Spreadsheet Import Dictionary Compliance Assist Credentials Module Terms ........................................................................................................................................2 Faculty ......................................................................................................................................3 Faculty Credentials Details.............................................................................................4 Course Sections ....................................................................................................................5 Course Evaluations Users..........................................................................................................................................6 Course Sections ....................................................................................................................6 Faculty Enrollment.............................................................................................................7 Student Enrollment............................................................................................................7 Compliance Assist & Course Evaluations Spreadsheet Import Dictionary Credentials Module Terms Please define the terms or semesters you will be representing in the module. Column Term Name Term ID Start Date End Date Use User interface identification of the term or semester The ID used to match course sections to the appropriate terms or semester The start date of the term or semester – MUST be in a MM/DD/YYYY format. The end date of the term or semester – MUST be in a MM/DD/YYYY format. Required? YES YES YES YES 2 Compliance Assist & Course Evaluations Spreadsheet Import Dictionary Credentials Module Faculty Provide the initial faculty information. This information must be provided before faculty credentials details and course sections are imported. *SACS Institutions have been provided specific instructions. Column Last Name First Name Middle Name Faculty ID Department Position Use Last name of the faculty member First name of the faculty member Middle name of the faculty member Unique ID to the faculty member; often the employee or campus ID. Most accurate way of assigning to teach course sections Department the faculty member teaches in. *For SACS Institutions – please put the department the faculty member teaches a majority of their courses in. Position title of the faculty member (i.e. professor, assistant professor, etc.) Required? YES YES NO YES YES YES Status Complete with “Full-Time” or “Part-Time” YES Currently Teaching Whether or not the instructor is teaching at the time of the import YES Retired Whether or not the faculty member is retired YES The following columns are optional and may be added if you wish. o o o o o o o o o o o o o o Discipline (ex. English or Computer Science – only one per faculty member!) Category (ex. Faculty or Staff or Administration, etc. – only one per faculty member!) E-mail Address Phone Office School Campus Extension Mobile Phone Home Phone Hours Alternate E-mail Website Short Bio 3 Compliance Assist & Course Evaluations Spreadsheet Import Dictionary Credentials Module Faculty Credentials Details Provide the education, certification, and/or experience information for the faculty members. When completing this sheet, it is imperative that each piece of information is located in its own row. For example, if a faculty member has two degrees (Education), two certifications, and two experiences, that person will have a total of six (6) rows of information. This sheet is broken into sections, divided by bold lines. The Required notation is per section. Column Last Name First Name Middle Name ID Education Degree Education Year Education Institution Relevant Coursework Education Details Cert Start Date Cert End Date Certification Details Experience Type Experience Details Exp. Start Date Exp. End Date CIP CODE 1; CIP CODE 2; CIP CODE 3 Use Last name of the faculty member First name of the faculty member Middle name of the faculty member To match the faculty member with credentials details – MUST match the Faculty ID provided in the first Faculty sheet. Generic type of degree earned (i.e. Associate’s, Bachelor’s, Master’s, Doctorate) Year the degree was received Institution degree received from Any coursework taken while earning the degree that further qualifies the faculty member to teach the courses they do; all relevant coursework must be in one cell per degree The specific type of degree earned (i.e. Bachelor of Arts in English, Master of Science in Physics, etc.) The date a certification began – MUST be in a MM/DD/YYYY format for import. The date a certification ended, or ends – MUST be in a MM/DD/YYYY format for import. The type of certification earned and any extra details (i.e. Registered Nurse in State of NY, American Heart Association CPR Certified, etc.) The generic type of experience faculty member has had (i.e. work, travel, research, association membership, etc.) – These are unique and defined by each institution. The specific details related to the experience (i.e. if ExpType is “Work,” this may be a past employment at a Hospital or other college; if Exp-Type is Association Membership, the faculty member may be a member of the APA.) The date the experience began – MUST be in a MM/DD/YYYY format for import. The date the experience began – MUST be in a MM/DD/YYYY format for import. Identifies a CIP code for the related education, experience, or certification. Can