, THE HAWAIIAN GAZETTE M. WHITHEY HENRY ANNUM TER AT FIVE DOLLARS TABLE IS Al'VAKCE. ukKrtken.ll.OOI t prep" arkies. aeevetea Psssvatre. -- S10.00. i,hc.,, n,,iife VQL I. XIII. Xo. rrhmt tre t. Honolulu. H. A : mall that 1 1.1. Br-esw- s- nt deed IM Bewveoe, with 1 LI til. MM J Hcavene, and Mtt, ler. isir lTituM mnf"OOaikmiitD)Nl lnri 1 Imlis I pray the warn. B sawA I tl.tt few! the M. that fwiwiark tk taw II kiaw. ax ii.ii . I ii i (pace. awa ; bo eeM. kaa I ssickt fraaa was reewrd WW kl tfc say n.. Proprietor of 11.. kM rti.lom.ni. and the pnlilc In Yellow No.. p. Soft .ig Jhf Righrit Prior .erned): I an. A burned ii I i one ; rSt wall lay ua, with sold, in their head, .peak of the j.i re.M.t .' " bars rc:.:inr, " S Bo aaa ad for broad, aad be roeeired a atone." . and the bert did not like him. oa.p : " Iliekema nerer arrole for W. ouaport that b. oot aebamed rarht op to tho bar and eall for it like a Teteran. At tr r-- i..trbafl..aaaionod a laTSAoiaMc n..- i a stolen t hod any ilf - 1 (ll For sale rtk: a cul 1 Tioaiiii. oaght u nndertand that Santi Claua' yaaek a. not wary fall tai. year, and tbal nothing aaaa mm wmunw taiore vbm. vo oaicu a uvj say ha father's overalls For sale by 12) row with the par to the paaaen- A ii "Otiy but . 1 aav. looi hovel I ean't onoerrtond tbia fellow', gib- ei any of yoo badn. and gentlemen tell me . fool T "Joi. Ah children, it'l fruwinf np puch fine gala I m"l Ml LM proud man- - a day . no. Dot Wm rtaal loliuaier a,: .ur poor old cranny'.. .esaa lar a sew blee bat for myself I IP" f .V .VMWW Put up in boxes of 00 eacb. Fur Sale by hoeol the seMW. aaaagaage. s. j S C A. T C OX1 3 6 tIH ARI JAMi:S.' IvI LIVKU FUK UK For Hole by , j BBOW II val oadly puliled UK ww ... eivr.ii . a i Vr 'J IE Lv U&X 3, rmlAKD JAMES BiLXliS s'ssi) I'll. a oegr. . who some time since trap . was exhibiting a model in a at- e- or Waahmrion alreet. when a gentleman re- Wall yoa as an eccentric geniur." fee hoah. how.' alowly lepliad the negro, " dot ar' Is gwine to ran Cow away he adR right or wrong : ary thsnssi ass Aol. an' dene' the soear while nobody ham any ngkulr eali aseaawas an' hart my feelings," saaat h owl away wad grief in his eye. t bw hair, oad be enjoyed being .tangly . Rolling up bis eyes, be svaid: wmt Columbur, wboo be lauded in . ... Sbre like B.t r.ow conlda t tell htm, and tt kre vm tickled at being a., i.i JW c:i ..... . .... .... ....... .. ..... the beat Mills In tlie htate. . a ' filter he oa thy guard ' Twa tkanaaat taw erase "' My aswal. eat th whrill quavers, bat it was pitebed to ' Taw thaaaand Tea thoaaand." sha asreecbed aaa i Aks-t- ai Ptatt br at MM !" cried a piwent. eosver- - the wires of East Araaareawax Slave aftbeaTbnshandl, new wwewery attaed tbew at were.' time. Bat tbe day far bissjuv. whea British cirilisattec will hare i asvd patato-masbeesaawc nal n-- s into India. ai Brebaata will be glad ap netside of the door aad sniff tbe the key --hole. lea eaa't alwaysbelieve wbat a saaa aaya. aay sawre than yoa can judge of his beer- - Ay the elerbicg he wears. Tbe other night a pasti aasaaa aa --he Kaat aad giakhsi a aagre who came l lag sVswe the etreet at fan .peed, panting like a . aaat the &eer wanted to know alored nana was dusting wee ad ia thsat hwaly sty I alaudasght's aoUrnc boar. -- Yaw saak-gw- aw far the doctor:" gasped the aaaa "wJwawe 4V. 70a live'" " Liowni. go eaa't Stag --ehe'l saoer Awat I" was the answer ; yet ia aaatje wfwaw the aataeer poshed tbe African ap against site awe.- east a eaaawh htiisagbt ta light two chickens, a sV has tins Islnhet aad a pair of boots , tb same r af soeae ether assx. ec Mia. i Lirerwerr. I. l.i:EHA I. LBVBBS. For sole by B0LLE5 4 CLBOIloEK. CO. BREWER Office EMiLISH by I.I Notary MANILA CIGARS. FXr bale by A. I In 'J 1S7S. To MReceived 2 ()l IV AND BOLLES dt CO- J. - 'IMMMIQK. Kor aale by w Pilot Bread. by U! Bill KXTRA LABI.E SIEE, and TO I00.0OO SI1IIMI SUE. 40.OO0 All of the beat ouallty bard bricku, and will be sold low, by 610 Co. BOI.LES wnt luu l ine Len fsIt of a rood useful Family thi wATit th Pteno. io Piano ! dow introOuord into Uils nutrkr-- i and the pabonas? of ttie Public la Tbeae are madp ot a uultorm confldeiitlv aolicited. Arc "V Zais-W- . 617 I 1 I miBsTI Basa Carve leg. Koond Front Serpentine afouldleag. and Disable veneered K .... and I.r. SKXK.VS wood Cases eomWoed with BK II.NKSS of TOXE. BEA ATA' of dniah and of O tbe Most Celebrated Make ! may therefore order these instruPFMCHAlSEIt .v. ment, with confidence oa each ta fully warranted. th.-sinstruments sill be largely mod in reboots and IVjnvente, special inducements will be given tu purchasers .... ... k ........ ..i.l .1... (n PUwi'mel for the n... lit Uielr families. bow it Is poseibie to supply a 4. OOD tie asked mar It WarrsnLed PlASOat about one half the urice freuuelitly charged Tbe answer la plain. Thee are no large show Koonis to keep up, no grand Music Hall sto maintain ana no expeuelve travelling agents. To pay be llano, can there-for- e The be oaaVred so tbe Public at Bottom priced. Mnstnaa of the Tballssf risno arr or Joery KM AM. am IIIiO, IIIK K. F. II. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, Office at Drug Store, corner of Port and Merchant Streets, Residence. Nonann Avenne. near School atleet. 611-l- y Office hours, a 11 a. a. C. It. HOI 1 11, SURGEON, a II. DKKI.V. ti. Dealer In Sporting i. .. .I. Fort Street. Honolulu. II. I. 40, J. 688-l- nr.., J. H. 64 and 66 ira. wdiwIit, a$ lis a 10 Ol , Ho2 Fort Street, MS S il is 3 Sir Between Fort and Bethel alreet.. ly A Sllls fe ! e .3 S? f I PHILADELPHIA Corner Fort B O - e. a. I 'Gainst Dear on Credit. of this IX8TBI ATEBAAA. HOI'XD special points of advantage o?n . Workmanship. Uniform quaiitv. Pull, guarauteed richness of Tone smd MODERATE PRICK. Samples of these pianos and fall particulars can be ob H. ht WHIT .EV, sained from Agent of the Thalberc Pianos for the Hawaiian Islands X. B. Parries residing on any of the other Islands can have Photographs of these Instruments, furnished on CSO lyr HAS JUST RECEIVED jvirsjiAj? Ladies1, Cnstom-Mad- and Children's MiSaSes1 Er.tra Fine and Medlom Quality Boots tSa Brer offered 9n yy ISSORTBENT OF THE MOST COMPLETE In Slioes Honolulu. IRA RICHARDSON. !tf proprietor, chaplain lank. mead of Orders Promptly All n. x. Aairj Ko. 51 Hotel TJ ia c I o BISHOP BAN IIO N OI. I 1. 1 BUNK OF THE THE ORIENTAL E H. S, ISLAND", HAWAIIAN KXCHANOA ON CALIFORNIA, An TRKIS New York, CO., & EL till . DRAW : : AGENTS Boston, SIN FRANCISCO II Paris, : A ID THUS BllNCSXS lit : ih . and ly THE HAWAIIAN HOTEL - jfl -- s.-. BIIILDIKGS, HERCU ANISE AND terms. AH AURXCY I, earn jssyssj-- .- a new leaa B in Every Particular! ; iicotrtRiiit, ( ly THAT OlaHIRt BT.E RKmilFME (IV King Street, formerly occupied by Mr. I. P. Will be sold upon very n lanaoatils Peterson. terms. Possjaaalon glrea Immediately. For par tiro Lam ) C. BRBWEB dt Co. apply to CHRISTIAN CERTZ, TbTATriT'T. OABEVTEfT STnTOiryiCE BEaBS TO TO THE PUBLIC of Honolnlu, that be hat parcnaaed tue stoca ana oasnees or William FISCHER. Hotel Street, next door to Strehis' Iiroe Store, and that tu future the business will be earned on by blm In tbe same prexnlses. C. a. solicits a fair share of tbe public patronage, and promises bit patrons tdrSaty, attention and good quality for their money. mW An I 1 3 4 4 jstMotsB. t t l.easia Paid tabrnngh H.a.lala $40000 I . Agaaiaj . ! & COOKE, AGENTS , FOR THK HA Willi) I SLA Jf Oft. CASTLE PICTURES COMPANY, ZsaX ar lne, PICTURE OOO.wwSt. rmall lines on csreinlly dUtribaUd, offers selected risks TO a CO.. Agent for lb Hawaiian Iataade. Far the Hawaiian Islantf a. I HATE H at. WniTNIT. a rials JO LATELY WalirMBSTof Oral framing pii.to res. They vary from oos Inch to t. inches lo width, snd those washing pactuiwa tm can have them done In aay style required. HoaUc Pram from M eaatt Oval Frames from cant m Square (illt Pram from i x Square Black Wklnot from i.oa sack aaat aaawsre). Picture Sails, Conks, etc, aaso an Hi t, eetmHf sawap Apply to tt H. . WHITNEY THE ' N NOTICE. ly Hiss Bird's Hawaiian Archipelago raw copies, jist aECEivEs aid For Sale by FRAME.-- wall W A ' AOS, U TSASlaVORBIllART LIFE FLAB Annual pr.nfom crmilnow Pntiry 1 yatft 1 As rs Annoal prcailuna coallnws. PolHy 4 yaws Usssy -. Aanoai premiaan ntinaaa Poliey S yaasra IT Annual pram i am eoetluBw. prJIry t yawfSSt Aa. Annoal prsralam coatlakW Policy 10 years Msny I58XTRED ISCOBPOH ATED, 1865. CASTLE COOKE. AGENTS Ol si Jtou-Ferf- tio UNION INSUR III C E CO M PMTy OF 111 FRAMCIflCO. tio isss. Purfly Mutual Lift Insurancs the United State. Policies Issusd sa the most ftvorabls T.rtu Example af tare Plan. Oldest 7A ! HOSE. Losses Promptly Adjusted. ly . BAN FBANCIBCO, IIDERIITT IICOID S'JO Ctrvirrs $18,000,000 Prrmi.tlon th most farorabl terms. W. Q. IRWIN 1 CO Agents for tba Hawaiian lalanci. nncl Ire Crab Capital. writing Rrpnirrd and ' Of tWaTON. MASS. of th world, Uolai By sLftaar an New England Mutual Life Insurance BISHOP A Co. BISHOP FOR SALE. A JE of this Cottages by the sea aide lor the accommodation of gneat. Carriage and Saddle Horses at short notice. 609 a Or Stole s Freight and Treasure Special Fine aay to iniure PROpailRTOR JIAVI.NG OBTAIIIaD Will spare no pain a to make opposite Hoppm. Barrel oCTS TYuTtks OP WIHTKRTHVBU HE UKDEaSIGVBD ara AUTHORIZED toy amSSBI Constantly on bsusd. Herat' San Pranclaeo. Sept. 1S7A Swiss Lloyd Marine Insurance Co. TOn Cargo, aOTlaJRT Trunks of any pattern made to order at i as ! ,0 151 promptly suljnatrd anil payable here Sm ii(.assLI karaaoga Truaks. a aperlallty GLOBE FIRE Oo ft WAT, CARPENTER AND JOINER -- and EMTABMNIIflD frotu Uoaolalu to all and upon First-Clai- Bessel aim, H. I. Done Promptly. Ijulles' and HAVE On favorable Lfll Trunki, Valiteg, Traveling Bagi, Satchels, Straps, e' Co. K LONDON Helbonrne, 577 At for the Hawaiian Islands, aod mo undersigned are prepared to write risks against ON R w w The traveling public from Australia aad tba Haw. Islands era Invited to Inspect the stock aew essea at above central store. Every article In the Una of INSURANCE CO. Assets. $26,740,105,70 SJO S j ti H ttl hM..wi 28 MEW DWELLING!. LONOON ELEGANT HOTBTj it Us. aWork and I sts All its A. BUNK CORPORATION, Hons: Koup, THi: lyr Shop oo Fort St.. Esplanade, Factory. T LIVERPOOL rtnltor : s : : t t SOO ! Attended. itl"lkIJ Maonfactnrar J. T. DAVtOTIHlllTgmit M. OrC- -t Rniiill gt , BIofu-lurBattle at as. lUrf.. la New York, W. II. ScHiirriUM 0 , avi J t4I FIREMAN'S FIND ix) m i. i.. Street, OFFICE WITH WILDER 6121m ,1, II Palace Hotel. Ban Francisco. Risks Taken, First-Clas- s r. PALACE TRUNK STORE, ARKET INSURANCE CABINET MAKEE, FRENCH POLISHES. ta Mniical Times. Jan. 12, 1WI5, " Cklot scores of orthodox mitral praHlde.wT not thn ha alngnlarly It aanl fill a olara.' " tbe UaaaraJ Boartl of Hralib, Uammmi SS BMd In Airenta ! Honolnln. None bat ITV Sol $80,000,000 ' ' III VUlVs-- WXLLS. Now is a Good Time to Insure. MEATS DBIilVBRJElD fila lyr Merchant Sts. THE UNDERSIGNED Per a. o. w. I AITjLD, ffj Proprietor, 57S!yJ 8 g A.1U srviiiSeCa of this remedy, that we cannot to. t of adopting It In all faax" 9f CAUTION -- Non gnnlna wltboat th Waa SSI BROWNE" tb Ooftraamt taaa. riiLLI whelming BHtdleal tastlssony accompaala each Wctla. - f. la. The Right Hon. Karl Rnaaa.1 romnsnkatsd to Ibaf Mr of Pbyaiclaoa, and J. T. that ba had rmtwitmt la rOrmatlnn to tba fflWt that the oi.t raawdy of aaty -t lea jUacat, Dec. It. S4 In Cholera waa CH LORODT.N Dr. Lowe, Medical Ulaaionary In India, reporta (Dre. I"- -' that In nearly tvery caa of Clwlara la whletl Dr J. " URDWNE'jJ CHLORODTMS waa admiolatarad, tba patiat A TsTs OAS33C. W ! rj Assets IU ttiil. SPwiifi t ohm iliiifii w : rmmm ALTIUfl. qaiat, rafraasiiasj n re.i-"- n est lot a Itim I'tbiss II,- - . tlun", an1 tininlaii naaltny arlnm r turn unplpa-abotly. wltln.ut creatine SOT if Old and jron taa talia II tendlnf the nas of ThOnMntta f j limiri ami linn wti-- n effacta ami tify to It marTrlloua ,: medical men extol Its Wrtaea moat txtcnalvafT, itaiitf I -: CataJSj, Ir.- -reat qnantlltastn tb following dl terr, Diarrhuta, Ctdlica, Coagha. Attbnia, Whooping Cottgb. Cramp Uyalarta, mc L31.3 ThU Invaluable Immenae rain IN THE WORLD King; Street, Honolulu. 51 i - Its' hi" ECONOMICAL LIFE INS. CO. 5-- !? ARB CACTI OHM AOAXl luuraniit nrgM Largest, Safest and Most Coaister, 2 W.n. JOII.'VfaO, St., opposite Mr. 0. Khode.' Store, : 2 PUBLIC THK iTtqMaUy aaaaV ' nnronnd nimpciiwlikin of CtLoaustss la kausp tu CbmiaSs aa MvIichI irfrwaitii.' The fart ia, Chktxtdfa mm SBSsrsod Inseiired by Dr. J. COLL!. HRtivs.NK -- t rarf af Staff.) and so nsraad by kiss, and u haa beflatj all aist at anal ii 4 by tbe Aral Cbenil-- tt of tb 1W m nv-- r bt-- n patltibtai Me siecrert of tba prptavrati'-mM ander twasSv la obvfooa, thareforv. that ase Dr. J. COLLIS BROWN K;' rilLOROOT.SI, la a hi- - fmftatlon. CAUTION--if -- banc! lor Blr W. P. Wra--d Mmim Dr. Cullla Grown wu aDtloabtadljr tba iaraator s O II OF X'l: W YORK, OF SOAPS, ALL. KINDS ? - T 18 THE ORIGIH AL AJI3 ONLY OKrCajf Bxtrart fr.itn Is prescribed by .lira- - It w .ii ii: ill v a ataut Extract from Mutual Life Insurance Co. stflfe CO., & y Zr. 11 5- w.:v I Furniture of all deecrfeptions m.de and repaired at ooHtt ly rates, tsood workmaoabip c.aranteed. Kaahnmann GREY And tramact a General Elan king Bosioess. Q. Merohant Tailor. OP THK SOAP WORKS! HAWAIIAN REPAIRIaVQ DONE. Has conctantly m hand and for aale, a good aasortoient o the sOesftflt Bar Iron. All orden frnni the other Ialandi will be carefully attended Uy. All work Id my lioa exacatad with diapslch and PHOTO. WICKE. Agent for the Hawaiian Ialanal, no ONIMOVia C WALLER, SHIP AND GENERAL BLACKSMITH, 91. &96 XTAC on Order. S Particular attention paid to Ship's Blacksmithing. 06O8 ly A si- - J0I1 WORK executnl on the shortest notice. CARRIAGE MAKEIl. CABINET King Street. SAM'L C. WILDER, I King Street, Made to l.OOO.OOll ,3S,1 11 IP. "F.TBOPOMTA.1 MARKET. -- OH LOROD KM Kiwi AI fim. a Reef, Mutton and Goat Tallow wanted. Orders snd Bills left at Ira Richardson's Boot aod Shoe Store, will meet with 62n ly prompt attention, IRON WORKS CO. COLLIS BROWNE'S r I V I) F. H 1; i 1. HAVE HEEK POINTED AIJKNTrt for the Sandwich lalsnila. and ar. antliorizeit to insure ugainst 1'lre upon fiiaorable term.. RIsSs lak.n In any part of the lalamlson Wisiden Bull. lines and merchandise stored tberrln, Dwelling llouae. and Purn-ItnrTimlier. Coals. Ships In hurl., r with or without eareoM or nmler repair. ,5j ly) RD. H0F7HCI1LA RGKR A CO 91 I. clcii. APOTHECARY AND DRUOOIST. 1. 1 DNCA PK ORAPHEB, CO.. J. djros. 1S0V. CAPITA I. Arenmalateel and Inweated Pnnrl. Manufacturer and Dealers In o6l7 AND & ly qr WATER COURSES ALTERED- MARSH LANDS DRAINED, OBSTRUCTIONS REMOVED, Ac, Ac. Ac. MAPS AND PROPILES. wllb elTactad l ESTABLISHED BOLLES & Co., Agents, w and Builder. WATER WORKS and BRIDGES b iailioK fesaal. mall pajable In llonnlijln. CASTLE A t'OOKK, AsenU for Honolaln. bm Prasaasea. Ca sxTRAcra rROM mbdical ori.i iohb. - BAKER. W. BROWN. HONOLULU v' Loiei rau Aaa oAwS-l- y Goods and Freight Insured taamers m By fa err i reu HILO, HAWAII. OJ -J ROADS, TRAMWAYS, Book- Corner Fort and Hotel Streets. Honolnln, Oahu. o577 ly Bar Keeps open every Batnrclny F.rrnliig. ; S. PINKHAM G. Plans and si.ee. flciitiona furiiidicd st reasonable terms. 6S2 3m Address Post Office, Honolulu, H. I. Q. - OP LONDON AND EDIFJBDROH. Pi AgrntfortheCelebrated KLOKKNCK SEWING SIACIIINKS. ma- INSURANCE CO.. .ti a A. L. BANCROFT dt CO DR. iisodermta 4 cr. E. HTKEIIZ, Photograph OaUery. pq of Tin, Sheet AV iptlon of proptrrtj Merchandise, Bay arid tell SECOIDe-- Tt so aa to mat II to tb. lot.rest of dsalera and com. to as la pr.fsr.nc. lo s.nr'tag Kaat. ' We manors, tor. aod Import avery aVsSBSSsssnwa tionery, ewrrylng larg. stock. oT Paper, Ravesraas aBs kaaai Boobs of our own msottfactura, lata, Matsa, aaa. aapt la aasavk. AeT'iser I.50H vsnetl's -- r Blank SB aKKS.saaa. INSURANCE AGAINST LOSS BY FIRE, - t . T tai Ma C1IRST. To Maaaraetare all Sack tioowy sa can be doe. here aa w.ll aa alaawkiri. a m. llieretiy directly beneat our co.li 1,000,000 NORTH BRITISH AND MERCANTILE t UUIV3 & a I A I llwllwCR The Baaia of Our Businc bss ISS9. - "So. to't w.ll, protect yourself." A Of tUU Compan- ax irpri liability of Shareholdsra.) uluiiite ti M. A . FOR 677-- OIL BLACKING.. w Shop on Judd Wbarf. f -- of Nnnann Street, next to tb 11 .11. lulu. If Old Costom II Stenrlt Cuttinft. Merchant Street, Honolnln. CatlftTaphy and Copying, promptly axecated oo y retuotiable termt. Cosmopolitan Honolulu. on Short Notlce."W RANt'B FIRE AND MARINE INSURANCE. (With VEGETABLE, FRUIT AND POULTRY MARKET, Adjoining the Family Mont MurkPt. will be prepared to promptly and MtiMHCtorlly All orders for everything to fimilah the tables with all tbe SulMtantlala and Dellcarioti the coon try affords. INI INSURflljirioMPANy, CAPITAJi, - - Proprietor harlnx Itwetl the neai and rommortfoai Th Mmfciiit. San RED IN ISSS. K ZEALAND CO, PADDY IS BICE. 0,0 O O t T SSI I I. ESTABLIHHED, onlend.) (Unleaa otberwlae a. Es. NEW and Tbaml ays Veal, s iicn( I - PLUMBERS. O JI I S repaired; c&c, O , X I r. I artsriT To iHirrtn of paddt. Has the advantage of Western Rates or Interest. Never lost ia dollar of Its Securities and never falls to pay Iks losses promptly. For particulars spply at the Office of W.O. IRWIN A CO.. Agents for tbe Hawaiian Iasaada "Ml ly H Machinery of Every Description, ATTORNEY AT XAW, PORTRAIT X I KAS ' Machinist, Lock and Cun Smith Machines CHART Furnlsihsrd to Order. CO.. Successor to John N'elll. Sewing Poultry, Vegetables, sPishi No. 5 Nisuassn Street, T II a m. ssl SIK wtLuiBS. aton seem to prevail In the tahaoda thai Poatdy can of not belnsr runne l In the Treaty, st aol artsasBaa Paddy kela wean.i freeof duty, rhla Is ernsnevoa. else but Kice. toe iiiusaductloa of tb. word w.iilt . All toe noddy tbal t been port since the promulgation of the Treaty milted free without qoestlon. Inartles desirous of sc.pptna Paddy to tttia a sureil thut It will be admitted free of dosy.sawl I draat.il In the best f qealhl. manner and aa Snerars. WX. M. I1HRKJI WOOD. lermshv Uenacal Commlaeton Merchant and Proprietor of India Nail Mill. Hire Frsocaseo. Lai. aawSasaawOwsawSwaa tho Wurld. In a. RRTRRS TO Howlaad. RW gedford. C. Brewer A C . akasw e ' A 1. II. Rartlett Ovas A Clark . Present- - t SOB. Was. H. Crapo R A. Hani III. Rtawtb 577 Saw BWwk. SL T. 0. . MOST M.1' AR KRAXC1SCO. I. NORTHWESTERN Mutual Life Insnipance tJOmpany, THE Proprietor. If IICA P. EVERETT. m: K'.ii-iti- ci aiiwiiuee ASJSBTE, S F R A R. S. HOWLAND Shipping and r.BHiitn .00, Front Street, near Call luga mWi M lrrcl.nillaa norwl ihrAin, tb ntoat faVurable terma. For particulars ndpIt - the ofllce uf WO lj t. A. aCHAKKKR .ft CO. ly FAMILY JMARKET! lyr Having returned to Honolulu to re.lde. has resumed the irarlieeof his nnifes.ion. Anyone deSiriii. his service, either Medical or Surgical, oik fln-- him at the Capt. Su.w r. it ir. 617-t- f adjoining the Hawaiian Hotel. G. fai.t; s;i.ia i; TINSMITHS AND 619 Meuis, Ac., delivered to all parts of the city without ex- u. wallkk. to.t am Wsiliikil. Maui, B. I. Office iu re- - Vessels . nK -- COMPANY, UNDERSIGNED Compai". been ap- f an. pa.,iri.l me, on 9(onr iml orir .a niiini-. , rttnirr TRurr Shipping and fon-iissi- aa MO lit California Street. V AOUA.a3HI.JS bUB.rf.fl uaciianrp. D. .11. STORE. VIVA Nnnilaya-Lam-h, and CHEAP FOR CASH EXT AKEAEAMOXKD 1 Agents. CO.. A I men i . WILLIAMS, BLASCHARD niM-i- y ii n hi FridaysFUh. Having resumed practice, can be found his moms over E eitrehs A Co.' Drug lore, corner of Fort and liotal Street. 611 ly aT- BOOT AND SHOE STORE ('.'.' PROFITS With Large Sake, DENTIST.st May XI, Prop r. .FglHE NOTI.EY. a Ni PEBioB issoRT. hand General Merchandise. Lumber, anil , STEAM EI;l!VKS, St Ci Alt Mlf.t.S, Boilers. Coolers, Iron, Bras, and Lead Castings, H. I.. CIIASE. Octave Solid Iron Frame. I'll .Tt I S on Hasfor CruitS 613-l- ocenpied And ac-- ot tt treoeiTe afknowledgemenU of Labor CuDtnvcti for tbe IHitrirt of Makawao WILL PRACTICE ON MAl'I Of.LT Blank Labor Contrarta approved form, aud Ftamp Paper M hmd 681 lyr Ualku, Man!. .H.. i;. irriMDAU. Piano OK. JIOTT an . CLEOHORN A. S. THE I.Alt Saturdays. Also THE THALBERG PIANO. THE '3 I aissr aod Furniture, or liberal terms, by II. HACKFELD CO., Agents. AND FOB SALE. Choicest Meats from the Finest Heids .. ii This Establishment closes at 12 THOS. G. THRI'M, Stationer, News Dealer and binder. S3SO A umiii iii.i. t'llAs. n. AT LAW, HILO, HAWAII. Promptly Collrcted. ly . Havr arrived per M illiard .lluderett from Hongr laonj;. 611 ATTORNEY oo.8J CHINA BRICKS. X2!