CATHOLIC NEW YORK 26 HELP WANTED May 28, 2015 HELP WANTED HELP WANTED PT Event Staff - Priv Upper Eastside school sks person for priv events to set up, break down, door security, some heavy lifting, good communication skills req’d, Nts/wknd. 646-879-7259 FT LIVE-IN HOUSEMOTHER Several Source Shelters is a ProLife, Christian based, registered 501c (3) charity organization based in No. New Jersey. Ideal candidate must be PROLIFE Christian to work as role model for pregnant/parenting women & their babies. Valid/clean driver’s lic & HS graduate/some college pref’d. Generous salary, 3 weeks’ vacation (after 1 yr) & holiday/ floaterdays-quarterly contribution to health insurance. Email resume: PT Music Director - St. Patrick’s Church in Armonk. Send resume to Fr. Jeffrey Galens, Church of St. Patrick, P.O. Box 6, Armonk NY 10504. Call 914-273-9724 or email at SEEKING EMPLOYMENT Able CNA, caring, compassionate, expd kind loving & understanding. Will care for your sick & elderly. Live in/out. Velma 914-308-9408 Exp’d, Compassionate Caregiver for your loved one skg PT job to care for your loved one. Refs av. Leonara 347-243-1599 Aide to Take Care of the Elderly, 18 yrs experience, refs avail, Livein or out. Call 516-404-7948 Expd, reliable, caring Companion skng live in / out pos to take care of your loved one, 5 yrs exp, refs avail. Sharon 770-369-6030 An Expd Companion, Caregiver, Housekeeper w/10+ yrs exp willing & able to care for the sick, elderly, newborn, impeccable refs. Marvalyn 347-679-9016 Babysitter sks PT job, flex hrs for children of all ages & to care for the Elderly, highly expd. Staten Isl res only, refs. Linda 917-751-9239 Babynurse/Nanny is avail w/ exclnt Manhattan refs, 7 yrs exp, live in or out, 24 hrs, days or nights. 347-449-8756 Cert Caregiver, loving, caring, compassionate can take care of your loved ones, 12 yrs exp. Call Paulette 718-612-0912 Cert CNA/HHA sks pos to take care of the Elderly. Reliable, 15 yrs exp, Night/day, refs, PT/FT. Hyacinth 917-346-0486 CNA avail to care for the Elderly w/10 yrs exp. Trustworthy & reliable, refs avail, live-out prefd. Call Andrea 917-306-1273 CNA w/great communication skills, sks Live out or Night pos to take care of the Elderly. Will prepare meal, light hskpng, shpng, doctors appt. etc. Have car, exclnt refs. Lona 646-363-9905 Expd Companion willing to take Care of the Elderly, 4 yrs experience. I also do babysitting & hsepkng. 646-363-8665 Yvette Experienced CNA, HHA, PCA sks job to take care of the Elderly. 24 hrs, 7 days, live in/out, exclnt refs. Dolores 914-258-5660 Expd compassionate Caregiver seeking to work for the elderly FT or PT with 7yrs exp. Exclnt refs. Monique at 347-286-3944 Experienced Caregiver / Nanny sks job position. I am caring and loving, 10 yrs exp. Jenny 347459-0884 Exp’d Companion sks Live in or out job pos for the Elderly. 8 yrs exp, refs avail. Call 347-9052499 Exp’d Irish woman avail to care for your elderly loved one. PT/ FT, drivers lic, refs avail. Call Geraldine 718-824-6420 Experienced Irish Nurses Aide avail days or nights & weekends, live-out, refs avail. 914-261-6952 I am looking for a job as a Companion, 3 years experience. Live in or out. Call 215-596-9349 Veronica I’m an HHA/CNA skg an Elderly Care pos, live in/out, 7 days per wk, 12 yrs exp, refs av. Denise, 347-557-3577 7 yrs experience HHA skng position as Caregiver, refs avail up request. Call Elizabeth 347291-3406 I am seeking a job for M-F, PT, live-in to Take Care of the Elderly, private duty, 15 yrs exp, refs avail. Helena 718-266-0488 I am skng live in or out, baby sitting, taking care of the elderly, cleaning or any other chores avail, refs avail. 929-238-2376 I’m an Expd Cert HHA, will care for the sick/elderly. Reliable, dependable & caring w/refs. Marg 929-444-0560 or 347-420-7622 Looking for someone to care for your loved ones? Trained HHA sks ELDERLY CARE pos, 6+ yrs exp. Doreen 347-969-0344 Nurse’s Aide reliable Irish woman avail to Care fo the Elderly. Live in or out, many years exp in health care. Mary 646-398-0817 Prof experienced HHA / PCA sks job providing home care to elderly patients. 12 yrs exp, live in or out, refs avail. 347-869-8448 Reliable, honest lady sks job pos as HHA or Housekeeper. 10 yrs exp, refs avail. Nicole 914-2990204 When Your Classified Ad Appears In Catholic New York, It Keeps Working For You On Catholic New York’s Website! 28 CATHOLIC NEW YORK May 28, 2015 TAKING CARE OF YOU, WITH YOU Your Partners In Health: Programs and Services for the Elderly If you need care or support in taking care of a loved one, we can help. As part of the Archdiocese of New York, ArchCare provides faith-based care to those who need it most. We have care options and services that can be customized for you and your family. You don’t have to navigate this difficult process on your own. Give us a call today at 1-855-951-CARE (TTY/TDD: 711) 8 a.m. – 8 p.m., Monday – Sunday TANY 23763 Catholic NY Full Page 10.25x11_v1.9_FINAL.indd 1 1/26/15 1:37 PM
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