NEWSLETTER Issue 5: 30 April 2015 58 Osmaston Rd CARINE WA 6020 Phone: Fax: 9447 4266 9447 4796 SMS Absences: 0408 092 347 Website: Email: School App: Carine Primary School WA CALENDAR 12-14 May - NAPLAN SCHOOL PLANNING DAYS 2015 (No school for Students) Fri 6 & Mon 9 November SCHOOL ASSEMBLIES Term 2: 7 May – Rm 9 / Yr 3 21 May – Rm 15/16 Yr 6 4 Jun – Rm 2 / Yr 1 18 Jun – Rm 5 / Yr 2 2 Jul – Rm 1 / Pre-Primary SCHOOL INFORMATION School Times Start of Day: 8.45am Recess: 10.25 – 10.45am Lunch: 12.15 – 12.55pm End of Day: 3.00pm Term Dates 2015 T1: Mon 2 Feb – Thu 2 Apr T2: Tue 21 Apr – Fri 3 July T3: Mon 20 Jul – Fri 25 Sept T4: Mon 12 Oct – Thu 17 Dec Voluntary School Contributions Kindy -Yr 7: $60 per student per year Pay Direct: BSB 066 157 Account: 009 00733 Ref: (Use Student first initial & full surname) Apply now for Kindy 2016 (Children born between 1 July 2011 to 30 June 2012) FROM THE PRINCIPAL Thanks to Mrs Vardy and our Year 6 Councillors for organising last week’s Anzac Ceremony. As usual our students had learnt a lot about the Anzacs in class and were very respectful. They reflected on the sacrifices of all those who have served in wars then and since, with the reverence they so deserve. Next Tuesday is our Jogathon and we hope you will continue to support this annual fundraising event for our P&C. Please look for the information under the P&C in this newsletter. In Week 4 it will be Naplan assessment time again and for this year, it will only involve our Year 3 and Year 5 students. Naplan is an important assessment of Literacy and Numeracy as we use the results to confirm our own judgements of student progress in these essential areas of learning. It is not a stressful time for students as they are used to being assessed all the time as a part of the teaching and learning process. Please try not to get caught up in the media hype about this event as it only serves to cause unnecessary stress to our children. P & C INFORMATION P&C Calendar Tue 5 May – Jogathon Fri 8 May – Mother’s Day Stall Fri 29 May – Pizza Day Sat 31 Oct – School Fete P&C Meetings Tue 5 May – 7.30pm, school staffroom Uniform Shop Wednesdays 8.15 – 9.15am Wednesday Lunches Order via Once again we have been in the media for our focus on Mindfulness which is a part of our Health program. We teach our students how to take a few moments to clear their minds and just focus on relaxing and recharging. The Sunday Times had an article last week, and yesterday Channel 7 came in to talk to our school psychologist, Ms Jane Lindesay about the program. In a week or so, Channel 7 will have a segment on how Western Australians relax. We describe the program as giving our students the opportunity to take a few moments to de-clutter their minds so that they can refocus with increased clarity on what they need to do next – rather like a refresh on the computer! Our students have told us that this is what it does for them and our staff who also practice the simple process, have given similar feedback. So keep an eye out for the program. Our School Board met late last term to review the Business Plan and discuss and review our behaviour management processes. It is important that parents know who the Board members are and what they contribute to our school, so once again I have included an updated thumbnail sketch of our current Board. Please have a read as these people support our school and review our data and monitor our progress. They are a very valuable resource in our school and they help to ensure that our school is a great school. School Banking for Students Fridays 8.15 – 8.45am Education Security If you notice suspicious behaviour on our school site please call: 1800 177 777 or 9264 4632 Assembly Room 11 Anne Fraser Assembly Year x Room x Carine Primary School Board Members Claudia Renner – I have been the Board Chair at Carine PS since the Board’s inception in 2012. My career spans many years as an educator in city and country schools teaching all year levels K - 7 and working with school staff as an ICT Network Manager and e-Learning Coordinator. My interest in school improvement led me to develop literacy programs that were highly regarded and featured at ALEA conferences. I attained Level Three Classroom Teacher status in 2000 and went on to hold multiple portfolios that have included TAGs Coordinator, School Marketing Project Officer and Service Area Curriculum Consultant in Literacy for the Department of Education. In recent years I have held positions for a range of other government departments in areas of procurement, contract management and project management. I have two Masters Degrees in Business and Research and have a passion to improve workplace outcomes. Currently I am the