Exhibitor Manual 2015 - Rotary Career Symposium

Exhibitor Manual 2015
Please read this manually carefully as it contains
important information about deadlines and details
on the Symposium polices. This information will
answer many of your questions and make your
experience at the Symposium more enjoyable
Exhibitor Manual
Important Deadlines
Exhibitor Badge Requests
All pre-orders for The Winnipeg Convention Centre
All pre-orders for Central Display Ltd.
April 1, 2015
April 13, 2015
April 13, 2015
You can find information on how to order services from Central Display Ltd on our website at
www.careersympoisum.ca. The Winnipeg Convention Centre has their ordering information
located on their website at http://www.wcc.mb.ca/serviceorderforms.php .
Services provided with your Exhibitor Registration Fee
• Draped back wall and side rails for booth
• One 8’ draped table per booth
• Two chairs per booth
• 12 complimentary exhibitor badges per booth to a maximum of 48 per exhibitor
• 24-hour hall security
Move In Day & Time
Monday, April 20
10:00 am to 8:00 pm
Show Dates & Times
Tuesday, April 21
9:00 am to 3:00 pm
6:00 pm to 9:00 pm
Wednesday, April 22
9:00 am to 3:00 pm
Move Out Day & Time
Wednesday, April 22
3:00 pm to 8:00 pm
Winnipeg Convention Centre
375 York Ave
Winnipeg, Manitoba R3C 3J3
Tel: (204) 956-1720
Fax: (204)943-0310
Show Management
386 Broadway, Suite 503
Winnipeg, Manitoba R3C 3R6
Tel: (204) 947-8209 Fax: (204) 947-9767
Please ensure to carefully read this manually. If you have any questions or concerns you can reach
Rachel Westman at raw@strauss.ca or at 204-947-8209
Rotary Career Symposium – 2015
Exhibitor Manual
Entry in to the Show………………………………………………………………………………….. 4
Payment of Exhibit Space……………………………………………………………………………...4
Insurance ………………………………………………………………………………………………4
Exhibitor Access………………………………………………………………………………………..5
Move-In Procedures…………………………………………………………………………………….6
Exhibitor Ingress………………………………………………………………………………………..6
Material Handling………………………………………………………………………………………6
Freight Requiring a Forklift…………………………………………………………………………….6
Hand Carried Material…………………………………………………………………………………..7
Services at a Glance……………………………………………………………………………………..7
Use of Helium Balloons…………………………………………………………………………………8
Storage of Crates………………………………………………………………………………………..8
Labour and Tipping……………………………………………………………………………………..8
Exhibitor Lounge……………………………………………………………………………………….8
Exhibitor Reception and Awards Presentation…………………………………………………………8
Attendee Participation Contest…………………………………………………………………………9
Move Out Procedures…………………………………………………………………………………...9
Removal of Exhibit Materials…………………………………………………………………………9
Loading Dock & Doors………………………………………………………………………………..9
Rules and Regulations…………………………………………………………………………………10
Rotary Career Symposium – 2015
Exhibitor Manual
Exhibitor Manual
Please read this manual carefully as it contains important information about deadlines and
details on Symposium policies. This information will answer many of your questions and make
your experience at the Symposium more enjoyable.
Entry into the Show
Show Management reserves the right to refuse admission to the show building to any visitor, exhibitor,
or contractor who, in the opinion of Show Management, is unfit, intoxicated, or in any way creating a
disruption of the show.
Payment of Exhibit Space
Exhibit space is not confirmed until full payment is received. Full payment of exhibit space, as
contracted, must be made three business days prior to move-in.
Show Management will refuse the use of space to any exhibitor who has not made full and final
payment three days prior to show move-in.
Show Management must receive Proof of Insurance, no later than five business days prior to show
move-in. Failure to do so may prohibit Exhibitor participation. Under no circumstance will an
Exhibitor be permitted to move in without current insurance.
Neither Show Management nor the building owners will accept responsibility for injury to persons,
loss of or damage to products, exhibits, equipment, or decorations, by fire, accident, theft, or any other
cause, while in the building or on the grounds.
Exhibitors must provide adequate insurance for their own personnel, exhibits, and materials against all
such hazards. We recommend that exhibitors review their company insurance coverage prior to the
show. Most insurance companies will provide additional riders if extra coverage is desired.
Certificates of Insurance must be provided to Show Management prior to move-in as outlined in the
exhibitor contract.
Advance Shipments: Exhibitors with large displays who require assistance with shipping, or who find
it necessary to ship their equipment in advance should contact Central Display Ltd. (telephone: (204)
237-3367) for assistance and quotes.
Their service is particularly advantageous for exhibitors who are shipping their exhibits from another
show, or who could schedule shipping more economically in advance using surface transportation,
rather than relying on air freight in order to guarantee arrival at the show on time.
