Carterton School Newsletter 8 – 24 March 2015

Carterton School Newsletter 8 – 24 March 2015
Dear Parents and Caregivers
As we come towards the end of Term 1 2015 we are seeing a wonderful new group
of student leaders emerge at Carterton School. Many are in the senior year
groups, but some of our leaders are much younger. Our house leaders are doing a
fabulous job leading whole school events and our 'Health Promoting Schools' teams
are planning some wonderful activities and events for next term. These include
sports, art activities and gardening - things that will provide other students with
activities to do during lunch times. We will be taking 12 of our top student leaders
to attend the National Young Leaders day in June in Wellington. They will report on
their experience on their return.
On Thursday this week we are celebrating a Play Day! (Extra 15 minutes play in
the afternoon). This is to celebrate the children from all classes across the school
reaching the goal of collecting playground tokens (given for great behaviour in the
playground). The tokens collected are displayed in the school library. Everyone has
helped contribute to the total. Well done!
Uniform reminder! Our school uniform is plain navy 'bottoms' - shorts, trousers,
skirt or skort. On the top a school logo polo shirt and fleece vest / jacket. Dark
plain shoes. Hats are not required next term. Our secondhand uniform shop has
lots of great value items. I had two responses from parents about buying uniform
from The Warehouse - if you have any comments (positive or negative) about your
experience there please let me know. We are looking at the range of options for
uniform purchase and want to make it as easy as possible for all of us.
ORS Teacher Aide Vacancy at Carterton School. 4.5 days a week. The position
will start at the beginning of Term 2 2015. The person appointed will be working
with a Year 7 autistic student. Apply in writing with covering letter, CV and contact
details for two referees to; Alison Woollard, Principal, PO Box 214, Carterton
Or Applications close: 9am Friday 27 March
School Enrolments 2015 - The Carterton School BOT has “Out of Zone”
enrolment places available throughout 2015 across the school.
Applications are now open from parents who wish to enrol their children at
Carterton School in 2015 and live outside of our school zone. Enrolment at the
school is governed by an enrolment scheme. Application forms are available from
the school office. Applications for out of zone places close at 3.00pm, Friday
27th March 2015. If the number of out of zone applications exceeds the number of
places available, students will be selected by ballot. Further details are available
from the school office 379 4010 or
More Gala Thank You’s – Big thanks to Sarah and Damon Searle for donating a
hogget, the Price family for the lamb, Café Istanbul, and Cleanaz Windows for
Vouchers, and Avon for raffle basket. Correction – Serene Beauty is in
Carterton, not Greytown as printed in last week’s newsletter.
Easter Buns - collection will be from the hall from 2.30 pm on Thursday 26th. If
you can’t make that time please collect from school office.
PTA AGM - Thursday 26th March 7 pm in the staff room. New members VERY
welcome. Come along and find out how you can help your children at our school.
Life Choices will now start in week 2 next term, 28 April, for years 3-5. Please
remember to send a note to your child's teacher if you would like your child
withdrawn from these sessions.
On Friday 27 March there will be a mufti day to raise funds for the people of
Vanuatu. The theme is Vanuatu flag colours which are green, red, black and
yellow. Bring along a gold coin to donate. Thank you – Rm 12 & 14.
Next week we will be having our end of term certificate assembly in the hall at
9.10am. We will be celebrating the fantastic students of Carterton School. Each
class will present their 'Student of the term' certificates.
Well done to our three Carterton School Agrikids Teams who competed on
Saturday March 21st in Greytown. You did our school proud with your enthusiasm,
team work, manners and respect. Mrs Rope and Mrs MacGregor were very proud
of you all. Unfortunately we did not make it through to the next round but we will
continue with our training and work hard towards the 2016 Agrikids competition.
Carterton Crusaders - Callum Higgison, Mitchell Woodhouse, Adam Butler.
Carterton Cowlicks - Brock Robinson, William Horsburgh, Dion MacGregor.
Carterton (last minute entry) - Francis Rayner, Katie Searle, Billie MacGregor.
Please remember you are always welcome to come and visit your child's class at
any time of the week - just sign in at the office then head to class. If I am available I
am very happy to catch up with you too. If you have any questions, concerns or
ideas please contact your child's teacher, team leader, Wendy the DP or myself.
School finishes for this term on Thursday 2 April at 3pm. Term 2 starts on
Monday 20 April 8.55am
This week is Movin' March - Please walk, bike or scoot to school this week. The
events planned are:
Wednesday 25 - ‘All in day’. – Please walk, bike or scoot to school. Decorated
bike/scooter competition - Judging at morning tea time on the netball court by the
We are going to have a ‘Walking School Bus’ leaving from Belvedere Dairy in
Belvedere Road at 8:30am (Look for Mrs MacGregor).
