CaseBank: Cases Added - May 2015 (sorted by Court) SENTENCING MISC - SENTENCING FEES/ASSESSMENTS - PENALTY ASSESSMENTS APPLY TO DRUG LAB FINE - NOT Penalty assessments are NOT to added to drug lab and drug programs fees under H&S 11372.5 and 11372.7. MOORE P. v. () 5/1/2015 SUPP JUVENILE MISC - JUVENILE INSTRUCTIONS/ELEMENT ROBBERY / ASSAULTIVE S DOMESTIC VIOLENCE - CRIMES 273.5 PC - 273.5(e)(1) - PRIOR OFFENSE A prior DV conviction results in more serious punishment for PC 273.5 charge under PC 273.5(f). HELD: a STIP to the prior requires a full Boykin-Tahl waiver. This more than just stipping to one element. This is analogous to admitting to an enhancement. CROSS P. v. () 5/18/2015 CAL JUVENILE INCOMPETENT MINORS - 709 W&I - MINOR HAS BURDEN Minor seeks finding of INCOMPETENCE under W&I 709. HELD: minor has the burden of proof. R. V. In Re () 5/18/2015 CAL MISCELLANEOUS RETROACTIVE In late 80's, DDA twice dismissed a murder case against def due to witness problems. Years later PC 1387's two-bite rule became a three-bite rule. DDA re-files and proves an earlier dismissal was excusable neglect. HELD: No. Using STOGNER reasoning, once case is dead, it can't be saved by new statute. TRUJEQUE P. v. () 5/28/2015 CAL REPRESENTATION ISSUES Pro Per def loses his library privileges in jail. He then asks for, and gets, atty. On appeal, he claims he was FORCED into asking for atty. HELD: record does not support def's claim. Opinion never says what to do in this situation if def insisted on staying pro per. TRUJEQUE P. v. () 5/28/2015 CAL MISC - DEF'S STATEMENTS While a pro per, def writes the D.A. a letter fully confessing to multiple murders and asks for the death penalty. At trial, def atty objects. HELD: letter can be used as evid, BUT, court should redact irrelevant and/or PC 352 material. TRUJEQUE P. v. () 5/28/2015 CAL SENTENCING RE-SENTENCE - 47 & 36 WITNESS ISSUES WITNESS TAKING FIFTH - INVOKES AS TO TOPIC A, BUT NOT TOPIC B Witness has relevant information on topics A B and C. Witness takes the fifth. Only topic A potentially exposes witness to prosecution. Can witness be make to answer questions re: topics B and C? YES. TRUJEQUE P. v. () 5/28/2015 CAL 6: MISC JUDICIAL ESTOPPEL - ASKING FOR CONTINUANCE PAST A DEADLINE Near the end of def's probation period, DDA seeks to modify restitution order. Def asks for continuance of hearing to date after probation period ends. Court agrees. HELD: Def is ESTOPPED from asserting court lost jurisdiction. FORD P. v. () 5/28/2015 CAL SENTENCING PROP 36 - DANGEROUSNESS - NO RIGHT TO JURY Def has no right to jury trial on issue of his DANGEROUSNESS when he requests a Prop 36 - 3 strike resentencing. LOPEZ P. v. () 5/4/2015 In late 60's, def was convicted by JUVI referee of manslaughter, and THEN found unfit and convicted again in adult court of 187. This common practice was found to violate double jeopardy and statute was changed. HELD: Def's adult conviction CANNOT be used as a prior 187 spec circ when def commits new murder. TRUJEQUE P. v. () 5/28/2015 CAL MISCELLANEOUS DEF'S STATEMENTS WHILE PRO PER SPECIAL CIRCUMSTANCES PRIOR MURDER CONVICTION - COLLATERAL ATTACKS ON CONVICTION TRIAL PRO PER - REQUEST TO UNDO FARETTA - AMBIGUOUS DEFENDANT'S STATEMENTS INCOMPETENT MINORS - 709 W&I - APPELLATE REVIEW ONLY evidence presented at minor's W&I 709 hearing re: COMPETENCE was single doctor's report concluding minor was NOT competent. Court found him competent. DCA affirmed. Supremes REVERSE. Standard is "substantial evidence" and it is not present. R. V. In Re () 5/18/2015 CAL D. P. / SPEC. CIRC. EX POST FACTO - PC 1387 TWO-BITE RULE - CHANGE TO 3-BITES MOTIONS MISC - JUVENILE RE-SENTENCE - 47 & 36 PROP 36 - DANGEROUSNESS - PROP 47's DEFINITION OF Prop 47 "dangerousness" does NOT apply to Prop 36 "dangerousness". The word "code" was a drafting error. It should be read as "act". LOPEZ P. v. () 5/4/2015 6: CaseBank: Cases Added - May 2015 (sorted by Court) SENTENCING RE-SENTENCE - 47 & 36 SENTENCING RE-SENTENCE - 47 & 36 PROP 36 - ELIGIBILITY - ELIGIBLE ON SOME COUNTS, NOT OTHERS Def is serving TWO 3-strike sentences, one for a SERIOUS felony, and one for NON-SERIOUS felony. HELD: def is NOT eligible for a Prop 36 