CARRICK ACADEMY Carrick Chronicle V O L U M E 2 , I S S U E 6 A P R I L 2 0 1 6 2 0 1 4 Ayrshire League C+up Winners INSIDE THIS ISSUE: HT Report 2 Modern Languages News 3 Beekeeping 4 Carrick Stars 6 Library 9 Music Department 10 Congratulations to our under 16 boys football team who defeated Largs Academy in the final of the Ayrshire League Cup. The boys put in a determined and disciplined performance to beat a strong Largs team 3-0. Team captain, Adam Lawrie (4R) scored all three goals with the second coming from the penalty spot. Lee Young (also 4R) was named Man of the Match for a superb performance in defence. Carrick team: Daniel Gray, James King, Thomas Dempsie, Jordan Bell, Lee Young, Ross Copeland, Harry Hogg, Steven Minnis (Kayne Dollard sub on 65 mins), Adam Lawrie, Liam Callow, Ryan Speirs (Stuart Herron sub on 70 mins). PAGE 2 Head Teacher Report I would like to begin by congratulating our U-16 Boys Football Team who won the Ayrshire League Cup on Wednesday evening. This follows on from our Rugby 7’ who won the Salver. You can keep up to date with the wide range of activities that take place in the school by following us on Twitter: @Carrick_Academy This has been a very busy term at Carrick Academy as we prepare our young people for the first presentation year of the new National 6 Higher SQA qualification. As you know we were inspected by Education Scotland in January and they noted that the attainment in S4-6 was a key strength of the school. Our staff remain committed to ensuring that our pupils are fully supported to achieve their full potential in May. Easter school will be running throughout the holiday; Mr Rusk has already sent out the calendar of events, please encourage your child to attend. Study leave for pupils sitting National 5, Higher and Advanced Higher exams will commence on Tuesday 28 April. The new timetable will commence on the 5 May and the seniors will return to school on Wednesday 3 June. Our S3 pupils are preparing for their Work Experience week which commences on Monday 27 April; we hope they enjoy the world of work and look forward to hearing about their experiences. In the new term we will host our new S1 pupils as they join us for their 3 day visit in June; we hope they will enjoy their time at Carrick Academy. After wide consultation on school uniform, we have sourced a school blazer which is now on sale in Trutex, Dalblair Road in Ayr; they will retail at £35. Please encourage your children to wear them and take pride in their school. The school closes today at 2.30pm and will reopen on Monday 20 April. I hope you have a great holiday and I look forward to working with you in the new term. Shona Stevens CARRICK CHRONICLE VOLUME 2, ISSUE 6 PAGE Modern Languages Saneko Lab The Modern Languages department has recently been fitted out with a state-of-the-art digital language laboratory. The new equipment allows pupils to work independently and collaboratively while maximising engagement and participation in lessons. By using the language lab, pupils can choose activities and work at their own pace to ensure that they are getting a personalised learning experience. Fiona Normansell, PT languages, says that it is an invaluable tool for modern languages: “Instead of spending three periods listening to presentations we can record them in under ten minutes for a class of 30 which allows us to do more learning and teaching. Our senior pupils are accessing listening materials and we are able to pinpoint exactly where they are having difficulties and provide them with better support. This resource is having an extremely positive impact on our staff and pupils.“ Goethe Institut Next month, S3 pupils will be sitting the ‘Fit in Deutsch’ exam as part of a pilot project with the Goethe Institut in Glasgow. ‘Fit in Deutsch’ is an internationally recognised exam in German which is linked the Common European Framework and will enhance the CVs of our young people. The qualification ties in with and further enhances the Modern Languages Department’s curriculum within the Broad General Education. Pupils will be able to demonstrate their linguistic skills and cultural knowledge through a series of interactive assessments, including listening, talking, reading and writing, and will receive a certificate with their results. If successful, the Goethe Institute plan to roll the exam out across the country . 