Carnegie Comings & Goings The Carnegie Center is enjoying a quiet renewal. Drive by our building on West Second Street, and you’ll see the new, iron-framed, outdoor signs. Our old wooden sign collapsed last winter. In its place – in three spots around the building – we have erected “Carnegie Center” signs that echo the historic iron arches of Gratz Park. My thanks to volunteer James Goode, who helped us navigate the sign-making and approval process, and to Shawn Gannon, who donated his labor to build it. Park your car and approach Carnegie’s front steps, and you’ll be welcomed by our newly rebuilt lampposts. The original lampposts, installed when the building went up in 1905, had been rusting, listing, and dark. After six months in rehab, they’re solid and shining bright. We’re thrilled to be able to return some of the original charm to the front entrance. You’ll find plenty of charm in the lobby of the Carnegie Center. After 23 years dressed in pink and dark green, with window drapes right out of 1992, the main floor has been transformed to reflect simple, 21st-century sophistication. The drapes are gone. The walls are shades of gray. The chairs have been reupholstered. And those old dusty rugs are off to the landfill, revealing more of our rare and beautiful tile floors. This summer, we’ll continue the renewal by painting the entire basement. Let us know your thoughts as you see the work in progress! On a sad note, we will be saying goodbye this summer to Luisa Trujillo, our office manager and art director for the past four years. She designed the Carnegie Center sign (that’s her in the photo above); created the “look” that expresses the Carnegie brand; spearheaded the Carnegie Classics literary event each year; organized our Gallery Hops; registered students for their classes each season; and greeted all comers from her post at the front desk. Luisa is heading to graduate school in Louisville, where she’ll study urban planning. Her remarkable sense of design, steely intelligence, and radiant personality will carry her on – and will be greatly missed by her Carnegie colleagues. If you’re around before the end of July, stop by the center and wish Luisa – and us – good luck as she makes this transition into a new phase of life. Neil Chethik Executive Director Happy Summer, writing fiction Writing the Short Story Mystery Writing with a Twist Writing Kids’ Books Writing Commercial Fiction Manuel Gonzales Mondays & Wednesdays, June 8-June 17 5:30-7:00 pm new! $48 The short story is a versatile form of fiction. A story can happen in a single moment or span decades, may reside in the mind of one character or shift across a multitude. In this workshop, you will learn the basic elements of crafting a short story, practice these foundations with writing exercises, and begin writing your own short story. [BEGINNGING/INTERMEDIATE] Marcia Thornton Jones Carnegie Center Tutoring Associate & Writing Mentor Mondays, June 22-July 27 noon-1:30 pm $72 Find focus, gain confidence, and learn about writing for kids! This workshop is designed to help you finish your mid-grade or young adult novel by exploring plot development through discussion, peer-sharing, writing exercises, and by analyzing a recently published book. Come with a work-in-progress – or at least an idea for one. A newly released children’s book will be used while discussing plot elements. Participants will be notified of the title prior to the first class. [ALL LEVELS] Sci-Fi/Horror Writing Group Jason Sizemore Mondays, June 22-July 27 5:30-7:00 pm $72 Join a lively, diverse group of genre writers looking to improve and expand their abilities in the form of short fiction. This is a chance to limber up as a writer, get feedback from others, and gain confidence in an affirming atmosphere. Limit: 10 participants. [ALL LEVELS] Character is Fate Normandi Ellis Saturday, June 27 one-time new! 10:00 am-1:00 pm class $35 When the Greek philosopher Heraclitus said “Character is Fate,” he gave us a working definition for what makes great fiction. Here, we will explore fiction writing from the stance of character, studying and writing as we go. As we learn what makes a memorable character, we will see how conflict and plot arise from character, as well as learn how to create complex major characters and antagonists. [ALL LEVELS] Who is that instructor? Visit & click on the class to see an instructor bio! 6 859.254.4175 Karen Leet Saturday, July 11 one-time 10:00 am-noon new! class $30 Put a twist in your mystery story – add humor, surprise or a touch of the bizarre. We will look at some successful mystery writers and how they do what they do, then we can create some “wicked little mysteries.” Learn a few magic tricks along the way – how to make misdirection work for you and how to play fair with readers. [ALL LEVELS] Will Lavender Saturdays, July 18-August 8 10:00 am-noon new! $60 What is commercial fiction? We will discuss examples and find patterns as to why manuscripts are published and ultimately why they are successful when they hit the shelves. We will discuss why your manuscript may or may not be commercial and how to get it there. We will delve into what makes “up-market” fiction so popular and how to move a manuscript from the literary realm to