SEW CENSATIONAL The Sewing Newsletter for the Ames/Central Iowa Chapter American Sewing Guild Number 67 Published Quarterly March—May 2009 From your President... New year, new beginning, and time to finish all of the UFOs (Unfinished Objects) and start fresh ones. Spring is the time for the blossoming of a wide range of plant species! To help get some ideas blossoming, we have some great events planned. In March, we are kicking off a pant measurement program. In April, Dorothy Hellberg will talk about packing techniques for a two week getaway (just in time for summer travels), and we will get information on how to enter garments in the Iowa State Fair. Finally, in May we will have serger sewing with Mary Jane Sprage. We guarantee everyone will find something of interest. More details on the inside of this newsletter. Check it out! I would also like to invite everyone to check out the web site for this year’s new community service project. We will be making pillowcases for Albuquerque’s Ronald McDonald House! The standard pillowcase dimensions are 21”x32”, and the pillowcases should be made of 100% cotton in children’s print and bright colors. Many free pillowcase patterns can be found on the Internet—just enter “pillow case pattern.” I invite everyone to make at least one, if not more. We will be taking these to the ASG Annual Conference in Albuquerque, New Mexico, July 16-20, 2009. “Giving back is a vital part of a full and rewarding life. What could be more fulfilling than doing what we love to do (sewing) while contributing to the quality of life of others in need within your own community?” See you at the next meeting, - Molly American Sewing Guild Mission Statement Advancing sewing as an art and life skill The American Sewing Guild website ( has been updated and you can now join ASG online! ASG Regional Representative (303) 364-5522 Susi Perry 2 Sew Censational March 2009 2009 Advisory Board President Molly Altemeier….………....221-3444 4828 Park Circle, West Des Moines 50265 First Vice President Facility/Hospitality Coordinator Frances Kruse…………..….. 597-2540 PO Box 97, Huxley 50124-9310 Assisted by: Annamaria Hauser..641-486-2394 PO Box 59, Union 50258-0059 Second Vice President Education/Community Sewing Chair Beth Wehrman…………..…. 387-8731 709 Maxwell St, Maxwell 50161-1002 Assisted by: Janet Hilleman……228-3423 205 9th Ave, Slater 50244 Secretary Rita Riskedahl……...…(641) 753-5135 1412 S. 5th St., Marshalltown 50158 Treasurer Su McCurdy……………..…. 276-2776 7920 Rocklyn Dr, Urbandale 50322-4483 Newsletter/Retail Liaison Laura DeLong…………..….. 491-4721 4519 Grand #3, Des Moines 50312 Assisted by: Cheryl Fraracci……279-6245 1009 Kingman Circle, Des Moines 50311 Membership/Neighborhood Groups Coordinator Diane Olson Sanders………..836-4660 3108 330th St, Ellsworth 50075-7526 Publicity/Historian Mary Hilliard…………….… 277-4055 6015 N Waterbury, Des Moines 50312 Assisted by: Judy Allen……. 382-6181 621 5th St, Nevada 50201 Librarian Frances Kruse………….…... 597-2540 PO Box 97, Huxley 50124-9310 Special Events Lynette Klein………………. 255-7153 4317 Lincoln Ave., Des Moines 50310 SEW CENSATIONAL Published Sept, Dec, March, June Submission deadline: 15th of the month preceding publication. Articles are welcomed and are subject to review and space. Articles from members who are not on the CAB will earn a free chapter meeting. We will use any articles on sewing or sewing related topics that space allows. Contact the newsletter editor: Laura DeLong 515-491-4721 Advertising Rates Display ads: Full page $65.00 1/2 page $40.00 1/4 page $25.00 1/8 page $15.00 All display ads must be camera ready, accompanied with payment, and received by the submission deadline indicated above. 10% discount with prepayment for a year. ASG Membership Benefits Check the ASG website for specials, which will change with the publication of each new issue of Notions. To see these offers, log onto and click on “Members Only.” At the prompt, enter Name: sewing and Password: friends (both words lowercase). Click on “Special Offers.” Here are some examples: Chapter Advisory Board Meetings Hancock Fabrics—Receive a 10% discount or pay the sale price, whichever is lower. Advisory Board meetings are held following chapter meetings in the same location as the meetings. Saf-T-Pockets Patterns—10% discount. Enter code ASG08. Palmer/Pletsch Products Sixty-inch wide interfacings in several weights (Sheer, Light, Medium and Tailor) are on sale at a discount in packages of 1 or 3 yards at most chapter meetings. Check out their new UserFriendly interfacings at Call or e-mail Diane Sanders for discount prices. (515) 836-4660 Button Drawer—15% discount. Enter “ASG Notions” in the comments field. L.J. Designs—Save 10% on all regularly priced merchandise. Call or go online to order and mention ASG02. LaFred Patterns—Free shipping on online orders. Enter “ASG Member” in the comments section. Sew Censational March 2009 Our Sewing Guild Programs