3 PAGE 4 WW1 Battlefields Trip In February, S2/S3 pupils and staff from Carrick Academy visited the World War One battlefields in Ypres and the Somme. The trip was part of an interdisciplinary project between history and modern languages. Over the course of the five day trip, pupils visited Allied cemeteries at Tyne Cot and Essex farm, the German cemetery at Langemark, the Lochenagar crater, the trenches at Sanctuary Wood and Vimy Ridge, the Thiepval memorial and attended the last post ceremony at Menin Gate. Pupils also visited the Trench museums in Albert and In Flanders Field in Ypres. Pupils also had free time to enjoy the open-air market, the chocolate shop and to explore the town centre of Albert. It was an excellent opportunity for pupils to contextualise their learning and see first -hand where the war was fought. CARRICK CHRONICLE VOLUME 2, ISSUE 6 PAGE 5 Mechanical Engineering Club This year our Mechanical Engineering Club is building an off road buggy. It is a massive task but progress is good and so far we have almost completed the chassis. Mr John Patterson donated an old quad bike to us that will provide us with some valuable parts and we’d also like to thank James and Aileen Fisher for their support. We are always on the lookout for more sponsors! You can get more information on our progress and find out ways you can help us at our website: http:// Janitors House Just for information! The janitors house has been sold to the Army Cadets. Work will be carried out on the property in due course. SQA Exam Information Study Leave for S4/5/6 pupils starts on Tues 28th April. Those pupils who have no formal SQA exams during the exam diet do not get study leave and should be in school. The new timetable will commence on Monday 5th May. Due to the bus arrangements and early/late finishes on certain days, a number of exam times have been altered. These may differ from the SQA exam timetable shown on the SQA website. Pupils will be issued with a personalised exam timetable after the Easter break. This will show the date/time and location of the exams they are sitting. If you have moved house recently please ensure that the school has the most up to date information. This will ensure results certificates go to the correct address. PAGE 6 Carrick Stars Three S1 Business and IT pupils set up a social enterprise group Carrick Stars, to find out how much money they could make in the month of February. The money raised would be donated to charity. The all-girl team (Chloe Blackwood, Nakita Buckley and Carly Docherty) worked hard, selling valentine’s cards, luck dip tickets, cupcakes, fortune cookies. They even held a secret bid for a valentine’s rose made and donated by Sean Warbrick. Lucky dip winner! Selling fortune cookies Mr Micallef-Eynaud Highest Bidder! Over the 4 weeks a grand total of £163.20 was raised. Carrick Stars decided to split the proceeds equally between Carrick Academy School Rugby and the PDSA. The girls prepared a PowerPoint for S1 Assembly and presented cheques to Mr Brown, Carrick Academy Rugby and Ms Wilson from the PDSA. Well done girls! Presenting Cheque to PDSA S1 Assembly PowerPoint Presenting Cheque to School Rugby CARRICK CHRONICLE VOLUME 2, ISSUE 6 PAGE Chinese New Year Pupils from our cluster primaries took part in a French transition project in February with the Modern Languages Department at Carrick based around Chinese New Year. Pupils completed activities based around Chinese New Year traditions before coming to Carrick to take part in a range of workshops, including Chinese Calligraphy, Chinese Lanterns, Chinese Dragons, Mandarin for Beginners with the Confucius language assistant and Making a Stir-Fry in Home Economics. The day was a great success and one of a number of collaborative projects with the primary schools as part of the Clusters 1+2 Modern Languages strategy. German Language Adventure Last month S2 pupils at Carrick Academy and P7 pupils participated in the German Language Adventure. This was organised and led by an enthusiastic team of native German speakers from the Goethe Institut, Glasgow. The German Language Adventure is a motivational game where participants work in teams to complete interactive challenges and win points. Pupils are able to visit up to fifteen stations and each station represents a city in the German-speaking world. In the race against their opponents, pupils worked together to explore German culture, history, celebrities, music, brands and language. Secret messages were uncovered, a blindfolded driver was directed through an obstacle course, telephone calls were made in German, maths problems were solved and famous football pictures were recreated starring the pupils themselves. This event was a great success in promoting