the commercial. Finally, we will explore how to make your manuscript more marketable to an agent or an acquisitions editor, thus launching your career as a writer. [ALL LEVELS] poetry Writing Poetry Jeff Worley Wednesdays, June 24-July 29 5:45-7:15 pm $72 Spend some time in a workshop setting writing new poems, revising old ones, and sharing your work with others in class. We will work on the basic stuff of poetry: imagery, the use of sound to fortify meaning, lineation, and various approaches to formal structure, as well as the free-verse poem. We’ll support each other to improve drafts of poems and discuss various aspects of the contemporary poem. [ALL LEVELS] Master Class in Poetry: Creating Tension in Your Work Bianca Spriggs Carnegie Center Literary Arts Liaison Thursdays, June 25-August 13 5:30-7:00 pm new! $150 Submission deadline: Monday, June 8 Let’s face it. The most memorable poems are those that have the reader practically holding their breaths as they read, unable to look away. This class will focus on ratcheting up the tension in your poetry and learning to strip away the deadwood to find the core that propels a piece. You will then be able to craft the poem so that elements such as fresh imagery, line break, and syntax will push it to its apex. Each week students will be expected to bring in one poem for serious critique in a roundtable workshop environment. Limit: 10 participants. Payment required upon acceptance. To be considered for this class, please submit a writing sample of 3-5 poems (no more than 5 pages total) to by Monday, June 8. The submissions will be juried. [ADVANCED] writing nonfiction Nonfiction Writing Group Neil Chethik Carnegie Center Executive Director Tuesdays, June 16-July 21 noon-1:30 pm $72 Join a lively, diverse group of people in exploring nonfiction writing, including personal essays, columns, magazine pieces, and autobiography. This is a chance to limber up as a writer, get feedback from others, and gain confidence in an affirming atmosphere. [ALL LEVELS] Life Writing Georgia Green Stamper Thursdays, June 18-July 9 5:15-7:15 pm new! $60 Your stories are important, and only you can tell them. In this introduction to writing memoir, we will explore methods for retrieving and then shaping our personal, family and local stories into engaging prose. Elements of style such as syntax, voice, form and organization will be emphasized. [BEGINNING/ INTERMEDIATE] Writing Memoir Jessica Caudill Saturday, August 1 one-time 11:00 am-1:00 pm new! class $30 In this memoir writing seminar, you’ll learn how to transform the ordinary into extraordinary, the mundane into magical. We will discuss how to use research in a writerly way, including how creative nonfiction writing research differs from academic research. We will explore how to write down a simple memory in different ways (flash, scene, etc.) to uncover important details so the story moves out of confession mode. We will do generative writing exercises to help you unlock your story ideas. [ALL LEVELS] Writing about a Hero Steve Flairty At the Lexington Public Library Eagle Creek Branch 101 N. Eagle Creek Drive Tuesday, June 16 one-time 6:00-8:00 pm new! class FREE Call 859-231-5500 to register Each of us knows an especially admirable person in our life that we’d like others to know, too. Why not share your hero publically through the printed word? Join Steve Flairty, author of the Kentucky’s Everyday Heroes series, as he shares tips on the “hero writing” process, including a practical followup writing activity to get you off to a fast start! Registration is limited, so please call 859-231-5500 to reserve your place in the class. [ALL LEVELS] the first draft series reaching out to KY libraries See page 5. writing multi-genre FREE Writing Practice Cole Bennett Fridays, June 12-August 28 noon-1:30 pm FREE This is an opportunity to write without rules, editing, or judgment—the best way to start. It’s also the best way to limber up or generate something new and energetic for working on later. We write from a simple prompt, followed by readings and “recalls” where other writers simply recall your words back to you without criticism or praise. Natalie Goldberg’s Writing Down The Bones is suggested reading, but not required. Join at any time. [ALL LEVELS] Seniors Writing Group Sarah Combs Fridays, June 12-August 28 10:00-11:30 am FREE At the Lexington Senior Center, 1530 Nicholasville Road If you’ve reached that golden age, join this writing group, which meets at the Lexington Senior Center. This group features in-class writing exercises; feedback for family stories, memoirs, poems, and stories; tips for reading and publishing your work; and lively conversation and fellowship. [ALL LEVELS] Writing for Recovery Jay McCoy Third Wednesday of each month, June through August 10:00-11:00 am FREE At the NAMI Participation Station, 869 Sparta Court, Lexington While living with a chronic condition or caring for a loved one, we often find comfort and strength through writing. We will focus on exercises, prompts, and visualizations to explore challenges whether from the perspective of the person living with illness or of the caregiver. We will take time to create and develop new work and to workshop our own stories and poems. Writers