Western Link No 39 June 2015 - Province 20 Catenians of Western

Newsletter of the Catenian Association
Editor: Peter Johnston Tel (08) 9204 4121 Email: menzies01@hotmail.com
Sub Editor: Max Gardiner Tel (08) 9534 4422
Advertising and Distribution: Jim Schelfhout Tel: (08) 9279 9950
“Founding Father” honoured for his 40 years of service LINK
Province 20 Western Australia
Printed by Abbott & Co Printers
9353 1166
Issue No. 39
June 2015
10th anniversaries of Bouvard and Joondalup Long recognized as one of the “Founding Fathers” of the Catenian Association in Western Australia, Brother Cliff Holloway was recently presented with his 40 Year Certificate and medal by Province 20 Director, Gerry Barton. Bouvard President, Colm Kelly had the honour of cutting the cake at a celebratory dinner held at Café Coast in Dawesville on 17 February 2015. Gerry Barton pictured with Vivienne and Cliff Holloway (Fremantle Circle) Cliff initially joined Bournemouth Circle in the United Kingdom in the late 1960’s before moving to Perth in November 1971 where he was warmly welcomed by Dr. Peter Maguire, a past president of Sheffield Circle and, earlier, of Glasgow Circle. Peter settled in Western Australia in 1962. The next few months were taken up meeting Catenian expatriates. The Perth group met once a month in the private homes of members, each taking the role of host in turn. These were purely social gatherings, but as time passed the group was expanded to include Australian friends. Cliff was a Foundation Member of the City of Perth Circle inaugurated in February 1977. Peter Maguire was the first President followed by Alan Smith with Cliff the third President. He was the Inaugural President of the Liaison Council (West) in 1981/82, later Area Council (West) in 1982/83 and Province 20 Provincial President in 1985/86. He was awarded Honorary Life Membership of Province 20 in 2007. Although no longer able to attend meetings, Cliff retains a lively interest in Fremantle Circle and Province 20 that, thanks to his pioneering work, now has 13 circles and almost 400 brothers. Joondalup Past President, Andrew Swanson with Foundation President, John Monkhouse cutting the anniversary cake at the circle’s dinner on 15 April 2015 (See stories and pictures on pages 6 and 7) Directory Your contributions and photos are needed Editor: Peter Johnston Tel.: 9204 4121 Mobile: 0417 180 843 Email: menzies01@hotmail.com Sub-­‐editor: Max Gardiner Tel.: 9534 4422 Email: maxgardiner@outlook.com Advertising: Jim Schelfhout Tel.: 9279 9950 Email: jimschelfhout@bigpond.com If you have a social item, photograph or a newsworthy article that you would like to have published in the Western Link and perhaps forwarded to Catena in the United Kingdom for publication you are invited to email it to the Editor, Peter Johnston at menzies01@hotmail.com. Each Circle has its own designated Publicity Officer, but any brother with an item worthy of inclusion is welcome to submit it for publication. But be EARLY and do it NOW. Circle Publicity Officers Avon Valley Bouvard Busselton Canning Como Darling Range Dianella Fremantle Joondalup Liwara Mandurah Perth Swan Valley Brian Webb John Starcevich Tony Smurthwaite Bryan Lillis Norm Thompson Ken McMullin John Moore Editor John Bottomley Kevin Hefron Doug Williams Mike Kavanagh Mike Seeber Michael Rosario 2 Western Link June 2015
Advancing the ideals and DIRECTOR’S MESSAGE values of Catenianism Gerry Barton Dear Brothers, One Handing of the main up my at the moment over: issues Geoff Ptaking rendergast is ctime ongratulated at the is restructure. Restructure Commission Phase II Report Province The 20 annual general meeting on 28 March 2015 (“PII”) by was presented to Grand PCouncil in G
February of this year and has retiring resident, erard Tonks subsequently been lodged on the Catenian Association website The main interest of newly elected Province 20 Provincial under Restructure Commission. President, G
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rendergast to strengthen nd advance the The Australian Committee i(s “AusCom”) has satarted to prepare ideals and setting values of requirements the Catenian He a document out the for a Association. future Australian acknowledges that also this form is a the difficult task for needing the structure that could framework the other involvement of all our brothers if a positive result is to be international regions. AusCom has made it clear to Grand Council achieved. that it does not believe that restructure should apply to Australia in isolation. Geoff and his wife both Deanna have moved from Mandurah and It expects the United Kingdom and Australia to now reside in North Fin remantle, ut Geoff remains a member f the adopt the proposal PII to b
create National Councils in otheir City of Mandurah He is a papers Past President of this circle it and respective region. Circle. Once formal have been prepared is Past Treasurer of Province 20 be and asked of the to Youth Support He expected that Brothers will vote on the Project. proposed served Vice President of Province in 2014/15 has now future sas tructure. It is unlikely that this 20 process will be and completed in taken 2012. over as Provincial President. Green papers Green papers have been circulated on Recruitment and Retention and Regalia and the Dress Code. All Circle Councils and Brothers have been asked to review these documents in conjunction with their respective Provincial Council and arrive at some consensus by mid-­‐October 2012. The idea is to make Circle meetings more convivial and attractive to younger applicants without damaging the ethos of the Association. Other issues such as Circle prayers and the definition of practicing Catholic are currently under consideration. Once consensus has been reached at Grand Council these issues may be put to Brothers for approval. Geoff P
rendergast Strategy Committee Geoff educated at Christian Brothers School The was Strategy Committee outlined its High vision for in Mt. the Lawley and Curtin University in Bentley, graduating with a Association at the recent Annual Conference. The full power-­‐point Bachelor of Business Accounting degree. Association He is a Fellow of the presentation can be seen on the Catenian website, as Certified P
ractising A
ccountants. summarized herein: He married Deanna (nee Sheehan) on 20 October 1962 with a Nuptial Mass at the Church of The Infant Jesus in Morley. “And I’m •
To increase the worldwide number of members to 15,000 still married to the same very patient girl,” he adds. Geoff and by 2020 Deanna have one son, Matthew, three grandchildren and two-­‐step •
To reduce the age profile of membership such that by grandchildren. 2020 the average age of the total membership will be 65 years Geoff had a career spanning 50 years as Managing Director of •
By 2015 to have created greater awareness in the various companies involved in a real estate development, Church the support given the Church our construction and of operation of hotels and to resorts and an by export members company involved with Japan. He worked for multi national •
To develop a discussion on Catholic youth using study or organizations in Perth and London. focus groups by 2015 a clear plan can be Geoff played 125 gsuch ames that of A-­‐Grade amateur Australian Rules developed football with East Perth and Sunday League with Scarborough. He To ar feview by 2013 the aims of wthe ssociation to Cclub. onfirm also p•layed ew seasons of w
ater polo ith Athe Dolphins that they are fit for purpose and enable the strategic His hobbies include jogging and marathon running; a pastime objectives to be “aBut chieved he pursued for 25 years. my old knees have finally worn out,” •
To consider the recommendations of the Restructure he admits. “Now my hobby is travelling with my wife Deanna and and left establish an effective form of there are Commission not many places in our passports for immigration for the ssociation stamps.” governance Deanna’s hobby is international quilting and Ashe is happy to donate of her quilts to raise funds for the Youth Support Project. some We all recently need to play our from part if any of the of above are to be Geoff retired the Board Governors of achieved. W
The recent Province 20 Day tof at the Fairbridge estern Australia Inc., including he rReflection ole of Chairman of Redemptorist Mater Seminary in Morley exemplified what can be the Finance Committee. “Fairbridge is fully involved in looking achieved if the Association and the Church come together. after at risk young people, steering them in the right direction and Hopefully them attendance at this important day in the “I Province 20 starting in apprenticeships,” he explained. thoroughly calendar mwy ill be improved enjoyed involvement in ntext his ywear. orthwhile organization.” I have assured Grand President John Mottram and his wife Ellen that they will have the “best tour ever” in October this year. Provincial President Ralph Fitzpatrick and his team seem to be relishing this challenge, which was originally set by past Director Don McKechnie. The 3rd Australian Conference in Melbourne follows the Grand President’s tour. A good turn out by Province 20 Brothers and wives would assist in making this event a highlight every second year. Please keep up the good work. Yours fraternally, Gerry Barton Director Forthcoming Provincial functions: Visitors Cup, Monday 15 June 2015 Day of Reflection, Friday 10 July 2015 Provincial President’s Mass, Sunday 4 October 2015 Grand President’s visit to WA from 2 October 2015 June 2015 Western Link 3
“Change and grow . . . or, stay and wither” New Grand President perceives more challenges ahead Peter Woodford Peter was born in 1946 in Preston, Lancashire. His father, originally from Portsmouth, was Chief Electrical Engineer at English Electric. Peter’s mother was from Northern Ireland. The family moved to Preston as part of a government initiative to rebuild the aircraft industry after the war. In the early 1950s the family moved to Bath where Peter was educated at King Edward’s School. After “A Levels” he joined the Royal Navy at Dartmouth, transferring to study electronics engineering at the Royal Naval College in Greenwich. It was there he met Ann who was a theatre nurse at Guys Hospital. Ann was from an Irish family who had settled in South London. They were married at St Thomas the Apostle Church in Nunhead. The new Grand President of the Catenian Association, Peter Woodford senses that the challenge facing the Association is whether to change and grow, or stay as we have been and gradually wither. He observes that the Association has been declining in membership in the United Kingdom and Australia but is growing fast in India. Peter identifies the need to have different strategies for overseas expansion and for the development of the Association in core areas of the UK and Australia. “It is not simply about recruiting more and losing less to forfeit or resignation. It is about whether the Association is relevant to its members, the target populations and the Catholic faithful at large.” “The rules and regulations have been simplified and circle-­‐
meeting procedures have been modernized, but there is more to do on the ground. The primary role of Provincial Councils is the development of the Association in their areas, forming new groups and circles and assisting ailing circles to rebuild themselves.” “That is where our efforts need to be focused,” Peter says. He feels that the “Moving On” initiative has taken over the restructure work in the minds of some members, however he says they are really two sides of the same modernization coin. Moving On dealt with attitudes and the desire for inclusiveness, whereas Restructure is dealing with organization and governance. “Grand Council is looking into the need for a constitution or some way of ensuring that any restructure changes guarantee the continued unity and ethos of the Association. The rules and regulations will require some amendments to cope with devolved governance, but the role and functions of circles will not change.” “The circle remains at the heart of the Association,” Peter says. “Following Restructure as many functions as possible will be assigned to National Councils. This will provide autonomy without imposing an extra layer of governance on the membership. Decisions more properly made locally will be made locally. As in the case now, decisions to make changes to the rules and regulations will be made by the members. All this will be brought together for members to vote upon later in the year.” 4 Western Link June 2015
Ann and Peter Woodford Peter left the navy early to develop a career in the Defence and Aerospace industry. He and Ann settled in Surrey, first in Frimley and later in Reigate with a stint in Munich, Germany in between. They have a son; Brian and daughter, Andrea, both married who between them have produced five grandchildren for Peter and Ann. This extended family is very important to Peter and Ann, and they see each other quite often with both the young families living within an hour’s drive. Peter and Ann with their family Peter particularly enjoys rugby and is indulged by Ann who bought him debenture seats at Twickenham for his 60th birthday. He attends international matches with his son and son-­‐in-­‐law, and also watches his grandsons at their mini rugby events. Peter is a convert, received into the Church in 1970. He and Ann have been staunch members of the parishes they have lived in. Peter is a reader and Eucharistic minister and has been a member of several Parish Councils. They moved to Reigate in 1987 and became active members of the Holy Family parish. Peter was appointed to chair a working group of clergy and lay people to plan the merger of three parishes in their area to form the new Parish of the Nativity of the Lord in 2009. Peter is also a Governor of St Joseph’s School in Redhill. It was in 1988 that Peter was invited to join the Catenian Association with Reigate Circle. He was circle President in 1994 and then served on Provincial Council from 2000, becoming Provincial President in 2007. Peter was elected Director for Province 19 in 2010. During his professional life Peter was heavily engaged in managing major organizational change programmes both for clients and his own business units, bringing new technology and business processes. He has been able to bring much of this experience to the Association. Peter was appointed to the Restructure Commission under James Hagerty in 2009 before he was elected to Grand Council. On joining Grand Council he continued with the Restructure Commission until 2012 and served on Marketing and Membership Work Groups. Gerry Barton Later he became Chairman of Marketing and Communications and Strategy and also joined the Restructure Dear Brothers, Review Committee. Additionally Peter has served as a Director and later as Chairman of Catenian Publications Limited, the company One of the main issues taking up my time at the moment is that publishes Catena. restructure. The Restructure Commission Phase II Report (“PII”) Peter says one of the most satisfying aspects of his time as a was presented to Grand Council in February of this year and has Director has been guiding the work of Circle Benevolent Boards subsequently been lodged on the Catenian Association website and presenting needy cases to the Benevolent Board Trustees. He under Restructure Commission. comments that it is most heartening to see the Trustees with their The Australian Committee (“AusCom”) has started to prepare high level of professionalism, care and compassion working so a document setting out the requirements for a future Australian diligently on behalf of those in difficulty or need. structure that could also form the framework for the other international regions. AusCom has made it clear to Grand Council Focus on friendship
that it does not believe that restructure should apply to Australia in isolation. It expects both the United Kingdom and Australia to Peter’s theme for in his of office is “friendship”. He adopt the proposal PII year to create National Councils in their comments that the Association has a very simple concept: respective region. Once formal papers have been prepared it is friends mthat eeting and enjoying each other’s company, roviding expected Brothers will be asked to vote on the pproposed help to one another when needed and supporting the Church future structure. It is unlikely that this process will be completed in and those in need. The Association exists primarily to provide 2012. friendship to like-­‐minded Catholic men. Green He says the aims, values and obligations of membership papers are all good papers statements of intent and ambition and we now Green have been circulated on Recruitment and have a clear statement of what we are about – our Retention and Regalia and the Dress Code. All Circle purpose. Councils For Peter this is all summed up by “friendship”. It is what we and Brothers have been asked to review these documents in offer to each other and to prospective members and arrive also to conjunction with their respective Provincial Council and at members o
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lergy. some consensus by mid-­‐October 2012. The idea is to make Circle meetings Peter more believes we are and in the proud and of convivial attractive to enviable younger position applicants being a global association of friends united by shared values and without damaging the ethos of the Association. Catholic faith. “While we as enjoy the fun of and being in definition each other’s Other issues such Circle prayers the of company, us set our minds to the task of building an association practicing let Catholic are currently under consideration. Once relevant to the needs of the proudly Catholic men of today and consensus has been reached at Grand Council these issues may be have s
omething orthy to hand on to future generations,” he says. put to Brothers fw
or approval. Peter and Ann are looking forward to meeting as many brothers and their ladies as possible at the conference in Durham Strategy Committee and then their travels on behalf ooutlined f the Association. The on Strategy Committee its vision for the Association at the recent Annual Conference. The full power-­‐point They will be visiting Western Australia in October 2015, India in November 2015 and then leading a pilgrimage to the Holy presentation can be seen on the Catenian Association website, as Land in March 2016. They are looking forward to many members summarized herein: and ladies joining them on these tours. Ann the feel very honoured be leading the •Peter To iand ncrease worldwide number of to members to 15,000 Association at this challenging time. However, they are clear that it by 2020 is also a call to serve the Association. •