-- - CONSTRUCTED. M. I AVMISOA. :Z COXSTAVTI.Y wtlWFA TANNBR1. T A X i Y Aft PRASICTBrO. Panirnhtr atteatlon pasd to Cot Cr CO. A Kit VM V awl CeaurtSRiea 3fercbaai. Prattt Street, Corner of Clay, AOS OF II V III HI.. ItKD mn HI II.DIXtiri. RISKS SOLE & SADDLE LEATHER. TflTlTIAfl front. flTllI SVlPPT. SVlTtQ OX' HAND - ATI. 8- I of the ahove plantation at C. BREWKR CO. ly A . FIRE INSURANCE WILL ly Begs to announce that he has returned from California, and intends to settle In Houololu for the practice of his profession. All desiring his services will find blm at his residence on Nuuanu avenue, next dour above the lower bridge. n62S lye E. O. IIITC'HCOCK, Per M. BelleRrobest. CO. HOLI.ES S'AHKS J. T T i h. MONTGOMERY SQUARE. AT LAW. over Mr. Whitney's Boob Store, formerly Judge Austin. Honolulu, U. I. Office Saloon XiitoXlo, Aod Agent for taking Acknowledgment, of Instruments for the laland ofOahu. No. S Kaahnmann Street, Honolulu, H. I. o5T7 ly 1N H. IX per " Cleta." ttl . W.ILLER, Civil Engineer, I.. COUNSELLOR NOTARY PUrLIC. ATTORNEY BOI.LES A CO. ui suit. For Sale by II I i. ., Rooms on Street, Corner Hotel, over Mr. Streln's Drugstore, T. CECII. UROW.l, niao. COLVMBIA RIVEB SALMON SMALL CHAINS! FROM 62.". ! ISTO. SIZE) n. j. n. wmri:v, Dental Fort T K ii. Importers and Dealers in Oeueral Mercnandise, Qneen 4troet 62. ly Bonolaln. Hawaiian Islands. AND LB. OAJra. FRFJall PACKED, For Kale by oi.3.i:s A CO.. Practical Architect Aeent to take Arkiionlolwrniessta lor I.niior 60S ly Interior Office. Honolulu. BOLLES & CO. FRESH SALMON AKD r Barrel., of Caleb Hono- BOLLKSdt CO. 2 HAVAXA N1IAPE! Add a good quality. - Streets, NOTARY PUBLIC and COMMISSIONER of DEEDS, For the State of Calif.n nia. Office at the Bank of Bishop at Co., Kaabomatio Street, Honolulu. o026 Iy CBAwa T. V- j. cooLirxiE. HOrSEKEEPERN AMI OTHEBA H. HACKFILD s 1 i (i KS. Forwrtr.ig Hooololo from W. SK A. v Agent of Vienna Board of Underwriters. Claim, agnlit.t In.nraoce Compnnie. wltbln the tnriadirtlon of the above Board, of Underwriter., will hat. to he r.rti-ne..'...'1 to by lb. aha.. agent to make them valid. Afenta. CO.. 1 S.tt F. A. MOII4EFKR. Bremen Board ot Underwriter., AOE5T ofofDrei.n Board of Underwriters. EEAHALA PLANTATION. Ship Chandlers and Commission Merchants. & JOII'V H. PATV, 'KMEXT-B.-- 8t 38: Clothing, Boots. i'Aoeg Hits. Caps, etc., etc., ate. 60S lyr oOll ly corner of Merchant and Kanbutnanu lulu, r.". It dt CO. California Lime & 'White Brother' POKI LA.MI IMPORTKU AM. DKALgn IN General Merchandise. Fancy Dry Goods, Gentlemen Furnishing Goods, Galv'd Iron and Lead Pine. India Rubber Hose, Ac ) V ) COIKMiSSION MERCHftNTS, 679 ly Honolulu. Hawaiian Islands. ( I AM VHiTl.i:, K. l. Wil Attorney A Councillor at Law. A Notary Public. In Small Cakes. e:i IUVU. Xk SHIPPING Oregon Pilot Bread. JAMKN" boli.es Jo"M. Ja.. K.n ItRKWER I.AHAINA. MAUI. Walter MurrayOlbson. Propr. Fred II. Hayaelden, Mana. ger. ,1st. A. 8. Cleghorn A Co.) . Keep constantly on band a full sssortment Iron, aod Copprrware, & CO., P. CAaTsTK, A. C. 'I . to nil Wl ly in C. i Cargo,oif Prelfrht ami Treaanure, tb. wort.1. and rice reran. on IJT Roh or si u ik ttew ioi.ssns now imkiIdk In. and fur aale An i. qiwntlUea tu ault l60S-l- y DOCTOR LATIIKOP. sto. W. U. IK MI A A CO.. C. aboveOdd Fellows Hall. A'nnnun Street, Near lain;-- Street. MS A Co.. GENERAL AND GOODS Fori 8t la DKALESa ASD DRY vi.noi: MAKEE PLANTATION. Sm ji ji i i) sot INSUP.ANCE COMPANY. ED. MiF.VTl OP TNI THK I'.VDEKalf;! Conitaaity, have been anlbnrlced to laaaro riab. CX) BREWEH A CO. C. MERCHANDISE. SMITBtSS Corner Queen and Kaahnmann 589 ly N'nuanit St., and corner Fort and Hotel St. im. Forsiue by raO. 8. Commission Merchants. Plantation and Insurance Agents, 618 Honolulu, Hawaiian Island.. For Hole by UOLLES at OO. EDWARD rilCKSOg . r Oonoral MeroliaTi Street.. 100 BOXES. PER BK BROTHERS, IN DEALERS m 619 I M A AKD DEALERS WHOLESALE In Faahionable Clotlitnft, Uata. Caps, Boota, Sboea.and g Kurni-liinOeutleiuon'j OooOa. PnoW. variety of (CB-lBuilding, Merrhanl Street, Honolnln. a ft B. -- ft suit bj - r:; t; :.. Parnitnra of erry .. Fnmitnra Fort CliMe'a Oallarj. Work- khop at tlir old Ml unci Holfl Strfft, Fort. tW2 Ordfrt froto the other iilaoda prumptlr attended to. fly Fcrt Street. Honolnln CI.I'.;ilOIt IMPOSTtaS BK "KDB ARD JAMES" PER J. laS(. DEALERS IN LUMBER, I)I A A CO.. llll,l.n(;iln DEALERS IN HARDWARE IMPORTERS Oregon Fresh Apples. s:l 'o. A ooo-i- A. 8. .iw Xi M A CO., III It RACKFEI.D H t asf stf af r'ORKlGN NOTK (' BRKW KR k CO. aiu! WAILUKU PLANTATION. HANTJEACTTREB, IMPORTER AND DEALER AIXEV & ROBWNO.V IMPORTERS AKD And all kinda of BulldlngMateriala, A CO. ,000 SACKS OF XXX! f Full Seven a renerable A r. losisaog au.es. A. S. FLOUR. OREGON jut Ae'svJ owe that heaaoe anything." .aid a pro-es- r aasswaaat. lookiag periled over a letter from the We hare rondi.f.d an aeci.unt of .ales of Wear.. Sal. cava, eats aod wheat reeeivec. oad remitted every saaat haw .aawawiae. " Too. air," said the book-h- i " bad the doe ia an the rye." ' Pay. aa. will you hoy me a new sled lV (See. Bated parent" Johnnv. I Ik t (fettir to be aaeh now this Tf in- I have a ebaoee to enjoy a new sac has PH eall yoa what I will do. Yoo jn.t be a o- r- hoy aaat PI1 get your saw filled ao that it wil1 sn rha. aa. a otarA of wood ju.t like cheese !" At the Caort as Bel foot recently. Jodge Libbey -Martin L. T. wer to Ii years in the State This tart war communicated to the prisoner's an i hoi. aaAw waw etrwok with aatoaisfament as to the agaBhll f the nawwauw " What did tbey do that Sor aha ateaniaand. " Twenty-firyear why he i t he saalaatad there three week. 1" Best re yon been in England " war the pwt by a yoaag Englishman to a young i at a public dinner in London recently. Really," was "A heart tare wtlfci." was the reply. war m is III of John Ball, "and I notice yon talk aw- - laaayaaagi' aw well a. we do 1" " Tea," was the raa of III ashst Jaaathan. " I have not been bore fkwe kaaag aaaaagh u forget bow to apeak it." " Mew is it. Brown, yea always have sneh aWpwBBarad fratt froac year garden " I aihibit and carry of are and prise. .' awat i y gardener d .e. for I assay awe at an petat . bat I aerer hare such fruit a. Brosrn Simplest thing in the war A. eal Jalaow. I keep a gardener for my garden yea keep a sreraee for year gardeaar." c Store on Nonann ttl. iy AND Cutlery. Dry Good., I'ainta and Oils, and General Mer- chandtae. Wo. as, King Street, Honolulu. ions ay BOLLKS A CO. "Batr" aaswlay Fort Street, flnt.olnln. 5.0 F. : leeAiod V 1 Importers and Commission Agents and Wholesale Dealers m General Merchandise. fjog Queen St., next tu the Office of J. I. Uowaett, Eaq. ly C. T S19 3m Swl J as ta Philadelphia Board of I'nderwriters. A OF.SJTS tar the Hotrallan lalonrfa. HRKYYKR fk CO. TI RTIIS. PROPRIETOR. In of superior quality, now coining for aalo in quantities to null by WIIJ.I ATI. E. V.. ACTIITR'. CROP Jl'OW IM. ATfO FOB HALF. fkTFW qnantttles to purrhanera. by j roesft-lr- fa. Dealers in Lumber and all kinds of Building Materials. Paints, Oils, Nails, Ac, cYc.&c, aosT'a or acaooatas Marv Kllen. Active. Pauahi. ly Uilaina. Fairy Qneen. Bt ROBKIl Bui i an co X eRHBAI N. ny AFONO sail l on. es tai p ltsawsiassatta Hoston Board of rndrrwritrrs. for the Hawaiian Islaada, Pioneer Mill, Lahaina. CAMPBELL ly IMPORTERS AND WHOLESALE DEALERS In Fubion.ble Clotbing, H.Im. Cpa, Bool.. !, .. .nd ..ery rariely of Gentlemen'p anpertor Furnitblng Gooda Store iu Ma.ee'. Block, Qoeeu Street, Uonululn. II. I. At Bobin.on'0 Wharf, In Barrels and half Barrels Honolnln, lU.niian IiUndi !1. a. w. uxsn. raw. I.I'.WF.KS K all odllj in General Merchandise BOLLES k CO. ,vi2i P. A. M IUIH.lt A CO.. Importers A Commission Merchants B. F. EIII.ER.wl A CO.. . And China Uouda. in iv Street, under II e rnblic Hall. Columbia River Salmon. prni t In one a fnead at him and said, " How do y I mean h... we you find SaaaaawaVT fiaaie. I aerer loooc. myself." "But WwoW yoo leal 7" " 6etoot yon feel aw." Eaa-la- s. California Beef in Bond. Kur nW by MM she asoaraari. 3 WWW VwpwWWCW VI. I. A IN HARDWARE IMPORTERS Dry Good.. Paint., Oil. and General M.i chandie., ,',ss-- l ComerFort nnd Ring St.. another Invoice of tboae a?! ana ' .r o.r9iT DEALERS AND SSI SUPERIOR CIGARS! 'at the end of a tj haaaasd the Fsaauh ho aoaealaog e etig dni f- - goitre... Grandfather MERCHANTS, COMMISSION AND E. O. II A 111 KMhum.nn ly IMPOBTEKS F.mily Grocery .nd Feed Store, NAMI.V IHRECT. VIA HAS FROM frosa hi. mavter that malapro st " oat af plane " MeoUag a brother foot-baMerdueharged. be ricl.imed "Ah! awAoaa. 1 oaa eervy for yea , yon are mala- - TffM ? A CO., Honoimu,o.hn,H.i. BOLLEa A OO. PER CITY OF SYDNEY. aaaroad rrtoe Qo,es,ro...n,m.,iuln.H.i. EO. IIOFFNCHEAE4.EK I ICII I. A 1.4 OF.. GROCERIES AND PROVISION DEALER I U Snsr iy I.litnd.. Street, on. door from Street. MERCHANDISE. ! Bremen' Stockholm Tar and Coal Tar BABBCI.S byAMI CASKS. ll.w.ii.h Ho oluTb. bs. Wilmintr.n Tar and WUmineton Pitch HOX.A ACIII CK. Wholesale and Retail Dealers Importers, ...... r. IjO nn.a CO. off " trass of ear. ear a Florida railroad passed a man a. great hurrahing among the. diseorered thai the horac won tos4 so the teaee. (from under the cloth), Itaaosaart phetaafi npbt " Ben d. yoa .appose to yon heap ooael Sakjaal. whr ia eroding the focua . ' Br jabber., man! Wtl eat Stall to he abet of" ' (Ssccnwr. to C. L. Rich. ana A Co..) Ship Chandler, and General Commission Merchants. ALSOAgtnli far Ike Puuloa Salt Works. i. I PEIRCE A CO.. .Klin T. WATEKIIOIJME. IVPORTEB AND DEALER IN GENERAL Jb IKON KTOCK ANCUOUK. alaoa from .u up lu 2300 lbs. in qontttl.n to ault, iies i inch to SMALL of an inch. 1 .6. and 1 M 1, CHAIN CABLES. i-- Ml For sale low by incn. at CO. 11DIXKK e.. ' Building Anctloateer. C. H. I1AKYOYV. S.lMrooro on Quoen JW Fort .nd Queen Street Oils. Nails, Suit and jj 1 i IM IM to tp A TS r OM1. and tar n.lo 1 ' Queen Street. Honolulu, II. I. OO.. Co.. A A. W. IMPORTERS from C. Wylie (SWlyl Material, of every kind. y . ' PER bark R. AGENTS. rrplwd. .. ..a v.. t Kale by A aan wii.i:kCorn.r OF and Snip Stores BULLtSd l O. Chandlery Ship tor a lire kass kauar Ibaa j oa aaat ber. QENEE4.L ASSOErml CO., A. COMMISSION Oneen Street. Honolnln, II. I. lit". J Variety. A II. IIA KFEI.II GENERAL (K-i- Win k i. prepared to .apply bis peneml. wllb lb. liest quality ol Soap nlway. on lia id ly MM for Soap Grout. Company, aod oS2- - ly Amuranrt-Compan- Lumber. Paints. CONSTANTLY ON HAND . imiil pridf. Niirthrn RAWLINS. H. M Itself W.J. BY hebchajtt, rnnnn il"AR to .nil purctuuer o quanUtle.vow S met, i I sa w I kch 13 Lines- -1 INSURANCE NOTICES. KAUPAKUEA PLANTATION Auctioneer and Commission Merchant. J Lloyd' and tbi Ltf rpvl British anc. Foreign Murine Incttrance FOR AGKNTF Co. A DOMESTIC PRODUCE. E. P. ADAMN. akd Anmr rot IIOMtl.I I.I MIllMVOIIKi. mi n im - ta- w- Hawaiian Islands. King Street, ILunoinUi, Tbe Union fn.ar.nr. Company of Qsn Pr.nri.ro. The New Kuclsnd Mutual Life Insoianc. Comimnv, Boston. The Oregon Packet Linr. iTke Rnhela Plantation, Br. Javue a eon's Celelwaled.Tbe Haiku M.-w. n. lleiley '" latins, in,.- VbKhr A Wilson's Sewing Waletaa I'l.nUli.m. (noSO ly) tlsniakna Plantation. Machines, be turned, will be Unit God aeri j .win. i..i v Porceesors to Dnwsett I bnb OJ 80 BUSINESS NOT1CKS. VIER, A Obeek ticokmissioh Lxn enM pin n.in Ae I skill ilr .1 THwSO. II. I Dealers in General Merchandise, impoktee and .... rinMb burned); MERCHANTS, IMPORTERS AND ' ! BUSINESS XOTIOKS. P. COOKE. opar.il M M Line. J Incbe... 7 sw t r M Lines .n tnehea.. S tS 11 ". S SB 13 tw W iS Line. -- 4 larbea.. tjaartev of Colanaa i tM as at! il l Third of Colamo. wti is est i twi st as- - i a I w H ss Half of ... Tarn. Third Colanaa. 1 ow apt we Af At Owe Col aaaa Basi news Carda when psaposlaf Aar aaa. pear, ase a whfca rates, are Ssr SSSSS allowed dlacowat froa. the, aalvertlserrenl. when .aiil is- sfasasast oartertv. B All advertsaerawnas Wa Sirelrn least !. with the piy when ordered la. or oo aotsve wilt es theea. The rsles of r A roe, less adasTtlacB remltt.ne.a fisr SB. wwk- rent f wa sci Iplleaa may be made by baak cheek, eaaia r stamps. sir. WHOLE No. 627. 17. 1877. In Type. PROGRESS. HAWAIIAN TO HONOLULU, WEDNESDAY, JANUARY KC COKKI8SI0N AND SHIPPING DEVOTED JOURNAL, 3.! J. ATBRBTOS. C &HTLE A COO - tknic aliiulasal i ssakssd Q tW 1. j Thessc a- J. 1. CASTLE. Na iMMMUOnl. M Hlait At a - UP--- 1 arklin. Ml tsewa. Tssa aaaa. I -. lilt" U WEEKLY A r-- .. , ADTrmi C S- - Mnuraraal THE HAWAIIAN GAZETTE, PCBUSHSD BY ItPpacaA TFISS T!IDB8a)Iaaa noasc. wife. aa Oil K laoaeahl I al I nubile that Bar Brown left my bed and board wlthoal iaat rasn ss a aay iekts as for responsible shall be not f Pauroeaiiou. uactaa by n.r on mr aocouaL WILLIAK SOkO-a- v w tW isB' Koloa. Angnat 24th. ISTt. 0 1850, between the United States and Great Britain, LEGAL NOTICES. guaranteeing the neutrality of tblt work, provides tblt friendly Powers shall be Invited to participate i Ba t. ruRcriT sra. Jasaetal with onr Government tnd tbat of Great Britain in ISRSsfct, SL LAMM. IB IIHlll lataaS its construction, tt the commerce of tbe entire f la to of Hawa. Hawaiian Istaffita, TOee a. BUT world It Interested lo it. The Department of Slats tat of Jobs Avery taossoaat, Of TIM Flaw Bark est tine Is now In correspondence with virions friendly Powers preparatory to the negotiations of treaties to sett wot ass ! neat of John Avery Clayton-Balwcr with them similar lo the Fot Salr. On aatorrlar. the IBrh dr of January, 177, day A. JOlh. of DtCfaibar. U l7 Treaty. trantcontiuenttl Tbe cost of the at 12 o'clock noon, at Aliiolani Hale, will he sold by poblic CO-WMASTER. Prorata Coon, and a auction to the liirhevt bidder tl following, rfa ; ship canal, by the Nicaragua route, which has been ti ataaaiataffr a for he luai)ceor A lot of Uiid containing two Jj acre, more or lean, borselected, will be abnnt one hundred million dollars i oral above be referred at the OoVe of the for Port the Quick Dispatch Will bare ba.ma been flint by taat Jaaa Mai Mr. on dering on mu Ha front at Walklkt, Oahu, and bounded and ten years will at leaat be required lo complete ordered, taat OATTaMAlT See rrsk. eta, a It H hereby on or brr Nalnrdav nut at 11 either aide by the lot belonging to Ilia Ex. W. L. M apply . Paasage. lo Freight and For FEBKI-ARYthe work, hence it must tie under Government con.. sf A. D. IST7, at l o'rlaett, of th- - new lionoa and Mr. Henry Glla, Cpeet price, two hundred CO. H. HACKFIXD f,ir pelnthig tn wood wo m at if court Rcom or eats cswrt. at trol aa the great outlay of capital required for lis Title Koyal Patent. Alllolani dotlare Kohala. In in Mand of llawatt, ar. aad t ) construction tnd tbe length of time betore any proAl- -.. m lime end piece, the leaee for eight .t th Im aaStaStj tae lime for pror mm a OR CHARTER, nvvilitRSSajloltBj for aartAroAar. apply tr fits can be realised, present too great difficulties In FOR FREIGHT veer of the land of Kamalumelo. eitoate on Ibe Island of npnlsrailon when :ind afe-- re aRV t Pontic Work. Kanai. th Mid lead llug tndd on one Sid by " K , the Way of Us construction by prlvtte enterprise. H I tVHM AN may appear 1 BittUli ship will, use aat, and ronteat ta aud A The twenty-loiconttlnlag li.," aeel aa the other by AnahoAa. and Snonld foreign Powcre, however, co operate with lttrA i more or lea Cpset price, two bn the United States in lbs prosecution ot tbia work, LEADt. It I d. Jlin (A;M0i perannnm. inndrM AlUolanl wonld become tut. purticipitlng the Government! ii imir r Tlln J. MOTT BaflTfl. Knotna. newsaaasss)! ttockhoMert in it to the extent of their onllay of Mlnieter of the Interior. BOBBae. eai AwAUway. Forary loth. 1177. at r: o'clock And It la further ..rdered, that ettaraa o823 10, tSTt. Interior Omc. Dc ctpittl, tnd Ibe mtnigemeot of the cantl. when for nen fit) veers of th' following Oo- ON tons reslater, la-la- nd aiharrfMnt wttprw to and wilt, mm w Ojt. aaa. af tae lAwniiaat Supreme an by ot be commission, international tlie It completed, will i'ottrt (o rppar tnd tr.tator. It-- In th dmnct of MUo. Hawaii. e'ljoinMaster. C. HaJTlnsrton tbe members of which will represent tbe respecTerm, 1877. th time appointed, tive governments having capital Invested In the listed North Kohala, Hawass. R. f Janoary to. IffT. tor particulars, apply to Ma ST. work. CRARLast Chief Justice Allen presiding. V. T. LKXKHAN C . Uueen street- tg N Subscribers to the Gazkttf. arc respectfully J uatira of use treat! ctaatt. ana. Ja S37 Tlokann, Albtny, January 3. Boss Tweed It utterly broken Davies and Wilder, assignees of Cbnnir Hoon, vs. Maoowmilele. with commences and iiiitilieil that volume thirteen H. Hsckfeld A Co. Action of Assumpsit to recover down at last and ready to make any terms lo Drtng . Pacific Mail Steamship Co's San Francisco, II A WREBS. 4 IT JC r aaa. aaa. II DK'IAI. the value of certain Sliooks and Sugar baga said to his troubles loan end. It may safely be predicted Civet pnc four buudrM dollar. (ft00j - r annum. laatnet H.wartaa tlic first issue in the new year, and subscrip- Australia and New Zealand line belong to tbe bankrupt's estate. This cute was t ried thst he will snrrender all the property still wttniii r Frederick wneh. of WaSaaa. J WOTT rOCITH. praarea or an Starr Wetra. uoi tions are payable in advance, at his control, and makes clean Breast ol I uc by a jury wbo after an absencu of one hour returned Oa readli.a and Mloanrr or the Interior. ar aa utiraiit aaklna taataa repre a verdict for thu plaintiff (oue dissenting), for the ring business lo tome pmdent trustworthy " THE I1T7. IrnrrsnrOtVse. Janeart Mr. tSsajastSO huahand. late a ailn. BRaa her of FIVE DOLLARS PER ANNUM. Mini of 1318 23, with iuieiest from the 18lh day of sentative or the prosecution. Mani. II. L, l)n rant a. September 1872 until pnid. E. Preston for plainlias Washington. 3d. The President I Ha Kareatr th King to appoint John F Jannarv tha nf thatTHCRSDAT. FTBBrAstY carThose residing; in the city can pay the tiff, A. S. Hartwell lor the defendant. I ATT. at IS a. a., at tha Ceatrl ognlzed Tauagiyo Kentoro, it Consul of Japan at tweak, aaa . tarrrrsoi ol Kanai. in place of Ills Ex. pilntil aa the time and rier, who will procure from the publication San r rancisco. Mr. Justice Harris presiding. Kaou naHai J. tltlon and any i.hjn oona that Ja taaSwewt Smttum ..." New York. January 3d Great excitement exist Co vs. Akau. Action or Tort tried by office a receipt for the amount paid. Those Cbulan JiAia. Palace, January 4. 1877. - all oartir. Interested therein are hereby ot on ol vera account in a an Cubans tbat here atnone; a jury wbo the quarter boor returned minor ahk-- eoouiaanix living in the country can remit by order or y ass this day ap I.. asoebonoa ban Tad yadaeaal Raman. L Clrralt J dict Inr the plaintiff (one joror dissenting. Dama- - the mail steamer Naevo Cnbano. plying between FF.RKIEM. (arantadrr. Ahatoa, January ilth.. 1STT. A. 8. Hartwell for the plaint iff, E. lbs. Island of pine and Balabanoon Ibe toulh shore $461.25. of Houottanee ai! i.overnrueiit l,,,,!; cl,eclc. ?es Will Leave Honolulu for or Cobs, has been captured in similar fashion to tbe M. Davidson for the defendaut. In place or and J. Land Attest for Ike nenond JadicAal laetr-t. The Gazette will be sent regrularly by Montexuma. The tun between these ports Is made I IT lOt RT, THII reaurned Before Mr. Jnttiee Jadd. J at. Ka-n- . and Sydney, N.S.W, way . I RS Kandavu. THICT. In probate, in t in twelve hours, and at last accounta t lie Nuevo mail to any part of the world, on prepayment I anas Aaeeaf Kaaaaa .Akaa, I J. MOTT haf ITH, In petition matter Mahoe iiiiiiiiia the (w) and of of the ed Cubauo bad'bern ont five days. She had on board t Cnnnertlnx at Kannavo with Company's stennar for and Saal Oa rradlna and fillet the prilu. of the annual subscription and iiostage. Mlolater of the Interior. Namomi her hntbtud to quiet title to land. Mr. largo number iff political prisoners, who were bring , POBTCHALatAtRS. and Intermediate AUCKLAND,!!. Jamas Wkjbt. ataaaaRtarastr af th I W W. R. Castle apoear for tbe petitioners. Mr. Cu Otter. Jam. im. porta. sent from the island of Ploea to work at the recon H. M. Whitkkv, Addrcas Hawaii, ..f North Kohala. late Lania. cil Brown lor Knne, Pika, and Keakuu iu opposistruction of the Ti'oetlH lo the Central Department lu- - chare htniarir with l?T.e, at Publisher Hawaiian Gazette. tion. Case partly heard by the Court, when u was On or peraooe bat been daly appointed Agent SSV3.SA and a.k that The lb asm New York, January 3d The Commercial Adveragreed stand over, evidence that should until the it charted from tha trust. ta rate aiO ana leQeieali to contract fJr labor rn aeeoro-u- r For PreWthtand Paaaaar. and further Information, applv a brother of Miss Mary, to whom James says tiser ta ordered that HATTTtDAT. th ITth. Say af can Pika of from Molokai. It obtained be 1 CO.. and HACKPELD ftSt) H. .taenia. with thwarartSMe of aa Act toaraeod Section 4 Gordon Bennett was engaged, but wbicb was bn- - to a.. Kaaaaa Carl BCAKY. A. 0. 