EDITORIAL High Time for Educational Reform According to the latest Economic Survey 2014-15, statistical Appendix No.A134 , the population of India in 2011 was 121 Crores and 79 Crores is in the age of 0-34 years age which is almost two third of the entire population of India and again within the same 37 Crores, almost 43% is in the age group of 0-14 years age and this is considered to be very vital and powerful asset of India. It is important that this asset is effectively transformed into a vital performing asset. There was a disturbing scenario during the 10th Standard exams in one of the states which was published by the Media. This doesn’t mean that it is not prevalent in other states, may be it is at alarming in one state and not that rampant as well as alarming in the other state. The most disturbing factor was the statement of the person heading the ministry coming out with a statement saying only the parents have to correct and the Government is helpless in stopping the menace inspite of the fact that the entire Government machinery is at their disposal. The picture carried out in the Media showing people hanging on the building wall and more than one person trying to help the student to write the exams. It is bonded duty of the CASC Bulletin, April 2015 Government to administer and of course parents responsibility also to see that the children are not put into the wrong path at that age which will mar their future. In the Tamilnadu department certain instances have occurred and the Department have issued notification for action in case of lapses and the same is facing opposition which is disturbing. It will not be wrong to state that it is just not the duty of the Government but the duty of each and every one of us to see that the young population are shown the right path and stop commercialising education. The Government both at the Central Level and State Level should consider the reforms required in the way education is administered. Laxity in Court Matters Time and again the Courts have conveyed in strong terms its dissatisfaction with the way the matters have been brought before it. Now the CBDT have come out with two letters namely F. No.279/Misc/54/2015SO(ITJ) dated 20 th March, 2015 and F.No.279/Misc/54/2015-SO(ITJ) dated 20th March, 2015, the former addressed to the Standing Counsels and the latter addressed to the Commissioners of Income Tax. The former letter sternly states “The Counsel cannot absolve himself from his responsibility to get the directions of High Court complied with under any 3 circumstances”. Further latter ends with a warning “Any laxity in adherence to this instruction will be viewed adversely against the erring officers”. It has to be seen whether these instructions will be implemented and in case it is not implemented in its true spirit as in case of other earlier instructions like the one in case of search / survey cases, will it be only a paper threat or action will be taken against the erring officer and if taken will it be shared in the public. Bank Audit One of the regular contributor to the Bulletin has shared few files which may be helpful while conducting the bank audit. Considering the fact that it will serve the purpose only if reaches the members early, the same has been hosted on the CASC website and the same was also intimated through mail. financial year with time bound workload, we thought it as inappropriate to burden the members with two meetings in the month of March. Hence, we have only one meeting scheduled for the month of March and also kept the subject as nontechnical to make it lighter at the same time useful for the members. Appeal Members are requested to attend the programs conducted by CASC and are also requested to send their suggestions and / or value additions to the services provided by CASC including this Bulletin. The same can be sent by hard copy to the office of the CASC or emailed to admin@casconline.org or any of the Members on the Management Committee. For and on behalf of Editorial Board After ending the financial year with hectic workload as well as starting the next Editor CBDT takes stern view of Laxity by Counsel and CIT in Court Matters. Sub. F.No.279/Misc/54/2015-SO(ITJ) : Direction towards Responsibility of Standing Counsel In Communicating Court's Decision-reg F.No.279/Misc/54/2015-SO(ITJ) : Direction towards Responsibility of CIT to give assistance to Department Counsels- Instruction no 7/2011 reg Visit www.itatonline.org for details 4 CASC Bulletin, April 2015 DISCLAIMER : The contents of this Monthly Bulletin are solely for informational purpose. It neither constitutes professional advice nor a formal recommendation. While due care has been taken in assimilating the write-ups of all the authors. Neither the respective authors nor the Chartered Accountants Study Circle accepts any liabilities for any loss or damage of any kind. No part of this Monthly Bulletin should be distributed or copied (except for personal, non-commercial use) without express written permission of Chartered Accountants Study Circle. COPYRIGHT NOTICE : All information and material printed in this Bulletin (including but not flowcharts or graphs), are subject to copyrights of Chartered Accountants Study Circle and its contributors. Any reproduction, retransmission, republication, or other use of all or part of this document is expressly prohibited, unless prior permission has been granted by Chartered Accountants Study Circle. All other rights reserved. ANNOUNCEMENTS : 1. The copies of the material used by the speakers for the regular meetings held twice in a month is available on the website and is freely downloadable. 2. Earlier issues of the bulletin is also available on the website in the “News” column. The soft copy of this bulletin will be hosted on the website shortly. READER’S ATTENTION You may please send your Feedback Contributions / Queries on Direct Taxes, Indirect Taxes, Company Law, FEMA, Accounting and Auditing Standards, Allied Laws or any other subject of professional interest at admin@casconline.org For Further Details contact : “The Chartered Accountants Study Circle” “Prince Arcade”, 2-L, Rear Block, 2nd Floor, 22-A, Cathedral Road, Chennai - 600 086. Phone 91-44-28114283 Log on to our Website : www.casconline.org for updates on monthly meetings and professional news. Please email your suggestions / feedback to admin@casconline.org CASC Bulletin, April 2015 5 RECENT DECISIONS - SERVICE TAX 1. VCES 2013 overlapping of the burden declared in the VCES 2013 with the period covered in the earlier SCN – no ground for rejection : In ALP Consulting Ltd. v. ACST, Bangalore – (2015) 37 STR 693 (Kar), the petitioner filed an application under VCES 2013 for the period from Oct. 2007 to Dec. 2012 and this application was rejected by the department holding that the petitioner was already issued a Show Cause Notice (SCN) for the period Oct. 2004 to Mar. 2009 and, hence, was disentitled to make an application under second proviso to section 106 (1) of the Finance Act, 2013, against which the writ petition was filed before the High Court which observed as under: 1. As per the second proviso to subsection (1) of section 106, if there is a notice or order of determination, which has been issued to an applicant in respect of any period on any issue, then no declaration shall be made with regard to tax dues on the same issue for any subsequent period. 2. There is considerable force in the contention of the petitioner that in the show-cause notice dated 6 CA. VIJAY ANAND 19/03/2010 culminating in the order dated 23/12/2010 and there was no invocation of Section 73A of the Act and therefore the proviso does not apply in the instant case. However, the impugned order does not take into consideration that aspect of the matter. The findings given in the order dated 23/12/2010 prima facie was with regard to Section 73 of the Act and not Section 73A. 3. The submission of the petitioner as to whether Section 73A was invoked in the earlier show-cause notice dated 19/03/2010 culminating in the order dated 23/12/2013 is a matter which has to be considered in depth by the first respondent - authority. 4. One of the reasons given in the impugned order was that the earlier show-cause notice and the order dated CASC Bulletin, April 2015 23/12/2010 was for the period October 2004 to March 2009, part of which period is covered under the Scheme, which was from 01/10/2007 up to 31/12/2012. It was reasoned by the respondent officer that for the period October 2007 to March 2009, there was already an order passed on 23/12/2010 and therefore, the petitioner was not entitled to file the application under the Scheme. That reason is not correct in view of the fact that the period for tax dues is 01/10/ 2007 up to 31/12/2012. That period cannot be related to any period in respect of which an order has been passed by the authority under Section 73 of the Act. 5. If there were any dues between the aforesaid dates, then the eligibility to file the application under the Scheme would arise provided no order was passed prior to the enforcement of the Scheme on any issue. Therefore, linking the period of tax dues under the Scheme with the period in respect of which the order dated 23/12/2012 has been passed in petitioner’s case is not correct as that order was prima facie not in respect of Section 73A of the Act. Hence, the writ petition was allowed by quashing the impugned order and CASC Bulletin, April 2015 remanding the matter to the adjudicating authority to reconsider the issue in light of whether the earlier show-cause notice dated 19/03/2010 culminating in the order dated 23/12/ 2010 in respect of which certain issues arose are the very same issues which have arisen for the subsequent period namely, April 2012 to December 2012 in respect of which, the petitioner seeks benefit under the Scheme. 2. Support services rendered to a US company relating to procurement of goods, recommending vendors and issue of inspection certificate, etc. – export of service not to be denied merely because the services were rendered from india: In GAP International Sourcing (I) P. Ltd. v. CST, Delhi - [2015] 37 S.T.R. 757 (Tri. - Del), the appellant was a subsidiary of M/s. GAPInternational Sourcing, Inc., U.S.A. who are a prominent retailer in U.S.A. and other countries. The appellant entered into a service support agreement with M/s. GAP, U.S.A. for rendering various services relating to procurement of goods recommending fabrics to be used for manufacture of garments, recommending vendors from which fabrics, yarn, zippers, 7 buttons, snap fasteners etc. can be procured, reporting the status of manufacture of products by the chosen vendors, analyzing the reports of the samples sent by the vendors, giving recommendation about the product integrity, inspecting export consignments and issuing inspection certificates, screening the vendors suitability in terms of child labour norms and pollution control norms and recommending the teams to be engaged in logistic work like transportation, clearing and forwarding etc. for export of the purchased products out of India. The department was of the view that the services being rendered by the appellant are Business Auxiliary Service covered by Section 65 (105) (zzb) read with Section 65 (19) of the Finance Act, 1994. However, the adjudicating authority confirmed the demand, denying the claim of export of service on account of the fact that the services were rendered from India. The Tribunal observed as under:1. The service provided by the appellant to M/s. GAP, U.S.A., is in relation to procurement of goods from India wherein they conduct the survey of the manufacturers of various products required by M/s. GAP, U.S.A., and 8 recommend the vendors who can supply the goods of the desired quality. The appellants also render the following activities:a. Conduct inspection of the export consignments and issue inspection certificates. b. Examining not only the quality of their products, but also whether they conform to child labour norms, Pollution control norms etc. as compliance with these norms is important for their Principals. c. Recommend the Transporters and logistic service providers for export of the products purchased. 2. Hence, the services being provided by the appellant to their principal are the services in relation to procurement of the goods and there is no dispute that these services are Business Auxiliary Services covered by Section 65 (105) (zzb) read with Section 65 (19) of the Finance Act, 1994. The only point of dispute is as to whether the services are taxable in India or the same are export of service outside India in terms of Service Rules, 2005 and for this reason are not taxable in India. 3. The services being provided by the appellant are covered by Clause (iii) of CASC Bulletin, April 2015 Rule 3 (1) of Export Service Rules, 2005, as these services are in relation to business or commerce and in terms of this clause, read with sub-rule (2) of Rule 3, these services would be treated as exported out of India if:a. The recipient is located outside India; and b. The services have been delivered outside India; and c. The payments for the services used have been received by the service provider in convertible foreign exchange. 4. There is no dispute that the payment for these services has been received in convertible foreign exchange and the payment has been made by M/s. GAP, U.S.A. located abroad, not having any establishment or branch in India. The departments contention, however, is that the conditions of delivery outside India and “use outside India” are not satisfied, as the services have been performed in India and the same are not capable of being used in territory other than the place where the same have been provided. 5. According to the department most of the time, the provision and use of the services is happening simultaneously CASC Bulletin, April 2015 and it would be to naive to even conceive that services of merchandising, product integrity, vendor compliance, quality assurance, fabric sourcing and logistic support etc. provided in India can even be used remotely in a territory other than where the same have been provided. 