To reduce the age profile of membership such that by They ask for your prayers and support for the year ahead. 2020 the average age of the total membership will be 65 years DIRECTOR’S MESSAGE •
By 2015 to have created a greater awareness in the Plenty of variety on offer Church of the support given to the Church by our members for rand president and • G
To develop a discussion on Catholic youth using study or focus groups such that by 2015 a clear plan can be UK vdeveloped isitors •
To review by 2013 the aims of the Association to confirm that they are fit for purpose and enable the strategic The programme for to Grand President, Peter Woodford, his wife, objectives be achieved Ann •and the touring party of UK Catenians from October to 19 To consider the recommendations of 2 the Restructure October 2015 is a hectic one, establish but includes of variety Commission and an plenty effective form and of opportunities for them to meet and enjoy the hospitality of their governance for the international Association Western Australian counterparts. All the to Province circles will in to joint We 13 all of need play our 20 part if any of be the involved above are be meetings with the visiting Catenians, including a Mass at achieved. The recent Province 20 Day of Reflection at the the Bunbury Cathedral, a meeting and dinner with Redemptorist Mater followed Seminary by in Morley exemplified what can the be southernmost c
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ith a tyraditional walk through Kings Park ill be improved next ear. that by then should be at its glorious best an abundance of I have assured Grand President John with Mottram and his wife wildflowers and spring colours. A welcome cocktail party will be Ellen that they will have the “best tour ever” in October this year. held at the President Duxton Hotel on Fitzpatrick Saturday 3 and October followed Provincial Ralph his team seem by to the be Provincial Mass on Sunday 4 October and luncheon at the home of relishing this challenge, which was originally set by past Director Terry nd Jan O’Neill in Henley Brook. Don MacKechnie. The offers a Swan River cruise, day follows trip to New The programme 3rd Australian Conference in Melbourne the Norcia, a Mandurah canal cruise incorporating lunch, sightseeing Grand President’s tour. A good turn out by Province 20 Brothers in the Busselton area and ain tour of the this Royal Australian Navy every naval and wives would assist making event a highlight base o
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wan second year. Valley vineyards and a barbecue lunch at Rocco and Connie Please keep up the good work. Zampogna’s Golden Grove orange orchard in Lower Chittering and the option of a game of golf or a visit to the Caversham Wildlife Yours fraternally, Park. Gerry Detailed Barton programmes will be distributed to all circles and members are encouraged to participate as much as they Director are able, particularly at their own circle’s joint meeting and to make the Grand President and the touring party welcome. Visitors’ Cup Monday 15 June 2015 at 12 noon Royal Perth Golf Club Labouchere Road, South Perth Ladies are invited and encouraged to attend Hosted by City of Perth Circle Avon Valley Circle Celebrating its 300th meeting Saturday 18 July 2015 Meeting at 11.30 a.m. followed by lunch Kirby Hall, Northam Arrange a car pool and give this event your support June 2015 Western Link 5
Bouvard celebrates its 10th anniversary
Seventy Catenian members, partners and friends from as far afield as Busselton in the south, Darling Range and Avon Valley in the east and Dianella and Liwara in the north gathered at Café Coast, Port Bouvard Marina in Dawesville on Tuesday 17 February 2015 to help Bouvard members and wives celebrate the 10th anniversary of the circle’s inauguration. Grand President John Clarke inaugurated Bouvard Circle on 22 February 2005. The founder President was Fred Miltrup who was instrumental in the formation of the circle along with Donald McKechnie. It was appropriate that Fred and his wife Jean and Donald and his wife Pam were in attendance and were acknowledged at the anniversary dinner for their contribution and initiative in bringing the circle to fruition. Life Member of Province 20 and member of Swan Valley, Avon Valley and the City of Busselton Circles, Terry O’Neill and his wife, Jan also participated in celebrating Bouvard’s milestone. Other notable dignitaries in attendance included Province 20 Provincial President, Gerard Tonks and Director, Gerry Barton who both emphasized the need to retain existing brothers while actively seeking new ones. Good food, good company and good fellowship were the ingredients of a wonderful celebration. Left to right: Terry O’Neill (Swan Valley, Avon Valley and City of Busselton Circles), Vince De Bono (Swan Valley and Bouvard Circles), Tony Lane (City of Mandurah) and Joe Zemp (Bouvard) Fred Miltrup (Swan Valley) and Donald McKechnie (Dianella) 6 Western Link June 2015
St Damien’s Parish Priest, Father Concord Bagaoisan (right) says Grace. He is pictured with Bouvard’s Vice President and City of Mandurah Brother, Max Gardiner Ralph and Liana Fitzpatrick (Liwara), Patrick Doyle (Swan Valley) and Judy and Colin Purcell (City of Mandurah) John and JoAnn O’Neil (City of Mandurah) pictured with Shirley and Tom Mulcahy (Bouvard) Joondalup turns 10 DIRECTOR’S MESSAGE •
By 2015 to have created a greater awareness in the Church of the support given to the Church by our members To develop a discussion on Catholic youth using study or focus groups such that by 2015 a clear plan can be developed To review by 2013 the aims of the Association to confirm that they are fit for purpose and enable the strategic objectives to be achieved To consider the recommendations of the Restructure Commission and establish an effective form of governance for the international Association We all need to play our part if any of the above are to be achieved. The recent Province 20 Day of Reflection at the Redemptorist Mater Seminary in Morley exemplified what can be achieved if the Association and the Church come together. Hopefully attendance at this important day in the Province 20 calendar will be improved next year. Gerry Barton I have assured Grand President John Mottram and his wife Ellen that they will have the “best tour ever” in October this year. Dear Brothers, Provincial President Ralph Fitzpatrick and his team seem to be relishing this challenge, which was originally set by past Director One of the main issues taking up my time at the moment is Don McKechnie. restructure. The Restructure Commission Phase II Report (“PII”) The 3rd Australian Conference in Melbourne follows the was presented to Grand Council in February of this year and has Grand President’s tour. A good turn out by Province 20 Brothers subsequently been lodged on the Catenian Association website and wives would assist in making this event a highlight every under Restructure Commission. Joondalup’s founding members, left to right: Jim Doherty, John Hollywood, Barry Webb, Andrew Swanson, Peter Johnston, Gene Vance, second year. The Australian (“AusCom”) has started to prepare David CCommittee hatel, John Monkhouse, Jim Giumelli, Vince Sinagra, Winton, avanagh Pat Please keep Muichael p the gK
ood work. and Mick Doak a document out the requirements a future (Unable to asetting ttend the anniversary dinner for were: Rolf BAustralian ank, Martin Colgan, Peter Ross and Nick Spadaccini – all still current members) structure that could also form the framework for the other Yours fraternally, Joondalup Circle celebrated its 10th anniversary at its Annual international regions. AusCom has made it clear to Grand Council General Meeting and handover night held at Cambrai in Australia Merriwa that it does not believe that restructure should apply to Gerry Barton on 15 April It 2015. Grand President John Clarke and inaugurated in isolation. expects both the United Kingdom Australia the to Director circle n 25 proposal February in 2005. adopt othe PII to create National Councils in their respective Of the region. 25 brothers installed at the have inauguration, 17 are it still Once formal papers been prepared is active in the Sadly, two the founding brothers, Dennis expected that circle. Brothers will be of asked to vote on the proposed Reid and Derrick It Flynn both tpassed and wduring its first ten future structure. is unlikely hat this away process ill be completed in years 2012. brothers Jim Rea and Gerry Forster also passed away. Ten brothers have served as President. They are John Monkhouse (Founding President), Martin Colgan, Dennis Reid Green papers (dcd), Michael Kavanagh, Pat circulated Winton, on David Wilkes, Neal Green papers have been Recruitment and Garswood, Vince Sinagra, Peter and All Andrew Retention and Regalia and the Johnston Dress Code. Circle Swanson. Councils John Hollywood was been installed at the as President for the and Brothers have asked to meeting review these documents in 2015/16-­‐year. conjunction with their respective Provincial Council and arrive at some consensus by mid-­‐October 2012. The idea is to make Circle Pat and Joy Winton meetings more convivial and attractive to younger applicants without damaging the ethos of the Association. Other issues such as Circle prayers and the definition of practicing Catholic are currently under consideration. Once consensus has been reached at Grand Council these issues may be put to Brothers for approval. Strategy Committee The Strategy Committee outlined its vision for the Association at the recent Annual Conference. The full power-­‐point presentation can be seen on the Catenian Association website, as summarized herein: •
To increase the worldwide number of members to 15,000 by 2020 Jean Swanson (wife of retiring President, Andrew) is presented Merle Reid pictured with David Chatel • a b
To reduce age bprofile of installed membership such that with ouquet of the flowers y newly President, John by 2020 the average age of the total membership will be 65 Hollywood years June 2015 Western Link 7
Busselton’s Ecumenical Clergy dinner – a resounding success The City of Busselton Circle has achieved another milestone in its quest to grow and strengthen its presence in the local community. George Bazzica (President), Tony Smurthwaite (Secretary), Terry Shine (Vice President) and John Van Beek (Treasurer) were instrumental in the success of an Ecumenical Clergy Dinner held on 23 February 2015 at the Esplanade Hotel in Busselton. The event drew together Christian Ministers and their congregations from other churches in the Busselton area as well as parishioners from St Joseph’s Catholic Church in Busselton, Our Lady of the Bay Catholic Church in Busselton and Our Lady of the Cape Catholic Church in Dunsborough. Special visitors included the Vicar-­‐General of the Bunbury Diocese, Father Tony Chiera, the City Mayor of Busselton, Ian Stubbs, Father Nick Lim and Deacon Jerome Dalipe from Our Lady of the Bay Church, Father Ian Johnson from Our Lady of the Cape Dunsborough Church, Kevin Jennings representing St Vincent de Paul Society in Busselton and Pastor Craig Rodgers from the Church of Christ in Dunsborough. Busselton President, George Bazzica (centre) with members of the Uniting Church, Laurie Uren (left) and Robin Flower (right) 8 Western Link June 2015
Pictured left to right: Rebecca, George Bazzica, Province 20 Provincial President, Gerard Tonks and United Kingdom visitor and former Grand President, Mike O’Malley MaryAnn Shine, Judy Ball, Carmel Tonks and Deacon, Greg Dudley Fresh Start Recovery DIRECTOR’S MESSAGE Program The guest speaker at the Busselton Ecumenical dinner on 23 February 2015 was Dr. George O’Neill, the founder and head of the Fresh Start Recovery Program based in Subiaco. The Program’s Chief Executive Officer, Jeff Claughton, accompanied him. Pastor Craig Rodgers from the Church of Christ in Dunsborough introduced these special guests to the 75 people in attendance comprising representatives from ten Christian churches. Gerry Barton Dear Brothers, One of the main issues taking up my time at the moment is restructure. The Restructure Commission Phase II Report (“PII”) was presented to Grand Council in February of this year and has subsequently been lodged on the Catenian Association website under Restructure Commission. The Australian Committee (“AusCom”) has started to prepare a document setting out the requirements for a future Australian structure that could also form the framework for the other international regions. AusCom has made it clear to Grand Council that it does not believe that restructure should apply to Australia in isolation. It expects both the United Kingdom and Australia to in their adopt the proposal in PII to create National Councils Dr. George O’Neill respective region. Once formal papers have been prepared it is expected that Brothers will be asked to vote on the proposed Dr. O’Neill and his staff (including biochemists) and future structure. It is unlikely that this process will be completed in volunteers have spent over 17 years helping people deal with drug 2012. and alcohol addiction at a cost of seven million dollars each year. Dr. O’Neill said that the State Government contributes 35 per cent Green papers of this cost, St John of God nuns have built a detoxification centre Green papers have been circulated on Recruitment and and the church has given a considerable amount to support the Retention and Regalia and the Dress Code. All Circle Councils Program. and Brothers have been asked to review these documents in Dr. O’Neill attributes much of the problem of addiction to conjunction with their respective Provincial Council and arrive at fatherless households and the drinking culture our society seems some consensus by mid-­‐October 2012. The idea is to make Circle to consider acceptable. He pointed out that in the 1960s, 90 per meetings more convivial and attractive to younger applicants cent of fathers were married and still in the family unit when their without damaging the ethos of the Association. children turned five years of age. Now only 50 per cent are married Other issues such as Circle prayers and the definition of and 30 per cent are there when the children turn five. practicing Catholic are currently under consideration. Once He said that the cost to families and society is enormous and consensus has been reached at Grand Council these issues may be strongly recommends that the Western Australian legal drinking put to Brothers for approval. age be raised and medical authorities take action and not remain quiet about the impact of alcohol upon society. Dr. O’Neill made a Strategy Committee comparison with what has happened to the number of Western The Strategy Committee outlined its vision for the Australian smokers. He said that in the 1980s about 50 per cent of Association at the recent Annual Conference. The full power-­‐point people smoked and in 2015 that figure has reduced to 10 per cent, presentation can be seen on the Catenian Association website, as clearly demonstrating what can be achieved with a well-­‐structured summarized herein: preventative strategy. Three recovering addicts, Renee, Noel and Rebecca were •
To increase the worldwide number of members to 15,000 introduced to the meeting. Each described how they had received a by 2020 Catholic Education prior to their encounters with drugs and how •
To reduce the age profile of membership such that by disastrous addiction had affected them and their loved ones and 2020 the average age of the total membership will be 65 how they have used the treatment of the Recovery Program to years wean themselves off drug dependence. The gathering was told that •
By 2015 to have created a greater awareness in the Busselton is the centre of a drug pandemic where drugs are freely Church of the of support given to the addicts Church by most our accessible. The message the three recovering was members inspirational and heart-­‐warming, yet held a warning that drugs are • street To develop a discussion on Catholic youth using study or on the and readily available. focus such by i2015 a oclear can and be Dr. O
’Neill groups said that the Pthat rogram s a mix f good plan science developed Christian values. The treatment targets those drugs to which the • is To review Hbe y p2ioneered 013 the atims f the Association to confirm person addicted. he toreatment and is pleased that that they are fit for purpose and enable the strategic over the 17 years 9,500 people have been assisted. objectives to be achieved He said these people have empowered themselves to get off •
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Restructure drugs and the success rate f 85 per cent often rof eflects ore on the Commission and establish an effective form and of commitment of the recovering addict than to the doctors governance for thave he international Association counselors. Once people gone through the recovery process they a re housed out in the community, although relapses do occur. We all centre need ito our part any rof the above are to be The respite n Bplay usselton will eif nable ecovering addicts to b
