2014/15 Class Day – Schedule Grid Period Nursery PreK OPENING 9:30 – 10 Learn & Play Ages and Details K 1-2 3 Opening Prayer, Announcements, Presentations Class Day Coordinator: Lynette Explorers Five in a Row Period 1 6 4-5 7-12 Physical Science (starts 9:30, $75) Outdoor Science ($5) Woodshop Wizards ($170) Theater Troupe ($30) 10:00 – 10:55 AM Guitar, Intermediate I ($95) Sewing ($55) Period 2 Lovely Lullabye Circle Time Backyard Science Art ($15) Science - Lapbook Book Club ($10) Guitar, Intermediate II ($95) 11:00 – 11:55 AM LUNCH 12-12:25 Baking & Pastry ($50) Science - Defending the Faith (6th-12th) Meet together in the center picnic tables for lunch. Bring your own, though occasionally on themed weeks certain foods will be made available for a small fee. Nursery Period 3 Move & Groove PreK Move & Groove K Sports Skills 1-2 3 Learning with Games Sports Skills 12:30 – 1:25 PM 1:30 PM Culinary Kids ($25) Art History Cleanup / off campus 4-5 6 Knitting & Crochet ($20) 7-12 Financial Peace ($20) CFS Mira Mesa – Class Descriptions General notes: Health: Please only come to Class Day when healthy. If you or your child is showing signs of being sick, please stay home. Absence: If you need to be out, contact your Co-teacher and the Class Day Coordinator to arrange coverage for your classes. Opening Come gather together for a time of fellowship, a short lesson or song or presentation, information about the day, announcements about the group at large, and prayer. We encourage all families participating in Class Day to attend the Opening Session. 2014-15 NOTE: Grade 7th - 12th students who are taking Physical Science will need to go straight to class at 9:30 to have time for labs. Moms in Prayer Do you need prayer? Several ladies cover this group in prayer daily. Look for prayer box at class day and park day where you can place a request and they are kept confidential. Feel free and join Lana during first period at class day while she prays. Nursery Nursery is provided as a service for the infants and toddlers of parents who are teaching or serving. For children 2 & under/not yet ready for PreK. Nursery students will get to play with toys, interact with teacher parents, and may get to observe the PreK or K classes in action. When you check in: Please check in only healthy babies. If your child is showing signs of being sick, please keep them at home. Please be sure to indicate where you are helping, in case we need to find you. Please leave spare diapers for Approved Workers to use for changes. If you will be checking in on your child for diaper changes please let the teachers know. (You may change your own child’s diaper, but only Approved Workers may change another’s child’s diaper.) Please leave instructions about bottles/snacks or special toys, etc. if necessary. If someone other than you (another parent or guardian of your child, or in certain cases a responsible older sibling) will be picking up your child, please let the teachers know that day (and if possible have that person come with you at checkin) so there is no confusion at pick up time. When you check out: Please pick up your child promptly at the end of Period 2 for lunch (and again at the end of the day if checked back in for Period 3. It is not necessary to check out and back in again between Period 1 & Period 2.) Little ones get tired at the end of a long day, and the nursery teachers also need to get their kids and go about their day. PreK Classes: PreK classes are geared toward 3 & 4 year olds. [In some cases, PreK/K may participate together for part of certain classes.] When you check in: Please check in only healthy chidren. If your child is showing signs of being sick, please keep them at home. Please be sure to indicate where you are helping, in case we need to find you. Please leave instructions about any special food requirements, potty training needs, etc. Note that parents are not allowed in the main bathrooms. Children who are potty trained should be able to take care of their own bathroom needs – teachers will remain outside the bathrooms while waiting for students to complete a potty break. If your child needs assistance with potty training, please come check on them and take them to the private bathroom in the freestanding room (4) or to the office bathroom. (Approved Workers may be able to assist your child in unexpected potty emergencies, but that should be rare if ever.) If a family member other than you will be picking up your child, please let the teachers know that day (and if possible have that person come with you at checkin) so there is no confusion at pick up time. When you check out: Please pick up your child promptly at the end of Period 2 for lunch (and again at the end of the day if checked back in for Period 3. It is not necessary to check out and back in again between Period 1 & Period 2.) Teachers appreciate prompt pick up as they also need to get their kids and go about their day. Explorers: Students will enjoy a time of development through play, with an opportunity to practice large motor skills and social interaction while expelling extra energy and having fun. On temperate days, time will be spent on the playground (please remember to apply sunscreen as necessary before checking your child in.) On extreme days, students may participate in class-wide games such as Duck Duck Goose, or take turns crawling through the flexible tunnel, or move to songs such as Head, Shoulders Knees