6. Though the services have been performed in India, these services being Business Auxiliary Services are in respect of the business of the appellants principal located abroad. The services being provided by the appellant are obviously meant for and are used by M/s. GAP, U.S.A. for their business. 7. It would be absurd to say that the recipient and user of these services are the persons in India and not M/s. GAP, U.S.A. for whom all these services provided by the appellant are meant, who have used these services for their business and have made payment for these service in convertible foreign exchange. 8. As service is normally an activity performed by a person A for some other person B for some consideration and this activity by A may affect some other persons C, D and E in some manner, good or bad, the persons C, 9 D and E are the person affected by the service, they cannot be treated as service recipient the service recipient would be B who has paid for the service and whose need has been satisfied by the provision of service. The only situation where in respect of some service provided by A which was ordered and paid for by B, a person C who has benefited from the service, can be treated as service recipient, when B has acted purely as an agent of C. 9. In this case, M/s. GAP, U.S.A. do not have any branch or project or business establishment in India. The service in relation to procurement of goods being provided by the appellant are entirely meant for M/s. GAP, U.S.A. and the service in question, - business auxiliary service, covered by Rule 3 (1) (iii) of the Export of Service Rules, 2005 have obviously been used by M/s. GAP, U.S.A. in relation to their business located abroad. Therefore these services have to be treated as delivered outside India and used outside India and since payment for the service has been received in convertible foreign exchange, the same would have to be treated as exported out of India. The impugned order passed by the commission is an absurd order contrary to the provisions of Export of Service Rules, 2005. 10 Hence, the appeal was allowed with a consequential relief. 3. Services by non-resident service provider installing cameras in the stadium to capture images of cricket match, setting up a broadcast control room where matches played, transmitting images to vision colour collection units and viewed by experts and transmitting to director’s vision desk after processing – classifiable under programme producer notwithstanding the presence of third party – service receiver liable to tax: In BCCI v. CST, Mumbai - [2015] 37 S.T.R. 785 (Tri. – Mumbai), the appellant entered into agreements for provision of services with M/s. Taj TV Ltd., Dubai/Mauritius, M/s. TWIU.K. Ltd. London and Nimbus Sports International Pte. Ltd., Singapore. The appellant also entered into agreements with M/s. Hawkeye Innovations Ltd., U.K. and IMG Media, London and IMG, South Africa for coverage of Indian Premier League Matches. As per these agreements, the service providers, who were non-residents, were required to produce audio-visual coverage of the cricket matches conducted by BCCI and the digitalized images of the coverage were uploaded CASC Bulletin, April 2015 for broadcasting for the viewers of the cricket match all over the world. The appellant paid consideration for the services received to these non-resident service providers. The department was of the view that the services received by the appellant came within the purview of “programme producer’s service” and, therefore, the appellant was required to discharge service tax liability on reverse charge basis under Section 66A of the Finance Act, 1994 or under Rule 2(1)(d)(iv) of Service Tax Rules, 1994, read with section 66 of the said Finance Act. The adjudicating authority confirmed the demand, against which appeal was filed before the Tribunal, which observed as under: 1. The nature of activities undertaken by the appellants is as under:a) The broadcast control room (BCR) is set up by the company in the stadium. It has various units, viz. Vision colour correction unit, Director’s vision desk, sound engineer desk, replay desk, graphic desk, hawk eye unit, ball speed machine, other machine routers, commentary unit, monitor wall. b) Around 30-32 cameras are fixed around the ground to take image CASC Bulletin, April 2015 of not only play but also of crowds and other happenings in the stadium. c) The images taken by camera are transmitted to vision colour correction unit. Each engineer views the images taken by 4 to 6 cameras. d) After processing, these images are transmitted to Director’s vision desk and also at action replay unit. Images of all the cameras with their numbers are displayed on monitor wall having various screens supervised by Director. The Director in charge continuously instruct the desk in charge the camera number whose image is to be telecasted. The desk in charge press the button of said camera to send signal through router to satellite uplink unit. e) The BCR has sound engineer who records all types of sounds through the mike fitted around and on the ground. The Director in charge of sound desk decide the sound to be transmitted to Director’s vision desk from where images are transmitted. f) The BCR has action replay unit. The images in this unit is also 11 transmitted to Director’s vision desk. The images shown through these camera are given colour code. The Director in charge of vision unit keeps on continuously instructing the vision desk in charge the colour code. The images shown in the said colour code is finally telecasted. g) The BCR has hawk eye unit which tracks each ball played. h) The BCR has graphic unit, which produces graphic of average run rate, standing of various teams, score board etc. and as per instruction of Director in charge of vision desk, it is telecasted. i) The sound and images are sent for recording in to video tape recorder and are also simultaneously sent for converting into audit video signals and sent out for up linking to satellite uplink unit. j) The finally vended programme is transmitted to OB van stationed in the stadium from where it is sent to satellite for further transmission to household.” 2. The taxable service has been defined under Section 65(105)(zzu) as “any service provided or to be provided to any person, by a programme 12 producer, in relation to a programme”. The activities undertaken by the nonresident service providers squarely falls within the definition of “programme” as defined in section 65 (86a) and the service providers are ‘programme producers’ as defined in section 65 (86b). 3. As regards the contention that in respect of Hawkeye Innovations Ltd., they were only supplying software programmes for recording, this contention does not seem to be flowing from the contract entered into with Hawkeye Innovations Ltd. A perusal of the agreement with Hawkeye Innovations Ltd. shows that Hawkeye Innovations was required to supply four units in connection with the production by IMG Media for BCCI of the world feed live coverage on the IPL in the seasons 2008, 2009 and 2010. Hawkeye Innovations was also required to supply three engineers for the recording of the events and the consideration was paid for supply of the equipment and the personnel for recording purposes. Any service in relation to ‘programme producer’s services’ would also fall within the definition of “taxable service”. Therefore, the services provided by Hawkeye Innovations by way of supply of equipment and personnel for recording the live programme and CASC Bulletin, April 2015 actually participating in such programme production would also fall within the definition of ‘programme producer’s services’. 4. As regards the contract entered into with IMG S.A., the said agreement was for booking of hotel accommodation and transport of personnel in connection with the recording of cricket matches to be recorded by IMG U.K. These services per se will not qualify as ‘programme producer’s services’ and they are in the nature of supporting services. The contract was a separate one and the service provided and received consisted of booking of hotel accommodation and arrangements for transportation. Therefore, though these services were in connection with the production agreement with IMG Media, U.K. for recording of matches, they cannot be considered as production of any programme. Therefore, demand to this extent has to be set aside. 5. The next issue pertains to the time bar aspect raised by the appellant. The details of the services received from the non-resident service providers and the consideration paid therefor was never declared to the department in the statutory returns filed by BCCI. In terms of the provisions of section 66A read with section 68 of the Finance CASC Bulletin, April 2015 Act, 1994, the appellant BCCI was the person responsible for paying service tax and it was their duty to comply with the statutory requirements which they failed to do. After completion of investigation, the show cause notices were issued without any undue delay. In these circumstances, invocation of extended period of time cannot be faulted at all. There has been no undue delay on the part of the department either in completing the investigation or in issue of the show cause notices. A belief can be said to be bona fide only when it is formed after all reasonable considerations are taken into account. 6. Hence, the Tribunal concluded as under:a. The services received by the appellant, BCCI from the nonresident service providers, namely, M/s. Taj TV Ltd., Dubai/ Mauritius, M/s. TWI-U.K.Ltd. London, Nimbus Sports International Pte. Ltd., Singapore, M/s. Hawkeye Innovations Ltd., U.K. and IMG Media, London merit classification under ‘programme producer’s services and the appellant was liable to pay service tax along with interest 13 thereon on the consideration paid for the services received under the provisions of section 66A of the said Finance Act. b. The services of hotel booking and transportation received from IMG, South Africa do not fall within the scope of the said service and hence demand of service tax on this service under the category of programme producer’s service is not sustainable in law. c. The Appellant had suppressed material facts from the department and hence, extended period of time has rightly been invoked for confirmation of service tax demand. Hence, the appeal was rejected in terms of the above. 4. Joining of two pieces of thermite welding at site for railways – no activity of production or processing not amounting to manufacture – no taxability under bas: In Harshad Thermic Industries (P) Ltd. v. CCE&C, Raipur – 2015 (35) STR 808 (Tri. – Del.), the appellant was engaged in the business of manufacture of thermite mixture and 14 rendering service in relation to thermite welding of rail joints. The thermite mixture, which is used for thermite welding consists of iron oxide (ferric oxide) and metal powder like aluminum powder, magnesium powder zinc powder etc. In thermite welding process using the mixture of iron oxide and aluminum powder as fuel, the aluminum reduces the iron oxide and iron is produced with a large amount of heat as the reaction is exothermic. The melted iron produced fills the gap between the rails to be joined. The appellant undertook the joining of two pieces of rails at site for Railways by thermite welding. The department was of the view that the process undertaken by the appellant is production or processing of goods not amounting to manufacture and, hence, attracting service tax under the category of Business Auxiliary Service (BAS) mentioned in Section 65(105)(zzb) read with Section 65(19) of the Finance Act, 1994. Hence, the adjudicating authority confirmed the demand under BAS while dropping the value representing the cost of materials sold. On appeal before the Tribunal, it was observed as under:- CASC Bulletin, April 2015 1. The appellant undertake the joining of sections of rails at site by thermite welding process. The welding of section of rails which are of length of 100 Mtrs is done at site as result of which there are lesser number of gaps at every 2Km instead of at every 100 Mtrs resulting in smooth movement of train on railway tracks. The process undertaken by the Appellant is part of the process of laying down of tracks and make them fit for traffic movement as before undertaking the thermite welding process, the rails have to be precisely aligned. 2. The activity of the appellant does not result in any deliverable goods to the railway and it cannot be said to be the production or processing of goods not amounting to manufacture. Hence, the appeal was allowed with a consequential relief. 