Voice Activity 5.01

Voice Activity 5.01
After studying each tab of this lesson, you will be able to:
 state what you like or dislike at different types of stores.
On this Voice Activity, you need to create 3 sentences about "la
zapatería (the shoe store), la librería (the book store), and el
supermercado" ( the supermarket).
In each sentence, you MUST include:
- the name of the store
- the verb gustar in the correct form ( Me gusta OR Me gustan ! )
-one of the following – mucho (a lot), muchísimo ( a lot, lot, lot ),
poco ( a little), nada ( not at all)
-an item that you like or don't like that is sold at that place (USING
After you create your 3 sentences, then you need to RECORD your
voice reading your 3 sentences.
EXAMPLE: la tienda de ropa (the clothing store) - Sample response:
-En la tienda de ropa, me gusta poco la blusa / me gustan mucho los
pantalones / no me gustan nada las faldas... ETC...
You need to use Me gusta OR Me gustan as the verb in each sentence. Don’t
forget to use ME GUSTA if what is liked or disliked is a singular noun. Use ME
GUSTAN if the item is a noun in the plural form.
Example: la camisa- singular noun
las camisas- plural noun
“Me GUSTA mucho la camisa en la tienda de ropa .” OR “Me
GUSTAN mucho las camisas en la tienda de ropa.
You will be graded on accuracy and pronunciation.