e achieved. recent Province 20 Day rof Reflection at the with family The members and to rebuild broken elationships. Mater Seminary medical in Morley exemplified has what can be Redemptorist The Western Australian establishment accepted achieved if the Association and the Church come together. that the Fresh Start holistic treatment is effective and by targeting Hopefully at athis important day in the Province 20 the specific attendance drug they are ddicted to, avoids people being addicted calendar will bfe orm improved next to yet another of opiate. year. I have assured Grand President John Mottram and his Dr. O’Neill has received Australian and State awards for wife his Ellen that they will have the “best tour ever” in October this year. work. He asked the audience to compliment the State Government Provincial Ralph Fitzpatrick and their his team seem to and be for helping President so much and thanked his wife, strong faith relishing this challenge, originally set by past Director offered praise to God for which what hwas as been achieved. cKechnie. Don MThe Program’s CEO, Jeff Claughton told the gathering that The 3rd Australian in over Melbourne the good progress in the face Conference of resistance the past follows 17 years is Grand President’s A good turn people out by are Province Brothers now very real and tour. tangible. More being 20 successfully and wives assist event Ja treated with would houses now iin n Pmaking erth and this Northam. eff highlight and Dr. Oevery ’Neill second year. are in Busselton because they know they have the support of the Please p the good work. local people. keep Jeff usaid that this evening is not the first time that support has been demonstrated. He said that a close community Yours fraternally, such as Busselton knows who is in need of help. Anyone wanting to know more about the Program can be referred to the Fresh Start Gerry Barton pamphlet and the contact details therein. Director Asked about taking the message of prevention to primary schools, Dr. O’Neill reiterated his recommendation that screening should occur in primary schools. He pointed out that mental health problems of the 12 to 18 age group could be diagnosed and treated much earlier. He said that parents needed to be more aware of the risks that alcohol poses and should not encourage consumption at an early age. Leavers’ week and school balls were cited as examples of excessive alcohol usage by teenagers and most social events involve alcohol and the availability of the drug from the large number of alcohol outlets in Busselton is a major concern and needed to be addressed. Dr. O’Neill said that the legal drinking age should be raised from 18 to 25 and pointed out that in America the legal drinking age was 21. Province 20 Provincial President, Gerard Tonks gave a vote of thanks to Dr. O’Neill for his excellent presentation and commended Renee, Noel and Rebecca for sharing their stories of recovery. He said that the Catenian Association was very supportive of families and young people. The President of the City of Busselton Circle, George Bazzica presented Dr. O’Neill with a gift in appreciation and suggested that people might like to donate to the cause. Dr. O’Neill thanked George, but said that it was not money but people’s time that was needed. He said that his team would need help with the Busselton respite centre and assistance to transport people in need of treatment to Perth. Contributed by Tony Smurthwaite June 2015 Western Link 9
Outstanding achievements of two recipients of Youth Support The members of the Province 20 Project extended a special invitation to scholarship winner, Brigette Macfarlane and bursary recipient, Sean Dondas who both reside at St Thomas More College, Crawley to attend the Dianella Circle dinner on 25 February 2015. This occasion was an ideal opportunity for both Brigette and Sean to establish a direct connection and gain a better understanding of the Catenian Association. At the same time it provided an opportunity to offer some friendly support within a family environment to these young students. In the 2013/14 financial year the Youth Support Project awarded the inaugural Catenian Scholarship of $2,000 to Brigette who has completed a Science degree at the University of Western Australia and is in her final year reading law at Notre Dame. The inaugural Catenian Bursary of $2,000 was awarded to Sean Dondas who is studying marketing and economics at the University of Western Australia. These awards were the result of an alliance developed by the Project with “Tommy More” (as it styles itself) to make awards to student residents at the College who may be attending Notre Dame University, Curtin University, University of Western Australia or Murdoch University. Dianella Catenian and Vice President and Trustee of the Province 20 Youth Support Project, Brian Kerman (centre) pictured with Sean Dondas and Brigette Macfarlane at the February meeting of Dianella Circle Sean Dondas The year 2014 was very successful for Sean, achieving distinctions in the major subjects of International Management and Asia in the Economic World along with high credits in six of his other major subjects in his Marketing and Economics degree. 10 Western Link June 2015
Sean resides full time at Tommy More where he is a Resident Advisor. This is his final year at the College. With this position comes the responsibility for 20 students of after hour’s administration dealing with parents concerns for their children, general complaints such as noise and generally keeping a harmonious environment for all residents. He is also a special minister of the Eucharist at the College chapel. This year sees an enormous expansion of the residential accommodation at the College. During construction work that will finish by the end of 2015 there are still 154 students in residence. At the end of the last semester in 2014, Sean and a group of student-­‐led volunteers travelled to Cambodia to spend two weeks in one of the poorest schools in the Province of Kampong Speu teaching English and providing hope for all the children there. The cost of this trip came from personal financial input and proceeds from fundraising activities throughout the year with the proceeds going to Cambodia. Their planned trip for 2015 will be similar, but with a different emphasis on the squatters villages in Cambodia. Last year Sean was a finalist in the Sunday Times newspaper “Pride of Australia” awards to “ordinary Western Australians achieving extraordinary things”. Over the past seven years he has volunteered his time leadership roles in support of “CanTeen”. Brigette Macfarlane Brigette completed a Science degree at the University of Western Australia in 2014 achieving A and B grades in all subjects and this year completes a law degree at Notre Dame including Commercial Law and Intellectual Property Law. In her role as the Head Resident Advisor at Tommy More, Brigette is responsible for a safe environment particularly focusing on monitoring student physical well-­‐being, social interaction and academic progress. She is also responsible for the pastoral care of students from a range of different cultural and social backgrounds. Her other duties include some administrative work. Brigette assists as a Eucharistic Minister at Tommy More chapel services and she also works with volunteer organizations such as tutoring at Clontarf Aboriginal College, Relay for Life and Below the Line. Last year Brigette was the logistics coordinator for the Project Cambodia Mission trip. During the vacation period last year she travelled to Vietnam and Cambodia participating in the Project Inspire with local underprivileged communities. Congratulations The brothers of Province 20 congratulate both Brigette and Sean on their high achievements at their studies during 2014 and the support work they do for the underprivileged and wish them every success for this year. Dianella Circle’s fantastic night of fun
Gerry Barton Dear Brothers, One of the main issues taking up my time at the moment is restructure. The Restructure Commission Phase II Report (“PII”) was presented to Grand Council in February of this year and has subsequently been lodged on the Catenian Association website under Restructure Commission. The Australian Committee (“AusCom”) has started to prepare a document setting out the requirements for a future Australian structure that could also form the framework for the other Dianella Circle’s February 2015 meeting and dinner was an international regions. AusCom has made it clear to Grand Council eventful and fun-­‐filled night, thoroughly enjoyed by 69 circle that it does not believe that restructure should apply to Australia brothers and wives, visiting brothers and wives from the United in isolation. It expects both the United Kingdom and Australia to Kingdom, a new circle enrolment and two visiting Province 20 adopt the proposal in PII to create National Councils in their Youth Support Group recipients all on the one night. respective region. Once formal papers have been prepared it is Circle President, Donald McKechnie extended a special expected that Brothers will be asked to vote on the proposed welcome to Mike O’Malley and his wife Anne-­‐Marie from Dianella’s future structure. It is unlikely that this process will be completed in sister circle in the United Kingdom, Lytham St Annes. A Past Grand 2012. President, Mike has been a frequent visitor to Western Australia and always finds time to visit Province 20 circles. Green papers Green papers have been circulated on Recruitment and Retention and Regalia and the Dress Code. All Circle Councils and Brothers have been asked to review these documents in conjunction with their respective Provincial Council and arrive at some consensus by mid-­‐October 2012. The idea is to make Circle meetings more convivial and attractive to younger applicants without damaging the ethos of the Association. Other issues such as Circle prayers and the definition of practicing Catholic are currently under consideration. Once consensus has been reached at Grand Council these issues may be put to Brothers for approval. Strategy Committee The Strategy Committee outlined its vision for the Association at the recent Annual Conference. The full power-­‐point Dianella President, Donald cKechnie (centre) presents a gift presentation can be seen on M
the Catenian Association website, as of a mantle hcerein: lock framed in solid Western Australian jarrah to summarized th
Anne-­‐Marie and Mike O’Malley on the occasion of their 9 visit to Western Australia •
To increase the worldwide number of members to 15,000 by 2020 Mike presented Dianella Circle with an engraved In response, •
reduce the age at profile membership such that by drinking To goblet to be used future of dinners and awarded to the 2020 the average age of the total membership will be 65 most rewarding “brother of the month”. years By 2015 to have created a greater awareness in the Church of the support given to the Church by our members To develop a discussion on Catholic youth using study or focus groups such that by 2015 a clear plan can be developed To review by 2013 the aims of the Association to confirm that they are fit for purpose and enable the strategic objectives to be achieved To consider the recommendations of the Restructure Commission and establish an effective form of governance for the international Association We all need to play our part if any of the above are to be achieved. The recent Province 20 Day of Reflection at the Redemptorist Mater Seminary in Morley exemplified what can be achieved if the Association and the Church come together. Hopefully attendance at this important day in the Province 20 calendar will be improved next year. I have assured Grand President John Mottram and his wife Ellen that they will have the “best tour ever” in October this year. Provincial President Ralph Fitzpatrick and his team seem to be relishing this challenge, which was originally set by past Director Don McKechnie. The 3rd Australian Conference in Melbourne follows the Grand President’s tour. A good turn out by Province 20 Brothers and wives would assist in making this event a highlight every second year. Please keep up the good work. fraternally, comedian and member of Solihull Circle in the Yours Professional United Kingdom, Don Maclean was also given a warm welcome. Gerry in Barton Born Birmingham, Warwickshire Don attended Clifton Road Director School in Balsall Heath and St Philip’s School, Edgbaston. His first was as a civil servant at the Inland Revenue, but soon turned to job comedy. He appeared on 1970s programmes Crackerjack and the Black and White Minstrel Show and presented Good Morning Sunday on BBC radio for nearly 16 years from 1990. Don has been made a Papal Knight for his work to further the Roman Catholic faith through his profession as a comedian. More than 400 people attended a Mass at Our Lady of the Wayside, Shirley where he was awarded a sword to recognize his knighthood. Those present at Dianella’s February dinner were entertained with a hilarious 30 minute presentation by the renowned comedian. Comedian, Don Maclean had his audience in stitches with laughter during his presentation June 2015 Western Link 11
Walking “the Great Wall” to aid medical research
When Martin found out that he was the only man in a team of women, he said to Dot that “it’s 40 years too late.” The adventurers were called “Team China 2014” and comprised 19 females, Martin and two male photographers who donated their time and effort to film the adventure, walking the whole way carrying gear weighing 15 kilos each. Martin and Dot left Perth on their wedding anniversary, 5 September 2014, arriving in Beijing where they spent two days sightseeing with their tour guides who spoke very good English. They then travelled to Shanhaiguan where the Great Wall of China starts at the Bohal Sea. It’s called the dragon’s head and is a former garrison with four very large gateways facing north, south, east and west. The first gate, called “First Pass under Heaven”, is in very good condition and most impressive. On the first day the team walked for five hours heading towards the mountains, followed by a seven-­‐hour trek on the second day, across a reservoir that had been created by flooding a valley. Parts of the Great Wall kept appearing out of the lake like a big snake. This portion of the walk was very steep in sections and dangerous. There were no railings either side and looking over the edge the drop would have been equivalent to a five-­‐storey building. The views were breathtaking. In 2013 it was the Kokoda Trail and last year it was the Great Wall of China, all to raise money for medical research. Joondalup Catenian, Martin Colgan and his wife, Dot are the parents of Katie who walked the Kokoda Trail in Papua New Guinea with her brother, Nathan and his wife Connie to raise funds for research into a cure for brain tumors in children. Nathan and Connie’s youngest child, Connor has had two major surgical operations and his fight has inspired the Colgan family to participate in the Channel Seven Telethon Adventurers group. The Telethon Adventurers are a group of people dedicated to finding the cause and ultimately the cure for childhood cancers. They raise money by conducting adventurous, arduous and sometimes dangerous activities all over the world. Once signed up, each adventurer funds their own trip and in turn commits to a fundraising target and becomes part of a movement that has raised over $1 million each year. Each year approximately six very different adventures are sanctioned by the Telethon Adventurers that since its foundation in 2010 has raised over $7.5 million. Members of the Channel Seven Adventurers sanctioned fundraising adventure to walk 100 kilometres of the Great Wall of China Following the successful 2013 Kokoda Trail adventure, Katie suggested over lunch at Perth’s Brisbane Hotel in February 2014 that her father and mother, Martin and Dot Colgan might like to join them on the Great Wall of China walk in September 2014. Although Martin was all for the challenge having always wanted to do it, Dot was a bit hesitant but after one or two glasses of good wine she agreed to go. Training started the next day, firstly with gentle walks of about four kilometres a day, building up to a 15-­‐kilometre walk through the John Forrest National Park. That walk made them realize that they weren’t ready for a 100-­‐
kilometre walk, but the good thing that came out of it was that they found out that the younger women in the group weren’t ready either. Ages ranged from 30s, 40s (Dot and Martin in the late 60s) and a lady called Elsie, a very fit 72. 12 Western Link June 2015
On the Great Wall, left to right: Martin and Dot Colgan with their daughter, Katie and two girls from Queensland, sisters Karen and Rhonda During the final few days the Adventurers paused during their daily walks to visit the eastern Qing Tombs and other attractions such as the former Imperial Capital (now a renowned holiday resort), Imperial Mountain villas and temples built for Tibetan and Mongolian warlords. By the end of the six-­‐day, 100-­‐kilometre walk, Martin and Dot’s legs, knees and hips told the story of their strenuous adventure. “But despite the aches and pains, it was a wonderful experience,” they agreed. “All the hotels and places we stayed in were clean and everyone we met was friendly. We came back full of enthusiasm with some wonderful memories.” As a group, the Great Wall of China Adventurers raised $220,000 for Channel Seven Telethon through various fundraising activities. In 2015 Katie Colgan has committed to climb Mt Kilimanjaro in Tanzania in Africa with the Adventurers. Dot and Martin’s eight-­‐year-­‐old grandson, Connor has completed his chemo, but still has many hospital appointments. They say that he has lost a lot of use of his right hand, but is learning to use his left hand and is doing a remarkable job. The hospital is hoping to get a computer with large letters for Connor to use for his schoolwork. Dot and Martin ask that you keep him in your prayers. Supporting people with DIRECTOR’S MESSAGE Intellectual disabilities The Chairperson of the Catholic Archdiocese of Perth Personal Advocacy Service, Leonie Reid was invited to attend the Province 20 Provincial Council meeting on 28 February 2015 to talk to circle councillors about the work being performed by the service to support people with intellectual disabilities living in local communities. Established in 1989, Personal Advocacy Service is an agency of the Catholic Archdiocese of Perth that provides a structured programme for people with varying degrees of intellectual disability to form close, personal relationships with volunteer advocates from the local community. These relationships form the basis of an informal yet powerful advocacy movement. Gerry Barton Dear Brothers, One of the main issues taking up my time at the moment is restructure. The Restructure Commission Phase II Report (“PII”) was presented to Grand Council in February of this year and has subsequently been lodged on the Catenian Association website under Restructure Commission. The Australian Committee (“AusCom”) has started to prepare a document setting out the requirements for a future Australian structure that could also form the framework for the other international regions. AusCom has made it clear to Grand Council that it does not believe that restructure should apply to Australia in isolation. It expects both the United Kingdom and Australia to adopt the proposal in PII to create National Councils in their respective region. Once formal papers have been prepared it is expected that Brothers will be asked to the vote on the proposed Provincial President, Gerard Tonks with Chairperson of the future structure. It is unlikely that Stervice, his process will be completed in Personal Advocacy Leonie Reid 2012. The advocacy support is provided through community volunteers, each of whom is linked on a one to one basis with an Green papers individual with a disability. The organization offers initial training Green papers have been circulated on Recruitment and and ongoing supervision of advocates to Code. ensure the support they Retention and Regalia and the Dress All Circle Councils offer through their relationship with the individual with disability and Brothers have been asked to review these documents in meets the particular needs of that individual and enables them to conjunction with their respective Provincial Council and arrive at live as consensus full a life as possible. some by mid-­‐October 2012. The idea is to make Circle meetings The key strategy of Personal Advocacy is “advocacy” through more convivial and attractive to younger applicants relationships. without damaging the ethos of the Association. Personal Advocacy Service aims to draw people into Other issues such as Circle prayers and these the definition of the parish community by linking each one with a volunteer Once from practicing Catholic are currently under consideration. the parish and then nurturing the relationship through a very consensus has been reached at Grand Council these issues may be gentle Within the safety of their small put to Bfaith-­‐based rothers for aprogramme. pproval. group, those with disabilities come to feel themselves being accepted, respected, loved and valued by others. They learn to Strategy Committee trust others around them and, as their confidence grows, they are The Strategy Committee outlined its vision for the able to give something special back to the community. Association at the recent Annual Conference. The full power-­‐point presentation At its February meeting Council endorsed a can be seen on the Provincial Catenian Association website, as request from Leonie Reid to approach the various circles summarized herein: within Province 20 to enlist their help in spreading the word at parish level. Leonie that the •