177, at lo o docAt Before tbe full Court. ata-tlkeu off, this afternoon attsaulted Bennett with of part tat to cotitracti, au- S ef aa Act fa the him on the head, which so stunned striking sTBst JstzwtttsrSw, Wowsl mm tzVattVoVosSwOtf club, San Co't W. R. Francisco, C. Mall Blckerton, Jones Pacific Steamship vs. F. a and Wight, J. on Code, the evia-t,oI approved of 1417 Civil the m tln ;.v ur M .hlW ( am. It any tbvy tmrm, way t assignees of Pedeken iu banco. A. 8. Hartwell fur him that he lell. He recovered himself and wrested 9aThaawafJalyA.il. 171, approead the Rata September Australia and Hew Zealand Line. MM MOOM Mt - a plaintiff, W. C. Jones for defendants. Motion for the club from May when a tattle took place between a Ii ! eta The arearal aaaaaaaaVRa ware naurd oo the AN ISDEI'ENDKNT JOURSAL, KobaU Akau. Hawaii. Jajsamry ttb. .it?. tnrm, Bennett aeanng amy some very Ueavy Olows new trial. Case argued pro and con and submitted. THE SPLMOID STEAMSHIP 1 hey were finally separated. Neither party was TO HAWAIIAN PROGRESS. DEVOTED ruling of Exceptions to the Kuopua. vs. Kuikahl JSw. 1 seal n Kami. Baaa. alanl. much injured. Mr. Justice Jadd at the Third Judicial Court. HaNew York, January 3 Morning. The Herald's Star 1 W. C Laae, polealia, Oaks. Messrs. Dole waii. Catc trgued tnd submitted. Waahingtcn special says : Tbe temper of both par BY PUBL16I1EI) AM) EDITED 1A Walaloa, K. Oaho. Eeaeroa. kac Notice of Foreclosure of Bears! and Brown tor tbe exceptions, ti. B. Kaloaukuue ties is getting better. Barard and Lunar cmnhatl oiaiua Lahaina. Maui, in place of D. plaintiff. for the s41 1 -j OTICK M caliy deny that they would refuse supplies to Hayes THAT WHITNEY". atopih. to tbe The King vs. S. Keahua. Exceptions ANT to a pewar ay aaAe naa ratted to a t II the latter was elected, l.aniar said sucu action 41 orsumortgage BAac. RS- -ft Sake. Haaalet. t.,. deed datad ruliug of Mr. Justice Judd at the Third Judicial Aassaja. SB? lsth af A. a. irv bo an u. would 'justifiable and unconstitutional, DOW. COXIA'DIB. made between K ana, In. (R) of tha aaa port, aaaf Court, Hawaii. Case argued and submitted. C. revolutionary proceeding. J. H. PabJo in place- of J. W. Eeoniakanl, re-Dec. WEDNESDAY. JANUARY 1 187. prnc, r or i lie otnrr part, aad !vrsd us L " 8. FOR SIN FRINCISCO LEAVE A. HONOLULU B. Dole for the exception, WILL Brown 8. and Hawaii. pages art, m and Its. m use ftetpssry OaBse Is II Moody, on New Year't day, obtained subscrip Hartwell, Attorney General for the crown. We arc pleasetl to learn from Mr. S. T. Alexto wcure the payment ar sttm, ka aaa a aaa, J. MOTT SMITH. tha to tne amount Ol 01U.UUU Iruru the persona tions or On thereof, with Interest, at the rata, af at aaos, are Mlnieter ot Interior. Naklno vs. W. H. Bailey. Questions reserved friends of tbe late P. P. Bliss, who. with bis wife, ander, that the work of digjring the ditch for gaal or any further infoinuUon, month. Th laid steaaaa Saeeaet BM For Freight ami at the December term of tbe Second Judicial Cirliwo OBJce. Jar. t. 1S77 pensned in the Ashtabula horror. Tblt sum will aald mortgage, and after tba lime IIBAASBS ST loar 1 II. HACKFELI) tft ( Alff nt. fW7J the purpose of irrigntinjr the lands of the HaE. Pres- be put tt Interest for the benefit of the two tona uf apply to Maui. Case argued and submitted. cuit, IBS SOtS laiasjajso property to oo ST of mrm to tMkr svckiiowlUjrrnent- - for labor ton for tbe plaintiff, W. R. Castle for the defendoJIIM these uonorea citizens ot Chicago. iku and adjacent plantations, is already two In Honolulu, for a breach of las own tvre flft cmaxm (AO cUi fur thr ant. iu Mia L HI!,- -. property aald each tb betas tld, cnbd Europe. thirds done. Nearly two hundred men have All lhal rtrulu pan r aim uf h Uocu-kfrkm U- - Eoxiuh and fifty ceDU(Hcttk) Waihee Sugar Plantation vs. Kalapu. Appeal Queen Victoria wai on the 1st instant, proclaimed llonoillu. Island of oahu. .nd tiring h oleaaa "a. few for Transferred last on steadily the Justice work it Wailukn. lanicuajte been from District at In of Hawaiian r cntffc: tbf Lmpress throughout India with great ceremony. Koyai Patent No. list aad betas tha auaa HBtayaS a from Circuit Court Second Judicial Circuit by agreeBy rVar tf titer UMner of tbr Intrkr. Pllmoku and BAoluls. by WataSsa by oa? AaAad SSSk months, and it is expected that l.y the first of Berlin. Dec. 22. Emperor William closed the ses A. S. Hartwell lor plaintiff, E. ment of parties. Auguxt. IKS, and recorded In Liber a. aa BBaas HI aas befwi tmeot. of Caift. T. Oouck. Inu-noby from speeeb Parliament sion the a Preston for the defendant. Case argued and subMay next the water will lie flowing through it. n Moaafsta. St. tsa of the recorda In the Hasdetry no (jffi"-- . Jtiuar In to foreign affairs he said : The H1j. Irr. reference throne. Ini-- nr I. Tofelber with the tenetoauis tsereao, and the mitted. There could not be a mote striking exhibition negotiations of tbe Powers on the Eastern question, HUES tatd land l is thereunto trkiianns. .WASTER. ABCHAHT. eatataaaaBJ Mr. Justice Harris presiding. as far as proeeedod with, justifies the hope that my acre.. 0awrniog District School Board. of the value of enterprise than is presented by I. M. Peterson vs. Kamaipelckane. Hated thu IStb .lay of Janoary. laTT. Appeal from eDorts and tne peaceful intentions vi tbe rowers will January lsth, Thursday, 4PM Sawtltwfli HICH'll r. the fact that this ditch, which will not cost Fmr tkr ptarpoar of mor- - eiTectlrely carryinf out the tbe Police Justice Houolulu. Action on cha cr becaccoisful in tulving pending questions. Without U0O Jan uary !d, Monday, 4PM... :CT .11 fUkJ Attorney for tt party. E. Preston for the plaintiff, J. M. Davidprejudice to the good relations existing, Germany of la r rrtaUOet to Hip Burrao of rubhc lnatrac- - above 50,000, will, it is estimated, cause a January gtn, Monday, 1PM , . ftm Koss son for the defendant. February tti. sionday, 4 P X. Nawlllv.ni and circuit of Case tried by tbe Co I will continue, by friendly disinterested mediations, tttn. mmc oa4t r Um aattKM-.- tr caatmmd by Suction 3, of difference in the crop of the Haiku plantation Kauai aud taken uuder advisement. to lend her for the attainment of this Notice of Foreclosure of &a Act to tv!oml Ctuptvr 10 of the Civil Code, and to February 12th, Monday, IPX Hue tria,. new for end. Prosscr vs. Pauahi. J. Motion now growing, of four hundred tons of sugar, February lath, Monday, S P M Kona rarUat th- - Burr a a ot Public Instruction.'' approved mjOTH'B IN UEJCF.BT UITKM THAT I for E. Preston pro con Argued refused. and and Monday. March Dee. 5th. 22. In considering how the surplus London, HOo JW SCANT to s power of sols islahtiSstst ITM Jtmr. ) IMS: which is more than sufficient to cancel the enplaintiff, J. M. Davidson for defendent. March 12th, Monday, IPX Kona money ol tne ueueva award sliull be appropriated deed of morutsge ilated tha Alb day of A a. t. '.a: i or ortleffrM by Ibe Board of BdocaUon, that Uka March lath. Monilay, A p M Hilo njt of the ditch. D. Baldwin vs. Campbell at Turlon. Action or tbe Timet says : The American Congrats is perfectly cost tire rn.de btwn Kanmraml. (klof tha aaa any for where Monday, the Kincdotn. March Jtlh, Kona throucboui 1PM spencer pan. rn User at, aa of the recorded othar W. C. Jones for plaintrespass. Jury JrtCf rhaaJi divirtct waived. within its competence. The indemnity was paid for We have been in the past too slow, too timid, mrmbtT of :s i. s4 and zst. lo the Kegtttrr asses Rt ihit tat-- rjniai annual eiertionnotfor the tbJrd tiff. E. Preston for derendant. Cate tried by Ibe losses which tbe Lnitcd btates as a whole bad sua core the payment; af ttss la two years. Im Use taw- l.aWrtr..ci.ttoi Hoard abali have been beld at the On alt Windward Tripe the .steamer will leave her wharf Court, and after hearing the evidence and the artoo conservative. We have been to much afraid tained, We do not what and individuals sustained. Interest ner tb rale uf S at ; all trlpa to Kauai, will leave at 4 r. m. On down thereor, with "..aA--i! BRRwH by iav. in- uurti memoer 01 me aiwd guments of couuset, tbe Court took time to not expect any conscience in Congress seotitive trips tbe Steamer will not leave Kawalhae before 10 a. a., month. Th tald .Stephen sraeai.r wu of risking a small amount for the sake of gaining coutider its decision. by taw. a said uiortgac. and after the ttroa AkxaaA Baara. taar eied at a regular WerUor. ttitTi'ttir. shall enough to inquire whether the award was too high, Mukeua saner notice ou up trip. Maalara May not before tha mortgaged piopeny to b a id by buboa- - aacttaa at We know that enterprise pays ha ? a. it. Any chaos from the above will be advertJatd- and bare fall authority t act out a n large one. Bka vataaawaae and that the unappropriated balance might be reHonolulu, for a breach of th ci ndltbaa eaata -tlivirtualh-professeJ vlecu-ntatt'd at Bl recuAarlr We should be sorry to see suob a delioate turned. aar No Credit Sur Passage JStoAtrjr. tsa other lands, but we have heretofore aid deed, .ucfa prcpert, wtna W. iift. HMITK. See All that certain pier or parrel of laad question raised. jtu. LATE FOREIGN NEWS ! Tickets at tbe orflee only. to doubt its paying here. It is lime I Oaho, it. L, and beisc toe ststs tootsy s st Is luu. paid considered aa No will 3t C26 until Not be taken berth Deo. ftr. Aiia.Aair! HaV. Jar. 4tb, 1STT. 26. The Paris correspondent of tbe Loudon, ami, (s) by Klamano, It) by deed dated 1Kb day of Jcly. responsible for unmarked Uoirratfe or any Freight or Par- thnt this fallacy were overthrown. We hope Times gives a detailed account of tbe occupation 1SSA, and recorded lu l.ibr IS. oa j.g 112 f lb Mail ii Rk Majeetv City of BBSS unleaa receipted for. arrival the of By Steamer tbe appoint Avlrat to Hun. tbe aaa liaai Jt aebeme, derived from authentic sources, showing that to see the example set by the projectors of the ui ta nraau-- iwr, in IluOoouu. H R oreroor of Maul. Molokal uii'l LaOAi, U MoelMmua 1 aeaL Wk New York, on Friday last, we have Sail Franhare been made to Turkish considerable cuncessions rnnti thereon, and lb appartenaa Freight Money Dos on Demand. East Maui irrigating canal, prove contagious, land containing i arrea. ne Ha Kx. Jiio M Kapena reakrried. particularin According this sensibilities the lo W An effort wilt be made to have Ihe Steamer reach Said Exposition. AuHtraliusi 4th the to inst. dates cisco Dated ihla 1Mb day of Janoary, UTT. Honolulu oo the evenlns of the same day she leaves Maol OS scheme a corn of military will be recruited from vol laaaal Palao. Her IRA.. 17 A and incite to many a new undertaking, which I AL BICat'D F. nil KKKTON. America unteers to neutral States, and will be under orders S27-SAMI Kr, II. WILDEK. .lir. nl. Information" has been received that an Atturaey far tba aM Beraasa Baaa aud tend to the pros-(Mtit( OtBce with Wilder at Co.. corner of Fort At queen street! New York, December 22d. The Evening Mail's of the Governors of the provinces. They will wear Apflieatmc bat tnao maiie to thie Departmeot for shall enrich individuals, intcr-coloni- al Sydbe will held exhibition at TamaTMrA of the whole country. badges, be paid by Turkey or tbe provinoel, and will Washington special says : an unauthorised but inuf tbe fallowing Gorernmeot Landi : ney in April next. The Secretary of the As- fluential Representative Republican interviewed constitute a reinforcement of tbe lurkisb police. It Car ! Hawaii. is feared Turkey will resist nearly all tbe proposed Facts Rentemberiiisr. Horih sociation, Mr. Jules Joubert, having addressed a Alexander H. Stephens yesterday with a view to reforms uf ll'momou. diitriet of Hilo, by William which tbe Potvers considered the minimum or TBI FOR KOLOA & OTHER PORTS ON KAUAI EiaT.forM0. The present uncertainty regarding the Pre letter to Dr. G. Trousseau, inviting contribuIt is thought Elliott making a compromise oa the Presidential questions. they are entitled to demand. ! Land at Eakala. in Pane, Hawaii, by J. W. sidential succession in the United States is not tions from these islands, the latter gentlethe British ambassaJor, favors resistanoo on tbe FINE BRITISH IBOlf He submitted lo Stephens tba suggestions of Galutha THJ5 SCHOO.IKR aeree, for 1 150. part of Turkey, and his departure from Constantito be divide the policy a II. adopted might Grow that Hathe first time tbe same thing has happened in man has laid this invitation before the nople is considered reassuring ror peace. MoLOKAI. A dispatch from Constantinople says tbe Porte hat its history. As far back as the year 1801, waiian Government in two letters, one white vote in the South and attach it to the more Baiaaea af Eaaaaooai. C. H. Parker. to cancel the financial decree of 1875 immeresolved Stephens North. the in Republican dement moderate KIRI.IVU, MASTER- to to one and present canJefferson Thomas and addressed the late the Aaron Burr, both Kacai. and said ha would not advise diately. rejected suggestions tbe Robiaioo, for $1100. Will have rezutar dispatch for Kauai, aa above, until Laad at WaioU. Allen didates for President, received an equal numHis Ex. H. A. P. Carter, the South to give a friendly acceptance to Hayes in administration. London, Dee. 27. The Pall Mall Gazette says : COaPlitfiJitJ A Freight and Passengers taken at the further notice, Larai. ber of electoral votes. Minister of Foreign Affairs, has addressed the auguration, but he does advise them to submit to the Telegrams on the Eastern question are misleading LOWE.TT RATES.09 There was consedispatch believe to and warns the readers not the Laad of Kaaaela, W. M Gibaon. UOLLES t CO., Agent.. quently no choice for the people, and the President of the Chamber of Commerce on the decision of the Electoral College. about tbe British Ambassador's return, tbe Marquit P. 9 This vessel has lost been thoroughly repaired Oasc. of that body, Houso of Eepie- - subject, inviting the thrown election into was or DecemUr 23d. Tbe Seoretary cf of Salisbury's ultimatum, and the departure of the the and pat in In perfect order. Wasbisotos, 51 Lai at Pawaa. Waifciki oka, A. Jaeger, S100. fleet from Turkish waters, etc. It says scntativi'8 as the Constitution requires. Here and enclosing portions of Dr. Trousseau's letter. the Treasury has published a circular for the in- English IwRw at Kalaokahaa Plain, H. M. the Kinc, Kos. Besika bay is no place for targe ships at this season, $, U S7R. 171 to 17", 34!, SAS, for $1000. 3M. struction of Collectors of Customs and or persona enand tbe Marquis of Salisbury's business with tbe BOSTON AND HONOLULU PACKET LINE ! EOTTOI, the voting is done by States, a majority of the These we insert below. v. K t aaue. lata Koi. IZi, 116, 127. ICC. 167, 16S. between the United States and Sultan yesterday was not to present tha proposals of commerce in gaged representatives of each State deciding its vote. The Chamber of Commerce, at its meeting S. B. Dele. lot. Nor. SH, US, 367, for $500. the Conference as an ultimatum. Tbe talk of tbe C. Brewer Co. Agents. the Hawaiian Islands under tbe Hawaiian treaty. armament of Russia and England goes too far if it is T. K. Faatar.lot No Ml. The electiou proceedings in the House occuon Wednesday last, appointed a committee of favorable ArranganiantA cau always b 164, 16:, $100 each. Joset, loU Ko. 12S, Neither the Treasury Department nor the Departheld to signify that England will impose Russian storage and of made thlpntant nmw -for Oil. Bone, Wool, ill,). nd eb jjti-- E pied an entire week, during which there were three, Messrs. W. L. Green, P. C. Jones, and For the sake of peace wa demands oa he Porte. drier Merchaodlie to .lew tledrord, Uottnu, New Tort sad ment of State have received any copy of the regulasrIr ill hi it trade at thii oSoe fur tbe leatei of thirty-siew as) itber Kaetern Ports. AsT Cash Advance- - made. x ballotings. On the last, Thomas J. C. Glade, to take the matter in hand and tions made by the Hawaiian Government under the may wish to Eee their proposals accepted ; if reBios Striped Das tots. Vslvat Carpets A '93-lC. BKKWBR A CO. A! we will not quarrel with the Porte, but watch Ha a an. Jefferson received a majority of four, and was make such arrangements as they may deem treaty. It is therefore suggested that exporters to fused rv Harnett Pilot Clothing, Towels. " sal It tbo outcome of refusal with a steady view for the Paaioa Sbeetj Ranch Co. av r declared elected, nnd Aaron Burr was chosen Whits Moleskins, Skirts, Orsasdrsss. A H. necessary. The Committee has already adthe Hawaiian Islands should ascertain what formaliprotection of our own interests in the world. ,,n4t of Ookata Ahualoa, Makahinpa. Pnunabela, rwaaiaa ties prescribed by tbe Hawaiian Government, if any, ' "j", Fkakaa a. araabaaha. let and 2nd, far 10 yen, $300 bearvss snd Ties. Silk I tsaraUaa. As may well be imagined dressed letters to various planters and agri DISPATCH LINE FOR SAN FRANCISCO I London, January 1. The Daily Telegraph', special from Pera, dated Sunday, Bays: The Turkish Crimean, Oxford sad Ragalta Starts. the popular excitement was most intense, ren culturists, inviting them to contribute such mutt be complied with in order to obtain the benefits counter-propositioC. Brewer A Co. Agents. were tent to the PlenipotenT. H. Iiarie. Landr of Paapauloa, Itt and 2nd ; an i i FIsSBtlf, Twetdi, Poathos, Im of the treaty. more so dered well by the known character . of Saturday sysa night. Tbe tiaries last Turks offer Merchandise received Storoste Pros and Ka.banha let and 2nd: Kthilaai lit and 2nd, for articles as they may be able to get ready for December 26th. The President has tem of administrations very like tbat proposed by WasnntOTos, anvao-e- s Qiao on ar-- i by .blpmentt iiaaraican line. toil i lie Burr, who had he become president might the exhibition, and it is to be hoped that the iy C. BftKWER a CO. sent to tba Senate the correspondence between tbe the Powers but ignore questions of a Gendarmerie Parser, laad Ijinr between Kaobc arid have proclaimed himself dictator. Committee will be prepared to make a display United States and Great Britain on the subject of and International Committee, and positively refuse Kalopa, $lfa par annam. Swiss Molls, Priolsd Lswa, Bulgarian reject They to pardon prisoners. also 1 Hatahinaoe, of Kaalaiki, Kan, in land Again, the year 825, there was no choice which will be creditable to our group. 20jeri. A.n. Executor's Notice. Wslsrproof Clothioc. Visions Lawss. extradition. Some of it has been published heretothe financial proposala and suggest no gusrantees. Maci. of President by the people, and after the exsnc curopean riempoicniiarics ueia an inforBook MnsliBi, Laos Curtains. Tbe treaty has been restored to vitality by fore. CI. A ms All t INST Detaktvent of Foreign Affairs. ALL PnUOSSHAVIXU ttSBRB of AtASSOO Manuel, lata if Honolulu, de mal meeting Sunday, to consider tbe counter proauf J Markle. land . f W.ianu. Houolulu, January 6tb, 1877. amination by the Senate of the electoral votes the act of Great Britain receding from its former posals. Tbe Russian, German, Austrian and French ceased, are requested topresen. the to me tame at W. Face, laad of Watalua, Kolaa, Maui. lbs To the Hon. 8. N. Oastioi President of the Hono1 of Alex. J. cartwright Esq.. Qoeen street, Honolulu, cast, it was decided that the election devolved position, and tbe surrender of Brent, the forger. delegates declared they could not act with the office MoLOKAl. lulu Chamber of Commerce. within sir months of the date ( tbe rtrnt publication of thla Porte, and seemed inclined to cnt short the disis in Department communiccccipt by of This as Senate tbe is Sik: regarded The correspondence or they wUl be forever barred, and all parsone innotice in the House of 20 nRepresentatives, A Fonaader, laad of Ohu where, on jean, $2 per cussion. After Lord Salisbury tttted bit vlewt debted to the aald .slate are requested to pay the amounts cations from Dr. U. Trousseau regarding au Inter confidential at present. Twins, Leather Belting, Pslal. Oilt. Pi pas. Bl a at tbey became calmer. General Ignatieff, however, the first ballot, John Quincy Adama was Colonial Exhibition to be opened iu April at Sydwing t me at mm urnce. ra. ror pwrcnaae or laaee ot tiorernment - Dated thla luth ia "en 1S7S. December 26th. The Centennial of the read to tbe representatives a telegram Iron Prince Tre.itoh, N. S. W. ney, chosen. Singularly C. enough, John Calhoun ta thu oftoe Riaet epecifv tba area as elaaae Ai.f MANX'Et, PAIKO, 1 enclose copies of the parts or Dr. Trousseau's y by a sham Gortschakoff directing him not to listen to any battle of Trenton was celebrated Executor of the estate of ld Antone Manuel il liaaaail ta etna, Mar a known, the intended pnrpoae and price or was chosen by the people as counter proposals whatever. It was finally arrangcommunications which relate to the Exhibition. Wirs Rope, Corrugated Hoofing, !tz4tj were again defeated, and comHessians battle. The origipresent fhelr ed the should Conference that It seemed to me that at no place could our pro-dufiloo Mottled Soap, Galvanised sad TVs wars. Tae foliowinc application! are on file in this office. and declared legally elected without the pelled to surrender. The dead were carried into tba nal propositions again Monday. be exhibited with better chance ol attracting For appnalroaata for Road Saperriaor of tbe dii- The correspondent adda: Should the Turks perof tbe House. Fencing Wire. Hoop Iroa. Hellowers. attention aud leading to good results than at SydNotice. neighboring saloons and restored to eonteiouscess. ( sist in their refusals, I understand all tbe AmHana. Maui. I v K Helekunihi. ney, where many adventurous young men, who are UMDEMIttXED IIAVIXfs THIS DAY Cbarsosl Iroot. assumTribune, Cutlery. Bar Irsa, December 27th. The New Tore, '.: bassadors will quit Constantinople and leave their Again, in 1837, Martin Van Buren was seckiog for places and opportunities to settle, are appointed Admlnl'trainr oro tem. of the Katate For appoiaiaent aa Notar.r Pablic at Makawao, Las A Perrio'i Ssoeo, of Ihe late Predertck Welch, of Wailoku, deceased, by l ha in charge of tbe Charge d' Affaires. be C. B. Diokee. tare to be gathered together, but upon examiuing ing that there is some truth in stories of attempting legations Vice-Presid. elected and President, there no was r- Hon. A. Pornander, Circuit J ads. Maul. Tab At to give Another dispatch from Pera to the Daily TelFor aaaeiatateat aa Agant to take Acknowledge-At- e the prospectuses I taw no intimation thst exhlbitt nolle tbat all nullum harm claim, against raid estate, chosen by the people ; whereupon from foreign countries would be welcome, and at to compromise the Presidential question by divisions egraph states tbat at Saturday's seltinir of tbe af labor eoalraeU for South Kohala, S. F. are requested to pres nt the name to the undVrsigned withthe contestants, rebukes Turks Ignatieff Informed the General among different that of honors in tlx Riontlia uf tbe date of the first publication of this the Representatives, voting by States, chose no official notUcation had reached this Department I did not feel that His Majesty's Government could tendency in the public mind to accept some such bis instructions justified bis saying Russia has abnotice, or they will be forever barred, and all Draons In of Hit Ex. tba Mtaiater of Interior, solutely reached tbe limit of concession. Richard M. Johnson, of Kentucky, for that officially invite exhibits to be made under its dito said eatatn are requested to pay the amount dbted can politeiaos when of Saying that knot a solution. C. T. Gclicc, Chief Clerk, London, January 1st. The Daily Neve publishes owing without delay, to advantages of Id the likely however view rection. office. Thus it will be seen that the election by dickera sensational dispatch from Constantinople reprenr. .in w. OAniKll, to ensue from such exhibits I wrote Dr. Trousseau, get together and dispose of the Presidency 626 baariar OBse. Janaarj . 