March, 2014 1 THE PATCHWORK GAZETTE Livingston Piecemakers Quilt Guild Volume 19, Issue 12 March, 2014 Madi’sBuzz I want to say thank you for the opportunity to serve as your president for the last two years. I’m blessed to be a part of such a charity-minded group. We can hold our heads high for all of the community service that we do. I wish President-elect Sylvia Sills and her board of officers a successful year. Madi 2 Patchwork Gazette Livingston Piecemakers Quilt Guild Officers President ..................................... Madeline (Madi) McMurry 1st Vice President – Programs ........................Bonnie Walker 2nd Vice President – Membership ................ Sondra Sterling Secretary....................................................... Bobbylee Ruskis Treasurer ........................................................... Kathy Russell Parliamentarian............................................ Bobbylee Ruskis Committee Chairs Bee Keeper ........................................ A member of each Bee Bus Trip ................................................................... JC Gafford Buy/Sell/Trade Table.......................................... Mickey Rose Challenge Retreat............. Josey Fountain & Wanda Langley Charity ............................................ Bitsy Barr & Debbie Baca Education, acting..................................................... Bitsy Barr Electronic Communications ............................ Patsy Simpson Habitat for Humanity ........................................... Shirley Bell Historian ................................................................. Kay Hardy Hometown Christmas ............. Mary Parrish & Brenda Mack Hospitality ..................................................... Beverly Herrod, Carolyn Ferrell, & Tammy Nowajewski Librarian......................................Beverly Herrod/Rose Miller LPQG Memorabilia Sales ...........................Maxine Mangrum Newsletter .......................................................... Jeanie Noble Public Relations ....................................................................... Quilt Show 2015 ...................................................................... Raffle Quilt Design ......................................... Madi McMurry Raffle Quilt Tickets Printing ................................... Kay Hardy Raffle Ticket Sales .............................................. Ollie Beverly Raffle Quilt Traveling Scheduler ......................Nancy Brinton Special Projects .............................................Charlene Everitt Sunshine & Shadows....................................... Nancy Gafford Troop Support ...............................................Charlene Everitt Webmistress .................................................... Patty Drewett Fun Stuff Chairs 50/50 .......................................................... Joan Marshall Birthdays .......................................................... Joan Marshall Block of the Month ................................................ Ann Smith Door Prizes ....................................................... Joan Marshall Fat Quarter Lotto ...............................................Kathie Hilton Fat Quarter of the Month ................................Nancy Brinton Gifts to Visitors ................................................. Joan Marshall Secret Pals ...................................................... Sondra Sterling Show & Tell .............................................................Sylvia Sills Standing Reminders LPQG meets at the First Baptist Church in Livingston on the 2nd Monday of the month at 9:30 a.m. Hostesses and Board Members are to be present at 8:45 a.m. 1. Hostesses are to have refreshments set up no later than 9:00 a.m. for social until 9:30 a.m. 2. You will be fined 50 cents for not wearing a nametag. No paper tags allowed. 3. Library books are due back one (1) month after checking out. You will be fined one dollar ($1) per month or part of month following return day. Limit 3 books out at once. Board of Directors meetings 1st Monday of every month at First Baptist Church. Guild members may attend but may not vote. Closed meetings are for Board Members only. 4. 5. Visitors are welcome to Guild Meeting and may attend two (2) meetings without joining. 6. 