March 21—Pants Measuring We will pair up to take measurements needed to draft a personalized pair of pants using Connie Crawford's technique. Drafting directions can be found in Connie's books, Fashion Your Own Pants the Simple Way or Patternmaking Made Easy. Both are available at, and Patternmaking Made Easy is also in the guild library. Measurement sheets will be provided. Bring narrow elastic or twill tape to determine waistline, tape measure, pencil, and calculator, if desired. For measuring accuracy, models will remove their shoes and should wear undergarments normally worn under pants. Hostesses: Marshalltown April 18—Packing/Contests 2 topics—Dorothy Hellberg, of Marshalltown, will present Tips on Packing. She covers how to select clothes and pack travel items in one carry-on bag. Gather tips on travel by air and how to take advantage of hotel amenities to reduce travel stress and cost. The goal of every trip is not checking a bag! Sewing Contests—Learn from the experience of members that have entered sewing competitions including the Iowa State Fair and the ASG Creativity Contest. Be inspired to take your sewing to a new level and win a blue ribbon! May 16—Serger Sewing Member Mary Jane Sprague will help you improve your serging skills with a morning Trunk Show including garments, home dec, and heirloom projects. She will use the samples to teach serger techniques, stitches, and thread selection. An afternoon Workshop lets you create a serger project: "Soft flannel and pearl rayon thread combine to create this adorable little bonnet for boys or girls. A rolled hem stitch with rayon thread is the perfect edge finish, and three rows of decorative flatlock are also stitched with the rayon. The back edge folds forward to create a casing; the boy's casing is strictly functional, while a deeper fold creates a feminine little ruffle. Both versions are finished with a turned-back brim and silk satin ribbon ties." The kit includes complete instructions, white flannel, Pearl Crown thread, and silk satin ribbon for $10 payable to the guild. Please RSVP with your choice of pink or blue thread/ ribbon to Mary Jane at or 712-563-4567 by May 10. Bring: serger and machine manual, rotary cutter, mat, ruler, 3 spools white thread, scissors, and basic sewing kit. June 20-Community Service Sewing Save the date to sit and sew together. Most likely we will construct Ronald McDonald House pillowcases as the national service project. Regular guild meetings are held from 9:00 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. at the Trinity United Methodist Church in Huxley. Regular meeting fee is $2 for members and nonmember guests. Guests may attend up to two meetings prior to joining the chapter. Turn at the overhead traffic light on Highway 69. Church phone number is (515) 597-2625. Coffee and tea are provided by the Guild; hostesses for the meeting provide snacks. Gathering starts at 9:00, and the meeting begins promptly at 9:15. If the weather could be a concern for traveling, please listen to WHO radio (1040 on the dial) or call the chapter president (Molly Altemeier 221-3444) Welcome New Members Please welcome these new members to Chapter sponsored activities and neighborhood meetings: Val McMullen—Roland Isabel Dunsmoor—Knoxville Margery Sudbrock—Indianola 3 4 Sew Censational March 2009 Iowa State Fair News T wo of my greatest joys as a member of the American Sewing Guild are learning new techniques, and sharing knowledge and inspiration with other sewing enthusiasts. We have the opportunity to do both at the State Fair this year. Several members were involved in assisting the textiles superintendent in revising the garment sewing classes. The list is expected to be posted on the fair website about the first of May ( All of our suggestions are not confirmed; however, you can expect to see one new class for “Garment using independent pattern company pattern – must include copy of pattern envelope.” A list of independent pattern companies can be found on our chapter website under “links.” In this class, there will be the usual blue, red and white ribbons. In addition, three designers are enthusiastic in offering awards for use of their patterns: Linda Lee - Sewing Workshop Patterns 2 patterns of choice and $50. Marcia McClintock – Saf-t-pocket Patterns 2 patterns of choice and $25. Peggy Sagers – Silhouette Patterns 2 patterns of choice and $50. example, the most deserving will get the designer award, even though it does not necessarily win a State Fair ribbon. One other new class is for a recycled garment. It’s good to have this advance notice, since entry in the class requires a photo taken before the makeover. Our chapter is also offering awards of $50 and a oneyear membership to the guild for Sweepstakes in Adult Clothing, Best of Show and Best Suit (lined). There are other ways to show off your talents. The textiles superintendent has suggested that we have a style show in