1877. Administrator oro tem. of th pAtit or add P.sAerlcr. of both President and nt Let this senting tbat tbe proceedings in the Conlerence has been that if we could be assured tbat such would be ing, we are only one step from anarchy. Welcb, t deceased. Saturday, were stormy, aud asserting that the welcomed by tbe authorities in charge of the exhiWSRSXtaS, Dec. 2ltt. 187S. S2S-lscheme succeed once, and it is morally certain that KApiriBKlai IN77 thrown into the House of Representatives, European Plenipotentiaries will refuse to discuss Ttora'' AREA bition, I wonld lay the matter before the Chtmber . at every subsequent election the defeated party will any project but the propottlt of tbe Confereucc, where it has been settled satisfactorily and of Commerce and would personally roal Oahu. aaaaa: tt and if tbe Porta refutet lo discuss these proposals, in a conmay be thought to in it Gentlemen if invite best it to Cbambet order tbat the complications with create Build acquiesced in by all parties. HHtJa aTlae KM a European ultimatum will follow. tributions of produce for exhibition. Then position to make terms with tbe victors. 1 In confirmation or tbe foregoing a Renter disT 111 lata. EkarBl.. Boaololu. tnniTIOVH, ALTER ATIOVS, Heoneity'j, M oxtail's aad Robin's Brasdy, fat We need men of enterprise and tome meant to OKorMAKE Another point to which we wish to call the repairs, will find It to their Interest to consult sotsts will Dackaoo. Fort M Hooolulo. Presideooy at tbe patch, dated Pera, Monday, aaya : To-d- ay The will be mere form. a balloting take up the Itnds of Hamakua, Kau, Kona and with the undr.ignd. who will tunulr diznL cnmhlnlna Iron ork Oump v, ; wh Market. sad eases ; was very grave. If tbe Conference the situation attention of our readers is the fact that a manor Democrats others, and raise coffee, suitar and wool. Tbe ad be sold. and Neither Convenience and Kconomy, with suitable Architectural bought really be Porte sitting on ' resist another Tburs will there Tins Sherry, ia quarter ssskt saal sasss. Krnbelllahment, and gnarranteed .4 AAeA Andre. KtaC 8A. of Cost. jority of tbe popular votes is not necessary to vantages offered by Mr. Hutchinson at Kau and the Republicans ean honorably agree to any such com- day. H Norton, lfiaaikea St a. UAILETi International HotoL Geneva, Whiskey, Bsea. Hoak. MoeafJa, II. I f. Aa Hawaiian Agricultural Company at Kapapuli, and Copenhagen, January 3d. Tbe first railway acciSkilled workmen lo ail departments aant to anv nart of "Ai-- Ak elect a President, aa the following instances at Princevilie, Kauai are very great, and 1 think only promise. The votes of the States have been oast. fat. Kaaaaa at loss of life occurred to the Islands. aS Ak Baaa at Akaaa. Eaalaea. EooiautKiko. Blood Wolfe want setting forth with an attractive exhibit of what It only remains to count them in strict accordance dent in Denmark, involving IsUs Pak Alt will show: Mr. Adams, in 1824, had a miSt" I Pater at MalkaL Maunakea St, A train containing one huncan be raised and statements of tbe profits of such with law. Whatever the result, people will cheer- day near Horseno. Teca 4 Ah Cooot. Kiuc M i-- lt ran off track. Nine persons were dred tbe laborers Edmund's Pig Braad Partsr. nority of the popular vote, so also did Van industries to induce the immi.ralion of some such aa raiis. mum ! estates directly fully accept it. Tbe efforts of politicians bow should killed and thirty severely injured. f.'.ha-Wa- st Skal A Co, I Buren in 1836, Polk in 1844, Taylor in 1848, men to the advantage not only of atthelarge. Bouchet's HapoUon Cabinet CluaTwjrM, Paris, January 3d Prince OrlofT, the Russian interested but of the comniunitr be directed only to tha work f ascertaining exactly Ambassador, bad an interview with Jules Simon aaalwi Maui. Buchanan you will observe in 1856, and in second Dr. In Trousseau's Lincoln letter, I860. All Lalaode's Bad Bar Claret, DaavUIo's Whisky. comto a Moaae, are, and strict law Baaa. what tbe provisions of The Eastern question is considered very .t Moa caaink at ACaaaa. Beat J TAT RECEIVE!) he says of tbe assurances he bos that such exTHE INDESUICIJIEO these filled tbe office of President, though they what Ttifi Mall from the celebrated Board's Wines sad Oastfts, TBOLK3AUE. hibits will be welcome, and if the Chamber deem it pliance with thair every detail. It wonld be a great grave, and a Cabinet Council baa been summoned. Tbe Daily News' special from Constantinople E Mclntrr A Bro Corner Klnf and Fort Sta. received less than a majority of the popular best to invite exhibits and arrange for their transoutrage and disgrace if the frauds of two or three says somebody it encouraging tbe Turks to resist Glatgow Iron Work of mission, His Majesty's Government will ! votes cast. So in the election of last Novemaa m Returning Boards ehouU impose upon the nation a Some believe Austria ia dolog ao secretly. ao far aa they properly can. A Vienna dispatched states tbat Ifrnatieff voted I trust tt least tbat some of our pablic spirited chief Executive who was not elected. It wonld be a Mr. Tilden received about 250,000 maber, Messrs Miriees, Tail, ami Watson, RETAIL SPIRIT. BRICKS, and property holders will avail themselves greater outrage, a greater disgrace, a greater danger for the prolongation of the armistice oa tbe underjority, out of the 8,500.000 votes cast by the planters standing tbat It should tpply only to Servis snd of this opportunity to bring into nonce tbe advanpsrAJcnlara of tbo coat of Exact for Presidency as salt pat tbe ap thonld Montenegro, elseCongress Reral Ratal. if RED BRICKS, snd thst no hostilities carried oo people, and yet fails to secure a majority in tages they can offer immiicranta. WHOLl.-C- I. 1 to aak you Sir, to bring this matter before tbe Praetonian Guard used to pat ap the Roman where should be considered io violatioo of tbe tbe electoral college, as did Breckenridge in tbe have engagement. CEMENT, --F A r biafln at Oo. Marnbant St. Chamber ol commerce lor their consideration. purple. 1860. The same occurred when Buchannan Accompanying this please receive a package of 2nd inst. elected the was oo Dudley Field David CHALK, advertisements. Schedules and -- Orni trill. Bile. Hawaii. ! was elected in 1856. He went in, though NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. I bare tbe honor to remain to Congress from the Seventh New York District, BrrrnF-rt-. Tour obedient Servant WHITING, having received 377,000 less than his rival Of seventeen different rspsi Its iiiiisIrr) to III tha vacancy canted by the resignation of Smith -ah Uasata. Eaaaat Akaa. Hawaii Hkhbt A. P. Cartir ii pta una. KihaA J. C. Fremont, Tet in the electoral colEly, Jr. Bis majority over Goetl, Republican was loAO lbs. Attayaur la to Hears at a Coat ar A370. U Sf I Maale. WaDakn. Maul. Extract iff Utter from Dr. Tnmatau to W. L. Gran. 2,448. lege, all these Presidents, except Adams, a ftTIHE FOLLOWNS OFFICER Vac a am Pan Plant to a Flrst-els- aa December 5th, 1&7S. Secretary Robeson hat assured the Secretary of A. elected for the ensuing year st too annual meeting received a majority of the electoral votes. He His Excei.lf.nct W. L. G&XXN. laasaaT Joax LaAtaa Eooa. Oaar. of the Haiku Sugar Company, beld January 11, 1877 ; I I will cordially coLAPAAl Navy Department the War II a tbat Tones to Stake la of tiffs la 1 to was chosen by the Representatives, as stated Doab Sir: I beg enclose tome pampblett President, 1. afott Smith """ Eaaaila Batawa, Bwa. concerning an Internatiootl Exhibition lu Sydney. operate with the War Department in the daily si onlta T. Alexander a a Coot above. at Hours a -- aw JaaAaaat. af 1,170, Some friends of mine, members of the AgricultuSecretary. J. P. Cooke observation! now being made neous meteorological WESTOrS CENTRIFUGALS O. McCooke EifilltS ral Society of N. 8 W. would very much like loaee Auditor. Its wow. Ola delivered world. many tbe by nations around A t'osmit al Work. Hawaii represented at their exhibition, and promise Per order, aaV Waaaaaaaa, Waakaae, Eaa I. P. COOKE, MoOoie'i St 037 Sao ttBAko company. btve Bee. Sugar Franoiseo be every care tor of will taken of things me tbat Tba Christian ministers warded Tbo tSvaaTBtfAted are prepared HORSE. By the last mail comes the important insuch machinery, and to arrange for freight on and sales if desired, effected at moat favorable terms. ArrlTO, WAmW to meet on January 3th in the First CongreI Baain Kakm. Ka 1 Hiaitnla. CUriflon I shipped by a ew Inn Clipper Ahlp a any chance to see tbe Hawaiian GovernIs there aaa. t Pea t telligence that the Board of Army Engineers ment take any interest in the matter, and call for gational Church, to take steps for the inauguration of a raaml in me uyua as law tons ouruen, to :: BALE fOB BY of producers. I thought 1 had 100 days' Evangelittic campaign, which, if resolved to which was submitted the task of ascertaintbe Ulaasraar mm ar a boat the 13th at better write to yoo on tbe subject to that a reFebruary Mem t. opoo, will data with the week of prayer, sad may be ing the most feasible route for a ship canal spectable by common might exhibit be forwarded a J?Etaail X. B Orders for all kinds ot Machinery and othar indfinitely eontinoed if Moody and Saaky arrive across the Isthmus of Darien, has made a efforts ondcr your personal patronage perhaps. J,, European merchandise to be shipped by tha above vessel If yoo do not consider worth yoor while to have while it is progress. Steamer KILATJEA! should be tent to tba undrraArned daring Ibe month of full and satisfactory report. It favors the anything sent, please be kind enongh to let me know September or not iater tbaa October lota, aar Bats of TUX CNDSAaiOMKD or outrages upon American citizens on subject The usve asoJ sad FUB Nicaragua route, and estimates the cost of the at once and I will try to gather some Hawaiian profreight sfrsBtsd Br. HALE LOW, to close tat the Mexican border of tha Rio Grande by Bevclotioo-oist"I-- " to. duce or curiosities for the Sydney Exhibition. ?Zp BDTa. Laaeaae'laaiu. T. LE.WF.HA5I at (a. canal at about 9100,000,000, which, consider . AJtCHAXT is occupying the attention of tha Uoitad Stales L. AJtrs, ataaawao. " to A. B. Cargo Carter. Eatract P. Trouueav Dr. of'letter 8sVXCD;" frtm of Ship a allala ing the immense importance of the undertak Anglo iaAaaa. Eaaaat Government, ood orders will soon be issoed to the Hawaii December Mth, 187C. ing, and its undoubted benefits to the comfrom Hortsrkosc. Hia Excxixknct B. A. P. Casts, Minister of army sad naval forest to protect them. ! Foreicn Affairs : merce of the world, is a mere bagatelle. It is Washington, Dec. 21. A Commission baa been 1 ifnlii. Unless Otherwise Advertised. Dear Sir : I am not only aotborlted by my appointed by the President to examine tbe virions thought further that the work will occupy frieuds China Matting, but strongly urged to be tbe meant of tendUnder the of R. VOS OEHLHAFFEJI. ing some exhibits to the Sydney Exhibition, tnd I surveys and report upon the moat feasible route for TICKETS ONLY AT THE OFFICE about years. ten Banelaf itataaT ship canal across tbe Ittamot of ACef certain tbat not only will tbe goodt be ttkeo care so KIOWS TO Tata. Trunks, ALL DELICACIES! The United States government lias already am kept oo band, sod served lo sorpaasASK tbe of to the advantage of exbibitort bnt tbat if there it Darien. There It reason to believe tbat work on 5 : Past, arrest the present, and stereotvo the Bales doing awarded. of will be Mat rewards any chance to, Powers the great of the lo suggested others Sathai Icuatleff nd Attoteed to atthrfy the epicure In his wtlost dreams. Wed- Tbe reports ai caaato will bare to be addressed aa tblt great Improvement, tbe connecting of tbe All communication FREIGHT BILLS DUE ON DEMAND aaofs, laaasts, and an other private If tbe propriety of making this an international l OooataoUnople lmmedtatelr sad public Ordsn lantic and Pacific, will be commenced within two well at goods to Mr. Jules Joubert (a countryman will be executed in my nana! elevated style. toe proposals of the Powers. Mili In. ta OFFICE WTTH WILDER A Co. N. S. W. Agricultural mm Secretary of tbe Cltjton-Bnlw- er mine) n. of years. Treaty of vti.v July The 5th, las work, to UKIll.UAJrwww and with mm lm meet appears their the idea with activity. prorcediuf ore ary ptesauattous f. T. LRNRFt A S A Cta. tt. UTHOBITV The stamps required by the prorlticm of " An spproved Sept. Act relating to stamp dulie-- " 27th, 1876, emu be had upon spplication st the Treasury. J. 0. Carter, Dec. 22, 1976. (624) Registrar Poblic Accounts. ' Special Notice. I. km HAWAIIAN GAZES r IMP Solic CUfl rlid. "I. PHIT IIENliY II. All the facts and figures will soon approval. be made public in a message from the President to Congress. The canal will start on this side from the small village of San Juan del Sur, which lies It at the head of a beautiful but open bay. will probably be found necessary to construct at this point moles or breakwaters for the purpose of affording a safe and convenient harbor for shipping, as the bay is now exposed to tbe full force of the sea when the wind blows From 8an Juan del from certain directions. Sur to Lake Nicarugna, at Virgin Bay, is a distance of thirteen miles. The rise from the ocean to the lake is gradual, the latter lying at a height of 128 feet above the Pacific, and there is nothing to prevent the canal from being cut in a nearly direct line. The lake is deep enough to permit the navigation of the largest ships, being generally from five to fifteen fathoms in depth. It is about ninety miles in length by forty in width. The canal on tbe other side will follow the course of the San Juan river, throngli which the surplus waters of the lake are now drained. It starts near the southeastern point of the lake, and running a nearly easterly course empties into the Caribbean Sea at Qreytown. This river is braatl but shallow, and at present is navigable for nothing larger than the steam-boat- s, which, a few yeare since, were used in the transit of passengers traveling beIt will tween New York and San Francisco. be necessary to deepen it for nearly the whole cf its length, avoiding the rapids ofCastillio by a cut across the bend made by the river at that place. At Oreytown there is at present no anchorage for ships, except in the open roadstead, and there will undoubtedly be constructed at that place an artificial harbor. A ship canal by this route has long been in coutemplation, and as long ago as the year 1849, a contract for the performance of the undertaking was entered into by the Nicara-gua- n government and the Atlantic and Pacific Ship Canal Company of New York, but owing to the interference of the British government the work was indefinitely postponed. It was estimated at that time that it would cost about 920,000,000, And that the time required for its completion would lie twelve years. There is hardly a civilized nation on the face of the earth that will not feet the benefits of " this correction of geography in tlie interest of commerce." It will briug the East and the West commercially nearer to one another by thousands of miles, and will thus facilitate the interchange of the products of the opposite sides of the world, and will, no doubt, exert an immense influence in extending and augmenting trade in this ocean. That Hawaii will be benefitted by the accomplishment of this work there cannot be a shadow of a doubt. It will open for her ; it will lessen the cost of importing, and it will place her more directly than before on the routes of international trade. SHIPPING. Society, Sydney. Alio instructions at to diipoaal of good a. I think that it ia In oar interest as you aay to have some of oar prodacts exhibited. I shall send from Kona some of my wool and calabashes of natirs wood Koa made by li. Weeks a half white. I know that tbe prospectus doea not speak of foreign exhibits, bat my friend Mr. Joubert who has til to do with that exhibition Is perfectly reliable and aslu strongly for exhibits. I will be thankful if yon bring the matter before tbe (Jbasiber ot Commerce. I thluk exhibits ought to leave by tbe February steamer. Mine will be m For time as toon at I kuow where lo scud Ibeto. one I am willing to pay my share of expense. 1 think we ought to send Sugar, beet; Molasses, best; Leather; Polo; Wool; Hawaiian Woods; Calabashes; Pit, (arrowroot); Coffee, dee, dec. ; to be bold to best advantage: and perhaps some Hawaiian curiosities to be returned. RASlllia FOR 8AN FRANCISCO. 4fh M DINCOVKRY !tir HANGLO SAXON January imvurl ji met f iritJIItB vrtUSHIf ZEALANDIA- r tt. Fiji, about the 6th of Feb. tsW m CITY OF SYDNEY! I res about Jan. 30th. tJ TIMES tilt rr ix ia six: O SHIP KAMAILE! JUST ARRIVED! FULL ASSORTMENT HL T IU a 1, UI (TBI tti. KWOUIj SADDLES AND BRIDLES fS STATIONER I V Administrator's THE aatkt JAMS AND JELLIES Ooanoll's Perfumes, Soaps, Jaaur. BnuhN, intending iT Ci 4 "Zr SUGAR MACHINERY I Silicate FIRE Paint Co's Paints SUGAR MANUFACTURING PLiAlVT a niiAim Public Notice. powell oummrs steam coai! ON HAND! I Cooler, SAM'L G. WILDER. ; AGENT Lr Hawaiian " . " Sailing Days as per Schedule rP'nli'vl r aaaoV"""?. r. The Hawaiian Hotel LUNCH ROOM Rolls Excellent Nests Camphor Bags, 200,000 China Bricks. a tbe Star, a present from kind friends in Honolulu, aboot 35 miles, and, in the narrowest place, 750 Terrible Railway DiBaater. AUCTION SALE3. AUCTI01Y SALES. presented him with a beautiful American flag, yards wide. It was here that Xenes boilt his bridge A Bridge (lives Way taied PrvsrlBttatra Use Train ; and also where Byron swan across in 1810. of boats Mre. Scott the American Consnl'a wife, In Ho was from lata a Craesk (Jrec Hare red Passengers Killed an hoar and five minutes in performing the By BOTOLn.; MKANTIVr- By C. ft. BARTOW. ADAIH. Honolulu, (wblch Mr. Taylor sainted with thirteen Sixty SerfOBSIjr Infarct. taat, and owing to the rapidity of the current, bo pane) and we sailed on tbe 8th for batarttari. Lai calculated that tbe distance swam was over four 8 V, Long. 172 45' F.. and arrived tbe next day. Cleveland, December 29. An accident occurred , " ft a M BS1B miles. This strait is comm anded by two strong castles Landed Mr. Kanoa and wife, and tbe supplies, and on each side called (' Dardanelles," and this name at Ashtabula, Ohio on tbe Lake Shore Railroad, REGULAR CASH SALE ! 7 " " 11th Ebon. for Had very a aailed tbe moderate sat nS lE which aeveu coaches and all tbe baggage and by BIRTIIN. is often applied to the strait at tbe entrance of the passage, and arrived off tbe Station on tbe 17tb, Lai. is 2 miles and a express cars were tmrned, and about one ont of ttbtk acv wBweB A XT' tqCTTIKfl. 4" S8' K, Long. 188 45 6'. Waa surprised to find Hellespont where the distance across every five persons killed. THURSD iY, 18th. Off FRIDAY, JANUARY lini-- v lo this city Jao. ml. i the wife of Mr Henry I en., a Wi quarter, and where are 2 castles opposite eaeh other. A jt Mr. Snow here, for we beard he had gone to Strong's The scene of tbe accident la a few rods east ol a 1 daocbur. r aete n so a a is 1500 where up Further yards, width tbe tbe strait Mrs. A. at., at tstlrwrSBEB. At ttair-patIsland. His improved health bad a Utile. depot. An iron bride spans Ashtabula Creek, the ZI a .....bbi. At M VeStM A. M.. will be sold. mmmm M In eaoh of these castles 75 feet above the water. On botb sides are high Soow, and tbe other missionaries were in tbelr are the other two eastles. ass.