and Toes. Periodically students will learn about playground rules or equipment and rules for specific sports. Circle Time: Pick a spot and come sit down! "Circle Time" will be an hour of fun and learning with friends. Class will begin in a circle and we will sing songs, read stories, talk about our week, and explore new things to learn. Children will have fun discovering the contents of texture bins and mystery bags. They will also learn through puzzles, finger plays, and art. A healthy morning snack will be provided along with water. Please be sure to inform the teachers of any allergies your child may have. Moove & Groove: • CDs of songs and a CD Player are available from the Class Day Coordinator. Join us as we explore how to move with rhythm and sounds. A theme oriented class where children get to sing play with rhythm and do crafts all surrounding a given theme for the session. Kindergarten Classes: Kindergarten classes are geared toward 4 & 5 year olds. [In some cases, PreK/K or K/1st grade may participate together for part of certain classes.] Backyard Science Explore the wonders of nature and science right in our own backyard. Experiment and discover God’s creation through hands on activities and projects completely outdoors. Five in a Row: From the Introduction of Five in a Row curriculum - "Good books have always been the doorway to learning. That doorway leads to growth and an appreciation for the wonders around us. Come along on a learning adventure using picture books to open the door to art, history, vocabulary, geography, science, human relationships, math, and writing!" Sports Skills: Join us as we enjoy exploring various sports. Students will learn the skills needed to participate as well as 'game time'. Proper footwear is required and water bottles are suggested. Art (1st-3rd, Fees/Materials/Text: $15 materials fee.) Elementary Art – Home Art Studio: “Students will learn the principles and elements of art while creating fun engaging projects. Some of the many concepts taught are pattern, overlapping, texture, and portraiture. Students will be able to express themselves creatively.” Each lesson is based on fairy tales from around the world, and students learn about artists through time. Art History (3 rd + up, Fees/Materials/Text: See curriculum website.) We will be using the "Picturing America" curriculum: “Our nation's artistic heritage--our paintings, sculptures, architecture, fine crafts, and photography--offers unique insights into the character, ideals, and aspirations of our country. Picturing America, brings high-quality reproductions of notable American art into private schools, libraries and communities, and gives participants the opportunity to learn about our nation's history and culture in a fresh and engaging way. The program uses art as a catalyst for the study of America--the cultural, political, and historical threads woven into our nations fabric over time.” Students will be looking at, and discussing specific reproductions at each class day with easy to use handouts to help reinforce what is being taught. Visit http://picturingamerica.neh.gov/ for more information. Baking & Pastry (6th + up, Fees/Materials/Text: $50 materials fee.) Come learn the art of Baking and Decorating from a “Le Cordon Bleu” trained Pastry Chef. We will cover basic and advanced baking methods with an emphasis on decorating. Please bring an offset spatula, pastry bags, star tip, and open tip. Ingredients will be brought by the teacher. Book Club (1st-3rd, Fees/Materials/Text: Parents to purchase books for $10, see website.) Join us for an exciting study through the books “The Iron Dragon Never Sleeps” and “The Courage of Sarah Noble.” Come prepared and ready to discuss the books and participate in an activity. Purchase books online for $10 total at http://www.blackbirdcompany.com. Culinary Kids (3rd – 5th, Fees/Materials/Text: $25 materials fee.) This baking and cooking class will focus on creating 'hands on' culinary experiences. Students will learn to choose, read and follow recipes, using standard measuring units and cooking/ baking utensils. They will mix, whisk, boil, flip and bake. They will record their recipes in a baking journal and of course sample the results of their labor each week. Come join us in the kitchen this year to learn how to make delicious culinary delights! Financial Peace - Foundations in Personal Finance (7th - 12th, Fees/Materials/Text: $20 to teacher for text.) Using Dave Ramsey as our financial expert, he will work us through the steps to Financial Peace, helping g the students to prepare for the ups and downs of money before they enter adulthood. Please bring a pencil to class. $20 to teacher for workbook. Guitar, Intermediate I (3rd + up, Fees/Materials/Text: $95.) Beginning guitar class that focus on developing basic skills needed to use guitar in worship and related church settings (youth groups, church camp, home fellowship, etc.). Guitar, Intermediate II (4th + up, Fees/Materials/Text: $95.) Intermediate guitar classes that focus on developing basic skills needed to use guitar in worship and related church settings (youth groups, church camp, home fellowship, etc.). Crochet/Knitting (4th – 6th, Fees/Materials/Text: $20 materials fee.) Students will learn basic crochet and knitting skills. Projects may include scarves, flowers, hats, water bottle cozy. We will be using a loom, crochet hooks and knitting needles. Learning with Games (1st - 3rd, Fees/Materials/Text: Donations of games welcome.) We will have a large variety of games that allow the students to strengthen the skills they are learning at home. A portion of the class will be structured activity and instruction, followed by open game play time. Donations of games, especially games relating to Math, Grammar, Stragegy, etc. are greatly appreciated - please contact Eden. NOTE: Teacher of this class has an allergy to orange oil. Please do not bring any citrus fruit to class. Physical Science (7th - 12th, Fees/Materials/Text: $75, acquire textbook.) We will be covering the basics of Jr./Sr. High School Physical Science. Each class will be a review of the science topics and the conducting of appropriate lab experiments. Outside study and preparation is expected. Families will need to acquire “Apologia Physical Science” in 1st or 2nd edition. Teacher will acquire the lab kits. Science - “Defending the Faith” (6th-12th) In each class we will watch a 30 minute DVD on evidence for a Creator by looking at his creation (insects, animals, space, prophecies…). For example, In the DVD, God of Wonders, we will learn about the complexity of DNA, the miraculous workings of a tiny seed and survey the size of the universe. During each movie kids are encouraged to write down specific points made so they can use these points to debate or present a case for creation and a divine creator. Science - Lapbook (4th - 6th, Fees/Materials/Text: TBD.) Lap booking science students will explore 3-4 unit studies where they will have an opportunity to go in depth with such topics as botany, trees and more. Parents may be responsible for printing their child's booklet. Sewing - see next page Sports Skills (1st - 3rd, Fees/Materials/Text: Proper footwear, water bottle recommended.) Join us as we enjoy exploring such sports as basketball, volleyball, track and soccer. Students will learn the skills needed to participate in these sports as well as 'game time' proper footwear is required and water bottles are suggested. Sewing (4th+ up, Fees/Materials/Text: $55 each if 5 students, plus required supplies - see supplies list.) Join us to learn the basics of hand and machine sewing, embroidery, and quilting. Students will participate in making a throw quilt that the class will donate, as well as making individual projects to keep, including bean bags (plain and embroidered), a small doll quilt, and a tiny stuffed toy project (doll, bunny, super hero, or similar.) Class will be a combination of video instruction, teacher instruction, and hands on project time. Additionally there will be homework required to prepare materials for the next class session. Required Supplies: Sewing machine WITH MANUAL! Bobbins that fit your machine Multipurpose/Universal sewing machine needles Fabric scissors (NOT pinking) Pins & pin holder/cushion Seam ripper Hand sewing needles (at least 2) Size 5 Embroidery needles (2+ up) 6” Embroidery Hoop Fabric Measuring Tape/ Ruler Water Soluble Fabric Marker (Suggested) / Chalk Pencil Optional Supplies: Needle Threader Mini Snips scissors Walking foot Fabric Rotary cutter Rotary Ruler Rotary Cutting Mat Hem Gauge Thimble Iron-on transfer pencil TEACHER PROVIDED Supplies: Embroidery Patterns Sewing Patterns Misc. Printouts Cotton Fabrics Flannel Fabrics Batting Premium Felt Fabrics Thread – All-Purpose Embroidery Floss Sticky Fabri-Solvi Sheets Polyfill Stuffing Plastic Pellets Painter’s Tape Iron-on Transfer Pencils Ziploc Bags Theater Troupe (3rd+ up, Fees/Materials/Text: $30, max 20 students.) Focus: Our focus is to bless our community by performing musical theater to different groups. Our target groups are places that need a little cheer like a Children's Hospital and Assisted Living Centers. We also will put on shows for schools who will love the educational side of seeing history come alive! We will put on three separate musicals during the school year. We practice for a musical and perform around 4 shows for each musical. Benefits: Students will receive voice lessons, acting lessons, a chance to serve the community and be a light for Christ. This opportunity will help them learn how to- project, annunciate, use intonation, inflection which will help them when they have to publicly speak. Your child most likely will blossom in this environment as well as have a great time. It's a fun opportunity where we encourage students to share and incorporate their own creative genius to each show. Requirements & Materials: A qualified troupe member is one who shares the goal to educate, edify and encourage others through musical theater. Troupe members need to be flexible and focused, easy to work with, and able to take direction with a cheerful attitude. Students must sign a commitment form. This form commits child to attending Clairemont class day, Wednesday rehearsals from 1-4:00p.m. at Grace Brethren Church and around 12 performances during the school year. Clothing: We have costumes the children will wear for performances, however these are the items the kids will need to have. o Boys need to have 2 pairs of pants (not jeans). One black and one tan. o Boys and Girls both need 2 pairs of closed toe shoes. One black and one tan. Woodshop Wizard (1st-5th, Fees/Materials/Text: $170, max 10 students.) Students will work with basic woodshop tools and bring home completed projects throughout the year. Class size limit: 10.
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