both Germany and language learning as current, relevant and enjoyable 7 PAGE 8 Martin Mittag The staff and pupils of the Modern Languages Department would like to say “Auf Wiedersehen” to Martin Mittag, our language assistant this session. Martin has been a great asset to the department and we would all like to thank him for his hard work and support this session. He returns to Germany to continue his teacher training in English and Latin at the Universität in Mainz. We wish him all the best for the future. Minishant Primary Science Day Three of our S3 pupils, Ryan Maxwell, Kimberly Easton and Reese Adams recently headed out to Minishant Primary school to aid in teaching science to P1-P7 pupils for their Primary Science Day. The event was run in conjunction with local scientist Dr Susan Burr, who had a grant from the Royal Society of Chemistry, to run a workshop for primary pupils in order to launch STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths) fortnight. In the morning Dr Burr demonstrated eight different science experiments to pupils in P6 and P7 and in the afternoon these P6 and P7 pupils delivered the experiments to P1-5 and their parents. Kim, Reece and Ryan supported the pupils in the morning, and were then each in charge of a small group of 2 or 3 pupils for the afternoon. A great time was had by all pupils, parents and teachers alike, with P7 teacher Miss Dean commenting; “They were simply wonderful students! They were an absolute credit to themselves and Carrick Academy! Really supportive of the younger children and keen to participate. We would love to have them back in the near future.” CARRICK CHRONICLE VOLUME 2, ISSUE 6 PAGE CARRICK ACADEMY LIBRARY We are delighted to announce that as of the 20th April the library will be fully open and we will be able to issue books! The school library has now joined up with all other school and public libraries in South Ayrshire. Pupils can use their new library card in school and in any library in South Ayrshire. It will replace any current South Ayrshire library card they currently have. Pupils will have access to all the books and resources in Carrick library as well as access to all the online facilities including e-books, online newspapers, driving theory practice, local history and library blogs. Pupils will be issued with their new cards before the Easter break. Any pupil who has not received their card by the end of term should see Miss Stewart or Miss Milne in the library when we return. The library is open:MON – WED 9.30 am – 2pm THURSDAY 9.30 am – 1pm The library will be open at lunchtimes Mon-Thurs for pupils to access computers, study or read. Look out for upcoming clubs running in your library! STEM WORKSHOP On Wednesday 18th March some of our S1 and S2 pupils attended Ayrshire College to attend their STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths) workshops, in order to mark British Science Week. Three workshops were set up for the day, Physics/Maths, Biology/Chemistry and NC Aero. In the Biology/Chemistry workshop our pupils were ably assisted by some former Carrick science students (thanks Jenna and Rebekah!) as they researched into the effects of fizzy drinks on tooth decay, measured health of a patient through various body tests, and made electricity from carrots! In Physics and Maths, model electric trains were constructed and over at NC Aero the flight simulator was visited. The pupils enjoyed participating in Science and Technology in a further education environment and we look forward to seeing what they have learned back here at Carrick! 9 VOLUME 2, ISSUE 6 Music Department News LOCAL AUTHORITY CONCERTS The South Ayrshire Percussion Ensemble, led by Mr Welsh, gave a concert showcase in Girvan Academy on Saturday 14th March. This concert featured a number of pupils from Carrick Academy, including Libby Purdie, Kieran Robb, Olivia Clark, Ryan Maxwell, Liam Cuthbert, Emily Purdie, Sarah McElroy, Eilidh McKay, Ruth Dowie, Brad Gibson and Steffi Purdie. Some of these pupils will tour with the ensemble in June to Barcelona. We wish them the best of luck! The South Ayrshire Jazz Band and South Ayrshire Brass Band gave a concert in Ayr Town Hall on Monday 23rd March – featuring Carrick pupils, Yvonne Anderson and Craig Reid. The South Ayrshire Choir and South Ayrshire Pipe Band gave a concert in Ayr Town Hall on Monday 30th March – the choir features Carrick pupil Holly Keenan. MUSIC EXAMS Libby Purdie sat her Grade 5 percussion exam on Monday 23 rd March, including being assessed on timpani and marimba. Libby is