Notes From The President Volume 15 Issue 3 Winter 2013

Volume 15 Issue 3 Winter 2013
Notes From The President
Hi, to All SMGS Members,
Here is hoping that all of you have received your 2013 Show Book. It is a must read! It is full of important details
about the upcoming April Festival and also full of fun. The World of Gourds theme just played right into the
creative hands of the Gourd Sisters who put this book together. Thanks Sisters, you have done a great job again.
If any of you have not received your personal copy of the Show Book, please notify the Sisters at or 636-225-6376.
As the Show Book tells us we will have many vendors supporting our festival this year. Not all
vendors are listed in the Show Book because there was a deadline for the vendors to be advertised in the book.
Since then we have gained several more vendors. Workshops are beginning to fill up with students. In order to
reserve your seat in the classroom be sure to sign up early to keep from being disappointed.
The Show Book prints a lot of information that is on the website and this is important for those members who do
not use the internet. Also included in the book is an opportunity for you to sign up to volunteer to help us during
the Festival. All volunteers are so important at this time. If we all step up to help where needed, then all
volunteers will also have the freedom to attend workshops, shop for supplies, visit and simply browse around
the room.
What have you already planned for the competition this year? There are over 90 classes to enter and
we want you to share your special art project with us. We know you will like some of the new categories.
Have you sent in your reservations for our dinner on Sat. night, April 27? This is awards night as well as a nice
meal and a great time to visit with other gourd friends.
The Electoral Board and the Festival Chairpersons will meet for the final time before the Festival.
The meeting is on Saturday, March 30, Springfield, Mo. We could not find a larger space to meet this time so we
are meeting again at Perkins Restaurant where we were for the July meeting. If you are helping the Publicity
Chairs with local advertising prior to the Festival we invite you to come to the meeting or send your status to
Bert/Pat Petrie prior to the meeting.
As your President, I have sent one letter already to remind everyone of the all member meeting that will be held
on Sunday, April 28, at the Festival. The meeting is held in the E-Plex and begins at 8:30 am. This is a very
important meeting because we all discuss what we liked or did not like from the Festival on Saturday. So we want
everyone's input. Also this is when we elect officers and chairpersons for the 2014 Festival. Are you willing to run
for office or a chair to help us set up the Festival for 2014? We need you!!!
Donna Decker
25903 Herring RD
Greenwood, MO 64034
Vice President
Cindy Kendall
3004 Maple Farm RD
Platte City, MO 64079
Brenda Jamison
Box 35
Avila, MO 64833
Sandy Heimann
13104 E 264 ST.
Peculair, MO 64078
Web Master
Barb Byrne
17313 S Gray Drive
Pleasant Hill, MO 64080
Board of Directors
Lindy Hoffman
1431 Pepperdine CT
Ballwin, MO 63021
Ann Beninato
1431 Pepperdine CT
Ballwin, MO 63021
Classified Ads
For Sale: Visit our Farm for new crop of
Gourds, Many Varieties.
Reasonable Prices. Call 660-846-4432.
Fred & Mary Jo Wilson
7698 Arrow Rock Road
Blackwater, MO 65322
Member Web Sites
Do you have a web page that shows what you do with your
gourds? If so, share it with the rest of us. Just email me your URL
and I will list it here. Vendors included.
Send to:
Ann Beninato & Lindy Hoffman
Melynda Lotven
Karen & Roger Manasco
Jennifer Throne
Jan & David Walker
Pat Kamler
Bill Decker
Nedra Denison
Brenda Jamison
Linda Ashmore
Pat Kamler
1340 Lanvale Dr.
Webster Groves, MO
St Louis MO 63119
Lin and Bob Horsch
Tonya Elmer
Editor’s Note
We would ask that everyone have their articles and gourd
patch news or any other pertinent information to us by:
Spring Issue deadline
Summer Issue deadline
Fall Issue deadline
Winter Issue deadline
May 12, 2013
Aug 1, 2013
Nov 30, 2013
Feb 1, 2013
Gourd Arbor Newsletter Show-Me Gourd Society
Advetising Rates
Ad Rates for 1 Year (4 issues)
Includes a link on the SMGS website to your website, or your e-mail and/or phone number.
Full page Ad( 8.5 x 11 ) $ 40.00 per issue
½ page ad
$22.00 per issue
1/4 page ad
$13.00 per issue
1/8 page ad
$7.00 per issue
Short ad - about 6 lines
$5.00 per issue
Ad Rates per Issue
Single rates per issue will run slightly higher if you do not go with full year. Single issues also do not include a
free link listed as “Gourd Arbor advertisers”.