-t- a 44.1 r l 4RRIF.I). seas MM usual health. We lay off and on here till next day, are seven great guns which fire granite balls. Tbey banks of snow, wbicb has been failiug almost New Goods v AssortJiVt - ' . " . . and at 11 A. m. the wind favoring, we entered the are ol brass, 22 feet long, and with a bore of 28 inches constantly for tbe past forty-eig- ht hours, and now HAN-Ma- N this iit. Jo v.U. bT tlie Lagoon. On the 2S1 we Bailed for Jalult. but on in diameter. As these guns are a little elevated the a driving storm Is raging, making it very difficult - C Ila.aniaim Her,.,.,,:, O.w tuti Mr ( h I. Mi.. r tooo-steside. cross to balls from the side There we got water paaaage, out where of the getting 'ashore, to get uews from tbe wrecked aud burning train. NAM EI. T Dry Goods, Fancy froisja, Jeaeliy and tJwttary, Elisabeth Horrbn.L guns are not mounted, but lie on tbe paved Conductor Hewn left Erie for Cleveland ao hour got off without damage, and arrived at Jalult tbe Boteher's Kalves, Largs Casta Kaivse, Fins Printi. Muslins, Linen Drill), floor, with their breech against a wall. 5" 54' N., Long. 109' 45' 6 . S4th, They cannot Ut. late, aud neared bride eight Ashtabula st the about iter, rj.r SAXtLamr u.. Found tbe missionary well, and his work In a be pointed, and tbe gunner must wait till the vessel Very few particulars can be learued at o'clock. Brown Cottons, White Cottons, Merino, or v mk aoo ban ikfarr fydeey. atMir. OtlLLIN" At WrtaiBtli. J... Dor 41b. mt, Mr Janira Srospernus condition. We lay here live days, while he intends to fire at come in range. It takes half this hour. Victoria Lawns. Bilk Handkerchiefs, did lila work. Jalult Is tbr Metropolis an hour to load one of these guns. It seems the failiug train and bridge smashed The sea of MarDrcoaH raided In Mnnoicio for a of Micronesia. Tbe firm of A. Capelle At Co. ia orra BT Hemmed Linen Handkerchiefs. Bedsteadi, Tsbles, Setts, W ukaawsts .otot berk Case- - I OUto. mora is about 180 miles in length, and 60 in greatest tbe ice iu Ibe creek, and those not killed by Ibe nnmtier of yar. bavifur arrived here In tba " rtparticoa.' lo established here, and tbey bave made It a central width. On the northeastern shore of this sea, where full or burned fn the care were held down by the Harvard Shirts, Faney Flannel Overshirts. twwr lavBB. HlcrjU. I KM, aad w raocb eeteeoaed by all who koew hla. Let sf Pietnras, ate. Ir as Twc--' Bi ; bave built a fine store, one hundred leet long place the Bosporus or strait of Constantinople enters it, ir wreck and drowned before tbey could be extricae fPKM'EB-- ln tbla city, on tbe lath of Juoary. at aaa. ateease arsse aeStsarBssaL Btsa assarted carp, to T. Cigars, Pipes, eta., aba. Baptaior fS.OOO) and keep lor sale by forty (cost wide, about be Many, or too, will ted. bave froxen. been Hyst-aspes 4 the eity. It was across tbil strait that Darius WiMiam. lofaot ooo of Oapt 3 R Spencer. aed muothi C. . BARTOW. Aa nearly everything one would call tor, at reasonable Chicago, December 31. The Tribune'a special abo 16 daya. laid a bridge of boats on hit march against tbe bVoWb V. Alasy sac D. C L 1l Tbey bave four Teasels belonging to tbe Scythians, about twenty years before his son Xerxes from Ashtabula says: The proportions oftbe Ashprices. Turkish Towels for Bathing, . firm (one of them a 200 too brig) tbat go about bridged tbe Dardanelles The length of the bridge Daybt Baa riBOl bn oo 111 oi lay ma: aukE rEErtaiETT. IKLAJtO I WW. t.I. is tabula horror are uow approximately known. WEKH. among the Islands gathering copra trom tbe natives, OTES vof-reli III, a sr.. Joekev Ctoh. andotberl Ur tfcr aaaet Bart wean. Blankets, While Shirts. Amoskoag Denims, .seeeery aao said to bave been 1100 yards. The length of the light, which gave au opportunity to enumerate Ilia r LaSabrtty, Taaet Water. worutataa of to shipped and from here is at Jalult, which stored revealed fact two the of ol every that out saved, three rraaoam. all !crtrloo Amoskesg Stripes, Cotton Drill, Brilliants, Water. Florida Water, mm m mmm for Ns- - Europe. Tbey bave good and comfortable dwelling strait between the sea of Marmora and the Black passeugers ou the train are lost. Of the one hun-Stumor Eilauoa loaves Jllc; . . tOBBt BOO BSetew (llvcerlne for tbe Heir, iilvcwtlna. Uoaa li nK Bed Quilts. m ... honaes, a blacksmith and carpenter's shop, and a Sea is aboot 14 miles. sixty passengers whom tbe conductor aod oa Mandav oezt for Uilo. dred and V olet and ttlce Powder. AanaaebtBVe mt soap I The may reader other animated find Bota. interesting and . an fV where English is teSar . ibJa Hr Bi church; also a school-hou- se reports aa having beeu ou board, bat filty-nl- ue Merino aod Cotton Undershirts, eau tbe Teeth. ate. at. gtraad. Its. Reveal sttraet, BBS ta article entitled " Sauntering about Constantinople," taught. leltirl ewraler wee Maura) by be accounted for. Then: wIM be a tseeliiii; of tbe Tounp Comblll. London, toed by an rerrumera aod ( tW Hats, Ladies' Straw and Felt Hois, A Oa . bbIii Bate of Jan let. Tbe natives here arc nearly all clothed, and quite in tbe December number of Seribner. Tbe iron bridge structure was a tingle span of IU M" ' Hi trade Bait an beralrtrvc r Mm' CbriilUn AaaocbUioo on Friday ereolng, at Industrious Tbey love Mr. Kapall. tbe Pastor of Men's Socks, Bridlss sad Bits. Vast 159 feel, crossed by a double truck, aud waa 70 b. aaaerle .aT easer at I Lyceum. be This firm. ia Lagoon respect and the church, tbe feel above the water. The descent. Into Ibe valley Etc., Etc., Eto. LHTTJ2E FB0M JAPAN. Notice. .km Ti.vlII Ika added to easy to get iuto, a hue, pleasant and smooth place to on either side is precipitous, aud aa tbe bill slopes An inteneotinr atalemcnl about ao(ar and easaeie awe ok aaa OB Bead Jao Can land lsy near tbe shore, in 12 lathoma water. are piled snow was with no heavy drifts of there MtTlEH Kibe, 1878. FOR Japar, AGBJIT TBI MJB OB. II Wl. Sat tbat Bi rice lo San Franctaco will be found under tbe bead all times of tide, and can go to sea by three good f iu reaching tbe wreck after tbe die-as-ter Marias Ineeranee Company. (UBaSaaT, baa re;i Data Gasette. Some weeks sinee I told you Utile difficulty laavinr. aa Bl BB poor chilli 1 paesngea, with tbe wind from any point of tbe became knowu. Commercial. Tboe engaged in tbe cultivation Tbe bridge bad been received loetroctloee lo reatasoe tave rasas af lwwereBee Teaat Powder. Sardines. Wrapping Paper, tbat port Mid la lbs PacBac. aaatla BBBBra-par- ed about grand old Kiyoto, tbe capital of Japan, it is garded aa one of the very best or tbe kind in tbe compaas. BOBoraac Bar---betaaee Roaolola eaal .i.HBoraa. of thcae ataplca will find aomi' valuable auKKeaticma. to itaue Policial at the hnreet retee. wttk aBBBtat We aailed from tbla place on tbe 29tli nf August, said, for 1000 years. I will now refer to its templet. country. It bad beeu leated with six locomotives Soda Crackers, Clothes Pint, Hami, la addita., - tbla. tbe rralakt learners. redacts far for Mille, and in the evening of tbe 1st of September and trains frequently crossed ou both tracks siHarkp Marv B. Koberu and Quickatep were Bacon, Candles, Pickles, Tobacco, tooa - - bbbb liliaB boo pilml ab.Ail asa m.lUua T aa. aa bbb A aaaaa anchored in its large Lagoon, off the Station. Lat. They are said to be great, and small, 3000 in number. multaneously witboul causing more than a alight A(ent Brit tar. Mar. taa. Oa.. Uaattaaf. xl It abbbb iBBK 1T1 Ti ' BBBool rocdood frooa Hawaii to leaee San Franciaco Januaty for this pjrt. G' 8' N.. Long. ltP 40 6', there we landed JeremiCigars, Fine Tea, Oysters, One writer says 0000 in tbe eity and its vicinity. deflection ol tbe structure. ah and wile ol Ebon to take tbe place of Ibe late But if so, tbe great mass of them are merely little Tbe flrat named may bave left by tbe 13ib, and Salt. Pea Nut Oil, The disaster occurred shortly before eight o'clock. , Kra Tark aad otbar Atlantic li, ty - , Mr. Kahelemauna, who died soon after tbe Slar left was the wildest Winter nlgbt ol tbe year. Tbe will be due bere during tbe lafct weekoftbia montb. Wash Blue, Pain Killer, Shinto shrines, where, however, prayers are said and It last year. We found tbe good work bad been protrain was moving at a speed of less than ten gressing, and the people were very loth U part with alms given. Ignorant as tbe devotees are, tbey teem miles an hour. Tbe bead-luthrew but a abort, or three daya there The Koiia. For ibe laal ALSO Mrs. Rahclemanna, whom we took on board on to know Tt t,mm w. u tbat these should go together. ii..ul nf ealn fmm thf That there dim Hash of light In front, bo thick waa Ibe air nDIMISaatJ. roBJf EJaXT WW tbe 4th and left for Arno ; nex' dav we were at tbla . l " driviug . . BSTCSeAXt- . with snow. tbe Tbe crept train over tbe Kekatrt, base tt Inform cttMsaa sf HiaeMP oa--l Ialand. Lav off and on while Mr. Whitney did bla are here many large and costly temples is unqueseaal ana has worked around to tbe south, which m ay n IO will Btalor- bridge. Tbe leading engine bad reached the solid the public generally, tbat he has takea fas afar at Fe ai iiui bwat abi miasionary work. Itflt .1 tbe wcatber-wi- ae tionable. baaa van diBllooi And Mr. Davis, who has spent a mouth grouod beyond, and (Is driver bad just given it ed treat opposite Odd Patbnva Hall, iJbtaaaalJ aaaBBteas by aa aay indicate? a ajo W oaraa B. aaaeBUaa Oa ICTa. all Da are mar in eant- Taos. TUriatt,) wbere ba Wall flea soecbal attcntbaa to lie Took on board the people's contributions, and this summer Ave wben something in the under-gearinIbe steam, of six miles or on the etorm. side distant of a manuracturtnE and repalrUix of all kbtaaof Jewelry. sailed eamc evening for Majero, Lat. 7" 15' N . Long bridge snapped. For an Instant there was a conParticular attention liven ts Khali aaaj Kekat Woe. noble mountain, says, that in a space of one and a 171 E. Arrived at this station tbe 6tb, found tbe girders, cracking ending aud with tused of beams Star Will xnarante aalatbilbni ia All aba wort. S3B Fast Time We notice tbat tbe trip of the City missionaries in tbelr usual bealth, lauded tbe sup- half miles, by s Tt.. I lei.: of aarar Wat. EC WBTJEMaWsof a mile broad, be saw a tremendous crash as tbe whole train, all but the kju nsn plies, took on board their mail, and tbe peoples ,oer n.fc. a.trei ofltkim made aorae time aince in flllecn daya and frame-work through leading broke tbe aod engine, cue some hundred well temples, but mostly decay, in Uty of the taeta Arrived 8tb the for Jalult. sailed contribution, and fell in a heap of crushed aud splintered ruius at the twelve boura from Yokohama to San Francisco, aa on the lltb, landed Mrs. Kabelemauna, and left next preserved and rooted with eopper. All those which K. P. ADAH). Aaes-- r Notwithstanding the wiud and storm, I am oal reaf. t. tl,r near tuarket of bat teceutly been beat by the Oceanic which made day for Namaiik, Lat. 5 y 5 ri., Long. 188 UT fr, I taw in Kiyoto are Budbist property ; and yet it ia bottom. the crash was beard by people half a mile away. ol tbe loth, evening on tbe Island loum-cin arriving at in Tovajre December the laat tbe daya and For a moment there was silence; then arose the kl t tail mm laat of Naveaiber l7a where we lay off and on till next nlgbl lor Mr. laid by natives tbat their system is fast declining. It cries ol the maimed and suffering. Those who fifteen boura. For tbe Tactile Ocean tbia ia unto tbe failed kaardwaa aBallar a iialbBi aaaekt rajaarW OFFER Whitney to do bis work, wben we filled away tor has been said that the temples of this Empire hare were unhurt hastened to escape from tbe shattered beet eejoar caitltrMw Tba WBas i BBIi yaa- precedented lime. There we Ebon, wbere we arrived on the 15th. i dia.li,iji: eatioiat." Ba ii aaait ba"0 They crawled nut ol tbe wlndowa Into Ibe cars. Baa cost ; much as as excluding all and, buildings other TV- aasaan L Oa took on board Mr. Snow and wife, Mr. Whitney and Real on King freezing water, waist deep. Men, women and rW- - Hit Eioelieney J. E. Buah, the newly family, with their baggage and servants, and sailed the houses of the rulers and those buildings erected children, with limbs broken, bruised and pinched ut 8 p. M. lor Strong's Island, Lat. 5 IV N , Long. Kauai, rovernor to of proceed propotee to since the revolution, for seems credible, it rather tbe between timbers, and transfixed by jagged splinters, apeetatain uf I. urn Uaa: I. ti aarroj.t I0 163 10 E. By Order of M. Pico, Esq., Kxesator of the Esat tat tb I OB ut year only, bat bir year. habitatioas of private Japanese are usually small and begged with tbelr last breath for aid tbat no human tbat ialand on tbe tteamer Kilanea on Thursday THE FOLL 0 WING On account of light winds, and head currents, the train after power Five minutes give. could tate of Anions Manuel, deceased, next, and shortly after his arrival at Koloa, where Here we lound tbe ebeap. did not arrive uutil the 25th. tell a fire broke out iu the cars piled against tbe re- Whaling Honolulu, Eldridge, Brig of Onward be intends to make his he will make On 24th June, 1878. we dined with Mr. and Mrs. abutments at tbe other end. A moment later the cruiting. We landed Mr. Snow and wife, took on ; an aa eaarssaoBBI (Mare opeaaf a tbe HaaaioVi pUot-aaSATURDAY, - - JANUARY fiames broke from tbe smoking car, and tbe first an inaugural address, in which be will unfold some a Be- - Tae BBBaTy; BOT IBore B Bx pnwpact of OBgai BtlBE board the peoples contributions of oil, and aalled Doane, and in the afternoon she kindly piloted us to coach piled across the other near the middle of Ibe Brrara. aarwa, aMa anlaiy. f raat.aa a bjrge part of of the plana be proposes to uodertake for the benefit 6 15' N., Long. 160 5' two fine temples in the suburbs, on a hill side, in tbe Lat. At 12 o'eloek Noon, on lbs premises, Pinglap. 30th tbe lor stream, less than ten minutes after tbe catastrophe Tae a Af ii aaai B bbii I J fiBB agii l . aad tbe reraooe ia 2' E. We wish him every soecess. of tbe people. middle of a large court and cemetery, well kept, and every car In the wreck was on tire, and tbe flames nandiBal f iBa KING BTKEET, we at Island we this Inst as arrived 1st October TaaBajBBO o Br aBoWaeot Barvaot f.ar tbe oneaaary by noble led by ibe dry varnished work licked up the Inruins IBM n u anaj a;, tbe aarai laaaa of tba Ialaada oodei col-Kapiolaki Pake Absociatiois. A meeting waa lost one ol our crew. He was taken suddenly while enclosed by a strong wall and Men, who as tbey had been though Under. tbe SOLD AT PUBLIC AUCTION PER HAWAIIAN BARK R. C. WTUI WILL BE 1 Bi at tbe wheel vomiting blood, and in about 4 minutes forest Iress. Graves are usually marked by a granite bewilderment of tbe shock sprang out and reached at a aad aa bofcl Uaat tbe yaiBart will ever be BaabliBaBi naaii aa "laiaaaaiaa aooaa' raajamoai m oa held on Saturday laat of tbe abare holders of this It casta glootn over us all. Tbe next pillar, a foot square and from six to eight feet Mas (lend chilIce, and wives tbe after tbe went solid back high, vahjreai od par Wmk akean a oaot B awtf etabaoaB. ltf aaaoclatioc, at wbicb a board ol eleven trustees day October 2nd we hurled bim in tbe deep, in ALL THAT CERTAIN Day dren and lound tbem suffocating and russtlng in am otiior aaajaaa. tae HaaaUOA. aai. tara bavi Botbina lo fear Ou Hnndred aad Tiirly-i- e Lat. 6 10' He, 160 23' E. Did not atop at Pinglap. with some inscription on it, and occasionally capped the flumes. People residing in tbe neighborhood, team aw n ajiii.OB MaK aa the f i Jpb of tbe racioL Coa.t waa elected, consisting of the following gentlemen ; a paasenger on Mogil, landed next evening Tbe with You piece a tbaped hat granite. of t, enter the were startled by tbe crash, und lighted to tbe scene at taeTrealy. a tae ijaetei euar it, Capt. Jamea Makee, A. S. Clegborn, H. Maclarlane, of Lat iT N , Lou. 159- 5" 3' E.' and proceeded on tbe which made even their prompt J. U. Faty, J. O. Domioia, J. Mott Smith. H. A. to Pooape, where we arrived tbe 4th. tbanklul to court through a broad strong gate, and approach the by the conflagration, Baape too late. By midnight tbe cremation d temple by a clean street, about 20 feet assistance It ararr t. tbe oe.HH id tbe Haaanai. Socara. it B OD- - Wideraann, F. A. Scbaefer, Capt. Tripp, J. T. Cbay-teour lleavenlv Father for bis protecting care. was completed. The storm bad subsided, but tbe On King Etrwet, near banaakea St., fat aar aalwut U tbe pBBtMa. If the., oaoe We anchored near Mr. Slrong'a statTon ; found all broad and 200 feet long. The building is about 100 wind blew fiercely, aud the cold was even moro A. Herbert. Tbe committee to whom waa aaaal t. aaaaeeaco, aoo a,tooui:li J aj tbe missionaries in their usual health, except Mra. feet long and 50 feet long, And recently occupied by Anions Manual, deceased, i aaaba-a BBaaBaa abaart waabel aoarat leiai. evanto- - t referred tbe bnelneaa of Intense. oost necessary must and muoh bare preparing tbe Logan, who bad been quite ill, but was somewhat Red. Chain, white ground, cbocsalale. gray aad Bbae-with a good As tue bridge fell tbe driver of the locomotlttvc fraaatdkn Qatar Ibe Treat, it tt qoeattoo- We landed Mr. labor and expense. Tbe whole breadth and some 25 preseuled tbe same, wblch, after a few better wben the Star arrived. Jaconets, Brown Oottooa, 3 qoaatwaa : Waits CM at B (Bad pnlare M o.ak. ana oa white aa eooie In guve trout quick head a of tore atcain, it which Storges' things, snd on tbe 5lh anchored off Mr. feet of its length it jpen, though I think there are aevrara will tacnaaae tbe hua- alterations were adopted. There ia to be meeting Dwelling House, the draw head from its tender and Ibe liberated Hornets' Loo Cloth. A, B A H : Brown Drta, ; Store and Two-Sto- ry illm af raTwie Taa 'twal t.araro- - toe liea. aud Hands Station, lauded hia supplies, and lumber, and engine shot forward aud burled itaelf In tbe enow. Hickory Stripes, d tripped TVkklg, Brown House that are hoisted at the keeper's disof Trustees tbla dcy at ten o'clock, at tbe room oil tbe 7tb anchored at Kanau, off Mr. Lugune gates over-heaof tbe Both upon tbe premises. Linen Padding. Blue striped DsalEiB. This open space is supported by ten or Tbe other locomotive, drawn backward by tbe of tbe Chamber ol Commerce, at which important Station, iu 6 fathoms water. Good holding ground cretion. falling train, tumbled over tbe pier and fell bottom aay. OBI Bawriera. 1 i fcatiac a reuewo! of abip- Settle. Bloe, White and Fancy Flannel. Mosowllo 10 miles Irom Sturgee Station. Lsl. 7- N., Long. twelve pillars, 25 to 30 inches iu diameter and 25 to upward on the express behind. The title to the property is perfect, snd ths Stand leart t Ql eat tbe pa ire ad aa.ooen - L Ir.an. business will be transacted. 158- 20' E We received a hearty welcome from all Scotch Water proof Tweed, i colors. ia an unusually good one for ike retail trade. a' 1. 4r bu: lbJanuary Henry 2 passenger A. White, o0 In feet high each side on four of them platthe of tbe all we bad from tbe others. the Missionaries bere, as ii a ill or in lt Black Merino and Coeourg. Notable Deatus. Tbe death of Commodore Plan of the property ean be seen by application to The chief image sleeping car, testified before tbe Coroner's jury toTbe arrival of tbe Morning Star is a time ol rejoiciug form where images are exhibited. Bar taak Linen, assorted numbers. 12 yard place, ate. M. Pioo, Esq., or A. J. CartwriEht. Esq. A portion He bad been ill for several is reported. We landed Mr. Logan's supplies, here is a guilded face of Budba, and although he is day that be thought tbo train ran off the track bein all Ibe Islsnds. mortgage. on orcolar aoya tbat aot over oan remain Victoria Lawns. Barege, taarlatjr. fore tbey began to go down. He estimated the oftbe purchase money He was very weallby, and probably took on board Mr. 8iutges, and two teachers with rare aao flod aale there aa ta- - months. ADAMS, Auctioneer. P. E. ol passengers 300. at number usually represented as quite at ease and bappy, he their wires, and sailed October 10th lor tbe Mori-lucowued more railroads and railroad property than Daniel McGuire engineer of the first engine, We arrived at Luksnor Sunday the 15th, seems grim end uuoomfortable. It stands on a platA SUPERIOR LOT OF TAILORS GOOD.- -' beard tbe bridge snap behind bim wben be wss to aV.ee. Sat) aba. and over for any other person in tbe United Slates. und anchored In Its bcHUtilul Lagoon near the form three or four feet above the floor of tbe open nf two within He the abutments. says ataaag Cbiaa rare far tbe cott- Tbe death of Sir Daniel Cooper, who lately Doeskin, Buckskin, Dtsrinsl, rUjrpa, Cashmere, aaSSBBTA, mission Station. Lat. 5- 30' N Long. 154' E. We that his engine had to run up hill to get off tbe spaee, and is adorned on each side and over-bea- d . ! We qaote visited this port going to aud reluming I rom New aoaafound tbe tescber aud wife well, tbe people imeU) A small lot of choieo bridge Could give no Information whatever about many ready with to In and uulte flowers, with very proved appearance, engravings, elaborate etc., and tbe aTaatsWtetaahe esMaewr: HANDKERCHIEFS! Zealand, Is reported as bsvlng occurred in London, or incidents oftbe fire, although he was the church. This made Mr. St urges look bappy, and ends and front of tbe platform are adorned with rich the wreck a arm aeeaaat aweaBBwafasriarly relative to rice. Irom heart disease. He held tbe office of Colonial Salmon, White Cambric, While A Turkey Bad Cotton, 3mm. Columbia we were all glad. Tbe Sabbslb school visited the paintings of birds, sod painted screens, said to be there some lime. aal'll 'vata of Osawe Commissioner in Loudon for tbe government of Star on tbe 17lb, and sung some of Ibeir Sabbath hundreds of years old. There are also, near the IN BOND. e York t. . I. pro -- Bee 1. the Laweaaa school hymns, which was very affecting. On the " New Zealand. TOWELS! Tbe taaer aaaaa af Ibe aa t carry tba Treaty NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. 