of all levels and all genres are welcome. [ALL LEVELS] Writing Comedy Risky Mixers Saturday, June 20 one-time new! 10:00 am-1:00 pm class $35 Maybe you like telling jokes and you want to be able to put words onto the page or into the mouths of performers with laughter as the result. It can be done! Risky Mixers, the (in)famous writing and performing troupe from Greater Richmond, has the tools and strategies to help you create comedic ideas and execute them on the page or on the stage. We’ll even explore that knottiest of problems, what makes X funny and not Y (or is it the other way around – I forget). The only prerequisite is a sense of humor! [ALL LEVELS] Writing with Sensory Details See page 5. Melissa Bell Pitts Wednesdays, August 5-26 new! 5:30-7:15 pm $48 “The artist brain is the sensory brain: sight and sound, smell and taste, touch; these are the elements of magic and magic is the elemental stuff of art,” writes Julia Cameron in The Artist’s Way. This is a generative, hands-on class designed to increase your stock of sensory details through in-class exercises, a sensory journal and close examination of passages by authors who bring the magic to their prose and poetry. By the end of class, you will have your own sensory well to draw from for your art. [ALL LEVELS] writing publishing Busting the Myths of Publishing Jason Sizemore Saturday, July 18 one-time 11:30 am-1:30 pm new! class $30 Writers of all levels of experience like to pull back the curtain on the world of publishing. This seminar will address some of the more common questions one publisher and editor receives. For instance: Do editors really keep a “black list?” How much do publishers really gossip to each other? What are their biggest pet peeves? We’ll explore and deconstruct the myths of the publishing world. [ALL LEVELS] Selling Your Book Part I: Marketing 101 one-time Peggy DeKay Saturday, July 25 class new! 10:00-11:30 am $30 ($50 total if you register for Parts I & II - see below) Learn these 25 simple tips and tricks that any author can implement now to improve their visibility and grow their reader base. You don’t have to be a social media guru or an expert in building websites. This workshop is full of easy-to-implement techniques that any author can leverage to create greater visibility, a more engaged readership, and sell more books! [ALL LEVELS] Selling Your Book Part II: Public Speaking Peggy DeKay one-time Saturday, July 25 class noon-1:30 pm new! $30 ($50 total if you register for Parts I & II - see above) Authors, now more than ever, can grow their platform, connect with their readers, and find new opportunities through public speaking. We will discuss how to create great taglines for interviews and speaking events; the seven language tools to develop more colorful, memorable speeches; the five rules of voice and how voice can change how you are perceived by your audience; and the six rules of body language that make you more credible as a speaker. [ALL LEVELS] *One-time classes are sponsored in part by Nikky Finney writer cubbies National Book Award winner Nikky Finney wrote Rice, her second book of poetry, in cubbies at the Carnegie Center in the early 1990s. Now you can rent your own peaceful space at the Carnegie Center! Bring your computer or notebook and make yourself at home. Free wi-fi. $40 monthly Call 859-254-4175 ext. 21 See page 5. 10 special interest Who belongs in the Brown Bag Book Discussion Wendell Berry was the first living writer inducted into the Kentucky Writers Hall of Fame. Who should be next? Submit your nominations of living & deceased writers to by Wednesday, July 15, 2015. Jan Isenhour Thursdays, July 2-August 6 noon-1:00 pm FREE An informal discussion group focusing on literature by and about women. Be prepared to buy or check out from the library the works selected. Contact the Carnegie Center for the updated book list. Monthly Book Discussion Alan Church Fourth Wednesday of each month, June through August 5:30-7:00 pm FREE Join us for discussion of contemporary and classic novels as well as nonfiction, plays, and poetry chosen by the group. For current selections or more information, contact Alan at or 859-254-5649. writing contest Flash Fiction Contest Submission Deadline: Monday, July 20 Public Reading: Date & time to be announced Writers have been producing very short fiction for hundreds of years. From Aesop to Vonnegut, they’ve written stories with a protagonist, plot, and resolution – all in 500 words or fewer. Now it’s your chance to say it Laura Whitaker in 500 words. Entries will be judged. The first place winner receives $150 Fridays, June 19-July 24 (no class July 3) and second place receives $100. There is a $10 reading fee, payable to the 9:00-10:00 am Carnegie Center. Entries should include name, address, email address, and $40 (or $10 per class) phone number on a cover page (NOT on the manuscript itself ). Entries must What better way to start your Friday than with a yoga practice that both relaxes be received or postmarked by July 20, 2015. Send entries to: Flash Fiction and invigorates? Writers, artists, and professionals—maximize your wellness Contest, 251 West Second Street, Lexington, KY, 40507. to help maximize your creativity and productivity. We’ll