Full page ad (8.5x11 inches)
$45.00 per issue
½ page ad
$25.00 per issue
1/4 page ad
$15.00 per issue
1/8 page ad
$8.00 per issue
Short ad about 6 lines
$5.00 per issue
Deadlines for new ads or ad changes are the first day of March, June, Sept., or Dec.
Checks should be made payable to: Show-Me Gourd Society
Mail to: George Ewing
1312 Burnam RD
Chillicothe, MO 64601
April 2013 Workshops
We did shake things up and we did move to Springfield in 2012. We want to thank all of our longtime
supporters who moved with us and say welcome to our new friends in Southwest Missouri.
We will again be setup at the Ozarks Empire Fairgrounds, located at I-44 and Hwy 13. We will be
in the spacious E-Plex where vendors can pull right into the building to load and unload! Parking is
The Festival will be open to the public on April 27 and 28, 2013.
Workshops will begin on Friday, April 26.
Hours: Saturday 9:00am - 5:30pm
Sunday 10am - 3pm
Good for BOTH days of the show
Children under 12 FREE
* Nationally-Recognized Gourd Artists
*Showing and Selling their Gourd Art
* Vendors selling Gourd Supplies and Embellishments
* Dried Gourds for Sale
* Live Auction - Noon on Saturday
* Workshops with Teachers from around the USA
* Food and Games for adults and kids
* Competition
* Raffle
* Awards
* Kid's Corner
Our 2013 theme is
"A World of Gourds"
Use your creativity to show us "Your World of Gourds".
Enter the competition to win a ribbon or set up a booth to sell your work.
Invite your families and your friends.
Let's all have a good time together!!
The Show Me Gourd Society has worked hard to draw talented instructors from throughout
the nation. In order to accommodate these teachers, there will be a MINIMUM NUMBER OF
The minimum number of students is necessary so that the instructors can determine if their
travel and other expenses will be met. The deadline for this year will be APRIL 19.
We strongly encourage all workshop participants to register early so that all of our teachers
have plenty of time to prepare. After April 19, workshops which have not met the instructor's
minimum may be canceled. Participants who have already signed up will be given the option
to choose another workshop to attend or receive a full refund. Registrations for uncanceled
classes will still be accepted up to and during the festival.
Friday Afternoon, April 26, 2013
1:00 - 5:00 PM
Artist: Cynthia Kendall, Missouri
Description: Learn to design a layered image gourd using a vinyl resist technique. Vinyl will be cut
and weeded for a plant design. A cannonball gourd will be pre-cut, the inside cleaned, sprayed and
ready to work on. There will be a variety to choose from – first come, first choice.
You’ll use your Exacto knife to lift the vinyl to reveal the finished gourd. Wear old clothes. I will have
one craft heat gun, but you may bring yours to help dry the finish quicker.
The gourds will vary in sizes depending on the shipment I receive beforehand. First come, first pick. I
will have extra blank vinyl sheets for sale and will discuss how to cut and weed the material for use.
Supplies: Bring scissors and an Exacto knife, heat gun if you have one; wear old clothes
Level of difficulty: Beginner
Pre-requisite: None
Minimum: 5 Maximum: Fee:
$ 47
1:30 - 5:00 PM
Artist: Barbie Holton, Texas
Description: Use pyrography to create a design with all the good looks and details of leather tooling.
Basic lines and shading will be covered for the beginner. Design options will be available for the
advanced. Tips for further advancement of your leather-look skills will be included.
Supplies: Bring an adjustable heat woodburner, burner tips including a spear or skew and a ball, and
a dust mask
Level of Difficulty: All levels
Pre-requisite: None
Minimum: 5 Maximum: 20
$ 60
1:00 - 5:00 PM
Artist: Bonnie Cox, Illinois
Description: Students learn to cut designs with their variable temperature controlled woodburner.
The instructor will provide a cleaned gourd, patterns, transfer paper, a pencil, marking pens, metallic
paint, and written instructions.
Supplies: Bring a woodburner with variable temperature control. Two burners will be available for
student use.
Level of Difficulty: All levels
Pre-requisite: None
Minimum: 1 Maximum: 18
1:00 - 4:30 PM
Artists: The Gourd Sisters, Missouri
Description: Come shake it with the Sisters. Two teachers – twice as much fun! A shekere
(shek’aray) is an African-derived rattle that can be played by shaking, twisting, or tapping. You will
learn how to make a shekere utilizing techniques to weave beads into a net covering a hollow gourd.