10th we left this Lagoon fur the larger one where image, a bureau and a few other articles of highly E, P. ADAM", Auctioneer. tscquer finished wwat-Mr. Bliss, tbe revival melodist was killed bv ware. abort aar aasaay e ttaaa.iaa rare taat year. Owing Obadinia la statioued ; dlatancu 15 miles. and Turkish. Linen Turkish. Cotton Wblts Tbe worshippers stand outside of tbe temple, but the railroad disaster In Ohio on tbe 29tb of De- - to light wiudsand currents, did not srrive until the t.e lCi early to tbi extant of facing tbe image; bow and pray, sometimea clap 22d. On tbe 21st tbe mate was taken down with cember, and bis wife aud children are also reported ROBERT WILKES & CO., THREAD ! brain lever, caused probably by n long exposure to hands, and then toss their offerings into a box which TV aaaim , sanre atora tbe felloeaa of trade Jaci- - among the killed. It ia said that be extricated himKR LATE ARRIVAL- Sstands on the floor above them. The temples seem MANUFACTURERS a aaepraaaed MANUFACTURER'S tbe sun while on tbe boat. It run about ten daya. Saws aaaaa etaae af tae yaa- prieea fal aa oa- AGENTS linen A cotton. Brooks' Patent. Thread, Black Mortar tjfy"Ms4f lwwsBJBa waBWrtttaBBBBBay asWan self from tbe ruins and sought to rescue bis wife Mr. S: urges to he built for the display of tbe idols and to attract We lay In this Lagoon until Ibe 31st. Bread. XX. IMPORTERS AND EXPORTERS OF Centennial History of the t'nlted States, aba vase aabiaabaa BaaaH Mas (Ma I worshippers. his all established them teachers, ia seems Tbe Stations, be space to visited all chief the were and children, who crushed beneath the iron 8O0KS ! Principles of the Revolution. w aaaaa taau tbai Ber pounds cboire rice ao- used for store rooms or work shops. and different 260 churches, the iuto took members Dr. & Hall, by English American, Home, Health at Vbe-e anal a Ba aatbat fat It 40 the Astern btotaa. work of tbe car. Failiug iu the attempt, be reaa left on tbe Slat greatly encouraged. In another temple which we visited, was a gigantic Webster's Counting House Dictionary, Man's White sad Gray Merino, Brown A Bias A by them, preferring to die lo tbe flames MAM I'ACTl KKIIS. We arrived back at Ponape November 6th and Tbe Man In the Moon end other People, image with 36 arms, and 16 black image larger as Uee it eeea at a lower mained Cotton. Five Weeks In a Balloon. Jules Vergoe. anchored at Kenan. We remained bere seven days than life stood around it, and on eaoh side two rows Sopply to dealers the largest variety of Oeoeral Merchancaa Okaa ate, t Ctaae U. b,aaaarrr. tbe rice pradact w io- - than to escape alone. a Mlnlaler Prime novel. Tbe LADIES' STOCKINGS ASSORTltO ; a aVataaMaaaaatbsy be BBtl la Bsrare aeed I o n China. taking in wood, yams, etc. Ou the lolb ourpasseu-gcracamany ONE HOUSE IN THE WORLD. dise offered by of gilt idols with twenty arms eaeh. On either tide Every Day Topics, by Dr. Holland, a. T- C- aad No "China, to Ma. Augus Maceat. It will be In the recollecon board, Mr. Whitney, wile and eon, and of tbe temple, running from end to end, were ten Krery dealer shonld bave a Catalogue from this by Dr. Hollands. Oaks, stockings. Sains, fancy as nasi. Cast a aacfa. Seven Children's of let.ain Tbe We set platforms, rising like steps one behind tbe other, on tion of onr readers tbat, during November, 1875, servant, and Mr. and Mre. Logan and child. Wit, Humor and Shakespeare. House aa soma goods in every Uue . aaa. i uaju, lacaaiia Bail at 2 P. M. and passed out of tbe harbor. (Catherine, by Dr. Holland, Cudershlrta-Celioeach side of which 50 images, as large as life, a thoupee Merino aod auk. aia . aad aai'laaBBae caa Mr. Angus Mackay, tbe Centennial Comraiasioner aro supplied. Oo the 16tb, we landed Mr. Logan ou Mogil. Legend., Inenldsby The Umbrellas, Mack, Italian pde , SSaaja aaa peaaare a r"aoe a tteckttes. sand in each all, one on a separate pedestal. They for Queensland, Australia, called at our port en ess. Plymouth Collection Hyms and Tunes, Tbe brig Susanua, ol Jaluit, came round the point Black aad Colored Alik Klbboot-Eat- sat so arranged as to stand in rows of five, one be Great Battles of tbe British Navy, soon alter we arrived, and ufter Mr. Logaq did bis were route to tbe scene ol bis duties, and also to visit hind visible one ail tbe other, with each at and time, Bonansa, Goods Staple All Sold The Great ronapc. work here, he took paaaage ou tier Deck to the sugar producing countries oftbe United Stalea, A SPLENDID ASSORTMENT OF CLOT On the hands and beads of all Ilay Paltner'a Poetical Works, Mrs. Logan remained with us, and at 6 p. m. we its twenty hands. The Spirit of Praise, llloatrated. a Rati t I B Weat Iodies, etc. Mr. Mackay is now a passeogcr left lor Pinglap, and arrived there on the 21at. Here these are placed smaller idols to the number of forty For Sale by INQ AND SHAWLS. per City of New York, on bis return home. we laid off and on while Mr. Whitney (with Mrs. or more, so that tbe number 33,d3d, according to H. H. WHITNEY. Tbe Toronto; 48 snd 60 Yongc street; aa (aCBataaaBwaSaaaa. S ayaTaa'ptrow naerjd-rata- r colony Japanese estimate, does not appear exaggerated. Flannel, Cottos. Ac., missionary work. did Ibe Lot:au as interpreter) Buckskin. Cloth. be as our readers are aware, has represents, aVasata Plllll. f'eaa. Siena and Baa. Moolreal, 1M aud IttS, M. ii.lt street; F. C Monkey Jackets, Heavy Wool Blankets, all cab ra Lauded some supplies for tbe teachers, and sailed Tbo same writer adds : " The beautiful temple I Sara Varwtrt Jaaba Ball, froaa Malsksl been extra auccesslul at tbe Centennial, and Mr. London, 60 Queen Vlctutia street, B. r. ; niaoketB. uuuia. etc. and Horse Cotton grounds, afford over all publio city, the delightful and Ialand, Strong's tbe on same day of for evening I " OfBt StaB Tart.Caaarl). 1 dare froaa can Mackay has a full budget of practical information Burlapt, Wool Pack, Canvas, Gunny I Sheffield Reaver Works. parks, always open to tbe people who go in and out arrived off tbe harbor of tbla island ou tbe 25tb. be of Mr. eta Ob. aaraoMa. trass KabelaL Mra. tbe temples at with Took their tbeir ou mumbling board pleasure, Snow aud their Forwarding and Commission Agency, for tile fellow colonists, of this we will profit by SADDIaES ! -. t fr,: tabaina baggage at 7 p.m. in tbe midst of a heavy rain prayers before some faint or idol, and then throwing 920-lNEW YORK CITT. and by. Meantime, we learn from tbe Commisr Mare, Hara. U days fa. HDaabol.lt. We made this island their contributions into the coffers." started Ebon. squall, and for Perfumery, ate.. Corks, Calfskins, Ac, za etaya froa as . IBaaao. sioner tbat be found tbe sugar busiueae in a deAND on tbe evening of tbe 29tb. Landed Mr. and Mrs. I saw one temple court of about two acres, with Eau dr Cologne. Fbllocoaae, Half OH aod In ate. Windsor, Fancy Soaps, Whitney day, evening aud sailed for .10 or 40 feet pressed nexl tbe in United botb the sute West States and trees pine limb no high without and a WIBdward Marrbattt. fresa aVaaaea ub Tooth combs, Tooth Breabes, Heir Brnabaa. Jaluit. Ou tbe evening of Dec. 1st, we bad a very under brush, and the ground completely carpeted lat Stab, Hal Lanlon. lat aara taa Liiejpool Indies. The only exception he found in the French MEMBERS OF HOHOLCLU KVfilXK Looking G la esse and Mirrors, Imitation Jewelry, heavy squall from the East, which laeted nearly all with a beautiful cleao green sward and a small pond No. will please take notice that there will be a Ledgers. Journals, Ac, Psaylnf Cards. West Indis Islsnds, and there be believes tbat proa-peritnight ; it blew away our lower topsail and foresail. of lotus flowers and sacred fisb. which are often found special meeting held at tbelr rooms on Thursday erenlnff Harmonicas, I R Balls, Feslbej Dealers. Bill Ksksiiii. Mairbant. lat wiadaard porta. is due fully as much to the Central Factory To inake the neceaaarr arrange, Bent our spare ones and proceeded. Oo tbe 3d we near the temples. But with all theiridols, parks and at 7H o'clock sharp aTSBr rraaoe. BWrS for K,.,.a aad baa menu for tbe Annual Parade. A full attendance la rearrived at Jaluit ; remained bere three daya, taking 10,000 priests, tbe people are miserable. aTetas Wars fcaaa, Kaaiaa. tram sVaaala. HARDWARE ! system of sugar making as to the excellent quality quested. Per Order in wood and supplies, and oo the 7th look Mra. Not far from this temple is a beautiful green cirt J. T. CUA TTTER, Foreman. oftbe soil snd climate of tbe islands for sugar. The Kabelemauna end Butcher Knives, Scissors, hi li'Slbasr A Bar) Pocket Babr Baaare saw I in Phi for UaaaVai and ber children on board, nnd aailed cular mound Jutt Opmedoul at, aboot 50 or 60 yards in cirouinlerence Tinned Spore. Lantaras. Oil irons, r IAt CB afHo-,-Kea Central Factory, in Mr. Mackay'a opiolon, lathe for Aphtng, via Mariki. Tot far laaa-I lata ao teed Corrugated Basel Iron, 4 awes ; !. tarn a. bS t- . Aiaaa.I, Ou the lltb we arrived at this island, but on ac- - and 12 feet high, surmounted with a rough granite best device yet worked out to make the production Galvanised ripe, all sows, Oalveaiaed HacAe-se- , inv.1 . One Years. Hundred Freaaaaa. ft ran rraoruro. 5 6 Caaa pagods, feet mound or is It higb. called the of ri not could off get surf con! heavy the count ol tbe Beet Ohareeal. jaaLSuana, Ttoaea B Tuba. Kaaaa Ilia., tar I aad Waltaaa of sugar a steady profitable business. We hsve been buttons of oil. Furnished Mr. Kunobo with a few ears. Its legend is, ages ago, tbe Japanese invaded barf sHBtiaai. AMERICAN INDEPENDENCE. A COM. A. T.u Pistes. Bancs Tin, sheet Lead sad Bee. Leaf, far kaaai PLKTK History of th American Republic, In one promised some fscts on tbis subject, from Mr. M Brlghiaiid oiled fenos Ware, Nos.4. SaadS. needed things, wbicb we put in a cask and tbe na- -! Cores aod slaughtered many of its inhabitants ; and farssr Waraaca, J Ball far Maauaai. 664 pages, profusely Illustrated wllb several hunHooo Iron, s ektes: Klveta. Hosts Yellow. So a laSjwaSB Porta which will be of value to those engaged lo the Uvea hauled it through tbe surf; took tbe mall aud tbe custom then wot to bring tbe beads of tbe slain to volnme, dred fine engravings. Price $6.10 Metal and Kalla, Mar Iroa. Gaa Powder. Bitot, aba. sailed iu tbe evening lor Apiang--, where we arrived their rulers as proof of their powers ; but tbe heads For Sale by business. Coal. Printing BBC Bteekatnllha Store, at noon on tbe 12tb. glad to get Into still water. being to bulky to be transported they brought the in-lu- i I H. M. WHITNEY. fttl. cordage and Packing, Toys, Taabsers, ears. I presume tbey were disposed of in tbis way to NtifieMATic. There baa been laid upon our and Mr. Taylor na glad lo see ns. Baaketa. Pain la aad una. Vienna Furnll On tbe morning oftbe 14lb Mrs. Ksbelemauna's stimulate the martial spirit and to gratify national Wall Paper. Crock ery.JCauaUc Mads, Tar sad Iwaa, editorial table a very interesting little work, neatly N baby died and was buried same day. We laid here pride. Anchors snd t bains, uu casas aaa oaaeeB. Newly Imported of A printed by Lippincott Co., entitled " A Vialt to six days preparing tbe Star lor tbe homeward trip. Variety Kerosene Barrels, Birch Broome. Large Prostitution, which if laid to be licensed in every (9. w. AND AFTK.lt THIS-DATsweat eSMT Aaa- - Saa-A- . atarnaarUja. aradirat; Cement, Fire Clay, fire Bricks. Ga Oo Sunday Mr. Taylor bid farewell to bis people, tbe Cabinet of tbe United Slates Mint, at Phileity, is bere bold and unblushing. Tbe inmates of FROM will act for me in all mailers of business to aa Bra, SBja, raraet daaWgwg Boa La. Oak we set sail, arrived at Butarltan the brothels, decked in gay attire, torn oot in a beoy , and receive all moneys doe me and all bills agalnat must be apaud ou the 18th adelphia." It contains a large amount of informaarea A SLa.. last,... GROCERIES ! next day ; took on board the contributions of oil, with flouoting banners parade the molt publio itreets proved by my Attorney before they are cancelled. BtC WeBra. aaaaa. oaabaraUaa tion which la entertaining to the general reader, Honolulu January 19th, 1977. filled our water casks, and aailed on the 21st for without hindrance. Sugar, Elate, Esanikssa, latt, AaWaa Was crashed tm-JD. W. PATJAHI. and wbicb must be, we sbonld suppose, of much Honololu. Our company on leaving this plscc Mustard, pates, ate., ate. Let me now give you the views of a Jspanese, as BVaWawaQsV persons. Safety sBi war Paaa a Ha-- . Baa Stearin Candles numbered twenty-eig- ht aad Matches. value to the numismatist The introductory gives in a Japanese newspaper, on temperance. " It Liquors. Ac, Boulelleao's Brandy 1, 2, t A t data., od " By tbelr fruits ye shall know them." As far is found SUITABLE FOB THE SEASON, is s brief but piqaaot historical sketch of coin, and wine is tbe best of all medicines. But this is Gin In baskets and green rasas. 1 have observed sud learued in the past year, I thesaid language of tipplers used in their own defense. Ueanateck, Ktuaart. Tbawsanx. Chamaaane tbe remainder of the book Is devoted to s descripthink the work iu Micronesia is very encouraging, VNDERSIUMED, HEREBY SITE Sparkling Uock. Balsa Wine. Bavtavsaa Baser. Instead of wine drinking being for tbe good oftbe a that I have sold oot my entire interest In the . tion of tbe Mint and its cabinet, which must be a and considering tbe advsntsges snd disadvantages, aaU-aiSMBBttB, MaaaTBSL ftaaaaat a Ska ataaat CaatSBKB, OF CONSISTING Ale, quarts aad aaa ta, Paare hl By it, dissipated perbody, it ts tbe direct reverse. hakferv of Wing Sing end Co. on Nuuann street, to Loo Nrt flasaklr Da, laab. aad eaaaie oot cf tbe Straiu most interesting place to visit, and the various tbe Gilbert Islands should be numbered with tbe sons Jeffrey 's Ale, 1UAXU aad plats ; Bitters, sc. and from In ibis date no of negleot Ngwak, led said I have are debauchery their interest into tbe and K akaaa aae satta had laabl aurtbarly winda . laat Ifawt BB German aad Havana Cigars, at low prices, la saws cetssatxa real, although tbe converts in the Caroline LJaud not be held responsible for any of the BabBB awal aaaaaai atjeaa bbb B w aa a E atta aoe aiauuet coins, modem r ud ancient, western and oriental, If wo inquire we shall End they are men bakery, and will There have been additions families. menu. In lots to teat, ate., ate. ates. far tbem. (SX7-ItWAN 11 NDANO. 0r the Arm. who hare civilised their mouths ; bat while sack na.ng.it. which are to be seen there. Alao a full account of made lo all the churches. We arrived at Honolulu Orders roes lie Otkrr ItlamcU Vl ilif llj sftliall a I f On ar Saw Taasx. Cavablv. Cosraairost. practices advance, vogue in cannot are civilitstiou a quick ou tbe 14lh January; had but aomewbat many of tbe medals wblch bave been struck st the 111 . Jan at:, Jfartsf aattSSS at IE m. with OF daya. Have been gone snd wben I think of this my tears fall. When, ages Time. rough passage of twenty-li- ve Now I.e., (. Mint, aa well aa of others which came Irom foreign A. D. C0I.C0BD. ago, God created man, He fixed the great relationsix months and a half. SI list III UK FOR CALIFORNIA Pale BUI I DCS TB Sf ESewwtt. 'VO lands. We find tbe statement in Ibe book that tbe ship of husband and wife, but men disregard this, reCITIZEN N AMD I JE. Friend. ,d Htraag.ri goaerail abb hits commencing wllb tbe new year.1 1.00 duce themselves to the level of beasts by giving largest gold piece in tbe world is tbe Chinese ten Weekly Alia California cordially Invited ta a need Public WeesaaS) at POET T. . 4.09 God pun" CHCRCH, where Services see bald evaary SikkslS at II Chronicle themselves over to lust and debauchery. 4 ted piece, wbiebjis worth two hundred and tblrty- til III! atopic. 5.00 " Bulletin o'clock A. M , and P. M. Steele are provided mt ad 7by of Every Description. ishes them therefore by the infliction of sueh plagues fivc dollars, but In the opinion of tbe fair authoress Be ml Weekly Sac. Colon i bark Caaadaa. etaaoare won may be pleased lo attend. There is a Waaawaedey iitb I aaa lata aasti r aaaaa as lyphilts and like diseases. Those who give themof Constantinople possession had have Tbe Turks Tbeae are tbe rates only wben prepaid far one year. Meeting Sftt-evening Prayer ft Braail Ituakar. KVM the moat celebrated coin In the world is tbe " Wi at JH o'ctorfe, la aba Lacwaee bbss laal I 124 I y years, selves up to wine and woman defend themselves by Wben bills are tent, one dollar additional tt chaigusj aa awktaa. abVIM since 1453, four hundred and twenty-threThe Stock in tbe above line is unnsnallv Boom, to whk ball are welcome. ll Hal I. I baa a BaBBSl BtTl LI dows' Mite," wbicb is there on exhibition, and But let them each paper. ) saying it is the custom of tbe world. H. M. WHITNEY. fJSVafBVwTart. Jan lzth- .now it is proposed that the English take posand be in so or distinguished learning in never high rank low exceedingly offered at will and be large at, which is In appearance one of tbe most insignifi Battiaitl. 1 px pb,Carra, Lease. For Sale or session snd make it impregnable, another Gibralter. I shall still think them only savages. If tbey were y Makasaae. in OS rrackers. 2 pkca cant. Tbe collection, it appears, contains one HaWheel for Sale. I kraa. rates. No trouble to show goods. MR CeyfTAawR. PUBAsbAT- pkga talae, lo Russia also wants the city, and much interest is fel t in reality only savages, I might pass by tbeir conaaatldlilf'L waiian cent, wbicb is noticed in tbe following bakea aaddlary. patga orated, wllb garden. Ac, lOOtslnlsgparbaf, Urea BY THE MrONIE'S, to see high MANUFACTURED IN notice duct but it isunexcusable without ; . 1 ,Aa-a paaa biueSA. zx paaa for its future destiny, as well as in its past history. rooeoa, two csoseta. amiag reseat, aasstaas sad la in perfect order, and almost i. officers aod learned men who know well what is right paragraph : " Leaving both the eastern and tbe Please call and uenBt'se isore fmnkaiing MS bs as- -H renrara Airacaarr pantry, bathroom, eervasrla boons, taiifcaaja asats aad new ; Is 24 feet in diameter by 3 feet on the face. There It was anciently called Bysactium, and this name behave in sueh a way." P. J. o. a .Sttsaamr. t pkri r . a. 1 pks radarea. 1 boa very convenient, and ts perfect order. Afpi r ta western world and tbelr coins, there is a single are two spare sections of side plates of buckets belonging 4B baa trraaa fraat 1 baa fretts. pas looap atork. U COO ST A MRS W A LD , sa.ii. made it tbe capital of hit HI If to It. Foi further particulars, terms, Ac, apply to piece, or small commercial value, which la yet a continued till Constantino WIGHT, Dr. Kobala. J. Hawaii, Baaa bbbb. w aaa Baaawarasw empire, A. D. 330, when the name was ebanged to H OR AX T, Itaager 1 prtata. "light-bousSIS in to T. Or Tbis is tbe one cent Hoootulo. WATEBHOUtsE, J. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Constantinople, eity of Constantino. lis Turkish ol tbe Sandwich Islands, tbe only venture of tbat is Stamboul. name a crei 1 jfT DISSOLUTION QF AIX kind yet made by the enterprising little kingdom." Bonanza." Ei " R. C. Wylie " and 1 by sad In setts. H. E. McLKTl RE alt BBOTHEK. Byxantium was fbunded by a Greek colony, B. C. HERETOFORE CtPARTNERttHIP H. Mt wjsTTtfEi tE STORE BAKERY, GROCERY, and FEED K. B. w. FKIKLatR. between LAINE,known 658. abun" Strabo, Pliny and others speak of the 4'rstiar of the .tlorninx; Slar to M Icro-eft-la HAVING RECEIVED TUB UNDERSIGNED as the Arm of FHIbX A LAINE. Grocers, ta tbla day Corner of King and Fort streets, a iwsasBt dance offish at Byxantium, especially of the Pelsmys All outstanding accounts will by mutual consent T L a sad back. 'r aad waa, t H nOcTOUXC. sgIy be collected and all liabilities aasomed by K. B. Mel, kind, which, coming in shoals from tbe sea of Aaof b a.aanatae Ir. BaU, 8 T J who continues tbe business st the old aland. No. ti, fort " atb sitll aVada. I) r.aaan.t and BsM til We left Honolulu July tbe 5tb 1876, with a comand round by the eastern and southern shore of the Street, Odd Fellows Building, where be will be bappy to EDWARD X. 0'IIAM.OBA.i, fs ftaad. T C Forsyth. W AND OT HZ ft pany of eighteen souls. Oo onr passage oot we bad Black Sea, entered the Bosporus, whence the barber serve customers with the usual assortment of CHOICE End Solicitor, Attomtrj M steal w Aire J E. B. PR! EL. Crossed the wind and fine weather GH kCEKIES. LCawaaI .il H to (lu ouo, on Mortgage from lend a-- awaaawC Vabk. ftlil WUIb. 1 Eaeler. moderate authorlxed lo Is IsSO, Mi) W. B. LAINE. IST7. Dec, 23d (lm we Byzantium was called Chrysoeeras, or " Tbe On tbe made Peru of ! meridian Julv 21st. of Freeholds St loweat rates of Interest. land. Lat 0 56', Long. 176' 6 . July 24th at 5 p m Golden Horn," in consequence of the riches. derived tjff Agents in London, aod la all parts of A astral Jaa Lat. 1 12', C J lawosa at) aad we anchored off tbe station at Tapllua, now to do prepared is from the fishery. Tbe Byaantines salted the fish, which (opposite Mr. Ira Elchardeon's on Fort Street ZEALAND TtT MOaaaaB. Long. 174' 40' East, eighteen days from Honolulu TtoM B Parker M etna Etore) Honololu. was an article of considerable trade, as the northern taa aba aad a...... aaa B Here we beard tbe aad tidings of tbe deatb of Mrs. First-Cla- ss fr'n'ti Kapou. Tbe other missionaries were well. Landed coasts of the Black Sea supplied Greece and other WHALE NATS AID BOAT STOOL Kit II IKI) F. BICKERTO-- i, tbe anppliea and alter waiting for tbelr mail, took in eitber har; with Mediterranean of the the grain countries & MARINE INSURANCE. ATTORNEY AND C0UNSEL0B AT LAW TVftareti w B Cotbbert. Mr Bard. on board Mr. Kapou and his children, and Bailed the JTaryiar E T Taylor. TB Veearbk 3 T Brown. 27th for Apt mama, where we arrived on the 29ih. Will attend tbe Terms of Courts on the other Islands, bor of Byiantiom was a place of resort for the vessels ESTABLISHED, No. Itw, atooey to lend oo Mortgages of freeholds. t mnAoA ce.ee,., annnliea f . l - the ftillwet I a I a n el 1 1 1 1 III a engaged in tbe trade." aOO 23 Merchant Street, up stairs over Dr. Stengenwald'a. f TAIraialit.W H U ..'lteBl M On ;JaBaaaatJ OD n ODe cu' of oil' the people's contribu aaaaa. 