stretch, strengthen, balance, and flow, preparing you for a day of work on the computer or a weekend of play and traveling. This is an all levels class. Beginners welcome. Yoga red door writers blog Featuring Carnegie event highlights, podcasts, interviews, and writing tips. Curated by Bianca Spriggs, Carnegie Center Literary Arts Liaison Independent Film Networking Group Christopher Kelder Second Saturday of each month, June through August noon-1:30 pm FREE This group is for anyone interested in networking for independent film projects. Those with technical proficiency are welcome to attend, such as lighting and sound people, editors, screenwriters, film directors, and producers. There will be some time available each meeting for discussion of members’ screenwriting. w w w. c a r n e g i e ce nte rl ex . o rg 11 gourmet learning In our Gourmet Learning Series you’ll eat lunch while you learn! Join us for a great professional development opportunity. Pre-registration required. Lunches are provided to all pre-registered participants, provided by our lunch sponsor Shorty’s Urban Market. Please register 48 hours in advance to be guaranteed a lunch. See what we’re dishing out this summer! Greening Your Workplace Karen Lanier Friday, August 14 one-time noon-1:30 pm new! class $45 (incudes lunch) Do you want to feel better about your workplace environment and your ecological footprint? Greening up at the office can be fun! Worm composting, community gardening, bike commuting, and friendly competitions boost morale and make a real difference. Look beyond recycling to learn easy ways to strengthen your green team and change the world! The Kentucky Arts Council, the state arts agency, provides operating support to the Carnegie Center with state tax dollars and federal funding from the National Endowment for the Arts. Classes in the Gourmet Learning series and other professional development opportunities are provided in part thanks to a grant from the Staples Foundation. photography Photography: Level 1 Camilo Quintana Tuesdays & Thursdays, June 16-July 2 5:30-7:15 pm $90 ($240 total if you sign up for Levels 1, 2, & 3) Come and learn how to understand your digital single-lens reflex (DSLR) camera. Bring your DSLR camera, and we will talk about how your camera works and discuss basic rules of composition. In-class exercises and group critiques of your work will give you new ideas for taking remarkable photos. This class will give you enough knowledge to go from taking a picture to making a story. Photography: Level 3 Photography: Level 2 Camilo Quintana Camilo Quintana Tuesdays & Thursdays, July 7-23 5:30-7:15 pm $90 ($240 total if you sign up for Levels 1, 2, & 3) Once you know the basics, this class will help you loosen up a bit more with your camera so you can make your own decisions instead of your equipment making them for you. We will start using aperture priority and shutter priority to comprehend the aperture and speed of your camera. This will help you to understand the manual mode, giving you a whole new experience when taking photos. Bring your DSLR camera, and we will do assisted exercises and group critiques. Tuesdays & Thursdays, July 28-August 13 5:30-7:15 pm $75 ($240 total if you sign up for Levels 1, 2, & 3) Take your photography to the next level by learning how to administer, conserve, and develop your image library. We will use Adobe Photoshop Lightroom, which administers and helps create amazing images that will inspire, inform, and delight your audience. We will continue with assisted exercises to help shoot and develop your project. We will end with a project that will be exhibited at the Carnegie Center. Please bring your DSLR camera. 13 w w w. c a r n e g i e ce nte rl ex . o rg world languages spanish french Monique Roman $132 per level If you’ve always wanted to learn the language of love, now is your chance! Wonder which level of French is right for you? Contact Monique at or 859-266-8531. Required text: Schaum’s Outline of French Grammar, 5th ed. by Mary E. Coffman Crocker (please purchase on your own). French Beginning Tuesdays, June 16-August 25 10:30 am-noon French Level 1 Thursdays, June 18-August 27 noon-1:30 pm French Level 2 Tuesdays, June 16-August 25 6:00-7:30 pm French Level 3 Wednesdays, June 17-August 26 10:30 am-noon French Level 4 Mondays, June 15-August 24 noon-1:30 pm French Level 5 Mondays, June 15-August 24 1:30-3:00 pm French Level 6 Tuesdays, June 16-August 25 noon-1:30 pm French Level 7 Wednesdays, June 17-August 26 5:30-7:15 pm French Level 8 Wednesdays, June 17-August 26 noon-2:00 pm mandarin chinese Just Enough Mandarin Chinese Anne Marie Grisanti Mondays, June 22-July 27 5:30-7:00 pm new! $72 This class will help you build a strong foundation in Mandarin Chinese so you can be on your way to communicating with one-fifth of the world’s population, whether for work, travel, or just to expand your horizons! You will master the basics of tones and pinyin pronunciation, with an introduction to the hanzi writing system and lots of conversational practice. Songs and videos will provide listening practice and a window into modern Chinese culture. Learn Spanish for the first time or brush up on old skills! Great professional development opportunity. If you have