Supplies: All supplies provided.
Level of Difficulty: All levels
Pre-requisite: None
Minimum: 1
Maximum: 12
Saturday Morning, April 27, 2013
9:00 – 11:30 AM
Artist: Hope Martin, Missouri
Description: Students will crochet a top that will turn a gourd into a satchel purse. The gourd base
will remain its natural color.
Supplies: Bring a “g” or “h” crochet hook and worsted weight yarn.
Level of Difficulty: All levels
Pre-requisite: Know how to crochet the chain stitch, single crochet stitch, and double crochet stitch.
Minimum: 2
Maximum: 8
8:30 AM - NOON
Artist: Cynthia Kendall, Missouri
Description: Learn to design a layered image gourd using a vinyl resist technique. Vinyl will be cut
and weeded for a plant design. A cannonball gourd will be pre-cut, the inside cleaned, sprayed and
ready to work on. There will be a variety to choose from – first come, first choice.
You’ll use your Exacto knife to lift the vinyl to reveal the finished gourd. Wear old clothes. I will have
one craft heat gun, but you may bring yours to help dry the finish quicker.
The gourds will vary in sizes depending on the shipment I receive beforehand. First come, first pick. I
will have extra blank vinyl sheets for sale and will discuss how to cut and weed the material for use.
Supplies: Bring scissors and an Exacto knife, heat gun if you have one; wear old clothes
Level of difficulty: Beginner
Pre-requisite: None
Minimum: 5 Maximum: 15
$ 47
Artist: Ron Swank, Idaho
Description: A Thunder Gourd is basically a functional peace of art, with a spring attached to a
drumhead. When the spring is shaken, it creates vibrations that are amplified through the drumhead
into the gourd resembling sounds like a thunder storm; it is impressive! All basic supplies will be
provided including a clean and ready to use gourd for completing your thunder-gourd, and a few
different designs/patterns to choose from. These designs will be traced then cut out using a dremel
and cutting bits that I will provide. Using a heat gun I will show how to wood burn the cut designs so
they will standout and also demonstrate how to heat shrink the synthetic drumhead membrane as
opposed to complicating the process using rawhide. Students are highly encouraged to bring their
own dremels and dust mask. This class will be enjoyable and undeniably worth your time; money
back guaranteed!!!
Supplies: Bring a Dremel (if you have one) and dust mask
Level of Difficulty: All levels
Pre-requisite: None
Minimum: 6
Maximum: 16
Saturday Afternoon, April 27, 2013
1:30 - 5:00 PM
Artist: Bonnie Cox, Illinois
Description: Students learn to transfer a design to the gourd, woodburn the butterfly pattern, and
color with pencil or marking pens, and metallic paint. The instructor will provide a cleaned gourd,
patterns, transfer paper, a pencil, marking pens, metallic paint, and written instructions.
Supplies: Bring a woodburner with variable temperature control. Two burners will be available for
student use.
Level of Difficulty: All levels
Pre-requisite: None
Minimum: 1 Maximum: 18
1:30 - 4:00 PM
Artist: Linda Ashmore, Arkansas
Description: We will make pins, pendants, and other jewelry pieces from gourd scraps, dried
pourable paint, and “found” odds and ends. Instructions will be given for the pourable paint.
Supplies: None required, but students may want to bring old pieces of jewelry, beads, buttons, etc.
from their craft box to add to their gourd pieces.
Level of Difficulty: All levels
Pre-requisite: None
Minimum: 4 Maximum: 12
$ 37
1:30 - 5:00 PM
Artist: Barbie Holton, Texas
Description: Learn a profusion of pyrography patterns. Creative lines, shapes, and shading will be
included. Beginner or advanced, you’ll have lots of fun exploring these patterns. Students will have a
glossary of patterns to work with and take away with their gourd.
Supplies: Bring an adjustable heat woodburner, burner tips including a spear or skew and a ball, and
a dust mask.
Level of Difficulty: All levels
Pre-requisite: None
Minimum: 5 Maximum: 20
$ 60
Sunday April 28,2013
Artists: The Gourd Sisters, Missouri
Description: Come shake it with the Sisters. Two teachers – twice as much fun! A shekere
(shek’aray) is an African-derived rattle that can be played by shaking, twisting, or tapping. You will
learn how to make a shekere utilizing techniques to weave beads into a net covering a hollow gourd..
Supplies: All supplies provided.