3 W Santa. on which Constantinople standi it well The ground on tbe I anu same eieuiug tor saaaniia. leu tions, MT ABSENCE FROM THE HAsuited for the right of a great commercial city, the We arrived at tbis Island on tbe 30th, anchored BI4. e e S, a 1 k Jar. ISth- .aaa unlimited liability of Shareholders.) (With T. E. No. Mr. Mott Terms, ReatonabU Kingdom, O'Halloran of WAIIAN Missionshorn 5 miles from tbe Station, Isnded tbe connecting link between Europe and Asia. A gentle-slopin- g SI rort Street Honolnln, will act for me under power of Sbakspeare .SEE TOT WELL. PROTECT YOCRSKLP' AAaaTWtlBHV Bra A Pratt aad aaa. Mra 1 K Butter. aries' sopplies. took on board tbelr mail and conAnd hopes, by attention to business snd painstakpromontory, secured by narrow seas, stretches Attorney, lo ell matters wherein 1 am Interested. B BBaWttBaBA. Barer aai rbtat Meases A lire aad Mary tributions, and after waiting two days for a breeze, M. KcINKBNY. B SkalSj ing, to deserve tne patronage of tbe public, Baeca. C A FM T Roaa 6 Sri 3d JCHasa of a ; Mariki earlier. form in Aogjst at for ES7 arrived triangular towards B we sailed the out the Asistic conti1877. lltb, January BY Honolulu, AGAINST INSURANCE FIRE. LOSS IB E BaaTaW ftaaekaa B B Baa saaaa 9 Bin aad waa. L B r. M. same date, Lat. 2 N, Long. ITS 25' ., found nent, from which its extreme point is separated by and be able to please the most fastidious. P Bsrtaaarda. TlaadJK .ft ab BBS asst. A Parana. may every property tbks Of deer rlpl kin of be effected with missionaries in the usual health. Landed their SB, ab. mmmmmm. En Wanted. Baraat aad ebud. Maa Her. tbe so narrow a strait (the Bosporus) that in a quarter rates. moderate Company at fr-- sa Apiang. at tne Island for midnight left SaU and supplies, p ALSO, FraiciKe, MeUMr ta Orlar. W ftasaEisa. fleas 7 la, t, Bbs EE ataarra. i The next morning, Aug tbe 4th, we sailed iolo its of an boar a boat can row from one eontinent to the CB Atbbt. m ayi,. aad wile. EXPERIENCED si l OAR BOILER. t . see as BBatas laaaaaa. Merchandiie. Good and Freight Insured AN B Waaaob. aVaa Eaaa. A BertaC aaaaa Tee Ah fine Lagoon, and anchored, in 6 fathoms, good bold-loApply to J t EbBabt,Ekwaa. before eft :- the Bosporus other. Jnst tbe of sea enters p. e, a. schaefeu a oo. s Ow E . Dana. C H Walaviaartoa By steamers end sailing vessels ground, about half a mile from Mr. Taylor's aa tw. ta-aawait, F payable In Honolulu. leas oats. I Kaye A i BSSIW Is (Treat variety, and tt tbe lowest possible prices, borne. Lat. 152 tt Long. 172 54' E., we fonnd bim Marmora, the classical Propoutit, it makes a deep and his little boy in better bealth than when tve or inlet, on the European shore, flowing beNotice to Creditors- CASTLE A COOKE, it tbe tyajsai BBSS Mil Pt Mannar atar. Jaa IA Ear B O left last year, and the genera behavior of tbe natives elbow, 62S ty Agents for Honolnln. taS tween the triangle of Constantinople proper aod its atoeaaaaad weEa. Maa B 3 Taylor .ad child. Be W B Kapa DETIDEND OF FORwas much better. THIRD ANDwill LAST Mas alary Klasaaa. Mraf r.brlestaripa aoc be paid by tbe Assignees of tbe TY per cent suburbs of Galata snd Pars, forming European or snd we A arrived murderer the before abort time Bomb Brttnd'i Lueei, Fruits Prepared by the Alden Freeee. ab at M r E Bwaeay estate of Slemsen A Conway at tbe oaflce of A. S. CatsjlorB was executed, and It seemed to have a the magnificent port of the " Golden Horn." fee P C Mnrray. Jan. UF F Flat-- - Mr. Reyes Co. on and after Wednesday next tbe 17th Inst. Ferry Darii' I at Baa Ewawctacv We landed the very good effect upon tbe people. OF DIFFER-X- T VARIETIES: - mt Or BIBB Assignee. B 1 atl II. W a) latter. M Mclaem. S. LIEOHOBN. A. 84 aad M rort Street, Honolnln. PEARS, Medithe Hellespont, strait leading from tbe The Ac, Ac For Sale by PntUoe isAtUnkv supplies, OO a floe wharf that Mr. Taylor had built. as Hardly, C8 Prtitt His mean aa Coo way . into the tea of Marmora, ii aoLLsa a 00. terranean Erected bit flak alaJT, which we brought down on mtm Honolulu 1Mb January, 1177. H. L. CHASE. i lor f. II tie Monti .f IeW Saab EXPORTM. Juurr rST Per Ptmr City of Sew Turk. Jan 12th 1 box ani I oi planta, X3 trnnka sample.. 24S, bales polo, 27 bears eaBmm. aad 11, tit j.kre nadee lo troaott, SM pkp Fno Has raAwcrero FsrH W Alsoy. Jon 18th eocar. 300 beoebes benanss. 610 pn esftrcane. Foa e. r. ' tl u . iu Jl J January iwr ... of Dllll. Lot of Furnfturer tan wr fi. aj"'" M ASST. OF NEW GOODS Finf IMnaaMl WOOL SHAWLS, 'Hl or hi: iH ), Cr i o ... UlIB - Insurance ee rie &cc9 Mat , THE Manufacturing JeweSer! ha to IVotioe. THE lb One Express Wagon Lot Of Executor's Sale of Valuable t CO. FOR SALE! H. St Estate 27th, aa HACKFELD VEW GOODS. JUST ARRIVED, ataaata LAND PIECE or PARCEL From At Private Sale, River Red NEW BOOKS. "t European IOMII.M.I. Guaranteed Be miii PRESENTS CHRISTMAS Notice. THE r - NEW YEAR'S GIFTS! S. CLEGHORN OF I CO.'S Port Street otice. !. 'Public Notice. ITHR A Superior Assortment is the Albums, Work Boxes, and P. For Iron Water iiE. Account Books. " F1 THE NEW LEN8E8 jm'-i- Photographic NEW Improvements INS. CO., A CO. PIR Offer for Sale A. W. SHIP CH ANDLEBV Work FIRE PORTRAITS maa Dt OR VIEWS! Oaipital: 91.000,000 Floxvr cfc Bre4a ana time cement. California May, tt ta For Sale, New Frames, uf GROCERIES, A Potatoes, Onions, for Photographic Gallery, i IVTED F. T, LENEHAN & CO. AN INDEPENDENT OFFER THE LADIES TO KNOW HAWAIIAN GAZETTE JOURNAL, DEVOTED TO HAWAIIAN PROGRESS. PUBLISHED AND EDITED BY 77mi tin Cndcuurned THE FOLLOWING hat RECEIVED A JUST NEW IiaiicUng, GOODS Vow From the A 1 Supreme Court of the Ilawalinn I:iimI. GOODS OCTOHF.R JOHN From Glasgow. AND SILVER WEDNESDA Y. JANUARY 17, 1877. British Barque (anoma StTKBB LINK OF GOLD HENRY M. WHITNEV. A51 OTHEIt LATE ARRIVALS, 'onrinting of H. CONEY TERM, 1 87 6. r.. JAS..I. D01VSET1. Opixion of A. Francis Judd. the following Machinery : This is no action in which 810 000 are claimed mm a ilamnees for the trespass of the defendant's SCITABLE FOR THE cattle opon the land " Honnnlinli." in Ewa. Oahu. the properly of the plaintiff, since Oct. ICth. 1875. CUSTOMARY CHRISTMAS GIFTS OOMI'I.ETK The jury returned a verdict for the plaintifi of $200. and a motion is made to set aside this . Cla.rifi.ox-sverdict and erunt it oew trial, on the ground that Among vitich trill be found, 400 and 500 (iallons the jory most have mistaken or disregarded the instructions of the court on the effect of certain A FIXE ASSORTED OF SMITH IWOME biasnond limes, rinrtrt Llefaa. leases under which the defendant justified, or I . W I. LSI IKIllS'S 1 adaa. aa 4 (iatit'i Saliu ire.-a that the jury misunderstood the evidence. The first lease in qnestiun is dated March 3d. . i.e..-- . Pearl Ring, -! years from 1846. and. running for twenty-fiv- e (tyx. II til rt Garnet, Pearl, Torqauiee, Most Agthe 1st of February of that year, expired on the AND RANGES It demises to John of February, 1871. ate mi other different settings. Meek and his heirs, the kula land at Lihue. and Ladse Jelt Onyx. BBLS BEST WHITE CEMENT! the privilege that his cattle should be undisturbrhainv mi Lockets with Ear Itrnri to ..: :. Bar Iron, aMortt-- sises ; ed at llonooliuli, if Ibey should go there. Iiat Scotrh BtMet Iron, assorted si : PiR Iron, The second lease is dated 15th of July. 1851, and leases to John Meek and his heirs and as signs the land called Waimanalo, at llonouhuli. Ladie. apert AMftrrrt, any other Settf , particularly as follows : The knla and the kna-biMmOmlMi, and the rights appertaining t heroin, and the Of OoMlftllBX f I'oaliinas, the river with ail the rights appertainlassies ft ekUdraa, Neek Chain. ing thereto. It gives the boundaries as follows : Chain.' . Tins Whit LmiI, Tins Wait Zinc Paint, Lad aw A Children! Uwcti Lead. On I he mauka side the In mis previously leased Tins Ufiiutnt Bloe Paint, Tin Black t to John Meek, that is, the kulti of Lihue and aaalxr Cxtf T'laf, he kula of Honouliuli ; on the makai Bides lrums liolled Unseed Oil. -. 1 ... ..es,. icr L ''!-Nunnkuli nod the Koolina. This lease expired i ARCH AND FIRE BRICKS, SQUARE on the 5th of July, 1876. ChiM's Finger lUngs, The third lease is dated the 16th of February. Ladie- - Gold Bracelet; . 1853, and it being for twenty-fiv- e years, does not expire until the 16th of February, 1878. By Laaief i iot' fjoeft p..: J Watches, BEST III.At KS.1ITII ( OAI., this lease there is conveyed to John Meek, his Bath Key and Stem Winders heirs and assigns, all the remainiug portions of BEST STEAM I'OAl. the leaeor's kula land at Honouliuli : this being Ladie. Oaraatt Ear Eingi. Fencing Wire, assort.- - sizes, auuealed and galvanized, explained as follows : All parts of this kula land assorted alaes. Buckets, Ualvantied Setting Ear Rings, Ladie: Coral and other cot included in the previous leases made tietrmen Lasix Ereaet Pint, assarted dedkraj, A. Keluabonui, M. Kekauonohi und Jno. Meek SupeA for that land called Libue. on the 3d of March, Ladiu J el SetU. 1846, und another lease between J. II. L. Moalelea and John Meek, of all that land called Wuimenalo, on the I5th of July, 1851, the renis of these two lands shall continue and their lease, C'oiishlii.iT of until the expiration thereof, they are not inFancy Prilllnc. Fancy Ifiiit. White Cottons, Before considering the recluded in this lease. UaudkcrchirTs, ;ingbamR, Costumes, assorted. servations, which are made at length and with Tweeds, assorted; Broadclottis, Coatings ire I aL.i 1 oral and Spoohf, considerable particularity, id Surer Tea rpoonr, Let us eo on lo the fourth lease, which is ALSO, A FULL ASSORTMENT OF dated i lie 1st of February. 1871, aud which conSaial hilvaa Sugar -- Le .r. veys nil ol thai certain piece or parcel of land Solid Silver Salt Spoons . situated in the Abupuaa of Honouliuli. district Solid Silver Cake and Pie Knives of Kwa, island of Ouliu, known as the Hi of UXMST1K0 OF Lihue, for seven years, and which will not exSolid Sil ear Barry Soon, pire unlil the 1st of Fubruury, 1878. Caver TTeidseickV Champagne, pints and quarts' Xiasketp Lawrence's Champagne, ; - aud qts, The plaintiff claims that lease No. 1 conveyed v ... M.rer Child", Ut.'C', ForliMud Sj.uol.-- , Baskets Lawrence'i Champagne, extra dry. not only Lihue but a portion of the kula of ' Solid Silrer liuttar Knives, Cases Hennessy Brandj. Honouliuli, uud builds up an argument in eup-o- f Cases Martell's xzx Brandy, I his from the words of description of Waiinu-nalSoi,- - Mirer Cope and Goblets. Casas Planat's 1S62 Brandy, above given, in which ibe niuuku boundary Catuf Small Geneva,. Solid Silrer iNstasrt 1'orki and Spoohf, of Waimanalo is stated lo be the kula of Lihue, Caos BeM Genera. botad Silver Match boxes. and the kula of Hooouliuli, and thai the portion Cases Old Tom Gin. of Honouliuli conveyed by the first lease aud not Cases Beet Kinahan's L Irish Whiskey. Case? Dunville'f Iri?h Whiskey, included io the third lease, was nol covered by art oerytIiing in Out above Lint. Best Scotch Wbickcy. the fourth lease, which was a lease of the Hi of Quarter Casks Best Hennessy's Tale Brandy. Lihue only. The plaintiff claims that as there 1 artiM Quarter Casks Best Marti - Brandy, Nor ir yoar tine to Boy id i little wos abundant evidence that the defendant's catQuarter Casks Jatntica Rum. Taw beaar yon will bare to pay under the tle pastured upon this tract of land within the laid, is the award of in which ihis Irespnss Tariff 2tl per cent extra for aoy BEST AMERICAN WHISKIES ! diiles '.he jury of 3200 is far from excessive and should good in the above Line, Occidental, Hermitage and O.F.C. But can this position of the be sustained. plaintiff be sustained ? ly- - i The first leuafi conveyed only Libue, the lessor and Ready fur SaU. Caacr Bet Palo Sborrj, Best Old Port, covenanted in addiliou that the lessee's cutlle Quarter Casks PaleBlierrj, should be undisturbed on Honotiliuli, if they Quarter Casks Irish Whiskey, Jt No Plated food in this EstabHuhmtnt. "V This does not lease any porwent there. . M. McIJiEHNY tion of Honouliuli outside of Lihue, but only McEwan's Pale Ale, protected the lessee from being held liable for Pint, and Quarts. trespass if his cattle strayed on Honouliuli This view is strengthened by the wording of RECIPROCITY CASH STORE ! India Pale Ale, pints and quarts, lease No. 3. made in 1853. which shows the inBass Co'f India Pale Ale, pints and quarts, 73 FORT STREET terpretation put by the purlies on their previous Orange Bitters, in cases, A Co's 1, 2, I and 4 diamond Brandy Bnutelleau leases after seven years of dealings with each Cases Superior Vermouth, T THI ABOVE PLACE Wil l. BE iOl'ND other as landlord and tenant. This lease No. 3 Cases Foktr'a Bitters, Cases Superior Claret, distinctly says that the lease of 1846 was for that land called I.ihue, and lhat the lease of 1851 Ac, Ac., to. OP Now, as was for that land called Waimanalo. t uses XXX Jugs. STIU'T. this lease No. 3 conveyed all parts of the kula ill stone : of Honouliuli, not incluried in leases No. 1 ami PINTS AND QUABTS. mtmMr for Woddinf A C hiistinas Prosents. 2. it conveys all of Honouliuli except Lihue etc., Ac, Ac Ac. Ware. Brouae Goods, srrlr? and Waimanalo und the reservations. (183m Krarketa. Ur Qastlea, Fancy Soaps. Vases. F. T. LENEHAN & CO. In a former case between the parties to this liour. and Oalendar Clucks. suit, the court held that if there exists an amJ Fine FreacbUUt Ucks, Atomisers, biguity, in the lease, then such construction Boys Tool Ctoests, Tobacco Boxes, must prevail as is most strong neuir t the IVceptlre Wine fJlaaaes. Btafs. for he might have expressed himself atusac Bolls, Valises, more clearly. But there is no ambiguity here, tews, frnji$t. Kterpfmptr except, perhaps, the exemption from liability for llECEflED Blr LATE ARRIVALS, (at Oard and Cabinet Fnunea. trespass on Honouliuli, and upon the principle land and CnmMaaUoo Mirrors. just etuted it must be construed to be a mere Oae. To o A Three Shelf. Book Shelve, Etc. A LARGE SUPPLY OF license, the actual territory over which the license was granted in lease No. 1 being leased by inTHE ABOVE COOflS ARE MARKED OK A SUGAR MILL, Fivo Stoom I ul Celebrated Cooking Stoves lt 5rt PAINTS i Sol AND OILS! '.' OLAX. General Assortment of rior Stationery ai SILO DRY GOODS WABS SILVSK LIQUORS! pjJSJ , sjsjbj .. Uataa El U at TI SO u Oi; India H t X. T" A Class and Plated Ware Tav NEW GOODS! American aud English Books OFFICE STATIOKEPY Ac, tc, 4c. CASH BASIS TKBHK MY ' cu-X- IKE MTKICTLVCAIKII A. L. (SMITH. NOTICE. XDERHieXEB BES TUX, IawopH of Koloa and vicinity a eaoenle tawao TO JfOTIFY that he Is pr, -- PLANS AND ESTIMATES Z It to hutid. and also Fr wtahlapT eatktsiMJSa fur suaj taboo- Cart : prepared to take kind of bail dine or & tn Carriage Work. All kind, efnondtnc material on hand aud will be I umtshed at the old ataad In Koloa. anch as Lumber of all Hinds, JJoorr. Sash. JVaifc, Paints, Oil, etc. r" in be aotd at lowest prlees. Lnmbar trie BuHllnr. trom Baanl to Watmea at lowest JSr. rUarre for plans, or rmimat.-to those pur aaaeraal from nr. Sana. W. U. WKK.IIT. IS4U Her-irr- t. SHINN'S NURSERIES SHIN p miS, N & CO. ALAMEDA COUNTY, CALIFORNIA OH AWTRI rKorRiriOKS SP SJX, Is aaore or aaaU quantities, 1 i;R lORMaa Ci A paw v. t rer- :utrrte! Tsuiety or enrj. Worn, Xacualae. Peach, Trana, Crab. Wa. NUT-- B Waw. . V.... EARING TREES Quaaat. IV Waiana, Vlojriish Filbert. laiiassf ptasrl Vavnc:. Butumut. Pecan, etc., etc SBoIAXjX 1 y M fruits ataWkaactaas. Otmff. Baaabmiaa. Oooa-metc : Also, rerauutnon (Japan and native,, Caawisana aanasa ate. UnfjaaU. Ta. OMi Caarah. I 1 1 ka B k I k h and other Shade or Ornamental Trees JBPtSAl-VtTV- S iBIae liaa In variety. IVpper Treea, Caera Yellow and Boar ). Pmes Oatalpa, laatrnolia. etc.. ear. . Z ! Chestnut, SEMI-TROPICA- L aWalCJifrtw Uemon. Oraatre Iom 4 FRUIT TREES, r C tJ WJ t$4 Kf lime. etc. etc Onumeatal Shmbi great Variety & e Plants in e and Price List, can be obtained on application COOKE. Boaololn. who wlU receive CAfTLX rd craven far trees and to whom paymenu 3. Waimanalo is described in the second lease as being bounded on the nmuka side by kula of Lihue and of Hooouliuli. This cannot be explained except upon the theory lhat its extent Consisting of was not at that time well defined. l,IX;AL CAP, LETTER AMD It is clear that the plaintiff does not claim CAP PAPER, Paper, now lhat Waimanalo stretches up to Lihue, and Kew Hull, thin Franeb l'apera, Jlote I am inclined to read the description in this way. Euvelopes of all Stylos, The land previously leased to John Meek, that Blank Books, Memorandlum Books, is the kula of Lihue and the knla of Honouliuli Pocket Knife's and ftold pens. on the mauka side. Certainly, if Waimanalo is Oval ami sonare llrtore Frames, an Hi at one end of Honouliuli.it must have for Chromo Pictures, one boundary the main body of the land of SCRAP and POSTAGE STAMP ALBUMS, Honouliuli. where it joins the same. The clause " and the knla of Honouliuli." is not necessarily Stereoscopes and Stereoscope Views. modified by the clause the land leised to John Meek. Letter Clips. Book Slates, It is claimed further by the plaintiff that as Glass Metal anl leather Traveling Inkstands the lease of Waimanalo particularizes kula and Choice Wood and ' ai Oflice Inkstands, kuahiwi as being two distinct classes of land, the Fine WaJk-rs- , Puries and Ram, kula being low land and kuahiwi being mountain PAPIER BlftCHE AND MOROCCO PORTFOLIOS ! land, and as the third lease does not mention Tearl and fcrotch fard Cases, specifically the kuahiwi of Honouliuli, it must be Copy Books :iod Ilnishes copylnc Paper, considered as intended to be excluded. Presses, Mathematical Instruments, I am of the opinion that in ibis lease No. 3. Green (Spectacles. Pocket Compasses, Clinss Men, Dominoes, CnbbSkfce Boards, 'kula' means land not kalo land, however this may Children's Alphabet Blocks, be, the 'kuahiwi' is not excepted in the largo number of reservations made, and although the lease does not convey the right to actually take the Tortoise Phell and BafTalo-hosetts. wood in the kuahiwi, ii leases the right ol pasQuill and Wood Toothpicks. turage therein, for the kaahiwi is a part of "keia Pteel Pens Glllott's. penT and other makers. Crystal and Diamond rubber, oina knla i komo ole iloko o na hoolimalima Ivor)' Paper Knives and Erasnrs, mua." (Ibis kula laud not included in the previous Ink Kxtrartxnt and pounce. To lease the whole of a kula land, reMicroscopes. Wood and Rubber Rulers. leases). serving certain specific portions and then to say that this does not cover kuahiwi or pali, pua, WRITING DESKS. A FINE ASSORTMENT mauna. awaawa or other portions of land to which All orders promptly filled. W various topographical terms may be applied would H. M WHITXET. be disingennoaB, and it is so manifestly contrary to the intention of the parties as eathered from these instruments as not to be countenanced Pacific Rubber Company's all by the court. I observe, in passing, that if the de-- j fendant is now liable for trespass upon the kaahiwi ol Honoaliuli or opon the portion of the knla of Hooouliuli claimed by the plaintiffs counsel to ARTICLE IS FOB SALE BY rpiUS be not conveyed by lease No. 3, be was liable lor trespass for the same reasons on the 1st of BOLLES & Co. February, 1871, the date when tfaa first lease of Ishne expired. 