have up to three CIP codes per row in the sheet. Required? NO NO NO YES YES NO YES NO YES NO NO YES YES YES NO NO NO 4 Compliance Assist & Course Evaluations Spreadsheet Import Dictionary Credentials Module Course Sections Provide the course sections that will be represented in the module. This sheet assigns faculty per section. *SACS Institutions have been provided specific instructions. Column Course Subject Course Number Term ID Section CRN Section Name Section Location Course Name Course Description Course Type Credit Hours Course Department Course Retired Course CIP Code Course Custom Field Section Custom Field Faculty ID Last Name First Name Middle Name Use The abbreviated subject of the course (i.e. English = ENG, Geography = GEO, etc.) Number for the course (i.e. 101 for ENG 101) The ID of the term or semester the course section is being taught in – MUST match the term ID provided in the Terms spreadsheet The unique identifier of the section; there can only be one Section CRN per term. For example, there can only be one, 1001 CRN in Fall 2013, and only one 1001 CRN in Spring 2014. The name of the section; often represented by a letter like ENG 101 A. Location of the section; can be a specific room and building, or a notation of whether or not the course is online or oncampus. Name of the course Description for the course *FOR SACS CREDENTIALS - The type of course defined by SACS (Developmental, Undergrad. Transferable, Undergrad Non-Transferable, Graduate) FOR NON-SACS CREDENTIALS – Can be a course attribute such as Online, On-Campus, Undergrad, Graduate, etc. The number of credit hours earned for the course; MUST be a whole number (i.e. 1, 3, 6); CANNOT be listed as a range such as 1-7. The department the course is taught from A course is retired if it was taught once, and never taught again. Most often, this is noted as False for all sections. The CIP code for the topic area of the course A custom field that can be used for any purpose, which is located in the Course Profile A custom field that can be used for any purpose, which is located in the Course Profile To match the faculty member with course section – MUST match the Faculty ID provided in the first Faculty sheet. Last name of the faculty member First name of the faculty member Middle name of the faculty member Required? YES YES YES YES YES NO YES NO YES YES YES YES YES NO NO NO YES NO NO NO 5 Compliance Assist & Course Evaluations Spreadsheet Import Dictionary Course Evaluation Users Details The user file includes information about any Faculty, Students, or Staff that will be accessing the Course Evaluation platform. Column Email Address First Name Last Name Institution ID Username Use Required? Email address of user (faculty, student, or staff) for use in automated email messages First name of user Last Name of user Unique ID to the faculty member; often the employee or campus ID. Most accurate way of assigning to teach course sections Username of the user. Used to allow access to the Campus Labs system with campus credentials. YES YES YES YES YES Course Evaluation Course Section Details The course sections file includes information about the course sections that will be evaluated using the course evaluation platform. Column Use Course Name Name of the course The abbreviated subject of the course (i.e. English = ENG, Geography = GEO, etc.) Catalog number for the course (i.e. 101 for ENG 101) The number of the section; often represented by a letter or a number (i.e. 003) Attribute of the course section, each separated by a | (e.g. online, hybrid, lab, lecture, seminar, undergrad, etc.) Date the course session begins. (MM/DD/YYYY) Date the course session ends. (MM/DD/YYYY) Unique indicator if the course is to be combined with another. Using numbers is suggested, although they do not need to have any significance beyond matching one course section to another. The unique identifier of the section; there can only be one Section CRN per term. For example, there can only be one, 1001 CRN in Fall 2013, and only one 1001 CRN in Spring 2014. The department/area the course is taught from. ID (typically a Code) of the institutional unit the course section belongs under. Note: It does not have to match the Subject. Course Subject Course Number Course Section Number Section Attributes Start Date End Date Cross listing Section CRN/External Course number Course Department/ Institutional Unit ID Required? YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES 6 Compliance Assist & Course Evaluations Spreadsheet Import Dictionary Course Evaluation Faculty Enrollment Details Faculty Enrollments will assign the faculty member to the appropriate course sections. For team taught sections include each faculty member/course combination on separate rows of the spreadsheet. Column Institution ID Use Unique Campus identifier of instructor administering this course section. External Course Number Institutions unique identifier for this course section. Faculty Type Name of faculty type for instructor on specific course section (e.g. primary instructor, secondary instructor, teaching assistant, lab instructor etc.) Required? YES YES YES Course Evaluation Student Enrollment Details Student Enrollments will assign the student to the appropriate course sections. Column External Course Number Institution ID Use Institutions unique identifier for this course section. Unique Campus identifier of the student enrolled in this course section. Required? YES YES 7
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