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By 2015 to have created a greater awareness in the Church of the support given to the Church by our speaking contest members •
To develop a discussion on Catholic youth using study or focus groups such that by 2015 a clear plan can be developed A Province 20 sponsorship project
To review by 2013 the aims of the Association to confirm that they is are fit for purpose and enable the strategic Provincial Council studying the feasibility of sponsoring and objectives a to Catholic be achieved jointly organizing schools public speaking contest to To consider the was recommendations of the CRestructure start •in 2016. The project endorsed by Provincial ouncil at its Commission and establish an effective form of meeting held on 28 February 2015. for the international Association The governance idea for such a p
roject in Western Australia first emerged the Annual General Meeting of the Province 20 Youth Support at We play our Provincial part if any President, of the above are Tonks to be Project on all 14 need July to 2014 when Gerard achieved. The recent Province 20 of Reflection at the (a retired Chartered Accountant) and Day immediate Past President, Redemptorist Seminary in Morley what can be Pat McManus (Mater a retired secondary School Pexemplified rincipal) volunteered to achieved if the Association and the Church come together. progress the project idea. The Catenian Association sponsors such Hopefully at this important day in the Province 20 a contest in attendance the United K
ingdom. calendar will be improved next year. have assured The pI roject plan Grand President John Mottram and his wife Ellen that they will have the “best tour ever” in October this year. Following the Youth Support Project AGM, the framework of the Provincial President Fitzpatrick team seem run to fbe project plan has been Ralph developed on the and basis his that it would or relishing this challenge, was originally set by past Director three years and then be rwhich eviewed. cKechnie. Don MThe first stage of the plan proposes that teachers in the eight rd Australian Conference in Melbourne follows the The schools in 3the eastern regions of Perth would each select one or Grand participants President’s tour. A a good out for by the Province 20 Brothers more (up to total turn of 12) 2016 contest. The and wives would assist in making this event a highlight every second stage in 2017 may be extended to all schools in Perth and second year. the third stage in 2018 may include schools in Bunbury, Broome Please keep up the gregions. ood work. and Geraldton diocesan It is recognized that this activity, training and selection of participants would be after regular school Yours fraternally, hours. The organizing committee (comprising Catenians and Gerry Barton teachers) will set topics for the speakers. The topics for speeches Director of between five and ten minutes should relate to Christianity, Catholic Faith and Practice on the subjects of ethics and social justice so that participants draw from their learning in religious education and English. The four Catenian pillars of Faith, Family, Fun and Fellowship will be indicators of topics. When principals, religious education and English teachers are in agreement, willing and able to be involved, then publicity posters and flyers will be distributed. This should happen in the first half of 2016. The contest An open night of contest for the public speaking contestants from the schools will be held in the facility of a centrally located school. La Salle theatre (capacity 400) in Midland would be an ideal venue for 2016. The contest night will be in the start of the third term of the school year, probably on a Wednesday night with 20 July 2016 a tentative date. There will be a maximum of 12 speakers from the eight participating schools. A panel of three adjudicators will be engaged to judge the contestants. A Catenian Association person will be available to be the MC and compere the evening; the Province 20 Provincial President will present the cash prizes, perhaps $600 for the winner and $300 and $150 for the runner-­‐ups. A Catenian Association committee will handle the organization of the contest night in conjunction with the administrators of the host school and teachers from all the schools providing participants. June 2015 Western Link 13
Rare Chalice Veil restored and on display at New Norcia
The final textile to be restored under a Lotteries Bicentennial Grant has been returned to the Monastic Community of New Norcia, with a presentation and explanation of techniques developed by textile Conservator, Rinske Carr and Dr. Ian McLeod, Executive Director of Fremantle’s Maritime Museum. The Chalice Veil will join the Cope, Chasuble and Mitre to create a substantial set of restored early vestments and altar accouterments extremely rare in Australia’s history. The grant has allowed this significant piece to be restored and put on display in the New Norcia Museum and Art Gallery. This is an exquisite work, with exotic birds, insects and flowers entwined around the hovering central motif of the Holy Spirit. It tells of new lands, empires and exploration, while the extraordinary complexity and intricacy of the embroidery expresses the height of a sophisticated textile tradition. The restored Chalice Veil now clearly celebrates the beauty of the natural world, both as evidence of God’s creation, and meshed with the symbolic ritual and transmutation of the mass. The Collections Manager of the New Norcia Museum and Art Gallery, Marina Baker acknowledged the work of the conservation team of Rinske Carr and Dr. Ian McLeod. “They are to be commended and thanked for their efforts,” she said, “with their findings being published in academic papers and at recent conferences.” “Thanks also to Lottery West for facilitating the preservation, renewal and display of this rare work of art,” she said. The Chalice Veil, the Chasuble and the Mitre, all dated to the 17th and 18th centuries were put on display in the New Norcia Museum and Art Gallery in February. Special Mandorla exhibition from March to December 2015 The restored Chalice Veil The Chalice Veil is believed to date from 1640, with gold, silver and dyed silk thread embroidery on a square of silk fabric, edged with gold-­‐thread bobbin lace. Thought to be made in Holland, the Chalice cloth may have eventually become part of the collection of Queen Isabella II of Spain, Bishop Salvado’s patron. It is thought these antique vestments were gifted to the new mission in Western Australia and the signs of wear from sweat and dust show that they were employed for special occasions both in and outdoors at New Norcia. The restored Chalice Veil on display at the museum with other rare items in the New Norcia collection 14 Western Link June 2015
A special 2015 exhibition at the New Norcia Museum and Art Gallery features the 18 winners of the Mandorla Art Award for Religious Art together with the 22 Mandorla entries from the Benedictine Community’s own collection. The Mandorla Art Award is Australia’s most significant prize for Christian art based on a biblical theme. For each Award a passage is chosen in two or three-­‐dimensional media or in video format. Over the past 30 years the Award has attracted entries from some of Australia’s leading contemporary artists. In 2010, St John of God Health Care became the Award’s principal sponsor. The Anglican, Catholic and Uniting Churches and the Benedictine Community of New Norcia have traditionally funded the supporting prizes. In 2014 first prize was $25,000. Since the Award’s inception in 1985, the Benedictine Community has worked closely with the Mandorla Art Committee. In its early years the exhibition was shown exclusively at the New Norcia Museum and Art Gallery but it is now Perth based with a special finalists’ exhibition touring to New Norcia. The Award is acquisitive with the winning work remaining at New Norcia as part of the Mandorla collection for incorporation in the Museum and Art Gallery’s ongoing exhibitions. The New Norcia Museum and Art Gallery is delighted to mount this first Mandorla Retrospective 1985-­‐2014. The exhibition opened in March 2015 and will be on show until the end of the year. Contributed by Dom Christopher Power History of tMhe annual DIRECTOR’S ESSAGE Widows’ Mass It’s now 11 years since the Widows’ Mass and luncheon was first introduced into Province 20. The idea originated in the 1990s during a Grand President’s tour of visitors from the United Kingdom. Pamela McKechnie was talking to the widow of Grand President John Eyre, Pat who at the time was responsible for keeping in touch with and looking after Grand Council widows. Not long afterwards Donald and Pamela McKechnie were staying with Martin and Roz Harnett in Whitstable in Kent at the time of a Catenian Association conference. Roz mentioned that while Martin was President of his own Province, she held several luncheons during the year for widows. These discussions stimulated Pamela into thinking it would 20 widows together in prayer be a nice gesture to get Province Gerry Barton with a Mass. She sent her first letter to these widows in 1994 receiving a positive response from almost half of those contacted. Dear Brothers, The group started with an annual Mass at St Mary’s Cathedral followed by a short work for lunch at the old Record Catholic One of the main issues taking up my time at the moment is newspaper office until major renovations of the Cathedral started. restructure. The Restructure Commission Phase II Report (“PII”) For a few years the ladies travelled to Kalamunda because it was presented to Grand Council in February of this year and has was suggested that it would be a lovely drive, then to the Nedlands subsequently been lodged on the Catenian Association website Catholic Church, both churches having a Healing Mass on the day under Restructure Commission. that was chosen. The Australian Committee (“AusCom”) has started to prepare In recent times the Catenian Widows’ Mass has been held at a document setting out the requirements for a future Australian St Mary’s Cathedral in Perth followed by a luncheon in the structure that could also form the framework for the other undercroft of the cathedral. international regions. AusCom has made it clear to Grand Council At present there are 69 widows on the list, although four that it does not believe that restructure should apply to Australia were lost during the current year. There are 14 who no longer in isolation. It expects both the United Kingdom and Australia to wish to be contacted and nine who are too unwell to come to the adopt the proposal in PII to create National Councils in their annual function, but those are always sent a card letting them respective region. Once formal papers have been prepared it is know they are remembered at the Mass. expected that Brothers will be asked to vote on the proposed There are a further 29 widows who no longer respond and future structure. It is unlikely that this process will be completed in Pamela has requested circle secretaries in Province 20 to make 2012. contact with these ladies if possible to find out whether they are unwell or wish to be taken off the list. Green papers There are 33 widows that Pamela has had contact through Green papers have been circulated on Recruitment and the years. Particular mention needs to be made of Betty Ryan, Retention and Regalia and the Dress Code. All Circle Councils Moira Stokes, Fran Ryan (dcd), Iris Rodoreda, Maggie Gammage, and Brothers have been asked to review these documents in Kath O’Hara, Maureen Brady (dcd), Lyn Franklyn and Aileen Poli conjunction with their respective Provincial Council and arrive at who have provided wonderful support each year. some consensus by mid-­‐October 2012. The idea is to make Circle Pamela also extends thanks to Lynn Barton the wife of meetings more convivial and attractive to younger applicants Province 20 Director Gerry, and Liana Fitzpatrick the wife of without damaging the ethos of the Association. former Provincial President and current Province 20 Membership Other issues such as Circle prayers and the definition of and Expansion Officer, Ralph. practicing Catholic are currently under consideration. Once “It is great for the ladies to receive empathy from others who consensus has been reached at Grand Council these issues may be are going through or have been through the same circumstances,” put to Brothers for approval. Pamela writes. “There is always a lot of chat and laughter at the luncheon and last year the 10th anniversary was celebrated with Strategy Committee champagne.” The Strategy Committee outlined its vision for the Association at the recent Annual Conference. The full power-­‐point presentation can be seen on the Catenian Association website, as The 2015 Chatenian summarized erein: Widows Mass will again be held at St Mary’s Cathedral in Perth on Thursday 4 June 2015 at 12.10 pm followed by a luncheon in othe undercroft of •
To increase the worldwide number f members to 15,000 the Cathedral. by 2020 • To reduce the age profile of membership such that by 2020 the average age of the total membership will be 65 years •
By 2015 to have created a greater awareness in the Church of the support given to the Church by our members To develop a discussion on Catholic youth using study or focus groups such that by 2015 a clear plan can be developed To review by 2013 the aims of the Association to confirm that they are fit for purpose and enable the strategic objectives to be achieved To consider the recommendations of the Restructure Commission and establish an effective form of governance for the international Association The catenian Rosary •
Group needs your help
We all need to play our part if any of the above are to be achieved. The recent Province 20 Day of Reflection at the Redemptorist Mater Seminary in Morley exemplified what can be achieved if the Association and the Church come together. Hopefully attendance at this important day in the Province 20 calendar will be improved next year. I have assured Grand President John Mottram and his wife Ellen that they will have the “best tour ever” in October this year. Provincial President Ralph Fitzpatrick and his team seem to be relishing this challenge, which was originally set by past Director Don McKechnie. The 3rd Australian Conference in Melbourne follows the Grand President’s tour. A good turn out by Province 20 Brothers and wives would assist in making this event a highlight every second year. Please keep up the good work. Brother Michael Blackburn of Halifax Circle in the United Kingdom has spent most of his life promoting the veneration Yours fraternally, of the Blessed Virgin Mary. Gerry He promotes the praying of one decade of the Rosary each Barton day for Mary’s intentions and for the benefit of the Catenian Director Association and its members and families. There are hundreds of brothers who have made a commitment to perform this action including many from Province 20. A recent change in policy adds to this commitment of support to provide Rosary beads to the poor and needy throughout the world, including the Northern Territory of Australia. We are asked to add our spirituality by joining this worthy cause. The expense of purchasing the Rosary beads and postage largely falls on the pocket of Brother Michael. Will you make a donation of $5 or more to support his mighty effort? Please contact Brendan McGurk (City of Perth Circle) who is the Province 20 agent for Brother Michael to join the Rosary group and to make a donation. Telephone: 9385 7990 Email: brenmcg@tpg.com.au Our Blessed Lady will be grateful and you can count on her blessing. Sadly, the last appeal made in the Western Link failed to provide a single request or donation. “Please don’t let me down this time” . . . Brendan June 2015 Western Link 15
Jack Vilé 1937 – 2015 Bouvard and City of Mandurah brothers, wives and friends were saddened by the passing of Jack Vilé on 2 February 2015. Jack joined the City of Mandurah Circle in October 1997 at the time of a visit by the then Grand President. He transferred to the newly inaugurated Bouvard Circle as a foundation member in February 2005. Jack held the position of marshall at both circles prior to his illness and is remembered as a most enthusiastic member with a great sense of humour. Both Jack and his wife, Lynne were regular attendees at social functions before his ill-­‐health curtailed these activities. Jack’s Requiem Mass was concelebrated by three priests at his home parish of St Damien’s, Dawesville before a large gathering of family friends, Catenians and parishioners. At the conclusion of Mass the many Catenians from Bouvard, the City of Mandurah and other circles in Province 20 formed a guard of honour to farewell a good friend and brother. Jack (Jacobus) Vilé was born on 7 July 1937 in the wool textile village of Tilburg in the south of Holland, not far from the Belgian border. Here he lived with his parents, two sisters Riki and Wilma and two brothers, Jim and Martin. He had another brother, Gary, but he didn’t arrive into this world until after the family reached Australia. Although Jack never spoke much about his childhood in Holland, one recollection he often talked about was his memories of cruising through the streets of Tilburg on the front of an allied tank at the end of the Second World War. In 1951 the family migrated to Australia. Jack was aged 14. They first settled in Araluen, living in a tiny cottage that is now a heritage building within the park. Young Jack only attended school for a short time before going to work to help support the family. In about 1954 the Vilé family moved to Collie where Jack helped his father in various business activities; catching and skinning rabbits for meat, helping in the corner store they owned, running an ice-­‐round delivering ice blocks and working a milk-­‐
