Carlton Gardens Primary School Por$olios At Carlton Gardens Primary School, the purpose of the por9olio is to provide authen;c evidence of students’ learning that demonstrates growth and progress over ;me. Each por9olio is owned by the student and is generated through close collabora;on with the teacher. A por9olio is a record of students’ involvement in learning which is designed to demonstrate success, growth, higher-‐order thinking, crea;vity, assessment strategies and reflec;on. A por9olio is a celebra;on of an ac;ve mind at work. It provides a picture of each student’s progress and development over a period of ;me both as individual and group learners. It enables students to reflect with teachers, parents and peers in order to iden;fy their strengths and growth as well as areas for improvement, and then to set individual goals and establish teaching and learning plans. This year por9olios will form part of the mid-‐year repor;ng process. Class teachers will refer to them during the parent teacher interview. Grades 3 to 6 will present their por9olios as a digital collec;on or presenta;on that will include the same documents and achievements as physical por9olios, but that may also include addi;onal content such as student-‐created videos, mul;media presenta;ons, spreadsheets, websites, photographs, or other digital ar;facts of learning. Instagram We are now on instagram. You can follow us @carltongardens CGPS News 24 April 2015 Calendar Events 25th April - ANZAC Day 8th May - Ride 2 School Day 19th May - School Council 20th May - Open Morning 28th & 29th May - 1/2 Camp 4th June - 5/6 NGV Excursion 5th June - Curriculum Day 8th June - Queen’s Birthday 16th June - School Council 22nd June - Reports go home 24th June - Parent Teacher Interviews 26th June - Last Day of Term 2 Message from the Principal Harmony Fete What a fantastic day we had on Saturday the 28 of March! It was great seeing our diverse community come together and support our wonderful school. Thank you to everyone that helped out on the day and supported the school. A special thanks goes out to Claire Sowerby and Robyn Pollock for putting all this together. I understand there were many people who helped on the day and leading up to the fete, but it would not have been such a success without these two wonderful ladies’ hard work. It’s remarkable that for a school of our size we were able to raise the money that we did – approximately $20,000. Sometimes, however, it’s not about ‘fundraising’. It’s about getting everyone from all the various cultures together. At Carlton Gardens it’s Harmony Day every day! Thank you once again! It was a wonderful day. Well done to all involved! 1 Carlton Gardens Primary School Enrolment Policy Due to an increase in student enrolments, school council revised the enrolment policy last year. The new policy takes into account our enrolment ceiling and the DET’s own enrolment policy. Our school has had to restrict enrolments – and the number of students we can take – to a particular zone around our school. The zone is determined by the Department of Education and Training and means that we can only take students from a specific neighbourhood area. Where your permanent residential address is will determine whether your child is eligible to enrol in our school. Zones ensure that all students are able to enrol at their local state school. Your local state school (primary or secondary) is the school which is closest to your home. This is measured by the shortest, most direct route by road—to and from the main entrance of the school. Our school’s policy enrols students in the following order: 1. Students for whom the school is the designated neighbourhood school. 2. Students with a sibling at the same permanent address who are attending the school at the same time. Please Note: siblings of students currently enrolled at Carlton Gardens PS who live outside the designated neighbourhood zone will not be enrolled while the demand for places exceeds the spaces available. 3. Where the regional director has restricted the enrolment, students who reside nearest the school. 4. All other students in order of closeness of their home to the school. If you currently do not live within the school zone you may still apply for enrolment at our school but enrolment is not guaranteed and your child will be placed on a waiting list. Applications are processed and assessed in the order they are received. Our school’s ability to accept students who live outside its zone depends on whether our school: 1. has capacity once all in-zone enrolments are met 2. needs to allow for students relocating into their zone area during the year 3. can ensure an even spread of students across all year levels while maintaining class size targets and can ensure our out-of-zone enrolments do not reduce our capacity 24 April 2015 School Council Our new school council line up for 2015 is: Parent representatives President – Martin Symes Mary Sartinas Treasurer Vrinda Mulik Sinem Doyran Lakshmi Bhasker Preethi Sadasivan Anabel RosalindCurphey Praveen Thakur DET representatives Tina McDougall Bobbie Cameron Hollie Winfield Joy Meredith Congratulations to all newly elected members and a huge thank you to our outgoing members – John Krbaleski, Neelam Ranjan, Chris Yong and Mathilda Martin. Your input and ideas have helped shape our school policies and direction. The next school council meeting will be held in the PD room (main building) on the 19 May at 6pm. to meet in-zone enrolments. Cheers Tina McDougall CGPS News 2 Carlton Gardens Primary School CGPS News 24 April 2015 3 Carlton Gardens Primary School CGPS News 24 April 2015 4 Carlton Gardens Primary School CGPS News 24 April 2015 5 Carlton Gardens Primary School 24 April 2015 Some Images from our Harmony Fete Carlton Gardens’ Green Team and Junior School Council are collabora;ng to hold a Ride2School day in Term 2, on Friday 8th May 2015. Our inten;on is to promote healthy lifestyles and environmentally-‐friendly transport op;ons as students make their way to and from school. We are hoping students will make an effort to ride, walk, scoot or skate on this day, as well as in the future. It would be great if students could decorate their bike, scooter or skateboard for the day as there will be prizes for best decora;ons and a few other prize draws for students who wheel or walk that day. We understand some people live far from school and we are looking into op;ons so everyone can par;cipate, such as walking or wheeling from a parking spot around the corner. Our recently appointed School Captain, Millie Clarke, and Vice Captain, Lily RigheX, worked together to prepare a submission to the Bicycle Network, puXng Carlton Gardens in the running to win a prize. A big congratula;ons to all involved, as we were successful! Carlton Gardens Primary School students will be the lucky recipients of $2,500 worth of ACTIVEpaths surrounding the school’s premises. ACTIVEpaths seek to provide signage to promote safety and the most direct routes for pedestrians and cyclists. CGPS News 6 Carlton Gardens Primary School 24 April 2015 Wing Chun Bing Fa Kung Fu Academy Help give your child the skills necessary to deal with bullying that is all too common and disruptive in a child’s learning pattern and environment. Benefits: Your child may train - Get fit and have fun 1-3 classes per week. -Improve your hand and eye co-ordination -Improve your confidence -Improve your concentration and awareness $30.00 monthly payment (Direct debit only). -Meet other children -Learn a Self Defence skill in a safe Environment Ten lesson pre-paid card. $100.00 Public Transport or walking distance. Kids Class timetable: Option 1) Saturday 250/251/253 Garden City travels a long Rathdowne st. Mon-Thurs 10:00am-10:50am 4:00pm-4:50pm You will need to get off on the corner of Londsdale st/ Swanston st. Option 2) Location: Level 4/252 Swanston St (Cookie restaurant/ Rooftop Cinema on top) Any tram running a long Swanston St. Melbourne CBD 3000 Option 3) A brisk walk. Contact: 0421 809 462 or 9650 8280 Wing Chun Bing Fa Kung Fu Academy is on Facebook First lesson Free! Book in your free trial lesson today! First Lesson Free! CGPS News 7 Carlton Gardens Primary School CGPS News 24 April 2015 8
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