questions about which level of Spanish is right for you, please contact Eric at Spanish Beginning Eric Blair Mondays, June 15-July 20 5:30-7:00 pm $72 Optional $25 textbook (not included in price of class) This level thoroughly examines all facets of the present tense including reflexive verbs and commands, introduces the use of prepositions, explains adjective order, and touches on other essential basic grammar concepts. Spanish Intermediate Eric Blair Tuesdays, June 16-July 21 5:30-7:00 pm $72 Optional $25 textbook (not included in price of class) This level introduces tenses like the preterite and imperfect; polishes the students’ use of prepositions, participles, and object pronouns; and covers various other features of the Spanish language. Spanish Advanced Eric Blair Wednesdays, June 17-July 22 5:30-7:00 pm $72 Required textbook: A New Reference Grammar of Modern Spanish, 5 th edition, by John Butt. Please purchase on your own. This level assumes strong knowledge of the preterite and imperfect tenses. We will cover the present subjunctive mood and will touch on it in the past and conditional, as well. Students will learn many native speaker grammar concepts that are not usually found in textbooks. We will also use in-class readings to deepen our understanding. Tertulia: Advanced Spanish Conversation Thursdays, June 25-August 27 new! 3:00-4:30 pm FREE For native- or near-native speakers. The group will try to capture the spirit of the tertulias or informal conversations held among professional associates in many Spanish-speaking countries. This advanced level conversation group is facilitated by Edward Stanton, Professor Emeritus of Hispanic Studies at the University of Kentucky. russian italian Just Enough Italian Andrea Branchini Mondays, June 29-August 3 5:45-7:15 pm $72 Get started on the way to communicating in Italian and appreciating Italian culture. In this course in conversational Italian, you’ll learn fundamentals of the language through exercises, poems, songs, and practice. 14 8 5 9 . 2 5 4 . 4 1 7 5 Just Enough Russian Diana Sahibnazarova Saturdays, July 11-August 15 10:30 am-noon $72 This class will help you begin communicating in Russian and recognizing Russian culture. You will learn the basics of the Russian language through exercises, poems, songs, and practice. teens College Prep Mentoring Overwhelmed by the college search, selection and application process? Let an expert help. Through her work in college admission and private consulting, Beth Murner has guided hundreds of students through the college admissions process. Work with Beth, one-on-one, on any of the following topics: Pre-college planning College planning Application process Scholarship searching Interview preparation ACT test preparation AP test planning Study skills ] ] Mentoring sessions can take place at the Carnegie Center or The Morris Book Shop (882 E. High Street). $45 per hour; $30 per hour for low-income Other fee assistance available if needed Email Beth at to schedule your session! Creative Writing Teen Retreat Grades 9-12 Thursday, August 6 & Friday, August 7 9:30 am-4:00 pm $75 Attention teen writers! Join us for this one-of-a-kind retreat for the next great generation of writers! You’ll work with talented writers, spend free time putting your pen to paper in an inspiring environment, and get to know peers who share similar passions! Instructors include Elizabeth Beck (co-host of the Teen Howl Poetry Series) and Sarah Combs (author of the award-winning YA novel Breakfast Served Anytime). Please bring your own lunch both days. ACT Test Prep Rajiv Khanna Grades 10-12 5-part class: Thursday, July 30; Monday, August 3; Thursday, August 6; Monday, August 10; & Thursday, August 13 5:30-7:00 pm $60 (includes book) Prepare for test dates in fall 2015 and beyond! Together, we will work on several typical ACT questions from each of the four ACT subject areas of English, math, reading, and science. Test-taking strategies will be discussed. Homework will be assigned so that you have a guide to optimizing your test preparation efforts. Fee includes ACT prep book. Must register at least one week in advance to be guaranteed a book on the first day. Space is limited! Teen Howl Poetry Series Hosted by Elizabeth Beck & Jay McCoy First Thursday of every month 6:00 pm FREE At The Morris Book Shop, 882 East High Street, Lexington Come and share your words! Open mic for poets under 21. Each month also features a teen poet, a teen musician, and an established guest writer from the community. Great opportunity to meet and socialize with other cool writers! volunteer at carnegie Volunteer at family nights & other special events! Be a tutor in our After-School Tutoring Program! If you’d like to share your passion for literacy and imaginative learning, we have plenty of ways for you to become involved as a volunteer! We are always looking for volunteers for Family Fun & Learning Nights, Carnegie Clubs, Gallery Hop, and other special events. If you are interested in volunteering or want more information, please contact Erica at or 859-254-4175 ext. 23. Become an active member of your community and join us for a summer of student mentoring and tutoring! This program requires a one hour per week commitment for the seven-week summer session. You’ll meet with a student (grade K-12) and help with a subject you enjoy! Tutors are also needed for the 2015-2016 school year. Call or email Carol to schedule a tutoring orientation: tutoring@carnegiecenterlex. org or 859-254-4175 ext. 22. 