Principal of Pingrup Primary School. Simone Jackson - I’m a mum with two girls at Carine Primary School, ages 9 and 12, and a boy at Carine High School, aged 14. My first child began at Carine Primary in 2005. I’m enjoying being active in the School Board which involves listening to what’s being planned by the Principal and her team and to then to give feedback, ideas and input from a parent’s perspective. I have a Bachelor of Pharmacy and have been a manager and partner/owner of a Pharmacy and Newsagency business in Kalamunda with 30 staff members since 1993. I have experience in retail and enjoy the marketing side of the business, including health and in-store promotions, gala events and developing an online retail presence for my store. Suzy Rea - I have two children in the school; Tom in Year 5 with Mrs Bezant and Amber in Year 2 with Mrs Phillips. I am currently studying a Diploma of Education secondary school majoring in science. I have served as an active member of School Board for the last 3 years which has given me an appreciation of the effort and commitment that goes into making our school so successful. Mel Christiansen – I am currently a writer of children’s fiction as well as a Learning and Development Consultant for training provider Scope Vision. I completed a Bachelor of Psychology at UWA in 1995, acquiring solid grounding in the study of human behaviour and cognition. Between the years 1997-1999, I travelled the world, engaging in opportunities that enhanced this understanding of people, including a stint of tour leading in the Middle East. In 1999, I began a career in IT, completing a Graduate Diploma in Computing from Curtin University in 2001. After working as a software engineer for ten years, eight for Thales Australia on multi-million dollar software projects, in 2009 I joined the VET sector as a facilitator and assessor for Scope Vision. I have worked for the last five years for Scope Vision, most recently in the role as writer and designer of learning material for training and assessment, inclusivity, leadership, management and safety. In 2012, I achieved a Diploma of Training and Assessment. I am now working on my second children’s fiction novel having completed my first earlier this year. I am involved in supporting my husband Brad who suffers with the rare neurological disorder called Idiopathic Hypersomnia. I have two children at Carine Primary School, Chloe in Year 2 and Oliver in Year 5, as well as two dogs (not at the school) Skye and Stanley. I am an advocate of life-long learning and believe in providing opportunities for everyone to maximise their potential with open doors to come in all shapes and sizes. Tracy Smith – I have two young children in our school: - Ashley in Pre-Primary and James in Year 2, and this is my first year on the Board. After graduating from Murdoch University in 1998 with a Bachelor of Law and Arts (English Literature), I commenced legal practice in 1999. I have worked primarily in insurance litigation since admission as a solicitor in 2000 - aside from a stint in London in 2006/07, which I spent drafting and reviewing contracts. I currently specialise in the areas of general liability, professional negligence and property damage. I am a Senior Associate with Moray & Agnew Lawyers, working three days per week. I am also the Secretary of the Carine Primary School P&C Association, a position which I took up when my children commenced at the school in 2014. I am the Board's representative on the P&C and I inform the Board about the work of the P&C and vice versa. Anne Fraser - As Principal and leader of our school, my educational background has seen me teach and lead in a number of schools across the metropolitan and country areas of our state. After gaining a couple of educational degrees, I returned to complete my Masters of Educational Management at UWA. I have a personal commitment to lifelong learning and engender that culture in my staff and in our students. My personal philosophy is simply to do the best I can within the resources available to me, to ensure every student has the opportunity to achieve a high quality education. Our school’s shared vision is: “Quality teaching providing opportunities for growth in student achievement.” Together with the staff, I am very committed to achieving our Vision as I believe education is the key to a successful life pathway. Being literate and numerate affects all learning experiences and connects with how well we are able to manage everyday life situations all of the time. Education opens up a wealth of opportunities and choices for our students so they can create their own successful futures. I also believe in explicitly teaching the Values for Australian