Having trouble viewing this email?Click here CCA COMMUNICATOR May 22, 2015 Educating and Inspiring FORMAL 2015... Everyone had a great time! MAY CALENDAR May 26th Secondary Field Trip to Camp Thompson Boys Basketball Open Gym, May 28th 57 pm Secondary Final Exams: June 1 3 June 1st Dress down for canned goods June 2nd Red / White & Blue dress down June 2nd Psalm 150 Chapel 8:15 AM In This Issue 20152016 Calendar Reenrollment School Store Reaching for the Goal! 20152016 Fees Online 6th Annual Psalm 150 Chapel SPORTS NEWS June 3rd Elementary Field Day June 4th Last day of school June 5th Graduation at 7 PM Support CCA DRESS DOWN DAYS Theme Days (Earn points for your team) Wednesday, May 27 Pajama bottom day (opaque and loosefitting) Monday, June 1 Dress down for a can of soup/fruit day (Donated to Senior's Project) Tuesday, June 2 Wear Red, White & Blue Note: Dress Down guidelines are still in effect except where the theme item is added to acceptable apparel (ie: pajama bottoms) 20152016 CALENDAR Now available Click here. It is also on our website under Academics. REENROLLMENT Please Note: Everyone must submit a reenrollment form for the new year. REMINDER there is still a week before the registration fee increase after June 1st. We hope to hear from you soon. Click here for a reenrollment form. CarlisleChristian.org As the 20142015 school year comes to an end we are preparing for the 20152016 year ahead. You will find important updates on our website. The following links will take you to information you need. For updated tuition and fees: click here. For updated homeschool rates: click here. CCA School Store UPCOMING EVENTS May 25th No School Memorial Day June 5th Graduation 7 PM REACHING for the GOAL!! God is good and CCA is proof of His abundant grace and favor. We have now accumulated $36,700 towards our matching grant goal of $45,000. Thanks to all the hard work and time put into our RACE for Education we passed the goal we had set for this fundraiser. Everyone deserves a great big THANK YOU!! 20152016 Fees Online New tuition rates are now online AND new this year there is a Student Referral bonus!! Box Tops Collection Spring Catalog MORE CCA Spirit Wear choices!! The spring clothing options includes lots of t shirts, backpacks, and a towel you can personalize. Click here for the spring catalog. For an order form click HERE.The winter catalog items are still available. Click here for the winter catalog. All sales will be handled through Remember to turn in your Box Tops! Remember to keep saving your Coke caps. your FACTS accounts. Thank you for supporting your school. HAPPY BIRTHDAY Breanna Harner 22nd Samara Ruth 29th Thank you for helping to support our awesome school! Pepperidge Farm Labels Another company that is helping schools raise funds is Pepperidge Farms. You will find either a label like the one here or a UPC symbol that starts with the numbers 141_ _ _ _ . We're hoping for 50 more of these by the beginning of May. Send them into the office. Hang in there just 8 more days of school. Our 6th Annual Psalm 150 Chapel Our Elementary students will be having a special talent sharing chapel! When: Tuesday, June 2nd at 8:15am Who: All students are invited to participate and we'd love family to come watch too! How to participate: Prepare a song, play an instrument or display a talent to share that would make God smile. Come prepared that day to use your talent for God. Understand that talents may have some limitations since we will be in a church sanctuary for this talent show. Fill out the permission form given by your teacher, giving us specifics. More questions contact mwetzel@carlislechristian.org Hope to see many gifts being used for God's glory this day! SPORTS News Boys Basketball Open Gym - 5:00 to 7:00 pm May 28th, June 2nd, 9th, 11th 2015 Running Club at the Carlisle Mile Congratulations to all of our runners who ran the downtown mile. There were some amazing times!! Good job everyone! Support CCA Here is yet another way for you to support our school. When you shop for anything on Amazonsmile they will donate 0.5% of your purchase to Carlisle Christian Academy. Click on this link http://smile.amazon.com/ch/20 5321174 to get started. CCA on Facebook Are you on Facebook? Come visit our Facebook page. Join our group for notifications from CCA. You'll find photographs of students and their work and be able to keep up with all the excitement and events as they happen. TARGET Take Charge of Education If you are a REDcard user and you would like your purchases to count toward our general fund click here. Forward this email STAY CONNECTED Forward this email This email was sent to cyoung@carlislechristian.org by jcarvalho@carlislechristian.org | Update Profile/Email Address | Rapid removal with SafeUnsubscribe™ | Privacy Policy. Carlisle Christian Academy | 1412 Holly Pike | Carlisle | PA | 17015
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