15 w w w. c a r n e g i e ce nte rl ex . o rg 16 Celebrate at the Carnegie Center’s family fun & learning nights! Activities and crafts for the whole family! Registration is required for all Family Fun & Learning Nights. FREE dinner is provided to families who pre-register, and a free book is given away to every child. Only for families with children ages 3-12. Celebrate Summer Back to School Bash Tuesday, June 23 5:30-7:30 pm FREE Join us as we kick off a summer of fun with crafts and games! Tuesday, August 4 5:30-7:30 pm FREE Join us for a celebration of going back to school! Free backpacks/tote bags and school supplies will be distributed to pre-registered youth in grades K-12 (supplies are limited). Sponsored by Kentucky Utilities. Family Fun & Learning Nights and book giveaways funded by The Orphan Society of Lexington after-school tutoring After-School Tutoring Registration To register, please call 859-254-4175 or come in on these dates ONLY*: The one-on-one tutoring program for the 2015-2016 school year is for students in grades K-12. Students work with their own volunteer tutor for an hour per week in math and/or reading. Families should be prepared to commit to the tutoring program for the entire school year. The registration fee is $60; $5 for students on free/reduced lunch. Space is limited and spots fill quickly! The tutoring program is funded in part by the Cralle Foundation, the William Stamps Farish Fund, LFUCG Social Services, Toyota Motor Manufacturing KY, US Bank, and our generous donors— including those giving in memory of Matthew Philip Waldman. Before August 1: Returning student registration. Students returning from school year 20142015, or from summer of 2015, who register by August 1, will be guaranteed a spot. You must register even if you are returning with your current tutor. Monday, August 17: New and returning student registration. Limited space available. Tuesday, September 8: New and returning student registration. Limited space available. *Phone and doors will open at 10:00 am. w w w. c a r n e g i e ce nte rl ex . o rg 17 early learners • babies through pre-k • Toddler Reading Group Early Learner Book Club Katherine Greene-Owens 2-3 year-olds & parents/guardians Wednesday, June 17 / Saturday, June 20 Wednesday, July 15 / Saturday, July 18 Wednesday, August 12 / Saturday, August 15 11:15 am-noon FREE Now offering two date options per month! Join us for story time, parent-directed activities, and snack designed to encourage early excitement for reading through hands-on activities for parent and child. This laid-back atmosphere is friendly to busy toddlers and is a great first-introduction to a story-time setting. Featured books include: Lola Loves Stories (June), Ten Little Caterpillars (July), and Bunny Cakes (August). The first 15 pre-registered families in attendance will each bring home a free copy of the book each month. Funded by PNC Foundation. Katherine Greene-Owens 4-5 year-olds & parents/guardians Wednesday, June 17 / Saturday, June 20 Wednesday, July 15 / Saturday, July 18 Wednesday, August 12 / Saturday, August 15 10:00-11:00 am FREE Now offering two date options per month! Join us for story time, parent-directed activities, and snack designed to encourage early excitement for reading through hands-on activities for parent and child. This laid-back atmosphere is a fun learning environment for preschoolers and kindergarteners. Featured books include: Lola Loves Stories (June), Ten Little Caterpillars (July), and Bunny Cakes (August). The first 18 pre-registered families in attendance will each bring home a free copy of the book each month. Funded by PNC Foundation. Click, Clack, Moo: Fun With Sounds A Book of My Own Melissa Johnson Farris Melissa Johnson Farris Babies/Toddlers (birth-2 year olds & parents/guardians) Babies/Toddlers (birth-2 year olds & parents/guardians) Tuesdays, June 23-July 14 Wednesdays, July 22-August 12 10:15-11:00 am 10:15-11:00 am new! $10 per family $10 per family This fun class will introduce your little one to alphabet knowledge, phonic Explore the world of “quiet books” for babies and toddlers. Participants will awareness, and oral language skills. We will spend time focusing on imitation of create a new no-sew page for baby’s own felt book each week and explore sounds through fun and engaging book-themed activities that will encourage different materials and techniques, themes, resources and ideas to create a children to make associations between letters, sounds, and their own voice! whole self-made library for your favorite little one. Join us for this unique way to Learn creative ways to use books as enticing speech, sound, and language foster your child’s interests, imagination, and love of books. Supplies included. development tools in your daily activities with your little one. youth & family • grades K through 8 • Lower Elementary Writing Sharron Brown Grades K-2 Mondays, June 15-July 27 new! (no class July 6) 4:30-5:30 pm FREE This hands-on class will help you develop writing skills through activities designed to make writing more colorful and engaging. Writing types include narratives, poetry, letters, and more. Funded by Blue Grass Community Foundation. Lower Elementary Reading Sharron Brown Grades K-2 Thursdays, June 18-July 30 (no class July 9) 4:30-5:30 pm FREE This hands-on class will focus on reading fluency, letters and letter sounds, decoding skills, vocabulary and comprehension using readers theater/play reading, songs, poems, read-a-longs, repetitive read aloud books, and chants. Funded by Blue Grass Community Foundation. 