round, both by horse and cart. Although he worked hard, Jack still found time to socialise, dance and enjoy life. A very fine dancer, he met his wife, Lynne at a YCW dance. They married in Collie in October 1963 and moved to Perth where he bought a milk round, working as a milko until his retirement in 1996. Jack had a strong work ethic and was super fit. His family claims that when he was delivering milk house to house he ran the equivalent of a 42 kilometre marathon every night, six times a week for about 25 years, and most of the time on four to six hours sleep. But he never complained. His guiding principle in life was to be always pleasant. As he said: “pleasantness is infectious.” 16 Western Link June 2015
Jack and Lynne were blessed with four children, Gavin, Darren, Scott and Kylie. Jack’s driving focus was his family and made sure they never went without much. He idolized Lynne and was proud of his children. A profoundly religious person, he used his Catholic faith as the benchmark to teach them, not by words but by example; the true values of life and the importance of getting the job done through hard work, with respect and with love. He had a propensity to be fun loving, always joking and generally acting like a very happy kid. His family called him “Pop”, which fitted him very well – an endearing, fun-­‐loving, patient person who had time for anyone and everyone. After his retirement, Jack and Lynne built a new home in Bouvard, south of Mandurah, where they established a large and inspiring garden in the bush where kangaroos were always welcome. Contributed by his family Brothers and wives of Dianella Circle mourn the loss of Helen Pittaway, the wife of Dianella founding member and past circle President, Graham Pittaway. Helen passed into eternal life early on the morning of Monday 2 February 2015 after suffering a heart attack. A Requiem Mass was held at Infant Jesus Church Morley where the church was full to capacity to honour the memory of this lovely lady. Over the last few years, Helen’s quality of life had deteriorated to the point that she required fulltime care. She was the mother of four boys, Patrick, Michael, Daniel and Anthony and grandmother of Sarah, Matthew, Timothy, Liam, Oscar and Curtis. Helen and Graham were married for 52 years and have been great mentors to their family. Over the years have both contributed much to the support and enrichment of the Dianella Circle. DIRECTOR’S MESSAGE Circle
Contributed items and photographs Gerry Barton Dear Brothers, Meets 2nd Friday 7.00 pm for 7.30 pm One of the main issues taking up my time at the moment is Pat Kirby Hall restructure. The Restructure Commission Phase II Report (“PII”) St. Joseph’s Parish was presented to Grand Council in February of this year and has Wellington Street, Northam subsequently been lodged on the Catenian Association website under Restructure Commission. Mardi Gras, Northam style The Australian Committee (“AusCom”) has started to prepare a document setting out the requirements for a future Australian Northam has its own “Sing Australia” group that celebrated its 6th structure that could also form the framework for the other birthday in style in early March 2015 with a gala Mardi Gras international regions. AusCom has made it clear to Grand Council theme. The group sings each Wednesday night in the St Joseph’s that it does not believe that restructure should apply to Australia Parish Kirby Hall. Usually there are about 35 members singing, in isolation. It expects both the United Kingdom and Australia to however there was almost double that number present for the adopt the proposal in PII to create National Councils in their special dress-­‐up night. respective region. Once formal papers have been prepared it is Kay Ruscoe, a recently retired teacher at the St Joseph’s expected that Brothers will be asked to vote on the proposed school, is the facilitator-­‐director of the group that comprises future structure. It is unlikely that this process will be completed in several members and wives of the Avon Valley Circle including 2012. Clinton Richter and his wife, Eva who have journeyed overseas with the singing group on two occasions. Green papers Another spirited participant is Avon Valley Secretary, Brian Green papers have been circulated on Recruitment and Webb who won first prize, “King of the Castle” for his costume Retention and Regalia and the Dress Code. All Circle Councils supplied by group member, Carmel Moore, wife of Brother Bernie and Brothers have been asked to review these documents in Moore and the school canteen manager. About half of the ladies in conjunction with their respective Provincial Council and arrive at the group are St Joseph’s parishioners. some consensus by mid-­‐October 2012. The idea is to make Circle meetings more convivial and attractive to younger applicants without damaging the ethos of the Association. Other issues such as Circle prayers and the definition of practicing Catholic are currently under consideration. Once consensus has been reached at Grand Council these issues may be put to Brothers for approval. Strategy Committee The Strategy Committee outlined its vision for the Association at the recent Annual Conference. The full power-­‐point presentation can be seen on the Catenian Association website, as summarized herein: •
To increase the worldwide number of members to 15,000 by 2020 •
To reduce the age profile of membership such that by Brian W2020 the average age of the total membership will be 65 ebb (left) in his prize-­‐winning costume pictured with the Phantom of the Opera, Clinton Richter years Avon Valley Bouvard •
By 2015 to have created a greater awareness in the of 6.45 the psupport given Tuesday m for 7.15 pm to the Church by our Meets 3rdChurch members Members’ night (odd months) •
To develop a discussion on Catholic youth using study or St Damien’s Parish Centre, Dawesville focus groups such that by 2015 a clear plan can be developed Ladies night (even months) •
To review by 2013 the aims of the Association to confirm Café Coast that they are fit for purpose and enable the strategic 2/45 Rees Place objectives to bM
e aandurah chieved Port Bouvard Marina, •
To consider the recommendations of the Restructure Commission and establish an effective form of Dining, Aussie style governance for the international Association the last year or two, Bouvard Circle has been holding its In We all need to play in our part if Miltrup any of the above room are to members’ night meetings the Fred meeting at be St achieved. Parish The recent 20 Day of standard Reflection at is the Damien’s Centre Province in Dawesville. The fare a Redemptorist Mater Morley exemplified what can be popular Aussie style Seminary barbecue in with extras provided by members. achieved thoroughly if the Association and fellowship the Church come Brothers enjoy the that the together. informal Hopefully attendance gatherings promote. at this important day in the Province 20 will be improved next year. calendar Chamberlain, Peter Wilson was in charge of cooking at the I have assured Grand ably President John by Mottram his wife January 2015 meeting, assisted Tony and Dwyer and Ellen that they will have the “best tour ever” in October this year. encouraged by a hungry looking acting Treasurer, Don Allen. Provincial President Ralph Fitzpatrick and his team seem to be relishing this challenge, which was originally set by past Director Don McKechnie. The 3rd Australian Conference in Melbourne follows the Grand President’s tour. A good turn out by Province 20 Brothers and wives would assist in making this event a highlight every second year. Please keep up the good work. Yours fraternally, Gerry Barton Director Left to right: Peter Wilson, Tony Dwyer and Don Allen Support Western Link advertisers Advertisers needed The Western Link is distributed to 500 readers in 13 circles in the metropolitan area, Northam, Mandurah and Busselton. Now produced in full colour, it is an ideal medium for new advertisers willing to support the Province 20 Catenian Association and to promote their own businesses. Please contact the Editor, Peter Johnston if your circle knows of someone willing to help. Editor June 2015 Western Link 17
City of Busselton Meets last Monday 5.30 pm for 6.00 pm The Esplanade Hotel Marine Terrace, Busselton Caravaners welcomed In February members of the Joondalup Circle’s caravan club spent two weeks holidaying in the seaside city of Busselton where members of the City of Busselton Circle gave them a warm welcome. Brothers and wives dined out in a Chinese Restaurant after Mass on one Saturday night, followed by an informal barbecue on another night at the home of President, George Bazzica and his wife, Elizabeth. Hosts, George and Elizabeth Bazzica pictured relaxing at the barbecue with Joondalup brothers and wives Terry Shine enjoying a drink with Terry O’Neill Jan O’Neill pictured with Mary Ann Shine 18 Western Link June 2015
Enjoying the hospitality of the City of Busselton Circle, Jocelyn Doak and Marlene Monkhouse of Joondalup Circle Lively welcome to a new Brother Rod Beattie was installed as a new member of the City of Busselton Circle at a meeting on 23 February 2015 on the occasion of the Ecumenical Clergy dinner held at the Esplanade Hotel in Busselton. He was raised in Geraldton where he attended St Francis Xavier Catholic Primary School and served as an altar boy at St Francis Xavier Cathedral. At the age of 17 Rod joined the Royal Australian Navy and served in Victoria on HMAS Cerberus. He spent eight years in the navy in Victoria and at the Garden Island base in Rockingham in Western Australia. Rod married Catherine Bowler in 2001 at Little Sisters of the Poor Catholic Church in Glendalough and they have three children, Alex, Georgia and Annalise. Catherine has worked in childcare at Liwara Catholic Primary School in Greenwood and also in the United Kingdom as a nanny. Catherine’s parents are Brian and Vivian Bowler. Brian is a member of the Liwara Circle of the Catenian Association and served on the Board of the Liwara Catholic Primary School as President. Brian and Vivian were present to witness the enrolment of Rod as the City of Busselton Circle’s newest Brother and attended the Ecumenical Clergy dinner. Rod and Catherine Beattie Busselton’s newest brother is a retired farmer Max Brandenburg was given a warm welcome when he was installed as a brother at the City of Busselton’s meeting on 30 March 2015. Max spent his whole working life in the wheatbelt area near Dumbleyung. He retired from farming in 1990 and moved with his wife, Pat to live in the northern suburbs of Perth at Edgewater, attending the Ocean Reef Catholic Church. They lived there for 18 years before moving to Busselton where they joined the St Josephs Catholic Parish. They have five children, 11 grandchildren and one great grandchild. With the exception of a daughter who lives in the Eastern States, their children are located in Western Australia, although relatively scattered around because of their involvement in the mining industry. Max now resides at Nova Care Homes in Busselton and Pat is in a nursing home suffering from Alzheimer’s. Gerry Barton Dear Brothers, One of the main issues taking up my time at the moment is restructure. The Restructure Commission Phase II Report (“PII”) was presented to Grand Council in February of this year and has subsequently been lodged on the Catenian Association website under Restructure Commission. The Australian Committee (“AusCom”) has started to prepare a document setting out the requirements for a future Australian structure that could also form the framework for the other international regions. AusCom has made it clear to Grand Council that it does not believe that restructure should apply to Australia in isolation. It expects both the United Kingdom and Australia to adopt the proposal in PII to create National Councils in their respective region. Once formal papers have been prepared it is expected that Brothers will be asked to vote on the proposed Max Brandenburg pictured ith tChis ity porocess f Busselton future structure. It is unlikely w
that will bC
e hamberlain, completed in 2012. Terry O’Neill during the installation ceremony Green papers Green papers have been circulated on Recruitment and Retention and Regalia and the Dress Code. All Circle Councils and Brothers have been asked to review these documents in conjunction with their respective Provincial Council and arrive at some consensus by mid-­‐October 2012. The idea is to make Circle meetings more convivial and attractive to younger applicants without damaging the ethos of the Association. Other issues such as Circle prayers and the definition of practicing Catholic are currently under consideration. Once consensus has been reached at Grand Council these issues may be put to Brothers for approval. Strategy Committee The Strategy Committee outlined its vision for the Association at the recent Annual Conference. The full power-­‐point presentation can be seen on the Catenian Association website, President, George Bazzica welcomes Max B
randenburg after has is summarized herein: installation number of members to 15,000 •
To increase the worldwide by 2020 of membership such that by •
To reduce the age profile DIRECTOR’S MESSAGE 2020 the average age of the total membership will be 65 years Canning •
By 2015 to have created a greater awareness in the Meets 4th Thursday 6.45 pm for 7.15 pm Church of the support given to the Church by our Wings Restaurant, Airforce Memorial Association members Bullcreek Avenue, Bullcreek •
To develop a discussion on Catholic youth using study or focus groups such that by 2015 a clear plan can be Youth grant to Aquinas College student developed •
To review by 2013 the aims of the Association to confirm Canning Circle nominated 16 year-­‐old Aquinas College student, that they are fit for purpose and enable the strategic William Graham for a grant under the Province 20 Youth Support objectives to be achieved Project to assist him fund a trip to the Philippines as part of the •
To consider the recommendations of the Restructure Aquinas College Immersion Programme to develop partnerships Commission and establish an effective form of with local Catholic High Schools. the international Association The governance programme for provided time in Manila for involvement in caring for abandoned children, the aged and those with disabilities. We also all need play our part if during any of his the stay above are to no be William lived to with a host family that will achieved. The recent Province 20 Day of Reflection at the doubt take him out of his comfort zone and be developmental to Redemptorist Mater Seminary in Morley exemplified what can be his spiritual and educational needs. achieved if the Association and the Church come together. William has raised money for his venture by working on a Hopefully attendance at this important day in the Province 20 farm during his school holidays and, of course, relied on his family calendar will be improved next year. for financial assistance. I have assured Grand President John Mottram and his wife The Youth Support Project provided a grant of $250 to Ellen that they will have the “best tour ever” in October this year. William and, thanks to the generosity of Canning brothers a further Provincial President Ralph Fitzpatrick and his team seem to be $250 has been provided from the circle’s President’s Charity Fund. this challenge, which was originally set by past Director relishing The awards were presented to William and his father, Phillip Don McKechnie. at Aquinas College in the presence of the Director of Christian The 3rd Australian Conference follows the Service Learning, John Richards and in the Melbourne Deputy Headmaster -­‐ Grand President’s tour. A good turn out by Province 20 Brothers Senior School, Duncan Walters. William’s grandparents Amelia and and wives would in making this event a highlight every Alan Graham were aassist lso present for the occasion. second y
ear. Please keep up the good work. Yours fraternally, Gerry Barton Director Jack Billing (Canning Circle) presents William with his awards Left to right at the Aquinas award ceremony: John Richards (Director Christian Service Learning), Amelia Graham, William Graham, Alan Graham, Jack Billing, Phillip Graham and Duncan Walters (Deputy Headmaster-­‐ Senior School) June 2015 Western Link 19
Canning (continued) Birthday wishes Thanks to the generosity and care of Welfare and Hospitality Officer, Doug Williams, Canning Circle has a long established tradition of celebrating birthdays in great style. At the circle ladies night on 26 February 2015 the two birthday recipients were Sylvia Lobo and Bill Tucker. New Canning Circle member Russell Godsall and his wife Joanne are pictured with President Martin Humphreys (left) and Brian Iliffe (right) It was a great pleasure for all members of Canning Circle to enroll Russell Godsall as a member at the circle’s meeting on 26 February 2015 at a ladies night held at Wings Restaurant in Bullcreek. Russell is a Senior Manager Operations for ATCO Gas Australia and works in Jandakot. Russell and his wife, Joanne and family live in the Perth suburb of Rossmoyne. The family attends Saints John and Paul Catholic Church in Willetton where Russell is a member of the Parish Council. Visitors from Scotland Changing of the guard Left to right: President, Martin Humphreys, Maryla and Kevin Campbell, Toni and Don Maclean and Vice-­‐President, John Sutton Canning’s ladies night on 26 February 2015 was made all the more special with the presence of visitors from Scotland, Kevin and Maryla Campbell (Stirling Circle, Perth Shire, Scotland) and Toni and Don Maclean (Solihull Circle). Kevin was in Perth lecturing for three months at the Business School of the University of Western Australia and has attended all Canning Circle’s monthly meetings during his stay. Renowned professional comedian, Don Maclean provided the meeting with 30 minutes of laughter and entertainment. Born in Birmingham, Warwickshire Don appeared on 1970s programmes Crackerjack and the Black and White Minstrel Show and presented Good Morning Sunday on BBC radio for nearly 16 years. While in Perth, Don also gave a hilarious presentation at Dianella Circle and attended the Province 20 Provincial Council meeting in February. 20 Western Link June 2015