These bonded shipments MUST be prepaid and should be coordinated one week prior to the
move-in dates. The Winnipeg Convention Centre will NOT accept or sign for any booth
shipments. Note: The loading dock will be closed during the event.
Rotary Career Symposium – 2015
Exhibitor Manual
April 21-22, 2015 ONLY : Extra supplies needed during the event should be consigned as follows:
Name of Exhibitor, Booth # of Exhibitor
Winnipeg Convention Centre, Hall A
Rotary Career Symposium
375 York Ave.
Winnipeg, Manitoba
R3C 3J3
Make sure that all packages have the correct information and all labels are printed clearly.
Exhibitor Access
All exhibitors will receive 12 complimentary exhibitor badges (per booth to a maximum of 48 per
Any exhibitor requiring MORE than 12 badges per booth is required to order additional badges by
April 1, 2015 or pay $3.00 per badge for any orders after April 13, 2015. Extra badges must be paid
for when ordering.
Exhibitors are required to pick up their badges at the 2nd floor Show Office. Badges will only be
available for pick up at this location and a badge is required to access the escalators to take you
to the 3rd floor and exhibit hall.
Exhibitor access badges will be available at Exhibitor Registration during the following hours:
Monday, April 20
9:30 am – 8:00 pm
Tuesday, April 21
7:45 am – 9:00 pm
Wednesday, April 22 7:45 am – 3:00 pm
Please inform all booth staff that badges are required to access the show floor and should be returned
at the end of each shift.
For safety and security reasons, the Rotary Career Symposium has designated Central Display Ltd. as
the official show decorator. Exhibitors have the right to use their own full-time company employees to
install and dismantle their exhibit. However, exhibitors cannot use their own decorating companies or
outside contractors, other than The Winnipeg Convention Centre and Central Display Ltd. If you must
use outside contractors, please see rules and regulations on page 9 of the Exhibitor Manual.
Underground parking is available both at the Winnipeg Convention Centre and Delta Hotel (attached
by heated skywalk). Various above ground lots as well as street parking are also available. If you are
unsure of where to park, contact the Winnipeg Convention Centre for suggested locations. Parking
will fill up quickly in the mornings. We recommend that all exhibitors arrive at least 45 minutes early
to allow for time to find parking.
Rotary Career Symposium – 2015
Exhibitor Manual
Move-In Procedures
All exhibits must be complete by Monday April 20, 2015 at 8:00 pm.
Exhibitor Ingress
Move-in takes place on Monday, April 20 from 10 am – 8 pm. To make the exhibitor ingress less
complex, move-in times and locations have been staggered. See the load in Schedule at the end of this
manual to determine your move-in block. All exhibits must be complete by Monday April 20 at 8 pm.
Edmonton St. Loading Dock 3rd floor (ramp entrance is off Edmonton St.)
• Exhibitors in block 1
• Exhibitors in block 2
• Exhibitors in block 3
• Move-in will be open to all Exhibitors
10:00 am –12:00 pm
12:00 pm – 2:00 pm
2:00 pm – 4:00 pm
4:00 pm – 8:00 pm
Any Exhibitor occupying more than 4 booths (400 square feet) or displaying any type of motorized
vehicle is asked to contact Rachel Westman at (204) 975-8209, for specific move-in instructions.
For security reasons, you will be required to wear your exhibitor badge in a prominent
location when hand-carrying materials in the building.
The use of passenger elevators is not permitted for transporting exhibit materials.
Material Handling
All transactions on work of this type are between the Materials Handling Contractor (Central Display
Ltd.) and the exhibitor. In the case of an exhibitor's representative not being present, Show
Management reserves the right to order his equipment and/or material to be moved from the receiving
door to the exhibitor's area. Extra charges apply.
Freight Requiring a Forklift
Please follow these instructions:
• A loading dock official will check all vehicles and will direct you to the proper loading dock
• Heavy equipment and awkward displays must be delivered first thing on the day of move-in at a
time pre-arranged with Show Management
• As soon as your material is uncrated and labeled, a materials handling crew will go to your booth
to pick up your crates for storage (fees will apply for this service).
Rotary Career Symposium – 2015
Exhibitor Manual
Hand Carried Material
If you do not require a forklift to remove your materials from the show, the following has been set up
to assist:
− A very limited number of push dollies will be available at the loading doors
− Load your vehicle as quickly as possible and return your dolly. A crew is available if
− you require help. Please check with the Official Show Contractor (Central Display Ltd.) for
applicable rates.
− The escalators on the west side of the building will be operational for one hour after the show
floor closes.
− Passenger elevators will be available for your use, when not transporting any freight.
− The freight elevator will be available, and operated by a dock master to transport larger freight
such as display booths and boxes.