a pupil of our percussion instructor, Mr Welsh. Holly Maxwell sat her Grade 3 clarinet exam on Tuesday 24th March. Holly is a pupil of our woodwind instructor, Mr Gonzalez. Zack McDade sat his Grade 8 Rockschool Guitar exam recently. He receives private tuition. Zack also recently showcased his talent at our Easter services, and has started to teach junior pupils guitar dur- SQA EXAMS Our National 5 and Higher candidates have recently completed their final performance exams as part of their overall award. This exam is worth 60% of the overall mark, and all of our pupils worked extremely hard to perform to the best of their ability, while keeping their nerves under control. Well done to all of our pupils sitting these exams! VOLUME 2, ISSUE 6 SHREK! After such a long wait (February 2014…) the time has almost arrived for our theatre trip to see “Shrek, the musical” at the King’s Theatre in Glasgow. This takes place in May, and 50 pupils will experience the excitement of seeing a live performance on stage. This is the first time this particular show has toured UK wide, and we are very lucky to be taking such a large group of pupils with us! COMING SOON The Music department Summer Concert will take place in Maybole Town Hall this year on Tuesday 16th June. Tickets will be on sale nearer the time and rehearsals are already underway! The show will feature our department ensembles and soloists, and in addition, our production of “The Wizard of Oz”. MUSIC FESTIVAL Brass – Yvonne Anderson came first place in her performance at the Ayrshire Music Festival in Division A – Mixed Brass. Yvonne was awarded a distinction and was also asked to return to play at the closing concert to celebrate the achievements of the young people throughout the course of the competitive period. Iona Fisher was awarded 2nd place in her competition. Lucy O’Neill also competed this year. PAGE 12 Girls Craft Club After the success of last year’s horse jump project our Girls Craft Club is the year designing and building a bench that we are donating to Gardenrose Primary. We would like to thank the Parent Council who provided funding for the project thus helping us to strengthen our cluster primary links. The girls have designed the bench and, as you can see from the picture, have been cutting the joints, ready to assemble in the next few weeks. The project will hopefully be completed for early June so keep an eye on our website for pictures of the final design and presentation. Knex Challenge Knex Challenge success for Maidens! Carrick D&T held the annual Knex challenge for the cluster primaries and it was a close fought finally. Maidens fielded the strongest team, scoring a fabulous 93/100, quite an achievement! Close on their heels were Cairn primary with 91/100. All that took part had a great time and we look forward to next year’s event. Maidens will now go to the regional finals and we wish them all the best. First place NEWSLETTER TITLE VOLUME 2, ISSUE 6 WE ARE THE SUPPLIER OF Carrick Academy OFFICIAL UNIFORM & SPORTSWEAR PAGE 75 Dalblair Road, Ayr, KA7 1UQ T: 01292 291 024 OPENING HOURS: MON-SAT: 9.00am-5.00pm UNIFORM ALSO AVAILABLE TO ORDER ONLINE… The new Carrick Academy Eco-Blazer for all year groups can be purchased at Trutex School Wear Shop in Ayr. The blazer is made from Polyester Twil Fabric with Recycled yarn and embroidered with Carrick School Logo - Price £33.99. The new senior tie can also be purchased from the school office – Price £6.00 13 CARRICK ACADEMY EASTER SCHOOL 2015 PROGRAMME DATE th Tuesday 7 April Tuesday 7th April Tuesday 7th April Tuesday 7th April Wednesday 8th April Wednesday 8th April Wednesday 8th April Thursday 9th April Friday 10th April Friday 10th April Friday 10th April Tuesday 14th April Wednesday 15th April Wednesday 15th April Thursday 16th April Thursday 16th April Friday 17th April SUBJECT TARGET GROUP TIME TEACHER Maths National 5 9.00 – 12.00 Maths National 5 12.30 – 3.30 Physics National 5 10.00 – 12.00 A Crossley / L Gibb A Crossley / L Gibb M Murray Physics Higher 1.00 – 3.00 M Murray Biology National 5 10.00 – 12.00 Chemistry National 5 1.00 – 3.00 R Micallef – Eynaud L Ingram Geography Higher 9.00 – 12.00 English Higher 10.00 – 1.00 Chemistry Higher 10.00 – 1.00 S Gilmour (Ayr Academy) A O’Neill (Kyle Academy) C McInroy Graphics National 5 / Higher 10.00 – 12.00 N McGinnis Graphics National 5 / Higher 1.00 – 3.00 J Allen Geography National 5 10.00 – 2.00 Maths Higher / Adv. Higher 9.00 – 12.00 Maths Higher / Adv. Higher 12.30 – 3.30 French National 5 / Higher 9.00 – 12.00 C Murray (Girvan