Schools. Values help define who we are and how we relate to others and very importantly, how we can all contribute positively to make our world a great place to live. This year is our IPS review year and, together with the Board and my staff, I look forward to discussing our current Business Plan with the reviewers and the extent to which we have achieved the targets therein. I also look forward to the constructive feedback the review process will provide as we then begin our new strategic planning cycle, all the while ensuring that everything we do is focussed on providing the best opportunities for our students to learn and grow. Leanne Vardy - As a Deputy Principal, I bring to the School Board a strong contextual knowledge of the school community, having been at Carine PS for a number of years as a class teacher, Deputy Principal and Acting Principal. One of my key responsibilities is with Student Services, coordinating an early intervention team approach together with staff, parents, Departmental and outside agencies to meet the needs of students at educational risk. As the Primary Extension and Challenge (PEAC) Coordinator, I liaise with the North Metro Regional PEAC team to create opportunities for the most able students identified through regional assessments in Year 4 and incorporating the Early Years Extension Program for Years 1 to 3. I have strengths in classroom management and curriculum and my collaboration with colleagues and the school community reflects the school vision of “Quality teaching providing opportunities for growth in student achievement.” Susan Bezant - I have been at Carine for the last six years and I began my teaching career over twenty years ago. I have taught in country and city schools and through all year levels from Kindy through to Year 7. In addition, I worked in a Language Development Centre where I was able to enrich my teaching skills and knowledge in the literacy area, an area I feel is critically important for all our students. I have also held the role of Numeracy Curriculum Manager in the past. This enabled me to update the Maths Resources throughout the school and to work with teachers to prioritise expenditure in such a way to make the biggest impact on student learning. I am also interested in the effective integration of Learning Technologies into our school. Our increasing use of Smartboards, Laptops and iPads will allow us to prepare more personalised and enriching learning experiences for our students. I have previous and current experience as a School Board member and I enjoy working on a strategic level. This allows me to assist at the operational level to translate these plans into classroom actions. Education and learning excite me and I strongly believe that all children have a right to a positive and good education. Leanne Carville - I have taught for many years in a range of schools from the Kimberley Region to a selection of schools in the metropolitan area. At present my main areas of interest are Literacy and Numeracy and I have held specialist positions in Maths, Science, Art and Physical Education. In the past I have also run individualised school-based literacy and numeracy intervention programs for students who were below the required benchmarks. I know that Literacy and Numeracy affect all learning areas and that all of our students need to acquire these important skills if they are to achieve success in their schooling, as well as in their lives well beyond school. At present, I am the English coordinator and with the staff, I have worked to update our English Curriculum Resources so that all teachers have access to the most proven and contemporary teaching resources. I liaise with the P&C to add to my budget and I am very grateful for their support as it has helped us to purchase additional materials to benefit all our students. I am also involved in using portable learning technologies to enhance the quality of curriculum delivery. I look forward to a continuing successful and rewarding career in a very good school within our public school system. FROM THE DEPUTY Assessment of Year 4 Students for the Gifted and Talented Primary Extension and Challenge (PEAC) Program The PEAC Program provides part-time extension and enrichment for exceptionally able students in Years 5 and 6. PEAC offers a range of courses that provide the most able students with work which is intellectually challenging. All students in Year 4 will have the opportunity to be assessed for suitability for the PEAC Program. Students who are performing well at school are possible candidates for the program. There are some students in Year 4 whose potential is not so easily recognised. There may be students who are underachieving