the Fabric & Threads department and is willing to help make it a successful experience. Watch for more information in the next newsletter. Make & Take It sessions are another source of sharing your sewing talents while encouraging others. They are 1 or 2-hour sessions starting at 10:00, 1:30 or 4:00. Six sewing machines and an iron are available for use. The instructor and the guild will each receive $4.50 per student. Deadline for turning in the title and time is March 30. Our April 18 program will include tips from our members on entering—and winning—at the State There will also be an award from Jill Mead of Rag Merchant patterns, but I don’t know what prize Jill is Fair. In the meantime, please feel free to contact me with any suggestions or questions regarding the Fair. offering. I believe we have a tremendous talent pool. Let’s see what we can do to kick it up a notch! How this will work: The State Fair ribbons will be awarded for the entire class. In addition, if there are - Diane Sanders, State Fair Liaison some garments made from Silhouette patterns, for Give the Gift of the Guild Donna Deal Share the pride, perks and pleasures of being a member of the American Sewing Guild. Give a gift of the guild to a friend or family member who enjoys sewing or would like to learn to sew. It’s a gift that keeps on giving all year long! One of our long-term members, Donna Deal of Boone, passed away on Christmas day. She has not been active in the guild for some time, but we will miss her. Sew Censational No more “Yabut’s”, please! Sewing Road Trip Let’s declare a moratorium on “yabuts”! O Don’t know what a “yabut” is? Read on. . . W e love it when we receive a compliment about something we have made, be it sewn, knitted or even glued! However, following that compliment, do you reply “Yabut, I made a mistake here” and then proceed to show that person your badly sewn seam, incorrect fit, or whatever you have deemed not perfect. Let’s stop and realize the person commenting probably doesn’t see the imperfection you so willingly pointed out. Could it be the person commenting likes what she sees, be it the color, design or how well it looks on you? Let’s start replying “Thank you!” and leave it at that. If you feel you must elaborate on the person’s comment, then include something positive—you found the fabric at a favorite shop; it was something in your stash for several years and it now works perfectly for this project; or you’ve never worked in this color before, but now it’s become a favorite! Yes, Virginia, there are times when self critiquing is necessary or is wanted. I belong to a small neighborhood group where we share the good and bad of a pattern, a particular fabric, or a sewing mishap. This way we hope to save other members time and energy when they have more knowledge. Would I go into this type of detail upon receiving a compliment at a social or work gathering? No! Save the self critique for the right venue. So the next time you receive a compliment about something you’ve created, just say “Thank you!” The person may surprise you by continuing with additional compliments. Give that person your biggest and brightest smile while thinking to yourself “Whew, she didn’t see my mistake!” - Vicky Konrady March 2009 - Laura DeLong ne sunny day, Cheryl Fraracci and I took a road trip to visit Grinnell Fiber Works in its new location. They claim to have the same products they used to have but now are in a much smaller space. They’ve moved just around the corner (you can see the old place from the new front door). 805 4th Ave., Grinnell M-F 10-5:30; Th 10-7; Sat 10-5; Sun 1-4 (641) 236-7026 On the way home, we stopped at Three Sisters Fabric & Fashions in Montezuma. One of the sisters, Joan Ahrens, told us how they’ve managed to stay in business 17 years by being the go-to place in a small town, providing everything from custom sewing to tuxedo rental to UPS service. While their fabrics have moved from fashion to quilting, they do have a big wall of JHB buttons and more metal YKK zippers than I’ve ever seen. Give them a call. They’re sure to have the zipper you need among such variety of color and length. 305 E Main St, Montezuma (515) 623-5640 After a surprisingly delicious lunch at the bowling alley (a wrap at a bowling alley?), we swung by Newton to check out Cornerstone Quilts. We were accosted in the parking lot by a woman from Marshalltown, who couldn’t believe we were leaving a fabric store empty handed. Yes, it definitely is a quilting store. 