1 find therefore The KnWr Paint h Justly celebrated, and Is coming that as there was no part of into general use, and all who hare given It a trial h'ghly the Honouliuli kula between Lihue and Waimarecommend IL The undersigned have a general assortnalo not covered by the leases lo the defendant ana tliade, aud vi keep up the assort ment of all the jury were not at liberty to consider in makmeet, aud be nra.iy to.U erd. rsat the ,horte notice. ' aSLUES Co. ing up their verdict the evidence of the trespass of defendant's caitle on this territorv. The lease of Waimanalo having expired on the 15lh of July, 1876, the jory were instructed that R P. A. ale LASI X. CIVIL r.NtilM.I.R the defendant should be allowed a reasonable ATJa. and Surveyor, i. prepared t undertake I And time after this date in which lo take bis cattle tn aD Its branches. Maps constructed with full details. Information given lo regard to the quality of of Irom this land, and in which to restrain them aoUs, and their adaption for cultivation, taking into con from returning thither. The evidence of damKtderatlon locality. areaouity, etc. ages for trespass on Waimujalo by Dowsett's WATER LEADS Estimates given In regard to alse, cost, and capacity, and amount of power furnished bv cattle since lease the expired, consists in stateansae for ments of witnesses that they bad seen his cattle ROADS AMI BHIDOIM. Plank and estimates made with a view of obtaining the best results with the smallest on this land within the month past, and since the outlay. time when they were driven off by Dowsett's He Is also prepared to give Instruction on tropical men. The particolar evidence was given by Po Address the above through the Honolulu Post Office. who testified that be saw nine bead there on the trw satls- - X 20th of July, and sixteen bead there on the 10th of August, bat this witness was uncertain at to Oat Hay. EST CALIFORNIA OAT HAT For Sale by the boundaries of Waimanalo, and said they bad never been pointed out to bim. Eye Glasses, Reading Glasses. a3 Paint FRUIT TREES! - im ! denture No. PAINTS! ",' Civil Engineering. f i B When the testimony of Mr. J. H. Wood is considered, who testifies that Waimanaln is worth nothing for pasturage at present, as there is nothing green on it, it is clear that the amount of $200. if awarded for damage for trespass on this land, is excessive, for if the jury found that defendant's cattle were allowed to remain on this land an unreasonable time after the lease expired, the damage awarded should have been bat nominal and not beyond the statutory amount of 123, els. for each animal. The reservations in lease No. 3 are as follows: "These are the places reserved to the party of the first part ; the fish ponds in said kula land, tuv-infish in them, and two lots intended to be enclosed hereafter : also MnkumeDa adjoining the eucloeed taro lands : and also that piece between Kualakai and C. W. Vincent's lot; lhat place knewn as Ka pa I" hi is also reserved ; the sea fishery and its rights are also reserved, similar lo reservation ; also the the Waimanalo Pa eina at Honouliuli and the said enclosure : and also the cultivuluble land at Poupouwela; nil of which are reserved and not included in this lease, hut John Meek's cattle shall uot be molested should they go on to these place reserved if not fenced in with a Jeuce sufficient to prevent Poupouwela will still caitle from trespassing. remain as in times gone by. and is not intended tn tie fenced in as Ita situation is good, not needing n fence. The tabued woods of the mountains of the lands mentioned io this lease are also reserved to the parly of the first part, but he, John Meek, can take said tabued wood tor his own use, as much hs be wishes, but nol lo dispose of to other parties." but John Meeks cattle shall not The clause, be molested should they go on to these places reserved, if not fenced in with u fence sufficient to prevent cattle from trespassing." fixes the obligation upon the lessor to keep bis reservations lenced. and us there wus no evidence offered to the jury to show that this was done, they were not at liberty to found their verdict upon evidence tbut the cattle of defendant were accus-"oielo gruze and get water on the reserved portions. It is urged that though the lessor covenants thut the caitle shall not be considered as trespassing if they shall t'O on the reserved portions, unless fenced, still the evidence shows that the cattle were continually on one of these portions, that is 'a aina, for water, und that ibis is in excess of the license, and there-tur- c trespass would lie. I am of the opinion this is not sound, fur there could be no trespass on Pa aina. unlesd lenced with a fence capuble of turning stock. for the unThe law will not allow a pit-fuwary to be thus dug, when it was possible, in traming the lease, to make the intention of the lessor lo hold his tenant lo such a liability more clear. As regards Poupouwela, its aina mnhiai is reserved. This is translated cultivated or Whichever rendering is taken land. there is no evidence thai Dowsett's cattle trespassed upon either the cultivated land or the land capable of cultivation in Ponuouwelu. The evidence wus confined lo the statement that the Waimanalo between the 11th cuttle driven from and 18th of July were driven from Lihue to water uud Poupouwelu hack again, but Ibere was no ut evidence that this water was in the limits of the I am of the opinion, though the aina malum. jury were not so instructed, that no trespass could bo maintained even on the aina mabiiii of Poupouwela, as the clause in reference to immunity Irom trespassing applies to it, and the lessor disavows his intention of lencing it, as the situation of the land did not require it. The legal inference Irom this is, that he tmk the risk of caitle trespassing on it, though uufenced. The jury were instructed in regard to the testimony lhat the cattle of defendant hail spread a thorny acacia over the laud as follows : That the plaintiff could not recover damages for this if done while the cattle were lawfully upon the n plaintiffs land, for he mast be held to have the natural result of the pasturage of cattle weeds and thorns on his lands, in disseminating when he made the lease ; and as regardd acaciu being Bpread on Waimanulo. the defendant could only be held liable for whatever damage was thus done since July 15, 1876, of which there was no distinct evidence. The court charged the jury that up to the 15lh of July, 1876, when the Waimiinulo lease expired, the defendant had tli right of exclusive possession of all Honouliuli except the reserved portions, but on suggestion of plaintiffs counsel made the qualification that if the jury found that there was any portion of Honouliuli conveyed by lease No. 1 and nol included in lease No. 3 and by lease No. 4, they might find not that trespass was committed on such portion. In giving this modification the court had no intention of allowing the jury to infer that there was any such unleased portion of Honouliuli. for it had charged the contrary. But this may have misled the jury, which is to be regretted. It is apniirent to me thut the jury mii3t have understood the instructions of the court upon the evidence of trespass upon any portion of Uonou-liui- i, except Waimunulo, and as to Waimanalo, if the verdict was founded upon trespass on this land, the amount of damage is so c'eorly excessive as to lead to the inference that the jury based their assessment nt damage on some erroneous principle. Exercising the sonnd and legal discretion vested in me, 1 am of the opinion that the verdict should be set aside and a new trial granted, which is done accordingly. A. Francis Judd, Justice Supreme Conrt. L. McCuIly and E. Preston for plaintiff, A. S. Hurt well and W. 0 Jones for defendant. Honolulu, Oct. 23, 1876. John Ii. Coney rs. James I. Doicsetl. On Exceptions to the Decision op Mr. Justice Judd, Present: Chief Justice Allen, Justices Harris and Judd. The question upon which the opinion of the full court is desired, is the construction of the leases on file in this case. The arguments of the counsel for the plaintiff are exceedingly ingenious, and we have given them full consideration. Wo have likewise re viewed and weighed the opinion given bv Mr. Justice Judd, which is excepted lo and we concur in that opinion fully, seeing no reason for altering, amending or expanding it. The jury will be instructed in accordance with this opinion, in case a new trial is proceeded with. Emsha H. Auks, Ciias. C. Harris, A. Francis Judd. E. Preston and L. McCuIly lor plaintiff, A. S. Hurtwell arid W. C. Jones for defendant. Honolulu. Dec. 29. 1876. Tlic Prcnidential Vote. The London Spectator has fallen into a prevalent misapprehension respecting what it terms the " mass vole." It has suited the Democrats Irom the day after ibe election, to pretend that in the popular vole Mr. Tilden has a majority In form, the exceeding a quarter of a million. pretension :s not devoid ol plausibility ; in sub Northern stance it is uotrue. Of the twentv-on- e States, only four gave Democratic majorities. I he amounting in the aggregate lo 5d4U7. eighteen other States gave Republican majorities, wbicb, in the total, amounted lo 306,805. In the Northern Slates, therefore. Mr. Hayes has a net majority over Tilden of not less than 253.335. From ibe sixteen Southern Stales the returns are incomplete, those from Delaware and Texas not having been received io m authentic What we have from the other States shape. Add as give Tilden a majority at about 44.000. the approximate resmt ia the two States, 80.000, and the total Democratic ma jority, according to the face of the returns, may Debe set down to round figures it 520.000. duct the net Republican majority ai the North, and tbe apparent Democratic majority in the But whole country is something like 266,000. this majority is apparent only, not real ; that is to say. it presupposes Ibe occurrence of an election as free d fair in the Southern States as at the North, and this assumption, as every intelligent man knows, is at variance with the facts. But for intimidation, violence, and fraud, tbe Republican majority in Soatb Carolina would have been 20,000, instead of tbe 900 which appears on the tace of the returns ; In Florida, 10.000, instead of forty-thre- e it would have ; in Louisiana been at tsast five times greater than the figures actually counted. None of these States is. at heart, more thoroughly Republican than Alaba ma and Mississippi, which were secured for Tilden by tbe same system of audacious terrorism which came so near victory in South Carolina. With proper protection for tbe colored voters, Alabama would unquestionably have yielded a Republican majority of 10.000. instead of appearing to yield a majority of 33.000 for tbe Democracy ; ami Mississippi, instead of swelling tbe Democratic column wilb 56.000, would have added to the Republicans a majority considerably exceeding 30,(KlO Thus, to go no further, the apparent Tilden majority ol 266.000 dwindles dowu to 92.000. Fully three fourths of this number would be ubliter.iied ia Georgia alone, if the formalities of an election had not been reduced to a mockery by the canning and persistency with which the Democrats have contrived to disfranchise a large Republican element, and to keep a still larger element from the polls. All that is left of even the apparent Tilderi majority disappears befora a knowledge of gross frauds in North Carolina, Maryland, and West Virginia : while in old Virginia and Deleware tbe Tilden strength has been made to look morn formidable ibao it is by tricks wbich in this country are well understood. .Y. Y. Times. The Kerivixl of Baslness. There are unmistakable evidences of the revival of business all over the Eastern Statos. Tbe A great depression has been long and severe. many manufacturing establishments formerly in a prosperous condition were compelled to cease operations altogether. Stocks of goods accumulated, many weulthy manufacturers failed, and thousands of people were thrown out employment. Others found their incomes reduced below Tbe business the point ol coinforlable living. depression has been more severe than any which has occurred since 1837. There was this difference : In '37 the currency was io a dreadful condition. There was ut thai time no national currency excepl gold and silver, and that was seldom seen. The greater part of the currency of Western Bunks was at a discount, ranging Irom ten lo thirty per cent. During the late depression the country has bad a currency which wus as good io one Stale as in another ; bat it was everywhere below par by at least ten per rent. It has been said in a general way that production was far ahead of consumption. Bui this solitary tact does not wholly account for the depression. The truth is. private Not bankruptcy from fast living became general. only was the public indebtedness of the country enormous, bnt tbe private indebtedness was still Rents had gono up more than a hungreater. dred percent.; everything was indued, and the spirit of this inflation extended everywhere to private life. There was n vulgar flaunting of Economy in private life was somelbicg wealth. not to be tolerated. Private resources were " honeycombed," and incomes were eaten up with mortguges. Then came the shrinkage. Rents decreased because there was no longer ability to meet such Brown stoue houses stood without deinunds. tenants. The man whose income did not exceed three or four thousand dollars a year, could not pay it all out for root. He sought less pretentious quarters went into the country perhaps: economized in various ways, and worked and waited fur belter times. During all this period the country wus as rich as ever in natural resources. Tbe industrial product wus lessened in in others. some departments and increased There was less manufaciuring. because the surplus goods were piled up wuiting fur consump-tioBat there was nol an acre loss of cultivated land. Ill fact, there was a continual increase of agricultural production. The country was all Enormous wastes the while becoming richer. had been stopped. There had been a great many recoveries from the verge of bankruptcy. Others had gone lo the wall, settled with their creditors as best they cuuld, und hud taken a new start end were inspired with new hopes. There is now perceptible all over the Eastern States a business reaclion. The " young flood" of prosperity has set in. and. for aught we can see, this prosperity will continue for some years But once in about ten years the country is overtaken by a business depression mure or less sever.'. Better times do nol set in unlil there has of debts and credits, and a been a California has great many business changes. been one of the few States which has profited in " hard times" in the an incidental way by the Eastern Stales. Immigration wus largely increased, and the growth of town and country in the matter of population never was greuter. This immigration has diminished somewhat of late, but there is still u healthy current setting in this direction. It is remarkable, too, that tbe business depression in the Eislern States ditl not much affect business here. The resources of this coast us well as th: markets, are isolated, and. at best are only'remoteiy dependent upon the Atlantic 1876 WILDER CHRISTMAS, Importers and Dealers ia LUMBER has JUceived, Tlie Undersigned BUILDING MATERIALS PER OCEAIV PEARL' Splendid Line of A GREAT VARIETY OF .... and Writing Ladies' Bridle Lather Trunks, Ladies' Leather Covered Saratoga Trunks, Ladies' State Room Trunks, Ladies' Composition Truoks, Note Paper, ruled, Pi1" from .1.'jO to fS.OO per ream. a choice article Cap. Flat Gap. Legal and A stock always on lame Bill hand. Thin Overland Post, w't Real Russia Leather Bags Valises, A Uents' Solid Sole Leather Trunks. Revetted t Sewed Edges. Butts and Hinges, Ball. of Honolulu Nowhere in or out can such an Elegant Display of Leather Ware be teen in any one store, These goods having oou: in Duty free Lady Purchases will get the Benent of the WILL BE Ready for Inspection and Sale on Wednesday next, November 29th. McINERNY M. f 1820 3ml JLETT'S DIARIES For I NT RECEIVED FROM LOXDOX, ii ir UalL !iia iBB reuil or wholesale business Or Honolulu, Oct. 24, A'I of the overland If necessary 1ST6. SIS-t- f Family Xaotsb. JAMES 8, LEMON. Asst. of PI Kl TIPS, Water Amoskeag & LADiear ONE BLACK WALNUT CHAMBER Buggy Harness. Mess Reef H.M.WHITNEY'S INDIA RICE MILL, OF HAVI I'MDER- - C. BREWER or and Cveful AUmtion. WM. M. OREJETWOOD, Merchant and Proprietor ol India 82J iy nrtu-iM... ., fur aaeasha, win rw.i, solicited for all grades of Watches of American manufacture. Satisfaction guaranteed in every reaped. D. WftXOW CLARK. B 5m TO WOOL CROWER8. I VIIIIIMI.Vtl) : TO) II I BREWER A CO HIDES, SKINS, TALLOW. IMJSRSK. TS PAT Tm mMtt"t Pic alvmi, Urj id V TaU Envelopes. 111 Hates Usas Hues. fur ,m C. BREW KB A CO. Colored Corals aod Sheik color- Note Envelopes, Letter Envelopes, Large Letter Envelopes, Official Envelopes. Tor sale In quantities nun C. ,,.. Wl-l- ! in. - i of i In, make to ha seat 'nsltfiiii aaaij BOILER FEED PUMPS), ajTBl'p Pratm, DISTILLPRS PI MPS, V ACT I'M PCM'S Pumps tor Hot or Cold Water, salt Water aW Price, sad .Cher btewmaUasi (Teas, y C. BREWER A Co.. WdSl rfm me puoiic gi nerally iuu.Mum L to the new shop on Merchant tbat he 1has , moved . .. .. . '....... ny. HKVWH IO 111 .100. Of WatCh. Or WM. ... r.i,. ravin.,, tw. ah packages from the other Islands addressed to bim, contalnlnr . whit, bo IT and i OYTIVI at good pnrea. Wools oasln. to thai spring parocalarly leslred to mate freatkt, market ED BEtift TO I.1TORM aa Isludt, Pub frB 1st. S I ' 3VT ed envelopes. CO., Per Syren from Boston UNCLEAN ED RICE. : HAVE RECEIVED Above Celebrate WlTaTT RKnTED-IIM.a- Pork. Sole Agents for the Hawaiia--a now lu perfect con- Hulling and Dressing of Paddy J .d prtme Knowles1 Patent Steam Pump MISSI0H A FBE10HT STS., SAM FRANCISCO, CAL J I Coal Baaaea, Paast .1 found at Is SET 3 JUMP SEAT CARRIAGES Money Parses and Bags INDIA RICE MILL 'PHE gone Material Improvements, Pearl River Deaixns himm. cauim. Cedar Shingles, spruce Bnarda. Curled Hair. Paper luun. lib. lo IfTh. Bungs awl Deck Plugs. ousts DERSK Dry Goods Bleached Aaaoakeag lottos. FINE AKKDRTME.NT OP LADIES' aud D to 10, Bout Mills Ml.ee tinea. MaaaeehuaeUs Sheetlnra. PURSES! 11V 1 Brown and Bleached Flan Mia, Prices and other Information given by sad m C BREWER A CO.. Agents IV in. to 4 in Pipe. Duck, Nos. Cora, ring in part of Mystic Blver Nbetln(s. PVMPA, Pump. TER.TIS A COSVESTI- - lovornl SraJLlcilxac lm 2 TO 6. NO. Pumps for Hat or Cold Water, Suit residence. ALSO For particulars apply to in s Very Choice A of this make to be forwarded VACVVH A as, 2 Card Matches. DISTILLERY PI' TIPS. To Let, Lease or for Sale. ttS EXT Lawrt-Dce'- BOILER FEED PUMPS, STRIP in. to 6 1 Nests of Traoks. four ia s asst. Ice Chests, Assorted Size., Iron A Galvanized nmn, Odd Fellows New Bedford Cordage, SpanyarD. ARE RE VOY TO RECEIVE lilt l Kits any pumps THE In Cases Tolauco. ( Kalakaoa's Farorita.) Coal, Ml FROI PUMPS, CELEBRATED Jtaaa. Cumberland Y . OF W. C. PAREE, ) t Trustees. J. O. CARTER. A. B. CLKlHOBSj REASONABLE K NOTICE. and Suitable Store d Apply to III f N For Syron from Boston THE ABOVE ! New Bedford Oil Shook., 1 Ship's Caboose, Sperm Candle, 1877 Agents for Hawaiian Islands HAVE RECEH ryo K Sow Due fraaa B C. BREWER & CO., Sole TEBIS! American Bark Ceylon . Knowles' Patent Steam Pumps WRAPPIXa PAPER, well-fitte- OP Til In great vatlety, for ladles and ffenta. W Prices vary from 20c Is to 93.00, according to finish IV .ILK. T ALSO STEAMER "AUSTRALIA," .. 3m UPON LI BE SAL Ii e C 'i In cap, post and pocket styles H. tli A t'EW OF THE CELEBRATED PER Quantities to Suit. C. BREWER & CO. DIARIES FOR 1877. thick aud thin qualities, Thnl a in OFF Eh FOR THIS FINE LINE OF O00DS General Commission Blee Mill. For Lease, ?fAILS! Salt per ceot. ID Screws, Hooks aad Eyas. Aa Solid Leather Coat Cases, In fact PAM1 FIRE-PRO- Shawl Strap,, Coat and Blanket Straps. Will Receive Prompt H. Ml. Whitney. AND For Plantation or any Ulnar Usa, Locks, (loot's Russia Dressing Cases. C avar Orders filled at abort notice, Iron and Tinned Tasks. Paint and Wbltavuk Brashes, Trunk Straps, ot various sues and quality. Af AXILLA VERT LOW! Cotton, METALLIC Iu the Beat Possible Manner. The Price Cot Ul'LI.I.fe and units.-:- : .v. PADDT has been Reduced 28 per cent. STATt PAPER, ! Valises, Gent's Russia Leather Valises, Dent's 0. 0. Trunks, TISSUE AND COPYING PAPERS, MEDICATED ; Wall Paper and Border Uent'i Elegant Solid Sole and Bridle Leather PAPER, Paddy and Hulled OW Rice! COLORED BUND, all slat. -- dent's Leather Trunks, Canvass Covered, andbiue, ruiad0r ALSO ; SMALL PAIST CHEAP. PAI.Vf OIL Patty aadVxraish, Olaas, So. 1x2 aad t. Brown Papers, unruled. California and Eastern Doors, all sizes WHITE LEAD and ZINC Ladles' Russia Dressing Cases, dition for the French Note and Letter Paper, FOR SHIP USE Jill ta ileal.; Clear Nor'West. for Planter's Has SASH, all sites Manilla Sohool Bags, Grain Leather School Bags, Split Leather School Bags, CORNER qualities, TIMBER Ladies' assorted Colored valises, Among which may be found, ruled and plain ot varloui f6.00 per ream. hi. EASTERN WHITE PI5X, Ladies' Princess Alice Bags, with belts, SUPPLIES OP Paper, Letter from 3.50 to ta RTJSTIO SIDING-- . ! Ladies Solid Sole Leather Trunks, nettled edges, Ladies' Solid Sole Leather Trunks, sewed edges, LONDON, Other Papers, fljil .ad I.MT. CLAPBOARDS, LATTICE, ALSO bo ADDITIONAL lxS, UA, Rough aod ToBfasd aad Grasvad FROM ANO Laths, Ac. Surfaeeii Boards and Plaak. .... OF Ladies Bags and Reticules FINE WRITING PAPERS. NEW YORK Batwna Piok.ls ENTIRELY NEW STYLES and style of blndlnir. FRANCISCO, and lxS, for REDWOOD freight money earned by deep-watships is in the currying trade between this port and European ports. Tbe product of the mines has not been affected by the stagnation of business on the other side of the country. The price of silver has been regulated by a market which was largely outside of tbe United Slates. The revival of business in tbe Eastern Suites will have some effect here ; but not in such a direct way It will be remembered that as many eappose. our period of greatest depressions occurred when there were flush time in the Eastern States ; and the contrust then was so great that hundreds hero went over and swallowed the greenback heresy and boldly advocated a papei currruncy as the only remedy for the stringent times in California. We recovered from that depression without any help from the other side of the country, and afterwurd heard the other side of the argu' Obment presented in the Alluntic States. serve bow California prospers witb an exclusive When we get that gold and silver currency. we shall have a return of good times." As we approach Ibe date of specie resumption we have oncooruging signs of a revival of business ami a new era of prosperity all over tbe Eastern States. 5. F. Bulletin. SAN lxi, Sasotlior. Boards. Plaak, American Excelsior and Perpetual Dlariea AH RECEITIXU BY EVERY ARRIVAL x 4, PRESENTS' Fencing! AY COMPBIplNO A Grooved. Sorf.cod. A Planks. Battens. Pickets! FOB Ii ia. SOLID testis Seantlins. T'ingaed LADIES LEATHER WARE SUITABLE ! DESCRIPTIONS ALL WWtst Stales. The surplus produce of the State is mostly shipped to Europe, und tbe greater part of tbe JET CO., to salt and at reciprocity prices. H. M WHITHEY - I"" ' OX SALE THE ALA sh-ll- s, colored Corals, aad Coral awsraj brought from Ma ata la the "Morning tar." ta anest good, m tads an arse saaa awra. Tneve are ass s few or each, sad tbos wa was, to sears the asst wtu ynmmm: VViy esriy. W probably aotartogaay aajv. erf carton far sals, this will a n lXj iika.ii H. M. WHlTHJ.'f- - n
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