NOTICE OF MEETING AND PUBLIC HEARING Casco Planning Board May 11, 2015 Casco Community Center 940 Meadow Road 7:00 P.M. 1. Approve Minutes of April 13, 2015 2. The Casco Planning Board will conduct a PUBLIC HEARING regarding proposed changes to correct certain discrepancies and weaknesses in the Casco Zoning Ordinance 3. Other 08348 April 29, 2015 Town of Casco – Planning Board 2015 Ordinance Proposed Revisions Warrant ## - Exterior Lighting OLD 7.5 CRITERIA STANDARDS COMMENT AND I. Exterior Lighting: All exterior lighting shall be designed to minimize adverse impact on neighboring properties and public ways. Adverse impact is to be judged in terms of hazards to people and vehicular traffic and damage to the value of adjacent properties. Lighting shall be arranged to minimize glare and reflection on adjacent properties and the traveling public. 2 There is no performance standard for Lighting and currently only exists in the Site Plan criteria as shown herein. This will give the Planning Board standards to evaluate applications. Article 5 Section 5.2.32. Exterior Lighting. In connection with every site plan, exclusive plans involving the development of a single family or a duplex dwelling, the applicant shall submit plans for all proposed exterior lighting. These plans shall include the location, type of light, radius of light, manufacturer's specifications sheet and the intensity in footcandles. The following design standards shall be followed for all allowed land uses proposing exterior lighting: a. The maximum height of freestanding lights shall be the same as the principal building but not exceeding twenty-five (25) feet. b. All lights shall be shielded to restrict the maximum apex angle of the cone of illumination to one hundred fifty (150) degrees. c. Where lights along 08348 April 29, 2015 Town of Casco – Planning Board 2015 Ordinance Proposed Revisions Warrant ## - Exterior Lighting OLD COMMENT property lines will be visible to adjacent residents, the lights shall be appropriately shielded. d. Spotlight-type fixtures attached to buildings shall be avoided. e. Freestanding lights shall be so located and protected as to avoid being easily damaged by vehicles. f. Lighting shall be located along streets, parking areas, at intersections and crosswalks and where various types of circulation systems merge, intersect or split. g. Pathways, sidewalks and trails shall be lighted with low or mushroom-type standards. h. Public accessed areas such as stairways and sloping or rising paths, building entrances and exits require illumination. i. Lighting shall be provided where buildings are set back or offset. 3 08348 April 29, 2015 Town of Casco – Planning Board 2015 Ordinance Proposed Revisions Warrant ## - Exterior Lighting OLD COMMENT j. The following intensity in footcandles shall be provided: 1) Parking lots: an average of one and five-tenths (1.5) footcandles throughout. 2) Intersections: three (3) footcandles. 3) Maximum at property lines: one and zerotenths (1.0) footcandle. k. In residential areas: average of six-tenths (0.6) foot-candle. l. Display lighting shall be shielded and shall be so located and maintained as not to constitute a hazard or nuisance to the traveling public or to neighbors. 4 08348 April 29, 2015 Town of Casco – Planning Board 2015 Ordinance Proposed Revisions Warrant ## - Definitions OLD Impervious Surface Structures and other man-made improvements to land, and materials covering the land, which substantially reduce the infiltration of water. Impervious surfaces shall include but not be limited to roofs, paved areas, and parking lots and driveways, regardless of surface materials. No Definition exists 5 COMMENT This definition was derived from other Town’s definitions and molded to the Board’s request. NEW Article 2 Definitions: Impervious Surface. A surface that has been compacted or covered with a layer of non vegetative material so that it is highly resistant to infiltration by water. Examples include, but are not limited to, buildings, structures, bituminous pavement, concrete, compacted aggregates or gravel. Manmade surfaces with a percolation rate faster than 120 minutes per inch shall not be considered impervious. Impervious Area. The ratio of the horizontal area, of all impervious surfaces on a lot to the total lot area. 08348 April 29, 2015 Town of Casco – Planning Board 2015 Ordinance Proposed Revisions Warrant ## - Definitions OLD Driveway A vehicular access-way less than five hundred (500) feet in length serving two single-family dwellings or one two-family dwelling, or less. Erosion Control:- No definition exists 6 COMMENT We will eliminate the driveway distance. NEW Driveway - Access route or right-ofway to any singlefamily dwelling or to a duplex, or multiplex building except where such buildings are developed as part of a larger subdivision. Driveway access for residential uses must meet Access to Property standards. Erosion and Sedimentation Control - The placement of vegetation, such as grasses and native weed species, and other materials, such as straw, fiber, stabilizing emulsion, protective blankets, etc., on areas disturbed by grading operations and /or applications of physical practices, such as installation of silt fence, stone check dams, sediment traps, etc.. Erosion and sedimentation control measures reduce the loss of soil due to the action of water or wind and minimize 08348 April 29, 2015 Town of Casco – Planning Board 2015 Ordinance Proposed Revisions Warrant ## - Definitions OLD 7 COMMENT NEW water pollution, that help reduce the likelihood of eroded soil particles suspended in stormwater from being deposited in a stream, lake or other body of water.
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