at school and there are some students who demonstrate certain skills and abilities more at home than at school. Together, we can ensure that all students who have the potential for high academic performance are identified. Testing at Carine PS will occur on Thursday 14 and Friday 15 May 2015. There will be two tests. The first test will measure the student’s ability to recognise patterns and to predict with speed and accuracy. The second test will measure each child’s ability to apply their knowledge and learning. The scores from the test will be used in the selection of students for PEAC courses and extension programs during 2016 and 2017. If you do not wish your child to be included in the PEAC assessment please notify the school in writing by Friday 8 May 2015. Leanne Vardy FROM THE LIBRARY Thank you to all students who entered the ‘Name the Junior Corner’ competition run by the Library staff. We had a lot of very interesting entries and had great difficulty choosing the winner. Congratulations go to the following students: Winner: Oskar Saunders (Year 1) Runner Up: Jonice Ong (Year 6) Most Interesting entry: Mitchell Lonnie (Year 5) - ‘The Learner Lounge’ ‘Bob’ One of our school parents, Mr David Read, has kindly offered to make the sign for us - his business is Burswood Signarama. Our thanks in anticipation. ADMINISTRATION Carine Senior High School OPEN DAY Wednesday 20 May 9.00am to 11.30am Presentation by the Principal and other key school personnel, view working classrooms during school tour and enjoy a morning tea with school leadership and student representatives in the library. All family members welcome to attend. Please RSVP attendance to Marcia Shaw on 9243 9100 or by Friday 15 May Apply now for Kindy 2016 (Children born between 1 July 2011 to 30 June 2012) Applications to enrol children entering Kindergarten in the 2016 school year are available from the School Office or online at under the ‘Our School’ tab (Application for Enrolment – general). Please submit applications by the end of Term 2 - Friday 3 July 2015. Pay your School VOLUNTARY CONTRIBUTIONS by Bank Transfer Kindy to Year 6: $60 per student per year Bank Transfer to:Carine Primary School – Voluntary Contributions BSB: 066 157 Account No: 009 00733 Reference: Child First Initial and Surname * (eg. reference for Harry Potter would be HPotter) * For 2 or more students, eg Harry, Peter and John Potter reference would be – H P J Potter. The money assists in the education of each child and equates to $1.50 per week over the school attendance year. Cash or cheque also accepted at the school Office. It would be most appreciated if payment could be made in Term 1 to enable planning for the year. If you have any queries, please contact the Admin Office on 9447 4266. Drive Safely in the School Zone A REMINDER to parents and motorists to take extra care on the roads and to be vigilant in all school zones where children are stepping out of cars and crossing roads. Update your VISA status with the School If your visa status has changed, please update your details with the school. News from Your P&C Tuesday 5 May at 7.30pm in the School staff room All Welcome JOGATHON 2015 Jogathon is coming – Tuesday 5 May at 1.50pm on the school oval – spectators welcome to attend! The Jogathon is an annual P&C fundraising event. All monies raised will benefit the children at Carine Primary School. Sponsorship forms have been sent home and need to be returned to the class teacher by the morning of the Jogathon. PLEASE DO NOT SEND ANY MONEY UNTIL AFTER THE JOGATHON. WHAT TO DO BEFORE THE EVENT:- Raise sponsorship support using the form sent home with students, the form can also be downloaded from the school web page under the P&C tab. Sponsorship can be either: 1) straight $ donation Or 2) an amount per completed lap (maximum of 20 laps) Children must not go “door knocking” looking for sponsors. WHAT HAPPENS AFTER THE EVENT:- After the event, the forms signed by the teacher, will be sent home. Please forward the money raised and the form to school as soon as possible after the Jogathon. Kashlie Mihovilovich – Coordinator Mother‟s Day Gifts – Friday 8 May The Mother’s Day gift stall will be on Friday 8 May. A great selection of gifts for mum will be available priced from $2.00 to $6.00. All students will be escorted to the undercover assembly area with their teachers to purchase one gift. If required, additional gifts can be purchased at recess. Justine Wartzki – Coordinator More information will be sent to parents via the buddy emails. Jo Clarke - Coordinator Support the P&C and Order your Entertainment™ Books and Entertainment™ Digital Memberships before 5th May 2015 and you'll receive an extra $135 in Early Bird Offers! Every Membership we sell raises $13 towards our fund-raising! The more Memberships we sell, the more we raise – so please forward this email to your family and friends and thank you for your support! Order Now for Early Bird Offers These Early Bird Offers can be used straight away! Hurry though as stocks are limited! View Early Bird Offers » For only $65 Entertainment™ Memberships are packed with hundreds of up to 50% off and 2-for1 offers for the best restaurants, cafés, attractions, hotels, accommodation, travel, and much more. so get in early, before they sell out! SEE WHAT'S INSIDE THE NEW BOOK HERE Coordinator – Tracy Smith 0417 906 915 Carine Community Notice Board - proposed The P&C are looking to establish a “Carine Community Notice Board” to allow parents / families with businesses or interested businesses to advertise to the Carine Primary School community. A donation of $25 would gain local businesses access to the digital noticeboard which will be attached to the P&C link of the school website and an entry in the digital brochure which will be sent electronically to every family in our school via the buddy rep emails. We are also looking into producing a hard copy of the brochure which would be available at the school admin office (production of a hard copy brochure will depend on the level of interest). Interested businesses would just need to provide a business card which would then be scanned and included in the brochure. For further details or to register your interest please contact Nicky Suckling at or on 0414 261 272 by Friday 1 May. Nicky Suckling - Coordinator LUNCH ORDERS for Wednesdays Orders must be placed and paid for online via Flexischools ( ) prior to 9am on the Wednesday. There is a large choice of menu at reasonable prices and orders are distributed to classrooms. Natalie Sheridan – Coordinator – 0419 954 409 EASTER RAFFLE 2015 This year's Easter Raffle was a tremendous success. Congratulations to all the winners! A big thank you to the parents for their generous donations, it meant we could have 2 prizes per classroom. Y6 Graduation Committee Uniform Shop OPENING DAY: Wednesday 8.15 - 9.15am (subject to availability of volunteers) Don’t wait for the Uniform Shop to open - the easiest way to order is to place your order form with payment to the Admin Office at any time, and we will process and deliver items to your child’s class within a day or two. The latest Uniform Order form is attached at the end of this newsletter and is also available on the school website at , the Admin Office or on the door of the Uniform Shop. We accept Cash, Cheque, EFTPOS (no fee) and Visa/Mastercard (1.8% fee) for your convenience. If you can help in any capacity (even for a Term) in the Uniform Shop on a Wednesday, we would be most appreciative. Please contact Mel on 0412 957 459 Melanie Bursey - Coordinator COMMUNITY NEWS Music and dance classes in various languages - age groups 0-7 years Whitford Family Centre Hillarys 0414 738 914, Music Courses –Piano at International School of Music 9287 2207 Kidz „n Sport – After School Sport Programme - Carine Open Space, a great introduction to cricket, basketball & teeball – contact Jarad 0422 515 543 . Kids Tennis – small squads, Glengarry Tennis Courts, Duncraig. John Fairchild’s Tennis Edge 0412 124 338 Kids sport – weekday and weekend classes available 1300 766 892 Northside School of Music - offers after school hours music tuition for a variety of instruments for all ages and levels. (08) 9246 7588 | | | visit them on Facebook Wise Women Wellness – Over 50s Belly dance, relaxed, fun fitness – Thursdays 12.30-1.30pm, Rachel 0405 918 435 TRANSPERTH - Get to grips with public transport for your chance to win Public transport is a real solution to social and environmental issues caused by our increasingly congested roads. At Transperth we’re always looking for new ways to make travelling easier, safer and more comfortable. Which is why we’ve developed our educational Get On Board website. Through lesson plans linked to the Australian Curriculum, the program will help your students get to grips with public transport. There’s even a virtual game to play. Students can discover in a fun, interactive way how to use public transport safely and responsibly, becoming part of the next generation to catch public transport for a better, more sustainable Perth. Explore the website and complete our quiz. Students have the chance to win a $150 voucher of their choice and a $500 voucher for your school. To enter, complete the quiz and send it to by Monday 1 June, 2015. DOWNLOAD THE COMPETITION FROM THE WEBSITE Lesson Plans | Program Overview | Unsubscribe
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