AP PHYSICS 1 Due Tuesday, September 8th Project Value:​ One

 AP PHYSICS 1 Due Tuesday, September 8th Project Value:​
One (1) lab grade (18 points total) Experimental design is a major component of Advanced Placement Physics 1. For your summer project you will devise a simple motion experiment of your choosing to evaluate any object moving with constant acceleration. What object you choose to measure, how and why it is acceleration, and how you determine the object’s acceleration is up to you. Your project will be submitted as the first entry beginning on page six in the lab book you will use for this school year (a quad­ruled composition notebook is preferred). You have the following constraints and grading criteria (the heading used below, with the exception of “Title”, should be used): Title:​
A stated title of your “experiment” (one point) Objective: ​
A clear objective for your experiment (one point) Hypothesis: ​
What is the primary cause of your object’s acceleration and how is its speed changing? (Answer only!) (​
one point​
) Procedure: ​
Clearly outline a sequence of reproducible steps that you have followed for your devised experiment. They should be numbered, with any pertinent opportunities for measurement, and other expectations clearly explained (number of trials attempted, distances covered, time duration, etc). All of this may vary depending on your chosen experiment, but any other person in class should be able to pick up your procedure and complete the experiment with fidelity. More detail is better if you are unsure. Be certain to attempt your experiment multiple times. (three points) Experimental Data:​
What measurements you make are up to you, but they should be tabulated with proper units. The goal here is to calculate an acceleration, so this should appear in your table somewhere and should be reflective of data from the same trial. (two points) Analysis: ​
Answer the following questions (please number them, one point each) (1) Provide an alternative method of experimentation for the same object(s) and motion. Explain it clearly. If possible, attempt it (+3 points for additional experimentation and clear comparison of collected data); (2) Compare the advantages and disadvantages of each method (your procedure above and your alternative in Analysis #1); (3) Perform any one relevant kinematics calculation using a formula of your choosing (can be found on page 27 in your text). Describe why you chose that formula and what the calculated information tells you. (4) Make a graph of your object’s motion. What you graph is up to you, depending on what you are testing, but time should appear along the x­axis. Axes should be clearly labeled and a trendline should be drawn to fit your data. (worth two total points) Conclusion:​
This is a reflection upon your experiment, and your answers to the following “thought questions” depend in part on what you are “studying”: How does your experiment meet your objective and address your hypothesis? Do you perceive the cause of the acceleration any differently? Does any other physical phenomenon affect the object’s acceleration (previously unstated or otherwise)? What is “kinematics” and (how) does this lab demonstrate this study in physics? Would the same experiment work over a different distance or other alterations relevant for your study? What are the shortcomings of your procedural steps (sources of error in your collected data)? What could you have done to improve your results? How is this motion seen in everyday examples? (5 points) It is expected that you will enter school on the first day having already read the first two chapters of our text, as we will jump into linear motion immediately. Your first homework, due on Friday, September 11th, will come from these two chapters. Any questions about this assignment or class, and to request a digital copy of the text, can be directed to your teacher (jciccarelli@philasd.org).