5. Land development for housing project – demand raised under construction of complex upto 30.05.2007 and works contract from 01.06.2007 – not sustainable: In Alokik Township Corpn. v. CCE&ST – 2015 (37) STR 859 (Tri. – Del.), the appellant was a partnership firm and was engaged in development of land for housing projects. On 10/ CASC Bulletin, April 2015 09/05 the appellant entered into an MOU with M/s. Gopal Housing and Plantation Corporation (GHP) under which the appellant was to jointly develop the land belonging to GHP into a township comprising residential and commercial buildings after getting the necessary approval from the Jaipur Development Authority (JDA). However, this MOU was cancelled. Subsequently, the appellant firm entered into a joint venture with GHP for development of a township name Eden Garden on the land belonging to GHP. According to the appellant, this joint venture was also terminated. Subsequently, the appellant firm entered into an agreement with GHP for the following:a. development of land belonging to GHP by construction of roads, laying of sewer lines, construction drains, laying of water pipelines, underground cabling works including optical fiber cables, installation of pre-cast iron poles on road sides/dividers with lights, panels and MCBs etc., development of landscaped gardens as per the design of landscaping consultants alongwith Plantation ; 15 b. construction of boundary wall ; and c. Other development works as norms of JDA. Thereafter the residential complexes were constructed by engaging other contractors. The department was of the view that the activity of the appellant would attract service tax under Section 65 (105) (zzzh) readwith Section 65 (30a) and 65 (91a) of the Finance Act, 1994 as the same was construction of residential complex service. On this basis, the adjudicating authority confirmed the demand, against which appeal was filed before the Tribunal which observed as under:1. The appellants activity is only of developing the land belonging to GHP for township, which comprises leveling of the land, demarcation of plots/shops/business premises, construction of boundary wall surrounding the township, construction of roads as per the norms of JDA, erection of the iron poles with lamps, panels, MCBs etc. underground cabling work including laying of optical fiber cables, laying of 16 construction of open as well as underground drainage lines, as per the norms of JDA, development of water harvesting system, construction of underground as well as overhead tanks for storage of water, laying of underground water pipelines in the township, development of landscaped lawns in the earmarked areas etc. 2. The development of land for township is not covered by the definition of construction of complex service as given in Section 65 (105) (zzzh) readwith Section 65 (39a) and 65 (91a) or by the definition of Works Contract Service in Section 65 (105) (zzzza) w.e.f. 01/06/2007. 3. In view of this, the service tax demand from the appellant firm by treating their activity as taxable under Section 65 (105) (zzzh) as construction of complex service upto 30/05/2007 and under Section 65 (105) (zzzza) as Works Contract Service w.e.f. 01/06/ 2007 is not sustainable. Hence, the impugned order was set aside and the appeal was allowed. (The author is a Chennai based Chartered Accountant. He can be reached at reachanandvis@gmail.com) CASC Bulletin, April 2015 EXCEL TIPS Returning the Last Non-Blank Cell In a Column or Row If you update a worksheet frequently by adding new data to its columns, at times, you may need a reference to the last value in a particular column (the value most recently entered). The worksheet tracks the attendance of three projects in columns B:D. Notice that the information does not arrive CA. DUNGAR CHAND U. JAIN at the same time. The goal is to get the most recent information of each project. These values are calculated in the range G4 : G6. Use a formula to return the last nonempty cell in columns B:D. The formulas in G4, G5, and G6 are as follows: = INDEX(B:B,COUNTA(B:B)) = INDEX(C:C,COUNTA(C:C)) = INDEX(D:D,COUNTA(D:D)) CASC Bulletin, April 2015 17 These formulas use the COUNTA function to count the number of nonempty cells in column B,C,D. This value is used as the second argument for the INDEX function. For example, in column B the last value is in row 4, COUNTA returns 4, and the INDEX function returns the 4th value in the column. The preceding formulas work in most, but not all, situations. However If the column has one or more empty cells interspersed, determining the last nonblank cell is a bit more challenging because the COUNTA function doesn't count the empty cells. Choose Function This function picks from a list of options based upon an Index value given to by the user. It helps select one of up to 254 values based on the index number. Syntax : = CHOOSE(Index_num, Item1, Item2, Item3 through to Item 254) How the VALUE is returned? • If index_num is 1, CHOOSE returns value1; if it is 2, CHOOSE returns value2; and so on. • If index_num is less than 1 or greater than the number of the last value in the list, CHOOSE returns the #VALUE! error value. • If index_num is a fraction, it is truncated to the lowest integer before being used. EXAMPLE C D 3 Index Value Result 4 1 Raja = CHOOSE (C4,"Raja","Rani","Mantri") 5 3 Mantri = CHOOSE (C5,"Raja","Rani","Mantri") 6 2 Rani = CHOOSE (C6,"Raja","Rani","Mantri") 7 3 15% = CHOOSE (C7,65%,20%,15%) 8 1 65% = CHOOSE (C8,65%,20%,15%) 9 2 20% = CHOOSE (C9,65%,20%,15%) B Formula Used Note : The value arguments to CHOOSE can be range references as well as single values. (The author is a Chennai based Chartered Accountant and he can be reached at dungarchand@hotmail.com) 18 CASC Bulletin, April 2015 CASC CHENNAI, MEMBERSHIP FEE Corporate Membership Corporate Annual Membership Corporate Life Membership (20 Years) 3,000.00 PLUS SERVICE TAX 20,000.00 PLUS SERVICE TAX 750.00 PLUS SERVICE TAX 7,500.00 PLUS SERVICE TAX Individual Membership Annual Membership Life Membership CASC BULLETIN - ADVERTISEMENT TARIFF - PER MONTH Full Page Back Cover Full Page Inside Back Cover 2,000.00 1,600.00 PLUS SERVICE TAX PLUS SERVICE TAX Half Page Back Cover Half Page Inside Back Cover 1,250.00 1,000.00 PLUS SERVICE TAX PLUS SERVICE TAX Full Page Inside Half Page Inside Strip Advertisement Inside 1,200.00 750.00 500.00 PLUS SERVICE TAX PLUS SERVICE TAX PLUS SERVICE TAX Minimum 6 months advertisement is required. If advertisement is 12 months or above, special discount of 15% is available CASC - HALL RENT HALL RENT FOR 2 HOURS HALL RENT FOR 2-4 HOURS HALL RENT FOR FULL DAY 1,000.00 1,500.00 2,500.00 PLUS SERVICE TAX PLUS SERVICE TAX PLUS SERVICE TAX LCD RENT FOR 2 HOURS LCD RENT FOR 2-4 HOURS 600.00 800.00 PLUS SERVICE TAX PLUS SERVICE TAX LCD RENT FOR FULL DAY 1,200.00 PLUS SERVICE TAX Your demand draft should be drawn in the name of “The Chartered Accountants Study Circle” payable at Chennai. CASC Bulletin, April 2015 19 RECENT DECISIONS - CUSTOMS & EXCISE LAW Fabrication of pipes out of iron and steel is a manufacturing activity In the case of Kaakteeya Fabs Pvt Ltd and Simplex Infrastructure Ltd vs CCE [2015TIOL-275-CESTAT-DEL, Simplex Infrastructure Ltd (“taxpayer 1”) had undertaken a turnkey contract with NTPC and sub contracted the part of the contract for laying down of pipes to Kaakteeya Fabs Pvt Ltd (“taxpayer 2”). Service tax was being discharged for the activity of laying down of pipes. The Revenue alleged that fabrication of pipes is a manufacturing activity for which excise liability has not been discharged by taxpayer 2. The taxpayer 2 contended that they have already discharged the service tax liability on the activity of laying down the pipes and liability for excise duty does not arise as the various raw materials and capital goods required for the construction purposes where provided by taxpayer 1. The taxpayer 2 also contended that even if they are liable to discharge the excise duty, they will be eligible for cenvat credit of duty paid on steel items supplied to them by taxpayer 1. The Tribunal relied on Mahindra & Mahindra Ltd (2005-TIOL-1215-CESTATDEL-LB) and held that fabrication of pipes 20 CA. S. VINODH is a manufacturing activity and stayed the matter till the disposal of final appeal. Transportation charges collected by raising debit notes not to be included in Assessable Value In the case of CCE vs Emerson Network Power (I) Ltd [2015-TIOL-303-CESTATMUM], the taxpayer collected additional amounts incurred on account of transportation by raising debit notes. The Revenue contended that such amount should be included in the assessable value. The Tribunal relied on CCE vs Garware Enterprises Ltd [2014 (301) ELT349 (Tri Mum)] and held that the taxpayer had merely collected the freight charges paid by them to the transporters, thus there is no requirement to include the same in the assessable value. Eligibility to take suo moto re-credit of duty paid CASC Bulletin, April 2015 In the case of Jubiliant Engineering Ltd vs CCE [2015-VIL-83-CESTAT], the taxpayer is a manufacturer of valves which are subsequently exported by them. However on export, mistakenly they paid excise duty by debiting their Cenvat credit account and filed a rebate claim for the same. Further the taxpayer availed the suo moto re-credit of the Cenvat credit and cancelled the rebate claim filed by them. The Revenue relied on Tribunal’s LB decision in the case of BDH Industries Ltd vs CCE [2008 (229) ELT 364 (Tri-LB)] and contended that suo moto re-credit of Cenvat credit is not allowed The Tribunal observed that the issue involved is already settled in the favour of taxpayer holding that domestic taxes incurred for the export of goods are refunded on account of public interest. Thus in the present case also the taxpayer would be eligible to claim re-credit of their Cenvat account. Cenvat credit of technical know-how acquired is available even if the products have not been manufactured by using the know-how In the case of Indswift Laboratories Ltd vs CCE&ST [Final order No 50026/2015], the tax payer was a manufacturer of pharmaceutical products. The Revenue Authorities denied the Cenvat credit of CASC Bulletin, April 2015 purchase of technical Know-how on the ground that the products have not been manufactured by the taxpayers using the know-how. The Tribunal observed that the technical know-how once obtained begins to be utilised for manufacturing purpose, since the same is relevant right from setting up of necessary wherewithal required for manufacturing the product. There is always a time lag between acquiring of input service and actual production of goods, depending upon their nature. Further, as per Rule 4(7) of Cenvat Credit Rules, 2004, Cenvat credit in respect of input services becomes available on or after the date on which payment is made for the value of the input service. Cenvat Rules do not provide that the credit of input services can be taken only when the final products get manufactured. Relying on the case of Cadila Health Care Ltd. Vs. CCE [2010 (17) STR (Tri.)], the Tribunal held that the Cenvat credit of technical knowhow was allowed even though the goods were not manufactured by the taxpayer at the time of availment of Cenvat credit. Transport charges incurred by taxpayer in transporting and delivering the goods upto buyers’ premises are includible in Assessable Value In the case of Uflex Ltd vs CCE&C [2015TIOL-245-CESTAT-DEL], the tax payer 21 was manufacturer based in Jammu and Kashmir and had been claiming refund (self-credit) of the Central Excise duty paid under Notification No.56/2002-CE dated November 4, 2002. The taxpayer has been paying excise duty on assessable value including the freight charges upto the buyer’s premises. The Revenue Authorities sought to disallow self-credit to the extent of duty paid on said freight charges on the ground the taxpayer had paid extra duty in cash by including the freight charges incurred for transport of their goods while the same were not includible in the assessment value. The Tribunal observed that the sale is on Free On Road (“FOR”) destination basis and the destination is the buyers premises; the transit insurance is borne by the taxpayer; the ownership of the goods remained with the taxpayer upto the buyers premises. Considering the above, the Tribunal held that the place of removal is the buyer’s premises and the taxpayer has rightly included the cost of transportation in assessable value and are entitled for the benefit under Notification No.56/2002-CE. Eligibility to MODVAT credit in cases where inputs not received within 180 days from job worker In the case of Cce Vs Godrej And Boyce Mfg Co Ltd [2015-Tiol-263-Hc-Mum], the taxpayer was the manufactures of 22 machines and mechanical appliances and were sending inputs for further processing to the job workers which were received back beyond the period of 180 days. The Revenue contended that the taxpayer have availed inadmissible Modvat credit as the input were received after the period of 180 days. The Tribunal held that mere noncompliance of the procedural provisions should not result in denial of a relief or benefit, as all the relevant documents were furnished by the taxpayer. The High Court observed that erstwhile MODVAT credit rules does not make it mandatory to receive back the goods within 180 days to deny the eligibility of credit. Thus there is no intention by the framers of the Rules to deny credit on such situations. Following this principle, the High Court upheld the order of the Tribunal. Any term or expression defined in the enactment must be understood in the light of the definition given in the Act In the case of BMM Ispat Ltd vs CC&CE [2015-TIOL-263-CESTAT-MUM], the tax payer imported coal and classified it under CTH 2701 1920 as “Steam Coal”. Revenue classified it as “Bituminous Coal” under CTH 2701 1200 relying on the sub-heading note 2 to Chapter 27 of Customs Tariff Act, 1975 (“Customs Tariff”). The said note stated that coal having a volatile matter exceeding 14% (on dry, mineral-matterCASC Bulletin, April 2015 free basis) and calorific value equal to or greater than 5833 Kcal/Kg (on moist, mineral-matter-free basis) would qualify as “bituminous coal”. The taxpayer contended that the imported coal is known as “Steam Coal” in commercial parlance and cannot be considered as “Bituminous Coal” in scientific terms. Further submitted that in the decision of Coastal Energy Pvt. Ltd. & Others, vide final order dated 20/06/ 2014, wherein the Tribunal has classified imported coal as “bituminous coal”, did not examine this aspect and concluded basis note 2 to Chapter 27 of Customs Tariff. The Tribunal held that any coal satisfying this definition mentioned in Note 2 to Chapter 27 of Customs Tariff would qualify as “bituminous coal” and accordingly liable to be classified under CTH 2701.1200. Any term or expression defined in the enactment must be understood in the light of the definition given in the Act. It is only in the absence of which the meaning of the term as understood in common parlance or commercial parlance must be adopted. Relying on the