426 1st Ave East, Newton (641) 792-6274 5 6 Sew Censational March 2009 Spring Cleaning You’ve cleaned up your sewing spot. Now what do you do with the sewing stuff you no longer want? How do you help a sewing friend who’s downsizing and needs to clear out her stash? Our chapter can help! Our ever-popular free table – Display your unwanted items on our FREE table to allow others to use your cast offs. UFOs – Release your Unfinished Fabric Objects by placing them on the free table. Get them off your shoulders and give someone else the opportunity to turn them into completed projects. The catch? If no one takes your “stuff”, the stuff is yours again to cart away. Please check the free table at the end of the meeting and dispose of any of your items that have not been taken. Trim - The State Historical Society is looking for sewing supplies for craft projects they coordinate for school children. They need all kinds of trim: buttons, lace, spangles, baubles, hem tape, satin roses, sequins, beads, ribbons, etc. Charity - The Fabricators will use any fabric in their charitable quilts. Laura DeLong will take your scraps and trim to their new home. Track her down at meetings and tell her you have something for her to take with her. Murphy’s Law for Seamstresses #7 Is it wool? The answer is 19 years old, but still relevant. I have many woollike fabrics and yarns, but I don’t know which are all wool and which are blends. How can I test for polyester, nylon, or acrylic content? —Crystal Boogaart, Grand Rapids, MI David Coffin replies: The easiest way to test fabrics and yarns for content is by burning a few threads. The way the sample burns, how it smells, and what the ash is like can quickly tell you whether you have a blend. Snip off a short length of yarn, or a tiny swatch of fabric, making sure you have both warp and weft threads, hold it over a white plate with a pair of tweezers, light it, and watch how it reacts. Remove it from the flame before it all burns, and notice if it continues to burn or goes out. Blow out the flame if necessary and smell the smoke; then look at the burned portion. Let it cool for about a minute; then try to crush it against the plate. Detecting the presence of synthetics in a blend is usually easy because most will melt, forming a hard bead that won’t crush, even if there’s only a little in the blend. All natural fibers leave behind ash (plant fibers) or crushable beads (animal fibers). To more precisely distinguish between the components in your sample, consult a chart that describes in detail how each fiber reacts. There’s a good one in Threads, No. 1, p. 68, and in Claire Shaeffer’s Fabric Sewing Guide (Chilton, 1989), p. 6. It’s also advisable to test a few samples of fibers whose content you know so you can make a comparison. Dyes and fabric finishes can somewhat alter how a fiber burns, but they won’t change the basic reaction. ©1989 The Taunton Press, Inc. Reprinted with permission from issue #26 of Threads magazine, Box 5506, Newtown, CT 06470-5506. To order a copy of Threads, call 1-800-888-8286 or visit our website at A newer question: Is this slinky polyester or acetate? The pattern you wanted to make again will have one key piece missing. Put a little fingernail polish remover (acetone) on the sample. The fabric will melt if it is acetate (a better quality of slinky than polyester). Sew Censational March 2009 Hiding Fabric Fold it large and put it evenly under the mattress – you can get a hundred yards under there! There’s no chance hubby will find it – How often does he make the bed? You can also fold some and put it under each chair and sofa cushion. Hang a yard on a coat hanger, then cover it with a piece of clothing – hence, 100 coat hangers/100 yards of fabric! 3 closets – 300 yards! Get a large trash can, remove the cover and have someone cut a round piece of plywood. Put stash in can, put on wooden cover, place a pretty 70” round tablecloth on it – a beautiful lamp on top – and who’s to know it’s full of fabric? (A good way to hide the ironing, too!) If you have space under the bed, buy some flat Rubbermaid tubs and fill them with fabric. Now when you’ve bought more fabric than you can store in these five ways, you just aren’t sewing enough! From Sew Tasteful, Birmingham ASG Collection of Recipes Leap and the Net Will Appear First choose what you would do. The how usually falls into place of itself. -Julia Cameron in The Artist’s Way Whenever we begin a project or set out in a new direction, we are opening to our creativity. As human beings, we are all creative and our creativity yearns to be expressed. By expressing it, we are honoring the natural order of life: pure creative energy. We don’t need to be completely ready, informed, or skillful; we just need to be willing. So, go ahead, choose a project, craft, or mission. Find something that you love, that gives you happiness and purpose, and then leap into it. Leap and the net will appear. 