5th Monday workshops will be held at the First Baptist Church. Fifth Monday workshop participants should bring an item or two for the church pantry. 7. Be sure to bring your secret pal gift. No one should be left out. If you cannot bring it, please ask a friend to bring it for you or mail it. 8. Members who present programs will receive fee of $150 if the member wants it. Member workshop instructor will do them for free or will set a price to offset expenses. 9. Winners of the BOM who complete quilts in six months will receive a $25.00 gift certificate from the LPQG to Jean’s Corner. 10. LPQG members in their birthday months, will serve as greeters and introduce guests and new members to the LPQG offerings around the room. 11. The Charter Members and Past Presidents' Lunch will be held in April of even numbered years. Guild Bees Monthly Schedule nd 2 Monday4th Monday 5th Monday 4th Tuesday 2nd Wednesday Charity Workshop—after the Guild meeting 1 PM at Jean’s Corner EQ7 Bee at Jean’s Corner. Workshops — don’t forget lunch Sundowners—6:30 p.m. at the Heritage House Square-in-a-Square Bee—9 a.m. ‘til??? at Jean’s Corner COMMUNITY BEES Every Wednesday Every Thursday 3rd Thursday Blessing Bee in Trinity Thursday Bee at Escapees Park Club House—10-2 Bring your lunch. Heaven Bound Bee at 1st Baptist Church, Point Blank—10 a.m.-noon March, 2014 3 After every normal Guild meeting bring your Brown Bag Lunch and supplies to participate in a Sit & Sew session. All meetings are at the First Baptist Church, 106 Colt Road, Livingston, unless otherwise noted. Sunshine & Shadows - Nancy Gafford Nancy Gafford is at home recovering from knee surgery. Sondra Sterling has a broken leg. Education - Bitsy Barr, acting chair All Education quilts will be shown at the next LPQG Quilt Show. If you have a book out, please get to work on your quilt. You now have 13 months to get it done. Wanda Langley has been in the hospital. Jeanie Noble has new and improved hearing aids!!! Woohoo! April Birthdays March 10—Sylvia Sills 17—Bonnie Magid 24—Sally Tullos 24—Janet Edwards 24—Brenda Mack 28—Nancy Brinton Birthdays 28—Bonnie Walker Fat Quarter of the Month - Nancy Brinton To participate in the FQOM you need to bring a fat quarter to have your name in the drawing. If you win, you need to participate in the FQOM for the next 12 months, but you cannot win for these next 12 months. Colors for 2014: April — Pink print or tone on tone May — Yellow print June — Jewel tones July — Patriotic print August — Purple print September — Blue, solids or print October —Halloween print November — Harvest print December — Christmas print Hostess - Beverly Herrod April is our Pot Luck Luncheon to celebrate the Guild’s 20th Anniversary. All members are asked to bring a covered dish— anything except desserts. 4 Patchwork Gazette March 2014 Board Minutes Members present: Jeanie Noble, Bonnie Walker, Nancy Brinton, Kay Hardy, Mary Burnette, Bobbylee Ruskis, Sylvia Sills, Patty Drewett, Madi McMurry and Joan Marshall.President, Madi McMurry, opened the meeting at 9:45AM. The Minutes from the February Board Meeting were read by Bobbylee Ruskis, Secretary. A motion to approve the minutes was made by Patty Drewett. The motion was seconded and passed. Bobbylee reported that all binders of previous year’s minutes will President, Madi McMurry, opened the meeting at 9:45AM. The Minutes from the February Board Meeting were read by Bobbylee Ruskis, Secretary. A motion to approve the minutes was made by Patty Drewett. The motion was seconded and passed. Bobbylee reported that all binders of previous year’s minutes will be placed in the storage shed. Bonnie Walker, Programs Chair, reported on the upcoming programs, which will be: March - Ruler Revolution - a program showing new rulers and their uses. March workshop - Madi McMurry - Celtic pattern April - 20 year celebration, installation of officers and pot luck lunch. Bonnie will order a sheet cake. June - A Walk On The Wildside, a program about raw edge applique. June workshop - Jammie Ackley - Tennessee Waltz Quilt Membership Chair, Sondra Sterling was absent, but sent word that she has ordered the 20 year pins for Treasurer, Kathy Russell was absent, but sent the Treasurer’s Report with a balance of $7130.07. A motion to accept the Treasurer’s Report was made by Bobbylee Ruskis. It was seconded and passed. A report of active Bees was given by those representatives present. Nancy Brinton noted that Fat Quarter of the