Level of Difficulty: All levels
Pre-requisite: None
Minimum: 1
Maximum: 12
Artist: Linda Ashmore, Arkansas
Description: We will make pins, pendants, and other jewelry pieces from gourd scraps, dried
pourable paint, and “found” odds and ends. Instructions will be given for the pourable paint.
Supplies: None required, but students may want to bring old pieces of jewelry, beads, buttons, etc.
from their craft box to add to their gourd pieces.
Level of Difficulty: All levels
Pre-requisite: None
Minimum: 4 Maximum: 12
$ 37
Artist: Ron Swank, Idaho
Description: A Thunder Gourd is basically a functional peace of art, with a spring attached to a
drumhead. When the spring is shaken, it creates vibrations that are amplified through the drumhead
into the gourd resembling sounds like a thunder storm; it is impressive! All basic supplies will be
provided including a clean and ready to use gourd for completing your thunder-gourd, and a few
different designs/patterns to choose from. These designs will be traced then cut out using a dremel
and cutting bits that I will provide. Using a heat gun I will show how to wood burn the cut designs so
they will standout and also demonstrate how to heat shrink the synthetic drumhead membrane as
opposed to complicating the process using rawhide. Students are highly encouraged to bring their
own dremels and dust mask. This class will be enjoyable and undeniably worth your time; money
back guaranteed!!!
Supplies: Bring a Dremel (if you have one) and dust mask
Level of Difficulty: All levels
Pre-requisite: None
Minimum: 6
Maximum: 16
Ozark Gourd Patch News
The first meeting of the newly formed Ozarks Gourd Patch was held on Jan. 26th. at the home of Carolyn Owen near
Rogersville, Mo. There were 9 in attendance and it was a fun enthusiastic group. We have a great mix of talents to share
with one another. We spent time introducing ourselves and getting to know one another better. We decided on a group
name, how often we would meet and where, and what our next meeting would involve.
Due to the April festival we decided to meet March 23rd at 1:00 again at the home of Mike and Carolyn Owen. We had a
few interested in entering the competition at the festival who wanted help and so we wanted to make sure to meet before
April. Our plan is to meet quarterly. We will work out specifics at our next meeting.
We took a tour of Carolyn's shop where she carves and of her studio where she completes her gourds. We even ended
up in the barn picking up some gourds that needed to be cleared out so there would be room for this years crop. (There's
plenty more if anyone is interested.)
During our show and tell time and discussion, several of us mentioned that we have accumulated a lot of dyes, tools etc.
that we wouldn't mind getting rid of. We decided to make our next meeting a kind of swap meet where we could each
bring our excess supplies and offer them to others. We will have tables set up and gourd shards so we can try out
different dyes, etc. This will be a great opportunity for our friends who are new to gourd art to try out some stuff before
having to purchase it. It should be a fun time of sharing our knowledge and supplies.
We also had some people who were interested in obtaining a list of sources for supplies. If you have a link to a great
supplier just send it in and it will be included on a handout we will make available at the next meeting.
If anyone is interested in joining us they can contact Carolyn at Your name will be added
to our list so you can receive our newsletter and notices. I can send out a map as well for our meeting location.
You are invited to spend Saturday night dinner with your friends from SMGS. We have planned a yummy menu
that we hope can accommodate all of you! So please consider a great meal and a fun evening of entertainment all
right there in the E-Plex.
IMPORTANT: Please make checks out to
Show Me Gourd Society
Fill out the form below and send it with your check for the full amount to:
Glenda Woodsmall
8637 Interlochen Dr.
Nixa, MO 65714
Dinner will start at 6:00 PM.
Pork Loin
Fettuccini Alfredo (for Vegetarians)
Garden Salad w/ House Dressing
Cheesy Potatoes
Green Beans with Mushrooms
Yeast Rolls with Butter
Assorted Cookie Tray
Water, Sweet Tea, Unsweetened Tea, and Coffee
$15.00 per Person
Number of Pork Loin Meals:
________ X $15.00 = ___________
Number of Fettuccini Meals:
________ X $15.00 = ___________
IMPORTANT: Please make checks out to Show Me Gourd Society
C/O George Ewing
1312 Burnam Road
Chillicothe, MO 64601
Membership Form
Membership Dues: $15.00__________
Please make your check Payable to: Show Me Gourd Society
Mail to:
Sandy Heimann
13104 East 264th Street
Pecuilar, MO 64078
Tell us a little about yourself:______________________________________________________
Crafter____________Grower___________Just A Lover of Gourds_______________________
How Did the Gourd Bug Bite You?_________________________________________________