7 8 Sew Censational March 2009 Garment Sewing — It’s a Treasure Hunt by Laura DeLong and Cheryl Fraracci, Retail Liaison S ince 2005, this column has told you about 13 independent stores that have supplies for garment sewers. Of the 13, almost half have closed. Sewing stores need your business. Stop and think before automatically going to the internet for supplies. With some creative thinking you might find what you need locally—and help ensure the business is still in business next time you need something for a sewing project. — — A recent trip to Indianola revealed two sewing finds: a dress form and an old Singer industrial sewing machine. The dress form is an Acme size B adjustable, for $65.00. It will expand to the middle forties (inches) in the hips. The industrial machine’s sewing base is set off its table about five inches, so it is a free arm. The instruction manual is for models 153w101 thru153w103 and 154w101. I couldn’t find the model number (the lower level of the building isn’t well lit). Here is a description of the machine: Lock stitch cylinder machine with a compound feed, belt drawn rotary sewing hook on a vertical axis and a safety clutch which protects the hook from damage. Asking $200. You can find these items at the Indianola Flea Market, 301 2nd – Highway 92, Indianola. The telephone number is (515) 250-6875. — — Textile Studio of Iowa is now open under new ownership. The store is still located at 2745 100th Street in Urbandale. Phone (515) 270-0320 — — It calls itself “Winterset’s Newest Secret. ” While it does not have fabric, the Heartland Fiber Co. offers unique fibers such as bamboo, corn, soybean, milk, banana, nettle, and hemp. The shop is full of handdyed, natural yarns and fibers as well as kits and notions for craft projects. Heartland Fiber Co. Located just off the square at 114 S 1st Ave, Winterset (515) 468-8593 — — Linda Lee and Louise Cutting have introduced a new pattern line called “Shapes.” You can see and order the designs at — — One of Des Moines’ better kept secrets is the fabric available at dornink, a couturier headquartered in the East Village. In the back corner of the shop is a collection of the most georgeous silks you can imagine. Don’t be timid about asking for information or prices. The price list is kept behind the sales counter and not posted on or near the fabric itself. After you’ve dreamed over so much luxury, treat yourself to a bag of scraps for $5. dornink 518 E Grand, Des Moines (515) 255-7528 — — “Where can you get scissors sharpened?” That question rang out at the end of our February program. Vicky Konrady recommended sending Gingher scissors to the company for their guaranteed expert sharpening. Instructions are on the website at For other brands, refer to the information on page 4 of the June 2008 Sew Censational. You do keep all issues of our newsletter, don’t you? If the dog ate your copy, you can find this and some other back issues in the Members Only section of our website ( Sew Censational March 2009 Creative? Who, me? -Diane McCauley I will let you in on a little secret – Yes, YOU are creative! As a sewer, every time you pair a particular fabric or fabrics with a pattern, you are making a creative choice. Choosing the buttons – another creative choice. The finished length of a skirt - you got it – creative! Sewing requires the construction skills of an engineer AND the creative vision and choices of an artist or designer. You may think that creativity requires something totally new. But how many truly new things are there in this world? Rather, creativity is the ability to combine "things" in new or unique ways – and those "things" could be colors, fabrics, ideas, images, patterns, techniques -- just about anything! A few simple examples: ● A quilt pattern piques my interest but I don’t want to invest the time to make a quilt. I resize and modify the quilt block and add a pieced yoke to a jacket that originally had no yoke. ● After a demonstration on sewing fabric bowls, I am intrigued by the sculptural, three dimensional shapes. Rather than make a bowl, I adapt the technique to add dimensional shaping to a handbag. Neither the quilt block nor the bowl technique was my idea or technique, but the way that they were adapted or combined with another concept WAS my creative solution. As sewers, you face creative design decisions repeatedly whether you realize it or not. Though every one of you is creative, you may wish to be more comfortable with your decisions, be more decisive, or have the courage to step a little farther out of the box in your designs. Eons ago, I was an art education major (and still intrigued by the design process) so I know that there are concepts and tools that can give anyone a better understanding of design. In the future, we will look at the principles and elements of design through the lens of a sewer. By examining design in this way, you will gain better analytical skills to identify good design (and what factors make it good!) Then, you can put those same skills to work as you make your own creative choices. Meet our new president – Molly Altemeier L ike so many of us, Molly began her sewing “career” with Barbie clothes in grade school. She was required to cut out the clothes her mother made for her while she was growing up (her mother hated to cut). When she went to college, however, she began to sew her own clothes. She won Sweepstakes at the Iowa State Fair two times and has won many awards in the Make It with Wool contest. Not bad for a woman with an accounting degree! Molly is a Des Moines native. She graduated from Northeast Missouri State University (now Truman State University). She and her husband Kent have two boys, 13-year old Taylor and 8-year old Christopher. She enjoys using her favorite pattern line (Vogue) to sew garments, and has been a member of the ASG since 1997. The Mary Alice Gallery’s newest exhibit is For Homemaking and a Trade: The Role of Sewing in Women’s Lives, 1870-1920. The gallery is at 1015 Morrill Hall on the ISU campus. Regular gallery hours are 11-4 Monday through Friday. The exhibit continues through April 25. 9 10 Sew Censational March 2009 Neighborhood and Special Interest Groups O ur Neighborhood and Special Interest Groups are alive and well! One of our groups is truly “in the neighborhood” in Urbandale. The other two are attended by some who drive way outside their neighborhoods to share a common interest. Contact Gourmet Garments focuses on the finer details of fitting, construction techniques, marrying the fabric to the design, and couture details that take their sewing passion from ordinary” to “gourmet.” MaryJo Pucelik 515-987-8075 mjpucelik Programs When March 10 part of show & tell: - T-shirt results from Marcy Tilton’s CD last year - fashion sketching: bring articles and information you have on the topic 2nd Tuesday every month April 14: ALL DAY sewing retreat. Meeting room A is booked from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. at the library. Bring machines, notions, projects to work on that you might need help with (fitting or technique), or just want time to work on 12:30 p.m. social Where Urbandale Library 3520 86th Street, Urbandale 1:00 p.m. program May 12: Mary Jane Sprague will teach some heirloom techniques, by machine this time. She will supply kits, at a cost probably under $10. More information closer to May. Pattern Testers members bring garments made using the independent pattern companies and share their experiences. Members can audition (and often try on) patterns as potential projects of their own. Dorothy Pimlott 515-233-9096 dpimlott Sew Friendly has a broad focus, depending on member interests. Sondra Sinclair 515-278-5831 kassie142 Usually 4th Monday every other month 7:00 p.m. Creekside Clubhouse 92 Lakeview Place (near entrance to Creekside on S. 16th), Ames 1st Saturday every month Urbandale Library 3520 86th Street, 1:00-3:00 p.m. Urbandale You do not have to live near a neighborhood group to participate in that group. You are welcome to travel to any or all of the locations, if you choose to. Or, consider beginning a new group in your area or for your special interest. Sew Censational Make Connie Crawford proud of us M y friend, Lori Rinehart, started and runs an organization for girls called Geez Louise (named after Louise Noun). In a recent conversation, she stated that some of the girls want to learn to sew. They aspire to be fashion designers and need help. Here is our chance to help create the next generation of sewers. They are on 28th street just south of Ingersoll in Des Moines. The best times are Monday and Thursday from 3:30 to 5:30 pm. They have $500 to invest in sewing patterns, material and trim to start them on their sewing adventure. Call Cheryl Fraracci 279-6245. - Cheryl Fraracci March 2009 11 Artichoke Dip 1 14 oz. can artichoke hearts packed in water (drained and roughly chopped) 1 cup freshly grated Parmesan cheese 1 cup mayonnaise 1 cup cream cheese (room temperature) 1 cup sour cream Dash garlic powder Blend together the mayonnaise, cream cheese and sour cream Stir in the rest of the ingredients. Bake in a 325 degree oven for 30 min. until bubbly. Serve with toasted garlic bread or crackers. - Lynette Klein Benefits of Being a member of ASG National Publication, Notions Annual Convention, featuring seminars from nationally recognized professionals, special events and workshops Discounts from national fabric store chains, sewing catalogue companies and local independent retailers Discounts of many sewing publications, books and magazines Chapter events with expert speakers, fashion shows, lectures on a wide range of sewing and fashion topics Neighborhood Groups to provide opportunities for sharing ideas and hands-on sewing experiences New product information from the sewing industry Current information and classes on sewing-related topics Renewed enthusiasm for creative sewing Opportunities to sew for others Opportunities to trade sewing supplies and ideas with others Sew Censational newsletter CENTRAL IOWA/AMES CHAPTER AMERICAN SEWING GUILD Molly Altemeier 4828 Park Circle West Des Moines, IA 50265-5249 FIRST CLASS POSTAGE Don’t Forget... May 10 is the deadline to register for a special serger project (see page 3).
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