Castle Gardens Monthly V O L U M E The Hearth Premier Senior Living S P E CI A L E ST - 1715 Castle Gardens Road Vestal, New York 13850 Phone:607-748-5700 P O IN T S OF I NT E R- Monthly Birthdays Calendar of Fax:607-748-1079 Activities Resident Council Minutes Keepsake Village Update If You Keep Moving…..You’ll Keep Improving. Executive Director Pam Stento Business Office Manager Courtney Butler Director of Community Relations Theresa Farrell Keepsake Village Case Manager Allyson Stringfield Beauty Salon Cindy Laidlaw, Cosmetologist Activity Director Paula Francisco Director of Community Outreach Activity Assistants Andy Papaleo Midge Nirchi, Keepsake Village Robin Richardson, Senior Living Pam Pringle, Kathy Wilcox, Chelsey Decker Director of Building Maintenance Van Drivers Edward Roosa John Newell Gary Pisano Director of Dining Services Christine Weaver Wellness Aide Carol Bickham Director of Nursing Tina Torto Resident Council Board Sherry Delafield, Ed Daugherty, Janet Gault, Rosella Potter Richard Schmits PRN Physical & Occupational Therapy Network, PLLC 484-5079 4 I S S U E 5 M A Y 2 0 1 5 A Note from Pam Dear Castle Gardens residents, family and friends; May is here and I can’t wait to see the spring flowers in full bloom. The following are some gentle reminders on various topics: Now that the weather is mild and the sun more prevalent please wear sun screen when going outside. Many of you enjoy planting but refrain from planting in the courtyards. If you have suggestions for landscape please see Gary Pisano, Director of Building Maintenance. All residents and visitors must sign in and sign out when entering and leaving the building. This lets us know who is in the building for emergency purposes. RESIDENT REFERRAL BONUS….Don’t forget if you refer someone into Castle Gardens and they move in and stay for 90 days you receive a $1000 bonus! Residents that wish to volunteer their time for projects inside or outside our building, please see Paula Francisco, Activities Director, to coordinate. As always your time and efforts are greatly appreciated. One of my most enjoyable hobbies is bird watching, so here is a FUN FACT for May: Bird of the Month is the Hummingbird. Hummingbirds, the smallest birds on the planet, are the superheroes of the bird world, with the fastest wing beats, fastest heartbeat, and most rapid metabolism. A tiny hummingbird’s metabolism is roughly 100 times that of an elephant! Have a wonderful month! Pamela Stento Executive Director INSIDE THIS ISSUE: Resident Spotlight 2 Bible Study Group 2 Birthdays Welcome 3 Alzmail Take Note 3 Calendar of Activities 4 5 Employee of the Month Keepsake Village 6 Resident Council 7 Minutes National Volunteer Week: April 12th –18th The Annual Volunteer Luncheon went on this year with out a hitch and on time! We had a very good turn out of volunteers. Approximately 41 volunteers came to be recognized for their service at Castle Gardens. It was held this year in the Live More Room and seemed to work out great! The kitchen made chicken caesar salads and turkey wraps with fresh fruit cups. Dessert was a lovely marble cake with whipped icing of beautiful pastel roses garnishing it. The theme was “Whoooo makes a difference………Volunteers do. Owls decorated the tables and room in a cute party theme. A special thank you was given to Joyce Olmstead for her 17 years of service, Flo Brown for her 16 years of service and for Betty Opie for her 20 years of service. A big thank you to the dietary staff for their hard work and to the Volunteers who help make a difference for others in our community! PAGE 2 VOLUME Resident Spotlight: Caroline Heeter If you keep moving….you’ll keep improving! As most of us know Carolyn’s theme was chosen from thousands of submissions nation wide for this months National Senior Health and Fitness Day on May 28 th. This is a day dedicated to senior health and fitness it also co-insides with Castle Garden’s Live More Week. Which is a week dedicated to all aspects of our live more wheel to enhance the lives of our seniors. This Years theme is “If you keep moving …’ll keep improving!” Join Carolyn and the rest of us in this fun filled day of games, relays, and music! Congratulations Carolyn! Bible Study Group Congratulations Mother’s Flowers Every day was Mother’s Day When I was just a child. Time at home when we would play Was joyous, never wild. Mother made us dresses; Mother made us fudge; Mother combed our tresses; She never let us judge. Mother planted flowers; She tended them with care; She knelt by them for hours; I think she said a prayer. “ God couldn’t be everywhere so He made Mother’s” CASTLE GARDEN Her flowers were inspiring, For life was sometimes hard; She weeded, never tiring, In those beds inside our yard. Blossoms bright as rainbows Responded to her touch; Her loving, caring hands chose To pinch, pull, break, and such. MONTHLY Each flower’s name was known; She made sure we understood That the tiny seeds she’d planted Would grow and be so good. I can see them now in memory, In both summer and in fall; But mother’s flowers in springtime Were the very best of all. 4 ISSUE 5 Resident Council Minutes AGENDA 1. Minutes read and approved. 2. The fund raising committee: Approximately $47.45 is in the fund. The 50/50 raffle went well $46.00 was collected $23 went to Dorothy Aldrich, $23 goes to RC Fund . It will held again next month. 3. Maintenance issues. Potholes by keepsake need repairs, parking lot light out by the dumpster, slow down sign needs to be put out back by keepsake when the ground thaws, 2 nd floor washers smell stale. The dryers are noisy and wiggly. Clothes are not being taken out in a timely manor, inside behind the lint screens need to be cleaned out, and can the times it takes for washer be posted in the laundry room. Is lost and found in the laundry room being taken care of ? 4. Dietary issues : Renovations have been completed and look great. Residents are reminded to fill out a food service slip on their table, after meals. The next food service meeting will be on Tuesday, April 21st at 2 pm, all are encouraged to attend. 5. Next due date for collecting supplies and cookies for your soldiers over seas is March 15 th. A list of items needed are in the activity office. Old cell phones continue to be collected. Thank you for supporting our men and women serving overseas. 6. Old glasses are also being collected monthly to be given to the Lions Club to give to those who can not afford them. 7. The Cyber Mobile, a library on wheels from the Four County Library will be coming on Thursday, April16 th at 11:30 am in the activity room. 8. April 30 th is the Relay for Life being held at Castle Gardens. Check your calendar for special events going on for that day. See Andy or Terri PAGE from marketing for details on how you can participate. Donations are also being taken at the front desk. 9. Newspapers are being delivered by activities by 9 am every morning. If you do not get yours by 9 am please call the front desk and inquire about it. The paper has been disappearing from the lobby. Just a reminder, the paper is a courtesy that activities provides for the community. Please leave the paper in the lobby for others to enjoy. Also, please do not take your paper from behind the front desk in the morning. It messes up with our count and we do not know who has their paper and who doesn’t. Please wait for them to be delivered. 10. Reminder: Residents are requested to put out their trash on Sunday and Thursday nights. 11. Resident Council Board elections will be coming soon. A nomination committee was selected to get names of anyone interested in being a board member. Mark Woitach and Joann Dimon volunteered to be on the committee and will bring names to next months meeting. 3 members have decided to be on the board again, so we are looking for 2 or more interested in the positions. 12. Resident Spotlight: James Crossett’s article was read and he was given a gift card. 13. Easter dinner will be from 12 pm –2pm. It will be a buffet in senior living. There will be wait staff to help those not able to get their own meal. Menu will be posted. 14. Meeting adjourned. Beauty Salon 10 % Off all Manicures for the month of May 5 PAGE 4 VOLUME 4 ISSUE Resident Birthdays 4 Employee of the Month: Christine Weaver Employee of the Month: Christine Weaver Christine has been employed since September of 2014 in food service as a full time cook. She has most recently taken over the Food Service Directors position. She is working very hard on getting the food service department organized and implementing all the new policies, procedures and renovations. She is very dedicated to her work, the residents, and is making positive changes to the department. Congratulations Christine! Richard Fish Anne Bertoni Mary McIntire Pauline Iby Leonard Goodrich 5/05 5/06 5/10 5/11 5/12 Thank you Residents for Volunteering in Keepsake! Whooo makes a difference….. Volunteers do! Tea Party in the dining room. Families are encourage to come and honor our Mothers and have some delicious desserts. Memorial Day is Monday, May 25 th. We will be cooking out in the courtyard and eating in the dining room. Our first cookout of the year! Can’t wait to smell the burgers grilling! Have a wonderful May and a safe and fun Memorial Day! May Pickle Winner: Cheryl Kellogg Cheryl was nominated for the May Pickle because of her willingness to help other departments and the cheerful attitude she has doing so. Most recently she was “very helpful with activities during the monthly birthday party”. She is very helpful and always has a smile for staff, residents, and families. Cheryl will be given a special parking spot for the month and the recognition of how helpful she is to others in our community. Congratulations Cheryl! The free information update service from the Central New York Chapter of the Alzheimer’s Association. Delivered to your e-mail inbox. Scientific & medical discoveries Advances in care & treatment The latest legislative news Events & programs in your area Safe return alerts Join today: CASTLE GARDENS MONTHLY 5/17 5/19 5/20 5/23 5/23 Albert Bailey # 414 Phoebe Liss # 159 Marion Pedro # 171 Michael Pedro # 29 Robert Isaacson # 23 Take Note Introducing alzmail George (Buzz) was one of the residents recognized for volunteering in Keepsake. Thank you Volunteers! Joanne Camp Nancy Myers Carolyn Heeter Janice Cattarin Walter Schmits 3 New Residents Congratulations Christine! Keepsake Village Update April Showers did bring May flowers! We are so glad the weather has cleared up and we can go out in the courtyard on nice days. The residents really enjoy sitting out there and holding activities. May brings us Live More Week and National Senior Health and Fitness Day. We have a fun week of activities planned and some Olympic Games to compete in. Orange Blossom Special will be here for the monthly birthday party, Sizzle will be here also to get us singing and dancing. We are also having a 3 day Cruise for the residents of Keepsake with cruise games and events, mocktails and music, and some surprise guests. Watch the calendar for times and dates. Mother’s Day is May 10 th. At 2:30 we will have a Mother’s Day PAGE Please be courteous to others and be prompt in removing your laundry from all washers and dryers. Signs will be posted letting everyone know how long it takes for the washing machines to cycle. Thank you. If you have any dishes from room services that belong to dietary please return them to the kitchen. It may be early but keep in mind the Annual Family and Friends Picnic is July 18 th this year from 12 pm –2pm. This is a wonderful cookout with music, food, family and friends! Landscaping has started and the grounds are being maintained but Activities doesn’t plant until after Memorial Day! So check in with Paula about planting this years garden beds. Just a gentle reminder to not throw bread out for the birds, please , only use bird seed to feed them. Thank you.
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