Services at a Glance
Telephone & High-Speed Internet Access,
Electrical, House Keeping
Security/ Lost & Found
Hotel Accommodations
Official Show Decorator
(Decorating, furniture, carpet, plants, labour,
materials handling)
Winnipeg Convention Centre
375 York Ave.
Winnipeg, MB R3C 3J3
www.wcc.mb.ca (please order online)
Tel: (204) 956-1720
Fax: (204) 943-0310
Winnipeg Convention Centre
(204) 957-4523
Delta Winnipeg
350 St. Mary Ave.
Winnipeg, Manitoba
Tel: 1-888-311-4990
Group name: Rotary Career Symposium
Central Display Ltd.
7-580 Marion St.
Winnipeg, Manitoba R2J 0K4
Tel: (204)237-3367
Fax: (204) 235-1063
Please contact these suppliers directly and specify that you are an exhibitor at the Rotary Career
Symposium 2015.
NOTE: Order forms for the Winnipeg Convention Centre are available on their website at
www.wcc.mb.ca under meetings/shows. Please order any services they provide for the Rotary Career
Symposium online.
Rotary Career Symposium – 2015
Exhibitor Manual
Use of Helium Balloons – IMPORTANT
Helium used for balloons and balloon decorations is restricted within the Winnipeg Convention
Centre. Although not a fire hazard, helium balloons may end up being released resulting in the
difficulty of retrieval and removal and more importantly blocking air vents. For these reasons the
current building policy does not permit helium balloons on the exhibition show floor.
Storage of Crates
Exhibitors are advised that storage areas are not, and cannot be, secured. Therefore no valuable
materials of any kind, product or exhibits, should be consigned to storage.
Please carefully identify every empty case, skid, crate, or carton you wish returned to your booth, by
completing and affixing the storage labels. Storage labels are available from the show decorator,
Central Display Ltd.
Containers will be picked up, stored, and returned to you for repackaging as rapidly as possible,
beginning after the close of the show on the last day (fees may apply for this service).
Do not store crates behind your booth.
Labour and Tipping
Exhibitors are required to abide by the prevailing labour conditions and rates effective in the exhibit
hall. All employees of Show Service Contractors are adequately paid and there is no need to tip.
Please report immediately to Show Management any discourtesies or attempts to imply that service
will be speeded up or improved by tipping.
Exhibitor Lounge
The Exhibitor Lounge will be located on the 3rd floor. Limited refreshments will be available. As the
Symposium is a non-profit event, exhibitors are not provided with meals. For a listing of nearby
restaurants please visit: http://www.downtownwinnipegbiz.com/home/discover/dine/
It is recommended that exhibitors bring water in a re-usable water bottle and coffee in a re-usable
coffee cup. A water fountain is available onsite for re-filling water bottles, and coffee will be available
to exhibitors on a limited basis.
Exhibitor Reception and Awards Presentation
Each exhibitor will receive 2 complimentary tickets for the Exhibitor Reception and Awards
Ceremony to be held on Tuesday, April 22 from 3:00 pm – 4:30 pm in Hall B. The tickets and
additional details will be mailed closer to the event. Additional tickets can be requested free of charge
on a first come first serve basis.
Rotary Career Symposium – 2015
Exhibitor Manual
Attendee Participation Contest
The Rotary Career Symposium encourages its attendees to complete surveys to tell us their experience
at each Symposium. To help encourage attendees to complete these surveys we offer prizes. We
welcome any type of prizing that your company can provide. A draw takes place after the Symposium
and each prize is delivered to the winners. Please send your contributions to:
Rotary Career Symposium
c/o Strauss
386 Broadway, Suite 503
Winnipeg, Manitoba
R3C 3R6
Prizes can also be dropped off at Exhibitor Registration during the event’s operating hours.
Move out proceedures
Beginning at 3:00 pm on Wednesday April 22, 2015 all stored materials will be returned to the booths
(fees may apply for this service).
All exhibits must be removed by 8:00 pm, Thursday, April 22, 2015
No dismantling or removal of exhibits or exhibit material is permitted before the close of the show.
Exhibitors are urged to remove small cartons and open cases of products from the building
immediately after the close of the show. While Show Management will take all reasonable security
measures to safeguard small items, immediate removal of such items will minimize the possibility of
loss from pilferage.
The Winnipeg Convention Centre will not store or provide shipping services after show closing.
Removal of Exhibit Materials
At the close of the show, where exhibitors fail to pick up or couriers refuse to accept shipments, Show
Management reserves the right to reroute such shipments where no disposition is provided.
IMPORTANT - This material may be hauled to a warehouse pending advice from the exhibitor, and
the exhibitor will be charged accordingly for this routing or handling.