case of Coastal Energy Pvt. Ltd. & Others the Tribunal ordered predeposit. Refund of customs duty expensed in import is hit by unjust enrichment CASC Bulletin, April 2015 In the case of Zodiac Clothing Company Ltd vs CC & ST [Final Order No. 22075 / 2014], the taxpayer filed a refund claim of excess customs duty paid, on account of assessee erroneously declaring value in Bill of Entry. The Revenue rejected the claim that amount of duty paid was shown as expenses in the P&L account of the assessee and thereby, attracted principles of doctrine of unjust enrichment. The taxpayer contended that excess amount of customs duty was not loaded to the cost of final products exported. The taxpayer further contended that the amount was shown as ‘receivable’ and when the amount was collected without authority of law, it had to be treated as deposit, and thus, the mischief of ‘unjust enrichment’ did not arise. The Tribunal observed that – - Amount shown as ‘receivable’ is succeeding year balance sheet as per Income Tax Act applicable only to said Act, not relevant for refund of customs duty, which is an ‘indirect tax - Chartered Accountant certificate stating that excess amount not loaded to final product cost not a conclusive evidence Export order received much before importation of goods and export price remained constant is inapplicable to unjust enrichment - 23 Basis aforesaid, the refund claim was rejected. Applicability of one year time limit for filing the second refund claim in one month In the case of M/s Devki Nandan J. Gupta vs CC [Order No. A/96/15/SMB], the taxpayer had filed a second refund claim which was rejected on the ground that para 4.2 of CBEC Circular No. 06/2008Cus. (Circular), dated April 28, 2008 only allows for a single refund claim in respect of one importer in a month irrespective of the number of Bill of Entries processed by the respective Commissionerate. The Tribunal observed that - The intention of the Circular cannot be to deny file more than one refund claim in a month even though the period of one year is getting expired - The Circular also had an exception for situations when there is necessary at the end of one year period. In view of this, Tribunal held that even if more than one claim in a month is filed, the same cannot be denied only because of the reason that circular prescribed only one refund claim in a month otherwise statutory time limit of one year provided in the notification will become redundant. 24 The said procedure infraction should not come in the way of the substantial claim of the assessee. Allows excess duty refund pursuant to self-assessed Bill of Entry In the case of Suryalaksmi Cotton Mills Ltd vs CCE [Order No A/133/15/CB], the taxpayer has filed an application for refund of customs duty paid in excess against imported goods. The Revenue Authorities rejected the refund claim mainly on the ground that taxpayer has not challenged the assessment of bill of entry. Tribunal, after comparing the old and new Sec 27 of Customs Act, 1962 (“Customs Act”), observed that in the old provision, refund was to be filed in pursuance of assessment order. However, as per the present provision, if the duty is paid by a person under self-assessment, refund can be filed without filing any appeal, because if the self-assessment is done then there is no order of assessment by any proper officer. In view of the above, the Tribunal held that the taxpayer was not required to challenge the assessment of Bill of Entry and are entitled to refund subjected to unjust enrichment. (The author is a Chennai based Chartered Accountant and he can be reached at S.Vinodh@bmradvisors.com) CASC Bulletin, April 2015 RECENT DECISIONS IN SALES TAX / VAT Opportunity of hearing: The dealer was given proper opportunity of hearing before the assessing authority and he was also called upon by the assessing authority to verify the information relating to sale and purchase which was collected, but the dealer had failed to appear before the assessing authority as a result of which the best judgment assessment was done. The medical certificate produced in support of the dealer’s submission that the dealer was unwell and could not appear before the assessing officer did not inspire confidence since the medical certificate had already been considered by the Appellate Board. The first appeal remained pending before the appellate authority for about a year but the dealer failed to produce any material in support of his case. Even during the pendency of the appeal before the Appellate Board no cogent material was produced by the dealer. Therefore, the submission of the dealer at this stage, of writ petition hearing, that he was not given proper opportunity of hearing could not be accepted. [2013] 65 VST 73 (MP) Gulab Chand, Ajay Kumar Jain V. Assessing Commercial tax officer and others Alternative Remedy: Unless the petitioner showed to the court there was violation or infringement of fundamental rights, CASC Bulletin, April 2015 CA. V.V. SAMPATHKUMAR violation of principles of natural justice or that the order passed was ultra vires the provisions of the Act or Rules, the writ court would not interfere with the order, when there was effective and alternative remedy of appeal available under the statute. [2013] 65 VST 69 (MAD) Greenland Exports (P) LTD. V. Assistant Commissioner (CT), Nandanam Assessment Circle, Chennai Penalty against the officer: An aggrieved person can seek two different types of reliefs in a matter where any illegality was done by the officer. He could get compensation or he could initiate a penal action against that officer. On the other hand, he could get cancellation of the act done by that officer, without seeking any penalty against the officer in particular. If relief is sought against the officer in person the specific provisions of section 48(1) of the MP State VAT Act, shall apply 25 but, if the relief sought is of composite nature then, provisions of section 48(2) of the said Act would apply and if relief is sought of the second nature that only the action taken by the officer is to be nullified then, such relief can be given against the State and provisions relating to sanction shall not be attracted.[2013] 65 VST 165 (MP) Smt.Shahjahan Iqbal V. State Of Madhya Pradesh and others from January 1, 2007 to March 31, 2008, there appeared to be an omission, that omission was sought to be corrected by way of substitution. The substitution will have to relate back to January 1, 2007 itself, when the 2006 Act came into force. [2013] 65 VST 227 (Mad) Nazareth Foods (P) Ltd. and another v. Assistant Commissioner (CT), Aminjikkarai Assessment Circle, Chennai and another Substitution: For an escapement of assessment to arise, it is necessary that there should be an order of original assessment made. Unless and until an assessment order is made, the revision of assessment or proceedings on escapement of assessment will not arise. If there was an omission or a specific statement the court is empowered to give a constructive meaning to the intention of the Legislature and give it the force of life. There is justification for the court to iron out the creases by interpreting the word “substitution” to mean that the intention of the Legislature was to replace the old entry 18 of Part B of the Fourth Schedule with new entry 18 to have effect for the period from January 1, 2007 to March 31, 2008. The understanding of the Department prior to the coming into force of the 2006 Act and from April 1, 2008, was that the powder form of chilli, turmeric and coriander was to be exempted goods for all purposes. If during the interregnum period, namely, Discount: The Legislature can provide for and also prescribe terms and conditions for discounts in the sale price and as trade practice discounts could be offered by way of credit notes, but those discounts offered by a selling dealer can have no impact on the payment of tax. Any such discount, be it a trade discount or a cash discount, an incentive discount, quantifies for deduction from payment of tax only when it is separately mentioned in the original tax invoice. Entry 54 of the State List which authorises the State Legislature to levy tax “on the sale or purchase of goods other than newspapers” also authorises an enactment to prevent the tax evasion. Sub-section (20) of section 19 contains specific provision, where the goods are re-sold at a lower price than the price at which they were purchased, to reverse the input-tax credit over and above the output tax credit. There is no infraction of the constitutional provisions. A law cannot be held to be unreasonable merely because it operates retrospectively. 26 CASC Bulletin, April 2015 The unreasonability must lie in some other additional factors. The other factors are period of retrospectively and degree of unforeseen or unforeseeable financial burden imposed for the past period. Length of time is not by itself decisive to affect retrospectively. The retrospective operation of a fiscal statute would have to be found to be unduly oppressive and confiscatory, before it can be held to be unreasonable as to violate constitutional norms. Where a taxing statute is plainly discriminatory or provides no procedural machinery for assessment and levy of tax or is confiscatory, courts will be justified in striking down the impugned statute as unconstitutional. [2013] 65 VST 260 (Mad) Jayam & Co. v. Assistant Commissioner (CT) Main Amaindakarai Assessment Circle, chennai and another (and other cases) Registration: If the registered dealer was not carrying on business from its registered address, but from some other address, the Act itself provides what penalty may be imposed upon such dealer. The allegation in the first information report was in excess of the jurisdiction or power of the officers, who lodged it. Merely because a first information report had been lodged, neither the State, nor any of its officers, could, because of such first information report, interfere with right to livelihood of the dealer by staying its registration and, CASC Bulletin, April 2015 accordingly, stopping its business affecting its right to life.[2013] 65 VST 307 (Uttarakhand) Commissioner, Commercial Tax v .Jai Durge Traders Penalty: A truck carrying goods was intercepted within the State of Uttarakhand on its way to Haldwani. The papers carried by the driver of the truck suggested that the goods were being taken from Roorkee to Haldwani. Despite the papers being so, on the ground that the driver held out that the goods came from Muzaffarnagar penalty to the extent of the amount of security was levied. On appeal, the penalty was cancelled and this was affirmed on appeal by the Department. On a revision petition, it was held by the Court that it was obligatory on the part of the assessing officer, at the time of assessment, to establish that, in fact, the driver had stated that the goods were coming from Muzaffarnagar in order to prevail upon the documents, which suggested that the goods were coming from Roorkee. That having not been done, the assessing officer could not impose penalty. [2013] 65 VST 315 (Uttarakhand) Commissioner, Commercial Tax (earlier trade tax), Uttarakhand, Dehradun v. Ranasteels Interest: The liability to pay interest under section 25(5) of the Haryana General Sales Tax Act, 1973, in respect of additional liability created under the assessment 27 order arises not on the date of transaction of purchase and sale or filing of return but only when the assessment is made. The interest cannot be levied for the period prior to the passing of the order of assessment. [2013] 65 VST 318 (P&H) Eicher Goodearth Limited and another v. State Of Haryana and another Exemption: When the purchaser of the goods is exempted, the sales tax cannot be collected from the selling dealer. The petitioner-dealer supplied goods to the Tirumala Tirupathi Devasthanam, Tirupathi, a statutory religious endowment, and Girijan Primary Corporation Marketing Society, Visakhapatnam. G. O. Ms. No. 314, Revenue (CT-II) Department, dated April 28, 1988, and G: O. Ms. No. 31, Revenue (CT-II), dated January 11, 1991 issued under section 9(1) of the Andhra Pradesh General Sales Tax Act, 1957 exempt the Tirumala Tirupathi Devasthanam as well as the Girijan Society from payment of tax under the Act on the sales and purchases of goods made by them and held accordingly, that when the purchasers, the Tirumala Tirupathi Devasthanam as well as the Girijan Society, were exempted from paying the tax on the purchases of goods, impliedly, it followed that the Department could not levy and collect the tax on the sales effected by the dealer to a buyer who was exempted from payment of purchase tax. [2013] 65 VST 347 28 (AP) Vijaya Lakshmi Enterprises v. state of A. P. CST Section 8(5) Notification and Rate of tax: During the assessment year 1999-2000, a manufacturer of cereal and running a flour mill, deposited in accordance with the notification dated March 7, 1994 bearing No. 929, F.4 (8)FD/Gr.