resentencing. DENIZE P. v. () 5/13/2015 PAROLE 6: PAROLE DECISIONS PROP 36 - PROCEDURE - DEF'S RIGHT TO ATTY Def's petition for Prop 36 resentencing is summarily denied since he is ineligible. Def appeals asserting he had right to atty to present his petition. HELD: no right to atty. DENIZE P. v. () 5/13/2015 SENTENCING PAROLE DECISIONS - REMEDY UPON JUDICIAL REVERSAL Bd grants parole. Governor Reverses Bd. Court Reverses Governor and orders def RELEASED w/in 5 days. HELD: WRONG REMEDY. Must remand to Bd. (this case: def commits misconduct in prison a few days after court ruling.) SENA In Re () 5/19/2015 6: INSTRUCTIONS/ELEMENT S MENTAL DEFENSES UNCONSCIOUSNESS Evidence that def had a GLAZED LOOK on his face when he shot, and that she stared blankly in to space when first responders tried to talk to her supported the giving of UNCONSCIOUS instruction. GANA P. v. () 5/5/2015 4:3 SENTENCING MISC - SENTENCING DOMESTIC VIOLENCE - PROTECTIVE ORDERS False Imprisonment of spouse qualified as "abuse" against spouse under PC 136.2(i) and therefore, court had authority to impose a Post-release Protective Order. THERMAN P. v. () 5/20/2015 3: SENTENCING RESTITUTION 654 GENERALLY - DISMISS NOT, ONLY STAY PUNISHMENT Trial court uses the VARGAS 3-strike case (two PC 654 crimes can't be used as two strikes) to DISMISS a crime that was PC 654 to other crime. REVERSED. --- The only option is to STAY the punishment. ALEJANDRO B. In Re () 5/7/2015 5: EVIDENCE 352 / RELEVANCE DUI SURVIVOR STORIES TOLD TO DEF - WATSON MURDER CASE In WATSON murder case, court permitted jury to hear DETAILS of what def heard in his prior DUI classes from the actual DUIsurvivors that presented their stories to the def. DCA finds that this was ERROR under PC 352. (But harmless.) CORVARRUBIAS P. v. () 5/12/2015 4:1 INSTRUCTIONS/ELEMENT PRIORS S SERIOUS FELONY - 667 PC - BROUGHT AND TRIED SEPARATELY Def has two convictions for serious felonies that were charged in the same complaint and pled to on the same day. (i.e. not brought and tried separately.) Court convicted def of TWO 667(a) priors and stayed punishment of one under PC 654. REVERSED. Only ONE can qualify under the terms of 667(a). JONES P. v. () 5/21/2015 3: JUVENILE MISC - JUVENILE GENERALLY - ADDING RESTITUTION AFTER SENTENCING At sentencing, DDA fails to seek a particular item of restitution. Victim, later, asks court (through DDA) to modify the restitution order. HELD: Victim is not bound by DDA's original mistake. Court has juris to modify order. --- DDA also cannot plea bargain away a victim's right to restitution. PIERCE P. v. () 3/6/2015 3: MOTIONS REPRESENTATION ISSUES PRO PER - DUTY TO REVOKE ?? Def appeals asserting it was ERROR for trial court to (1) grant him Pro Per status in the first place; and (2) failing to REVOKE it, due to def's mental health issues. HELD: Trial court not of aware of def's issue until mid-trial, AND, def was able to do credible job representing himself. MIRANDA P. v. () 5/13/2015 2:8 6: RECORDS - SEALING OF - 781 W&I Def seeks sealing of his Juvi records under W&I 781(a). Def was eligible, but court was not satisfied his rehabilitation was complete. HELD: was proper for the court to consider the seriousness of the juvi crimes. -- REHABILITATION is NOT a vague term. J. W. In Re () 5/6/2015 2:8 MOTIONS BAIL / OR BAIL FORFEITURE - DEF FOUND IN FOREIGN COUNTRY Def FTA's. Bail revoked. Def found in Mexico. 180-day period runs out while D.A.'s office is pondering its extradition decision. Bail Bond seeks a tolling of 180-day period during D.A.'s deliberation period. HELD: No statutory authority for such tolling. TINGCUNGCO P. v. () 5/29/2015 2:8 CaseBank: Cases Added - May 2015 (sorted by Court) INSTRUCTIONS/ELEMENT HOMICIDE S MALICE (IMPLIED) - BRANDISHING LOADED GUN While under influence of drugs/alcohol, def brandishes a loaded gun (takes off the safety) at best friend, fires one shot, and kills him. HELD: sufficient evid for IMPLIED MALICE notwithstanding lack of any evidence of motive. McNALLY P. v. () 5/21/2015 2:6 TRIAL JUROR/VERDICT ISSUES JUROR ADDRESSES Juror X is excused during deliberations for misconduct. After verdict, X tells defense of misbehavior by foreperson that told the judge