Academy) R McCallum / S Green R McCallum / S Green F Normansell German National 5 / Higher 12.00 – 3.00 F Normansell Chemistry Higher 10.00 – 1.00 C McInroy Rugby 7s Tournament On Thursday 12th March Carrick Rugby hosted its annual S3 7s tournament at Rozelle Park. The event which was again sponsored by Electro Installations has expanded from 6 to 12 schools entering. The teams who took part were Carrick Academy, Lenzie Academy, Marr College, Duncanrig High School, The High School of Glasgow, Glasgow Academy, St Aloysius School, Wellington School, St Columba’s School, Jordanhill School, Grange Academy and Belmont House School. Despite the terrible weather all teams played their matches in the best sporting manner with some fine attacking rugby on display throughout. The eventual winners were Carrick Academy (Salver), Jordanhill School (Shield) and St Aloysius School (Cup). All of the winners were presented with winners medals by Head Teacher Mrs Stevens. Carrick Academy would like to thank Jim Cooper and Electro Installations for their continued support this season. The school would also like to thank the parents and friends of the school who provided so many donations for the tuck shop and home baking stall. Once again it really shows the community spirit that Carrick Academy has. Beekeeping at Carrick Academy In S2 the pupils take part in a short Beekeeping class of ten weeks. Pupils learn about The importance of honeybees The hive Occupants of the hive The lifecycle of the honeybee/wasp and bumblebee Botany Depending on the time of the year an observation hive is bought to school so they can see the bees. As part of the lessons practical skills are incorporated into lesson. This includes Frame making Candle making Honey tasting, putting on a suit Putting together a hive Last year we won the BBKA Schools Trophy for our display at Weybridge and this year the pupils decided to make a game. After hearing several talks about bees’ pupils cut out hexagons of any size (numeracy). They then thought of a question that they put on the back of the hexagon, on the front of the hexagon they had to draw something to do with bees. The hexagons had a piece of wire stuck to them and stuck to a paper mache skep. They then had to design their board game. The class made more hexagons and had to fit them to the board to get from start to finish. They then had to play the game and sort out the rules. Rules The game is for up to 4 players/teams One person acts as controller to give answers Each player team has a bee marker The youngest player starts Choose a question read it out and see if you can answer it. If the controller says it is correct you shake the die and move the allotted amount. The team/person who gets to the finish first WINS! All their hard work was recognised when Carrick Academy won First Prize for the game and retained the BBKA Schools Trophy this year. Lindsay Baillie Easter Holidays The school will close on Thursday 2 April 2015 at 2.30 pm and will re-open on Monday 20 April at 8.45 am. We would like to wish you all a Very Happy Easter and an Enjoyable Holiday German Breakfast Before the Easter holidays, S3 pupils had the opportunity to test their language skills at a German breakfast in the Modern Languages department. Pupils enjoyed Frikadellen, Bratwurst, Bockwurst, cheese, chocolate, Haribo, chewy sweets and a drink. There were also croissants and pain au chocolat! Thanks to the HE department for preparing the food! Guten Appetit! Carrick Academy School Values AMBITION FAIRNESS HONESTY RESPECT RESPONSIBILITY We are committed to creating the conditions within Carrick Academy Carrick Academy that will allow each and every individu- 72-74 Kirkoswald Road al member of the school community to achieve their full Maybole potential in the widest sense. Key elements of this commitment are the development KA19 8BP of an ethos based on high quality relationships and mu- Tel: 01655 883 003 tual respect amongst all the members of the school com- E-mail: Carrick.Mail@south- munity, the development of a culture of ambition and achievement which encourages a ‘can do’ attitude and the empowerment of pupils, parents and staff by giving them a genuine say in the running and development of the school. Please keep up to date with all the school news and exciting events taking place by logging onto the School Website or following us on Twitter. Both sites are updated regularly. We’re on the Web! The format of Our Website is changing, look out for our new website next year.
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