Sylvia Lobo and Bill Tucker with their birthday presentations made by Welfare and Hospitality Officer, Doug Williams Left to right: Newly installed President, John Sutton, Immediate Past President, Martin Humphreys and newly installed Vice President, Alex Munut There was an excellent turnout of brothers at Canning Circle’s annual general meeting and handover night on Thursday 23 April 2015 held at the Wings Restaurant, Air Force Memorial Association in Bullcreek. Members again enjoyed the company of Kevin Campbell from Scotland; due to return home with his wife Maryla after competing three months lecturing at the University of Western Australia. John Sutton was installed as the circle’s new President for 2015/16 along with Alex Munut who was installed as Vice President. During the evening retiring President, Martin Humphreys was presented with a large, framed limited edition of ANZAC, very much a complete surprise to Martin who already had a spot reserved for his gift in his home office. A special presentation was also made to Harold Shrigley in recognition of his service to the circle as honorary auditor. Como
DIRECTOR’S MESSAGE Meets 1st Tuesday 6.30 pm for 7.00 pm Wings Restaurant, Airforce Memorial Association Bullcreek Avenue, Bullcreek Como first on the list for Provincial President visit Gerry Barton Dear Brothers, Left to right: Barry O’Malley (Como Circle foundation member), Geoff rendergast (newly elected rovince and is One of Pthe main issues taking up Pmy time 20 at President) the moment Redmond ickey (Como’s most recent new II mReport ember) (“PII”) restructure. The HRestructure Commission Phase was presented to Grand Council in February of this year and has Newly installed Province 20 on President, Geoff Association Prendergast website opened subsequently been lodged the Catenian his round of 2015/16 visits by attending Como Circle’s annual under Restructure Commission. general m
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ounger men structure that could also form the framework for the other and urged members to support the Province 20 Youth Support international regions. AusCom has made it clear to Grand Council Fund. that it does not believe that restructure should apply to Australia in isolation. Geoff encouraged brothers to attend the Provincial President It expects both the United Kingdom and Australia to Mass St proposal Mary’s Cathedral in create Perth on Sunday Councils 4 October adopt at the in PII to National in 2015 their and t
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structure. t is huis nlikely that this process will be completed in 2012. Como President Pat McManus thanked Geoff for his visit and offered the circle’s best wishes for his term as President. Green At the circle’s annual general meeting, members were told of papers a number of social events that were planned for 2015, particularly Green papers have been circulated on Recruitment and aimed to include wives, families and prospective members. Retention and Regalia and the Dress Code. All Circle Councils and Brothers have been asked to review these documents in conjunction with their respective Provincial Council and arrive at some consensus by mid-­‐October 2012. The idea is to make Circle meetings more convivial and attractive to younger applicants without damaging the ethos of the Association. Other issues such as Circle prayers and the definition of practicing Catholic are currently under consideration. Once consensus has been reached at Grand Council these issues may be If you have a social item, photograph or a newsworthy put to Brothers for approval. article that you would like to have published in the Western Link and perhaps forwarded to Catena in the United Strategy Committee Kingdom for publication you are invited its to vision email it for to the The Strategy Committee outlined the Editor, Peter Johnston at menzies01@hotmail.com. Association at the recent Annual Conference. The full power-­‐point can be seen the Catenian Association as presentation Each Circle has its oon wn designated Publicity Owebsite, fficer, but summarized herein: any brother with an item worthy of inclusion is welcome to submit it for publication. •But To number of members to 15,000 be increase EARLY tahe nd wdorldwide o it NOW. by 2020 •
To reduce the age profile of membership such that by 2020 the average age of the total membership will be 65 Editor years Your contributions and photos are needed
Darling a greater awareness in the •
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To review by 2013 the aims of the Association to confirm that two they are ofit for purpose and this enable the strategic Finally, after years f trying to organize social event, eight objectives t
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To Greyhound consider the recommendations of the Restructure Cannington Racing Track on Wednesday 18 March Commission and establish an effective of 2015 and had a great time. The family night started with aform pre-­‐race for atnimals he international Association parade of governance the handsome before racing began. The form guides and betting odds were mysterious, but We Range’s all need newly to play our part if any of the above (who are to was be Darling inducted brother, Pat Carney achieved. The recent Province 20 Day at the th birthday), celebrating his 40
worked it all of out Reflection and was ahead in Redemptorist Mater in Morley exemplified what can be the money at the end Seminary of the night. the and the come together. achieved The fif ood was Association good and plentiful. The Church betting w
as simple: you Hopefully this important day the Province bet and the attendance TOTE wins! at The weather was m
ild in and pleasant. It w20 as calendar will be improved next year. pleasing that some of the circle’s long standing brothers made the I to have assured Grand President Mottram and his wife effort attend; Francis Quadros, Rod John Willix, John Loughnan and Ellen that they will have the “best tour ever” in October this year. Emeric Fonseca. Well done Chris Downey who organized the group Provincial President Ralph Fitzpatrick and his team seem to be outing. challenge, which why was originally set no by past Director relishing The this group understood there were jockeys, but Don McKechnie. decided to make the next outing at the trots where the animals are The 3rd Australian Conference in Melbourne follows the bigger. Grand President’s tour. A good turn out by Province 20 Brothers and wives would assist in making this event a highlight every second year. Please keep up the good work. Yours fraternally, Gerry Barton Director At the dogs, left to right: Chris and Monica Downey, Emeric Fonseca, Pat Carney and Mary and Alan Throssell Group photo of Darling Range Catenians and wives enjoying a meal at the Cannington Greyhound Racing Track June 2015 Western Link 21
Darling Range (continued) At the beginning of 2015 Darling Range Circle had 34 members of which eight were under the age of 50. Two of these younger members resigned as at 31 March because their time commitments to family and work took priority, preventing them from taking an active part in the circle. Six of the under 50s are continuing and a seventh is about to be inducted, although only able to attend monthly circle meetings occasionally. These continuing younger members say that lunchtime meetings are impractical for them, however breakfast meetings at a convenient central location would be an appealing substitute. Darling Range held its first breakfast meeting on 11 March 2015 at the Kalamunda Dome Café as an option to the normal meeting that was held on the evening of the same day at The Lesmurdie Club. Seven brothers, including some older members, took the opportunity to attend, spending half an hour together saying prayers and joining in lively discussion over a breakfast of bacon and eggs, toast and coffee. Immediate Past Province 20 President and Darling Range Circle Welfare Officer, Gerard Tonks contends that it would make sense for brothers under the age of 50 in other circles to follow the Darling Range example and consider the possibility of holding breakfast meetings; a practice also adopted by the Knights of the Southern Cross. “It is the view of the Darling Range under-­‐50 members,” Gerard says, “that the traditional, established meeting structure makes it hard to recruit their contemporaries and difficult to maintain their commitment. The traditional meeting format only suits retired men with the risk that the Catenian Association will diminish as older members pass on.” “They have welcomed the initiative taken by Darling Range Circle, making it easier for them to be involved,” Gerard said. Annual golf day and barbecue a great success The Darling Range Circle annual golf day at the Hillview Golf Course in Maida Vale on Sunday 29 March 2015 and the social barbecue that followed was another resounding social success. Eighteen players in 9 teams keenly contested the two-­‐person Ambrose Competition in near perfect autumn weather conditions. There were 12 players from Darling Range and six from other circles. The event went very smoothly thanks to the organizing skills of Gerard Tonks. The golf was followed by a barbecue at the home of Rod and Mary Willix in Kalamunda attended by 33 Catenian brothers, wives and visitors. Chris Downey and Carl Rechichi hard at work at the Darling Range barbecue 22 Western Link June 2015
Dianella Meets last Wednesday 6.45 pm for 7.15 pm Mount Lawley Golf Club Walter Road (West), Inglewood Big welcome to new brother Left to right: Mike O’Malley, Alan Tha-­‐Khin and Immediate Past President of Dianella Circle, Donald McKechnie Alan Tha-­‐Khin was given the best possible welcome to the Dianella Circle when he was enrolled at the circle’s February 2015 meeting. It was a special ladies night in the presence of visitors from the United Kingdom, Mike O’Malley and his wife, Anne-­‐Marie (Lytham St Annes Circle) and Don Maclean of Solihull. Also in attendance from Province 20 were Vice President, Geoff Prendergast, Membership and Expansion Officer, Ralph Fitzpatrick and Como President and Province 20 Past President, Pat McManus. Alan and his wife, Gwen are members of Infant Jesus Parish in Morley. They have two adult children. Alan retired after a career with Telecom spanning 29 years working in the computer systems and technology department. He elected to take early retirement so that he and Gwen could enjoy some long-­‐awaited overseas travel while they were still in good health. Early retirement has also enabled Alan to perform volunteer work with the St Vincent de Paul Society and other volunteer organizations. Dianella’s inaugural Circle President, Brian Preston turned 80 on 24 February 2015 and celebrated his milestone birthday at the circle’s meeting and dinner the following evening, taking the opportunity to provide a brief summary of the circle’s highlights since inauguration Plenty of fun at the annual bowling night The lawn bowls may not have achieved championship level, but there was plenty of fun had on a beautiful, balmy summer night at the Morley Recreation Centre in March 2015 where Dianella brothers, wives and friends held their annual bowls night. The evening started with pre dinner drinks followed by a special fish, chips and salad main course and finished off with desserts and coffee. Whether players could bowl or not, it didn’t matter. There were plenty of prizes for the winners as well as the losers. DIRECTOR’S MESSAGE Gerry Barton Dear Brothers, One of the main issues taking up my time at the moment is restructure. The Restructure Commission Phase II Report (“PII”) There w
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uffet was presented to Grand Council in February of this year and has Catenian Association website subsequently been lodged on the under Restructure Commission. The Australian Committee (“AusCom”) has started to prepare a document setting out the requirements for a future Australian structure that could also form the framework for the other international regions. AusCom has made it clear to Grand Council that it does not believe that restructure should apply to Australia in isolation. It expects both the United Kingdom and Australia to adopt the proposal in PII to create National Councils in their respective region. Once formal papers have been prepared it is expected that Brothers will be asked to vote on the proposed future structure. It is unlikely that this process will be completed in 2012. Green papers Green papers have been circulated on Recruitment and Retention and Regalia and the Dress Code. All Circle Councils New brother, Alan Tha-­‐Khin has some helpful pointers for his and Brothers have been asked to review these documents in wife, Gwen, looked on by Lou Daily conjunction with their respective Provincial Council and arrive at some consensus by mid-­‐October 2012. The idea is to make Circle meetings more convivial and attractive to younger applicants without damaging the ethos of the Association. Other issues such as Circle prayers and the definition of practicing Catholic are currently under consideration. Once consensus has been reached at Grand Council these issues may be put to Brothers for approval. Strategy Committee The Strategy Committee outlined its vision for the Association at the recent Annual Conference. The full power-­‐point presentation can be seen on the Catenian Association website, as summarized herein: •
To increase the worldwide number of members to 15,000 by 2020 A great team of shoeless men •
To reduce the age profile of membership such that by 2020 the average age of the total membership will be 65 years Welcome, Brother Ray Carter •
By 2015 to have created a greater awareness in the Church of the support given to the Church by our members To develop a discussion on Catholic youth using study or focus groups such that by 2015 a clear plan can be developed To review by 2013 the aims of the Association to confirm that they are fit for purpose and enable the strategic objectives to be achieved To consider the recommendations of the Restructure Commission and establish an effective form of governance for the international Association Dianella We all Provincial need to play our part if any of the above are to be Councilor, Gerry Butler, circle President achieved. recent new Province Day of aReflection at the Donald MThe cKechnie, Brother 20 Ray Carter nd his sponsor, Redemptorist Mater Seminary in DMorley Lou aily exemplified what can be the Church come together. achieved if the Association and Dianella brothers welcomed Ray Carter as a new brother after his Hopefully attendance at this important day in the Province 20 e
nrolment at bthe
March 2015 eting. Ray is a member of the calendar will e improved next yme
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s involved in parish aand ctivities. I have assured Grand President John Mottram his wife Ellen that they will have the “best tour ever” in October this year. Ray has had an interesting background. Originally from West Hammersmith in England, he migrated to Australia in 1947 at the Provincial President Ralph Fitzpatrick and his team seem to be age of 10 this and challenge, spent his which early years of schooling at past Tardun with relishing was originally set by Director Christian B
rothers. Don McKechnie. After school he had a in few different follows jobs before rd Australian The 3finishing Conference Melbourne the joining Telstra where he worked in many capacities for years Grand President’s tour. A good turn out by Province 20 40 Brothers until his retirement in 1998. and wives would assist in making this event a highlight every second Ray was happily married for 50 years before his wife passed year. away in 2011. They have three children; two daughters and a son Please keep up the good work. who are now married and have produced three grandchildren. Yours He is a man with many interesting life stories to tell, so fraternally, anyone who has the chance to sit next to him during one of the circle dinners is sure to be entertained with many tales about the Gerry Barton early days. Director June 2015 Western Link 23
Dianella (continued) Joe has been suffering poor health for some time and he and Janice are remembered in the prayers and thoughts of all Province 20 members and wives. Internment of Brother Kevin Hodgkin’s ashes On Wednesday 15 April 2015, members of Dianella Circle gathered at the Infant Jesus Catholic Church in Dianella for the internment of the ashes of Brother Kevin Hodgkin who passed away on 29 November 2014. The ceremony was conducted by Father Sunny Abraham after the 9.00 am Mass and was well supported by Dianella brothers and many local parishioners. At the conclusion of the ceremony all attendees gathered in the Parish Centre for morning tea. Kevin’s widow, Marjorie and her daughter, Gabrielle were most appreciative of the support shown by the circle’s brothers. Kevin joined Dianella Circle in 1998, serving as President’s Marshall for a number of years. Dianella brothers pictured with Helene Scanlan and Marjorie Hodgkin Fremantle Meets 3rd Thursday 7.00 pm for 7.30 pm Swan Yacht Club Riverside Road, East Fremantle Recognition for outstanding service A Certificate of Recognition has been awarded to Joe Coffey in appreciation of his continued commitment, support and service to Fremantle Circle over the 27 years of his membership. Joe has been the backbone of the circle during this time and his wisdom, strength and dedication to Fremantle, Province 20 and the Catenian Association as a whole has been outstanding. Supported by his wife, Janice, Joe has held numerous office bearing positions. He was Secretary of Fremantle and Provincial Council at the same time for many years and was Provincial President in 1999/2000. 24 Western Link June 2015
Fremantle President, Kevin Hefron, presents Joe Coffey with his Certificate of Recognition award at his home in Leeming An open door to Fremantle clergy Left to right: Father Paul Raj (Our Lady of Mount Carmel Church and Chaplain of the Naval Base at Garden Island), Father Joseph Lee (Pater Noster Church), Provincial President Gerard Tonks and Father Roy Pereira (Spiritual Director at Malaysian-­‐