about him. Def request for juror addresses DENIED. UPHELD: Deliberation started anew once X left. X knows nothing of "real" deliberations. (X not trustworthy) McNALLY P. v. () 5/21/2015 2:6 APPELLATE ISSUES MISC APPELLATE ISSUES TRIAL MISC - TRIAL MISTRIAL - AVOIDING BY CURING NO-NO'S BY ADMONITION After 402 motion, recording of def's police statement is redacted under PC 352. By mistake, unredated version is played to jury. Jury is told to disregard EVERYTHING they just heard. Then the redacted version is played. HELD: Mistrial properly denied. Remedy was adequate. McNALLY P. v. () 5/21/2015 2:6 INSTRUCTIONS/ELEMENT S Just because H&S 11357(b) is an infraction, and juries don't decide infractions, is NOT a reason to not give 11357(b) as a lesser under appropriate facts. WALKER P. v. () 5/27/2015 SENTENCING INVITED ERROR - MUST HAVE TACTICAL MOTIVATION Not objecting, or even agreeing with court's incorrect legal reasoning, is NOT invited error. The def atty must have had a TACTICAL reason for what he/she did or didn't do. WALKER P. v. () 5/27/2015 2:1 INSTRUCTIONS/ELEMENT GENERALLY S CALCRIM - 361 - DEF'S FAILURE TO EXPLAIN OR DENY CALCRIM 361 - Def's failure to explain something during his testimony - is NOT unconstitutional, and was appropriate on the facts of this case. VEGA P. v. () 5/1/2015 MISCELLANEOUS 1:4 ATTY ETHICS Def atty represents def in successful Habeas that resulted in Parole Bd. changing their procedures for all future defendants. Atty seeks fees under CCP 1021.5 of $439,421.65. HELD: Yes, atty is entitled to fees under 1021.5. Amount sought is TOO HIGH. -- (correct amount to be decided later) BUTLER In Re () 5/15/2015 1:2 INSTRUCTIONS/ELEMENT GENERALLY S CONSPIRACY - CO-CONSPIRATORS NOT FRIENDS, JUST "BUSINESS" Drug suppliers, middlemen, and sellers can be participants in a Drug Conspiracy even if their relationship is not "exclusive". VEGA-ROBLES P. v. () 5/7/2015 1:1 2:1 MISC - SENTENCING CONSEC - PRISON CRIMES - LIFERS Def serving life sentence when he commits crime in prison. Per PC 1170.1(c), the new sentence runs CONSEC from the date def is GRANTED PAROLE. Not from the date def first becomes eligible for parole. COLEMAN In Re () 5/14/2015 1:5 INSTRUCTIONS/ELEMENT HOMICIDE S FELONY 187 - AIDING 211 POST KILL, PRE 211 COMPLETION Court had SUA SPONTE duty to modify CALCRIM felony-murder instructions to make clear that an Aid/Abettor who joins Robbery AFTER the KILLIING is NOT liable for felony-murder. HILL P. v. () 4/16/2015 1:2 SENTENCING ATTY FEES UNDER CCP 1021.5 - SUCCESSFUL HABEAS ATTY LESSERS GENERALLY - INFRACTION AS A LESSER RE-SENTENCE - 47 & 36 PROP 47 - ELIGIBILITY - EFFECT OF PAST PLEA BARGAIN Fact that def avoided a more serious charge by making a plea bargain does NOT make def ineligible for Prop 47 relief based on the charge he was convicted of. T. W. def v. SUP 4/21/2015 1:1 CT INSTRUCTIONS/ELEMENT ENHANCEMENTS S GANG - 186.22 PC - BENEFIT OF - DEF IS NOT A GANG MEMBER Def is NOT a gang member, but he uses Gang X to market his drugs. Therefore, crime that benefited Def's drug conspiracy ALSO benefited Gang X. Therefore, Gang Enhancement applied under PC PC 186.22(b). VEGA-ROBLES P. v. () 5/7/2015 1:1 CaseBank: Cases Added - May 2015 (sorted by Court) MOTIONS DOUBLE JEOPARDY TRIAL FED CONVICTION / STATE PROSECUTION - 656 PC Def convicted of FEDERAL crime of WIRE FRAUD for use of phone to commit drug crime. HELD: Double Jeopardy (even under Calif rules) does NOT prevent Calif prosecution for Drug Conspiracy that involved many MORE acts than one involved in FED case. VEGA-ROBLES P. v. () 5/7/2015 1:1 SENTENCING PROBATION TERMS - NO "x" - NEED TO INSERT "KNOWINGLY" (NOT ALWAYS) Def's probation terms simply said don't possess guns; don't possess drugs. HELD: this is adequate. No need to insert "knowingly" into every term even if knowledge must be shown before a V/P can be sustained. HALL P. v. () 5/15/2015 1:1 ARGUMENT DDA NO-NO - IMPERFECT SELF-DEFENSE IS A "LOOPHOLE" In closing argument, DDA referred to Imperfect Self-Defense as LOOPHOLE that would permit def to escape responsibility. HELD: this was MISCONDUCT, but harmless. PEAU P. v. () 5/7/2015 1:1
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