Laura Mentor Recruitment Flyer v4.indd

Are you a carer or former carer?
Can you offer help and support to another carer through
an understanding of your own caring experience?
Mentors are carers or former carers who are
volunteers who offer one-to-one support to other
carers (mentees) who may need emotional
support in their caring role. Carer to Carer is a
managed scheme at Carers Gloucestershire. The
co-ordinator will match mentor and mentee
together based on interests and experience. This
is a time bound scheme usually for 3 months
Mentors can indicate at the start what type of
support they can offer, from face-to-face meetings
for a coffee, phone calls or emails, whatever suits
you. Mentors receive free training and will be
DBS checked.
Why mentor for Carer to Carer?
See what some of our mentors have said-
“Having been a carer for years I know how
lonely it can feel sometimes and I would like
to offer help and support to another carer
when they need it.”
“As I have looked after my mother who suffers
from Alzheimer’s for the past six years, I feel
I have a lot of information and support to
offer to other carers who are just starting their
journey with a loved one.”
People who have walked a similar path are
often our best travelling companions
(Mead and Macneil 2004)
For further details please contact: Laura Collins, Mentor Scheme Co-ordinator
Email: | Tel: 01452 386283