18 8 5 9 . 2 5 4 . 4 1 7 5 Lower Elementary Math Sharron Brown Grades K-2 Thursdays, June 18-July 30 (no class July 9) 5:30-6:30 pm FREE In this hands-on class, we will use games, music/songs, hands-on activities, manipulatives, and art to learn basic math concepts such as telling time, counting money, fractions, number sense, addition/subtraction facts, geometry, and more! youth & family • grades K through 8 • LEGO® & Books: Windmills Upper Elementary Reading Katie Weddington Tracy Morris Grades 3-5 Grades K-3 Tuesdays, June 16-July 28 one-time Saturday, June 27 4:30-5:30 pm class 10:00 am-noon FREE $10 This class will focus on two main goals: (1) phonemic awareness and sight word This class combines books and LEGO® bricks to explore windmills, which are machines practice [alphabet, letter sounds, rhyming, blending], and (2) comprehension that use sails and gears to capture and transfer the energy of the wind. People have used of stories read aloud. Students will play games that help to boost their reading windmills since at least 500 A.D. to grind grain, pump water, and in modern times, as wind skills and engage in activities and crafts that demonstrate their reading turbines to convert wind energy into stored electrical energy. We will use this versatile comprehension. Funded by Blue Grass Community Foundation. invention to learn about gears, energy, inventions, and history. Upper Elementary Math LEGO® & Books: Helicopters Alison Ward Grades 3-5 Thursdays, June 18-July 30 4:30-5:30 pm FREE Come practice your math skills! This class offers students a chance to review some old and learn some new math skills. Math games, lessons, practice, and review will give your child an opportunity to continue learning math in the summer and to retain more when school begins in the fall. Summer Fun & Games Elise Mandel Grades 1-5 Tuesdays & Thursdays, June 16-25 new! 10:00-11:30 am $5 Summer is here! Attend this workshop and learn about fun games, activities, and ways to keep your brain sharp and your skills high over the summer. We’ll learn magic tricks, play dice games, and have fun with friends! Parents are welcome to stay for the fun (although not required). Spanish for Kids Jackie Garrido Grades 1-5 Wednesdays, June 17-July 29 5:30-6:30 pm FREE ¡Hola! Join us for this fun, hands-on workshop for kids. You’ll learn the basics of the Spanish language from a native Spanish speaker through fun games, crafts, songs, activities, and more! Tracy Morris Grades K-3 Saturday, July 25 one-time 10:00 am-noon class $10 This class combines books and LEGO® bricks to explore the history of the helicopter, beginning with Leonardo da Vinci’s drawing of a “helical air screw.” We will learn about how a helicopter works and construct a motorized model of a helicopter. We will also discuss why helicopters are useful in different situations. LEGO® is a registered trademark of the LEGO® Group of companies which does not sponsor, authorize or endorse these programs. Creative Learning Corporation common shares are listed on OTCBB under the ticker symbol CLCN. © 2015 Bricks 4 Kidz Jabberwocky & Other Wacky Words: Creating Your Own Language Carole Johnston Grades 3-5 Monday, July 6-Thursday, July 9 (4 days) new! 1:00-2:00 pm $10 Let’s slay the “Frumious Bandersnatch” with our imaginations and some crayons. This class will take us on some strange adventures. The only way to be heroes will be to make up our own words, use them to act out stories and write them down. Inner City Wilderness: Where Lexington’s Wild Things Are Karen Lanier Grades 6-8 Monday, June 29-Thursday, July 2 (4 days) new! 10:30 am-noon $10 Explore the city’s wild side! Understanding the creatures and plants that live in urban spaces can reconnect you with nature right where you live. This class explores urban wildlife through walking field trips. Students will enhance their writing skills by journaling about their observations, creating compelling stories from clues discovered out in the field. We will also read inspiring pieces published by professional naturalists. Children’s Charity Fund of the Bluegrass helps fund children’s workshops, Camp Carnegie, and author youth outreach programs. 