Month will be green print for March. Hometown Christmas has had Mary Parrish volunteer to head this up. Sunshine and Shadows Chair, Nancy Gafford, was not present. Bonnie Walker said that her younger brother will be having prostate and bladder surgery. Sondra Sterling hurt her leg. Mary Burnette has agreed to assist Patty Drewett working on the web site. They will be called the Web Team. Bonnie Walker made a motion to pass on the Quilt Show for 2015. She suggested that we suspend the 2015 show while a committee explores the possibility of a smaller, more casual show that would be less stressful. The motion was seconded and passed. It will be presented to the membership in the March meeting. A motion to adjourn was made by Patty Drewett. It was seconded and passed. The meeting closed at 11:30 AM. Respectfully submitted, Bobbylee Ruskis, Secretary March, 2014 5 March 2014 Guild Minutes The meeting was opened by President Madi McMurry at 9:45. A prayer was said by Kathy Russell. A motion to accept the minutes of the February meeting was put forth by Devonne Metzger. It was seconded and passed. Program Chair, Bonnie Walker introduced the speaker, Patti Nethery, speaking on her company “Ruler Revolution“. After the program, Bonnie stated that next month will be the guild’s 20 th anniversary celebration, along with the installation of officers, drawing of the winner of the donation quilt, and a pot luck luncheon. Bonnie will bring a large sheet cake. The workshop for March will be Madi McMurry teaching a Celtic pattern wall hanging - $15 for the class and $18 for the book. Jean’s Corner has the fabric needed. In May, the program will be Member Vendors, In June a program of raw edge applique, and the workshop for June will be Jammie Ackley teaching the Tennessee Waltz Quilt pattern. Membership Chair, Sondra Sterling, announced that there were 57 members present and 5 guests. She asked that members please pay their dues this month. Treasurer, Kathy Russell, showed a balance of $7130.07. A motion to approve the report was given by Patty Drewett, and it was seconded and passed. Bee reports were given by several representatives present. Shirley Bell, Chair of the Exchange Table, asked that you bring a self-addressed envelope along with the exchange items for the money to be put in. Debbie Baca and Bitsy Barr, Chairs of Community Service Projects, numbered 54 items turned in. Habitat for Humanity has enough quilts for presentation at the next house built, according to Shirley Bell. It was requested that no more stuffed animals be hanging off of the fidget aprons, as they are too hard to wash. Hospitality Chair, Beverly Herrod, asked for drinks to be brought in April along with your pot luck food. Library Chair, Beverly Herrod, asked for more magazines. Charlene Everitt, Troop Support Chair, asked for help packing boxes for the troops this week, and thanked everyone for a wagon full of donations. Sunshine and Shadows - Sondra Sterling broke her leg and is in a cast. Wanda Langley was in the ER with extremely high blood pressure. Maxine McDaniel fell. Patty Drewett and Mary Burnette will be the new Web Team. Expect a new look on the Web. A 15 year pin was presented to Carolyn Brewster. New officers were elected by acclamation as follows: President - Sylvia Sills 1 Vice President, Programs - Jammie Ackley 2nd Vice President, Membership - Sondra Sterling Treasurer - Nancy Brinton Secretary - Patsy Simpson Parliamentarian - Madi McMurry st 6 Patchwork Gazette (Continued from page 5.) Birthdays were celebrated by Pat Frazier, Shirley Bell, Charlene Everitt, Pat Johnson and Ann Smith. 50/50 prize of $21.50 was won by Verda Bland. The Block of the Month was won by Delores Jones. She took home 16 blocks. Stash Builders Opportunity was won by Manual Franco, Beverly Herrod, and Madi McMurry. Fat Quarter of the Month (green) was won by Kay Hardy. Door Prizes were won by: Beth Dunn, Bonnie Magid, Kathy Russell, Mary Burnette, Connie Timm, Beverly Herrod, Mary Ann Wilson, Barb Persinger, Madi McMurry, Sondra Sterling, and Bitsy Barr. A motion to adjourn the meeting was made by Pat Frazier. The motion was seconded and passed. Respectfully submitted, Bobbylee Ruskis, Secretary. Be kind to your neighbor: Please turn off all cell phones or put on silent mode while attending the guild meetings. It has been brought to my attention that there is a lot of whispering/talking