-4/94-71, issued by the State Government in exercise of power under section 8(5) of the Central Sales Tax Act, 1956, on inter-State sales of goods effected by it. The assessing officer passed an order accepting the rate of tax at the rate of four per cent but levied surcharge on the tax and interest thereon. The DC (Appeals) on appeal gave direction to delete the surcharge levied. When this was agitated by the CTO, the Court, following the rulings in SREE AYYANAR SPINNING AND WEAVING MILLS LIMITED V. STATE OF TAMIL NADU,[1998] 109 STC 205 (Mad) held that tax rate of four per cent was prescribed for the petitioner and similarly situated dealers. It was also stated in that notification that there was no requirement of filing of form C when the sale was outside the State of Rajasthan. Surcharge under the Rajasthan Sales Tax Act, 1994 was not leviable in a case where tax was payable under section 8(5) of the Central Sales Tax Act. [2013] 65 VST 379 (Raj) Commercial Taxes Officer v. Laxmi roller floor mills Appeal: The remedy of appeal is not a CASC Bulletin, April 2015 matter of right. It is a right conferred by the statute and it is axiomatic that the right of appeal can be availed of only after fulfilling the conditions laid down in the statute. [2013] 65 VST 393 (AP) Swastic Oleachems Ltd. v. State of A. P. law to impose tax on the sale or purchase of goods imported from outside the country. Hence, the amendment is not violative of article 304. [2013] 65 VST 401 (Karn) Balaji Silk House and others v. State of Karnataka Imported goods: Sale of raw silk and silk yarn is exempt from the levy of tax. When the levy of four per cent tax on the sale of raw silk and silk yarn, imported from outside the country, was made, by amendment to entry 22 in Part S of the Second Schedule to the Karnataka Sales Tax Act, 1957, it was held that it would not directly impede the free flow of trade and commerce in these goods in the territory of India. Accordingly, the amendment is not violative of article 301 of the Constitution. A fiscal measure is not outside the prohibition of article 301 but only such taxes which directly or immediately impede the free flow of trade, commerce and intercourse will fall within the prohibition of article 301. However the State Legislature can by law impose any tax on goods imported from other States or Union Territories but without offending article 304(a). The object of article 304(a) is to prevent discrimination against goods imported from other States within the territory of India by imposing on them a tax higher than that borne by goods produced in the State. It does not impose any restrictions on the Legislature of a State to make any Classification: A reading of the entry 6, Part B of the Third Schedule of TNGST Act 1959 as it stood during the period from April 1, 2000 to March 26, 2002 and entry 27(i), Part B of the Third Schedule effective from March 27, 2002 would show that exemption was granted in respect of sale of fresh milk, pasteurised milk and directly reconstituted milk. In this case, milk treated to UHT was not separately treated as an item of taxation or as an item of exemption. It was the case of the petitioner that what was sold was without, any additives. Further when the Commissioner himself had admitted in clarification dated July 30, 2007 that toned milk sold in sachets was also pasteurised milk qualifying for exemption, there was no justification to restrict it for a particular period alone as referred to in it. Therefore, the petitioner was entitled to exemption. [2013] 65 VST 406 (Mad) Nestle India Limited v. State of Tamil Nadu CASC Bulletin, April 2015 (The author is a Chennai based Chartered Accountant and he can be reached at vvsampat@yahoo.com) 29 Finance Bill 2015, Direct Tax Proposal to amend the definition of Charitable Purpose does it serve any real purpose? The Finance Bill 2015 has proposed to amend the controversial and highly litigated proviso to Section 2(15) of the Income Tax Act, 1961 (‘the Act’) which defines the term ‘Charitable Purpose’. 1. Provision of the Act Section 2(15) of the Act as existing now reads as under: Charitable purpose” includes relief of the poor, education, medical relief, preservation of environment (including watersheds, forests and wildlife) and preservation of monuments or places or objects of artistic or historic interest, and the advancement of any other object of general public utility: Provided that the advancement of any other object of general public utility shall not be a charitable purpose, if it involves the carrying on of any activity in the nature of trade, commerce or business, or any activity of rendering any service in relation to any trade, commerce or business, for a cess or fee or any other consideration, irrespective of the nature of use or application, or retention, of the income from such activity: 30 CA. K. SUDARSHAN, CHENNAI Provided further that the first proviso shall not apply if the aggregate value of the receipts from the activities referred to therein is [twenty-five lakh rupees] or less in the previous year; 2. Proposal under the Finance Bill 2015 The finance bill has proposed the following to Section 2(15) • ‘Yoga’ has been included as a separate activity (previously it was part of the General Public Utility clause) • The first and second proviso shall be replaced as follows “Provided that the advancement of any other object of general public utility shall not be a Charitable purpose, if it involves the carrying on of any activity in the nature of trade, commerce CASC Bulletin, April 2015 Amendment of or business, or any activity of rendering any service in relation to any trade, commerce or business, for a cess or fee or any other consideration, irrespective of the nature of use or application, or retention, of the income from such activity, unless— (i) Such activity is undertaken in the course of actual carrying out of such advancement of any other object of general public utility; and (ii) The aggregate receipts from such activity or activities during the previous year, do not exceed twenty per cent of the total receipts, of the trust or institution undertaking such activity or activities, of that previous year;”; 3. Analysis on the proposal to proviso to Section 2(15) Therefore from the above paragraph, we can decipher the proviso to Section 2(15) of the Act as follows • Any registered public charitable trust engaging in the last limb i.e., the residuary activity clause of general public utility and such trust carries on any activity in the nature of trade, commerce or business shall cease to be a public trust undertaking charitable purpose and will be taxed as an Association of Person, thereby CASC Bulletin, April 2015 losing the exemption available under Chapter III of the Act. • However there is an exception to the above, accordingly which the proviso shall not apply, subject to satisfaction of the following two conditions ➣ The activity involving trade, commerce or business is performed during the course of undertaking its objective of general public utility; and ➣ The gross receipts from such activity involving trade commerce or business does not exceed twenty percent of the total receipts of such trust/ institution. By invoking the term “and” between the two conditions, the proviso has made the conditions to be concomitant/mutually dependent. A. The first condition – No intention for profit motive The intention of first condition to the proposal made under the proviso appears to rationalize the controversy that proviso to Section 2(15) of the Act has garnered pursuant to the same being introduced during Finance Act 2008. Post Finance Act 31 2008, unfortunately the Revenue Authorities have acted as a wizard and have used the impugned proviso as a wand by cancelling the registrations of many genuine registered trusts undertaking any activity involving trade, commerce or business whether or not it is incidental to the attainment of its objectives. The revenue authorities were sacrosanct in their approach and did not appreciate the reasoning for such trusts performing the activity involving the nature of trade, commerce or business. Plethora of judgments1 have analyzed on this impugned proviso and have arrived at a pragmatic view that institutions whose dominant activity are in the nature of charity and have no intention to make/ earn any element of profit, then any such activities involving trade, commerce or business are mere subservient activities and therefore the trust shall be treated as one established for charitable purpose. It is worth to mention here that recently in a landmark ruling pronounced by the Delhi High Court in the case of India Trade Promotion Organization v. Director General of Income tax (Exemptions) [2015] 53 taxmann.com 404 (Delhi), it held the following: 1 “If the primary and dominant objective of the institution is not to earn profits, but to do charity through advancement of an object of general public utility, then such an institution shall be regarded as established for charitable purposes” Therefore it is heartening to see that the Government has taken cognizance to the above ruling and accordingly have proposed to include the principle of the ruling as part of the first condition to exemption available under Section 2(15). However the intention of the Government appears to be kind and benevolent, the proposed proviso comes with certain practical challenges as follows; Challenges: The condition specifies that the institution must undertake commercial activity during the course of carrying out the advancement of general public utility. If any institution undertakes a commercial activity and applies such income for charitable purpose, then it appears that the said activity will be devoid of charity. Further in my view, the onus will be on the assessee to prove the fact that the same is performed during the course of its main objective, this will again lead to Trustee of the Tribune, In re [1939] 7 ITR 415 (PC) CIT v. Federation of Indian Chambers of Commerce & Industries [1981] 6 Taxman 7 (SC) - Victoria Technical Institute v. Addl. CIT [1991] 188 ITR 57 (SC) - CIT v. Andhra Pradesh State Road Transport Corporation [1986] 159 ITR 1 (SC) ICAI Accounting Research Foundation v. DGIT (Exemptions) [2009] 183 Taxman 462 (Delhi) 32 CASC Bulletin, April 2015 unnecessary litigation and controversy. For e.g. a trust undertaking general public utility as its main objective has a marriage hall as its property and lets it out on rent. The proceeds from the letting out are applied for the purpose of its objective. There arises a question now as to whether such activity can be said to be performed during the course of carrying out its objective in order to meet the first condition to the proposed proviso?? Therefore these controversies will continue to inflame. It is also worth mentioning here that Section 11(4) of the Act specifically includes income from business as part of property held under the trust, provided such business is incidental to the attainment of the objects of the trust. Therefore there appears to be a dichotomy with regards to Section 11(4) of the Act and the Finance Bill 2015 proposal to Section 2(15) proviso. Since the conditions are exclusively mutual, a charitable institution undertaking commercial activity must also satisfy the second condition. B. Second Condition – Threshold limit The second condition to the proposed proviso to Section 2(15) of the Act is indeed a welcoming step from the Government to modify the existing blanket threshold limit currently specified CASC Bulletin, April 2015 at INR 25 lakhs to a percentage threshold limit wherein the gross receipts from activity of trade, commerce or business not to exceed 20 percent of the total receipts of the trust/ institution. Challenges: The intention of the Government from the proposal appears largely to safeguard genuine trusts undertaking general public utility activity involving trade, commerce or business by increasing the threshold limit from INR 25 Lakhs, which appears to be miniscule to a percentage based threshold. However, the amendment appearing to be superfluous, shall primarily assist larger institutions and shall have a vicarious impact on smaller institutions who are say having a total receipts of INR 25 Lakhs of which the incidental activity pertaining to trade, commerce /business is around 10 lakhs, in such scenario, these institutions will completely lose the tax benefits available under Chapter III of the Act. Further with the proviso making the two conditions mutually dependent, a charitable institution satisfying the first condition i.e. undertaking commercial activity which is incidental to the attainment of its objectives will lose the status of charity if the second condition is failed i.e. gross receipts from commercial activity exceeding more than twenty percent of the total receipts. This is harsh and the proposal does not 33 Way ahead 34 • The Government must definitely rationalize the proposed provision by making the two conditions mutually exclusively. The word “and” must be replaced by “or”. • Further the threshold limit specified in the second condition must be suitably amended to include gross receipts not exceeding 20% on the total receipts or INR 1 crore, whichever is higher. This will give a fillip to many small genuine trusts carrying out charitable activities. • Further the Finance minister had specified that Yoga is a gift to the world by India and accordingly included Yoga as a specified activity and no more it shall be a residuary activity. It is well known that there are many other culturally phenomenal activities which India has gifted to the world viz., Fine Arts, Museums, Vocational learning etc. It is also a fact that the specified activity list in Section 2(15) seems to be inflating year on year, it will be no surprise if we soon have a negative list regime coming under Section 2(15). To conclude, it is fundamental that in any country, the Government by itself cannot undertake the welfare activities for its people; therefore a HELPING HAND is always required by the Government in order to supplement its welfare activities. This helping hand comes invariably in the form of Non-Profit Organizations (NPO) or Non-Governmental Organizations (NGO). Especially for our Country’s vast demographic structure and size, the NGO’s play a pivotal role. Further with the introduction of mandatory Corporate Social Responsibility activities, the nonprofit charitable institutions will be of utmost significance to the Country’s growth, development and sustenance. Therefore it is imperative that such institutions are incentivized and supported by the Government to undertake the welfare/ benevolent activities. Just as ease of doing business is absolute for Corporate India, similarly ease of performing charitable activity is also the need of the hour for the socially responsible Indian groups/institutions. Hope the Government shows some degree of altruism on this as well. (The author