19 w w w. c a r n e g i e ce nte rl ex . o rg class & event registration 4 Ways to Register: Cancellation & Refund Policy • Register online at [free classes; credit/debit payments] • Call us at 859-254-4175 ext. 21 [free classes; credit/debit payments] • Mail a completed registration form (found online at www. under the About Us tab) and payment to: Carnegie Center, Attn: Registration, 251 W. Second Street, Lexington, KY, 40507 [free classes; check payments] • Stop by the front desk during Carnegie business hours (MondayThursday 10:00 am-7:30 pm; Friday 10:00 am-5:00 pm; Saturday 10:00 am-2:00 pm) [free classes; credit/debit, check, or cash payments] About Registration Full payment reserves your space in class. A $20 fee is assessed for bad checks. Purchase orders or intent to pay are not accepted. We accept checks, money orders, cash, Visa, MasterCard, and Discover. Registration is required for all classes & for events when noted. If you register in the week leading up to the start of the class, please call the Carnegie Center to confirm that the class is meeting as planned. All class withdrawals are subject to a 15% processing fee. No refunds may be issued within 3 business days prior to the start of a class, as supplies have already been purchased and a commitment to pay the instructor has already been made. We cannot prorate class fees for sessions missed by the participant. The Carnegie Center reserves the right to cancel a workshop if a minimum enrollment is not met. It is best to register early to help our instructors prepare and to ensure the class does not get cancelled. We evaluate registration numbers between 6 and 2 business days before a class starts to decide whether we can hold the class. Classes that do not meet a minimum enrollment may be cancelled a minimum of 2 business days prior to the first class meeting. All participants will be notified by email and will receive full refunds. Scholarships Financial assistance is available for most classes. If you are in need of a scholarship, please call 859-254-4175 ext. 21 to request an application. Limit one scholarship per person per season. about us our mission The Carnegie Center empowers people to explore and express their voices through imaginative learning and the literary arts. parking Free validated parking for Carnegie Center patrons is available in four Transylvania University parking lots. Validations are only available at the Carnegie Center front desk, and you must pick up a validation prior to parking. Visit www.carnegiecenterlex. org/about-us/parking-information for a map of parking lot locations. Street parking is also often available on Mill, Market, Second, and Third Streets. 20 8 5 9 . 2 5 4 . 4 1 7 5 carnegie staff Neil Chethik, Executive Director Sarah Chapman, Reception Erica Cook, Youth Outreach & Volunteer Coordinator Marcia Foster, Literacy Specialist Marcia Thornton Jones, Tutoring Associate Carol Jordan, Tutoring Coordinator Jennifer Mattox, Development Director Jude McPherson, Reception Jessica Faye Mohler, Marketing & Communications Director Bronson O’Quinn, Development Associate & Safety Officer Bianca Spriggs, Literary Arts Liaison Cliff Swauger, Math Specialist Luisa Trujillo, Office Manager & Art Director Laura Whitaker, Program Director board of trustees Janet Holloway, Chair Ross T. Ewing Claudia Marin Goggin, Vice Chair Brian Hodge W. Morgan Fister, Treasurer Jeannette Lucas Ronda Beck Pamela Perlman Eric Case Lucy Ferguson Cynthia Ellingsen Bill Stewart Honorary Member: William S. Farish Lauren Brooke Anne J. Brooks Karen Gauthier Advisory Board Beth Howard Christine Mallozzi Eileen O’Brien HILLIARD LYONS SPONSORS “CARNEGIE CLASSICS: THE CATCHER IN THE RYE” Hilliard Lyons is a proud sponsor of dozens of nonprofits, including the Carnegie Center, in the 12 Midwestern and Southeastern states it serves. The firm’s support has been broad and deep, encompassing human services, education, cultural, and health-based entities. The Carnegie Center was pleased and proud to have Hilliard Lyons’ support last fall for “Carnegie Classics: The Catcher in the Rye.” Founded in 1854 and operating over 70 offices, Hilliard Lyons focuses on creating, preserving, and distributing its clients’ wealth. Hilliard Lyons has a long history of helping individuals, companies, and foundations with their financial planning and investment management needs. But the company has evolved from its early days as a broker-dealer. It now also help clients with: • Lending • Insurance services • Estate planning • Trust services • Retirement • Educational planning • Investment banking • Business succession • Charitable planning The company’s financial consultants use original and purchased research tools and state-of-the-art software – coupled with their own knowledge and experience – to advise their clients through life’s financial challenges. J.J.B. Hilliard, W.L. Lyons, LLC is a member of the New York Stock Exchange, FINRA, and SIPC. Visit to learn more. For trust services, visit WHAT LEGACY DO YOU WANT TO LEAVE BEHIND? A planned gift now allows you to make a significant difference later. By including the Carnegie Center in your will or as a beneficiary of a life insurance or retirement policy, you will leave a legacy of learning for people of all ages. Cash and stock gifts can be as large or small as you’d like. For more information, contact Jennifer Mattox at (859) 254-4175 ext. 25 or w w w. c a r n e g i e ce nte rl ex . o rg 21 Carnegie thanks 2013-2014 KY Poet Laureate Frank X Walker... ...and congratulates 2015-2016 KY Poet Laureate George Ella Lyon! Photo credit: Ann W. Olson NON-PROFIT U.S. POSTAGE 251 WEST SECOND ST. LEXINGTON, KY 40507 PAID PERMIT NO. 1 Lexington, KY
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