going on during the program and the meeting. Remember the members in front or behind you might not be able to hear what is being said over your conversation. - Madi Communications - Patsy Simpson If you are not receiving your LPQG emails, send an email to Patsy at That way, she will have your email address and can make corrections to her list if it is necessary. If you need telephone notifications, let Patsy know at 936-967-0269. March, 2014 7 COMMUNITY SERVICES COMMITTEE - Bitsy Barr & Debbie Baca Fifty-five items were turned in this month and donations were made by Sue Glick and Mary Ann Wilson. Thanks to all who are participating in our projects. We had our drawing for the three exchange items: Bonnie Walker won the book and quilt; Bitsy Barr won the seasonal fabric and Nancy Brinton won the mystery quilt tools in a bag! Thanks to all who bought tickets. The money goes to fund our committee projects. Five people attended the bee at Jean's following the meeting. See you next month! Bitsy Barr MEMBERSHIP REPORT FOR MARCH 2014 - Sondra Sterling Happy St. Patrick’s Day !! ATTENDANCE AT THE MEETING 57 members NEW MEMBERS 1 GUESTS 4 who signed in DOOR PRIZES WON BY: Bonnie Magid, Beth Dunn, Beverly Herrod, Sondra Sterling, Mary Burnette, Barb Persinger, Mary Ann Wilson, Madi McMurry, Connie Timm, and Bitsy Barr. Carolyn Brewster, former President (4/2002-3/2004) received a belated 15 year pin. GUESTS: Reid and Sha Valencia, Isabel Gobel, and Linda Bell. Isabel also joined after the meeting. New Member info: Isabel Gobel 946 Rocky Creek Rd Livingston, TX 77351 281-455-1856 Volunteer hours 338 for preceding month TREASURER’S TRANSACTION REPORT Feb 1– 28, 2014 - Kathy Russell BALANCE 01/31/2014 ___________________________________________________________________ 7,420.23 RENT MEETING ROOM ____________________________________________________________________ -155.00 NEWSLETTER _____________________________________________________________________________ -57.10 STORAGE RENT ___________________________________________________________________________ -45.00 Historian ________________________________________________________________________________ -54.06 Speaker Fees ____________________________________________________________________________ -300.00 Jean’s Corner—BoM Gift Certificate __________________________________________________________ -25.00 Deposit: Membership Dues _________________________________________________________________ 80.00 Deposit: Raffle Quilt Income _______________________________________________________________ 266.00 2/1/2014—2/28/2014 ____________________________________________________________________ -290.16 BALANCE 2/28/2014 ____________________________________________________________________ 7,130.07 TOTAL INFLOWS ______________________________________ 346.00 TOTAL OUTFLOWS ___________________________________—636-16 NET TOTAL __________________________________________ -290.16 8 Patchwork Gazette Pat Gordon Rose Miller Bobbylee Ruskis Sue Glick Reid Valencia Bitsy Barr Madi McMurry Glenda Henson March, 2014 9 Show & Tell - Sylvia Sills Charlene Everitt Jammie Ackley Bonnie Walker Patricia Frazier 10 Patchwork Gazette March, 2014 Delores Jones won the March Blocks of the Month. 11 12 Patchwork Gazette Program Listing for 2014—Bonnie Walker 03/03/2014—Board meeting 03/10/2014—Patti Nethery “Ruler Revolution” 03/31/2014—5th Monday: Madi McMurry “Celtic Pattern” by Karen Combs 04/07/2014—Board meeting 04/14/2014—Installation of Officers and Guild’s 20th Anniversary 05/05/2014—Board meeting 05/12/2014—Member Vendor 06/02/2014—Board meeting 06/09/2014—Veronica Cox “Take a Walk on the Wild Side” 06/30/2014—5th Monday: Jammie Ackley “Tennessee Waltz Quilt” 07/07/2014—Board meeting 07/14/2014—Mary Massey “Not Your Grandmother’s Log Cabin” 08/04/2014—Board meeting 08/11/2014—Skills Fair 09/01/2014—No Board meeting (Labor Day) 09/08/2014—Fabric Challenge 09/29/2014—5th Monday: Open 10-06/2014—Board meeting 10/13/2014—Git ‘R Done” Challenge 11/03/2014—Board meeting 11/10/2014—Marcia Kaylackie “Sweet Dreams” 12/01/2014—Board meeting 12/08/2014—Christmas/Holiday Party 12/29/2014—5th Monday: Open March, 2014 Upcoming Quilt Shows 13 14 Support Our Advertisers: Patchwork Gazette March, 2014 15 LPQG SPONSOR Livingston Piecemakers Quilt Guild PO Box 1486 Livingston, TX 77351 March, 2014
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