is a Chennai based Chartered Accountant and he can be reached at sudarshan@inbox.com) CASC Bulletin, April 2015 RISK BASED INTERNAL AUDIT (RBIA) - A STEP BY STEP APPROACH Welcome to the twenty second edition of the the series on Risk based internal Audits and this edition continues with Internal financial controls ("ICFR") by the Directors of the Company in the Directors responsibility statement under Section 134(5) and the requirements under Sec 143 of the Act in relation to the modification of the audit report format, an extract of which was published in the last edition, reproduced as under CA. SRIPRIYA KUMAR Contents of New Law Old Law Adequacy and operating effectiveness of internal financial controls Not in the Old Act The requirement to report on ICFR by the auditors has been deferred by a year. Nevertheless, organisations will be required to prepare themselves to ensure that auditors obtain necessary comfort in this regard. This edition has been prepared in the format of FAQ's to enable better understanding 1. What is ICFR ( reproduced from the last edition ) The term "internal financial controls" has been defined as the means the policies and procedures adopted by the company for ensuring the • orderly and efficient conduct of its business, including adherence to company's policies, • the safeguarding of its assets, • the prevention and detection of frauds and errors, • the accuracy and completeness of the accounting records, • and the timely preparation of reliable financial information 2. What is the difference between ICFR and scope of internal audit Internal audits focus on operations, financial and compliance risks in all aspects whereas, ICFR refers only to risks which impact financial reporting. Hence the scope is restricted to components of the Financial Statements including notes and disclosures. CASC Bulletin, April 2015 35 For instance, Internal Audit would report on safety and security related risks in an organisation which will not be the subject matter of ICFR The scope of internal audit is wider than ICFR in the sense that it would cover both financial reporting risks and other risks as well 1. Can the statutory auditor prepare a framework for ICFR Preparation of a framework for ICFR cannot be done by the auditor as it would fall under the scope of Sec 144 which restricts the auditor from performing certain nonaudit services. A logical understanding would be that since the statutory auditor is required to comment on the ICFR, he cannot be engaged in the preparation of the same 2. Is ICFR the responsibility of the management Yes, the preparation and documentation of the ICFR framework is to be done by the management to be able to assure the Board of Directors as well as the auditors and provide comfort in relation to the same 3. What are the elements of an ICFR template The ICFR template should cover all components of the operations of the enterprise that are likely to impact Financial Reporting. This would include the following aspects viewed on a multi-dimensional matrix of process, risks and controls 4. Is ICFR the responsibility of the management Yes, the preparation and documentation of the ICFR framework is to be done by the management to be able to assure the Board of Directors as well as the auditors and provide comfort in relation to the same 5. What are the elements of an ICFR template The ICFR template should cover all components of the operations of the enterprise that are likely to impact Financial Reporting. This would include the following aspects viewed on a multi-dimensional matrix of process, risks and controls • Revenue Cycle - order to cash • Purchases of Goods • Purchases of Services 36 CASC Bulletin, April 2015 • Banking and Treasury operations • Investments • Inventories • Employee costs • Fixed Assets • Advances and Borrowings • Direct and Indirect taxation The following are the essential elements of the ICFR template • Component • Process • Sub process • Risks • Risk family • Risk impacting ICFR • Control exists • Control description • Type of control - preventive / detective • Type of control - manual / automated • Testing plan • Frequency of testing • Result of testing • Remediation (The author is a member of the ICAI and can be contacted at Sripriya@spka.in) CASC Bulletin, April 2015 37 PROVISIONS RELATING TO ISSUE OF SHARE CERTIFICATES UNDER COMPANIES ACT 2013 Share Certificates which are duly issued and held in compliance with provisions of law are deemed to be evidence of title of the person to the shares contained therein. It is for this reason that share certificates assume significant importance. In the present write up, we have put forth the provisions relating to issue of Share Certificates as contained in the Companies Act, 2013(Act) read with the relevant draft rules. Share Certificate as Evidence of Title CS. S. DHANAPAL Section 46 of the Act contains that a certificate, issued under the common seal of the company, specifying the shares held by any person, shall be prima facie evidence of the title of the person to such shares. Further, where a share is held in depository form, the record of the depository is the prima facie evidence of the interest of the beneficial owner. Manner of Issuance of Share Certificates Irrespective of anything contained in the Articles of Association of the company, share certificates have to be issued in the manner prescribed below: Checks before Issue of Share Certificates • Share Certificates should be issued only pursuant to a resolution of the Board of Directors. • Letter of allotment or fractional coupons of requisite value needs to be surrendered to the company by the allottee except in cases of issues against letters of acceptance or of renunciation, or in cases of issue of bonus shares. • In case the letter of allotment is lost or destroyed, the Board may impose such reasonable terms, if any, as to seek supporting evidence and indemnity and the payment of out-of-pocket expenses incurred by the company in investigating evidence, as it may think fit. 38 CASC Bulletin, April 2015 Format of Share Certificate • Every certificate of share or shares shall be in Form SH.1 or as near thereto as possible and shall specify the name(s) of the person(s) in whose favor the certificate is issued, the shares to which it relates and the amount paid-up thereon. • Every Share Certificate has to be issued under the common seal of the company, which shall be affixed in presence of and signed by directors/authorised representatives in the manner prescribed below: One Person Company One Director OR One Person authorised by Board for this purpose + Company Secretary OR One Person authorised by Board for this purpose Other Companies (all companies other than One Person Company) 2 Directors duly authorised by the Board for the purpose, out of which one director shall be a director other than MD/WTD where the Board composition so permits + Company Secretary (in case of companies which have appointed a company Secretary) OR One Person authorised by Board for this purpose (in case of companies which have not appointed a Company Secretary) • Share certificates can be digitally signed by a director by electronic means or the signature of the director may be printed on the share certificate as a facsimile signature by means of any machine, equipment or other mechanical means such as engraving in metal or lithography, or digitally signed but not by means of a rubber stamp. The director concerned shall be personally responsible for permitting the affixation of his signature as aforesaid and the safe custody of any machine, equipment or other material used for the purpose. Entry in Register of Members • Particulars of every share certificate issued as above shall be entered in the Register of Members maintained in accordance with section 88 along with the name(s) of person(s) to whom it has been issued, indicating the date of issue. CASC Bulletin, April 2015 39 Issuance of Renewed / Duplicate Share Certificates Circumstances in which duplicate share certificate may be issued A duplicate certificate of shares may be issued, if— 1. Share certificate is proved to have been lost or destroyed; or 2. has been defaced, mutilated or torn or old, decrepit, worn out, or 3. where shares are sub-divided or consolidated, or 4. where the cages on the reverse for recording transfers have been duly utilized Manner of issuance of duplicate share certificates • • 40 Where original certificate is lost or destroyed – o Prior consent of Board to be obtained for issuance of duplicate share certificate. o Company to collect fees not exceeding rupees fifty per certificate and impose such reasonable terms, as the Board thinks fit, such as furnishing supporting evidence and indemnity and the payment of out-of-pocket expenses incurred by the company in investigating the evidence produced. o The words “Duplicate” and “duplicate issued in lieu of share certificate No......” to be stated prominently on the face of the share certificate and also recorded in the Register maintained for the purpose. In all other cases o The certificate in lieu of which a duplicate is required to be issued should be surrendered to the company. o The company may charge such fee as the Board thinks fit, not exceeding Rs. 50/- per certificate, issued on splitting or consolidation of share certificates or in replacement of share certificates that are defaced, mutilated, torn or old, decrepit or worn out. o The words “Issued in lieu of share certificate No..... sub-divided/replaced/on consolidation” shall be stated on the face of the duplicate share certificate and also recorded in the Register maintained for the purpose. o A company may replace all the existing certificates by new certificates upon sub-division or consolidation of shares or merger or demerger or any reconstitution without requiring old certificates to be surrendered subject to compliance with other rules discussed above. CASC Bulletin, April 2015 Register of Renewed and Duplicate Share Certificates • Register of renewed and duplicate share certificates to be maintained in Form No. SH.2, mentioning therein following details: o name(s) of the person(s) to whom the certificate is issued, o the number and date of issue of the share certificate in lieu of which the new certificate is issued, and o Necessary changes indicated in the Register of Members by suitable crossreferences in the “Remarks” column. • Such register shall be kept at the registered office of the company or at such other place where the Register of Members is kept. • The register shall be preserved permanently and shall be kept in the custody of the secretary of the company or any other person authorized by the Board for the purpose. • All entries made in the Register of Renewed and Duplicate Share Certificates shall be authenticated by the secretary or such other person as may be authorized by the Board for purposes of sealing and signing the share certificates. Time Limit for Issuance of Share Certificates • As per Section 56(4), every company shall, unless prohibited by any provision of law or any order of Court, Tribunal or other authority, deliver the certificates of all securities allotted, transferred or transmitted within the time lines mentioned below – On Incorporation - to subscribers to memorandum Within 2 months incorporation On allotment - to allottee Within 2 months from date of allotment On Transfer/Transmission - to transferee Within 1 month of date of receipt of instrument of transfer or intimation of transmission. Duplicate Share Certificate Unlisted Companies - Within 3 Months of submission of complete documents and details with the Company Listed Companies - Within 15 Days of submission of complete documents and details with the Company CASC Bulletin, April 2015 from date of 41 • Where the shares are dealt with in a depository, the company shall intimate the details of allotment of shares to depository immediately on allotment of such shares. Maintenance of Share Certificate Forms and Related Books and Documents • All blank forms to be used for issue of share certificates shall be printed and the printing shall be done only on the authority of a resolution of the Board. • The blank forms shall be consecutively machine-numbered and the forms and the blocks, engravings, facsimiles and hues relating to the printing of such forms shall be kept in the custody of the secretary or such other person as the Board may authorize for the purpose; and the secretary or other person aforesaid shall be responsible for rendering an account of these forms to the Board. • Maintenance, preservation and safe custody of all books and documents relating to the issue of share certificates, including the blank forms of share certificates shall be the responsibility of the committee of the Board, if so authorised by the Board or Company Secretary, where the company has a company secretary, otherwise a Director specifically authorized by the Board for such purpose (where the company has no company secretary). • All books referred as above shall be preserved in good order for not less than 30 years and is case of disputed cases shall be preserved permanently. • All certificates surrendered to a company shall immediately be defaced by stamping or printing the word “cancelled” in bold letters and may be destroyed after the expiry of 3 years from the date on which they are surrendered, under the authority of a resolution of the Board and in the presence of a person duly appointed by the Board in this behalf except in case of dematerialization of securities. Penalty for Fraudulent Issue of Share Certificates If a company with intent to defraud, issues a duplicate certificate of shares, the company shall be punishable with fine which shall not be less than five times the face value of the shares involved in the issue of the duplicate certificate but which may extend to ten times the face value of such shares or Rs. 10 Crores whichever is higher and every officer of the company who is in default shall be liable for action under section 447. (The author is a Chennai based Chartered Accountant and he can be reached at csdhanapal@gmail.com) 42 CASC Bulletin, April 2015 UNION BUDGET 2015 The most awaited full term Budget of the new Government, the Budget 2015 was introduced, Though a common man would not rate this budget as a good budget for the obvious reason of no increase in the basic tax slab, and with a criticism of “What is the use of increase in saving slabs?’ Where is the money to save? “. However we would rate it as a favorable budget to the economy in general, the Budget 2015 is welfareoriented, growth oriented and of course a friendly budget, because there are various schemes of social security, especially for the unorganized sector, and the enhancement of the limits for tax concessions will certainly be beneficial to the common man. Deep analysis from a professional perspective, one could affirmatively see a silver lining on it. Eradication of Wealth Tax A very welcome measure is the abolition of wealth tax. A few years back in 1998 the gift tax act was abolished however, the government found a method of introducing it into the income tax act by way of section 56. Similarly, the finance minister found a way of including wealth tax in the income tax act by increasing the rate of tax by 2% surcharge for super rich individuals and corporate. A good move to fetch Government Rs 9,000 cr against Rs 1,008 currently mobilised under wealth tax. Though a good initiative, does not give in a psychological satisfaction to the CASC Bulletin, April 2015 CA. Petchi Thangave & CA. Subashini Ganapathy tax payers as a good move since there were very few who were complying with this. Personal Taxation Finance Minister Arun Jaitley in his budget speech announced a slew of tax measures and personal savings schemes aimed at benefiting the taxpayer and common man. While tax exemption limits for various schemes were hiked, new methods to monetize gold were also announced. Let us take a look at the major takeaways for the Individual segment from Budget 2015. No change in basic tax rates, however surcharge has been increased to 12% from 10%, for individuals having income over 1 Crore. Thus, the Maximum Tax Rate for Individuals having Income over 1 Crore is 34.608%. The budget has brought in scope for tax saving through increase in the limit of savings for individual. 43 1) Tax exemptions: • The limit of reduction of health insurance premium was enhanced from Rs 15,000 to Rs 25,000. For senior citizens this limit has been increased from Rs 20,000 to Rs 30,000. • For senior citizen above the age of 80 years, not eligible to take health insurance, deduction is allowed for Rs 30,000 toward medical expenditure. Deduction limit of Rs 60,000 on expenditure on account of specified diseases is enhanced to Rs. 80,000 in the case of senior citizens. • Additional deduction of Rs 25,000 is allowed for differently-abled persons, increasing the limit from Rs 50,000 to Rs 75,000. It is also proposed to increase the limit of deduction from Rs 1 lakh to Rs 1.25 lakh in case of severe disability. • To provide that investment in Sukanya Samriddhi Scheme will be eligible for deduction under section 80C of the income-tax and the receipts from the scheme shall also not be liable to tax. • Limit on deduction on account of contribution to a pension fund and the new pension scheme is proposed to be increased from Rs 1 lakh to Rs 1.5 lakh. • Additional deduction of Rs 50,000 will be allowed for contribution to the new pension scheme U/s. 80 CCD increasing from Rs 1 lakh. 44 2) Transport allowance: The transport allowance for salaried, which currently stands at Rs 800 per month was increased to Rs 1,600 per month. 3) Universal Social Security System: proposal to create a universal social security system for all Indians, specially the poor and the underprivileged. Pradhan Mantri Suraksha Bima Yojana will be launched to cover accidental death risk of Rs 2 lakh for a premium of just Rs 12 per year. 4) For employees under EPF: The employee to be provided two options: (i) The employee may opt for EPF or the New Pension Scheme (NPS). (ii) For employees below a certain threshold of monthly income, contribution to EPF should be optional, without affecting or reducing the employer’s contribution. 5) With respect to ESI, the employee should have the option of choosing either ESI or a Health Insurance product, recognized by the Insurance Regulatory Development Authority IRDA). 6) Provision for document submission by employee to employer To allow certain deductions, exemptions, or set-off of certain losses, it is proposed to amend the provisions to provide that the employer shall obtain from the employees evidence / documentary proof in such form and manner as may be prescribed by the CBDT in due course CASC Bulletin, April 2015 7) Others • It is proposed to remove the requirement of obtaining a certificate from a Government doctor and now allows the deduction to the taxpayer on the basis of prescription, from a specialist doctor under section 80DDB. • Amendment in section 80DD and section 80U so as to raise the limit of deduction in respect of a person with a disability from Rs. 50,000 to Rs. 75,000. Also raised the limit of deduction in respect of a person with severe disability from Rs. 1 lakh to Rs. 1.25 lakhs. Corporate Taxation • No Change in the corporate tax rate (i,e) 30% tax rate continues. However increase in surcharge by another 2% for domestic companies, whose income exceeds 1 crore. Additional Surcharge of 2% is not applicable to foreign companies. • Increase in Dividend Distribution Tax (DDT) & Buyback of Shares, due to increase in surcharge by 2%. • The threshold for specified domestic transactions in order to attract transfer pricing provisions has been increased from 5 crore to INR 20 crore CASC Bulletin, April 2015 1. Indirect Transfer Provision Presently there is no specific limit or specific provision to tax indirect transfer of shares of an Indian company by non-resident (Vodafone case). The foreign company shall be deemed to derive its value substantially from Indian assets if the FMV of Indian assets represent at least 50 per cent of value of all the assets owned by such foreign company or entity, subject to minimum value of Indian assets of INR 10 crore. Indian assets include both tangible and intangible assets as per specified valuation as on date i.e 31 March or accounting year end date, preceding the date of transfer. In case of increase in book value of the assets between balance sheet date and date of transfer, by 15% or more, then valuation date would be date of transfer. Further, Capital gains tax would be proportional to the value of assets located in India. 2. Tax Sops for AP and Telangana Additional Investment Allowance for manufacturing units in the State of Andhra Pradesh and the State of Telangana will lend great support towards the development of the two States. A new section 32AD is proposed to be inserted to provide for additional investment allowance of an amount equal to 15% of the cost of new asset acquired and installed by an assessee, if— 45 (a) it sets up an undertaking or enterprise for manufacture or production of any article or thing on or after 1st April, 2015 in any notified backward areas in the State of Andhra Pradesh and the State of Telangana; and (b) the new assets are acquired and installed for the purposes of the said undertaking or enterprise during the period beginning from the 1st April, 2015 to 31st March, 2020. This deduction shall be available over and above the existing deduction available under section 32AC of the Act. Additionally, in order to encourage the acquisition and installation of plant and machinery for setting up of manufacturing units in the notified backward area in the State of Andhra Pradesh or the State of Telangana, it is proposed to allow higher additional depreciation at the rate of 35% (instead of 20%) in respect of the actual cost of new machinery or plant (other than a ship and aircraft) acquired and installed by a manufacturing undertaking or enterprise which is set up in the notified backward area of the State of Andhra Pradesh or the State of Telangana on or after the 1st day of April, 2015. 46 3. Clarification amendment additional depreciation for Another welcome measure, to put an end for lot of pending cases at various levels in the matter of allowing additional depreciation under section 32(1)(iia) on plant or machinery, it is proposed to provide that the balance 50% of the additional depreciation on new plant or machinery acquired and used for less than 180 days which has not been allowed in the year of acquisition and installation of such plant or machinery, shall be allowed in the immediately succeeding previous year. 4. General Anti Avoidance Rules (‘GAAR’) GAAR postponed for next 2 years so as to implement it as part of a comprehensive regime to deal with OECD’s BEPS project of which India is an active participant. Importantly, it has been clarified that GAAR would apply prospectively to investments made on or after April 1, 2017. 5. Place of Effective Management (PoEM) introduced To control the creation of shell companies which are incorporated outside India but controlled from India, the concept of Place of Effective Management (‘POEM’) is now being introduced. PoEM is an internationally recognized concept and accepted even by the OECD CASC Bulletin, April 2015 6. Deduction under section 80G 100% deduction for donation to ‘Swachh Bharat Kosh’ and Clean Ganga Fund – only by resident donor. The amendment shall retrospectively apply from Assessment Year 2015-16, but would not include the amount spent in pursuance of Corporate Social Responsibility under the Companies Act. 7. Rationalizing MAT provisions • MAT provision will not be applicable to Capital Gains income of FPIs • Company’s share of income from AOP is exempted As per MAT provisions, a company which is a member of an association of persons or body of individuals is liable to MAT on its share of income even if no income tax is payable on the same under the normal provisions. Presently it is proposed to amend MAT provisions to provide that the company’s share of income credited to its profit and loss account (on which no income tax is payable as per normal provisions), shall be reduced from the book profits for the purposes of MAT provisions. Accordingly, the book profits shall be increased by the amount of expenditure relatable to that income. CASC Bulletin, April 2015 8. Deduction for employment of New workmen There is a special deduction of 30% of additional wages which is paid to new regular workmen employed by Indian company in such factory for 3 years. Additional wages means a wages paid to new regular workmen in excess of 100 regular workmen employed during the year. Proposed to extend this benefit to units employing even 50 regular workmen. Assessments 1. Two additional benches created in Authority for Advance Rulings (Income Tax) – one in New Delhi and one in Mumbai 2. Section 139 – Return of income Universities, educational institutions, hospitals and other institutions for medical treatment which are substantially financed by government will now be mandatorily required to file return of income 3. Clarification on search and seizure assessment In case of search and seizure assessment, if any books of account or documents (seized or requisitioned) pertain to any person other than the person being assessed, then such other person can also be assessed by the jurisdictional Assessing Officer. (Earlier it was only money, bullion, or Jewelry) 47 4. Provisions to avoid repetitive appeals A new section is introduced to provide that where a question of law arising in case of an assessee for any assessment year is identical to the one pending before the Supreme Court for another assessment year for the same assessee by the revenue. Earlier appealing before High Court for block years by department is not allowed, presently it is allowed. 5. Levy of interest for default in payment of advance tax It is proposed to amend the period for which interest is payable under section 234B in case of reassessments so as to align it with the objective of the section. Accordingly, the period for which the interest is to be computed will begin from the 1st day of the assessment year to the date of the reassessment order. 6. Expansion in ambit of appeals to Income Tax Appellate Tribunal Now appeal can be filed before Tribunal against an order passed by the prescribed authority (Chief Commissioner and Director General) with respect to exemption to any university or other educational institution existing solely for educational purposes, and any hospital or other institution existing solely for philanthropic purposes 7. Clarification on search and seizure assessment In case of search and seizure assessment, if any books of account or 48 documents (seized or requisitioned) pertain to any person other than the person being assessed, then such other person can also be assessed by the jurisdictional Assessing Officer 8. Expansion of revisionary jurisdiction Expressly clarified that the revisionary proceedings can be initiated in case the Commissioner is satisfied that the Assessing Officer’s order has been passed - Without making inquiries or verification, Allowing relief without inquiring into the claim, Not in accordance with any order, direction or instruction issued by the CBDT, Not in accordance with any decision of the jurisdictional High Court or Supreme Court which is prejudicial to the assessee. 