Singaporean Catholic Community) Fremantle President, Kevin Hefron reports that the circle has opened its umbrella to the 16 parishes within the portside area and is currently addressing ways in which Catenian assistance can be provided to Parish Priests. The circle is only small in numbers and is limited in what it can offer, but occasional invitations to the Priests, Nuns and Deacons to attend dinners is a good starting point to create a stronger bridge between the Catenians and clergy within the region. With 17 priests in the region, the circle has broken the area up into small groups. The first invitations resulted in acceptances by three priests with five apologies. “But our door always remains open,” Kevin said. Welcome, Brother Graham Dr. Graham Mahony was inducted into Fremantle Circle at the February meeting. Graham comes with an interesting background. He is a chartered professional engineer (MIEAust, CPEng) and a fellow of the Australian Institute of Company Directors (FAICD). He has over 30 years professional background in engineering and senior management with major organizations in the private and public sectors including defence industries and Australian shipbuilding industries. Graham was awarded Doctor of Philosophy from Curtin University in 2007, studying “value for money” in outsourcing in the Government of Western Australia. Fremantle is delighted to welcome Graham and his lovely wife, Muriel to its circle of friendship. DIRECTOR’S MESSAGE Gerry Barton Dear Brothers, One of the main issues taking up my time at the moment is restructure. The Restructure Commission Phase II Report (“PII”) was presented to Grand Council in February of this year and has subsequently been lodged on the Catenian Association website under Restructure Commission. The Australian Committee (“AusCom”) has started to prepare a document setting out the requirements for a future Australian structure that could also form the framework for the other Muriel and Graham Mahony and Liana and Ralph Fitzpatrick international regions. AusCom has made it clear to Grand Council pictured at believe Fremantle ircle’s February 2015 meeting that it does not that Crestructure should apply to Australia in isolation. It expects both the United Kingdom and Australia to adopt the proposal in PII to create National Councils in their respective region. Once formal papers have been prepared it is expected that Brothers will be asked to vote on the proposed future structure. It is unlikely that this process will be completed in 2012. Green papers Green papers have been circulated on Recruitment and Retention and Regalia and the Dress Code. All Circle Councils and Brothers have been asked to review these documents in conjunction with their respective Provincial Council and arrive at some consensus by mid-­‐October 2012. The idea is to make Circle meetings more convivial and attractive to younger applicants without damaging the ethos of the Association. Other issues such as Circle prayers and the definition of practicing Catholic are currently under consideration. Once consensus has been reached at Grand Council these issues may be put to Brothers for approval. Strategy Committee The Strategy Committee outlined its vision for the Association at the recent Annual Conference. The full power-­‐point presentation can be seen on the Catenian Association website, as summarized herein: •
To increase the worldwide number of members to 15,000 by 2020 •
To reduce the age profile of membership such that by 2020 the average age of the total membership will be 65 years Joondalup
By 2015 to have created a greater awareness in the Church of the support given to the Church by our Meets 3rdmembers Wednesday 6.30 pm for 7.00 pm • RTo develop a discussion on Catholic youth using study or RAAFA etirement Village, Cambrai focus groups such that by 2015 a clear plan can be 85 Hester Avenue, Merriwa developed review On t•he rTo oad againb y 2013 the aims of the Association to confirm that they are fit for purpose and enable the strategic objectives to be achieved After a relatively quiet 2014, the Joondalup caravaners are on the •
To consider the recommendations of and the Restructure move again. Last year three of the husband wife teams Commission and establish an effective of departed their separate ways with extended caravan form trips to governance for the Association explore the eastern States of international Australia. Peter and Maree Johnston were away for about ten weeks, John and Marlene Monkhouse for We all months need to and play Gene our part any Vance of the for above to be about three and if Kerry an are extended achieved. The recent Province 20 Day Queensland of Reflection at the trip, staying with their son in Townsville, for several Redemptorist Mater Seminary in Morley exemplified what can be months. if the the the Church achieved In 2015 the Association caravaners and started year come with a together. visit to Hopefully attendance at this day in the Park Province 20 Busselton split between the important Kookaburra Caravan in the calendar will be improved next year. centre of the seaside town and the remainder at Peppermint Park I half have assured Grand President John Mottram and his wife about way between Busselton and Dunsborough. A surprise Ellen that they will have the “best tour ever” in October this year. visitor was Joondalup Catenian, John Frost who travelled from Provincial President Ralph Fitzpatrick and his team seem to be Perth to join the group for two nights staying at Peppermint Park relishing which was originally set by past Director in one of tthis he mchallenge, any chalets. Don McKechnie. The 3rd Australian Conference in Melbourne follows the Grand President’s tour. A good turn out by Province 20 Brothers and wives would assist in making this event a highlight every second year. Please keep up the good work. Yours fraternally, Gerry Barton Director The happy Joondalup caravaners pictured left to right at Peppermint Park, Busselton: Maree and Peter Johnston, Pat and Jim Doherty, Marlene and John Monkhouse, Jocelyn and Mick Doak and Kerry and Gene Vance Too many cooks: Mick Doak, Jim Doherty, Marlene Monkhouse, Gene Vance and Jocelyn Doak June 2015 Western Link 25
Clergy night was well supported Joondalup Circle held a very successful meeting and dinner at the RAAFA Retirement Village at Cambrai on 18 March 2015 with three members of the clergy in attendance from St Andrews Catholic Parish in Clarkson. It was a particularly pleasant evening for St Andrews Parish Priest, Father Robert Carrillo who was formerly the priest at St Joseph’s Catholic Church in Northam. Father Robert was able to renew acquaintances with three current Joondalup brothers, Rolf Bank, Nick Spadaccini and John Frost who were all involved in St Joseph’s at Northam when he was the Parish Priest. Accompanying Father Robert at the meeting was his assistant priest, Father Rainier Fernandez and Deacon Jeffrey Casabuena. In a brief address at the dinner, Father Robert said that he was very supportive of the Catenian Association. He said that members of the association had been very active in the church at Northam and others were now involved at St Andrews. Joondalup (continued) Perhaps the highlight of the trip was the opportunity to renew acquaintances with members of the City of Busselton Circle with a meal at a Chinese Restaurant after Saturday Mass at St Joseph’s Catholic Church and an informal barbecue at the home of Busselton’s President George Bazzica and his wife, Elizabeth. More trips are being planned for 2015, although two members are anxious to travel further afield with trips to eastern Australia on the horizon. Gene and Kerry Vance spent most of 2014 in Townsville, Queensland but were welcomed back into the Joondalup caravaners’ fold at Peppermint Park in February 2015 Welcome return by UK visitor Left to right: Michael Finch, Father Robert Carrillo, Wayne McKay, Father Rainier Fernandez and Deacon Jeffrey Casabuena. Michael and Wayne both attend St Andrews Parish and are active members of Joondalup Circle. Joondalup Circle has been blessed with the return of Bernard McCabe of Shrewsbury Circle in the United Kingdom who attended the January and February 2015 circle meetings before returning home again. Bernard has been a regular visitor since the Joondalup Circle was inaugurated in 2005. He was welcomed back again by the many friends he has made over the years. Bernard and his wife, Ness have family living in the northern suburbs of Perth and always enjoy their break from the cold English winters. During his stay he managed to squeeze in several games of golf at the Hamersley course in Karrinyup with Rolf Bank, Andrew Swanson and Peter Johnston. Bernard McCabe (centre) pictured at the February meeting of Joondalup Circle with two of his enthusiastic golfing partners, Andrew Swanson and Rolf Bank 26 Western Link June 2015
Perth’s autumn weather a longed-­‐for relief United Kingdom travellers, Bob and Sue North were welcome visitors at the Joondalup Circle annual general meeting and handover night held at Merriwa on Wednesday 15 April 2015. They were staying in Kingsley with their son and daughter-­‐
in-­‐law and two grandchildren enjoying some of Western Australia’s wonderful autumn weather, a stark contrast from the cold English winter they left behind. Bob is a member of the West Norfolk Circle in the UK. Bob and Sue North enjoying Joondalup’s hospitality Ladies “coffee club” The Joondalup Circle ladies spent an enjoyable morning at the Dome at the Hillary’s boat harbour on Wednesday 22 April 2015 followed by some uplifting retail therapy in a nearby shopping precinct. There was a good attendance of nine ladies at the impromptu event, including one visitor. Only one husband, Marcel Gloux made an appearance, but was banished to a nearby table and left to read the daily newspaper allowing the ladies tête-­‐à-­‐tête to carry on, uninhibited. Marcel was, however, allowed to briefly join the group to capture the following photograph. The morning tea was voted an outstanding success with promises to repeat the event on a regular basis. DIRECTOR’S MESSAGE Gerry Barton Dear Brothers, One of the main issues taking up my time at the moment is restructure. The Restructure Commission Phase II Report (“PII”) was presented to Grand Council in February of this year and has subsequently been lodged on the Catenian Association website The R
“coffee club” adies, left to right: Francine Gloux, Jocelyn under estructure Clommission. Vance, Gail Sinagra, Maree Jhohnston, Mtarlene Doak, The K
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itmead (partly a document setting out the requirements for a future Australian obscured) and Jean Swanson structure that could also form the framework for the other international regions. AusCom has made it clear to Grand Council that it does not believe that restructure should apply to Australia in isolation. It expects both the United Kingdom and Australia to adopt the proposal in PII to create National Councils in their respective region. Once formal papers have been prepared it is expected that Brothers will be asked to vote on the proposed future structure. It is unlikely that this process will be completed in 2012. Green papers Green papers have been circulated on Recruitment and Retention and Regalia and the Dress Code. All Circle Councils and Brothers have been asked to review these documents in conjunction with their respective Provincial Council and arrive at some consensus by mid-­‐October 2012. The idea is to make Circle meetings more convivial and attractive to younger applicants without damaging the ethos of the Association. Other issues such as Circle prayers and the definition of practicing Catholic are currently under consideration. Once consensus has been reached at Grand Council these issues may be put to Brothers for approval. Strategy Committee The Strategy Committee outlined its vision for the Association at the recent Annual Conference. The full power-­‐point presentation can be seen on the Catenian Association website, as summarized herein: •
To increase the worldwide number of members to 15,000 by 2020 •
To reduce the age profile of membership such that by 2020 the average age of the total membership will be 65 years Liwara •
By 2015 to have created a greater awareness in the Meets 1st Thursday 7.00 pm for 7.30 pm
Church of the support given to the Church by our Croatian House members 18 Wishart Street, Gwelup •
To develop a discussion on Catholic youth using study or focus groups such that by 2015 a clear plan can be New Year sundowner developed •
To review by 2013 the aims of the Association to confirm Because Liwara Circle traditionally does not hold a meeting in that they are fit for purpose and enable the strategic January, for a number of years those who were available would get objectives to be achieved together to enjoy a picnic at a park or by the Swan River. In recent •
To consider the recommendations of the Restructure years, however, to avoid some of the inherent hassles entailed in Commission and establish an effective form of carousing at public venues, brothers and wives have opted to carry governance the international Association out the exercise at for private homes where the same stringent restrictions do not apply. We all need play our hpart if tany of the sabove are to be This year Ken to and Bobbi osted he January undowner for a achieved. The recent Province 20 Day of Reflection at the pleasant evening of shared drinks and a casual meal. Redemptorist Mater Seminary in Morley exemplified what can be achieved if the Association and the Church come together. Hopefully attendance at this important day in the Province 20 calendar will be improved next year. I have assured Grand President John Mottram and his wife Ellen that they will have the “best tour ever” in October this year. Provincial President Ralph Fitzpatrick and his team seem to be relishing this challenge, which was originally set by past Director Don McKechnie. The 3rd Australian Conference in Melbourne follows the Grand President’s tour. A good turn out by Province 20 Brothers Left to right: Ken McMullin, Tom and Dawn Grieve, Hazel and wives would assist in making this event a highlight every Chabrel, Vivien and Brian Bowler, Bobbi McMullin, Jan and Tony second year. Friedlieb, Anna Zammit, Paul Chabrel, Mike Zammit, Sandy and Please keep up the good work. John Weselman with “Splash” the dog in the foreground Yours fraternally, Gerry Barton Celebrating 6
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Director Liwara Circle Brother, Colin Johnson and his wife Patricia celebrated their 62nd wedding anniversary on Australia Day, 26 January 2015. The circle marked this very special occasion, firstly by a commemoration in prayers at the February meeting, then by a belated visit on St Valentine’s Day when President, Graham Green and Treasurer, Paul Chabrel made an unexpected visit bearing a gift of two pot plants for Colin and Patricia’s patio garden. Over morning tea, Graham and Paul were able to express the Liwara Circle’s appreciation of Colin’s previous service as Treasurer and to offer best wishes to the couple. Please support the Western Link advertisers Patricia and Colin Johnson with President, Graham Green June 2015 Western Link 27
City of Mandurah Liwara (continued) New Brother inducted by Liwara Meets 2nd Monday 6.00 pm for 6.30 pm Sunbreakers Restaurant 110 Mandurah Terrace, Mandurah 20 years of committed Catenian membership In March 2015, John O’Neil and David Best celebrated 20 years membership of the City of Mandurah Circle. Both are well-­‐
respected and committed members of the circle and have made significant contributions to the Catenian Association and the Catholic Church over the years. President, Graham Green, new member Geoff Storey and John Minister from the United Kingdom Geoff Storey was inducted as a new member of Liwara Circle at a meeting held on 5 March 2015. Geoff qualified as a Chartered Accountant in South Africa and migrated to Perth in 1988. He is self-­‐employed as a management account assisting clients to enhance business value. Geoff is widowed with two sons, aged 22 and 24. Geoff is a member of St Simon Peter Parish, Ocean Reef and is Honorary Treasurer of Immaculate Heart College. He is active in promoting Adoration, Pro Life and Marian activities and assisting with the establishment in Perth of SERRA, which involves supporting priest and seminarians. His interests include sport and travel. A member for just a few short hours, Geoff had the pleasure of meeting Liwara Circle’s visitor from the United Kingdom, John Minister who has been a Catenian for 40 years. John spoke at the Liwara meeting and reminisced on his previous visit to Perth as part of the Grand President’s tour in 2012. During their stay in Perth, John and his wife, Gill stayed at the home of Ralph and Liana Fitzpatrick. 28 Western Link June 2015
John O’Neil and David Best John O’Neil John is a 20-­‐year veteran of the Catenian Association, having enrolled in the City of Mandurah Circle in March 1995. He has held many positions, performing both circle and provincial roles. John was honoured for his contribution to Province 20 with an Outstanding Service Award miniature and two bars in recognition for his service. He began his career with the City of Mandurah as Membership Officer in 1996/97 then he served as Vice-­‐President in 1997/98 followed by two years as President covering the years 1998/2000. John is one of only five brothers of the Mandurah Circle to have served two consecutive terms as President. John served as a Provincial Councillor from 2001 to 2007, representing the City of Mandurah, returning for a further term in 2010/11. During this period John was also the Province 20 Membership Officer for two years before he was nominated to fill a new position of Provincial Records Officer. This latter position was established to clean up the Province 20 database that had become out of date. John performed this role for eight years from 2004 to 2011 making an outstanding and selfless contribution. He finished an outstanding Catenian career in the role of Provincial Secretary for the 2011/12 year. John was also involved in the inauguration of two of Province 20’s newer circles, Bouvard and the City of Busselton. He is a founding member of both circles and was a joint member of Bouvard Circle for five years. He remains a joint member of the City of Busselton Circle. In addition to his Catenian activities, John has had a long association and involvement with the Marriage Preparation Ministry of the Catholic Church. Originally from the USA, John and his wife, JoAnn introduced the Engaged Encounter Program to Australia in the late 1970s and over the years established and ran the Ministry in various Dioceses. The Encounter program and other similar programs such as Marriage encounter and FOCCUS are still being used today. Before retiring in the early 1990s, John and JoAnn were coordinators for many years of the Marriage Preparation Ministry in Mandurah, running the FOCCUS Program for all couples wishing to be married in the Church. John is an acolyte at Our Lady’s Assumption Parish in Mandurah, having been instituted in this ministry on 31 August 1980. He is also a Knight of the Holy Sepulchre and is permitted to ride a horse into St Peter’s in Rome, if he so wishes. DIRECTOR’S MESSAGE David Best David has been a Catenian for 29 years, having originally joined Como Circle in July 1986 and held the positions of Secretary, Vice President and President. As Vice President, in 1991 he was present at the inauguration of the City of Mandurah Circle of which he was to become a future President. David transferred to the Mandurah Circle in March 1995. Over the years David held most positions in the City of Mandurah Circle, including two terms as President. His first foray Gerry Barton was as Secretary for two years from 1996 to 1998, then he served as vice President for two successive years from 1998 to 2000. Dear Brothers, David has held a number of other office bearing positions including terms as Welfare Officer, Chamberlain and Membership Officer. One of the main issues taking up my time at the moment is David is one of only five City of Mandurah brothers to have restructure. The Restructure Commission Phase II Report (“PII”) served as President on two occasions and held that position when was presented to Grand Council in February of this year and has the circle celebrated its 100th meeting in 2000/01 and when the subsequently been lodged on the Catenian Association website th meeting in 2009/10. In January 2001, circle attained its C200
