High quality post-graduate course in the law and economics of

High quality
post-graduate course
in the law and
economics of financial
!is academic post-graduate course focuses on
the key topics and the "ndamental economic
and legal concepts of financial regulation.
Students working in the financial sector get a
broad understanding of financial regulation
beyond their fields of specialization.
!e big themes and trends of current financial
regulation are presented with a global, European
and Swiss focus.
A key element of the course is the personal interaction between facul#, guest speakers and a
small and exclusive group of students.
16 full days of class on 8 Fridays and 8 Saturdays starting at 9.15 am
and 2 half days of exams on the following dates:
Fri 8 April 2016
Fri 26 – Sat 27 Aug. 2016
!e Swiss
financial center
Protecting insurance
policy holders
Geneva, Aymo Brunetti
Bern, Monica Mächler
Sat 9 April 2016
Fri 16 – Sat 17 Sept. 2016
Geneva, Cyril Monnet
Bern, Rashid Bahar
Fri 29 – Sat 30 April 2016
Fri 7 – Sat 8 Oct. 2016
Bern, Cyril Monnet
Geneva, Christian Bovet /
Ursula Cassani / Xavier Oberson
Fri 20 – Sat 21 May 2016
Fri 28 – Sat 29 Oct. 2016
Bern, Luc Thévenoz
Bern, Urs Zulauf
Economic "ndamentals
of financial regulation
Economic "ndamentals of
financial regulation
Legal "ndamentals
of financial regulation
Fri 10 – Sat 11 June 2016
financial stabili#
Bern, Hugo Bänziger
Protecting investors
and markets
Protecting other
public interests
financial regulation
The faculty members design the substance of the eight modules
based on the framework set up by the Executive Committee. They
teach the major part of the modules themselves, provide the key
context and interact with the guest speakers. The faculty members
are: Rashid Bahar, Hugo Bänziger, Christian Bovet,
Aymo Brune$i, Ursula Cassani, Monica Mächler, Cyril
Monnet, Xavier Oberson, Luc !évenoz and Urs Zulauf.
Details of the faculty biographies are available on www.casfinreg.ch.
The guest speakers are distinguished academics and practitioners
selected from universities, regulators or authorities, the financial
industry and management consultant firms. They provide theoretical and practical context in guest lectures and in panels. The full
list of guest speakers is available on www.casfinreg.ch.
Admission to the course as a regular student requires a university
or equivalent degree and three years of professional experience
in a position related to Swiss or international financial markets
(e.g., in the financial industry, financial regulation and legislation,
management consulting, auditing, practice of law). A good working knowledge of English and the motivation to invest around 30
working days in class, to pass exams and to write and present a
short paper are necessary. The Executive Committee selects the
students based on their application.
Guest students have the possibility to attend select course modules and are admitted contingent on the availability of seats. No
requirements apply to guest students for single modules.
All modules will be taught in English. The short paper may be written
in French or German.
The student evaluation is based on exams and on a short paper.
Successful students receive a Certificate of Advanced Studies
from the Universities of Berne and Geneva equivalent to 15 ECTS
The course’s Executive Committee is responsible for the course
Urs Zulauf
Study director,
Adjunct Professor of law, University of Geneva, Adjunct Professor Cornell Law School,
Head Client Tax Policy Credit Suisse
Aymo Brune$i
Professor of economics, University of Bern,
Chairman of the Swiss government’s “Future of the
Financial Center Advisory Board”
Luc !évenoz
Professor of law and Director of the Center of Banking and
Financial Law, University of Geneva,
Chairman of the Swiss Takeover Board
The course is recognized for 15 ECTS points in the Swiss Finance
Institute’s (SFI) “Master of Advanced Studies (MAS) in Banking”.
For further information see www.sfi.ch/mas.
The total tuition (including lunches) for the course is CHF 10’800
for regular students (CHF 10’300 for early registrants). Guest students pay a fee of CHF 800 per day. The tuition includes course
material, exams, lunch and coffee. It does not include accommodation.
Teaching takes place in first class locations. High quality catered
lunches are provided. Six two-day modules will be held in Bern at
the Haus der Universität (5 to 10 minutes walking distance from
the train station) and two modules in Geneva at UNI-MAIL (10 minutes public transport from train station).
Applications must be received by 30 September 2015 (for early
registration) or by 30 November 2015 . The application forms
are available on www.casfinreg.ch.
Urs Zulauf, urs.zulauf@casfinreg.ch
Gervais Muja, gervais.muja@casfinreg.ch
CAS Financial Regulation
Centre de droit bancaire et financier,
Université de Genève, UNI-MAIL, 1211 Genève 4
info@casfinreg.ch / +41 22 379 86 52
Our students will
understand the analytical approaches
of global and Swiss financial regulation
know the substance and the
background of financial regulation
work with a legal and an
economic focus
see behind and challenge the policy
concepts in financial regulation
understand the current and future
regulatory drivers and trends
meet in person key actors
and practitioners as guest speakers