9. Accountants not to issue reports / certificates in certain circumstances This is a welcome move by the finance ministry in terms of the related party, to be in line with the Companies Act, 1956. • Proposed that except for the purpose of representing the assessee before any tax authority, a chartered accountant cannot act as accountant for an assessee if he is related to the assessee. • The meaning of related party for different classes of the assessee has been defined separately. This provision has been inserted to ensure the independence of the auditor. CASC Bulletin, April 2015 • A person who has been convicted by a court for an offence involving fraud will be disqualified to act as an Authorised Representative for a period of ten years from the date of conviction. (Note: Extract of memorandum bill 2015 “It is further proposed to provide that the person convicted by a court of an offence involving fraud shall not be eligible to act as authorised representative for a period of 10 years from the date of such conviction. (It is also proposed to revise the definition of ‘accountant’ in Explanation below section 288(2) of the Act on the lines of definition of ‘chartered accountant’ in the Companies Act, 2013)). 10. Rationalisation of provisions on Settlement Commission: individual, company, firm, AOP and HUF has been defined separately. • An offender under the proposed Bill on Black Money will not be allowed to approach Settlement Commission. Withholding Tax • To implement and promote the Make – in – India concept, and also to welcome the technical expertise around the world and to encourage improvement, Proposed to reduce the rate of tax on royalty and fees for technical services earned by non-residents, from 25% to 10%. • Proposed that in case of premature withdrawals of INR 30,000 or more, where employers manage their own private provident fund trust, tax will be withheld @ 10%. If PAN is not furnished by the employee, tax will be withheld at maximum marginal rate with effect from June 1, 2015. • Proposed to exempt only small transport operators (who owns less than 10 goods carriage at any time during the previous year) from the purview of withholding tax – effective from 1st June 2015. Also, the transporter has to provide a declaration that he was not owning more than 10 vehicles at any point of time for nondeduction of TDS. Settlement commission, in common parlance is meant for one – time – Settlement and this is clearly defined here. • If a reassessment notice has been issued for any one year, an assessee can approach Settlement Commission for other assessment years involving similar issue relating to escapement of income provided that a valid return of income has been furnished. • If an assessee has already approached the Settlement Commission, certain related persons will not be allowed to file settlement application. The meaning of related person for CASC Bulletin, April 2015 49 • • Proposed that TDS shall be applicable on interest paid on time deposit by co-operative bank to its members • Proposed to extend the concessional rate of 5 per cent for TDS on interest on debt investments by foreign investors by two years (up to July 1, 2017) • Entities which have adopted core banking solution, TDS on interest should be computed on the interest paid at the entity level (and not at a branch level) • Proposed that TDS shall be applicable for the interest payments to foreign bank by its Indian branches (banking company) • It is proposed to insert provisions to enable correction in and processing of TCS statements on same lines as TDS. It is also clarified that the intimation generated on processing TCS statements will be regarded as a notice of demand and will also be subject to rectification and appeal. • 50 Proposed that TDS shall be applicable only on payment (and not accrual) of interest on compensation awarded by Motor Accident Claim Tribunal In case interest is charged for any period on the tax amount specified in the intimation, it is clarified that no interest would be charged under section 220(2) on the same amount for the same period. • Interest U/s. 234E is applicable while filing the return – Effective from 1st June 2015 • For TCS transaction filing of etds return is mandatory • To reduce the compliance burden of obtaining TAN for certain types of deductors – TAN shall not apply to the deductors or collectors as may be notified by the central Government – Effective from 1st June 2015 Other Amendments 1. Charitable Trust The definition of charitable purpose has been expanded to include ‘yoga’. Aggregate receipts from other trading activities should not exceed 20% of the total receipts (earlier 25 lakhs) of the charitable institution during the year. Benefit of income accumulation for future will be available only if both, the return of income and Form No. 10 are filed within the due date of filing original return of income. 2. Reporting of payments to nonresidents Any payment to non-resident shall be under obligation to report by the payer in specific information in the prescribed form (whether or not such payment is chargeable to tax). 3. Procedure for giving foreign tax credit Proposed to grant powers to the CBDT to lay down the procedure for granting CASC Bulletin, April 2015 relief of any tax paid by Indian residents in any foreign country or specified territory. This is a welcome measure to easily avail the benefit under the DTAA. 4. Tax implications on migration to Business Trust (‘BT’) As a boost to setting up of BT, it is proposed that the gains arising on transfer of Swap Units of BT would be exempt from tax in case of long term capital gains and would be subject to concessional tax rate of 15% in case of short term capital gains. This capital gains tax treatment would be available at the time of IPO or subsequent sale on stock exchange (subject to levy of STT). Minimum alternate tax (‘MAT’) would continue to apply to holding companies on gains arising from swap of shares of the SPV for units of the BT. No capital gains tax exemption would be available on swap of other assets with units of BT 5. Consolidation of mutual fund schemes Proposed to provide tax neutrality to unit holders upon consolidation or merger of mutual fund schemes i.e. consolidation shall not be regarded as a taxable event in the hands of the unit holders. This will take effect from 1st April 2016. 6. Tax exemption for Core Settlement Guarantee Fund CASC Bulletin, April 2015 With the insertion of Sub Section (23 ED) under section 10, there is one more clause inserted (23 EE) to tax the share in the fund issued to the beneficiaries of the fund being set up as the Core Settlement Guarantee Fund by a Clearing Corporation according to the regulations set up by the Central government. This will take effect from 1st April 2016. 7. Intended ‘safe harbour’ rules for fund managers : To invite Venture Capital Investments and to facilitate their operations, the Finance Act allows a fund manager to sit and function in India without becoming a Permanent Establishment in India, provided He fulfills certain conditions prescribed and according to the definitions given for the terms “associate”, Corpus, “Connected Persons”, “entity”, and “ specified Regulations”. This section will be applicable notwithstanding the provisions in section 6 and section 9 for residential status and accrued Income respectively and the computation of total income shall not change because of the presence of the fund manager in India and there shall be no Business connection in this regard, provided he complies with all the conditions and submits a report on the activities of the fund to the assessing officer within 90 days from the end of the financial year. This will take effect from 1st April 2016. 51 8. Transfer of shares in amalgamation and demerger: (section 47) It is proposed that the transfer of shares of a foreign company which basically derives its value from the Indian Company to another foreign company by amalgamation / demerger shall not be considered as transfer notwithstanding the conditions laid down in section 9 provided certain conditions are fulfilled. This amendment shall take effect from 1st April 2016. 9. Rental income earned by Real Estate Investment Trusts (‘REITs’) Considering the state of Real Estate Market in India, to promote and support the Real Estate Trusts, the rental revenue received by such registered Trusts from the properties owned by the trusts by renting/ leasing or letting out, shall be exempt in the hands of such trusts with the insertion of sub section (23 FCA). Proposed to be provided to REITs in respect of income earned from renting, leasing or letting out any real estate asset owned directly by the REITs. Therefore, the rental income would be exempt in the hands of REITs. On distribution of rental income, REITs would now be required to deduct tax at source at 10% in case of resident unit holders and at the applicable tax rates in case of payment to non-residents. Tax would not be required to be deducted at source under section 194-I by the tenants on payment of rental income to the REITs. 52 10. Measures to Curb Black Money Proposed to introduce Bill on Black Money. To curb generation of black money, any sum of money receivable or payable in relation to transfer of immovable property exceeding rupees twenty thousand, is proposed to be covered under section 269SS and 269T. Offence of making false declaration/documents in the transaction of any business relating to Customs (section 132 of the Customs Act) to be predicate offence under PMLA to curb trade based money laundering Concealment of income will attract 10 years of rigorous imprisonment and strict penalties up to 300%. PAN to be quoted for all purchases above 1 lakhs. I would conclude by saying that there may not be much apparent benefit available to many, but it is an appreciable start to “Make in India” concept, since it channelizes funds to infrastructure sectors and provides a road map for GST in line with International Standards, and has clearly announced about the non – implementation of the Direct Tax Code by merging the required, relevant provisions in the existing Income Tax Act to keep it in line with the International Standards. (The authors are Chennai based Chartered Accountants and they can be reach at and capetchit@gmail.com subashiniassociates @gmail.com respectively) CASC Bulletin, April 2015 November 21, 2014 Credit Card in the name of RBI : RBI cautions Once More about the Newest Kind of Fraud perpetrated in its Name The Reserve Bank of India today issued one more alert to the public about the newest form of fraud perpetrated in its name - a credit card issued by fraudsters in the name of the Reserve Bank. Explaining the modus operandi, the Reserve Bank stated that the gullible member of the public is sent a credit card which allows withdrawal of money up to a certain limit, albeit a small sum, from a bank account. Having gained the confidence of the victim thus, the fraudster gets him to deposit a huge sum of money in the same bank account. Once the money is deposited, the card stops working and that would also be the last time the holder of the card (victim) would hear from the fraudster. Warning against such efforts, the Reserve Bank has reiterated that as India’s central bank, it does not carry out any business with an individual, whether through savings bank account, current bank account, credit card, debit card, online banking services or receiving and holding funds in foreign exchange or any other form of banking services. The Reserve Bank has listed out the other kind of prevalent frauds, such as: i) Fictitious offers of large sum of money/lottery winnings by email or through phone calls by posing as RBI official. ii) Fake Reserve Bank website for online transactions iii) Luring members of public to secure their bank accounts against such frauds by asking them to share the bank account details, including user id/password, through an email or by clicking on a link given in email. iv) Offer of employment in the Reserve Bank through email The Reserve Bank has also stated that fictitious offers are also made in the name of other public institutions, such as, International Monetary Fund (IMF), Income Tax authorities, Customs authorities or public figures like Governor, Dr. Raghuram Rajan or other senior RBI officials. CASC Bulletin, April 2015 53 The Reserve Bank has pointed out that once the moneys are paid in fraudsters’ accounts, there are remote chances of the members of public recovering the moneys. The Reserve Bank has once again cautioned members of public that falling prey to such offers can result in compromising one’s own crucial personal information that may be misused to cause direct financial and other loss to them. They, in their own interest, should refrain from responding to such offers in any manner. Rather, they should immediately lodge a complaint with Cyber Crime branch of the Police, the contact details of which are available in the Reserve Bank’s press release issued earlier (Complain to Local Police/ Cyber Crime Authorities against Fictitious Offers of Money from Abroad). Press Release: 2014-2015/1046 Alpana Killawala Principal Chief General Manager Related Press Releases / Notifications • May 26, 2014 RBI warns about Fake Website in its Name • Oct 15, 2012 RBI cautions Public Not to respond to Phishing Mail sent in its Name • Sep 14 2012 Do not respond to Mails asking for your Internet Banking Account Details : RBI Cautions Public • May 21, 2012 RBI warning on phishing mail • Feb 06, 2012 RBI cautions Public Once Again against Fictitious Offers • Jan 10, 2012 Complain to Local Police/Cyber Crime Authorities against Fictitious Offers of Money from Abroad • Apr 05, 2011 RBI Never asks for Your Bank Account Details • Feb 15, 2011 Do Not Pay Money to receive Large Funds from Abroad : RBI Advisory • May 28, 2010 Do Not fall Prey to Fictitious Offers of Funds Transfer: RBI Advisory • May 26, 2010 Remittance towards participation in lottery, money circulation schemes, other fictitious offers of cheap funds, etc. • Jul 30, 2009 Beware of Fictitious Offers/Lottery Winnings/Cheap Fund Offers: RBI • Aug 12, 2008 RBI cautions Public against Fictitious offers of Remitting cheap funds from abroad • Dec 07, 2007 RBI cautions Public against Fictitious Offers of Remitting Cheap Funds from Abroad 54 CASC Bulletin, April 2015
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