CASEY BRIENZA CITY UNIVERSITY LONDON DEPARTMENT OF SOCIOLOGY (from 9/1/2015) NORTHAMPTON SQUARE LONDON, EC1V 0HB CASEY.BRIENZA.1@CITY.AC.UK +44 (0)20 7040 8531 @CASEYBRIENZA WWW.CASEYBRIENZA.COM EMPLOYMENT 2013– Lecturer, Department of Sociology and Centre for Cultural and Creative Industries, City University London (full time, permanent) EDUCATION 2009–2013 2007–2009 2000–2003 AREAS OF Ph.D. in Sociology, University of Cambridge M.A. in Media, Culture, and Communication, New York University A.B. magna cum laude in Asian Studies and English, Mount Holyoke College INTEREST Culture; East Asia; Media and Communication; Qualitative Methods; Social Theory; Transnational/Global Sociology; Work and Occupations MONOGRAPH 2016 Manga in America: Transnational Book Publishing and the Domestication of Japanese Comics. London: Bloomsbury. (in production for January release) EDITED COLLECTIONS (*denotes graduate student co-editor) Under contract Brienza, Casey and Paddy Johnston*, eds. Cultures of Comics Work. London: Palgrave Macmillan. (manuscript due on September 15, 2015) 2015 Global Manga: “Japanese” Comics without Japan? Farnham: Ashgate. JOURNAL ARTICLES 2015 “Publishing between Profit and Public Value: Academic Books and Open Access Policies in the United Kingdom.” In “Books and Publishing in the Digital Age,” special issue, Northern Lights: Film and Media Studies Yearbook 13 (1). (in press) 2015 “Activism, Legitimation, or Record: Towards a New Tripartite Typology of Academic Journals.” Journal of Scholarly Publishing 46 (2): 141–157. • Featured Article in Informed Librarian Online, April 2015 2014 “Did Manga Conquer America? Implications for the Cultural Policy of ‘Cool Japan’.” International Journal of Cultural Policy 20 (4): 383–398. 2014 “Sociological Perspectives on Japanese Manga in America.” Sociology Compass 8 (5): 468–477. LAST UPDATED: JULY 2, 2015 CURRICULUM VITAE (W E B V E R S I O N) PAGE 2 OF 2013 “Remembering the Future: Cartooning Alternative Life Courses in Up and Future Lovers.” The Journal of Popular Culture 46 (2): 299–314. 2012 “Taking Otaku Theory Overseas: Comics Studies and Japan's Theorists of Postmodern Cultural Consumption.” In “From Akira to Žižek: Comics and Contemporary Cultural Theory,” edited by Tony Venezia, special issue, Studies in Comics 3 (2): 213–229. [LEAD ARTICLE] 2012 “Opening the Wrong Gate? The Academic Spring and Scholarly Publishing in the Humanities and Social Sciences.” Publishing Research Quarterly 28 (3): 159–171. [LEAD ARTICLE] 2011 “Manga Is for Girls: American Publishing Houses and the Localization of Japanese Comic Books.” Logos: Journal of the World Publishing Community 22 (4): 41–53. 14 • Winner of the Japan-U.S. Communication Association Top Student Paper Award, 2009 2010 “Producing Comics Culture: A Sociological Approach to the Study of Comics.” Journal of Graphic Novels and Comics 1 (2): 105–119. • Featured in the open access Routledge Comic Book & Graphic Novel Collection, March–August 2015 • #1 Most Read Article in journal according to Taylor & Francis Online, 2011– 2013; #2-3 Most Read Article, 2014– 2009 “Books, Not Comics: Publishing Fields, Globalization, and Japanese Manga in the United States.” Publishing Research Quarterly 25 (2): 101–117. 2009 “Paratexts in Translation: Reinterpreting ‘Manga’ for the United States.” The International Journal of the Book 6 (2): 13–20. BOOK CHAPTERS (*denotes graduate student co-author/editor) Under contract “Lost in Translation: Cool Japan and the Limits of Pop Cultural Policy.” In The Routledge Companion to Global Cultural Policy, edited by Dave O’Brien, Toby Miller, and Victoria Durrer. London: Routledge. (proposal accepted on June 2, 2015; due on November 2, 2015) Under contract Brienza, Casey and Paddy Johnston*. “Introduction: Understanding Comics as Cultural Work.” In Cultures of Comics Work, edited by Casey Brienza and Paddy Johnston*. London: Palgrave Macmillan. (due on September 15, 2015) Under contract “Writing Women Out: Popular Manga Genres and Japanese Gender Relations.” In The Palgrave Handbook of Popular Fiction, edited by Ken Gelder. London: Palgrave Macmillan. (submitted on May 17, 2015; expected release in February 2016) 2015 “Introduction: Manga without Japan?” In Global Manga: “Japanese” Comics without Japan?, edited by Casey Brienza, 1–21. Farnham: Ashgate. 2015 “‘Manga Is Not Pizza’: The Performance of Ethno-racial Authenticity and the Politics of American Anime and Manga Fandom in Svetlana Chmakova's Dramacon.” In Global Manga: “Japanese” Comics without Japan?, edited by Casey Brienza, 95–113. Farnham: Ashgate. CURRICULUM VITAE (W E B V E R S I O N) PAGE 3 OF 14 2013 “Objects of Otaku Affection: Animism, Anime Fandom, and the Gods of… Consumerism?” In The Handbook of Contemporary Animism, edited by Graham Harvey, 479–490. London: Routledge. 2013 “Beyond B&W? The Global Manga of Felipe Smith.” In Black Comics: Politics of Race and Representation, edited by Sheena C. Howard and Ronald L. Jackson II, 79–94. London: Bloomsbury. • Black Comics received the Will Eisner Comic Industry Award in the category of Best Scholarly/Academic Work, 2014 OTHER PUBLICATIONS Non-Refereed Articles: 2014 “Does Manga’s Transnational Cool Benefit Japan?” Discover Society 6 (March). 2013 “What Do Publishers Know?” In “Debating Open Access,” edited by Christian Fuchs and Marisol Sandoval, special section, tripleC: Communication, Capitalism & Critique 11 (2): 515–520. 2012 “E-Books Are for Reading Selling.” Contexts 11 (1): 58–59. 2004 “The Space Between.” The Korea Fulbright Review 4 (Summer): 18–25. Review Essay: 2009 “Adoption, White Women and the Keeping of Culture.” Contexts 8 (4): 79–81. Book Reviews: Forthcoming Review of Embracing Differences: Transnational Cultural Flows between Japan and the United States, by Iris-Aya Laemmerhirt. Pacific Affairs 89 (2). 2015 Review of Pressed for Time: The Acceleration of Life in Digital Capitalism, by Judy Wajcman. LSE Review of Books, April 24. 2015 Review of Ethnography for the Internet: Embedded, Embodied and Everyday, by Christine Hine. LSE Review of Books, April 9. 2015 Review of Hard-Core Romance: Fifty Shades of Grey, Best-Sellers, and Society, by Eva Illouz. Publishing Research Quarterly 31 (1): 89–90. 2015 Review of Enhancing the Doctoral Experience: A Guide for Supervisors and Their International Students, by Steve Hutchinson, Helen Lawrence and Dave FilipovićCarter. LSE Review of Books, January 28. 2014 Review of The Chinese Fashion Industry: An Ethnographic Approach, by Jianhua Zhao. Contemporary Sociology: A Journal of Reviews 43 (6): 872–873. CURRICULUM VITAE (W E B V E R S I O N) PAGE 4 OF 2014 Review of Twitter: Social Communication in the Twitter Age, by Dhiraj Murthy. Transfers: Interdisciplinary Journal of Mobility Studies 4 (1): 137–138. 2014 Review of Anime: A History, by Jonathan Clements. LSE Review of Books, March 6. 2013 Review of The Soul of Anime: Collaborative Creativity and Japan’s Media Success Story, by Ian Condry. LSE Review of Books, November 13. 2013 Review of Beautiful Fighting Girl, by Tamaki Saitō. Journal of Graphic Novels and Comics 4 (1): 185–186. 2013 Review of Value and the Media: Cultural Production and Consumption in Digital Markets, by Göran Bolin. Cultural Trends 22 (2): 139–140. 2013 Review of Anime’s Media Mix: Franchising Toys and Characters in Japan, by Marc Steinberg. LSE Review of Books, January 12. 2012 Review of The Adaptation Industry: The Cultural Economy of Contemporary Literary Adaptation, by Simone Murray. LSE Review of Books, October 6. 2012 Review of Knowing Books: The Consciousness of Mediation in Eighteenth-Century Britain, by Christina Lupton. Publishing Research Quarterly 28 (3): 259–260. 2012 Review of Planned Obsolescence: Publishing, Technology, and the Future of the Academy, by Kathleen Fitzpatrick. Publishing Research Quarterly 28 (2): 150–151. 2012 Review of Fandom Unbound: Otaku Culture in a Connected World, edited by Mizuko Ito, Daisuke Okabe, and Izumi Tsuji. LSE Review of Books, May 5. 14 • Biteback Prize for Most-Read Review in Media and Cultural Studies, 2013 2011 Review of Straight from the Heart: Gender, Intimacy, and the Cultural Production of Shōjo Manga, by Jennifer S. Prough. Publishing Research Quarterly 27 (4): 370–371. 2011 Review of The Book: The Life Story of a Technology, by Nicole Howard. Publishing Research Quarterly 27 (3): 298–299. 2011 Review of Multiculturalism in the New Japan: Crossing the Boundaries Within, Volume 6 of Asian Anthropologies, edited by Nelson H. H. Graburn, John Ertl, and R. Kenji Tierney. Sociology 45 (4): 713–714. 2011 Review of Soundbitten: The Perils of Media-Centered Political Activism, by Sarah Sobieraj. Sociological Imagination, July 18. 2010 Review of Used Books: Marking Readers in Renaissance England, by William H. Sherman. Publishing Research Quarterly 26 (4): 301–302. 2010 Review of New Media, Old News: Journalism & Democracy in the Digital Age, edited by Natalie Fenton. Sociological Imagination, October 6. 2010 Review of The Enduring Book: Print Culture in Postwar America, Volume 5 of A History of the Book in America, edited by David Paul Nord, Joan Shelley Rubin, and Michael Schudson. Publishing Research Quarterly 26 (1): 72–75. CURRICULUM VITAE 2009 (W E B V E R S I O N) PAGE 5 OF 14 Review of The Late Age of Print: Everyday Book Culture from Consumerism to Control, by Ted Striphas. Publishing Research Quarterly 25 (4): 282–284. Encyclopedia Entries: Under contract “Backlist and Frontlist (Book Publishing),” “Creative Commons,” and “Scribd.” In The SAGE International Encyclopedia of Mass Media and Society, edited by Debra Merskin. London: SAGE. (submitted on October 19, 2014) 2012 “Localization.” In The Wiley-Blackwell Encyclopedia of Globalization, edited by George Ritzer, 1304–1305. Oxford: Wiley-Blackwell. Newsletter Contributions: 2015 “In Her Own Words: Intergenerational Feminisms and Women’s Colleges.” Women in Higher Education 24 (3): 7, 17. 2014 Review of Digital Humanities Summer Institute, University of Victoria, British Columbia, June 2-6, 2014. SHARP News 23 (4): 21–22. 2014 Review of Comics Unmasked: Art and Anarchy in the UK, British Library, London. SHARP News 23 (3): 19. 2012 “Transnational Manga, Transnational Research.” The Fountain: Trinity College Newsletter 15 (Autumn): 8–9. Refereed Teaching Resource: 2012 “Print Media and Modernity.” Syllabus published in TRAILS: Teaching Resources and Innovations Library for Sociology. Washington DC: American Sociological Association. [FEATURED RESOURCE] Selected Academic Blog/Web Posts: 2014 “Paying Twice or Paying Thrice? Open Access Publishing in a Global System of Scholarly Knowledge Production and Consumption.” LSE Impact of Social Sciences, January 30. 2013 Brienza, Casey, ed. “Comics and Cultural Work.” Special issue, Comics Forum, December. 2013 “Cultural Policy and Zombies.” The #culturalvalue Initiative, May 3. 2013 “Sacrifices and Self-Fulfilling Prophecies in Academic Careers.” Inside Higher Ed (Blog U: University of Venus), April 23. 2012 “A Reply to Simon Locke.” Comics Forum, January 20. 2011 “Men of Wonder: Gender and American Superhero Comics.” University of Cambridge, November 1. CURRICULUM VITAE (W E B V E R S I O N) PAGE 6 OF 14 2011 “Tee-Kahf: The Toronto Comic Arts Festival 2011.” The Comics Grid, May 23. 2011 “Communication or Credentialing? On the Value of Academic Publishing.” LSE Impact of Social Sciences, May 5. 2011 “From Journalist to Sociologist: Some Reflections.” Sociological Imagination, February 1. 2010 Brienza, Casey and Ernesto Priego. “Postgraduates and the Privatization of English Higher Education.” Inside Higher Ed (Blog U: University of Venus), November 16. privatization_of_english_higher_education. 2010 “Community Means Us, Part 2: A Response from Andrew Hacker, Co-Author of Higher Education?.” Inside Higher Ed (Blog U: University of Venus), October 12. _2_a_response_from_andrew_hacker_co_author_of_higher_education. 2010 “Community Means Us.” Inside Higher Ed (Blog U: University of Venus), October 7. 2010 “Categorizing Manga by Standardizing the Paratext.” In Media Res, April 2. Selected Professional Journalism/Criticism: 2015 “Writing Academic Book Reviews.” Inside Higher Ed, March 27. 2014 “Why You (Yes, You!) Should Write Book Reviews.” Inside Higher Ed, December 5. 2014 “Magische Mädchen und Girl Revolutions.” an.schläge: Das feministische Magazin, March, pp. 18–19. 2011 “Asterix Comics Study: 'Research Sets a Troubling Precedent'.” Daily Telegraph, June 16. 2010 “GNR’s 2010 Favorites: Manga.” Graphic Novel Reporter, December 1. 2009 “The Spring 2009 Anime Preview Guide.” Anime News Network, April 4. 2008 “The Fall 2008 Anime Preview Guide.” Anime News Network, October 4. 2008 “Before and After: Take a Look at the Early Work of Some of Today’s Biggest Manga Artists.” Anime Insider, June, pp. 38–41. 2008 “The Spring 2008 Anime Preview Guide.” Anime News Network, April 8. 2008 “Flower Sounds and Beautiful Boys.” Otaku USA, February, pp. 55–59. CURRICULUM VITAE (W E B V E R S I O N) PAGE 7 OF 14 2007 “Stand-Out Comics: Ten Manga That Deserve the Anime Treatment.” Anime Insider, September, pp. 26–27, 30. 2007 “Golden Girls: The Origins of Shojo Comics Are More Surprising Than You Might Believe.” Anime Insider, June, pp. 41–42, 44. 2007 “After the End: What Happened When Six Major Manga Series Outlasted Their Anime Counterparts.” Anime Insider, January, pp. 56–58. 2004 “An Introduction to Korean Manhwa.” Aestheticism, February 6. FELLOWSHIPS 2015–2016 2014 2014 2012 2012 2011–2012 2011 2011 2010–2011 2010 2010 2009–2012 2008 2007–2008 2003–2004 1999 AWARDS & 2013 2011 2010–2011 2009 2005 2003 2003 2001 & GRANTS Research Pump-Priming Fund, City University London (GBP £4500) The American Sociological Association’s ISA Travel Award Grant, National Science Foundation (NSF) Grant No. SES-1345594 (USD $1000) Society for the History of Authorship, Reading and Publishing-Sponsored Tuition Scholarship, Digital Humanities Summer Institute, University of Victoria (CDN $950) Tenth/Final Term Grant, Trinity College, Cambridge (GBP £2700) Funded Place, British Sociological Association Teaching Group Inaugural Conference (GBP £260) Class of 1905 Fellowship, Alumnae Association of Mount Holyoke College (USD $3000) Student Forum Travel Award, American Sociological Association (USD $225) Travel Grant, Carsey-Wolf Center Media Industries Project, University of California, Santa Barbara (USD $500) Rouse Ball Research Fund, Trinity College, Cambridge (GBP £5000) Middlebury Grant, Japanese School, Middlebury College (USD $7890) Support Fund, British Sociological Association (GBP £140) External Research Studentship, Trinity College, Cambridge (approx. GBP £80,000) Mitchell Leaska Scholarship, New York University (USD $1000) Steinhardt Graduate Scholarship, New York University (USD $11,250) U.S. Fulbright Fellowship, South Korea New Jersey Governor’s School in the Sciences Scholarship, Drew University HONORS Biteback Prize for Most-Read Review in Media and Cultural Studies, LSE Review of Books ASA/SAGE Teaching Innovations & Professional Development Award, Section on Teaching and Learning, American Sociological Association (USD $500) Visiting Scholar, Department of Sociology, Rutgers University Top Student Paper Award, Japan-U.S. Communication Association unit of the National Communication Association Student Achievement Award for Excellence in Feminist/Multicultural Scholarship, The New Jersey Project on Inclusive Scholarship, Curriculum and Teaching Honors in Asian Studies, Mount Holyoke College Phi Beta Kappa, Mount Holyoke College Robert P. Sibley Prize, English Department, Mount Holyoke College INVITED TALKS 2015 “Global Manga: ‘Japanese’ Comics without Japan?” Manga at the Crossroads Symposium 2: Development and Globalization of Manga, April 4, Billy Ireland Cartoon Library and Museum, The Ohio State University, Columbus, OH, USA. CURRICULUM VITAE (W E B V E R S I O N) PAGE 8 OF 14 2014 “Working from Home: Domesticating Manga in America.” Rutgers University School of Communication & Information Alumni Association Holiday Networking Event, December 9, New Brunswick, NJ, USA. 2014 “Making Manga American: Transnational Book Publishing and the Domestication of Japanese Comics.” Raritan Valley Community College, December 8, Somerville, NJ, USA. 2014 “Sociological Perspectives on Japanese Manga in America” Keynote. Topics in Manga Research Mini-Symposium (sponsored by the Kyoto Seika University International Manga Research Center), July 12, Kyoto International Manga Museum, Kyoto, Japan. 2013 “Manga as Social Media.” Contemporary Fiction Seminar: Literature and Social Media, November 20, Institute of English Studies, School of Advanced Study, University of London, London, UK. 2013 ‘Mapping Book History’ Closing Plenary. Society for the History of Authorship, Reading and Publishing Annual Conference, July 21, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA, USA. 2013 “Manga Is for Girls: Publishing Categories and Occupational Typecasting.” Developing the Publishing Workforce: Equality in Publishing (EQUIP) Conference, May 8, City University London, London, UK. 2013 “Domesticating Manga: Japanese Comics, American Publishing, and the Transnational Production of Culture.” Trinity Humanities Residential, March 21, Trinity College, Cambridge, UK. 2013 “Turning Green into Gold: Who Really Benefits from the Knowledge Commons?” Central Saint Martins College of Arts and Design, University of the Arts London, March 18, London, UK. 2011 “Anime and Manga Research: How Do You Do It?” Mount Holyoke College (sponsored by the Asian Studies Program and the Freeman Fund), October 3, South Hadley, MA, USA. 2011 “Japanese Comics and American Publishing: A Case of Transnational Cultural Production.” Networks, Culture, and Institutions Workshop, February 3, Rutgers University, New Brunswick, NJ, USA. 2010 “Manga in America: Japanese Comics and the U.S. Book Publishing Industry.” Mount Holyoke College (sponsored by the Art Studio Department and the Asian Studies Program), March 23, South Hadley, MA, USA. 2009 “Books, Not Comics: Publishing Fields, Globalization, and Japanese Manga in the United States.” PPSIS Graduate Seminar Series, October 21, University of Cambridge, Cambridge, UK. CONFERENCE PRESENTATIONS Forthcoming “Publishing between Profit and Public Value: Academic Books and Open Access Policies.” American Sociological Association, August 24, Chicago, IL, USA. 2015 “Publishing between Profit and Public Value: Academic Books and Open Access Policies.” International Communication Association, May 24, San Juan, Puerto Rico. CURRICULUM VITAE (W E B V E R S I O N) PAGE 9 OF 14 2015 Revers, Matthias and Casey Brienza. “Collective in Itself: Media Sociology in the US as a Case for the Non-Establishment of a Subfield.” Die Rolle von Kollektiven und die Möglichkeiten ihrer Analyse in den Geistes-, Kultur- und Sozialwissenschaften, April 13, University of Graz, Graz, Austria. 2014 “Turning Green into Gold: Cultural Pragmatics of the Open Access Movement in Academic Publishing.” American Sociological Association, August 19, San Francisco, CA, USA. 2014 “Did Manga Conquer America? Implications for the Cultural Policy of ‘Cool Japan’.” International Sociological Association World Congress of Sociology, July 18, Yokohama, Japan. 2014 “Born in Japan, Raised in America: Yuri and the Transnational Formation of a Genre of Lesbian Comics.” International Sociological Association World Congress of Sociology, July 14, Yokohama, Japan. 2014 “Did Manga Conquer America? Implications for the Cultural Policy of ‘Cool Japan’.” International Communication Association, May 24, Seattle, WA, USA. [PLENARY POSTER SESSION] 2013 “The Precarious Labour of Transnational Cultural Production: How to Make Japanese Manga American.” Centre for Research on Socio-Cultural Change (CRESC) Annual Conference, September 4, School of Oriental and African Studies, University of London, London, UK. 2013 “Invisible Laborers of Transnational Cultural Production: How to Make Japanese Manga American.” American Sociological Association, August 11, New York, NY, USA. 2013 “Domesticating Manga: Japanese Comics, American Publishing, and the Transnational Production of Culture.” Society for the History of Authorship, Reading and Publishing Annual Conference, July 20, Philadelphia, PA, USA. 2013 “Licensed to Produce Japanese Manga in America: How Negotiating IP Rights Constrains Global Cultural Flow.” Fourth International Comics Conference, June 27, Universities of Glasgow and Dundee, Scotland, UK. 2013 “Brand New Material: Digital Content, Physical Objects, and the Place of the Publishing Industry in a Transmedia Age.” Beyond the Brand, ICA Popular Communication Preconference, June 17, London School of Economics, London, UK. 2012 “Cool Japan on Thin Ice: Manga, IP Product Licensing, and Constraints upon Global Cultural Flow.” National Communication Association, November 18, Orlando, FL, USA. 2012 “‘Born in Japan, Raised in America’: Yuri and the Formation of a Transnational Genre of Lesbian Comics.” National Communication Association, November 16, Orlando, FL, USA. 2012 “Cool Japan on Thin Ice: Manga, IP Product Licensing, and Constraints upon Global Cultural Flow.” American Sociological Association, August 17, Denver, CO, USA. 2012 “‘Born in Japan, Raised in America’: Yuri and the Transnational Formation of a Genre of Lesbian Comics.” Global Consumption: Politics, Culture, Practice, ASA Section on Consumers and Consumption Preconference, August 16, University of Denver, Denver, CO, USA. CURRICULUM VITAE (W E B V E R S I O N) P A G E 10 OF 14 2012 “Engendering Autonomy: Comics Books and Masculinity as Symbolic Value in Cultural Production.” International Communication Association, May 26, Phoenix, AZ, USA. 2012 “Face to Face with the Fans: Comic Cons and Bookselling after Borders.” Book Cultures, Book Events: The Transnational Culture, Commerce, and Social Impact of Literary Festivals, March 23, University of Stirling, Stirling, UK. 2012 “The Production of Practice: Publishing Houses and a New Theory of the Culture Industries.” Eastern Sociological Society, February 24, New York, NY, USA. 2011 “Manga Revolution or Logical Evolution? Field Theory on the Rise and Demise of Tokyopop’s Publishing Programme.” Transitions 2: New Directions in Comics Studies, November 5, Birkbeck, University of London, London, UK. 2011 “Engendering Autonomy: Comics Books and Masculinity as Symbolic Value in Cultural Production.” American Sociological Association, August 23, Las Vegas, NV, USA. 2011 “Manga Revolution or Logical Evolution? Field Theory on the Rise and Demise of Tokyopop’s Publishing Programme.” Anime and Manga Studies Symposium, July 1, Anime Expo, Los Angeles Convention Center, Los Angeles, CA, USA. 2011 “Ideological Struggle in the Transnational Cultural Field: Japanese Shoujo Manga and the U.S. Publishing Industry.” International Communication Association, May 29, Boston, MA, USA. 2011 Anderson-Terpstra, Kristin and Casey Brienza. “Manga Distribution in Transition: Implications of Digitization for Media Consumption Practices.” Media in Transition 7: Unstable Platforms: The Promises and Perils of Transition, May 15, MIT, Cambridge, MA, USA. 2011 “Feminized Flows: Gender and Transnational Cultural Production: A Case Study of U.S. Manga Publishing.” British Sociological Association, April 8, London School of Economics, London, UK. 2011 “Feminized Flows: Gender and Transnational Cultural Production: A Case Study of U.S. Manga Publishing.” Eastern Sociological Society, February 24, Philadelphia, PA, USA. 2010 “Across the Pond: Opportunities for Communication Study and Research in the United Kingdom.” National Communication Association, International Opportunities for Scholars in Communication and Related Disciplines Mini-Conference, November 16, San Francisco, CA, USA. 2010 “Ideological Struggle in the Cultural Field: Shoujo and U.S. Manga Publishing.” American Sociological Association, August 15, Atlanta, GA, USA. 2010 “Producing Comics Culture: A Sociological Approach to the Study of Comics.” Arts & Humanities Symposium, May 30, Trinity College, Cambridge, UK. 2010 “Naturalizing Foreign Comics: How Book Publishing Companies Made Manga American.” International Graphic Novels and Comics Conference, April 13, Manchester Metropolitan University, Manchester, UK. 2010 “Criticizing the Critics: Reviews, Readers, and the Paradox of Journalistic Objectivity on a Popular News Website.” British Sociological Association, April 7, Glasgow Caledonian University, Glasgow, UK. CURRICULUM VITAE (W E B V E R S I O N) P A G E 11 OF 2010 “Classical Social Theory's Contribution to the Study of Fans and Fandom.” Eastern Sociological Society, March 21, Boston, MA, USA. 2009 “‘Chix Comix’ to ‘Shoujo Manga’: Ideology and Lexical Shift in the U.S. Manga Industry.” National Communication Association, November 13, Chicago, IL, USA. 2009 “Not the same thing! Manga and Anime in the United States Market.” International Association for Media and Communication Research, July 21, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, Mexico City, Mexico. 2008 “Sizing Up Manga: When Standardization Destabilizes Definition.” Standards & Practices, November 14, New York University, New York, NY, USA. 2008 “Paratexts in Translation: Reinterpreting ‘Manga’ for the United States.” The Sixth International Conference on the Book, October 24, The Catholic University of America, Washington D.C, USA. 2008 “Manga and Gendered Discourse in the U.S. Comics Field.” New York State Communication Association, October 18, Kerhonkson, NY, USA. DISCUSSION PANELS & 14 ROUNDTABLES 2014 Brienza, Casey (moderator), Laura Grindstaff, Paul Hirsch, Ronald Jacobs, Paul Lopes, and Guobin Yang. “Media Sociology as a Vocation” Plenary Panel. Media Sociology Preconference, August 15, Mills College, Oakland, CA, USA. 2011 Brienza, Casey (moderator), Ed Chavez, and Gina Gagliano. “Publishers’ Roundtable.” International Comic Arts Forum, September 29, Center for Cartoon Studies, White River Junction, VT, USA. 2011 Hames, Margaret (moderator), Casey Brienza, Harold Goldberg, and Stephanie Scott. “Adaptation and the Digital Narrative.” Annual New York Women in Film & Television/ Marymount Manhattan College Collaborative Series, January 20, Marymount Manhattan College, New York, NY, USA. 2010 Leavitt, Alex (moderator), Casey Brienza, Mikhail Koulikov, and Jennifer Fu. “Anime in Academia.” New York Comic Con/New York Anime Festival, October 8, Jacob Javits Center, New York, NY, USA. 2010 Gamson, William A. (moderator), Casey Brienza, Gregory M. Maney, and Deana Rohlinger. “Media and Collective Civic Engagement.” American Sociological Association, August 14, Atlanta, GA, USA. 2008 MacDonald, Christopher (moderator), Zac Bertschy, Casey Brienza, Bamboo Dong, Mikhail Koulikov, Justin Sevakis, and Robin Sevakis. “Anime News Network 10th Anniversary.” New York Anime Festival, September 27, Jacob Javits Center, New York, NY, USA. TEACHING EXPERIENCE 2013– Lecturer, City University London Courses sole-taught and led: • Digital Cultures (postgrad) • Digital Cultures (undergrad, 3rd year) • Dissertation (postgrad) • Globalisation and the Cultural and Creative Industries (undergrad, 2nd year) • Publishing History and Culture (postgrad) CURRICULUM VITAE (W E B V E R S I O N) P A G E 12 OF 14 • Research Methods (undergrad, 2nd year) Courses team-taught: • Cultural and Creative Industries, the Arts and Popular Culture (undergrad, 1st year) • Cultural Production and Creative Technologies (undergrad, 1st year) • Managing Creative Enterprise (undergrad, 1st year) 2009–2012 Supervisor, University of Cambridge • • • • 2003–2004 Inquiry and Analysis I (undergrad, 2nd year) Introduction to Sociology (undergrad, 1st year) Media, Culture, and Society (undergrad, 3rd year) Social Theory (undergrad, 2nd year) TESOL Instructor • English, Jonggo Boys’ Middle School, South Korea (x24) • English as a Second Language, Jointure for Community Adult Education 2002–2003 Speaking, Arguing, and Writing Mentor, Mount Holyoke College • First-Year Philosophy Seminar (undergrad, 1st year) • Writing Across Cultures (undergrad, 1st year) TEACHING QUALIFICATION 2015 Postgraduate Certificate in Academic Practice, City University London PROFESSIONAL SERVICE & ACTIVITIES Internal: 2015– 2014– 2013– 2013– 2015 2012 2012 2009 Extenuating Circumstances Committee, Department of Sociology (expected) Voting Member, Assessment/Exam Boards, BA (Hons) Cultural and Creative Industries and MA Culture, Policy and Management Programme Management Committees (incl. BA (Hons) Cultural and Creative Industries; MA Culture, Policy and Management; MA Publishing) Staff-Student Liaison Committees (incl. BA (Hons) Cultural and Creative Industries; MA Culture, Policy and Management; MA Publishing; MPhil/PhD) Invited Speaker, “Academic Job Applications and Interviews,” School of Arts and Social Sciences Research Students’ Society, City University London Pilot Study, Project Management Blended Learning Module, Graduate Development Programme, Personal and Professional Development, University of Cambridge Volunteer, Open Days, Department of Social Sciences, University of Cambridge Consultation, Vitae Researcher Development Framework, Graduate Development Programme, Personal and Professional Development, University of Cambridge External: 2010– 2015 2015 2015 2014 Executive Committee, International Comic Arts Forum Discussant, “Crossing Borders: New Digital Technology and People,” Annual Meeting of the American Sociological Association (expected) Co-organizer, Third Annual Media Sociology Preconference, Kellogg School of Management, Northwestern University Invited Speaker, Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences Research Training Programme, Lancaster University Co-organizer, Second Annual Media Sociology Preconference, Lorry I. Lokey Graduate School of Business, Mills College CURRICULUM VITAE 2014 2013 2013 2013 2013–2015 2013, 2011 2012 2012 2011 (W E B V E R S I O N) P A G E 13 OF 14 Session Organizer, “Debating Open Access,” Digital Humanities Summer Institute Unconference, University of Victoria Guest Editor, Special Theme Month on ‘Comics and Cultural Work,’ Comics Forum Co-organizer, First Annual Media Sociology Preconference, Institute for Public Knowledge and Arthur L. Carter Journalism Institute, New York University Invited Speaker, London: The Global City, Concordia College Summer Study Abroad Steering Committee, Petition for the Formation of a Media Sociology Section of the American Sociological Association Selection Committee, John A. Lent Scholarship in Comics Studies Focus Group, Researching Readers Online Workshop, The Media School, Bournemouth University Session Organizer, “Storied Lives in Publishing and the Literary Field,” Annual Meeting of the Eastern Sociological Society Co-convener, Postgraduate Forum, British Sociological Association AD HOC REVIEWING American Journal of Cultural Sociology; Collaborative Organizations and Social Media; Crime, Media, Culture; Intensities: The Journal of Cult Media; Journal of Graphic Novels and Comics; Sociological Forum; International Comic Arts Forum; International Communication Association OTHER EMPLOYMENT 2005– & CONSULTANCY Freelance Writer (criticism, journalism, op-eds, etc.) • Full list of 1000+ paid professional publications available upon request 2014 Art Expert, Berry & Berry LLP Solicitors (Maidstone, Kent, UK) 2001–2003 Speaking, Arguing, and Writing Assistant, Weissman Center for Leadership and the Liberal Arts, Mount Holyoke College (South Hadley, MA, USA) • Took regular appointments to mentor students in writing and speaking tasks SELECTED PRESS COVERAGE & PUBLIC ENGAGEMENT 2015 O’Brien, Katie. “Do Sexy Cartoons, Like Anime, Fuel Unhealthy Body Image Issues?” Glammonitor, March 15. 2015 Knowles, Kitty. “10 Manga Stories That Would Make Amazing Films.” GQ UK, January 29. 2015 Knowles, Kitty. “Hollywood’s Dirty Secret: A Love Affair with Manga.” GQ UK, January 22. 2014 Baker, Francesca. “Is Social Media Killing Literature?” The London Magazine Blog, April 30. 2014 Crotty, David. “The UK Government Looks to Double Dip to Pay for Its Open Access Policy.” The Scholarly Kitchen, February 6. CURRICULUM VITAE (W E B V E R S I O N) P A G E 14 OF 14 2013 Benson, Rodney. “Culture Meets…Media: ‘Media Rising’.” Culture 26 (3): 20–22. 2013 Baker, Jennie. “ANALYSIS: As Paris Brown Quits as Britain's First Youth Police and Crime Commissioner, We Ask How Long a Tweet Should Stick Around.” Cambridge News, April 9. 2012 Alverson, Brigid. “This Week’s New Manga: Something Old, Something New.” MTV Geek, November 16. 2012 Churchill, Mary. “Further Updates From #ASA2012: Men's Friendships, NCLB, and Outputs.” Inside Higher Ed (Blog U: University of Venus), August 20. 2011 “It’s a Bird, It’s a Plane, It’s Superhero Sexism.” Sociologists for Women in Society, December 21. 2011 Berlatsky, Noah. “Borders’ Demise Signals Trouble for Manga.” Washington Times, August 4. 2011 “Top-Ranked Japanese Manga in the U.S. for 2010 Show Changes in Perception.” Asahi Shimbun, January 31. 2010 Churchill, Mary. “#ASA2010, Multi-Tasking the Academic Conference.” Inside Higher Ed (Blog U: University of Venus), August 22. _academic_conference. PROFESSIONAL MEMBERSHIPS American Sociological Association, 2008– British Sociological Association, 2009– Higher Education Academy, Associate Fellowship, 2013–2015; Fellowship, 2015– International Communication Association, 2010– Society for the History of Authorship, Reading and Publishing, 2013– LANGUAGE SKILLS English (native), Japanese (advanced), Spanish (intermediate), Korean (basic) REFERENCES upon request
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