MAY 2015 NEWSLETTER It`s hard to believe we`re in the final month

It’s hard to believe we’re in the final month of the Spring season – it seems like
the girls were just starting practices a short while ago… Lots of things going on
this month in preparation for the countdown to the end of the season, as well as
the impending starts for both All Stars and Fall Ball:
Closing Ceremonies: Tuesday, May 26 @ 6pm: Come join us for our annual
Closing Ceremonies on Tuesday, May 26 at 6pm on Field 2. We’ll recognize
each team, pass out awards, announce our All Star teams, and wrap up another
great season. Hope to see you out there!
All Stars: We held tryouts for our All Stars teams this past weekend and it looks
like we are going to have Carmichael represented in the best possible way at the
tournaments this year. Please note that the 12u division is hosting a 2nd tryout
date for those that couldn’t make the first one TONIGHT; however, if interested,
you must first RSVP to Robert Hicks at All Star rosters
will be announced at closing ceremonies; practices start the last week of May
and tournaments in June. Tournament schedules will be posted on our home
page as soon as they are available.
Playoffs: Playoffs start tomorrow in the 10u and 12u divisions! This is a fun time
of year where every team starts with a clean slate and anyone can come out on
top with the double elimination schedule. PLEASE REMEMBER that playoffs are
for the girls, NOT for the parents. Ramping up the competitiveness can bring out
the best and the worst in people, and we want to ensure that only the best is
influencing every game and every player. Win with class, lose with grace,
exemplify good sportsmanship on the field and in the stands, and no matter what
happens, acknowledge the positive in every situation. Good luck to all the teams!
Pitch, Hit and Run Sectionals: Sectionals for CGS’s Pitch, Hit and Run winners
will be held on Tuesday, May 26th. Full details can be found here.
Equipment Return – May 26: All team equipment issued prior to the season will
need to be returned on the evening of Closing Ceremonies: May 26th starting at
5:30pm. The snack bar shed will be open and we will have people checking in
each team and itemizing all the issued equipment. If a coach is unable to make the
ceremonies, PLEASE designate someone else from your team to turn in your
equipment. This is a very important expense that CGS needs to control to help
future teams.
Incredible Deals on CGS Logo-wear: In order to expedite our remaining CGS
logo wear for the Spring season, we will be discounting all remaining items at the
closing ceremonies. Note for our u6/Little Ladies division: we’ll be offering shirts
in these smaller sizes at 2/$10 or 5/$20 – stock up while they last!
Fall Ball: Signups for our Fall Ball season will start on June 15. Interested
coaches will need to complete a Coach Application and turn it in to their division
Agent by July 15 in order to be considered by the Coach Selection Committee
(more information will be circulated as we get closer). Never played Fall Ball
before? It’s a great program that starts August 1st and lasts through early
November with weekend tournaments. Fall Ball is NOT an All Star or travel ball
program, so all players are ensured equal playing time and opportunity to learn
and grow at different positions, and coaches will be selected according to our
standard Coach Code of Conduct.
General Meeting: CGS’s June Board meeting (and the last one of the 20142015 Board) will be a General Meeting held at the Carmichael Park Veterans
Building from 7-8pm (5750 Grant Avenue). This is an open meeting and any and
all are welcome to attend.
THANK YOU to our Sponsors: Thank you to our 2015 sponsors and the
Carmichael community for your support! Everyone can help CGS raise more
sponsorship funds this year and in years to come with one simple step: ask the
local businesses that you interact with if they would be interested to sponsor
us! If they are, pass along their contact information to the sponsor chair (Lisa
Fletcher: or to a board member. In the meantime,
please support our existing sponsors! Visit their establishments and thank them
for sponsoring CGS. For Land O Frost, our major sponsor, “click” on their logo on
the CGS website home page. This takes you to their page where you fill in your
name, email address and tell them which area (Sacramento) and which league
(Carmichael Girls Softball) Land O Frost supported. You can download a coupon
and be informed of future special offers. The more people who register under
CGS, the more money Land O Frost will send to CGS in the future! Thanks for
your help!
Thank you for choosing to be part of the CGS community. See you out on the
fields this weekend!
Chris Farrell, President
Also - don't forget to support our generous 2015 sponsors: