HEAR US ROAR! SEE US SCORE! GO THE MIGHTY COUGARS! Cougars Roar 06 for 2 April 2015 www.casuarinarugby.com.au PRESIDENT JUNIOR CO-ORDINATOR Jnr Treasurer, Jnr Registrar, Jnr Uniforms, Web Manager, Social Media & Newsletter Editor, Club Photographer Siggi Buba E: cougarsrugby@bigpond.com E: siggi.buba@westnet.com.au M: 0447 003 595 FB: Casuarina Cougars Rugby Union Leith Wood E: leithalpictures@internode.on.net M: 0409 044 617 FB: Leithal Pictures PO Box 39620, WINNELLIE NT 0821 Cougars Clubhouse NT Rugby Park, 71 Abala Road, MARRARA NT 0812 Happy Easter! Next week is school holidays. Just confirming the training arrangements for juniors for Tuesday (07Apr15) and Thursday (09Apr15): U5 U7 U9 U11 U13 U15 U17 Tues NO. Thurs YES Tues NO. Tues YES. Thurs YES Tues YES. Thurs YES Tues YES. Thurs YES Tues YES. Thurs YES Tues YES. Thurs YES. As soon as the draw is out I will let you know. Please also note that I will not be at training on Tuesday or Thursday. I have arranged for the wonderful Shanice Calma to fill in for me and to open the club house and open the equipment rooms. She will also take your sports vouchers and registration forms. Always check Facebook at NT Rugby Union for update as well as the Cougars page. Regards Leithal. Page 1 of 7 HEAR US ROAR! SEE US SCORE! GO THE MIGHTY COUGARS! Cougars Juniors – player positions update U5 Player positions available U7 Player positions available U9 TEAM FILLED no player positions available U11 TEAM FILLED no player positions available U13 TEAM FILLED no player positions available U15 Player positions available – numbers are looking good U17 Player positions available – numbers are looking good Junior Training Days All juniors are required to be off of the field by 6.20pm at the very latest as the seniors commence their training at 6.15pm for 6.30pm. All teams need to ensure that they are considerate of each other at training. This is so that none of our junior players gets accidently run into / over by a senior player who doesn’t see them– thank you. JUNIOR GAMES COMMENCE FRIDAY 10 APRIL 2015 SENIOR GAMES COMMENCE SATURDAY 11 APRIL 2015 Cougars Vision: Creating a Club that leads and instils positive values, mentorship, behaviour and sportsmanship in our players, members and volunteers. Cougars Values: Commitment to Professionalism | Ethical Leadership | Respectful Behaviour | Accountability | Impartiality | Diversity Page 2 of 7 HEAR US ROAR! SEE US SCORE! GO THE MIGHTY COUGARS! Page 3 of 7 HEAR US ROAR! SEE US SCORE! GO THE MIGHTY COUGARS! Brothers In Union ‐ Information Sheet NOMINATIONS Applications close 3 April 2015. The Lloyd McDermott Rugby Development Team Inc are calling for players to attend our “Brothers in Union” camp to be held at the National Centre of Indigenous Excellence from 24 to 26 April 2015. All nominations are online at http://form.jotformpro.com/form/50596220084957 A total of 66 players will assemble in Sydney on 24 April 2015 and Depart on Sunday 26 April 2015 which is a residential program for participants, coaches and managers at the National Centre of Indigenous Excellence. These players will be split into Three 15 a side teams and 4 seven a side teams to participate in a series of on and off field activities. Rugby Union ‐ A team will be selected from the event to tour New Zealand in Easter 2016. Player’s order of selection: 1. You must be attending school and attaining a minimum 80% attendance. 2. Your school must sign off on your attendance. TEAM MANAGEMENT You will be allocated a team and team Coach and Management staff will be appointed by the Lloyd McDermott Rugby Development Team Inc. ELIGIBILITY REGULATIONS To be eligible for the Brothers In Union Camp you must be turning 15 or 16 in 2015; this will mean that your date of birth will be in the year 1999 or 2000. CHECKLIST Ensure you have completed and signed all four Competitor Application Forms. 1 Complete the online registration 2 Check your availability to attend 24 to 26 April (Anzac Day weekend) 3 Once accepted into the “Brothers In Union” camp you will be sent a letter of acknowledgement and further paperwork for your parents and school to complete. Transport ‐ LMRDT Inc will provide travel by air, rail or bus service to Sydney provide transfers to the NCIE Redfern. Accommodation ‐ As already stated all players and management will be accommodated at the National Centre of Indigenous Excellence, 160 George Street, Sydney. Meals ‐ All meals will be provided whilst in camp at the National Centre of Indigenous Excellence. Player Levy ‐ All players will be required to pay a player levy of $250.00 per player. Team Uniform ‐ All players will receive playing shorts and socks plus a Polo shirt, Hoody and training tshirt. Page 4 of 7 HEAR US ROAR! SEE US SCORE! GO THE MIGHTY COUGARS! NTRU NOTICE BOARD ALCOHOL IN RUGBY PARK The groundsman has informed me that he picked up a large number of glass bottles from around the grounds this morning. Can Clubs please put in your newsletters about not bringing alcohol into Rugby Park. Apart from the fact that it was glass, some was of a brand not associated to our sponsors! GLASS BOTTLES Can you please ensure that when the Club sell bottled beer (or any other glass products) that they are consumed wholly within the Clubhouse and not taken to either of the fields or surrounding areas. 2015 NTRU ENTRY FEE STRUCTURE Page 5 of 7 HEAR US ROAR! SEE US SCORE! GO THE MIGHTY COUGARS! NTRU NOTICE BOARD School Boys Rugby - Committee NT Schoolboys Rugby held its AGM yesterday evening and is asking Clubs to assist in helping with the forming of committee members going forward. We are asking if you have any teachers or school administration personnel within your Clubs that would be interested in seeing the growth of school rugby and the Schoolboys, we would ask that they contact in the first instance the President of NT Schoolboys Rugby, Greg O’Mullane on greg.omullane@nt.catholic.edu.au for any queries you (they) have about being on the Committee Currently the NT Schoolboys committee exists of an Executive only and we would like to see Rugby grow and develop through schools and this can only be done though a strong committee. President: V President: Treasurer: Secretary: Committee(s) Greg O’Mullane David Ley Sean Killner Nick Jack Vacant Your assistance is greatly appreciated. Kind regards, Mark Heath Chief Executive Officer Northern Territory Rugby Union Inc. Ph: +61 (0)8 8945 1444 M: +61 (0)408 892 322 Page 6 of 7 HEAR US ROAR! SEE US SCORE! GO THE MIGHTY COUGARS! Cougars Coaching Staff 2015 U5 Thurs 5.15pm for 5.30-6.15pm Coach Team Manager Luke Phillips Ash Buba DOB: 2010 - 2011 ausdigger@outlook.com ashley.buba@gmail.com U7 Thurs 5pm for 5.15pm-6.15pm Coach Team Manager Paul Borserini Jenon Batty DOB: 2008 - 2009 borserini@iinet.net.au jenonlawler@hotmail.com U9 Tues & Thurs 5pm for 5.15pm-6.15pm Coach Coach Team Manager Assist Manager Jacob Lewis Russell Hall Thomas Rosta Sam Batty Daniel Lewis Brian Anderson Team Manager Jo Masters Jacob.lewis@powerwater.com.au rah_1983@hotmail.com thomasrosta@gmail.com jenonlawler@hotmail.com Glen Boath Allan van Heythuysen Kim Haynes Peter Glenn Coach Team Manager Gus Lawrie Di Bates Coach Assistant Coach Assistant Coach Assistant Coach Team Manager Chris Mcpherson Rob Christie Sean Wood Colin Alexander Leith Wood 0439 993 520 0439 482 501 0404 340 463 0413 128 599 0439 972 942 0432 530 672 0407 060 078 DOB: 2000 - 2001 Gus.lawrie@airducter.com.au di.bates@nt.gov.au U17 Tues & Thurs 5pm for 5.15pm-6.15pm 0457 102 878 DOB: 2002 - 2003 Glen.boath@ridarwin.com.au qualitycool@bigpond.com Kimhaynes@hotmail.com northcoastroofing@bigpond.com U15 Tues & Thurs 5pm for 5.15pm-6.15pm 0417 441 784 0439 544 973 DOB: 2004 - 2005 daniel.lewis@powerwater.com.au Brian.Anderson@sportsbet.com.au brian.anderson@ntrugby.com.au jo.masters@essington.nt.edu.au U13 Tues & Thurs 5pm for 5.15pm-6.15pm Coach Assistant Coach Manager Administration Manager Operational 0414 719 470 0429 012 332 DOB: 2006 - 2007 U11 Tues & Thurs 5pm for 5.15pm-6.15pm Coach Coach 0409 751 238 0439 904 974 0487 870 089 041 401 7044 DOB: 1998 - 1999 chris@ablefinance.net.au robertchristie3@bigpond.com Slr1968@internode.on.net Colin46alexander@gmail.com Leith.wood@nt.gov.au 0434 441 125 0419 388 146 0427 044 617 0409 044 617 Page 7 of 7
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