Ward Mote Note 2015

17 March 2015
Castle Baynard Wardmote
Meet the Team
Castle Baynard members welcome you to the annual wardmote - an opportunity to hear what we are
doing on your behalf, and ask any questions about local matters which are concerning you.
News from round the
What do we do?
Castle Baynard Ward is represented by Alderman Ian Luder and eight Common Councilmen – Chris
Boden, Nigel Challis, Emma Edhem, Michael Hudson, Catherine McGuinness, Graham Packham,
Henrika Priest and Jeremy Simons. Between us we represent the Ward on committees of the City of
London Corporation which deal with ward matters, and represent the City of London Corporation on
committees dealing with its wider responsibilities. Over the page we give a flavor of some of our main
Connectivity in the City - Superfast City Programme: Ward members have been pressing for a
solution to the shameful state of connectivity in the City of London, which has been holding back SMEs
and residents for far too long. This issue has gathered much more attention in recent weeks. MPs
have discussed poor connectivity in the House of Commons and called for market pressure to improve
telecommunication provision to various parts of the UK. With encouragement from members, the City
of London Corporation continues to emphasise how fast, affordable broadband is essential to preserve
the global reputation of the City and the future development of the digital economy. The City
Corporation has implemented a programme of activity – Superfast City Programme – to drive market
interest in developing affordable superfast connectivity offer for the City of London. The City
Corporation and telecommunications market providers have also been exploring various options to
develop the current infrastructure in both tried and tested and innovative ways, many of which may
have been successful beyond the UK. For more information see
Safety on our streets: We have been pressing for many years for the installation of a signalised
pedestrian crossing in front of St Paul’s Cathedral to reduce the delays caused to traffic at busy times
when there is a continuous stream of pedestrians using the crossing. We are delighted that a one-year
trial of traffic signals has finally commenced. A single stage crossing is now in place, providing more
pavement space and a shorter distance to cross the road. We have also been pressing for a longer
pedestrian crossing time at the Fleet Street/Fetter Lane junction, and this has now been implemented.
We have also sought early improvements to the safety of the Ludgate Circus junction, where two
cyclists have tragically lost their lives in the past 12 months. While only a partial answer, we are
pleased that additional safety mirrors have been fitted to improve visibility from lorries.
Check out our website
for news of the ward!
Litter: Litter in the City streets is a regular source of complaint to elected members. The City
Corporation works with businesses to secure their support through Environmental Quality Charters.
There are now 120 partner businesses, each of which undertakes to clean around their own buildings
and provide litter bins. On smoking related litter, your ward members have worked very closely with
the local Street Environment Officer to solve localised issues in Crane Court, and specific signage has
now been installed. We’re awaiting feedback on contact made with local businesses around Fetter
Lane to encourage them to put butt bins outside their offices. We will report on progress. On request
by us, some licenced premises have also been monitored for cigarette related litter, and in a few
instances have received a visit by the Street Environment Officer with a request to keep pavements
clear of butts and cigarette packs. We continue to work very closely with the Street Environment
Officers to deal with waste on the street which is put out at the wrong time and which can attract
general litter from the passing public, as early as possible, and we are pleased to report that there
have been significant improvements in the problems areas in Fleet Street, New Bridge Street, and
some of the small courts and alleyways off Fleet Street.
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Castle Baynard Wardmote
March 2015
Your voice on
Common Council:
For a full list of committees and interests see the City’s website, www.cityoflondon.gov.uk. But the
following gives you a snapshot:
Policy and Resources, Finance, Audit and Risk Management and Investment Committees: These set
strategy, allocate resources, keep spending within means so that local tax payers do not have to carry an
excessive burden, and ensure that proper accountability and responsibility is maintained. The Ward is
strongly represented. Catherine is a deputy chairman of Policy and Resources; Nigel and Chris serve on
Finance; Ian and Nigel on Audit & Risk Management; and Chris and Michael on Investment. Ward
members also serve on various sub-committees.
Ian Luder
Chris Boden
Planning and Transportation Committee: This deals with the planning applications made in the Square
Mile, including the complex applications for state of the art high rise buildings. Its Streets and Walkways
subcommittee deals with schemes affecting the function and appearance of the City’s highways and
walkways. Emma and Graham serve on Planning and Transportation, and Jeremy on the Streets and
Walkways sub-committee, which until recently he chaired.
Nigel Challis
Port Health and Environmental Services: This committee is responsible for environmental health,
trading standards, animal health (including the Heathrow Animal Reception Centre), public conveniences,
street cleansing, refuse collection, the management and operation of the City of London Cemetery and
Crematorium, and for port health functions on the tidal Thames, including a number of ports. Jeremy
and Henrika represent the Ward.
Emma Edhem
Education and Culture: The City has a significant portfolio. Ward members are very active. Catherine
and Nigel serve on the Education Board, which Catherine chairs, and on the governing body of the City
Academy, Hackney, an academy judged “outstanding” on two successive OFSTED inspections. Nigel and
Emma on the board of governors of the City of London School for Girls, which has just been judged
“exceptional” by ISI inspectors. Michael and Graham on the board of governors of the City of London
Freemen’s School, which is part way through a £30 million long term development plan, and work to
ensure this plan is implemented from school revenues, at no cost to City funds. Catherine and Jeremy
are on the board of the Barbican Arts Centre, and Jeremy on the board of the Guildhall School of Music &
Drama. The Ward is also represented by Henrika and Graham on the Culture, Heritage and Libraries
Committee, looking after for example the Shoe Lane Library.
Michael Hudson
Catherine McGuinness
Open Spaces: Besides the small parks and gardens in the City itself, the City of London Corporation is the
biggest owner and manager of public open space in and around London. Ian and Jeremy serve on the
City’s Open Spaces Committee, which Ian chairs; Jeremy chairs the Hampstead Heath, Highgate Wood
and Queen's Park Committee, where he has been dealing with the contentious but necessary issue of
strengthening the dams holding back the water in some of the Heath’s wonderful ponds; and Catherine
on the Epping Forest & Commons Committee.
Graham Packham
Henrika Priest
Licensing Committee: Michael and Graham sit on the Licensing Committee and have sat on a number of
sub-committees deciding whether to grant, and what conditions to impose, on licensed premises. They
cannot sit on panels that decide applications within Castle Baynard Ward but they and other ward
members make representations on these applications where appropriate.
Jeremy Simons
Ward members also sit on the City’s Markets Committee, Standards Committee, and Barbican Residential
Find our details on:
We welcome the opportunity to communicate with you. Please contact us with any queries. Our
details are on the City’s website; or use enquiries@castle-baynard.org.uk
Printed and published by Catherine McGuinness, 507 Bryer Court, Barbican EC2Y 8DE
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