity Award Application – Summer 2015
______ Internship Award Application (below) completely filled out and signed. Provide information about the internship you
are most likely to secure if you have not already secured (accepted) an internship position.
______ Personal Essay – One (1) typed page describing your academic and career goals and how this internship opportunity fits into your
strategy for achieving your career goals. You are encouraged to demonstrate your passion for your internship as well as make your
case for any financial considerations that are affecting your ability to pursue your internship experience. If you have not yet secured
one, describe the #1 priority internship you are pursuing.
______ Current Resume
Name (First, Middle, Last) _____________________________________________________________________
MSU Net ID/Email ___________________________________________________________________________
Local Address _______________________________________________________________________________
Permanent Address __________________________________________________________________________
Local Phone _____________________________ Other Phone ________________________________________
Major ______________________________________College ________________________________________
Cumulative GPA ___________ Grade Level _____________ Graduation Date ___________________________
Internship Information: Provide details about the internship you have secured OR are actively pursuing
Business/Organization Name __________________________________________________________________
Internship Title _____________________________________________________________________________
Internship City/State_________________________________________________________________________
Have You Secured (Accepted) Internship? ___yes ___no
Estimated Intern Hours/Week ________________
Internship Description (i.e., type of work, special projects, work environment, training, experiences, etc)
___________________________________________________________________Attach separate page 
Estimated Intern Start Date ______________________ Estimated Intern End Date _______________________
Supervisor Name (if known) _______________________________ Title _________________________________
Supervisor Phone (if known) _________________________ Email ______________________________________
Is Internship for credit? ___no ___yes
Is Internship paid? ___no ___yes - hourly pay or stipend: $ _________
Internship Learning Objectives: “What I want to learn or experience during my internship”
#1 Learning Objective: ________________________________________________________________________
#2 Learning Objective: ________________________________________________________________________
#3 Learning Objective: ________________________________________________________________________
Your Signature __________________________________________________ Date ________________________
DEADLINE: April 1, 2015 (receipt of all materials by 11:59pm)
Info at:
Send materials (with your name and MSU email) to: -or- (fax) 517-355-9523
Or mail or hand deliver: Career Services Front Desk – Intern Award, 556 E. Circle Dr. room 113, East Lansing MI 48824
Update 2/16/15