Loading Dock & Doors
During move-out, freight will be shipped from the show through the same doors that were used for
move-in. The floor will have a material handling crew, as well as a representative from Show
Management, who will be checking with exhibitors to ensure a smooth and trouble-free move-out.
Rotary Career Symposium – 2015
Exhibitor Manual
In the interest of producing the best show possible for exhibitors and visitors alike, the
following rules are necessary:
a) All persons entering the hall during show days must wear a badge
b) On move-in and move-out days, the halls must be cleared no later than the times indicated
in this manual
c) Exhibitors are urged to clear the halls within 15 minutes of the daily scheduled closing
time. While Show Management will take reasonable overall security precautions, exhibitors
are responsible to protect their own goods. During move-out, all booth material should be
packed and properly labeled with bills of lading. This should happen immediately after show
closing, before leaving the hall
d) Exhibitors are responsible for providing all workers with proper badges. These will allow
the exhibitor admission to the show and must be worn during the show hours. Exhibitor
badges will be available for pick up at the Rotary Career Symposium Show office on the 2nd
floor of the Winnipeg Convention Centre.
e) Theft must be reported to security immediately and police will be contacted directly.
f) Any and all disputes of these rules must be taken up with Show Management.
Show Management reserves the right to make changes, amendments, and additions to the rules and
regulations without notice, as considered necessary for the efficient and proper conduct of the show.
Interpretation of these rules and regulations shall rest with Show Management and non-compliance
can result in the ejection of the offending exhibitor or in the closing of his/her exhibit.
Exhibitors will be liable for, and will indemnify and hold Show Management harmless from, any loss
or damage whatsoever occurring to or suffered by any person or company, including, without
limiting the generality of the foregoing, exhibitor, other exhibitors, management, the owners of the
building and their respective agents, servants and employees, and members of the public attending
the show, either (a) on the said space or (b) elsewhere. Neither the facility nor Show Management
will be responsible for loss or damage to persons, exhibits, or decorations by fire, accident, theft, or
any cause while in the exhibition buildings.
Rotary Career Symposium – 2015
Exhibitor Manual
Display, demonstration and distribution of advertising material is not permitted outside the confines
of the booth space. If audio-visual equipment is used, the sound must be subdued to such an extent as
to ensure it’s not interfering with neighbouring exhibitors.
Voice amplification may be used only with permission from Show Management prior to show
Management reserves the right at any time to reject, prohibit, or remove exhibits or any part thereof,
and to expel exhibitors generally from exhibits or the operation of exhibits, which may be
objectionable to the participants and management. Without limiting the generality of the foregoing,
this paragraph applies to a person's conduct or to any printed material, which may generally affect the
Exhibitors must maintain staff in their booths at all times during the hours of the show.
Mechanical conveyances such as electric carts, scooters, or bicycles will not be allowed in the aisles
during the show hours. The only exceptions to this rule will be in the case of disabled persons visiting
the show, or authorized Show Duty Personnel.
Exhibitors showing equipment in operating condition must provide every precaution for the safety of
their operators, show visitors, and exhibit personnel. All belt and chain-drive units must be covered; all
equipment where welding, cutting of metal, wood or plastic is involved must be provided with safety
shields. Waste materials, cuttings, and shavings must be placed in bins for safe removal from the
building. These bins and their removal may be arranged with the Show Manager.
Painting, nailing, drilling, or screwing to the floors, walls, or any other part of the building is not
permitted. Exhibitors wishing to lay any floor covering may not adhere to the building floor. In such
cases, it is suggested that either building paper or other suitable protection be first laid down, or
RNO-C700 double-faced tape be employed as an adhesive.
It is agreed that under no circumstances shall space be sublet without the prior written permission of
Show Management.
Rotary Career Symposium – 2015
Exhibitor Manual
Exhibits may not be disassembled prior to 3:00pm, Wednesday, April 22, 2015.
Failure to comply with move-out instructions and time may result in an exhibitor being
restricted from exhibiting in the future.
The exhibitor further agrees that the conditions, rules and regulations of Strauss (Show Management)
are made as part of this contract and that said exhibitor agrees to be bound by each and all of these
rules and regulations, and that Show Management shall have the full power to interpret, amend, and
enforce all rules and regulations in the best interest of the show.
Show Management shall have the right to change, if necessary, the assignment of space to be
occupied by the exhibitor in order to create an effective exposition.
Exhibitors may not sell, serve, or dispense any food, beverages, merchandise, or services in the
space. Sampling is permitted with express written permission of Show Management & the Winnipeg
Convention Centre.
All exhibitors planning to use any type of fuel, such as gas, oil, helium gas, or propane, in their
exhibits are requested to contact Show Management to discuss all matters pertaining to the installation
of such equipment. All displays or exhibited materials must be fireproof to conform to Federal,
Provincial and City Fire Laws.
Rotary Career Symposium – 2015