Thursday 26 - Crazy shoe / Fancy footwear day. Judging on the verandah at
9.05 before Jump Jam.
Friday 27 - Scooter day. Spot prizes at the main gate for those who are
walking/biking/scooting to school.
Last week the Carterton School Green Sox softball team played a very skilled
team - MIS Angles and lost. Our softball team is playing at 4.30 pm on the Grass
Diamond at South End Park Masterton. We are playing for FIFTH and SIXTH
PLACE against DPS Phillies.
School Lunches – TERM 2 – Café Istanbul will be closed from 20th
April to 24th May. Therefore, there will be NO SCHOOL LUNCHES
available during this time. Sorry for any inconvenience this may
cause. Francelle & The Team at Café Istanbul.
Sausages!!!! Sausage Sizzle and Juicy Fridays are back. Order your
sausage and juicy before school on Friday morning outside Room 7.
Sausages are $1.50 and Juicies are $1.00. For the remainder of the term
these need to be pre ordered as there will be no lunchtime sales. Any
queries please see Lesley Schofield, Kristi Hiles or Andrea Harvey.
After School Rippa - Great start to this inter-school tournament. Thanks to our
parents who supervised our 5 teams, Christophe Rodier, Mandy & Snow
Robinson, Laurie Matthews, Loren Rodger and Lisa Fleming. Our next games
are Monday, 30 March. Starting at 3.30pm.
Bat & Ball Tournament - This event is on Friday 27 March.Teams involved are
from across the South Wairarapa. Congratulations to those students who have
made the 4 teams (2x year 5&6 and 2 x Year 7&8) for their positive behaviour and
practice of our 3R's.If your child is in a team they would have brought home an
information newsletter. Please consider being a team parent supervisor(We need
one for each team) , and come along to watch the games. There will be food, drinks
and snacks for sale.
Yours sincerely
Alison Woollard,
Be Bright "Light" Lunch - Tuesday 7th to Friday 10th April 2015 12 pm-1.30 @
Library Square in Masterton Come along and learn how to check your bike. Bring
your bike with you & you could score some Prizes! Coffee Vouchers | Cycling Maps
| Expert Advice Stickers & goodies for the kids
Carterton JAB Rugby Registrations. Held at Carterton Rugby club rooms,
Belvedere Rd, Carterton on Wednesday 25th of March 4pm-6pm and, Saturday
28th March 10am-12pm. Registration $45. Includes shorts, socks and a mouth
guard. Please note cash or cheque only. Any queries Phn Melissa 0274145706.
Women’s Evening Out - Tuesday 24 March, 7:30pm at The Salvation Army
Lounge on 210 High St South. This night is a UFO (UnFinished Object) night. So
bring all your crafts or whatever you need finishing and chat the night away. Gold
Coin Donation for the supper.
Hockey Wairarapa Funsticks programme: Registrations are now being taken for
Funsticks 2015. Open to any Year 1 and 2 student who would like to experience
hockey in a fun, non-competitive environment. There are 3 locations in the
Wairarapa to attend – including Greytown School. For further information or to
register check out: or
contact Sharon at 3798133
COMING UP AT CARTERTON HART 4 KIDS - Holiday Programme - Our Easter
Holiday Programme is here Tuesday 7 and Friday 17 April 2015. Nine Fun
filled days of Building Memories, crafts, music, Cooking up a storm. 24 Karrot kids,
egg-stra special activities and so much more. Programme runs from 8am – 5:30pm
each day except for public holidays. Winz and CYF’s approved for more
information or an enrolment please contact Dolly and Irene on 027 716 5652 or
379 7821 after 7pm or Or Pop into Carterton School
Hall after 3.30pm during term time.
The Salvation Army is holding a Pallet Furniture Workshop on the two
Tuesdays of the school holidays (7th/14th April). Invite a friend or family member
along to build anything from a chair, desk, table or even a planter box. There are
limited spaces so call us now on 379 7176 to book your spot!
Looking for 10 year olds to play for a successful U11 rugby team at the Carterton
RFC. Contact Karl Robinson with any inquiries on 021 217 9897.
Wish for a Smile Trust (NZAO) – The New Zealand Association of Orthodontist
have established the Wish for a Smile Trust that help provide specialist orthodontic
treatment for young people who may not otherwise be able to access treatment due
to family and financial circumstances. Visit for more