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estructure ommission. David as President led another 23 brothers of the circle to a second The Australian Committee (“AusCom”) has started to prepare Visitors’ Cup setting victory. out the requirements for a future Australian a document Currently David is the Vice President of the circle and in the structure that could also form the framework for the other Catenian year 2016/17 will become the only brother to have international regions. AusCom has made it clear to Grand Council served t
hree terms as President. that it does not believe that restructure should apply to Australia in isolation. He was It also t
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resident. adopt the proposal in PII to create National Councils in their In addition to his involvement in the Catenian Association, respective region. Once formal papers have been prepared it is David is an Acolyte. He was as the an Acolyte in expected that Brothers will originally be asked instituted to vote on proposed October 1984 at St Benedict’s Catholic Church in Applecross and future structure. It is unlikely that this process will be completed in has been the coordinator of the Acolyte Ministry at Our Lady’s 2012. Assumption Parish in Mandurah for the last few years. Green David and his late wife, Judy, also have a long-­‐standing papers connection with the St Vincent de Paul Society in Mandurah. They Green papers have been circulated on Recruitment and have been involved as volunteers in the Code. Vinnies Clothing Shop in Retention and Regalia and the Dress All Circle Councils the 20 years they have lived in Mandurah. David is presently and Brothers have been asked to review these documents the in resident toy and watch repairer. conjunction with their respective Provincial Council and arrive at some consensus by mid-­‐October 2012. The idea is to make Circle meetings more convivial and attractive to younger applicants without damaging the ethos of the Association. Other issues such as Circle prayers and the definition of practicing Catholic are currently under consideration. Once consensus has been reached at Grand Council these issues may be put to Brothers for approval. Strategy Committee The Strategy Committee outlined its vision for the Association at the recent Annual Conference. The full power-­‐point presentation can be seen on the Catenian Association website, as summarized herein: •
To increase the worldwide number of members to 15,000 by 2020 •
To reduce the age profile of membership such that by 2020 the average age of the total membership will be 65 years •
By to have created a greater awareness in the City o2015 f Perth
Church of the support given to the Church by our Meets 3rd Monday 5.45 pm for 6.15 pm members Royal Perth Golf Club •
To develop a discussion on Catholic youth using study or Labouchere Road, South Perth focus groups such that by 2015 a clear plan can be developed Leeuwin concert celebrates its 30th year •
To review by 2013 the aims of the Association to confirm that they are fit for purpose and enable the strategic The popular annual vineyard concert held at the picturesque objectives to be achieved Leeuwin Estate Winery in Margaret River has been providing •
To consider the recommendations of the Restructure entertainment for 30 years attracting some of the world’s finest Commission and establish an effective form of musicians and entertainers. Among the guests at the 2015 concert governance for the international Association held in early March were Bob and Pat Stidwell (City of Perth Circle) and Kevin and Denise Hefron (Fremantle Circle). We all need to play our part if any of the above are to be achieved. The recent Province 20 Day of Reflection at the Redemptorist Mater Seminary in Morley exemplified what can be achieved if the Association and the Church come together. Hopefully attendance at this important day in the Province 20 calendar will be improved next year. I have assured Grand President John Mottram and his wife Ellen that they will have the “best tour ever” in October this year. Provincial President Ralph Fitzpatrick and his team seem to be relishing this challenge, which was originally set by past Director Don McKechnie. The 3rd Australian Conference in Melbourne follows the Grand President’s tour. A good turn out by Province 20 Brothers and wives would assist in making this event a highlight every second year. Please keep up the good work. Kevin and Denise Hefron pictured with Pat and Bob Stidwell waiting for the bus to take them to the vineyard concert Yours fraternally, Gerry Barton Approximately 6,000 people attended this year to welcome Director the return of Welsh bass-­‐baritone Bryn Terfel who took the stage 15 years after his first appearance at the Leeuwin Concert in 1999. He was accompanied by Australia-­‐born soprano Rachelle Durkin and the Perth Symphony Orchestra with outstanding conductor, Jessica Gethin. Also appearing was Perth’s own Lisa McCune. Rachelle, who is now based in New York, has a wide-­‐ranging repertoire, including the role of Tytania in Baz Luhrmann’s production of A Midsummer Night’s Dream. She joined the Metropolitan Opera in New York in 2001 and has performed as a principal artist since. The lighting effects, highlighting the majestic tall karri trees that engulf the stage and the beautiful outdoor surroundings provided a unique background for the three artists and orchestra on a warm, balmy summer evening. Adding to the pleasure of the occasion was the gourmet picnic hampers and superb Margaret River wines from the Leeuwin cellars Please support the Western Link advertisers June 2015 Western Link 29
City of Perth (continued) Hosting the Province 20 Visitors Cup The City of Perth Circle will host the Province 20 Visitors Cup on Monday 15 June 2015, with subcommittee planning well underway under the chairmanship of the circle’s Provincial Councillor, Bob Stidwell with the assistance of elder statesman, Brendan McGurk and Secretary, John Moore. Following the lead of the City of Mandurah Circle in November 2014, the event will comprise a midday meeting followed by luncheon with our ladies. The catering staff at the circle’s venue, the Royal Perth Golf Club, have undertaken to produce their usual excellent table service for a lunch similar to the circle’s normal evening meal, but with some extra trimmings to please the many visitors from other Province 20 circles. The organizers are hoping for as many as 200 people at lunch and the club is certain that this number can be accommodated with capacity to spare. The only concern leading up to the event is that the club premises are undergoing some remodeling of the “Gully Room”, where the circle usually holds its meeting. If the work is completed in time, then the size and usability of the room will have increased and will comfortably accommodate the circle’s needs. If not, it may be necessary to meet in an upstairs room and use closed circuit television to include the brothers who cannot, or do not wish to climb the stairs. No doubt a video telecast would be a first for a Catenian circle and evidence that the Association is moving with the times. The City of Perth Circle will keep all brothers in Province 20 informed about preparations for the event, including renovations to the meeting room. The Visitors Cup hosted by the City of Perth on Monday 15 June 2015 will be an event to remember. As reported in the February 2015 issue of the Western Link, the City of Perth Circle has awarded honorary Life Membership to the circle to Phil Zeid who has served as Welfare Officer from just a short time after joining the Catenian Association on 21 June 1988 and still continues to perform the task with distinction. The skill and compassion that Phil brings to the role of Welfare Officer has become widely recognized not only by City of Perth brothers, but also broadly across Province 20 and the Catenian Association. Left to right: City of Perth President, John Pethick pictured with Phil Zeid being presented with his Certificate of Honorary Life Membership by Province 20 Immediate Past President, Gerard Tonks 30 Western Link June 2015
The citation reads: The City of Perth Circle proudly awards Honorary Life Membership to Brother Phil Zeid who has demonstrated to the satisfaction of Provincial Council, his Circle President and five contemporaries that his long-­‐serving commitment, dedication and devotion to the brothers of Province 20, in promoting and living the Catenian ideals of Faith Friendship, Family and Fun, have distinguished him as an individual deserving this high honour. His services as circle Welfare Officer have endeared him to the brothers, wives and widows of the circle. Grand Masters hockey champions In June 2014 The Australian Masters Hockey Committee selected a team to play in the inaugural Vintage Grand Masters hockey tournament played in The Hague in the Netherlands. City of Perth brother, Bob Stidwell was one of the players selected to play in the Australian team that had the distinction of going through the championship series undefeated with only one goal scored against the team. The goalkeeper was Bob Stidwell. The Captain Coach of the Australian team was John McBride who is a former Captain of the Australian Olympic Hockey team. Left to right: John McBride (Captain Coach with the gold medal), Irene Simpson with the Vintage Cup and gold medal), Lynn Dunnet (with the Vintage Challenge Cup and gold Medal) and Bob Stidwell (with the goalkeeper award and gold medal) DIRECTOR’S MESSAGE Swan Valley Meets 1st Wednesday 6.30 pm for 7.00 pm Midland Reception Centre Spring Park Road, Midland Good attendance at AGM and ladies night There were 30 Swan Valley brothers in attendance at the Swan Valley annual general meeting on Monday 1 April 2015 together with two visitors: newly installed Provincial President, Geoff Prendergast and Province 20 Director, Gerry Barton. In addition a prospective member, Kevin Roberts was in attendance for the meeting. Members acknowledged the contribution made by retiring President, Fred Miltrup and welcomed the instalment of Brian Murphy as the circle’s new President. Gerry Barton There were 65 people in attendance at the dinner that followed the meeting. Dear Brothers, One of the main issues taking up my time at the moment is restructure. The Restructure Commission Phase II Report (“PII”) was presented to Grand Council in February of this year and has subsequently been lodged on the Catenian Association website under Restructure Commission. The Australian Committee (“AusCom”) has started to prepare a document setting out the requirements for a future Australian structure that could also form the framework for the other international regions. AusCom has made it clear to Grand Council that it does not believe that restructure should apply to Australia in isolation. It expects both the United Kingdom and Australia to adopt the proposal in PII to create National Councils in their respective region. Once formal papers have been prepared it is expected that Brothers will be asked to vote on the proposed future structure. It is P
urovincial nlikely that this process will be completed in Newly installed President, Geoff Prendergast 2012. pictured with Swan Valley’s new President, Brian Murphy and retiring President, Fred Miltrup Green papers Green papers have been circulated on Recruitment and Retention and Regalia and the Dress Code. All Circle Councils and Brothers have been asked to review these documents in conjunction with their respective Provincial Council and arrive at some consensus by mid-­‐October 2012. The idea is to make Circle meetings more convivial and attractive to younger applicants without damaging the ethos of the Association. Other issues such as Circle prayers and the definition of practicing Catholic are currently under consideration. Once consensus has been reached at Grand Council these issues may be put to Brothers for approval. Strategy Committee The Strategy Committee outlined its vision for the Association at the recent Annual Conference. The full power-­‐point presentation can be seen on the Catenian Association website, as summarized herein: •
To increase the worldwide number of members to 15,000 2020 Swan Vby alley President; Brian Murphy is pictured presenting • PTo reduce profile sof membership that by Kevin arker with the his tage hree-­‐year ervice badge as such the circle’s 2020 the average age of the total membership will be 65 Chamberlain years •
By 2015 to have created a greater awareness in the Church of the support given to the Church by our members To develop a discussion on Catholic youth using study or focus groups such that by 2015 a clear plan can be developed To review by 2013 the aims of the Association to confirm that they are fit for purpose and enable the strategic objectives to be achieved To consider the recommendations of the Restructure Commission and establish an effective form of governance for the international Association We all need to play our part if any of the above are to be achieved. The recent Province 20 Day of Reflection at the Redemptorist Mater Seminary in Morley exemplified what can be achieved if the Association and the Church come together. Jean Miltrup (wife of retiring President, Fred Miltrup) is Hopefully at this the Province 20 presented attendance with a bouquet of fimportant lowers by Lday yn Min urphy (wife of the calendar will be improved next year. Brian Murphy) newly installed President, I have assured Grand President John Mottram and his wife Ellen that they will have the “best tour ever” in October this year. Provincial President Ralph Fitzpatrick and his team seem to be relishing this challenge, which was originally set by past Director Don McKechnie. The 3rd Australian Conference in Melbourne follows the Grand President’s tour. A good turn out by Province 20 Brothers and wives would assist in making this event a highlight every second year. Please keep up the good work. Yours fraternally, Gerry Barton Director Brian and Lyn Murphy June 2015 Western Link 31
For the golfers Important dates for your diary Golfing with an older man One afternoon a young man who was an avid golfer found himself with a few hours to spare. He decided that if he hurried and played very fast, he could complete nine holes before he was expected home. Just as he was about to hit off an old gentleman shuffled onto the tee and asked if he could accompany the young man because he was also golfing alone. Not wanting to say no, he allowed the old gent to join him. To his surprise the old man played quickly. He didn’t hit the ball far, but plodded along consistently and didn’t waste much time. Finally, they reached the 9th fairway and the young man found himself with a particularly difficult shot. There was a large pine tree in front of him, directly between his ball and the green. After the young man had spent several minutes considering how he should play the shot, the old man finally said: “You know, when I was your age, I often hit the ball right over the top of that tree.” Given this challenge, the youngster swung hard and hit the ball smack into the top of the tree. His ball fell back on the ground not more than a metre from his feet. The old man offered one more comment: “Of course, when I was your age that pine tree was only three feet tall.” The full calendar of events in Province 20 (including normal monthly meeting dates and ladies nights) is contained in the 2015/16 Directory and can also be accessed on the Province website www.catenianprovince20.com. The password is woodford. The following extract highlights some special events that may be worth adding to your personal diary. June 6 June Joondalup -­‐ “Guess who’s coming to dinner?” 6 June Provincial Council meeting 15 June Visitors Cup hosted by City of Perth 19 June Como – President’s lunch at RAAFA 21 June Joondalup – Mass for Vocations 28 June Darling Range – President’s Mass 28 June Busselton – President’s Mass July 3 July Liwara – Clergy and ladies night 4 July Swan Valley – joint meeting with Busselton 5 July Avon Valley – Mass for Vocations 10 July Province 20 Day of Reflection 11 July Swan Valley – Mass and soup night 18 July Avon Valley – 300th meeting 20 July Perth – joint meeting with Canning 26 July Busselton – Mass and soup night 29 July Dianella – Clergy and ladies night August 1 Aug Dianella – Clergy luncheon meeting with ladies 5 Aug Swan Valley – Clergy and ladies night 6 Aug Liwara – Sons and daughters night 8 Aug Canning – Mass for Vocations 10 Aug Mandurah – Clergy and ladies night 17 Aug Swan Valley – Mass for Vocations 20 Aug Liwara – Mass for Vocations 21 Aug Como – Mass for Vocations 22 Aug Swan Valley – Day of Reflection 23 Aug Mandurah – weekend at Peppermint Park, Busselton 25 Aug Fremantle – Mass for Vocations 26 Aug Dianella – Sons and daughters night 28 Aug Mandurah – Visit to Crown Plaza by bus 29 Aug Joondalup – Traditional soup night 29 Aug Provincial Council meeting Golfer: “I’d move heaven and earth to break 100 on this course.” Caddy: “Try heaven, you’ve already moved most of the earth.” Golfer: “This is the worst course I’ve ever played on.” Caddy: “This isn’t the golf course. We left that an hour ago.” Golfer: “Do you think it’s a sin to play golf on a Sunday?” Caddy: “The way you play, sir, it’s a sin on any day.” Golfer: “Do you think my game is improving?” Caddy: “Yes, you miss the ball much closer now.” Golfer: “Please stop checking your watch all the time. It’s too much Before visiting circle meetings, you should of a distraction.” check all dates, times and other details with the Caddy: “It’s not a watch – it’s a compass.” circle’s Vice President or newsletter. 32 Western Link June 2015